In a Helicopter Crash in north wales yesterday afternoon. Health officials publish plans to cut the amount of sugar in foods most often eaten by children. And, what happened when Cristiano Ronaldo came face to face with an alternative view. Its 5. 00pm. Our main story is that ministers have published plans to convert thousands of eu laws into british law as the uk leaves the European Union. But there are more signs today that european leaders are toughening their stance towards the brexit negotiations ahead. The repeal bill will end thejurisdiction of the European Court ofjustice once britain has left the eu. The brexit secretary, david davis, told mps the bill would help ensure a Smooth And Orderly Exit from the eu. But the shadow brexit secretary, labours sir keir starmer, said the bill gave few safeguards and provided the government with Sweeping Powers to change legislation without full parliamentary scrutiny. We will talk about that. Ourfirst report is from our political correspondent, iain watson. The law that took us into the European Union was passed in 1972 and now our eu membership is about to end, not with a bang but, well, with a rather complicated process. The government now has 2a months to unravel their relationship thats lasted for 44 years. The speaker the Secretary Of State for exiting the European Union, secretary david davis. The brexit Secretary Set out the first steps today, with the promise of a great repeal bill. Were being clear that we want a Smooth And Orderly Exit and the great repeal bill is integral to that approach. It will provide clarity and certainty for businesses, workers and consumers across the United Kingdom on the day we leave the eu. Itll mean that as we exit the eu and seek a new deep and special partnership with the European Union, well be doing so from a position where we have the same standards and rules. If you were to look at the Dictionary Definition of repeal, youll find that it means to reverse or cancel something, yet the governments great repeal bill actually seeks to keep in place existing eu regulations. So some say, it would be more appropriate to call it a cut and paste bill. But the government argues that by keeping the same rules as the eu, itll be easier to negotiate a trade deal and, of course, future governments here At Westminster will be free to change those rules in due course. Labour was worried that the government would try to speed through its repeal bill at the expense of scrutiny and wanted guarantees that existing workers rights wouldnt be watered down when eu laws become british laws. There have to be clear principles, and they are these. All rights and protections derived from eu law must be converted into domestic law. All rights and protections no limitations, no qualifications and no sunset clauses. The snp wanted more detail about what laws might pass from brussels to edinburgh rather than westminster and accused the government of a lack of preparation. It strikes me that the government has pushed the Big Red Button marked brexit with their fingers crossed and very little idea what comes next. Historically, parliament hasnt had to change so many laws in a relatively short time and the process could be painful and longer drawn out than intended. Apart from the repeal bill, major Policy Changes On Immigration and, for example, to agriculture and fisheries, will require entirely new legislation. Its a lot to squeeze in within two years, so we asked one of westminsters most experienced officials, how long did he think it would take . Well, until everything is absolutely separate and every t crossed and i dotted, it could be years, it could be a decade. But of course, its going to be front loaded. A lot of stuff will happen either upon brexit day or reasonably shortly after that. The government has promised us a smooth and Orderly Brexit, but to achieve that it may find it has little time for anything else. Iain watson, bbc news, westminster. Let us think about the challenges. We will be talking about the latest signals from european leaders, Conservative European leaders meeting in malta they have been hinting strongly again, Angela Merkel, they are not prepared to Start Talking about a trade deal, for example, between britain and the eu before the terms of the divorce, as they put it, are set out. That is potentially an area of conflict. All those to talk about. Vicki young, our chief political correspondent, is in westminsterfor us. When they talk about smooth and Orderly Brexit, how do we square that with the legislative mountain we have been talking about . They will argue it has to be done. You cant take away all of eu law, have you to replace it with something. They want to be ready to go the second we leave. You are right, its a massive challenge which is going to Ta Ke A Massive Challenge which is going to take up a lot of time here in parliament. They are not even entirely sure how many laws, directives they are talking about. One said 53,000 laws came from brussels since 1990. For some that has been a force for good. They talk about workers rights and environmental protections. For others its a sign on how the eu have encroached an all walks of life here. There are some people who are concerned that once all those laws are put into uk law there will be some who want to start ripping them all apart. David davis being asked again and again to guarantee things like workers rights. There are some, even in the tory party, who are very concerned there will be people very, very willing and ready to start ripping it all apart. Im joined by the former conservative minister dominic raab who can explain more. Will it snarl this place up for the next two years . Taking back democratic control of the land. Lawmakers like me are accountable to people watching this show at one it was one of the key reasons people voted to leave the eu. We will get all that eu law, put it into uk law. Why . It gives certainty to citizens and business. It wont be disOrderly Brexit it will be an orderly, stable brexit. We can look at each item of eu law from fisheries to Small Businesses and say do we want to keep it because its good, revise it to fit british needs or get rid of it altogether . Its the start of the process. It gives certainty to businesses and citizens and do it in a careful way. The suspicion from some, including some on your own benches, it will be the start of certain people in the conservative party wanting to make sure that Maternity Rights are not as good as they are now, workers rights arent as good and environmental protection. Its not as if there will be some sort of backhanded effort going on. It will happen in this