and then she said that the sea is a bi, it's weird. so when i came, as soon as i left the house, wejust seen that there was a big ash cloud, a white one with the volcano. and then then we just came to the graveyard scene. and so i've seen the ocean. ijust i've never seen the ocean like that in my life. the wave was already starting to come on the road, and i've seen just more and more of the ocean. i'm ready to come in. so i was a bit scared to pick up my wife. so i went down and i went to scream for her. and then i had no response and my kids were crying, 0h, we're not leaving dad, we need mum, we need mum to come with us. so ijust like them just to get in the car and we left. but for the grace of the lord, she walked out of line and we just waited for her, and then we took off. as soon as we got to kind of follow the people just looking and i wasjust smiling and wejust