Replacement for the six nations. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. Russia has dismissed Media Reports that its Holding Compromising Information about donald trump. It comes after claims in america that russian Intelligence Agencies have obtained personally compromising material about his Business Interests and his private life. Mr trump who has denied the allegations is due to hold a News Confererence this afternoon his first since his election last november. He tweeted that the Intelligence Agencies shouldnt have allowed the information to leak. He took one more shot at them and said are we living in nazi germany. He will hold a News Conference this afternoon, his first since november. Our correspondent jonny dymond reports. In nine days time he will be president but never has a President Elect been so ensnared in controversy. The allegations that swirl around him controversy. The allegations that swirlaround him and his controversy. The allegations that swirl around him and his aides are unverified. Explosive allegations, all denied by the man himself, of unusual Sexual Practices and financial impropriety. Leaked to a website. The suggestion that russian president Vladimir Putin had material which could compromise americas new president. From mr trump, a flat, loud denial. Many people accept that donald trump is the President Elect. But recognise that there are issues, that there are problems, particularly with russia that need to be addressed. And so i think that is something that lawmakers are looking, and i think the Intelligence Community would like to see donald trump take a more proactive approach to addressing. Moscows reach into the Trumpet Campaign and the President Elects success has been a focus of claim and counterclaim for months. The latest allegations were reportedly compiled by a former British Intelligence official who was once based in the russian capital. He is described as a credible source. Donald trump has an Extensive Network of links to russia. This Beauty Pageant three yea rs russia. This Beauty Pageant three years agojust one. Russia. This Beauty Pageant three years ago just one. He has gone out of his way to praise the russian president. His Campaign Team stands accused of improper relationships with the russian government. Gathered by political opponents to discredit mr trump, the report claims that the russian government obtained material with which to blackmail the new president. With albert hotel rooms and clandestinely things, the report reads like a spy thriller bugged hotel runs. One trump associate, a lawyer, shot down an allegation almost immediately. Russia scoffed. Translation fabrication of such spoofed stories is an obvious attempt to damage our bilateral relations. Washington waits for a new commander in chief, a man who promises to overturn the old order, a man confronted by his own spy chiefs with the most period of allegations. Never before has the office of a new president been under such scrutiny. Jonny dymond, bbc news. Well our correspondent paul wood is in washington. It is Early Morning in america but trump has already taken to twitter, clearly furious about the claims. Trump has already taken to twitter, clearly furious about the claimsm not the first time he has attacked the cia but we have not seen language like this from him for quite some time. Lets start with what we know. It was definitely originally compiled by a former British Intelligence agent, this report, from an mi6 man. He did it for what is known as Opposition Research company, in washington, dc, a companyi research company, in washington, dc, a company i know quite well, and have visited often. They worked first of all fourjeb bushs superpacs in the republican primaries and then for an anonymous Democratic Party donor. The allegations themselves are extremely limited and out of fairness to mr trump and anybody under the age of 18 watching i dont think we should relate them. Here is the crucial point. I was able to send a message into the cia in november to ask about these allegations. It is illegal for about these allegations. It is illegalfor any about these allegations. It is illegal for any official to talk to me about them but i got a message back from an intermediary who said the allegations were regarded as credible, and more than that, there was more than a single source, not just the mi6 man. There was supposedly more than one take, not just video but audio, more amaq more than one date and notjust in moscow but in St Petersburg as well. Obviously the russians have Blackmail Material on the russians they would hardly release it, so these are allegations, but they are allegations regarded as credible, not the same as saying accurate, but they are regarded as credible by the us Intelligence Community. Paul wood, in washington, thank you. The Prime Minister has called the red cross irresponsible and overblown for talking about a humanitarian crisis in the nhs and social care. At Prime Ministers questions the labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn said the labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn said the nhs was in crisis but the Prime Minister was in denial. Our Political Correspondent iain watson reports. Some medical professionals are issuing critical warnings of the worst of a Winter Crisis in the nhs and now labour want to turn this into a political crisis by piling pressure on the government. Into a political crisis by piling pressure on the