To drive out this evil that is affecting so many families. A 47 year old white man who was arrested at the scene is being hald on Terrorism Charges including murder and attempted murder. Police are searching an address in the cardiff area in connection with the incident. The other main stories on bbc news at five. Police say 79 people are either dead or missing presumed dead after the fire at Grenfell Tower. Many families have lost more than one relative. A minutes silence across britain, a mark of respect for the victims of the disaster. A Police Operation is under way on the Champs Elysees in paris after a car crashed into a police van and burst into flames. There are reports that the driver was armed. The Brexit Secretary david davis is in brussels as negotiations begin for britains departure from the European Union. Good afternoon, we are in Finsbury Park in north london. The Prime Minister said the attack here last night shortly after midnight was every bit as 16 as other Terror Attacks in britain. She said hatred and evil will never succeed. One man has died and ten others have been injured, two seriously, after a hired van was driven into a group of muslim workers close to two mosques here in the area. A white man aged 47 is now in Police Custody in south london accused of Terrorist Offences including murder and attempted murder. The metropolitan Police Commissioner said it was quite clearly a n commissioner said it was quite clearly an attack on muslims. Its shortly after midnight, and worshippers who had just left the Finsbury Park mosque in london have come under attack. A Van Ploughing into the crowd, leaving many casualties. He basically drove on the pavement, coming straight towards all the muslims and he, as he was coming to them, he hit all of them. He was shouting, i want to kill all muslims, literally that. I am sure this is a Terrorist Attack. Whether he is a muslim, whether he is a christian, this is a Terrorist Attack. Those who had not been hurt managed to catch the van driver, pinning him down before he could escape. This man in the Striped T Shirt was amongst those who helped detain him. He also started asking him questions. When he was on the ground i asked him why he did that, innocent people. And he goes, i want to kill muslims. Kill me, and i said, were not going to kill you, why did you do that . He wouldnt answer me back. But there were concerns anger would spill over and the van driver would be heard until Muslim Leaders took control. While the people who were attending to the injured and calling the Emergency Services and the police van, and we like them down and we told them there was a man who was restrained and he had mowed down a group of people with his van and there is of attempting to hurt him and if we do not take him, god forbid he might be seriously hurt. These pictures appear to show the suspect being detained by police. 47 man has been arrested on the suspicion of murder and attempted murder. And attempted murder. A 48 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder. This is being treated as a Terrorist Attack, we are shocked as anybody in the local community or across the country as to what has happened. After leaving the mask many people walked towards the Muslim Welfare house. It was then the van drive at high speed up a bus lane and swerved into a side road, hitting a crowd who were helping an elderly man who had been taken ill. The Prime Minister, who has been criticised for being slow to meet victims of previous incidents, was on the scene quickly this time, including attending a local multi faith meeting. The terrible Terrorist Attack that took place last night was an Evil Act For Out Of Hatred and it has devastated community. Am pleased to be here today to see the strength of that Community Coming together, all faiths united in one desire, to see extremism and hatred of all source driven out of our society. Earlier today the labour Leaderjeremy Corbyn also visited the area. It lies in his constituency. The Stress Levels we have met already of people who are out and buy this morning, they are frightened that Something Like this will happen again and we need efficient and effective policing. We also need an attitude in our society of support for each other. The only way to deal with this kind of issue is communities coming together. Mr corbyn went on to join Community Leaders in a Moment Of Silence following this attack. An attack on one faith is an attack on all faiths and communities. Those who tried to divide us and who aim to spread fear, hatred and division will not succeed. The area remained sealed off as the Police Investigation continues. Already there are plans to increase security around all londons mosques, particularly during the remainder of the muslim holy month of ramadan. Towards the end of the month it is a very pious pa rt end of the month it is a very pious part of the month and more and more worshippers go to the mosque, particularly in the evening. We do not want people to think they can go about their lives because they feel vulnerable. But even before this attack in Finsbury Park the Muslim Community was fearful. Incidence of islam phobia have been on the rise following recent attacks in britain by islamist extremists. And now muslims here have been targeted in the most brutal of ways. There is anger in Finsbury Park and fear about future attacks and the mayor of london has been here ensuring people that they will be increased Police Patrols in the