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This is bbc news. Im ben brown. The headlines at nine. The death toll from the coronavirus in china rises to 56 the countrys president warns the spread of the virus is accelerating and that his country faces a grave situation. As the us announces plans to fly some of its citizens home, the Foreign Office is urging brits to get out and advising against further travel to the Hubei Province. A member of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Panel resigns over links with the firm that supplied the tower blocks deadly cladding. 31 people are dead and more than 1,600 injured after a powerful earthquake in eastern turkey. 3 million brexit coins go into circulation on friday to commemorate the day britain leaves the european union. And our sunday morning edition of the papers is at 9. 35am. Good morning. The president of china has said his country is facing a grave situation after the number of cases of cornovirus rose sharply to nearly 2,000. Chinese state media say 56 people have now died. Chinese president xijinping held a special goverment meeting on the Lunar New Year public holiday, where he warned that the spread of the virus is accelerating. A nationwide ban on the sale of wildlife has been imposed. Its believed the outbreak stemmed from the illegal sale of animals at a wuhan fish market. Elsewhere, the us has announced that staff at its wuhan consulate will be evacuated on a special flight on tuesday. And here, the Foreign Office has warned against anyone travelling to Hubei Province, where the virus began, and its urged britons already there to leave if they can. Simonjones has this report. This is the reality of life around Hubei Province where coronavirus was first detected. Checkpoints with warnings that if you enter, you may not be allowed to leave. In wuhan, not one but two new hospitals are to be built. The first will be ready within days, to house 1,000 patients. Private vehicles are to be banned from parts of the city centre to curb the movement of people. 0ne visiting academic from cardiff says she is stranded with no idea of what to do. I am disappointed at the absolute silence on the issue of how stranded people are going to get home. It seems that maybe the British Government at the moment has a lack of concern or a lack of planning. I am not sure which. Here in london, the Foreign Office now advises against all travel to Hubei Province. It says british nationals should follow the advice of chinese authorities and leave, if they are able to do so. It insists the safety and security of british nationals is always its top priority. In the uk, 31 people have been given the all clear after being tested for the virus. The risk to the public is still classed as low. But in china, the president could offer little reassurance to his people. The spread is accelerating, he warned, at a specially convened government meeting. Translation in response to the prevention and control we will need more information to reach a conclusion. In response to the prevention and control of the disease, the park is temporarily closed. Many tourist sites have been shut and Lunar New Year celebrations restricted. In wuhan, extra medical staff are being brought into work and both residents and visitors alike have no idea how long the lockdown will last, adding to a sense of concern. Our china correspondent has visited the province near to the exclusion zone around wuhan. Still in a pretty dire state. Hospitals are calling for donations from people in terms of face masks, the provincial government has ordered millions of facemasks, so somewhere they are churning them out on the production line. Special military medical teams have arrived to bolster the local teams and also teams from shanghai. But the problem isjust teams and also teams from shanghai. But the problem is just so teams and also teams from shanghai. But the problem isjust so huge teams and also teams from shanghai. But the problem is just so huge and the lockdown area, if you can call it that, is getting wider. We are just across the border from hubei. But this is also a place with very much at the heart of the emergency. All of the cars are either from this small city or they have had to pass a screening point to enter. Cities along this border area in the region are doing similar things. In some smaller villages and towns, they have taken it upon themselves to say, anybody who is an outsider, who does not live there, they cannot come in. They are locking down the village. They are deciding, we are going to as a group ride it out, and effective self quarantine, protective zone. The government invading, given the extent of the problem, it is considering drastic measures, i imagine they are taking the virus with them, the problem has moved elsewhere. We could also see in the big cities of beijing, transport lactone lockdown in place. That hasnt happened yet. Again, it shows how seriously the authorities are taking this and they are prepared to take more drastic steps to try to control this problem. China correspondent, stephen mcdonald. Here the home secretary priti patel has reiterated there are so far no known cases of the virus in the uk. She has been speaking to sophy ridge. Many efforts are being made and this is where border force provides information to Public Health england in terms of passengers who had travelled from the area. They are contacting people and reaching out to them and providing screening and testing and thatis providing screening and testing and that is in hand and taking place. I think quite frankly right now in light of the urgency of the situation, and rightly so, we are working with the chinese authorities, the world health organisation, Public Health england, to look at what is going on and to ensure we are doing our utmost to stop the virus coming to the uk. And becoming a widespread problem. The home secretary, priti patel. Families affected by the Grenfell Tower disaster