Brother of the Manchester Arena we look at how bad it really is, bomber, is equally guilty back now to our main story, as the who attempts to reassure its the outcome of an independent of the murder of the 22 people, inquiry, which found that hundreds not that easy to catch. Who died in the attack. Of patients, treated by a breast surgeon in the West Midlands, and a ban on the sale were let down over many years, of new petrol and diesel cars the virus is transmitted through by numerous failures in the uk is to be brought forward by individuals and organisations. Ian paterson, who practised droplets and you need close contact by 5 years to 2035. In the nhs and privately, to act to be infected. Was convicted of 20 counts britains government brings forward the generation thats never known life without the internet the ban on sales of petrol, of wounding patients in 2017, diesel and now even hybrid cars, to 2035 thats just and jailed for 20 years. Fifteen years from now. We look at how feasible that is. Among the hospitals where paterson half of all ten years olds has carried out his crimes were two a smartphone in the birmingham suburbs run by the healthcare group, spire. Our Health Correspondent Sophie Hutchinson has been speaking to its chief executive, justin ash. So we apologise to victims that when spire, when paterson was practising at that time, we didnt catch his crimes sooner. Good evening. He misled his patients a rogue surgeon in the midlands was allowed to get and he misled his colleagues away with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of botched or unnecessary breast but we have changed. Operations because a dysfunctional he stopped practising in 2011 Health System turned and today our over sighted a blind eye to his crimes. Consultants and our focus on patient an inquiry has found that opportunities to stop ian paterson safety is much more robust. Were missed because of a culture of denial and avoidance among staff what about things like at nhs and private hospitals. Appraisals for example . As a result, five Health Multidisciplinary Team Meetings where you have professionals have been referred a whole range of experts . To their regulatory bodies. Even today, the inquiry West Midlands police are looking said that these were at another employee, still not good enough. They had heard from witnesses and the inquiry is recommending that they werent being carried out that the cases of more in a meaningful way. Than 11 thousand other patients that the appraisals should now be reassessed. Were a tick box exercise, some of the witnesses said. Sian lloyd has more. So today i can assure patients that we are rigorous in making sure their lives have been changed these appraisals are in place for ever by ian paterson. And if a consultant should go one many of these women were told day beyond where the appraisal they had cancer when they didnt is needed, we suspend them. And underwent needless operations. When it comes to multidisciplinary others were subjected to untested teams, every single cancer diagnosis has to go through one. Surgical techniques. They had campaigned for this independent inquiry, and we regulate centrally to be which has found they had been assured that that is the case. Failed by the Health Care System at every level. It is an important safeguard this was important to me. And it is one i am confident this was important, for the people is in place today at our hospitals. That have died to be heard, because without any exaggeration, there are so many and what about this, unnecessary deaths. That you allowed paterson to undertake operations what people fail to realise is, that he wasnt necessarily this guy is another shipman, capable of performing. And you start looking it said here, if the consultant at the stats in this report, you will understand why. Wishes to carry out a procedure ian paterson had treated which is not provided in the nhs, thousands of patients. We were told that in some cases concerns had been raised about him they are asked to provide evidence in 2003, but he continued of their ability to practice to practise, both in the nhs and the independent at your hospitals. Sector, until 2012. But sometimes this didnt appear to be applied at all. He had moved between hospitals in the West Midlands are you still going to allow without criticism being shared between the places doctors to practice where he had worked. Two years ago, he was found guilty operations that they are not ina criminal court, necessarily capable of . And his sentence for wounding later scope of practice is a fundamental safeguard in health care. Increased from 15 to 20 years. Today, we have rigorous cross checks on scope of practice. Today, the man who chaired this we also accept the recommendations inquiry said opportunities to stop that the whole sector paterson had been repeatedly missed. Nhs, independent sector my report sets out what can only be and regulators have to share more described as wilful blindness in relation to patersons behaviour information about consultants. And aberrant clinical practice. So we can be assured that the information we have colleagues avoided is up to date and accurate. Or worked around him. Some could have known, others should have known, and a few must have known. His report makes 15 recommendations, some more of the other including automatic suspension days news now. If a person is investigated a pedestrian has died after being hit by an unmarked and patients are considered at risk, police car in cheshire. The man died at the scene and that the information is passed of the crash in warrington, which happened shortly after seven on to their