place. Rather than happening in brussels. That must be good for restoring faith in our democracy. What about the issue about the governments powers here. They came under fire about the so called henry viii powers. The idea a lot of the stuff ca n viii powers. The idea a lot of the stuff can be brought in not discussed or voted on in parliament. It sounds like it is not bringing back control, mps wont have a say . Parliament can scrutinise and vote or anything it likes. Because we have a tight two year time frame we have a tight two year time frame we have to make sure the law here is synchronised with the negotiations we are doing with the eu in brussels. You need to have flexibility. The eu house of Lords Committee here, which is made up of liberal democrats, a lot of pro eu people, you have to have the powers of delegated legislation. Its for two years and to make sure we can have that Orderly Brexit and the deal we negotiate in brussels is reflected accurately in uk law. What about the European Court ofjustice . One of your colleagues saying he was upset about the idea that past judgments will become part of british case law is this another example of where nothing will change . We want to do it in an orderly way. We will talk all the eu laws and case law, it is under eu law, its legislative stuff rather than interpretive stuff we have to put it into uk law to start with. Carefully we can decide what we keep, what we revise and get rid of altogether. That will affect fisheries policy, regulation of Small Businesses and the checks at the border to stop terrorists and criminals coming in. Its important. You have to take time to get it right. I think this two Stage Process Set Out by the government is the right one. For those wanting to cause trouble can hold it up, cant they . Would you rather have the laws of the Land Being Set by people who are accountable to the voters . With all the procedures we have in parliament to make sure you have scrutiny to have votes or made in brussels by Civil Servants and eu leaders over whom we have no accountability . For me the obvious point of brexit is to take back democratic control. I think it can spark a democratic renaissance in this country. Thank you very much. The argument there this is will not be bogged down this place it will give mps and pierce a greater say in the laws of our land. Vicki thank you very much again. Thank you to dominic raab At Westminster. Theresa may has already spoken to a number of eu leaders following the triggering of article 50. A spokesman for the Prime Minister said their response had been warm and constructive. European leaders have been meeting in malta to formulate their formal response, and theres more evidence that theyre toughening their stance ahead of the brexit negotiations as our correspondent, dan johnson, reports. The impact of six pages, hand delivered in brussels, still rippling across europe. Political leaders, meeting in malta, had absorbed Britains Brexit message and they were ready to respond. A lot of partners are telling how we try to reduce the damage but, i have to say, this decision will create a lot of damage for both sides. Germanys the powerhouse of the european project, Angela Merkels influence is important. Shed already signalled she didnt support theresa mays ambition to get the divorce and a new relationship sealed in the two year negotiation. Today though, no direct mention of brexit. Instead, a defence of europes Refugee Policy and calls to Work Together more closely. In paris, the french president also said the uks ties with the eu need to be untangled first, then britain can work out a new relationship. Across europe, leaders have said they wanted this negotiation to be smooth and constructive, but they all knew it was going to get pretty sticky, pretty quickly. Already were seeing where those fractures will be and, at the moment, theyre only talking about what to talk about. Theresa may has reached out through the european press, Writing Articles denying any rejection of our shared values and giving assurances there was no intention to harm the eu. There was genuine sadness in brussels yesterday at britains departure, but the rhetoric is already hardening, and the eu says its united. Paradoxically, theres also something positive in brexit. Brexit has made us, the community of 27, more determined and more united than before. I am fully confident of this, especially after the rome declaration, and i can say that we will remain determined and united also in the future. Theres a lot to work out, britain wants to crack on, but process matters here and theres plenty to get through. One day in, the bumps in britains eu exit have barely begun. Danjohnson is in brussels. This flow of signals, dan, to do with a refusal to consider discussions in parallel, if you like, the divorce terms and the future trade deal, how much of a setback will be if that kind of message continues . I think that would be a major blow to the British Governments position. Its what Theresa Mayle hung her negotiating strategy on. The signs are she isnt going to get what she wants on that. Certainly, the european leaders who responded to article 50 being triggered so far have hinted that thats not what they want. Thats not the best way they think this negotiation should proceed. So they wa nt to negotiation should proceed. So they want to see more of a staged process. Where things are worked through in consequence more slowly, more time is taking and the two yea rs more time is taking and the two years is spent primarily working out exactly how britain will untangle the eu from every aspect of life that it reaches into. Then after that, perhaps with transitional arrangements in place for the interim, they can talk about a positive new relationship on trade. The British Government wants to have it sealed up within two years. Politicians here think, realistically, that is not possible. There is too much to talk about in the time available. The sense yesterday, dan, that these repeated references to security and co operation on security were to be Pa Rt Co Operation On Security were to be part of this picture, part of these talks, a hint in some quarters maybe a deal at the end of the daewoo really affect the level of co operation. How has that gone down . It didnt go down very well. There was certainly irritation at that threat, as some perceived it, if there wasnt a trade deal then co operation on terrorism and crime across europe may be something that suffered. The front page of the sun said your money or your lives. That is how some europeans have seen it. Thats the sort of threat thats been issued. The British Government