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Because boris cummings, because Boris Johnson stands by his friends. I am disappointed, in this instance, because i think it is for the country and the administration a bad decision. Do you believe that a line has been drawn under the matter now . Ifear has been drawn under the matter now . I fear not. People has been drawn under the matter now . Ifear not. People have has been drawn under the matter now . I fear not. People have said to me, well, what are you going to do now question about the answer is, in short order, i will probably go away and shut up. But me shutting up will not be the end of the story because there is probably more to emerge. And so many people have expressed their concern about the manner in which mrcummings their concern about the manner in which mr cummings not only behave, admittedly in the interest of his son which is understandable, but the way he flouted his own rules. There are thousands of people all over the country who have had childcare problems, and i think a lot of people are going to find it very ha rd to people are going to find it very hard to believe that given the size of the city of london and the number of the city of london and the number of people there it was impossible for of people there it was impossible foercummings and his of people there it was impossible for mr cummings and his wife to make arrangements domestically to have their child looked after if necessary. Beyond mr cummings, is there the potential fear that there might be people out there who will see or believe that they see loopholes within the restrictions in order to flout the lockdown . Well, i think we are now coming to the end of the heavy lockdown anyway and people are just of the heavy lockdown anyway and people arejust going of the heavy lockdown anyway and people are just going to take more chances, and the last thing any of us chances, and the last thing any of us want, any of us, is to see a resurgence of the disease. We have not been through all this pain and anguish or the economic grief or personal grief to throw it all away, to see another spike in a couple of months time. Thats not what weve been working for. Weve been working to try and put this behind us and move forward. And in a sense, the decision thats been taken today doesnt help us move forward. Labour are calling for an enquiry, from the head of the cabinet office. Would that be an appropriate way forward . Im not interested in enquiries. They are a way of kicking things into touch, im afraid. What is needed is swift action of the right kind. Somehow this cabinet has now got to pull itself together and move forward , got to pull itself together and move forward, and i think that is going to be harder, given the circumstances they now face. Do you believe that this undermines the credibility of the governments message to the public in the middle of this pandemic . Well, speaking as a seaside member of parliament who has spent two weeks telling people, please, dont come to the seaside because were not ready and the time is not right because i want a long Summer Season starting in probably mid july, for me to get that message across now is well nigh impossible. All right, we will leave it there. Roger gale, mp, for joining all right, we will leave it there. Roger gale, mp, forjoining us. Lets have a look at the main points from that Coronavirus Briefing from the government, led today by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, for the First Time Since the 11th of may. The Prime Minister announced that the latest uk death toll stands at 36,793 in all settings, an increase of 118 in the last 24 hour period. As weve been hearing, he defended his chief advisor, Dominic Cummings, amid allegations he broke lockdown rules. Mrjohnson said his advisor acted responsibly, legally and with integrity. The Prime Minister also confirmed the phased opening of schools on june ist first to reception, year i and year 6 pupils, with some secondary schools opening on june 15th for year 10 and year 12 pupils. Lets listen to what the Prime Minister said on the opening of schools. Two weeks ago, i set out the governments road map to begin easing the measures we put in place to control the spread of coronavirus. I said that we would do so in a safe and controlled way, based on our assessment of progress against the five tests we set for adjusting the lockdown. Were going to set up that assessment in detail in the coming days but, today, i can confirm that i do believe we will be in a position to move to step two of our plan. As part of step two, we set out plans for a phased reopening of schools. Because the education of our children is crucial for their welfare, their health, for their long term future and for social justice. And so, in line with the approach being taken in many other countries, we want to start getting our children back into the classroom in a way that is as manageable and as safe as possible. So, we said we would begin with early years settings and reception, year one and year six in primary schools. Early years, reception, year one and year six. And today, i can announce that it is our intention to go ahead with that, as planned, onjune1st, a week on monday. We then intend, from june 15th, for secondary schools to provide some contact for year ten and year 12 students to help them prepare for exams next year, with up to a quarter of these students in at any point. By opening schools to more pupils in this limited way, were taking a deliberately cautious approach, and this comes after a