was a secret underground community but we knew each other and our network, and if one of us got arrested, they could have found the rest of us. kabul is not a big city and with the way the taliban are ruling the country, it was not that difficult to find high profile lbgti people. we also heard a couple of people were arrested and were so scared. like many other gay men in afghanistan, we lead a double life — i have a wife and kids. if i was arrested, you can imagine, it would be a nightmare for me, and especially in front of my family. i tried so hard to leave the country and tried so hard to hide the reason for my departure from my family and got in touch with a couple of international lbgti organisations, and thankfully they acted fast. britain is a new home for me. everything is new to me here — a new lifestyle, language and culture, i am nervous about my future and i'm trying to figure out where to start my new life, but i feel safe and free. this is amazing.