delighted for those four individuals.— delighted for those four individuals. �* . ., , individuals. and the defence was that the presence _ individuals. and the defence was that the presence of _ individuals. and the defence was that the presence of the - individuals. and the defence was that the presence of the statute | individuals. and the defence was - that the presence of the statute was a hate crime so therefore it wasn't an offence to remove it, is that right? an offence to remove it, is that riuht? ., , ., ., ., .,, right? the defendants had a laudable excuse for the _ right? the defendants had a laudable excuse for the actions _ right? the defendants had a laudable excuse for the actions that _ right? the defendants had a laudable excuse for the actions that they - excuse for the actions that they had. the statue itself was offensive, it causes distress to many people in bristol. and the authorities had failed to deal with this issues for many many years. events unfolded on the 7th ofjune which meant that the statue was toppled. which meant that the statue was to led. ~ ., ., ,, which meant that the statue was touled. ~ ., ., ~' which meant that the statue was touled.l ., ., ~ ., toppled. what do you think about the olices role toppled. what do you think about the polices role in — toppled. what do you think about the polices role in this _ toppled. what do you think about the polices role in this in _ toppled. what do you think about the polices role in this in their— polices role in this in their decision to press charges? they say they didn't have any choice. where they didn't have any choice. where the right to go ahead with these charges? well, prosecution always have a choice in deciding whether or not to charge someone with a criminal offense.— not to charge someone with a criminal offense. , ., ., , criminal offense. they have to base that on whether _ criminal offense. they have to base that on whether there _ criminal offense. they have to base that on whether there is _ criminal offense. they have to base that on whether there is sufficient l that on whether there is sufficient evidence with up and it whether it in the public interest. ifail to