with more analysis on what to expect from the climate change summit. you can reach me on twitter — i'm @lucyegrey hello. wednesday wasn't a bad day at all for the greater part of england and wales. but, quite a significant but, a different kettle of fish at least for a time through wednesday in parts of scotland and northern ireland, where you had to contend with the weather front which is bringing this increase in cloud and at times bits and pieces of rain. through into thursday, we're going to see quite a vigorous area of low pressure dragging its way over towards southern parts of scandinavia. notice how tightly packed those isobars are. the wind will be a real feature across the north of mainland scotland and especially through the northern isles. it isn'tjust the strength of the winds, there will be showers if not longer spells of rain. here, we have the gusts and you'll see i'm indicatimg they are 65, possibly 70mph as we get on through