played it down saying, no, we are talking about the fact we need to have a deal and we need to have co operation and its an incentive to get on and talk about these issues and get them resolved within the two years. The eu leaders said they wont be bullied or threatened. Everyone knew it would be difficulty. There are major hurdles to be crossed and we havent got down to it yet. The eu will respond to theresa mays letter tomorrow morning. Thank you, dan. Sven giegold is the leader of the european greens and an important voice within the european and german left, hejoins me now from berlin. Thank you for coming in. First of all, a german perspective over what happened in the last 2a hours, what would it be . I must say, i have my degree from britain and im deeply saddened. To me this was clearly the saddest day of my political life so far, andi saddest day of my political life so far, and i havent recovered were that yet. That is the first thing to say. Thats a very clear statement. I wonder whether theresa mays message yesterday, in this letter, which some people saw as conciliatory, some people, did that offer you any conciliatory, some people, did that offer you any reassurance conciliatory, some people, did that offer you any reassurance then . Well, certainly, no. Because, i have to say, whats now coming will be tough negotiations on difficult matters which bring no progress whatsoever. So we have huge global challenges and we will be weaker after these negotiations than we we re after these negotiations than we were before because we lost probably, very likely, the most important or one of the most important or one of the most important members. Having said that, i want to be very clear, listening also carefully to the debate in the uk, there will not be retaliation. This is not about retaliation. Its about normal negotiations and the objective must be a fair deal between friends. That is the objective, but fair means of course both ways. That opens up several possibilities, doesnt it, surely the logic is, from the European Union point of view, britain cant be seen to be getting a deal which means that its more attractive to be outside the eu than inside. What does that involve . Well, it is clear are, if youjoin does that involve . Well, it is clear are, if you join a club and you pay to be part of that club, you must be better off than being not in the club. That is normal in every day life. Of course, now the reality will be coming back to learn that when you, basically, want to regain control, you actually lose some control, you actually lose some control because you are not any more pa rt control because you are not any more part of a group who decides together ona part of a group who decides together on a common market. That means the loss of being part of this club will be actually in, in the end, a loss of influence and control. That is normal, but, on the other hand, that is not the same thing as asking now to punish britain for its decision. This would be really unwise and cannot be in anyones interest. This would be really unwise and cannot be in anyones interestlj wonder, cannot be in anyones interest. wonder, what guidance you would give us . The message from Angela Merkel and president of france says the Divorce Proceedings have to be sorted before a trade deal. That is not what the british wanted. What is your view on that . I can understand that this is not normal to link issues like security and trade. This issues like security and trade. This is not a bazaar approach. There must beafair is not a bazaar approach. There must be a Fair Trade Deal and there must be a Fair Trade Deal and there must be bea be a Fair Trade Deal and there must be be a deal in the common interest in the field of security. Beyond that i think its clear no one can have an interest in a disruptive situation. This would be against the interests of the british economy as well as the european economy. Therefore, if merkel and others are saying we cant talk trade. There must be a solution for what happens when the uk leaves. In an negotiation, unpleasant issues will be raised. So far, for instance, britain vetoed a lot of tech legislation in europe. At the same time britain is host and will continue to be host of one of the key financial places. I think that these negotiations will of course be used and should be used in order to end all Tax Haven Policies which the uk are continuing to do and they could defend inside of the eu, but in order to keep open capital markets, i believe, they will have to call into question the zero taxation regimes, for instance, in some of their territories. Final point, which is to do with the time scale and the kind of how realistic the time scale is given we have been given a two year time scale with a lot of work to be packed into that. At the end of which, we are talking about possible ratification by the European Parliament too, which you know very well. Im wondering how realistic is that time scale . Well, i must say, its extremely challenging. To achieve in only two yea rs challenging. To achieve in only two years and avoiding disruption is extremely difficult. Its not undo able, but i personally think in brussels we talk in general too much about time scales, what matters is that there is a fair deal. That its a reasonable deal, fair to both sides, to the union and the integrity of the union as well as to the uk and the future relationship. If it takes more time, then of course there is the Possibility O to ta ke course there is the Possibility O to take a decision and to take more time. Important remains the door for britain remains open. We have seen in the streets of london how many people in britain are attached to a European Future and its important to me and important to us greens in europe that the door remains open. Very good to talk to you. Thank you for coming in today. Pleasure, thank you. This is bbc news at five, the headlines the government publishes its plans to transfer thousands of eu laws to the uk statute book. The brexit secretary says it will ensure a smooth, orderly exit from the European Union. Rescue teams searching for a missing helicopter in snowdonia have found wreckage and the bodies of five people. Its believed the victims were all related. An inquest has heard that The Westminster attacker, Khalid Masood, died after being shot in the chest. The coroner passed on her sympathies to masoods family, saying they were also victims. In sport fifa has announced how the 48 Team World Cup will be divided up in 2026 with europe set to receive the 16 places they wanted up from 13. A six nation play off will decide the last two places at the Tournament