city. We can speak now to the former world boxing champion amir khan. You said you were fearful after the recent Terrorist Attacks in manchester and london that they might Bea Manchester and london that they might be a backlash against the Muslim Community. Yes, definitely with everything going on. With the manchester bombings, the things that happened at London Bridge. The british and the english are going to be really frustrated. This is like revenge. If this keeps coming on, so many innocent people will keep getting killed and dying and we need to stop this. If there is anyone who you think is going to do anything like this, tell the police and the local community. Do you believe what a lot of people in the Muslim Community have been saying, a rising tide of islam phobia in the last few weeks, especially, but before that in the last few years . Yes, the last few years have been tough and difficult for muslims and there is a Lwa Ys Difficult for muslims and there is always a handful of people and a lot of people myself like to be a role model to muslims and do positive things. That is one of the reasons i think this is an act of revenge over what happened at the mask the other day. These are people who have just finished their prayers that night and they are going home to start their fast and they got run over by a car. One person died and ten were injured, but all the communities need to get together. We need to get together and fix these problems. There is anger here in Finsbury Park where we are after. Attack. What there is anger here in Finsbury Park where we sayafter. Attack. What there is anger here in Finsbury Park where we sayifs beeeietti the what it is the of community . It is the month of ramadan and a very holy month for muslims and we need to stick together and be strong and be very patient. We cannot now go out there and say we are looking for revenge and say we are looking for revenge and we are going to do this and that. The local community has to support the people whose families are suffering. We have to stick together and make sure that they stick together really. They are in a position where they might want revenge themselves and it will keep on snowballing. Somebody else will do something else. We have to get it to stop really. Amir khan, very good to stop really. Amir khan, very good to talk to you. Amir khan, very good to talk to you. Lets speak to Muhbeen Hussain from british muslim youth. You were here last night i know. How worried are you about islamaphobia being on the rise here and across the country . We faced an attack in manchester and one on London Bridge and in Borough Market and the tragedy that took place in Grenfell Tower. When i heard about this i said, not again. When i came here last night a couple of hours after the attack had taken place and i spoke to many witnesses and there we re spoke to many witnesses and there were high emotions and people were traumatised and frustrated because the reporting was not saying what they had seen. They felt real stuff on the ground and there were real height emotions here. And we know the local imam was restraining people who had been punching and beating the attacker after they dragged him out of the van. I was just asking amir khan what is the message to the community here who, as you say, are frustrated with emotions running high . We have to look at this twofold. First we need to ta ke look at this twofold. First we need to take far right extremism seriously. I do not think the government has taken it seriously. It is a shame that it has taken an attack like this for theresa may and the government to realise the ramifications of it. People are thinking that this all started with the murder ofjoe cox. People never heard of muhammad salim. And the same time every type of extremism, islamist extremism or far right extremism, they want to divide us. This was very frustrated attack by this individual. He felt frustrated by our unity this individual. He felt frustrated by ourunity and this individual. He felt frustrated by our unity and have shown real democracy and our british spirit. When the going gets tough, we get tougher. That is who we are. The antidote to all of this is to call it out and to come together as communities and say no. Very good to talk to you. A powerful message. As we we re talk to you. A powerful message. As we were saying, the Muslim Community have been worried about the growing tide of islamaphobia recently. The mayor of london has been here promising extra pleasing especially to reassure muslim communities not only here in Finsbury Park but right across the capital. Prayers on the streets outside Finsbury Park mosque, just a couple of hours after the attack. A public practice of faith from a Community Feeling vulnerable. During the morning, the mosque was surrounded by police and others here to reassure. But there is deep frustration and some fear. No one feels safe. We cannot go to the mosque without looking behind our backs. We have to look behind our backs to practise our religion. We are living in fear. Many share that sentiment from across all communities that there is a general sense of insecurity. That feeling is hard to shake off. People have a question about safety in london after all of these attacks. We want to assure them they are safe. We want to welcome the police at the moment. Every London Borough has increased policing today. Leave has been cancelled in many areas. They are visible and they are there to