constructive period of consultation with schools, teachers and unions, led by the education secretary, gavin williamson. I want to thank all the teachers, education, childcare staff who have stepped up to the challenge and kept schools open throughout this crisis. The department for education will engage with teaching unions, local authorities and School Leaders in the coming days, giving them an opportunity to ask questions and probe the evidence behind these plans. And the final decision will be taken as part of the formal review into lockdown measures which the law requires us to undertake by thursday. We will, of course, continue to consider all the evidence, as we said we would do, and we will continue to work hard with those bodies over the course of the coming week. But i think it is important for us to be clear about the governments intentions now, so that teachers and parents can plan in earnest for schools to reopen a week on monday. Now, i acknowledge that a june 1st opening may not be possible for all schools, but the government will continue to support and work with the sector to ensure that any schools experiencing difficulties are able to open more widely as soon as possible. Detailed guidance has been published by the department for education on how schools can open in a way that is safe for children, teachers and parents. While, of course, we recognise that full social distancing may not be possible, especially when teaching young children, our guidance sets out a range of protective measures to keep children and staff safe. This includes. Reducing the size of classes and keeping children in small groups, without mixing with others. Staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups. Increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the use of shared items and utilising outdoor space. All children, and staff, and their families will have access to testing if they display symptoms, and this will enable children and staff to get back to school if they test negative. And if they test positive, we will take the appropriate reactive measures. We will continue to work with the sector to support them to prepare for wider opening and ensure all children and young people can continue to receive the best care, education and training possible. The Prime Minister talking about some schools opening, primary schools, on june 1st. Some schools opening, primary schools, onjune1st. We have had a response from the uk Civil Service official twitter feed to the comments from the Prime Minister. Defending the actions of Dominic Cummings. We understand that tweet has now been taken down, but that was posted on the uk Civil Service official twitter feed, arrogant and offensive, in response to that Coronavirus Briefing where Dominic Cummings was fulsomely defended by the Prime Minister. Can you imagine having to work with these treat twisters . That tweet has now been taken down. And we have had reaction from the labour party and their leader, sir keir starmer. He says that on borisjohnsons advisor Dominic Cummings that this was a test of the Prime Minister and he has failed it. He made it clear that he believes and the labour party believes that the cabinet secretary must now launch an urgent inquiry into the actions of Dominic Cummings in breaking the lockdown. So that comment coming in from the leader of the Labour Party Sir keir starmer saying the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, had a test in front of him today and he failed it and that they should be an inquiry by the cabinet secretary looking into the actions of Dominic Cummings. The Prime Minister continued to defend Dominic Cummings responding to a question from the bbcs Political Correspondent iain watson. Conservative mps have got in touch with us today Prime Minister because they say lots of their constituents are angry, they feel that allowing somebody who is already ill to travel 250 miles across the country breaches at least the spirit of your guidance, hand on heart, can you really say this didnt breach the spirit of your guidance . When were you told that Dominic Cummings was making this trip . And did you approve that trip . And can i ask another questionjust in approve that trip . And can i ask another question just in case i approve that trip . And can i ask another questionjust in case i get muted again, and that is this. You said that some of the stories in the press we re said that some of the stories in the press were palpably untrue. Can you clear up 1s glory which your ministers and indeed your press officers have not been able to clear up, did Dominic Cummings make a trip to Barnard Castle in april when he was isolating, or at least was based in durham . Right, well, what i can tell you is that i think when you look at the guidance, when you look at the particular Child Care Needs that mrcummings at the particular Child Care Needs that mr cummings faced at the time, it was reasonable for him to self isolate, as he did, for 1h days or more with his family where he did. Andi or more with his family where he did. And i think that was sensible and defensible, and i understand it. And as for all the other allegations, you know, again, ijust repeat what i said earlier on. I have looked at them carefully and i am content that at all times throughout his period in isolation, actually, on both sides of that period, he behaved responsibly and correctly and with an aim, with a view to defeating the virus and stopping the spread. But some conservative mps are saying, Prime Minister, that this defence that Dominic Cummings behaved responsibly, many