Fifa Opens Proceedings against wales defender, neil taylor, for his tackle that broke the leg of the republic of irelands Seamus Coleman. Taylors automatic one match ban could be extended to three games. Arsenal boss, arsene wenger, is confident Alexis Sanchez and mesut ozil want to stay at the club, but says his own future is not sorted completely. Judd trump makes the third competitive 147 of his career, as he beats tian pengfei to reach the Quarter Finals of the china open snooker. An inquest has heard thAt Westminster attacker, Khalid Masood, died from a Gunshot Wound to the chest. The westminster coroner, fiona wilcox, said she extended her sympathies to masoods family who are also victims. Three people died when masood drove his car into pedestrians before he fatally stabbed a Police Officer last week. Our correspondent, daniel sandford, is at Westminster Coroners Court and joins us now. Go through for us what was spoke. Off in the court today and more detail on the coroners remarks . Off in the court today and more detail on the coroners remarks . M was a simple 15 minute hearing in which the inquest was formally opened and adjourned for further investigation. The main request was the Counter Terrorism command officer who is investigating the whole incident. He describes how a car driven by Khalid Masood had ploughed across Westminster Bridge causing fatal injuries to three people. He aprointed Carriage Gate At Westminster and attacked a Police Officer causing grave wounds and killing the officer before being challenged be by another Police Officer and shot. He said that the time of gate of Khalid Masood was underan hour time of gate of Khalid Masood was under an hour after he was shot. The Coroners Officer said there had been a post mortem examination and the cause of his death was a Gunshot Wound to the chest. On the video you hear three gunshots. Its one of those shots that caused the fatal injury. One gunshot to the chest. The Coroners Office said he had been identified through his fingerprints and dna. We heard from chris lovett who said they are carpying out an investigation into the actions and decisions including the actions and decisions including the use of lethalal force on the day. No individual officer is under criminal investigation or under any investigation for disciplinary issues. The ipcc will work out if any issues. The ipcc will work out if a ny lessons issues. The ipcc will work out if any lessons can be learnt from the incident. Interestingly, at the end of the inquest the coroner, having set a date for the next hearing, said she wanted to make sure that her simple thinks were passed on to the family of Khalid Masood, she said, they are also victims in this case. Huw. Thank you for bringing us case. Huw. Thank you for bringing us up to date. Daniel sandford there for us. Its feared that five members of the same family died in a Helicopter Crash in snowdonia. Two of the group have been named locally as kevin and ruth burke. Police and Mountain Rescue teams launched a major search yesterday when the aircraft failed to arrive in dublin, but were hampered by poor weather conditions. The aircraft was travelling from luton, as our correspondent andy moore reports. The hell was heading for dublin. Its wreckage was found in the rhinog mountains. The Search Concentrated Over the irish sea. But police said an analysis of Mobile Phone Records led them to switch the search inland. The helicopter that crashed was a twin squirrel. The air Accident Investigation Branch confirmed it sent a team to the area. The police have appealed for anyone who thinks they may have seen or heard the helicopter to get in touch with them. Andy moore, bbc news. American astronaut, peggy whitson, is set to make History Today by breaking the record for the most spacewalks carried out by a woman. The 57 year old, from iowa, is taking part in her eighth spacewalk, which will see her pass the record previously held by Fellow American suni williams. Whitson studied biochemistry before going on to serve as the first female Space Station Commander in 2008. Currently on her third mission, she already holds the record for being the oldest woman to fly in space. The aim of todays spacewalk which is due to last six and a half hours is to upgrade parts of the Space Station for the arrival of commercial spacecrafts in years to come. We will have the headlines in a moment and catch up with the days sport. Time for a look at the weather, heres darren bett. How is it doing . The warmest march day since 2012. Lovely day for most parts of the uk, not everywhere. We had not just parts of the uk, not everywhere. We had notjust 21, but 22 to the south east of england. Much needed warmth in the north east of scotland after chillier weather earlier in the week. We will see more rain developing across Western Areas overnight. The rain will be heavy, especially over the hills for Eastern Parts of england and the midlands it could be dry, one or two showers. A lot of cloud around. A mild night after that warmth of the day, 11 12 degrees. This wetter weather will push Northwards Up The Western Side of the uk heading across Northern Ireland, moving away from wales into North West England and into scotland through the afternoon. Behind it one or two showers pushing eastwards. A lot of places will be dry and give us sunshine. 15 17 degrees will feel pleasant. The 1st april, april showers on saturday. They will clear away. It will be cold overnight. A dryer day with sunshine on sunday. Britain has started the process of ending the supremacy of European Union law, as the country prepares for brexit. The repeal bill would see thousands of pieces of legislation transferred onto the uk statute book, within two years. We have been clear we wan a Smooth And Orderly Exit and the great repeal bill is integ rat to that approach. It will provide clarity and certainty for business, workers across the uk, on the day we leave the eu. Across the uk, on the day we leave the eu. At a meeting in malta, eu leaders, including german chancellor Angela Merkel, have warned that the terms of brexit need to be settled first, before a new trade deal can be discussed. An inquest hears that The Westminster attacker Khalid Masood died from a single Gunshot Wound to the chest. Its feared that five members of the same family died in a Helicopter Crash in north wales, yesterday afternoon. We will go to the sports sceptre and join will today. Fifa has opened proceedings against neil taylor following the wales defenders tackle on the republic of irelands Seamus Coleman last friday. Taylor was sent off and received an automatic one match ban for the challenge, but