have welcomed the resignation of an expert member of the Enquiry Panel appointed by Boris Johnson last month. The engineer, benita mehra, stood down after being linked to the charitable arm of the company which supplied the tower blocks cladding. Campaigners had been threatening to boycott the new phase of the inquiry, which begins this week. 72 people died in the fire injune 2017. Abi smitton reports. Engineer benita mehra was only appointed to the grenfell Inquiry Panel last month. Since then, victims families have raised concerns about her former role as president of the womens engineering society. It received funding from the charitable arm of arconic, the company that supplied the cladding to Grenfell Tower. Her resignation comes after survivors and families complained to the prime minister. They had threatened to boycott the next phase of the inquiry. In a letter to the prime minister, she said she hoped to use her experience in the Construction Industry to help the inquiry discover how and why the devastating fire happened. But she admitted her previous role had caused serious concern for people. Borisjohnson thanked her for her commitment and said he was grateful for her sensitivity to the work of the inquiry. In a statement, grenfell united, the Group Representing survivors and the bereaved, said the resignation helped to lift growing anxiety ahead of phase two but that the government should never have put families in the situation and must urgently find a new panellist to replace her. A report following the first phase of the inquiry into the fire found the cladding was the main reason for the fires rapid spread and that it did not comply with building regulations. Arconic said it was a series of circumstances, not just the presence of the panels, that caused the spread of the fire. Tomorrow, the second part of the inquiry will begin, hoping to answer questions about what led to the blaze. Emergency teams in turkey are continuing to search for survivors of fridays earthquake. At least 29 people are known to have been killed and more than 1,400 injured after the quake in the east of the country. Our World Affairs correspondent, richard galpin, has the latest. She is just five years old, and covered in blood, but this girl is now safe. The rescue team pulling her out from under the smashed blocks of concrete and other debris brought down by the earthquake. For the rescue teams, speed is now essential to save lives in freezing temperatures. This emergency worker using a mobile phone to speak to a family trapped underneath the debris, telling them they must keep awake. In the light of morning, the extent of damage was revealed. This, just one of 30 buildings to have been brought down. And hundreds of aftershocks over the past 2a hours have added to the fear in this earthquake prone region. Some of the homeless have now found shelter, as the temperature at night drops to 10 degrees. Others, though, are out on the streets. Richard galpin, bbc news. A Murder Investigation has been launched after the death of a non League Footballer in nottinghamshire. 25 year old jordan sinnot, who played for matlock town, was found unconscious in retford after a night out. A 27 year old man has been arrested and remains in police custody. The government has unveiled a special 50p coin to mark brexit. The coin, which bears the words peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations, will go into circulation on friday, to mark the day the uk officially leaves the european union. An earlier batch of the coin had to be melted down after the previous brexit date of october 31st was delayed. With me is political correspondent, pete saull. A few million of these cions. 3,000,000 go into circulation on friday and more through the course of the year. It is symbolic. You mentioned the fact on october 31, that coins made for that date did not come to pass. After 3 1 2 years of intense political drama, all getting very real. This is the last weekend we will have members of the eu and as of 11 on friday we will be leaving the eu. This is for collectors, coin enthusiasts, the 11th commemorative coin that has come at to mark a change in britainrelationship with the eu. Who knows whether there will be coins in the future commemorating future changes in terms of our relationship with our closest neighbours, but certainly the government pointing to the inscription on it, peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations, optimistic message for the future of our place in the world. Other commemorations . Talk about big ben but that is not going to happen. There will be an event in parliament square, commemoration in downing street, Boris Johnson square, commemoration in downing street, borisjohnson will address the nation, a few loose ends to tie up the nation, a few loose ends to tie up this week. A vote in the European Parliament on wednesday when meps give theirfinal parliament on wednesday when meps give their final approval to the Withdrawal Agreement passed by the British Parliament last week. That, i think, the last meaningful contribution british meps will make, they lose their jobs at contribution british meps will make, they lose theirjobs at the end of they lose theirjobs at the end of the week, the only Material Change we will see at 11 oclock on friday. We will no longer have representation in brussels. We will continue to be signed up to eu rules in the transition period. It is the end of the 1st chapter of the brexit story and we start the 2nd story all about negotiating our future relationship with the eu. You will be in brussels for brexit day, what will the atmosphere be like . What we are hearing from the eu as they wa nted are hearing from the eu as they wanted to pass quietly, i dont think there will be any celebrations happening, there are generally in the eu as they are quite sad to see us the eu as they are quite sad to see us go. There may well be farewell parties for meps and staff, a lot will have worked in brussels and strasbourg for many years. There is talk of a unionjack being lowered outside the European Commission building. Ithink outside the European Commission building. I think they will try to do it quietly away from the glare of tv cameras. As far as the eu is concerned, this is not a particularly happy moment. Good to see you, thank you. Our political correspondent. The latest headlines. The death toll from the corona virus in china has risen to 56. The Foreign Office is urging british citizens in china to leave. A member of the Grenfell Tower Enquiry Panel resigns over links with the firm supplying the deadly cladding. 