sill-over then appearing in shanghai. the spill-over of _ then appearing in shanghai. tie: spill—over of infections is gradually declining. it's necessary to continue to do a good job in the management and control of the quarantine sites. , , . ., control of the quarantine sites. ,, . ., . , sites. the district of the city known as — sites. the district of the city known as its _ sites. the district of the city known as its tech _ sites. the district of the city known as its tech hub - sites. the district of the city known as its tech hub is - sites. the district of the city| known as its tech hub is now facing restrictions on places linked to the omicron case. the latest in a series of experimental measure like crackdowns on public buses in cities across the country. the winter games will not be held in what officials call a closed loop, meaning limited spectators in venues, no overseas visitors and personnel only interacting with an air bubble. whether that will be enough to stop a wave of cases and safeguard the games will only become clear in the coming weeks. let's cross to new york and get more now from yanzhong huang — senior fellow for global health at the council on foreign relations. thank you very much forjoining us. if beijing is confirming