that could now be extended, potentially to three games. Everton defender coleman needed surgery on a broken leg following the incident during the world cup qualifying match in dublin. Its not yet known when hell be back playing. Arsene wenger says his future as arsenal manager isnt completely sorted despite saying recently he would inform everyone of his decision very soon. Arsenals recent poorform where theyve lost six of their last nine games has seen the frenchman come under pressure from some fans to leave, when his contract expires in the summer. At his Weekly Press Conference today though, he wasnt giving anything away. Im very clear in my mind, but anyway, do i stay two months or two yea rs . My commitment will be exactly the same. All the time i have spent here does not influence at all my attitude. Fifa has announced how the expanded 48 Team World Cup will be divided up in 2026, with europe set to receive the 16 places they wanted. Our sports news correspondent, richard conway, has more on this. Great repeal bill is integral to that approach. It will provide clarity and certainty for business, workers across the uk, on the day we leave the eu. We will go to the sports sceptre and join will today. What more with can you tell us . We have known that the world cup will be expand but what we havent known how the spaceses will be carved up. Europe gets 16 place, that is the price they put on their support for this tournament, being taken to 48 teams, asia get eight, africa nine, all in all, that is 46 places among the confederations and the last two places will be decided via a play off tournament, to be decided among six team, that i will take place in the november preceding this tournament year, fifa saying it could be a test event that could be the death knell for the Confederation Cup but fifa making it clear how it wants to see the 2026 world cup divided up among the confederation, it will go forward to ratification, that would seem to be a formality and for fifa, this is the final step it is taking towards that expanded 48 Team World Cup, which is coming in 2026. Thank you richard. Manchester citys women take a 1 0 Aggregate Lead into their Champions League quarter final second leg at home to danish side Fortuna Hjorring this evening. Its citys first season in the competition, and theyre the only british team remaining. Theyre hoping to become the first domestic side to reach the last four since since Birmingham City ladies three years ago. What we wanted to achieve when we started was to become a really Exciting Team to watch and a team that definitely the Manchester City fans can be proud of, but also that england can be proud of. We are well aware that there is a perception that womens football may not be that good to watch, and we want to challenge that perception and show that we can play with a real high intensity, real quality, and people enjoy coming and watching us. We know that we are beating teams in the Champions League and winning trophies, that will give us that opportunity. Finally snooker and defending Championjudd Trump made a maximum 147 clearance on his way to the quarterfinals of the china open in beijing today. Playing in the fifth frame against chinas tian pengfei, trump potted the pink but was faced with a difficult black for the maximum. Watch this. Thats his third competitive 147 in his career. He went on to win 5 3. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more in the next hour. Lets return now to our main story. The government has been outlining how it plans to transfer thousands of pieces of European Union legislation into british law, and end the jurisdiction of the European Courts ofjustice. The brexit secretary, david davis, told mps the repeal bill would help ensure a Smooth And Orderly Exit from the eu, but theres concern among other politicians about how these sweeping changes will be scrutinised. With me is professor alison young, who teaches Constitutional Law at oxford university. Thank you for coming in. Thank you. First of all before we get into the scrutinising elm, just explain to us what this repeal bill does, what is its ion to ensure a smooth transition once we leave the European Union, to do that it has to try and do three things which the Secretary Of State set out. So first it will have to repeal the european communities act, that brings eu law into uk. Second it will have to make shower that all the laws that we have at the moment, transition across smooth, so we have a nice smooth transition from not being in the eu, being in to not. It will have to empower the government to make secondary legislation, to try and implement these thousands of laws you have men unsomed and make sure we dont have errors are or m ista kes sure we dont have errors are or mistakes or gaps in the law. So we will pick up on the last point, because that is very important. But just the scale of the challenge, so viewers can understand what kind of ambition is involved here, and whether anything like it has been attempted in the past, what are your thought ops that . It is a huge problem, we have been part of the European Union for a very long time, for over 40 yea rs European Union for a very long time, for over 40 years so during that time we have implemented law, followed lots of cooperation between the different members of the European Union, so it is very difficult to unpick and pinpoint them, so there are some aspects that are obvious, we can point to thing like the European Parliamentary election act. We are not going to be pa rt election act. We are not going to be part of that any more so it is easy to repeal. We use european agencies, so there is intertwining of uk law and eu law than will be difficult to unpick effectively. Within the timescale, so, within two years, we have been discussing whether it is possible to get a trade deal, by march 2019, i mean, is this parliamentary mountain one that can be climbed if two years . It can if you do it in the way they are suggesting in the white paper. 