who do whistle—blower. and i am worried about them. the investigator was eventually made redundant. he feels he was managed out of the force. he has since gone on to have a successful career. documents we have seen show the police took some action to re—chip officers with words of advice. the unit we believe was disbanded, but we have been told at least two of the police officers who targeted him have been promoted and remain in the force. i would like the constabulary to consider reviewing this case, maybe with the iopc, because i think now, with the lenses that people have on now, they may find really important new learning. the woman in charge of misconduct in the force is deputy chief constable nicky watson. would you apologise to this whistle—blower and as someone consider perhaps having an independent review of his case? we certainly would never expect that sort of behaviour to happen nowadays. i am really sorry for the way