help and support full it is a time when every Emergency Services under enormous pressure. We are concerned about everybody. Londoners have been hit with a series of attacks and have been nothing short of heroic. We will always make sure everybody is protected. We have a places of worship fund which we announced last summer, which is there to protect places of worship like mosques. We will do all we can to reduce these attacks. The incident last night was directed at one community. A mosque and muslim men and women during ramadan. Some believe the violence of the attack will expose the increased targeting of muslims. The rise in hate crime against muslims have been underreported, under understood, and not dealt with in the same way as bigotry against other communities. Hopefully, this will mean that action will be taken to tackle hate crime and the rise in hate crime against muslims which has been taking place over recent years and has reached a really worrying situation yesterday. As with all shocking attacks of this kind, the Community Response is a mix of anger and upset, alongside unity and defiance. Hopefully, this will mean that action will be taken what everyone now wants is reassurance and a feeling of safety during these are very difficult times. Yvette cooper now joins Yvette Cooper nowjoins us. What are your thoughts about this third Terrorist Attack in as little months. This is an attack on british muslims, but it was an attack on london, on britain, on all of us. It shows again why we have to stand firm against terrorism and extremism and violent hatred wherever it comes from, whether it is from far right extremism, whether it is from islamaphobia or islamist extremism. The Home Affairs Select committee has warned about the importance of challenging all kinds of extremism and terrorism and that is what everybody will be determined to do now. A lot of people i have been talking to throughout the day, members of the Muslim Community, say there has been a rising tide of islamaphobia and hate crime for a long time now, particularly in recent weeks, and not enough has been done to tackle it. Would you agree . Yes, i agree with that. In london alone hate crime has gone up in the past few months and across the country as well. We know there are times when it can increase and there is a lot of good work being done by Community Organisations in order to report it and identify it. The evidence that we took and that which the select Committee Found is that we are also getting islamaphobia in schools and that is deeply troubling for children to be exposed to that and far much more needs to be done in schools to challenge it. But we are seeing it in the media, in public debate too often were much greater responsibility is needed, and also on social media were still today you can find on social media were still today you canfind on on social media were still today you can find on youtube the propaganda videos from a band neo nazi organisations even though they have been reported to google and youtube many times. That vile propaganda is still up there and is still their online. Those social media giants need to do more to take it down or they need to be fined, challenge or penalised if they are not going to do so. Yvette cooper, thank you so much. Ijust do so. Yvette cooper, thank you so much. I just want to show you the police seem, the police cordon, were it happen. You can see the many flowers that have been left here. There is a sign saying, one Community Standing together. There isa Community Standing together. There is a poster saying hashed out united against all terror. Just some of the thoughts and the messages from the local community. A mile, the Police Confirm a 47 year old man is in custody in south london and he has been arrested on suspicion of Terrorist Offences, murder and attempted murder. That is the latest from Finsbury Park. That is the latest from Finsbury Park. This is bbc news at five, the headlines the Prime Minister has called the attack on muslim worshippers on a mosque in north london in the early hours of this morning a sickening Terrorist Attack. It left one man dead and ten people injured. A 47 year old man arrested at the scene is being held on Terrorism Charges, including murder and attempted murder. Police are searching an address in the cardiff area in connection with the incident. Pc either 79 people are dead or presumed dead after the fire at Grenfell Tower. Nick kyrgios is out of the queen s championship will stop he retired injured after losing in the first set to the american dollar deana. Ingrams under 21 s are in action against slovakia in poland. Readingsjon swift has had the best chance for the english. Brooks koepka is celebrating his first major title after victory at the us open. That is all the headlines, i will be back with more later on. Theresa may has held a conference with the dup to try to get them to support the minority conservative government. Here are the exchanges from the News Conference. When will you confirm that you have done a deal with the dup and can we expect to see it this week . Taoiseach, you have expressed reservations about the conservatives getting too close to the dup. Did you relate that to date Prime Minister . First question, we continue our discussions with the dup. We are talking about a confidence and supply agreement with them and on reaching such an agreement we will ensure the details of that i made public so people can see the exact agreement and