23 you try to sit down in a room and pinpoint every piece of ledge lakes it it would be a massive £tain, they are proposing this two pronged element of saying let us take the eu existing laws we v transfer those across smoothly and then we have a the time later to decide the one we wa nt to the time later to decide the one we want to repeal. While recognising it will be so difficult we will feed some form of delegated legislation to allow us to get rid of difficulties or filling gaps as we move across, that is why they have proposed it in this way. That involves one of the most conto of shall elements. Involves one of the most contoofshall elements. Absolutely. Critics are saying clearly today, and they include keir starmer, this involves a dangerous sweep of power, from parliament, to government, to the executive. And that this will involve too little scrutiny. Is that valid . I believe it is valid, because if you look a the white paper, they are very very broad elements and there is some detail thatis elements and there is some detail that is in there, so there are suggestions that they will limit the powers and try and make sure that there are scrutinied by parliament. Parliament. They are careful to say this is delegated legislation, parliament will have the ability to scrutinise it, parliament will have to vote to implement it. So the difficulties, the dell is often in the detail, so you have references to we will be able to make Policy Decisions if it is necessary when we are transitioning across but not when it is not. There could be large Policy Decisions you Want Parliament to scrutinise, if they are not subject to affirmative regulars lose parliament might not be eight to scrutinise it properly. There is a men off broad Sweeping Powers as the Negotiation Deal comes through, different bits of law may need to be kept or repealed. We will have to deal with those quickly. You can understand the need for expediency, Policy Issues might arise and you might need parliament to scrutinise the decision and make sure there is proper scrutinising, so, just as you underlined there, when you think of the kind of scrutinising workload, that this will involve for parliament, in its committees and elsewhere, you know, is it equipped to do that . Are the resource theres to do that . Are the resource theres to do that . Can parliament exercise this degree of scrutinising overload, which is what it is, it has never done it before. Do you have have concerned in that area do as to will whether there will be the time do this. We have to trust parliament will make the time. That is why there is the fear if so many things come through, will that be the time to scrutinise it . From a Constitutional Law perspective, you wa nt to Constitutional Law perspective, you want to make sure there is a clear division, that might be hard to spot so it would be useful to have a Parliamentary Committee that can scrutinise that and say this will need greater parliamentary scrutiny, this is more technical and be passed ina this is more technical and be passed in a quicker way, i would like to see more about for parliament to check those Policy Decisions do come through and get the proper amount of scrutiny. It is popular to say journalists will have a busy couple of years but people in your position will have a lot to think about and it may change the course testify work you are doing. Yes, i teach Constitutional Law but i teach European Union law, that area will not be an area i will be continuing to teach. The way in which we are restructuring how things will work, they will have knock on consequences for deed bodies, there will be knock on consequences for how we dont refer to case law from the court of us us the, they have mentioned the case law up to the day we leave is what we will be using to continue to interpret laws and that the Supreme Court might be able to overturn those but not other court, the interesting consequences for parliamentary sovereignty in the future, so lots for us to think about and consider. Good to talk to you, thank you for coming in. Lloyds of london has played down the significance of its decision to open an office in brussels. The Insurance Market confirmed this morning that it would set up the Additional Base next year , in the wake of the uks decision to leave the eu. The company said it would be a subsidiary office, and the decision would affect fewer than a hundred staff. Our correspondent Simon Gompertz reports. Its the worlds oldest Insurance Market, famous for the lutine bell from hms lutine, which went down two centuries ago and was covered at lloyds. It already has some foreign offices but because of brexit, lloyds of london will now become lloyds of brussels as well. Nothing to worry about. In fact, what it does is it helps to secure the future of lloyds. About 5 of our business is impacted by the uk coming out of eu. We want to be able to provide continuous coverage and continue to issue Insurance Policies for customers based in eu. The lloyds building houses a marketplace. Its some of the staff who oversee the operations who are going and its not clear how many of the underwriters themselves will need to move. Its good. Its good for lloyds to be seen to be embracing it. Itll be interesting to see how it goes and how they can maintain it in london being the centre of insurance. Fingers crossed they will. Does it signal an exodus from the city . No. Not in the least bit. London has been incredibly successful for all sorts of reasons and we will remain so. What weve got to be is nimble and alert to the possibilities and the dangers. What this shows is the variety of places across the channel that City Organisations might move some of their operations to. So notjust one big rival to the city, like say frankfurt, but also amsterdam, brussels, dublin, or paris. And it may not even be european centres that benefit most from business leaving london. There are other hubs elsewhere in the world, singapore springs to mind, a couple in the middle east and of course bermuda, which will be hungry to use brexit as an opportunity to grab as much of the Worldwide Business as they can. But is this trickle from the City Of London the start of a flood . The Prime Minister tried to allay fears yesterday by saying she wants to include Financial Services in an overall trade deal with the eu. Simon gompertz, bbc news. Public Health England has published new guidelines, to limit the amount of sugar thats in some popularfoods. The aim is to cut the amount of sugar eaten in foods most often consumed by children, by 20 in the next few years, as our Health Correspondent jane dreaper now reports. Its tempting stuff. But eating too much sugar is rotting childrens teeth and fuelling obesity. A third of children are overweight or obese when they leave primary school. Now as part of government plans to tackle the problem, the Food Industry is being given new limits for how much sugar should be in nine popularfoods. Companies are being urged to reformulate their products so that they contain less sugar, or to make them smaller. The aim is for the uks annual diet to contain 200,000 fewer tons of sugar by 2020. We expect people to see over time smaller chocolate bars, smaller cakes, smaller biscuits, particularly when they eat away from home, Infamily