other places of work, oclock yesterday evening. Cheshire police said the incident had been referred creating a database where patients to the independent office for police can check a consultants previous performance, conduct. And making Patient Safety a top several streets in Central London have been cordoned off priority across current regulation. For a second time in twenty four hours, after an unexploded world world two bomb was found. I think ijust hated him from that minute, knowing that somebody Scotland Yard confirmed that another in his position could be part of the ordnance had been found on tuesday, so devious and nasty. Prompting the evacuation of buildings in soho. Ian paterson subjected judy to 23 for the first time in its 33 year operations she didnt need. History in the uk ikea has she cant understand how confirmed plans to shut one of its large uk stores. He got away with it. More than 350 jobs are expected to go at the Coventry Branch if somebody had taken notice when they reported mr paterson, of the Swedish Furniture so many people could have been and Home Improvement giant. Spared what he put them through, the store had opened in 2007 but theyjust let him carry on. In a highly regulated sector, it was said supervisors appeared and cost 35 Million Pounds to build. To be waiting for someone else to act. The nhs trust where paterson it was a night of chaos, worked said it supports confusion and embarassment in the us state of iowa as the process the recommendations, of choosing a democratic candidate and Spire Health Care accepted to fight donald trump that it had missed opportunities. For the presidency in we should have caught him sooner. November got underway. We have changed. Spire is changed. Results from the Iowa Caucuses have weve got much Better Regulation been delayed for hours of consultants today. After an app designed to collate the figures failed. The consequences of the crimes when officials tried of this once respected to phone in the figures, the lines became jammed. Surgeon continue to be felt 0ur correspondent Chris Buckler by the patients he harmed. Reports from the state capital des moines. The findings of this report could be important for the future care of patients. Sian lloyd, bbc news, birmingham. For the democrats in each of the candidates this was meant to be a earlier we asked our Health Editor hugh pym, could this happen again . Big night. The caucus seems a moment to secure up momentum in the battle we certainly learned more about the devastating scale of the scandal. To secure up momentum in the battle to become the partys candidate. But more than 1000 patients have seen affected in some way by the there was nothing there because there was nothing there because there were no results. Let me begin malpractice of the rogue surgeon. Review says it was about a lot by stating thatjen, have a strong more than that as well. Utterly dysfunctional Health System, and private, that was less than a decade feeling that at some point the ago, so what has happened since . Results will be announced. And when inquiry chair, Bishop Graham james, says, yes improvements have been made, but he says, with all those results are announced i have a the regulators that are now paired with a budget collectively of half good feeling we are going to be a billiob pounds a year, doing very, very well. Simply did he has not totally convinced that they really have Patient Safety at the heart of what they do. Not know all of the results. But we he says, they took evidence from some clinicians, who said, yes this could happen once again. Know, by the time it is all said and now i spoke to one a short done, ill let you have shocked the time ago who said, yes, this system was safer but more work was needed. More work was needed to join up the work of nation be voting systems used is different regulators to share complicated. Members gathering information and to do more in terms places like schools and publicly of oversights, to try to ensure that a another rogue surgeon doesnt slip through the net again. Declare their support. There are two ways of noting that the technology lets speak now to is to report the results means that judith eva, who was twice subjected to unnecessary none were released. I am glad it is operations by ian paterson. Known as eight flyover state, right in the middle of an era, and its thanks so much forjoining us. You snow covered streets are far away are first referred to him after from the influential cities on the east and west coasts. But for months finding a lump in one of your breast injune 2000. Democrats are hoping to become the finding a lump in one of your breast in june 2000. I found a lump in my nominee have been travelling here, right breast and went to see my gp because this is the first by state who referred me to mr patterson by state contest to select a saying he was marvellous and he candidate, a good result here is a would look after me. He had all the chance to be an early front runner. Recommendations. I went to see him no results were able to see results cannot be privately, he seemed a very charming man, he was very sympathetic, very caring, so it seemed at the time. He i had ihada examined me, i had the mammograms i had a message for every american, and everything else. And he said yes our union is stronger than donald trump. Candidates might want have to, there was a lump there and it been taken to the stage but not have needed to be removed. I went ahead been taken to the stage but not have been able to get a victory speech. And had the surgery and two years later, i found another lump their support are heading home without knowing the results of this and had the surgery and two years later, ifound another lump in the same breast, went back to see him, caucus. Space night has been a huge he said it was more sinister and embarrassment for the democratic party. Bbc knows, deadline. Needed operating straightaway. So that operation took place as well. Bbc knows, deadline. 