governmentm into a political crisis by piling pressure on the government. Is there a crisis in the nhs . He doesnt use the c workjeremy hunt wouldnt talk ofa the c workjeremy hunt wouldnt talk of a crisis but has suggested patients shouldnt make their way to A E Departments unless the case is urgent and Todayjeremy Corbyn attacked a Prime Minister accusing her of trying to wriggle out of the target that most patients should be seen within four hours. She agree with him that the best way to solve the crisis of the four our weight is to fiddle the figures are so weight is to fiddle the figures are so people are not seem to be waiting so so people are not seem to be waiting so long on Hospital Trolleys in nhs hospitals . Over the Christmas Period we saw the day where more people we re we saw the day where more people were treated in accident and emergency within four hours than had ever happened before. Earlier this week the Prime Minister said she wa nted week the Prime Minister said she wanted to create a shared society. Well, we certainly have got that. More people sharing Hospital Corridors on trolleys. More people sharing Waiting Areas at A E Departments. More people sharing in anxiety created by this government. Our nhs, mrspeaker, anxiety created by this government. Our nhs, mr speaker, is in crisis. But the Prime Minister is in denial. The last thing the nhs needs is a check from labour that bounces. The only way we can ensure we have funding for the National Health service is a Strong Economy yesterday the right honourable gentleman proved he is not only incompetent but he would destroy our economy and that would devastate our National Health service. It is only a heartbeat away for the politicians At Westminster is the nhs is never farfrom their thoughts. At westminster is the nhs is never far from their thoughts. The government say they have met the pressures of the nhs by increasing funding and bringing about improvements. The Opposition Parties dont think that is good enough. But what would they do if they had the power . The lib dems have set up an expert panel to look particularly at the idea of a dedicated health and Ca Re The Idea of a dedicated health and care tax and set alongside that an independent assessment of how much money the health and care system needs. In the medium term we would argue bringing forward 700 million for social care which is allocated for social care which is allocated for 2019, lets not wait until 2019. £700 million isjust a down payment, not enough. White correct, we need to look at this across the board for the long term. To look at this across the board for the longterm. Labour now feel the government is vulnerable on the nhs, but the conservatives will continue to argue that only they can provide a robust economy that will pay for it. Iain watson, bbc news, westminster. Norman smith is in westminsterfor us how. Norman smith is in westminsterfor us now. How much pressure is the Prime Minister really under over this . Sophie, i think the Prime Minister was on the defensive, on the back foot now over the nhs. Yes, she acknowledged there were precious but she put that down to long term pressures over an ageing population, increasingly complex patient demands, traditional winter illnesses. She rejected out of hand the idea of any emergency funding. She lambasted the red cross for saying there was a humanitarian crisis and always seemed to play down some of the terrible trolley waits that have made headlines in recent days, describing them as a small number of incidents were unacceptable practices have taken place. There is a view At Westminster that theresa may just doesnt quite get the nhs as a political issue. The intensity of the argument about it, the emotions around it, the vulnerability of the tory party on this issue, not in the same way as her predecessor david cameron. There is also a view that she thinks more money, billions more, has been given to the nhs while other departments are being cut and yet still they cant manage. Why should they get even more . And lastly there is brexit. This place has been dominated for months by brexit and now the nhs has sort of broken to the surface like a great big iceberg and i wonder whether it has caught the government off guard. The danger, though, for mrs may, is however passionate people feel about brexit they probably feel as, if not even more passionate, about the health service. Norman smith, thank you. Well, Health Experts are warning that without fundamental action, millions of older, ill and disabled people will in their words continue to be badly let down. Our Health Correspondent Robert Piggott reports. Outside hospitals heaving Ambulances Area outside hospitals heaving ambulances are a visual testament, says the Royal College of physicians, to the crisis facing the nhs. With the new year at some hospitals have faced unprecedented pressure with 20 more patients than this time last year. Another trauma coming in now. A bbc documentary gained access to one of britains busiest hospitals, st marys in paddington, as it struggled to meet overwhelming demand. Accident and Emergency Departments have borne the brunt of the increasing need for care. What about trauma beds . Two. As patients continue to arrive a shortage of social care has made it hard to discharge those who have recovered. The minute that we have had problems, usually due to patients not being able to leave the hospital at the other end we end up in this state bed problems. At