received compensation, totalling just over £340,000 between them. when asked about that number, of payouts, the energy secretary said it was completely unacceptable and that she had made it clear to the regulator that she wanted to see people get these payments as quickly as possible. i kid people get these payments as quickly as ossible. ~' , ., , as possible. i kid you remind us about how _ as possible. i kid you remind us about how this _ as possible. i kid you remind us about how this came _ as possible. i kid you remind us about how this came out? - as possible. i kid you remind us about how this came out? it - as possible. i kid you remind us| about how this came out? it was following investigations into all of this? ., following investigations into all of this? . , , following investigations into all of this? . , ., this? that is right, this came into the spotlight _ this? that is right, this came into the spotlight after _ this? that is right, this came into the spotlight after some - this? that is right, this came into the spotlight after some of- this? that is right, this came into the spotlight after some of these | the spotlight after some of these practices were exposed. prepayment meters have been vetted for several reasons totally legally but they are not supposed to be fitted where customers are vulnerable and it emerged this was in the seven cases happening. that practice was paused for some period, and while this work

Related Keywords

Number ,Energy Secretary ,Payouts ,Compensation ,340000 ,40000 ,People ,Wall ,Payments ,Regulator ,Investigations ,It ,Ossible ,Some ,Spotlight ,Prepayment Meters ,Practices ,Customers ,Cases ,Work ,Reasons ,Practice ,Seven ,

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