0ur north america correspondent it was only later when he came to nick bryant gave us this update. Court and the trial began in 2017. I chance on caucus night. An anticlimax and the bizarre spectacle last night of candidates, all of contacted spier because i had moved them appearing on stage and away from the area. They had to i delivering what sounded like a victory speech is. One candidate went back to the hospital, i think made a specific claim victory, it was january 2017, i saw another people have said he is the former breast surgeon who examined me. He mayor of the first openly gay looked at all my notes and went back to see him again about a week later. Occu pa nt of mayor of the first openly gay occupant of the white house. Mary he went there my notes and all i had pete. He is claiming victory and i think they have been members internally that show they are on was assists in my breast. Cysts. Course to the delegate camp. We did not think the former president joe biden, nationalfront not think the former president joe biden, National Front runner not think the former president joe biden, nationalfront runner has sorry to interrupt but what did he done very well. Tellingly, his say to you about the nature of the campaign has already been a credit lumps . He said this could be party and cast aspersions on these cancerous, it needs removing, and when i had the second lump, it was a results asking can they be trusted . Which suggests that they are very sinister type of lump and he anticipating bad knees with the results come out to many cunning had to look into it he said. That really gave me a lot of worry, i had hours. There has been talk of a legal challenge that the road to the white house, the very First Contact to early teenage children, 13 and 15 at the time. My mother was ill and that the nation could already cover your through the courts. What they it was just a very hard time for me did a kratz party is saying a lot, because, well, i didnt want to have cancer at that time in my life. Im these results cant be trusted. It was not an error in voting, it was sure everybody could understand an error in reporting is these that. When you found out 17 years results cant be trusted. It was not an error in voting, it was an error in reporting those will finally later, you didnt need to have these figure out who has one. The first operations, what went through your mind . I felt angry to start with. I nation caucus. The first nation caucus. Staying in the United States had a quite a pot of illnesses in my and later tonight President Trump will deliver his annual state of the union address. Life and i felt these were two but the president is still on trial for abuse of power. Operations i didnt need. Quite a hell be addressing the same people who impeached him seven weeks ago and the same people who he hopes lot. I felt a will acquit him tomorrow. Operations i didnt need. Quite a lot. Ifelt a bit operations i didnt need. Quite a lot. I felt a bit sad as well, i our news correspondentjane 0brien felt sad for all the other ladies is in washington she said that the main theme this is happened to. I really of Donald Trumps state of the union speech is likely to be the strength couldnt believe what had gone on and it took me back again, to the of the us economy. Timei and it took me back again, to the time i was operated on. Because you this will be donalds timess third are effectively misled into having operations you didnt need . Yes, address. All of that had been shot at bike drama, the circumstance it thats the top and bottom of it. I thought this is cancer, ive got to tonight will be extraordinary. Donald trump will be standing in the get rid of it, hopefully ill be all Burial Chamber back seven weeks ago they voted to impeach him. On the right. At the time i thought mr was eve of the vote can be said that, wonderful because i went back to the consultations after the operations they are expected to attend. Whether and they told me i was ok. He did he will mention impeachment open actually keep seeing me every six question. At that moment there are months under the private scheme, no plans at this being trump who knows what he might end up saying just to check everything was all it. The main speech is a great right, that i didnt have any further operations, thank goodness. American comeback. He will be focusing on the economy which is a strong point. He has strong jobs what are your feelings towards this growth and reconcile our planet. He person who at best, misdiagnosed will be talking about a strong you . I really feel hes a very evil america Strong Border authority, person to have done this, notjust more protections for freedom to me but to everybody. It was america Strong Border authority, more protections forfreedom of religion. Against all about is the backdrop of impeachment. This is a probably for greed, he probably wa nted probably for greed, he probably wanted all their money as well, but president who will be broadcasting im sure he had a good lifestyle to the nation, an audience of millions around the country, with anyway. I dont see extra money that blot of impeachment right coming in when he was getting it there. Of course he will be using from such awful circumstances. I do that platform to talk about the good things but not least to launch