what it is based on. We also as a government remained committed to working with all the parties in Northern Ireland and all five parties here who i met in Downing Street last week to make sure that the in devolved institutions are up and running by the end of the month and we committed to do so here. As a uk government we remain steadfast in our commitment to the Belfast Agreement and to its successor agreements. Any agreement with the dup will be made public when it is reached. I did of course relate those concerns. I was reassured by what Prime Minister had to say and that the agreement, once it is reached, will be published, so it will be there for everyone to see. His book about the important need for both governments to be impartial actors when it comes to Northern Ireland and we are co guarantors of the good friday agreement and any agreement that exists between the Conservative Party and the dup should not in any way impact on the good friday agreement. The thorny issue of the border between the north and the Republic Of Ireland is one of the issues that will be debated in the brexit negotiations which formally began this morning. They are being led on the british side by david davis and on the eu signed by Michel Barnier. Christian fraser is in brussels for us now. How large does the question of the Northern Irelands border loom . Very much so. It is one of the issues for Michelle Barnier because he said today in his opening remarks that first they have to tackle with the great uncertainties brexit has brought about. But today it is very much about tone, changing some of the language and the mudslinging that there has been in the last year and building up trust on both sides. We are also looking for some organisation, the terms of reference, how will the working groups be focused . Reference, how will the working groups be focused . How often will they come together . How often will they come together . How often will they report what they manage to agree on . All of that, the plan, is very important. Both sides are very conscious of the clock is ticking because they have little over 500 days. Both sides say they need to get some kind of completion by November 2019 to give the institutions and the House Of Commons time enough to vote. French police have sealed off one of the best known streets in paris after an attempted Terrorist Attack. The france Interior Minister says the driver was armed. Some strange details in this about not only the circumstances in which the man came to drive his car at the police, but also the situation apparently in which this other man is dead as a result. We know he is dead now, the Interior Minister was on the scene and gave a brief Press Conference and gave a brief Press Conference and the man is dead. We thought he was because there is Social Media Footage of him lying Spread Eagled on the ground near the car and the police removing his clothes to check he was not carrying some kind of explosive device. It was it seems a failed Terrorist Attack on the Champs Elysees. Two months ago there was a policeman killed at the shopping end of the street. This was further down for people who know paris, near the place de la concorde, near elysee palace, the president s residence. About two hours ago it was the driver of this White Renault may gang camp who directed the car into a group of policemen deliberately and the impact set off an explosion on the car. It cannot have been a very big explosion because footage shows the car very much intact from the outside, but there is also footage showing billowing yellow smoke coming out of the vehicle. The police from the convoy and passers by went to smash the windows to get the man out, perhaps still thinking it wasjust to get the man out, perhaps still thinking it was just an accident, but at some point they realised it was not an accident because we know now there were guns in the car, there was a kalashnikov in the car, and the explosion was probably caused by a gas canister of some kind in the car as well. At that point they sealed off the area and it remains sealed off now as people go in and try to see what there is to see about the car. The man is dead. It was therefore a terrorist incident. Whether this is what he planned to do all along or whether he had another target in mind with the guns, we do not know. He has been identified, we do not know his name. He is somebody who is known to the Intelligence Services because he is on one of the watch lists. It does not mean he is being traced or followed, but he is on one of the big watch lists which includes thousands of people, which means when they come up on the Radar A Nyway when they come up on the radar anyway the police are supposed to inform the Intelligence Services. He was known to the Intelligence Services without being somebody who was being actively sought. Three more victims of the Grenfell Tower disaster have been named this afternoon. They are ya haddy sisi saye, also known as khadija saye, who was 2a years old. Anthony disson was 65. His family says theyre devastated by the news. 39 year old abufars ibrahim. Police now believe that in all, 79 people died in the fire but they warn that number could still increase. A minutes silence was observed across britain this morning. Our correspondent Frankie Mccamley is in west london with some of those who observed the silence. The mood is as sombre as ever and the news that larger numbers are expected to be confirmed as bed in the coming days