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This is bbc news. The headlines at six talks continue in brussels with both sides warning theyre unlikely to reach a post Brexit Agreement by tomorrows deadline. Four Royal Navy Patrol ships are being put on standby, to help protect britains fishing waters, in the event of a no deal brexit. World leaders are holding a virtual Climate Summit addressing the summit, borisjohnson laid out his priorities in renewable energy. We are putting our foot to the accelerator, in a carbon friendly way of course, with a ten point plan for a green industrial revolution. The us regulator authorises the Pfizer Biontech Coronavirus Vaccine donald trump says itll be rolled out immediately. In boxing, anthonyjoshua defends his ibf, wba, and wbo world heavyweight titles against kubrat pulev at wembley arena tonight. And coming up in 45 minutes. The latest from the world of cinema and home viewing, in the film review with mark kermode. Good evening. A former conservative defence minister says the governments decision to put the royal navy on standby, to protect british fishing waters in the event of a no deal brexit, is undignified and irresponsible. Tobias ellwood whos now chair of the commons defence committee, was speaking ahead of tomorrows deadline set by the uk and the European Union, to reach an agreement. Both sides have warned a deal seems unlikely. Our political correspondent, iain watson has more. Is this what no deal with the eu would look like . The ministry of defence has confirmed that four armed vessels will be ready to patrol uk waters if theres no agreement with brussels on fishing rights. The Scottish Government has denounced this as gunboat diplomacy, and they dont want the ships off their shores. Some of Boris Johnsons own mps are also concerned about the signal this sends. We need to be building alliances, not breaking them apart. The advent Us Administration is wanting to rekindle western resolve, re energise an International Alliance to take on our adversaries such as russia and china, and here we are actually arguing with a Close Military european ally. The drumbeat to no deal continues to resound with, overnight, a practice run in kent in how to deal with traffic disruption. Though even if a deal is reached, new customs checks at ports will still provide a challenge. And on the other side of the channel, to convey a sense of unity, eu leaders such as Angela Merkel have rebuffed borisjohnsons attempts to speak to them individually about how a deal could be unlocked. So, the mood around the talks, like the weather, is rather gloomy. In fact, the only thing that might be agreed this weekend between downing street and the eu is to halt the negotiations and move towards no deal. Yet the fact that both sides have been very publicly highlighting the potential negative consequences of failing to reach a deal suggest that they could yet at the last minute pull back from the brink. But a former adviser to the Brexit Department thinks it will take a dramatic move to avoid no deal. Weve got one day left. There are talks ongoing, but really we need a breakthrough at the political level, and im not hearing the messaging at the moment that would indicate thats going to happen. The uks chief negotiator knows well enough that brexit deadlines come and go, but this weekends talks in brussels could finally answer the question, deal or no deal. Iain watson, bbc news. Speaking to the bbc earlier, the former governor of the bank of england mark carney, outlined his concerns about the situation the uk finds itself in. I think it recognised that there are two types of issues around, if there is a rupture in the relationship. The first is very important logistical challenges that come through more checks at ports and the knock on effects and we are starting to see some of those already. But then theres the more fundamental question of the changing economics of the relationship with europe if there are tariffs in place, if there are other product standards and companies have begun to adjust to those, they have been anticipating some of those. Ill say one thing that is important, is that the Financial Sector, my colleagues at the bank of england have helped ensure that the Financial Sector is ready if there is a difficult outcome, its ready for that outcome and so the Financial Sector will not make this worse, it will be part of the solution. But undoubtedly, there will be challenges if an agreement is not reached. To bring you a slightly more detailed explanation of those comments that i mentioned in the last hour they came from the residence of the president of france, mayo macron, he deployed emmanuel macron, a british wartime slogan, or one emmanuel macron, a british wartime slogan, oi one you emmanuel macron, a british wartime slogan, or one you will be familiar with from posters and mugs and other things that are still available, keep calm and carry on. That was his oi keep calm and carry on. That was his or her response to threats if you put it like that that britain would deploy naval vessels in the event of ano deploy naval vessels in the event of a no deal into the transition period. On the ist of january 2021. Of period. On the 1st of january 2021. Of course, it would be the end as well as the common fisheries policy applying to the uk and therefore the uk would argue that the fish and british territorial waters can no longer be finished by french vessels 01 longer be finished by french vessels or belgian vessel, danish vessels and so on. The eu takes a different view on that. One of the issues in which there is a stumbling block which there is a stumbling block which we all know with certainty about tomorrow whether the talks have finally come to an end and whether they think a deal can be done. The official wouldnt be drawn any further on when exactly he or she meant by keep calm and carry on, are they perhaps going to carry on with the deal . We will find out in 24 with the deal . We will find out in 2a hours or so from now. If you are watching us, you will be the first to know. World leaders have been urged to declare a climate emergency, after dire predictions of catastrophic Global Warming. The secretary general of the United Nations has told a Climate Change virtual summit, that ambitious targets are necessary to cut emissions. The uk has now announced an end to support for overseas fossil fuel projects. With more, heres our chief environment correspondent, justin rowlatt. It is my great pleasure to introduce one of the co hosts of todays climate. There was none of the pomp and circumstances you would expect of a meeting of dozens of World Leaders. This was an entirely virtual summit. Mrjohnson opened in characteristic style. Were doing this not because were hair shirt wearing, tree hugging, mung bean munching ego freaks, though i have nothing against any of those categories. He described Climate Change as a greater threat than covid 19 and said going green made economic as well as ecological sense. Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity right now. Only those countries promising substantial commitments to cut carbon got to speak. There were more than 70 of them, including china, the eu, india and japan. Join the dots. Its happening. Short films highlighted the risks our planet faces. Lets be very clear about this. It is going to get much worse. Even the pope made an appearance. So, why is nothing happening . It was an uplifting spectacle, but there were some notable absentees. Brazil, russia, saudi arabia and australia were among the nations which were not invited to address the conference. Some of the worlds most Vulnerable Countries said fighting climate change was a moral imperative. I would like to believe that the major emitters are not capable of what would in essence be close to climate genocide. I would like to believe that we are visible and indispensable for them. Todays conference marks the start of a crucial year for Global Climate action. The uk will be hosting a Climate Conference in glasgow in november 2021. The hope is the entire world will raise its carbon cutting game by then. Justin rowlatt, bbc news. A little earlier i spoke to Richard Black the director of the energy and climate intelligence unit. I asked him what todays summit is likely to achieve. The idea was that this would be a showcase for countries and also businesses actually and cities and regions who had something new to put on the table that were going to put for some new ambition, particularly looking at the next decade which is widely considered to be absolutely crucial if Climate Change is to be kept within safe limits and youre right, a certain number of leaders, most famously Scott Morrison of australia, was denied a speaking slot because he didnt have anything ambitious to say. But looking at what has been said so far, you have to say that there really isnt a great deal new that has been put on the table. Colombia has made a promise to half Carbon Emissions between 2010 and 2030, that is pretty new for that country. A number of other countries putting forward similar things, the uks big new thing is to do with uk Government Support for oil and gas, some of that came out overnight, and that will be ended at some point. The uk is the first major economy to do that but you have to say that there is a lot more words so far than new commitments on the table. Scott morrison might feel a bit miffed if that was the criteria by which he was excluded. Looking ahead, the really big event is the glasgow conference which the uk government will host next year. Am i right in saying that we have kind of agreements that we will meet this ambition and do our best to meet this ambitious and arguably unavoidably necessary restriction on the number of degrees climate temperature can rise, but we dont know how we are going to achieve that very important goal . Yeah. If we go back to the paris summit which ended five years ago, that is really why this summit is happening today. If we look at back at then and the pledges the countries put on table for cutting the Carbon Emissions, they were not enough to achieve the temperature goals that they signed into that agreement. Keeping Global Warming well below the two celsius and making attempts to hold it beyond 1. 5. There are only a handful of countries that have really put forward pledges with plans that are compatible with their fair share of that target. The uk is one of them. So clearly something has to happen. The last few months actually quite a lot has happened, sojoe biden has been elected and he says he will rejoin the paris the Paris Agreement and he wants the us to get on track to net zero by 2050. The eu is looking like it will go for net zero by 2050 as well. China said they will go for Carbon Neutrality by 2060. That massive commitment, plus a bit other from japan plus a bit other from japan and korea, change what you might call the promised landscape but it hasnt changed the action landscape at all and so really that is the big task over the next year, for the uk to work with its partners and see if they can get for countries, big emitters committing to tougher reductions over the next decade or so. Richard talking about the summit which is still ongoing. Talking about commitments, ireland is still in the eu and much of its Climate Change policy is down really, one of those areas in which the eu is very important for the 27 member states. No longerfor us which important for the 27 member states. No longer for us which is allowing the prime ministers to make some promises or at least make some commitments that arguably at the moment are a bit more ambitious than European Union has formally committed to although there are scientists we heard earlier from committed to although there are scientists we heard earlierfrom our environment analyst that following on from announcements that china has made the uk has made in the eu not looking in saying joe biden presidency in the United States there could be Significant Movement on the questions ahead next years some and glasgow. Lets move on to coronavirus. The governments latest coronavirus figures show there were 21,502 new infections recorded in the latest 24 hour period and that means the average number of new cases reported per day in the last week, is now 17,855. There were 1,497 people admitted to hospital on average every day in the week to friday, and 519 deaths were recorded of those whod died within 28 days of a positive covid 19 test. That means on average in the past week, 433 deaths were announced every day. In other coronavirus news. Community testing programmes are to be rolled out across 67 councils currently under tier 3 restrictions in england. More than 1. 