his think it isjust election campaign. From such awful circumstances. I do think it is just very, very evil thing to do. The findings today are also very critically persistent that enabled that mr patterson to carry mps are calling on the government to help parents out these operations. What do you whose children were stillborn before the 1980s. Think of the report today . until thirty years ago, many of those parents had their babies removed out these operations. What do you think of the report today . I havent read all the report yet, ive seen without being given the chance the main items on it. It looks like to say goodbye and werent told where their children were buried. Now a Cross Party Group is pressing theres still quite a ways to go the government to make amends. Before everything is more secure in 0ur education and the system. I think the idea of family correspondent every my parent represents a lost having Team Meetings before you do the operations and everybody being baby. Taking away from their parents involved, because im sure some after a miscarriage or stillbirth, people who were working with him or decades adult. Most of their perhaps not with him, must have been a little bit suspicious that some of families no idea where they are. Why these things would need to happen. We have to leave it there, thank you did not hold him . I looked at hand and it was too late. He had gone. 40 so we have to leave it there, thank you so muchjudith. British nationals living in china yea rs and it was too late. He had gone. 40 years ago her child was born a have been advised to leave stillborn. She never saw him. All i the country if they can because of the risk posed by coronavirus. The number of cases is thought to be saw was a priest, he was told that doubling every few days he would have a proper burial. The but the World Health Organisation says it still does not amount to a pandemic. Next morning i was ready to go home. John sudworth reports from beijing. I always wished i knew where he in wuhan, theyve turned would be so i could go to a grave. A stadium into a hospital, state media using images like these click leaving the body was practised to reinforce a message, chinas getting things under control. To prevent trauma. Thousands of but the deserted airports family did not get a chance to say and cancelled flights show goodbye. Paulette drank chased her its fear that seems to be winning. Now the uk, along with germany, france and new zealand are 20 after nine hours piecing to get a advising those who can to leave. Its prompted some to try to bring hold of record she realised her their flights forward. Experience could help other families the british governments that she now does it for free in advice has not really experience could help other families that she now does it forfree in her spare time. Thank you so much for been that helpful because you cant just take a flight out, you know, if finding my baby after 48 years. We the flights arent there, they are not available if you cant get have traced over a bed baby. 1935 to through to the airline. What about you, lydia . Be 90s. It was a very different did it add to your sense of worry when you hear governments time. We have our families where the telling people to get out if they can . Mother was literally told her baby yeah, i mean the biggest worry died and told to stop crying. Her was always that the city would get locked down because we were in the second worst providence after hubei. Yeah, work finding that graves has led to the second worst. A debate in the comments this week. So there have been cities itaims to in the province that have been a debate in the comments this week. It aims to help families get some quarantined and once youre kind of closure. It is so important quarantined, youre stuck. This is wenzhou, more to know where these babies are. We than 500 miles from wuhan. Do all of these in a pilot to me residents kept indoors, they had said it is wrong and now we transport shut down. These scenes are driving fears in had an opportunity that we make an foreign capitals that the virus may mensa for the planets that we have not be contained. Cause. Coming to see you thank you. The advice to 30,000 britons in china to head to the airports is extraordinary. After making contact online bear the worlds second largest economy, meeting for the first time. It took deeply integrated into Global Supply four months of searching through the chains and transport networks, records back in the corner of a now essentially deemed too risky. Graveyard , records back in the corner of a graveyard, amongst the bushes, is her suns grave. It is sad. Ill cut but its not easy for all brits to leave. Little baby atlas doesnt yet have a passport. Down. And clean now. She found ten it seems to be that the news is saying that the elderly andi down. And clean now. She found ten and the younger are the most and i so happy. For parents the vulnerable to the virus generally. Worst thing is not knowing. Thank so were a little bit anxious about that. You very much. This isjust one and dannys wife viola is a Chinese National without a valid visa, but the uk government has family. There are so many other announced that shouldnt matter. Children waiting to be found. Bbc ive spoken to the Chinese Foreign news. The headlines on bbc news. Minister and received reassurances that no families that want to return, uk related national a dysfunctional Healthcare System families, will find themselves allowed breast surgeon ian paterson to perform unnecessary operations on hundreds, divided on the basis of your nationality. Possibly on thousands of women says a damning