use the officer's radio to contract the control room to check what the officer doing is legitimate and then the advices if you still feel in danger you might want to run to a nearby house and ask for help —— contact the control room. you might want to shout out to a passer—by to show you are in distress, you might want to flag down a bus, or even dial 999. but as you say, this is very much putting the onus on the person who is stopped. and in the case of sarah everard, when wayne couzens showed his arrest warrant, he then quickly handcuffed her. so it is unclear whether that advice would have worked in this case, whether it would have been practical. but this is new advice. the met recognising that they have a job to do to rebuild confidence. and that's part of the safety advice. they also say they are going to put hundreds of extra officers on the streets of london, 650 new officers, they are going to send those