the other end we end up in this state bed problems. There is no Cubicle Anywhere in a e. Patients are worth dumber waiting longer in queues 01 are worth dumber waiting longer in queues or corridors for treatment. It is easier to say what we have got which is nothing at the moment. It is easier to say what we have got which is nothing at the momentm means hard decisions about who to treat. This case has trumped the patient with cancer that was going to get done in the other theatre, because shes got a condition which will kill her some time in the next three, four, five, six hours. So if we dont do it now then there is going to be no five hours time for them. Specialist doctors blamed a shortage of qualified staff, saying they are stretched too thin lead to meet the challenge they face. Our members fear that peoples lives are at risk because they cant get around to see the patients that arent yet in the emergency department, or indeed waiting for results to come back. Members and fellows have been writing in and our Council Members specifically have said to me this is the worst they have ever seen. The Department Of Health said it had invested £10 billion to develop Health Services and relieve pressure on hospitals. And since last year had recruited 3000 extra nurses and 1600 more doctors. But will it meet increasing demand . Doctors. But will it meet increasing demand . Doctors doctors. But will it meet increasing demand . Doctors and experts in social care say the time has come to rethink the long term future of the nhs. Robert piggott, bbc news. Well, with me is our Health Editor hugh pym. The nhs is always under pressure at this time of year but how much more serious is the situation now . Well, yes, at this time of year there is always particular pressure straight after the holiday season. People going to hospital, maybe having held back. What seems to be different this time is the sheer volume. It was busy enough last year, hospitals were really stretched. The volume increase, 20 at one hospital more patients coming through the door, and figures leaked to the bbc yesterday of the numbers who had to wait unacceptably long periods, 12 hours on a trolley before they could get a bed, reveal a really big increase there as well. So it isnt a massive pressure. And for the Royal College of physicians and other leading health and social ca re and other leading health and social care leaders, to say this was unacceptable and lives were at risk as we heard in roberts peas, shows how seriously the medical profession is taking it. Theresa may and the government acknowledges this and she did in the House Of Commons but there does not seem to be a change in policy. They say they have put more money in, they have put more into social care, but how long that is sustainable is anyones guess. We are in early january, is sustainable is anyones guess. We are in earlyjanuary, in this situation winter doesnt simply end in the middle ofjanuary, they could be two more months of pressure, a cold snap adding to the volume of people going to hospital, there could be a nasty outbreak of flu. All of these things could come along and push the whole thing even closer toa and push the whole thing even closer to a quite dangerous situation. That is the challenge for the government. Hugh pym, thank you. You can see more hugh pym, thank you. You can see more on hugh pym, thank you. You can see more on the nhs tonight ina you can see more on the nhs tonight in a special bbc documentary called hospital on bbc two at 9pm. A 15 Year Old Girl has appeared in court charged with the murder of a seven Year Old Girl in york. Katie rough was found critically injured near a Playing Field in the woodthorpe area On Monday Afternoon she died later in hospital. Our correspondent fiona trott is in york. Inside court the mother of katie rough and other Family Members listened as a lawyer spoke on behalf of the teenager confirming her name and address. Because of the severity of the charges this was a regular Magistrates Court sitting this morning and not use Court Despite the young age of the defendant. She is to appear before leon cort on friday charged with murder and possessing an offensive weapon. It is understood that katie rough was found near a Playing Field behind some houses in the wood area on friday, On Monday Afternoon. Residents said that they saw a woman in street crying asking for an ambulance. The seven year old was taken to hospital but died from her injuries are a short time later. It has had the community hard, it has affected people who do not know the family, a Fundraising Page was set up family, a Fundraising Page was set up on line overnight by a woman whose present but she wanted to help the family through this terrible time. Who said that. The Forth Road Bridge remains shut in both directions after a Lorry Crossing this morning was blown over. The driver has been charged with dangerous driving. High winds have caused problems across large parts of Northern Britain this morning. More than two thousand homes across the north east of england are without power. A main Shopping Street in Newcastle City Centre has also been closed because of damage caused by the weather. Lorna gordon is at the Forth Road Bridge now. The wind over the past 30 minutes has been gusting to just shy of 50 miles an hour. It is causing problems for the engineers trying to remove the lorry from the centre of the Forth Road Bridge. This is the main artery into edinburgh from