6 million rapid turnaround tests will be provided, in an effort to cut infection rates. Pu bs, restau ra nts a nd cafes across much of central western scotland are reopening, after three weeks. But venues in 11 Council Areas still have to close by 6pm and cannot sell alcohol, under scottish level three restrictions. Waless health minister, vaughan gething, has warned the country faces an incredibly serious situation as infections continue to rise. He says the government may have to rescind the policy allowing families to mix over christmas, though hes acknowledged such a move could affect public trust in government. And us regulators have approved the Pfizer Biontech Coronavirus Vaccine for emergency use. President trump said the delivery of a safe and effective vaccine in nine months was a medical miracle. The first vaccine will be administered in less than 2a hours. The governors decide where the vaccines will go, in their state, and who will get them first. We want our senior citizens, Health Care Workers and First Responders to be first in line. This will quickly and dramatically reduce deaths and hospitalisations. The Us Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to overturn the Election Results which was backed by President Trump and more than 100 republican members of congress. The state of texas had filed a lawsuit arguing that Voting Results in the battleground states of georgia, michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin all won by president electjoe biden were invalid. But the court said texas didnt have a good reason to bring the case. In a tweet, mr trump accused the court of letting down his republican supporters, and showing neither wisdom or courage. Police in Weston Super Mare are appealing for information after the body of a newborn baby was found in a garden earlier today. Officers were called to victoria quadrantjust before 9am this morning after a member of the public found the body in a private garden. Police say they are extremely concerned for the welfare of childs mother and are making a direct appeal to her. The headlines on bbc news. One day left to secure a trade deal talks resume in brussels with both sides warning theyre unlikely to reach a post Brexit Agreement by tomorrows deadline. Borisjohnson has laid out his priorities in renewable energy, as World Leaders hold a virtual Climate Summit. The us regulator authorises the Pfizer Biontech Coronavirus Vaccine donald trump says itll be rolled out immediately. Reports from iran say the journalist ruhollah zam has been executed. He was accused of stirring up violence during Anti Government protests in 2017. Ruhollah zam, whose amad news feed had more than a million followers, had fled iran and been granted asylum in france. But last year the revolutionary guard said theyd seized him in iraq and taken him back to tehran. Indias prime minister, narendra modi, has assured angry farmers that reforms to the agricultural sector, will safeguard livelihoods. Tens of thousands of farmers have been holding protests on the outskirts of the capital, new delhi for the past two weeks, blocking roads and other key infrastructure. They fear the reforms will erode guaranteed prices for wheat and rice crops. Despite the pandemic, 2020 has seen a dramatic increase in palestinian homes demolished by the israeli authorities. Some 900 people lost their home the biggest number in years. Palestinians often build without permits in eastjerusalem and parts of the west bank under israeli patrol saying permits are almost impossible for them to get. Among the buildings still facing demolition orders there are many palestinian schools. Our middle east correspondent, yolande knell reports. Within seconds, a home is gone. And here, another. This has been a record year for israeli demolitions. With all the misery they bring. But in this bedouin village, theyre rebuilding. Last month, bulldozers arrived and more than 70 people had just ten minutes to grab what they could. Even the sheep lost their pens. This man believes israel wants to drive them out of the jordan valley, which palestinians want as part of their own independent state. Translation this turned our lives into hell. We had a two day old baby. Even that familys shelter was demolished. They spent a night under the rain, and its all because of the israeli occupation. This mother of three wont speak on camera, but tells me life is harder than ever. Its notjust people here. Hundreds of palestinians have lost their homes this year because the israeli Authorities Say they built illegally. And what they all have in common is that they live in areas that are especially sensitive in the israel palestinian conflict. The Israeli Military says this land is a firing range that it uses for training so its not safe for palestinians to live here. In another village we visit, there are tensions with nearbyjewish settlers. Its new school is the best chance local children have to study, and theyre keen learners. This class is about the struggle for palestinian statehood. But the school itself could soon be history. It has a demolition order, as it was built without an israeli permit. Translation we were worried about the future of the school from the start. But if we dwelled on that, wed never have made progress. We carried on so that we could give these children the chance of an education, which is a basic right. Many countries say destroying this school would violate international law. At its heart, the conflict here is overland. And so long as it is unresolved, palestinians and the most bitterly contested areas live with constant uncertainty. Lets get more now on the changes facing the uk when the brexit transition period runs out at the end of the year. From january the 1st, british citizens visiting any eu country or switzerland, norway, iceland and liechtenstein will face some changes. Our Consumer Affairs correspondent, sarah corker, answers some of the key questions about travelling to the continent. With the promise of mediterranean sunshine, spain and france have been the Top Destinations for millions of