the american actor, jussie smollett, has been foud guilty of staging a hate crime against himself. the 39—year—old star of the television drama empire paid two men to attack him in the apparent hope the stunt would raise his profile and boost his salary. he was once a rising star but, for the last three years, jussie smollett has been fighting for his reputation and career. walking into court surrounded by his family, the 39—year—old has always maintained he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack, but a jury didn't believe him. after deliberating for nine hours, they found him guilty of lying to police. after the conviction, prosecutors spelt out the impact this case has had on the city. 26 chicago police officers spent 3,000 hours of time, costing the city well over $100,000, for a fake crime that never occurred. and by the way, a fake crime that denigrates