the north and tens of thousands of cars normally cross every day. But for the past 11 hours it has been com pletely the past 11 hours it has been completely empty of traffic. People having to take a 50 mile detour to get into scotlands capital. Not just problems here though because of the weather but elsewhere across the country. In the early hours of the morning strong wind blew over the story as it tried to travel north on the Forth Road Bridge. It happened at around 2am, the lorry falling over onto the southbound carriageway forgot the bridge was closed to hgvs at the time and the driver has been charged with dangerous driving. Hours later and the road which links edinburgh to fife would usually have been packed with rush hour traffic. Instead it was silent. The Recovery Process delayed because of the conditions. There was extensive damage to the central reserve, the most extensive we have ever had on the bridge. Conditions were blustery at the time, the bridge was closed to all high sided vehicles from just past midnight and at the time of passage is the gusts were around 74 miles an hour. Elsewhere in Newcastle City Centre, Newgate Street was closed when part of the roof of this Debenhams Store was torn off and debris strewn across the normally busy city centre street. In feltham in a house and these cars were also badly damaged. And in gateshead conditions were so bad that the wind managed to blow this shed into the road from a field. Northern power grid which supplies homes in the north east and yorkshire said that the wind caused more than 25 thousand customers to lose power and meanwhile sse engineers are working to restore power to 1500 properties in the north of scotland. Today we had severe gales across the northern half of the uk and impact on the weather and the air isjust getting colder. It is coming from a long way north ad is leading in more wintry showers across northern parts. But tomorrow we have a spell of rain across southern parts of england and wales and with colder behind it that could turn the rain to snow and sleet in the south east in time for the evening rush hour tomorrow. After several hours, cruise on the Forth Road Bridge have managed to remove the lorry from the central reservation but it cannot be Com Pletely Reservation but it cannot be completely ta ken off reservation but it cannot be completely taken off until the weather improves. Of course the weather improves. Of course the weather forecast, the wind weather improves. Of course the weatherforecast, the wind is weather improves. Of course the weather forecast, the wind is again forecast to pick up as the afternoon progresses. It is causing problems with some very roots in scotland, possible snow showers on some of the high roads as well and as to the Forth Road Bridge, they have to wait for the wind to dip below 40 miles an hourfor20 for the wind to dip below 40 miles an hour for 20 minutes for the wind to dip below 40 miles an hourfor 20 minutes before they can an hourfor 20 minutes before they ca n start an hourfor 20 minutes before they can start removing the lorry. Even when the lorry has gone there will be checks on infrastructure so possible delays and destruction here for the next few days. Our top story this lunchtime. Donald trump is embroiled in more controversy amid claims that russia has damaging information about him. He has called it a political witchhunt. And still to come. After meeting at a Factory Making Lancaster bombers in World War Two, trudie and barclay celebrate their 73rd wedding anniversary. Coming up in sport at half past. Jurgen klopp prepares to recall his big name liverpool players for tonights efl cup semi final against southampton after fielding a weakened team in the fa cup. There was an emotional goodbye from President Obama last night as he delivered his Farewell Speech to the American People in his home city of chicago. He listed his achievements after eight years in the white house as thousands of his supporters chanted four more years and he struck a sombre note, as he warned of threats to us democracy from inequality and racism, and derided many of the policies advocated by his successor, donald trump. From chicago Laura Trevelyan sent this report. Barack obama returned to chicago, the place where his political career began, to deliver his long planned farewell address. The crowd, though, had other ideas. Crowd chant four more years smiling that one away, the president used his platform to underline what he sees as his achievements. If i had told you eight years ago that america would reverse a great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history. Cheering. If i had told you that we would win Marriage Equality and secure the right to Health Insurance for another 20 million of our fellow citizens. Cheering. If i had told you all that, you might have said our sights were set a little too high. Turning to his theme of what could undermine americas democracy, the nations first black president was direct about the state of race relations. After my election there was talk of a post racial america. And such a vision, however well intended, was never realistic. Race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society. And after a divisive election campaign, barack obama had this rebuke. America, we weaken those ties when we allow our political dialogue to become so corrosive that people of good character are not even willing to enter into public service. So coarse with rancour that