Restaurants and so on. We also expect people not to notice the changes, because we know if changes are gradually made to our food, generally we dont notice them. Your bread is now 40 less salty than it was ten years ago. I bet you havent noticed. Everyday foods like these will be affected. The companies that make them are being told to cut their sugar and calorie content. Cafes a nd restau ra nts are being told to take action too, because up to a third of the calories we eat are now consumed outside the home. And there will also be the new tax on sugary drinks, starting in a years time. Dieticians say theres no time to lose in trying to improve childrens health. Around one in five 10 11 year olds are obese. We know from research that excess sugar is linked to weight gain and when you are obese you are more at risk of conditions like type two diabetes, which can lead to Heart Disease or even blindness. The Food Industry isnt being forced to make these changes, but trade bodies say theyll take on the challenge and experts in nutrition think this is the quickest way to improve our diets. Its actually an advantage that they are voluntary, because the Legal Process of writing mandatory guidelines is so awkward, so long, people resist it and try and protect their own interests, that doing it on a voluntary basis is actually quicker to write the regulations and quicker to amend them if they dont work. The nine food groups announced today account for less than half of childrens total sugar intake, so theres still work to be done on sugar thats less obvious, in foods like pasta sauces. Health campaigners have praised the plans, but they want the government to keep up the pressure on food companies. Jane dreaper, bbc news. Joining me now from birmingham is drjames brown, a lecturer and researcher into obesity and diabetes at aston university. Thank you for coming in. This sugar i was about to say, emphasis, some people call it an obsession, which side of that argument are you on . think sugar plays a role in obesity, if you look over the last 40 years we have seen increases in consumption which happens at the same time as increases in obesity, it is part of the problem. It is not the sole factor, what worries me, is this obsession with Focussing On Single Factors as being the cause for obesity, with we did that with fat for so many years and that with disastrous, it is important we see that Sugar Consumption is important in terms of risk of obesity but there are so many other things that are important. 0k, there are so many other things that are important. Ok, if it is not the sole factor, what would you say if somebody said it is the biggest factor, one of many, obviously but the biggest factor of several . would disagree, the Big Efact For is a lack of understanding how many calories we consume. A piece of research was released last year that showed the Average Britain underestimates their intack by about 1,000 calories a day. People are unaware of correct portion sizes, every meal how many calories they consume. That is a bigger issue that sugar per se. Are we back to the argument about what is a balanced diet . That is part of the argument, there is a growing consensus we need to consume a more mediterranean style diet, that means changing some of the major food style diet, that means changing some of the majorfood groups style diet, that means changing some of the major food groups we eat. It is about being moderation, my worry is about being moderation, my worry is if focus on sugar, and these guidelines are welcome, dont get me wrong but there are guideline, it is not legislation. Whether this is going to a have an impact on the Long Term Health of children and adults who are at risk of obesity and the condition it causes an increase in the risk of, we will have to wait and see. causes an increase in the risk of, we will have to wait and see. I was just about to say, you know, the difficulty for the public i sup poise is you get used to one message, which is you know, Message Thatis message, which is you know, message that is hammered home, in one case it is fat, then it is sugar, and you know, you cant blame people then for being slightly confused as to what the right course is. for being slightly confused as to what the right course is. I agree. This is where scientists and doctors and Policy Makers have failed the public over the last 30, 40 year, the message we need to get across is simply, is eat less, move more, if we regulate our diet there intake, introduce long term Behaviour Change and make sure we are more physically active, that is a way we can prevent this crisis from becoming worse. Physically active. What about other measures in terms of when you look at localities and the availability of let us sayjunk food and the rest of let us sayjunk food and the rest of it. How proactive can government be in that area . Government both central and local can play a role in this, councils have the ability to control the number of take away, in a town centre they can control whether north certain shops can open in and round schools, it is that type of approach that needs to be taken, i alongside guidelines for the amount of sugar we consume, for physical activity, littling advertising of products to children or at times when that i can be watching, we need this approach to try and solve this problem. Good to talk to you, thank you for coming Tens Of Thousands of people are still without power, and thousands of others are still stranded on remote islands, after Cyclone Debbie hit the east coast of australia. The threat from more torrential rain has led to people being told to leave their homes in the state of queensland. Our correspondent, hywel griffth, reports. Its been called the never ending storm. First, a cyclone swept through. Now theres a flood. From north to south, queensland is dealing with several emergencies at once. Rising river levels, towns cut off and sudden gusts that are leaving homes and their residents rattled. Well, i wasnt too worried at the start, but i started hearing the wind picking up and getting more intense. There was a few thoughts going through the head then that something could come flying through the window, you know . In bowen, the Prime Ministerflew in to see the scale of the damage and stressed the size of the response. 