of their constituents are angry about that. They say it was irresponsible in breaching guidelines. They feel insulted by that. So what would you like to say to their constituents because that is the postbag coming in. Their constituents are put out at that kind of language. In. Their constituents are put out at that kind of languagelj understand at that kind of language. understand that. I think one of the reasons it is so important and one reasons it is so important and one reason i was so determined to come and talk to everybody about this is because i can totally get why people might feel so confused and, as you say, so offended by the idea that it was one thing for people here and another thing for us. But really, having looked at what happened, having looked at what happened, having looked at his intentions and what he was trying to do for the good of his family, i really think most people will understand what he was doing. And above all, what he did, if you look at the measures that he took, they were designed to stop the spread of the virus. And i think that he at all times, as i say, behaved responsibly and legally. Though i perfectly accept the point that you make and that is why it is so important, that is why i wanted to come out and make these points this afternoon. The Prime Minister responding to a question from ian watson. Lets go to number 10. To talk to our Political Correspondent. Nick eardley has been listening to the briefing and special advisor Dominic Cummings has been there for much of the afternoon. And we know that he has actually just left. And afternoon. And we know that he has actuallyjust left. And he did that well you are out there, did he say anything . Not a word. He isjust driving down downing street. He came out the front door, his car has been parked there for the last six hours or so parked there for the last six hours orso and he parked there for the last six hours or so and he hasjust left parked there for the last six hours or so and he has just left for the evening with a big endorsement from the Prime Minister over the last couple of hours really. That question all day of whether Boris Johnson would come out fighting for his chief adviser, and he did in that press conference, quite frankly. And downing street, i think, has made the calculation this afternoon that either people will understand mr cummingss reasons for driving to durham when lockdown was in place because he needed, he says, to find child, or that people frankly wont care. They will see this as a bit of a westminster story, a bit of a political point scoring and hope it goes away. Got to say, little sign that is happening just now. We have been hearing on the programme tory mps are still extremely uncomfortable with the decision the Prime Minister has taken. We know that the labour party and the snp are less than impressed. They are still calling on the cabinet secretary sir mark sedwill to look into this. And i suspect mrjohnson has left quite a few u na nswered suspect mrjohnson has left quite a few Unanswered Questions. This story will continue to roll on. There are still questions to be answered, that are no signs of them going away. Thank you, nick eardley, at downing street. Lets speak now to Tim Montgomerie, a prominent conservative commentator. Thank you for being with us, a lot of people including nick eardley our Political Correspondent talking about a lot of Unanswered Questions about a lot of Unanswered Questions about this, do you think Prime Minister has in any way shape or form but the story to bed, given his categorical defence of mr cummings . I think he has put it to bed in the extent he has put his Prime Ministerial authority on the line and he will not retreat in his support for his adviser. But there is an issue that i think will burn away at the heart of Public Confidence in this government and i think he has put a match under it. All of us, most of us, have made considerable sacrifices over the lockdown period not to be close to relatives who might be in need, not to help people who we would normally instinctively wants to help. And the Prime Ministers message tonight that the behaviour of Dominic Cummings was defensible because he followed his instincts, if all of us followed his instincts, if all of us followed our instincts, they would have crashed through the rules set by the government and it is this distinction between following rules and instincts that will really upset people today. It is the case that it is one rule for an adviser to the Prime Minister and a different rule for everyone else. And i am really disappointed as a conservative supporter of Boris Johnson to disappointed as a conservative supporter of borisjohnson to have seen someone i really believed in send such a disappointing message to the country. So you think, is a prominent commentator on the conservative party and so fourth, that he should have been fired by mr johnson . He should have been fired 24 johnson . He should have been fired 2a hours ago. The complete hypocrisy of setting rules which you do not then follow, 68 of people, according to an opinion poll, said they thought the Prime Ministers advisor Dominic Cummings had broken the rules. We are in the middle of something which we are told by government is a very dangerous pandemic. It is vital that when the government is issuing rules in such an environment that people have confidence in what the government is saying. And i think the government has completely undermined confidence in its own messages by excusing Dominic Cummingss behaviour in the way the Prime Minister