british holiday makers for decades but, from january, the rules on travelling to the eu will change, and thats thrown up lots of questions. If you are a tourist, you wont need a visa to travel to most eu countries, but there are limits on how long you can go for. You will be able to stay for up to 90 days in any rolling six month period, but it does all add up, so a Summer Holiday in greece followed by an autumn half term break in france will count towards your 90 day limit. You can still use this. Your current passport is valid as long as its less then ten years old and has six months left before it runs out. Travellers are also asking if it will cost more to use mobiles. Free roaming in the eu will officially end. The good news is that the noise being made from the top four providers is that they wont be imposing huge roaming charges, but i would always suggest you check with your provider before you go. And what about Health Insurance . Free medical treatment in the eu wont be guaranteed. From the 1st of january, travellers can no longer rely on the european Health Insurance card, which will make it more important than ever that they have full travel insurance when they venture to the eu and beyond. And how will people be able to take their pets on holiday . From 2021, eu pet passports will no longer be valid. The government has applied for Great Britain tojoin a shortlist of countries where cats, dogs and ferrets enter the eu in a similar way to now but, if the uk doesnt make that list, then the rules get more complicated and you may need to get a certificate from the vet. So, when beach holidays are back in 2021, british tourists will need to make sure they arent tripped up by the new rules. Sarah corker, bbc news. It should be a bumper time of year for taxi cabs in the uk but industry bodies say the sector is on the verge of collapse after business shrank to about a fifth of normal levels. The gmb union is calling on the chancellor to provide more help for self employed drivers. Our Business Correspondent katy austin has more. This is selfridges on the right. Ive started to do christmas light tours. This london cab driver is trying to salvage something from what she sees as her worst fear. Pubs, restaurants, nightclubs all closed. Festivals. Even people going to work, we dont even have that as people working from home so that was bad as well. We only had supermarkets and hospitals to hang around to try to get work. We only had supermarkets and hospitals to hang around to try to get work. She has had a self employment grant but still had to take a job at a supermarket. We have the brand new electric taxi which is costing me a lot of money. We got it during lockdown time having to work several days a week, in the supermarket and my taxi were, just to make ends meet. Its notjust cabbies in london suffering from a huge block in business, it is a national problem. Here in reading, theyve also had a tough time. Normally at this time, it would be very busy with commuters in this year we wont have that. We will not have christmas eve, new years eve. Its thought only around a fifth will have taken delivery jobs instead. He says they need more help to make up he says they need more help to make upfor he says they need more help to make up for the lost earnings. Taxi drivers in reading, we are going to have to change our cabs at some point. There shouldnt be made any made available. There should be money made available. The National Private hire and Taxi Association says last year more than half a Million People were working in the industry across england, scotland and wales. Of those, 90 were self employed. It estimates the sector lost 85 Million Pounds a week during the First National lockdown. One Industry Group worries many drivers will be forced out for good, leaving vulnerable customers with fewer options. The National Private hire and Taxi Association says last year more it really is such an important and integral part of infrastructure. Without it, you will have ghost towns around the uk. Taxi businesses as well as individual drivers are also suffering. This private hire firm a few miles from Reading Station is struggling. Right now should be the busiest time of year, you know, evenings, really booked out with the parties, they are not going anywhere, to be honest. He says he couldnt get a cash grant for the business. To keep up the rent and the licensing fee, we did have to sell quite a few cars to make up the difference. A Government Spokesperson said a generous and wide ranging package of support had been provided, including for the taxi sector. As it said as well as grants for the self employed, there were loans, tax deferrals, and mortgage holidays. Drivers like dale are trying to stay optimistic, hoping theirfortunes will turn around. Katie aston, bbc news. Now its time for a look at the weather with nick miller. Hello, its looking drier, clearer for a time overnight, with a touch of frost and a few fog patches around but there is another weather system coming in that is going to give us some rain for part two of the weekend tomorrow. And still through this evening and into tonight, north east Scotland Holding on to some showery rain, whereas elsewhere, you can see the clearer weather for a time, allowing temperatures to fall close to freezing, but temperatures heading up in the west as the night goes on, some rain arriving in northern ireland, wales, and south west england, and with that, there will be a freshening wind as well. All of that pushes its way north and east across the uk tomorrow so well all see some rain at some stage of the day. There will be a few heavier bursts around as well. Northern ireland brightening up a bit in the afternoon but there will be further heavy showers to come here, and it will be a windier day across the uk. These are average speeds, gusts of up to around a0 mph, nearer 50 on some exposed coasts. Still feeling quite chilly in parts of scotland and north east england, whereas elsewhere it will be turning milder. Thats it, bye bye. Hello, this is bbc news with shaun ley. The headlines. Talks between the eu and the uk have continued in brussels, with both sides warning theyre unlikely to reach a post Brexit Agreement

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