report chinas fighting on, leave china if you can, but with so much still unknown brits are told, as the death toll about this virus, the international from coronavirus reaches community isnt more than 400. Taking any chances. A court is told that hashem abedi john sudworth, bbc news, beijing. Brother of the Manchester Arena bomber is equally guilty of the murder of the 22 people who died in the attack. And well find out how this story and many others are covered in tomorrows front pages at 10 40 and 11 30 this evening in the papers. Our guests joining me tonight are the broadcaster after the lack of diversity and author, John Kampfner was highlighted at the baftas, and the deputy poltical editor attention has now turned of the daily express, sam lister. To the oscars. The british actor, cynthia erivo, the brother of the says it feels bittersweet to be Manchester Arena bomber has the only person of colour to be gone on trial today. Nominated for an oscar in this in the prosecutions years acting catagories. Opening remarks, thejury at the old bailey was told that hashem abedi was just as guilty cynthia is up for an Academy Award for her portrayal of of murdering the twenty two people slave turned abolitionist harriet who died as his brother salman, who detonated a bomb tubman. Shes also been nominated during an Ariana Grande for best original song, concert in 2017. Which shell perform at the ceremony on sunday. Abedi, whos 22, denies sophie long has been all the charges against him. Our Home Affairs Correspondent speaking to her. Daniel sandford reports. More than two and a half years on from the Manchester Arena bomb, she here is your any. I will be free the mothers of 17 year old Chloe Rutherford and her 19 year old sweetheart liam currie, arriving at londons Old Bailey Court this morning. Ordie the families of 15 year old she here is your any. I will be free or die harriet has an inspirational story of the woman escape from megan hurley and 32 year old Kelly Brewster were also there. Zealotry and transformation into an they are just four of the 22 people iconic American Freedom fighter. Would you like to pick a name . She killed in the bomb aged eight to 51. 0ther bereaved families are watching the trial remotely by video link. Was a small petite woman with very oh my god lives to work with that was dangerous for her but she still may bea dangerous for her but she still may be a choice. The decision to run the 100 miles to see him and then come back again. She helped frame hundreds of others and became one of the bomb went off at americas greatest heroes. This is the Ariana Grande a concert the first time her story has been at 20 31 on the 22nd of may, 2017. Told in this way. Her humanity and as well as the 22 People Killed, 264 were injured. The bomber was salman abedi, who died when his backpack exploded. But today his younger brother, the love she had a love that she was hashem abedi, went on trial. Duncan penny qc told the jury given to heartbreaks in experience, that the prosecutions case is that this defendant is just to make herfail given to heartbreaks in experience, to make her fail was very as guilty of the murder of the 22 interesting to me. That is what drew People Killed as was his brother. Me in. Iwanted herto continue. This explosion was the culmination of months of planning, experimentation and preparation interesting to me. That is what drew me in. I wanted her to continue. You are the only person of colour to be by the two of them. In the aftermath of the attack, nominated. How does that feel in police searched the family home 2020. Bittersweet. Iwanted to where they found parts nominated. How does that feel in 2020. Bittersweet. I wanted to show of a Vegetable Oil can like this. Why we need to change and looking at a sliver of the same ten was found at the scene of the bomb. These films and how we judge these 0n the 12th floor of this tower films. I want to make sure it doesnt look like this every time. I block, miles from their home, the brothers had access to another doesnt look like this every time. I do people deserved to be part of this. We have to figure out how that manchester property. From mid february to mid april, happens. Hopefully this year will be the prosecution say, a turning point for everyone. We are the brothers rented this flat, talking about it out loud so we can where police later found traces make some changes. Do you think it of the home made explosive tatp. Will . I hope so. We cant keep doing the allegation is that the brothers manufactured the explosive here, this and that is not do something. And stored other parts for making a device. Just over a month later, now without his brother, this is quite a turn for the salman abedi boarded a tram with his backpack, travelled one a ccu ra cy this is quite a turn for the accuracy is not just this is quite a turn for the accuracy is notjust not intended for best actress but also the best stop to the Manchester Arena and detonated the bomb. Original song, stand up shed daniel sanford, bbc news, co wrote and will perform at the 0scars co wrote and will perform at the at the old bailey. 