did at the press co nfe re nce way the Prime Minister did at the press conference this evening. Do you think this undermines the governments credibility notjust in terms of the pandemic, but in moving forward , terms of the pandemic, but in moving forward, if it is possible because of this pandemic frankly, in its legislative agenda, its ideas on where the country should be going . Well, this is what upsets me in lots of ways, as a conservative, the general election victory that Boris Johnson masterminded last december was a real high for me as a conservative. As a brexit supporter. I was really said what hopeful that this government would really live up to the promises that it made and that it would fulfil the trust that a large number of these people placed in it for the first time, but equally from the north of england. And that the government can be quite so cavalier with its promises, that is dangerous. Thank you for that, tim montgomery, sorry to cut you off. That is it for this is bbc news special, stay with us, goodbye for now. Good evening. Two people have tested positive for covid 19 after the latest round of tests in the premier league. The championship has also completed its first testing programme, over 1000 taken with just cases detected, both at hull. One of the premier league positives is a bournemouth player. The club wont confirm his identity and the second person isnt yet known. Six positives were recorded in the premier leagues first round of testing. Players, coaches and staff are being tested twice a week. Later this evening we should hear from la liga president on their exact timetable for a return to action. Spains Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has already given the go ahead for matches to resume from june the 8th. Lionel messis barcelona are top just two points clear of real madrid. There are 11 matches left in their season and clubs are heading into their third week of full training since lockdown. Former la liga and premier league playerjose enrique told me he thinks the risk to footballers is minimal and its right for the sport to return. The players have been in the most safest place in the training ground. It felt so safe. If you dont feel safe, it is fair enough as well. Iam going i am going to the supermarket every day, now we are allowed in spain. Really, everything is moving so why shouldnt football be moving . The second round of matches since the restart in the German Bundesliga is almost complete. The weekends final game is ionto the second half relegation threatened dusseldorf are winning1 0 at cologne. Are winning 2 0 at cologne. Earlier, timo werner scored a hat trick as rb leipzig thrashed mainz 5 0 to move upto third behind Bayern Munich and borussia dortmund. And the pressure is mounting on former huddersfield boss david wagner after his schalke side lost 3 0 to augsburg. Its Mental Health Awareness Week and over the past few days weve heard from many sports stars. The england and everton defender Michael Keane has told us how injuries and poorform affected him and how he looked for help. I was feeling really down and didnt want to go out, see anyone, i felt a bit embarrassed with how things were going on the pitch. I didnt want to be seen anywhere or do anything. I was keeping it in for a long time trying to turn things around, working hard and trying to turn things around on the football pitch, but in the end, it got on top of me. I was basically in tears with my family and telling them how i felt. That was a breakthrough moment where i got to my rock bottom at the time, and from there on, i have got better and better with the help of my family, friends, and starting to speak to a sports psychologist, which i still do now. Just to try and keep on top of it. Those things added together just really helped. The french open was due to start today, Officials Say theyre still hopeful of being able to stage the tournament this autumn. No sporting events can take place until at least september in france. Andy murray has already said hed definitely play at roland garros, if it were to go ahead later in the year. The third fight between boxing heavyweight World Champion tyson fury and Deontay Wilder will go ahead this year. The original date for the trilogy injuly was put back due to the pandemic. It was set to be in las vegas but co promoter bob arum says theyre now looking at china or australia as options for the bout. The nba have been looking at ways to resume their season, its complex because different states have different lockdown restrictions but disney world could offer a solution. The nba is in talks with the theme park bosses in orlando, to start matches again in latejuly, at their wide world of sports complex. Players would also be based at the resort. The season has been on hold since the 11th of march. It would require teams in various cities to open up. You know, for instance, in washington, dc, restrictions would have to be lifted and then the wizards would come to washington. There would be a two week quarantine for teens. All of this could change but they could bea of this could change but they could be a two week quarantine for teens in their home facility and then they would all head to orlando. It seems odd, but they have got the room for it, it is a 220 acre facility, three arenas and a number of hotels. Theres another Charity Golf Event in the us later, as some of the biggest names in golf and the nfl face off in tampa bay, florida. Tiger woods will be back on the course for the first time in over three months as he teams up with retired quarterback peyton