this— is that i make, the rule is that this house _ is that i make, the rule is that this house makes. so what i'm going to say— this house makes. so what i'm going to say to _ this house makes. so what i'm going to say to the — this house makes. so what i'm going to say to the opposition is, i am sorry— to say to the opposition is, i am sorry you — to say to the opposition is, i am sorry you didn't know it was going to take _ sorry you didn't know it was going to take so — sorry you didn't know it was going to take so long, but by all means, you can _ to take so long, but by all means, you can have — to take so long, but by all means, you can have an extra minute or whatever— you can have an extra minute or whatever to _ you can have an extra minute or whatever to compensate for this. but please, _ whatever to compensate for this. but please, in _ whatever to compensate for this. but please, in future, it is right. we shouldn't— please, in future, it is right. we shouldn't take advantage of the members here who were here to question— members here who were here to question the secretary of state. can i thank the question the secretary of state. ce”! i thank the secretary of state for his statement and can i first of all say that he is right, and i agree with him that we should not be alarmist on the issue of security of supply. but i do fear his statement was much too complacent on the price and economic impact of the current situation. let me ask him first about the continuity of supply issue. we support him taking necessary measures to ensure that families and businesses continue to have access to energy and secure the issue of c02 supplies. he says there are mechanisms in place to ensure that customers at failing companies get taken on, but the scale of problems in the market will provide an unprecedented test of those mechanisms. so can he tell us

Related Keywords

House ,Rule ,Whatever ,We Shouldn T ,Opposition ,Means ,Members ,Advantage ,Issue ,Secretary Of State ,Statement ,Security ,Question Members ,Say ,Ice ,Price ,Families ,Supply ,Businesses ,Impact ,Green Energy ,Situation ,Supply Issue ,Continuity ,Measures ,Customers ,Place ,Market ,Companies ,Problems ,C02 Supplies ,Mechanisms ,Scale ,Test ,

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