0sca rs ceremony. The headlines on bbc news. A dysfunctional Health Care System co wrote and will perform at the 0scars ceremony. I looking forward to sunday night . Yes because i get allowed breast surgeon ian paterson to perform unnecessary operations to sunday night . Yes because i get to do that with it to the on hundreds, possibly nominations. It doesnt happen on thousands of women often. What is the best thing about says a damning report leave china if you can, being nominated for an oscar . To be brits are told, as the death toll from coronavirus reaches more than 400. A court is told experiencing a dream come true real that hashem abedi time. For me, you could not have brother of the Manchester Arena bomber is equally guilty told me when i was a drama school of the murder of the 22 people that thats what happened. I had no who died in the attack. Idea. This is ten years from then. If you had told me that this is a slapshot of your life i would say sport and for a full round up, thatis slapshot of your life i would say that is hilariousnot been here we from the bbc sport centre are. News from beverly belgium woman heres katie. In front right on that we has tested with that under 23 side, seven of positive for the coronavirus. A statement they had really says that liverpools players are teenagers. All of the individuals on this the oldest player is just 22. The flight all of the individuals on this flight are currently in a supervised manager is not at the ground as he patient and are being monitored up and the first team are off on a for symptoms. News from public scheduled midseason break. Its health and that a belgium will currently 0 0 in the game. Theyre arrived in beijing on a repatriation site has tested positive for coronavirus. Hundreds of tourists have been left stranded after flooding at home, after holding up or merely engulfed the fiord of milford sound, in new zealand. These pictures show the impact premier league. You can watch it of torrential rain which led to flash flooding over the last 24 hours, destroying roads live right now over on bbc one. That and property in its path. Is also online. Its currently 0 0. Kenya has declared a period of national mourning, after the death of the countrys longest serving president , daniel arap moi. He was 95. He led kenya for 24 years, the winners of that will face trial but stepped down in 2002 amid allegations of corruption time. Fa cup holders Manchester United in the next round in early and human rights abuses. March. Ive heard that darby have just scored so 1. England have been a study by the media regulator 0fcom has found that half of the uks10 year olds now beaten in their first one day own a smartphone. International since they won the the annual survey also found that cricket world cup last summer. They older children like to use social media to promote social causes, lost by seven wickets to south what they call the greta effect africa in cape town with the host after the teenage swedish activist. Chasing down a target of 259. Its a amol rajan has been talking to pupils at a secondary three match series. England will school in milton keynes. Need to bounce back quickly on friday. When youre stood at the top the latest data shows that children of the world, where do you go next . The only way is down. Into the hands are showing more online than ever ofa before. This class gleefully admit. The only way is down. Into the hands of a fielder injasons case, a miscalculation which started a chain but it does make a key finding of reaction. South africa had them 131 the that you have had support for online campaign. She is young and for six, englands crown weighing heavy. There were lines on a man who able to make such a difference. Missed last years party. Joe dropped from the world cup, finally there has been a rapid the sophistication. Now i wanted two gave his team some elevation. 259 times in on several often at once. Was hardly a table mounted of a what apps do this . Youtube, target, englishmen went running for cover. They had little in their whatsapp, i play games with it as attack, without ben stokes, going well. Snapchat, ticktock, facebook for a century in his first back. The you spent so much time you just keep men at the top of the world have scrolling for each video. Do your thudded down to earth. Its not made pa rents scrolling for each video. Do your parents or guardian worry about when his date you yet, but super league they see this time. For a belated generation. Where we didnt have the sign. A belated generation. Where we clu bs a re his date you yet, but Super League Clubs are considering legal action. Didnt have a smart sons. We know what being in the real world means. He was sacked for saying hello because everyone around us have a smartphone we need one as well. They awa kes he was sacked for saying hello awakes gay he was sacked for saying hello awa kes gay people. He was sacked for saying hello awakes gay people. They said strict have seen helpful hateful content guidelines were in place if he repeated his views in the past year. There has been a huge surge in gaming of girls. While boys havent changed. 0ver 01 huge surge in gaming of girls. While boys havent changed. Over a quarter or the super league brand being and and five to 15 smart speakers at damaged. 0ther or the super league brand being damaged. Other clubs have told the home. More than listening to a baby. French side that they supported the aside from the obvious and irreversible to a baby. Aside from the obvious and irreversible start. Back to golf, governing tendency of online at her younger bodies had said they want to introduce changes to the game that age, the trend is for an intensification of the relationships that cant be a digital universe. Would occur player hitting the ball increasing long distances. It claims that could mean more harmful or hateful content. Also need to that an increasing number of courses are at risk of becoming less actively seeking out campaigners and challenging or ultimately. To play big games. Each case, kids are becoming more invested in their online world. In the last five years golf really well you need to be able to drive the ball, hit the ball into the green, you need to be able to we have seen online world. In the last five years we have seen more parents concerned about their parents going online. 