americans with whom we disagree are seen notjust as misguided, but as malevolent. For americans depressed by the state of their politics, the message from the man who started out as a Community Organiser was a simple one. If youre tired of arguing with strangers on the internet, try talking with one of them in real life. Cheering. If something needs fixing, then lace up your shoes and do some organising. Cheering. If youre disappointed by your elected officials, grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself. Cheering. Paying tribute to his wife michelle and his daughters, the president became emotional. Michelle lavon robinson, girl of the south side. Cheering. For the past 25 years you have not only been my wife and mother of my children, you have been my best friend. For those who had lined up for hours to hear him speak in person, the effort was worthwhile. I thought it was very uplifting and it gave us a message of hope and encouragement. And it wasjust, it was what we needed to hear right now. We had a tough election and we just need to keep fighting for the causes that we believe in. Barack obamas supporters were heartened by his uplifting message tonight. And he leaves office with his personal popularity at a high. But that didnt stop the American Voters from choosing donald trump to replace him. And now barack obama must watch as republicans try to dismantle much of his legacy. Laura trevelyan, bbc news, chicago. A White Supremacist has been sentenced to death for killing nine black people at a church in the us state of South Carolina in 2015. Dylann roof opened fire 75 times during a bible study class in what prosecutors said was a racially motivated attack. He rejected a final chance to plead for his life at the court in charleston, telling the jury he still felt like he had to do it. Sophie long reports. This is the man condemned to death for the cold blooded murder of nine people as they sat quietly praying. Dylann roof was convicted last month of 33 federal charges including murder and hate crimes. He told the Sentencing Hearing that he felt he had to carry out the killings. The brother of one of his victims said the sentence would not bring back his beloved sister. This is a very hollow victory. Because my sister is still gone. I wish that this verdict could have brought her back. But it cant. The prosecutor said on june 17, 2015, members of one of charlestons most historic black churches had opened the door for a white stranger with a smile. He had come with a hateful heart and a glock 45. He had sat in a Bible Study Group for 40 minutes before opening fire as they closed their eyes to pray. Turning the peaceful church into a bloody crime scene. One of those who died was the local pastor and state senator, clementa pinckney. A personal friend of the outgoing president , who sang at his memorial. Amazing grace. How sweet the sound. Roof is the first person to face execution for a federal hate crime conviction. It a hard thing to know that someone is going to lose their life. But when you look at the totality of what happened, its hard to say that this person deserves to live when nine others dont. Dylann roof will be formally sentenced later today. Sophie long, bbc news. A couple who met at a Factory Making Lancaster bombers in World War Two are celebrating their 73rd wedding anniversary. Trudie, whos 97, met 96 year old Barclay Patoir when he joined the factory at speke, merseyside. Despite opposition to the union, they married and moved to a new house on an estate in wythenshawe, manchester, where they have been ever since. They have two daughters, three grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Our correspondent Stuart Flinders reports. This is a story of war and peace. Of trudie and barclay. It begins in the days of empire. Barclay was an Apprentice Engineer in british guyana. In 1942 he found himself in liverpool. It was freezing cold and the snow was an eye opener. Barclay was put to work making lancaster bombers at a factory in speke. Archive reel many thousands of men and women toil night and day to produce these gigantic warplanes for bomber command. His assistant on the Production Line was trudie. Everybody used to laugh at us. They would say, hes ruining you, isnt he . He used to bring me sandwiches in and make me cups of tea. Barclay and trudie took a shine to each other. And a visit to the Empire Theatre to see star singer Richard Tauber clinched it. We went to see Richard Tauber and it was. My heart and i. My heart and i . And thats your song, is it . Yes. But in the liverpool of the 1940s, trudie and barclay faced opposition to their marriage. Oh, wed never get any peace. People were daadaa daaa. You know, and it didnt bother me. And that was because you are white and ba rclays black . It did not bother me one bit. What advice would you give a young couple just starting out now together . If hes got a night out, she has to have one. He has to look after the children. What do you think, barclay, what advice would you give a young couple . He was out every night now this next bit of footage is pretty extraordinary. The pictures come from a camera attached to the neck of a female polar bear and show two bears breaking through ice sheets in order to hunt for prey. The Us Geological survey hopes itll help researchers better understand how the animals are responding to declining sea ice levels. Time for a look at the weather

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