and weeks. Yes, that is it. The investigation is well and truly ongoing. We have seen firefighters coming to the scene throughout the day, coming and going as they are on shift to make their way through the building and carry out a very complex investigation. They say it will take a matter of weeks to get through the building and there is a matter of Finding Dental Records from abroad. So as we are getting names of victims who died in the fire that will take some time to get the rest of the names and with the numbers constantly increasing there are lots of people who think the number will increase yet again. We had that minutes silos earlier on today and we saw firefighters coming out. They were very emotional and as that minutes silence was held i heard and saw some breaking down in tears. One firefighter said there were so many children. You see so many people who have been affected. These flowers have been affected. These flowers have been affected. These flowers have been growing and growing throughout the day and there is a Huge Community spirit here. Miranda taylor is a volunteer at this church. You have had so much brought to the church. What is happening with the clothes and the food . Weve had three tonnes of food that we have now had distributed to the people that we needed the most. We have had cash donations, approximately £10,000. We are beginning to use that money, what we are using that money for it we have had lots of people still coming to us had lots of people still coming to us who have had no clothing, Still Peeping sleeping on peoples floors. We had somebody from earls court, we have taken some of the cash to nations and even those stores are given things free, we have spent a lot of Money Kitting out on everything they need, shoes, pyjamas. Have these people got enough . They have at the moment. They have enough because they still. A family of seven came to me today and i have got some of that cash. Once we know that they are settled, we will see what more they need. What wedding we can provide, it will continue. It will not stop. What bedding. A lot of people feel neglected. There is a lot of anger. The word of the street, it is how we all feel. Neglect. As a community. Thank you very much. A lot of anger. There is a Police Investigation ongoing, they are saying that all criminal offences are being investigated, but for you back to you, sean. And theres a special Panorama Programme looking at the Grenfell Tower fire on bbc one at 8. 30 this evening. Viewers in Northern Ireland can see the programme at 10. 50. Let me show you the scene in the head of the European Commission in brussels where they are awaiting david davis, the Brexit Secretary and the eu Chief Negotiator to hold and the eu Chief Negotiator to hold a News Conference. Were expecting that to start in the next few minutes. They are running a slightly behind schedule, i dont know that is good bad. Time for a look at the weather. Heres sarah keith lucas. We wouldnt know that it was baiting outside, but what is going to be in the coming hours . More of that hot summer sunshine in the run. But eve Ryo Ne Summer Sunshine in the run. But everyone likes the hot and humid weather that we have the moment. Weve had two bridges in the south and south of england. 32 in the london region. 15 in the north in stornoway in the north west of scotland. A bit more cloud in the north west. Through this evening and overnight, a small chance of an isolated shower in the eec. It is looking dry pretty much across the board. A very hot night with overnight lows of 20 or 21 degrees, really sticky and uncomfortable for sleeping in the south. Fresher further north and that is down to the fact that we have got this weak front shifting its way through. That will bring less hot weather across parts of northern england, scotland and Northern Ireland, where is towards the south and south west, those temperatures will hit the 30 degrees marked. Mark. Fresher further north and towards the end of the week, we should see fresher weather pushing further south. This is bbc news at five, the headlines. One man has died and nine people taken to hospital as a van crashes into worshippers near to a Finsbury Park mosque. Police have killed it a Terrorist Attack. A 47 year old white man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of attempted murder. At the scene on suspicion theresa may visits the scene of the fourth Terror Attack in britain in the past three months, shew says it wont drive the country apart. There is no place for the hatred in this country today. We need to Work Together as one society, as one community to drive out this evil that is affecting so many families. Police say 79 people are either dead or missing presumed dead after the fire at Grenfell Tower. Many families have lost more than one relative. The Brexit Secretary, david davis is in brussels, as negotiations begin for britains departure from the European Union, a News Conference the expected to begin in the next few minutes. Here is the scene where journalists have gathered awaiting Michel Barnier and david davis. Gifts were given earlier, we will hear more about that the course of the season. Well come back to that as soon as the conference is beginning. More now on our main story, that attack at Finsbury Park mosque in north london. Ben brown is there. John, we are getting news from the metropolitan police that the man that they have in custody in care action with this attack is Darren Osborne, 47 from