and there should be little ambiguity about whether this was a breach. and, of course, some of these instances we have heard about are a bit more ambiguous. well, was thatjust somebody having a glass of wine at their desk? and others seem to be less ambiguous. people coming together for what seems to be a long session of drinking and eating. i think there might be a clue in there as to which ones of these events might now be in the police's domain. the other question, well, why have you not been investigating, why have left it to the cabinet office? she tried to explain that, which was that the cabinet office are good at investigating and good at getting the evidence you need for this. e—mails, messages, talking to the staff. actually better at getting that kind of evidence than a police officer, who would have to go through a lot of hoops in order to get that kind of evidence, because obviously getting through e—mails of people doing sensitivejobs is quite a big deal