assessment of those proposed measures? it assessment of those proposed measures?— assessment of those proposed measures? , ., ., , measures? it can help, unfortunately i am measures? it can help, unfortunately i am coming — measures? it can help, unfortunately i am coming from _ measures? it can help, unfortunately i am coming from south _ measures? it can help, unfortunately i am coming from south africa - i am coming from south africa where we know _ i am coming from south africa where we know how easy it is to cultivate anything. — we know how easy it is to cultivate anything, as long as we have checks and balances in place to make sure that it _ and balances in place to make sure that it is _ and balances in place to make sure that it is original being shown at wherever— that it is original being shown at wherever it is required that might work _ wherever it is required that might work but— wherever it is required that might work. but always of course there will he _ work. but always of course there will be people looking at how they can for— will be people looking at how they can for the system, so you need to have _ can for the system, so you need to have a _ can for the system, so you need to have a full— can for the system, so you need to have a full proof system.— can for the system, so you need to have a full proof system. thank you, we are very — have a full proof system. thank you, we are very grateful _ have a full proof system. thank you, we are very grateful to _ have a full proof system. thank you, we are very grateful to you - have a full proof system. thank you, we are very grateful to you for - we are very grateful to you for joining us from south africa this morning. studio: greg clark, the charitable house of commons science and technology committee, talking to and technology committee, talking to a south african doctor about the situation with the omicron variant in south africa, very interestingly