the cardiff area. It is understood that he is being held by police in south london at a police station, accused of various Terrorist Offences, including suspected murder and suspected attempted murder. Darren osborne from the cardiff area of south wales, we know that police have been Making Enquiries In The South Wales area. We heard earlier on from the police that a van that had been hired in the attack had been hired in south wales. The Prime Minister has been here today, saying that this attack was every bit as sickening as the other recent terrorist atrocities in the United Kingdom in the last few months and saying that hatred and evil will never succeed. That is the latest, just hearing from the metropolitan Police Investigating this as a terrorism incident, saying that 47 year old Darren Osborne from the cardiff area is in custody of terrorism offences, murder and attempted murder. Much more from me, but those wallets go back to the sports news. The grass season is in full swing, with just a fortnight to go until wimbledon, but the preparations havent started well at queens for nick kyrgios. The australian was playing the american donald young, when this happened. We will come back for more sport but we will now go to brussels. Thank you in advance for your attention. I would just like to begin by saying that i was very happy indeed to welcome to our institution here on behalf of president jonker to welcome david davis. And the United Kingdom which accommodated him. Im very pleased to meet david davis for this first joint Press Conference. To say to start with, this was a very important opening session and that it was also very useful. Ladies and gentlemen, The First Session was useful indeed. To start off on the right foot, and the clock is ticking. It was useful for me to sit down with my counterpart, david davis, i look forward to working closely with you, david, during this negotiation. Today, we agreed on dates. We agreed on organisation and we agreed on priorities for the negotiation. The first step, we will deal with the most pressing news, we must lift the uncertainty posed by brexit. We must make sure that the withdrawal of the uk happens in an orderly manner. Then we will continue our partnership. We will also agree on how we will structure our tools. Our also agree on how we will structure ourtools. Ouraim is also agree on how we will structure our tools. Our aim is to have one week of negotiations every month and use the time in between to work on proposals and exchange them. The first step to negotiations, it will be broken down into three groups. Citizens rights, the single financial settlement and other separation issues. These groups will report back their respective principles during each negotiation week. David davis and i as chief eu negotiator will discuss the issues together, tackle difficulties, lift obstacles. We agreed that our closest collaborators will start dialogue on ireland, the protection of the good friday agreement and the current travel area are the most pressing issues. We also agreed the timing for this first date, our objective is to agree of the main principles the key challenges for the uk to withdraw as soon as possible. This includes citizens rights, the single financial settle m e nt rights, the single financial settlement and the question of borders in particular in ireland. The european council, under president task, can then decide on whether we can show sufficient process or not. Then we can move on to trade and other matters. In discussing these three key issues, as part of the mandate entrusted to me by the 27 members of the european council, we have two commit ourselves now mutually to guarantee rights to citizens on either side of the channel, so they can continue their lives as in the past. We have two clear the accounts and we have two clear the accounts and we have two honour our mutual financial commitments. We also have to find solutions to maintaining the good friday agreement and it is by lifting uncertainties around these issues that we will lay the foundation and create a climate of trust which will enable us to build a new partnership. In leaving the European Union as the United Kingdom has done and exercising its sovereignty, the United Kingdom will no longer enjoy the same rights and advantages as eu member states. I believe though that it is very much in ourjoint interest to build a new partnership between the 27 and the United Kingdom and i am convinced that this new partnership will contribute to sustainable stability on our continent. We, the set. 27, id united in our Negotiation Stance and our efforts to achieve this goal. The 27 also agree to continue reforming moving forward together. Ladies and gentlemen, for both eu and the uk, a fair deal is possible. And far better than no deal. That is what i said to david today, that is why we will work all the time with the uk and never against the uk. There will be no hostility on my side, i will display a constructive attitude, firmly based on the interest and support of the 27. I will come all the time, seek the continued support of the European Parliament in close cooperation with the president. Let me end by quoting when he was asked whether he was an optimistic or pessimistic, art is as follows, and i can fully signed up to what he said. Answered as follows. I say that in all modesty and to all due respect to this Great European And Founding Father Of The european and founding father of the European Union, he