manning to take on Phil Michelson and six time super bowl winner tom brady. They are looking to raise at least 10 million for covid 19 relief efforts. Thats all the sport for now. Lets have a look at the main points from that Coronavirus Briefing from the government, led today by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson for the First Time Since the 11th of may. As weve been hearing, the Prime Minister defended his chief adviser Dominic Cummings, amid allegations he broke lockdown rules. And with integrity. The Prime Minister also confirmed the phased opening of schools onjune 1st, first to reception, year one and year six pupils, with some secondary schools opening on june 15th for year ten year 12 pupils. Boris johnson also announced the latest uk death toll stands at 36,793 in all settings, an increase of 118 in the last 2a hour period. A few minutes ago, the conservative mp sir roger gale said he had expected the Prime Minister to act as he did, but he told my colleague clive myrie that he was disappointed with borisjohnsons actions. Iam not i am not entirely surprised that he has stood by mr cummings, because borisjohnson has stood by mr cummings, because Boris Johnson stands has stood by mr cummings, because borisjohnson stands by his friends. But i am disappointed, in this insta nce but i am disappointed, in this instance because i think it is for the country and for the administration, a bad decision. Do you believe a line has been drawn under this matter now . you believe a line has been drawn under this matter now . I fear not. People have said to me, what are you going to do now . The answer is, i shall probably go away and shut up. Let me shutting up is not going to be the end of the story, because there is probably more to emerge and so many people have expressed their concern about the manner in which mr cummings, not only behaved in the interests of his son, which is understandable, but in the way that he flouted his own rules. There are thousands of people all over the country who have had childcare problems. A lot of people are going to find it hard to believe given the size of the city of london and the number of people there it was impossible for mr cummings and his wife to make arrangements domestically to have their child looked after if necessary. Beyond mr cummings, is the potentialfear that there might be people out there who will see or believe they see polls within the restrictions in order to flout the lockdown . Loopholes. Within the restrictions in order to flout the lockdown . Loopholes. We are coming to the end of the heavy lockdown anyway and people are going to ta ke lockdown anyway and people are going to take more chances. The last thing any of us once, any of us is to see any of us once, any of us is to see a resurgence of the disease. We havent been to all this pain, all this anguish, all the economic brief, the personal grief to throw it away and see another spike in a couple of months. That is not we have been working for. We have been working to move forward and put this behind us. The decision taken today does not help us move forward. Labour are calling for an enquiry from the head of the cabinet office. Would that be an appropriate way forward . Would that be an appropriate way forward . I am not interested in enquiries, enquiries are a way of kicking things into touch, i am afraid. What is needed is swift action of the right kind. Somehow, this cabinet has now got to pull itself together and move forward. And i think that is going to be harder, given the circumstances they now face. Do you believe this undermines the credibility of the governments message to the public in the middle of this pandemic . Speaking as a seaside member of parliament who has spent two weeks telling people, please dont come to the seaside because we are not ready for you and the time is not right, because i want a long Summer Season starting probably in mid july. For me to get that message across and now is almost impossible. The conservative commentator Tim Montgomerie told clive myrie that the Prime Ministers move was a huge risk. I think he has put it to bed to the extent he has put its Prime Ministerial party on the line, he is not going to retreat from his support for his adviser. This will burn away and he has probably put a match under it. Most of us have made considerable sacrifices over the lockdown period. Not to be close to relatives who might be in need, not to help people who we would normally and instinctively want to help on the Prime Ministers message tonight, Dominic Cummings behaviour was defensible because he was following instincts. Well, if all of us following instincts. Well, if all of us had followed our instincts we would have crashed through the rule set by the government. It is this distinction between following rules and following instincts that will really u pset and following instincts that will really upset people. It is the case that it really upset people. It is the case thatitis really upset people. It is the case that it is one rule for an adviser to the Prime Minister and the different rule for everyone else. I am really disappointed, as a conservative supporter and Boris Johnson, to see someone i really believed in send such a disappointing message to the country. So you think, as a prominent commentator on the conservative party and so forth, that he should have been fired by mr johnson . He should have been fired 24 johnson . He should have been fired 2a hours ago, clive. The complete hypocrisy of setting rules

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