2 chip, pot, and i think that one of billion parents mouth yelled back it the great things about this game is this balance. 0ver is not a benefit. There are more the great things about this game is this balance. Over the years, theres been players who are good at conversations happening about staying safe online who here would one 01 theres been players who are good at one or two, but they quite often have a sort of a slight weakness in say bear and i think that to parents the other areas. But that is, to me is if you lose that balance, that worrying is nothing new but amount of skill, that breath of astonishing rent on this generations skills, years changing the nature of attention. All. Thats all the support for now. For years, scallops have been a favourite sea food. Newcastle a re currently but the methods used to harvest all. Thats all the support for now. Newcastle are currently 1 0 up them, by dredging the sea bed, against 0xford. Cause environmental damage. Now in a uk first, there is a scientific trial off the east yorkshire coast to grow a woman who was the first person sustainable scallops, which dont require dredging. To be threatened by the streatham paul murphy has the story. Attacker before he went on to stab two other people, has spoken exclusively the sandy sea bed off of the yorkshire coast to the bbc about her ordeal. Provides ideal conditions for the 36 year old was in the shop the scallop. Where sudesh amman stole a knife. They are harvested here rosa, which isnt her real and their millions. Name and is being used and for lovers of seafood, to protect her anonymity, succulent shellfish is says witnessing others is high on the menu. Being attacked was a living hell. Thats getting out of katharine carpenter the and into your frying pan can from bbc london reports. Come to the environment. I cant sleep. It is very hard because just this is some survey work that has been done. Closing my eyes and not conservationists are concerned about the way in which think about how people could have many scallops are harvested. Killed me just going to be shop. It can often mean using metal dredge it is hard to think about i cry a lot, that scrapes along the sea bed. I hug my children. This woman came face to face scallop dredging is one of the most invasive ways of fishing. With the attacker moments before he and it is highly controversial. Stabbed two others. You are dragging a very she had gone into this shop to buy things to clean her new flat, heavy metal bar, when sudesh amman came in. A series of them across the sea bed he came in, took a knife and they are quite indiscriminate. And looked like he was leaving the shop, they come into contact with a lot of different species, a lot of but when he reached the door, different habitats. He pushed me and try to take the Plastic Packaging from off of but a shell fisherman the knife, but he couldnt. Called wave crooks, might have the answer. He pushed and stabbed me but he is already planning on farming seaweed off of the knife was covered in plastic. The yorkshire coast, and will soon the 36 year old from the dominican be trialing this system where scallops can be grown republic, then saw sudesh and harvested by hand. Amman run outside shouting and it is a really good waving the knife around as he had circular relationship. Attacked two others. The seaweed growing it was horrible for me. And oxygenating the water as it grows, deacidify in the water, which supplies a very good healthy environment for the shellfish to grow. Nice strong shells and nice water flow, etc i spent about 15 to 20 minutes through the fish tonight and nice and healthy. The plan is to make in hell, living in that a sustainable alternative to moment it was hell. Commercially harvesting scallops i remember seeing the man on the floor at and at the same time protect marine losing a lot of blood. The woman was on her knees. Life. She was today named as monica luftner, a 51 year old nursery teacher at saint beads Catholic Infant School in balham. In a statement they said she is making a good recovery. We are looking to make this within two minutes of his encounter with rosa, sudesh amman was dead. Sustainable. Scalloped dodging shot by the police to have him under should not be an activity that that surveillance since his release from is unfair. We are protecting sick prison on the 23rd of january. Rosa says that should not have cats were hoping this might provide happened, she is angry and convicted an alternative. But we did not want terrorist had been to do is putting a lot of business. Freed to attack again. For me, you cant release them impacting a lot of people but because they always finish the sentence, when i finish actually does need. That sentence they leave impacting a lot of people to do more damage. But actually does need. This plowed terrain is the direct result she says she still struggling of scallop dredging. It will take years to recover. With the trauma of a total stranger trials on the more environmentally trying to take her life. Friendly harvesting method, it began in the months ahead. Catherine carpenter, bbc news. Paul murphy bbc look north, northeast yorkshire coast. The government has announced plans now its time for a look to ban the sale of new petrol, at the weather with diesel or hybrid cars in the uk in fifteen years time. Thats five years earlier than previously planned. A very quiet spell of weather. After its part of a drive to make britain a world leader in reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions. The recent blustery conditions. Thats also going to be pretty nippy the Prime Minister said the uk should be aiming for virtually zero facet of the next couple of days. Carbon emissions by 2050. The mist and fog as well. Towards 0ur energy and environment analyst the end of the weekend into the weekend things are going to change Roger Harrabin has more. Quite a bit. In the short term, place pleasant weather overnight before long, this will look like with clear spells. Mist and fog history. The government previously particularly across essential areas decided to stop the sale of new of england. The northwest of petrol and diesel cars by 2040. Now scotla nd of england. The northwest of scotland and maybe a few showers overnight. These are the temperatures in city centres, early the date for electric and hydrogen ca is the date for electric and hydrogen wednesday morning outside of time cars to become the only ones on the you can see the blue barracks that four courts would be 2035. After ministers accepted that 2040 simply indicates the air france. Temperatures around freezing or below. Wednesday when hardly any wasnt fast enough. That includes hybrids. The more ambitious target errors there. And the atlantic will could be tough. I think its be seeing more and becoming a day. Challenging, if you look at last may be short term, it temperatures year, i think it was Something Like one point since person of old news hovering around seven or 8 degrees. A few showers there in western parts 00 26 20,677 4294966103 13 29,430 of scotland. Thats it from me. 1. 6 of one point since person of old news 1. 6 of cars were battery electric. Either electric or indeed zero omissions. Environmentalists say conventional vans and cars could and should be phased out sooner. Meanwhile the Aviation Industry is getting it on the climate acts, announcing a scheme to take care of emission by 2050. Planting trees to soak up emissions from planes as pa rt soak up emissions from planes as part of the proposed solution, but so part of the proposed solution, but so is developing new fuels derived from waste. The plaintiff controversial. The Interest Rate cant rely on themes like by fools by cant rely on themes like by fools by fuels for a dentist. For instance. The Prime Minister this morning wasjoined at instance. The Prime Minister this morning was joined at the Science Museum in london by children and Sir David Attenborough to launch the hosting of a mobile Climate Summit planned for glasgow in november. M is now up to us to put before the nations of the world what has to be done. We dont need to emphasise to them or to you that the longer we leave it and not doing things talk about our problems, the worst is going to get. We are pledged here in the uk to deliver net zero by 2050, i think its the right thing to do. But mrjohnsons party was spoiled by the former head of Climate Summit who he sacked last week. She said hes failing to lead on climate change. He doesnt really understand it and. He said all sorts of things over the years. He doesnt really get climate change, he said but others around him do. How did the Prime Minister respond to we have the Prime Minister of cues of failing to lead on climate change. Weve got the end of the road for one of the most successful machines in history, the internal combustion engine. It seems like its not just combustion engine. It seems like its notjust society changing the climate, its now climate changing society. Now its time for a look at the weather with tomasz shafernaker. Hello. Well, the last couple of days have been quite blustery, and now were in a spell of much more settled whether. Light winds, clear skies, and well have some frost as well over the next two or three days. Mist and fog, particularly outside of town. Lets have a look at the big picture. High pressure has been building across the uk during the course of tuesday evening, thats going to continue into wednesday and the middle part of the week. Cold air over us right now, well, i say cold, a little bit colder compared to what weve been perhaps used two, but its still not that chilly. Temperatures around about the average for the time of the year. For the course of the night, clear skies across many parts of the country, whether temperatures drop, mist and fog will form as well. Scotland, perhaps a few showers and a little bit milder. For many major towns, the temperatures will be close to freezing. Where you see the blue colours, thats the air frost outside of town. Heres wednesday and that High Pressure pretty much acres itself across the uk and france, dominating the weather. Very settled weather, notjust here in the uk but across the channel two. Again the north it in northwestern scotland, a few showers affecting the northern aisles. The top temperatures around 7 8d. Slightly above the average, even though we are in somewhat of a colder spell of weather. Thursday, the High Pressures tend to sink away. Still very much influence our weathers. You can see lighter winds across much of england and wales and scotland, winds are starting to freshen out across ireland. A sign of things to come a little bit early on and into the weekend. Mist and fog means some temperatures could struggle during the course of thursday, for most around 7 8d. Friday, the last of the settled days, there will be some sunshine around. After that, its all changed. Into next week, a powerful jet stream is expected to send bouts of heavy rain. Some ferociously 00 31 11,549 4294966103 13 29,430 strong gust of wind potentially

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