14—year—old molly russell... he's the father who lost his daughter to suicide. now campaigning to protect other children online. nice to meet you. today they met for the first time. so what do you think the impact of molly's story was on instagram as a platform and how it approaches safety? facebook is full of kind, conscientious, well—meaning people. the real question is around, can we as a public change the incentives such that it makes more sense for facebook to invest more money in safety on instagram? so i'm sure that molly's... the experience that molly had, caused them to look at these questions more. at the same time, we need way more invested in this, because we need to make more progress faster. one of the things that lead us to find out more about molly was some notes that she'd left that were found after she died. and in one of them she wrote, "i keep a lot to myself and it