answered i am neither optimistic, not pessimistic. Iam neither optimistic, not pessimistic. I am determined. Thank you, michelle, the audience will discover at the end of what i have to say, st lbs1 ejjjtse97535sbefieifisfifif. , ,. , coordinate. Ithink quotations. Coordinate. Ithink we should start by recognising the very productive discussions we have had today. Ive been encouraged by the productive approach that both sides have taken. We laid a Solid Foundation for future discussions, ambitions, but eminently achievable timetable. It was clear from the opening that both of us want to achieve the best possible outcome and the strongest possible partnership. One that works for the uk and forthe partnership. One that works for the uk and for the youth. We agreed for the teu. We agreed that if we stand together, it will work much better if we Work Together. Nowhere is that much more than in the important. And happy to report there is much underground about people. European union citizens. Ive been clear that my top priority is to be resident the residents of eu in the uk. We are determined to get on with the job and a deliver that. The premise will update european leaders on the uks approach to this issue at the european council. We will then publish a detailed paper outlining our offer on monday. I believe that will form the right basis on which to reach an agreement. I will also be Briefing Members of other parties, on privy Council Terms as well as parliament generally. In addition to our discussion on citizens rights, we agreed how we would structure the talks over the coming months. Michelle and i will meet over the next few months, we hope this regular rhythm will improve progress and we will be able to discuss a full range of issues free quickly. We have also been able to establish a number of technical working groups. These groups from Senior Experts from the uk and the eu met for the first time today, they will support Michel Barnier and me by giving Creative Solutions to challenges we have identified. Today marks the start of a journey for the United Kingdom and for the European Union. There is a long way to go, but we are off to a promising start. We have ta ken but we are off to a promising start. We have taken the first critical steps together. Now, we have a shared responsibility to deliver a quick and substantive progress. As you heard, Michel Barnier said that we had a discussion, a brief exchange earlier, about the distinction about being optimistic and being determined. He gave you an answer. There is no doubt that the road ahead will be challenges, but as Winston Churchill once said, the pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. So, bridging between churchill and money, i am certainly a determined optimist. Thank you. Iwill money, i am certainly a determined optimist. Thank you. I will get to your questions. Do you hear me . Im from the irish independent. To both of you, the focus so far and what im getting from you today is it is going to be citizens financial settlement first with irish issues push a little bit aside to an extent. Can you explain your thinking on that . How do you extend to structure the talks, when you can expect papers on ireland . Is still one of your Top Priorities and ultimately who is responsible for coming up with these flexible and Imaginative Solutions that are mentioned in the eu guidelines . First thing to say is that i think Northern Ireland and the republic ireland have ta ken Northern Ireland and the republic ireland have taken more time today than anything else. We discussed to aspects of it. One of the political sensitivities which everybody understands. The other is the determination to maintain as near as possible and invisible border, so we do not undermine the peace process, do not undermine the peace process, do not undermine the peace process, do not provide any cause for concern in Northern Ireland. This is a technically difficult issue, but it is one which i am certain is soluble, although it will probably ta ke soluble, although it will probably take is until the end of the process where we have already decided what our customs and free trade arrangements are. That is why we are starting now, that is why this was initially dealt with by dialogue of the two highest ranking people, the two coordinators in this team. There is no doubt in my mind this is right at the top of the priorities, we need to resolve in this negotiation. It is not fair to say we have set it aside, or left it behind far from it. David has just aside, or left it behind far from it. David hasjust we aside, or left it behind far from it. David has just we actually spent a lot of time today setting out the best way to make progress on this. This, after all, is one of the most sensitive issues before us. Which has brought home to me a few weeks ago when i was invited by the taoiseach and by both chambers of the parliament in dublin two address this. There is a very sensitive political dimension to this. Ireland addictizre ireland addictiee needs to Northern Ireland addictive needs to be set up, executive. We have a new government and a new taoiseach iddon go, dublin. Of course, there are the ongoing political discussions in london, which we are also following closely. We have actually been in contact on our site with the new taoiseach team and he will be meeting Jean Claude Juncker on thursday and i will be meeting the new in the

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