children and planting the seed there... �* , �* �* ~ , children and planting the seed there... �* fl �* . , , there... inaudible. i'm really sorry about this, — there... inaudible. i'm really sorry about this. we _ there... inaudible. i'm really sorry about this, we are _ there... inaudible. i'm really sorry about this, we are have _ there... inaudible. i'm really sorry about this, we are have the - there... inaudible. i'm really sorry about this, we are have the same i about this, we are have the same problems. i'm going to go back to daniel, trying to put the same point you were hoping to make to daniel. thank you ever so much for bearing with us and you have been very patient as we are trying to get this to work. daniel, when you look to the future, now that you have been going on to sites and doing and talking to other people in the industry, meeting some of the older quys industry, meeting some of the older guys and women who work there, it do you get the sense that this is going to prepare you well for what you will face when you a full—time bricklayer? will face when you a full-time bricklayer?— will face when you a full-time brickla er? , , �* ., , bricklayer? definitely. being able to seak bricklayer? definitely. being able to speak to _ bricklayer? definitely. being able to speak to the _ bricklayer? definitely. being able to speak to the people _ bricklayer? definitely. being able to speak to the people who i bricklayer? definitely. being able to speak to the people who have | bricklayer? definitely. being able i to speak to the people who have been doing it for years and years they can tell you the proper way to do a job and little tips and tricks to make a job easierfor you job and little tips and tricks to make a job easier for you and the safest way. if it wasn't for them i

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Breaking Point ,Problems ,There ,Seed ,Daniel Greenwood ,Children ,Inaudible ,People ,Some ,Us ,Quys Industry ,Sites ,Bearing ,Women ,Seak Bricklayer ,Sense ,Guys ,Bricklayer ,Brickla Er ,Way ,Job Easierfor You ,Make Up Wasn T ,Tricks ,Tips ,

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