1300 members of the army, navy and air force are here to try and rebuild. As i said, this is an example of nature flinging her worst at australians. The people of the whitsunday route and the people of north queensland, far north queensland, are very familiar with cyclones. They are very resilient. Theyll need to be pretty tough in the south too. In brisbane, a months worth of rain is expected in one day. More than 1000 schools have been closed across the area. Its another city going into lockdown. I need you to stay indoors. I need you to stay off the roads. We have not seen the worst of this Severe Weather system in the south east of our state. We are going to see heavy rain falls. We are going to see thunder. This is a Severe Weather event. And its one which has touched every walk of life. With warnings that snakes, crocodiles, even sharks, can wash up in the flood, much of queensland remains on high alert. Hywel griffith, bbc news. Some of the other stories making bbc news at five. A mother and her 13 year old son have died after being stabbed in their home in stourbridge in the west midlands. The womans husband, who was found with serious stab wounds, is in hospital. A man in his 20s, Who Police Say was known to the family, has been arrested. The son of the founder of the greggs bakers chain, colin gregg has been jailed for 13 and a half years for indecently assaulting four boys. Gregg, who became a teacher, Social Worker and charity boss, was found guilty earlier this month for assaulting the boys who were aged between 11 and 14 over three decades from the early 1960s to the 1990s. Capturing the likeness and character in a portrait can always be a challenge for an artist. So there was an understandable air of expectation when the footballer ronaldo turned up in his home in madeira to unveil a new statue. Our Sports Correspondentjoe Wilson explains why the work took everyones breath away. For the local hero, everything was arranged. Politicians, well wishers, all there for the very famous footballer. Well, they were naming madeiras airport after him. Just one thing, why had they unveiled a new bust of the former Irish International niall quinn . Ah, thats Cristiano Ronaldo 0k. The man himself was full of gratitude. To see my name given to this airport is very special, he said. Everyone knows im very proud of my roots. Roots meaning homeland, not his hair. That at least looks suitably solid. Social media mockery based around the bust has quickly followed. Football does have a Long Association with statues. At wembley, bobby moore, at ipswich town, bobby robson. And at fulhams craven cottage, michaeljackson. This statue was the idea of the then chairman Mohammed Al Fayed and wasnt universally appreciated at the time. Its really bad, really, really bad. After a couple of years, fulham took this statue down. And then, deep breath, there was ted bates. Southampton supporters were so angered by this depiction of their former player and manager, it was replaced immediately and expensively. Much better. Statues are supposed to be tributes, and the Madeira Airport is an honour well intended for a genuine star. Thats him. As you said, well intended time for a look at the weather, with darren bett. Miting advertising of products to children or at times when that i can be watching, we need this approach to try and solve this problem. Good to try and solve this problem. Good to talk to you, thank you for coming we had some iberian sunshine today, across some parts of the country. Turned out to be the warmest march day since 2012. This was kew gardens. Lovely blue sky, plenty of colour and it was in the south east where temperatures hit 22. 1 c. It hasnt been sunny everywhere, as you can see through the irish sea, it has been pretty wet. As a Result Temperatures have been low. We have had grey skies. It has been very wet in cumbria, lancashire and the northern been nine pen nices. We will see more rain in western area, ahead into the warmth towards the south east. We may get one or two shower, but the main wet weather certainly out to the west, wales, western england, Northern Ireland in particular. Scotland and there will be heavy rain too, specially in the hills but a mild night. Again, temperatures 11 or 12 degrees for many parts of the country. Heading into tomorrow morning and we may see some early brightness, sunshine in Eastern Parts of england but we will find a few showers pushing from west to east but hit and miss and still hardly any rain for the south east of the uk. It is wetter further wet. The rain moving through into Northern Ireland, again some wet weather in cumbria, lancashire, the Northern Pennines and wet in central and southern parts of scotland. Drierfor northern and southern parts of scotland. Drier for Northern Scot but it wont be as nice as day as it was today. Through today we might find the rain moving up into North West England and heading northwards in scotland. Behind it we get sunshine, we get one or two showers ahead of the main showers that are Waiting In The Wings towards the end of the day. With some sunshine, yes it is fresher air but still should feel pleasant. Temperatures wont be as high as today but 15 or 17 degrees. Into the weekend, we have a familiar mix, april showers for the first day of april on saturday and then those will clear away, it will turn chilly with the best day of the weekend the second day. The first day of the weekend we see some sunshine, we get a few showers developing. Slow moving, heavy and thundery, not many in east anglia and the south east once again but temperatures again lower and they will drop further overnight because those showers will get pushes away by High Pressure building in from the west, keeping the Weather Fronts at bay for the time being, throughout sunday, so a fine day on sunday, we will find sunshine round, especially in the morning after that chilly is that right. A bit more cloud in the afternoon, but i think it will stay dry. If you get the is, the temperatures look good. Could be warmer in the south east on monday, we will get rain in the north east. North west. From workers rights to Farming Thousands of eu laws will be transferred to the uks law books as the country prepares for brexit. We wa nt we want a Smooth And Orderly Exit, the great repeal bill is integral to that approach. Ministers say it means the laws can then be kept, changed or scrapped once the uk has left the European Union. Birds and their habitats, water, pollution most of the uks environmental laws currently come from the eu. So what impact will the repeal bill have . Also on the programme tonight the toddler who died after his surgery was repeatedly delayed two surgeons decide to speak out about one of britains biggest childrens hospitals. Five members of the same family die after their Helicopter Crashes in snowdonia. And syrias children we return to the city of homs which was devastated by war as they try to rebuild their lives

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