31 people are dead after a powerful earthquake in eastern turkey, more than 1600 injured. President trumps defence team have opened their case in the Senate Impeachment trial, accusing the democrats of seeking to overturn the result of the 2016 election. Mr trump denies allegations that he abused his power and obstructed a congressional inquiry. From washington, our correspondent Chris Buckler reports. As the future of his presidency has been facing a congressional challenge, donald trump has been set up challenge, donald trump has been set up is to meet leaders, to florida to speak to supporters and ignored other events in washington to attend a pro life rally, perhaps a sign he is looking past this impeachment trial and already thinking about rubbing up votes for the november president ial election. His leading tea m president ial election. His leading team have been arguing in bringing this case the democrats were not really concerned about his behaviour in office. Instead they claim they are trying to overturn the vote and putting that put him there in the 1st place. They are asking you to tearup all of 1st place. They are asking you to tear up all of the ballots across this country. On your own initiative. Take that decision away from the american people. At the start of proceedings democrats delivered more than 28,000 page record of evidence and arguments that donald trump abused his power. The majority inside the senate makes it inconceivable trump be removed from office. What i have learned from office. What i have learned from all my years in politics and life, if you are right and keep fighting for the truth, you will prevail. A couple of miles away in the white house, confident mister trump tweeting and encouraging his supporters to tune into televised proceedings. They will continue making their case tomorrow and you can expect their arguments to become more pointed and more political and perhaps a little nastier. Lets get some of the days other news. At least 31 people have been killed and thousands displaced after weeks of heavy rains and floods in madagascar. 15 people are reported missing, and Officials Say there is a risk of Food Shortages as farmland and crops have been damaged. Israel has launched air strikes against the gaza strip. The israeli airforce said it was targeting sites used by the palestinian militant group, hamas, in response to recent launches of incendiary balloons. Hamas which governs gaza said the flammable balloons were part of a new offensive against israel for failing to honour an unofficial truce. Protesters in northern portugal are trying to halt the development of a lithium mine. Inhabitants fear the mine will pollute water and disrupt the farming on which the local economy depends. Portugal is europes biggest lithium producer, but its miners sell almost exclusively to the ceramics industry and are only now preparing to produce the higher grade lithium that is used in electric cars and to power electronic appliances. The Worlds Largest twin engined jetliner, the boeing 777x, has completed its maiden flight. The passenger jet is starting a year of testing. Its due to Enter International service next year. Boeing has been engulfed in crisis after it was forced to ground its fleet of 737 max planes following two fatal air disasters. Its pretty tough for any teacher trying to keep a classroom full of Primary School children fully engaged so imagine how hard it must be for one whos profoundly deaf, relying on Sign Language and lip reading. But thats exactly the challenge for alysha allen at a school in north london, and shesjust won an award for her achievements. Tolu adeoye has been to meet her. They were looking at my hand and already i had got them. This is a typical maths lesson for year twos in alicias class. Even though she is profoundly deaf, she teaches at a Mainstream School using british Sign Language and lipreading. She has just received a National Award for her outstanding teaching methods. It just breaks it itjust breaks it down for them visually. Its notjust for maths, it helps the skills to grow. We have to say, good morning, look at each other during the register. Their friends looked at them. Saying good morning to each other, eye contact. Alicias is not the only class that uses british Sign Language at this school. Every single pupil learns it. We are going to have a little peek at the zebras, a year 5 class, and see what they are up to. It is very rare for all children in a uk school to learn british Sign Language. Initially there were some reservations from some parents when she started. However, i think when they see how amazing she is and the progress of the children, and how quickly they pick up the different signs, and for a lot of the children now, they have learned Sign Language for a couple of years, so they have already got some of that knowledge as well. And then there are other adults in the classroom, supporting different children and supporting across the whole classroom, and they see that, actually, its a team effort as well, and everybody is supporting and working together for the best of the children. Its my favourite thing to do at school it makes me feel happy. If you learn how to sign, you can communicate with deaf people. Alicia started as a teaching assistant at a special needs school before training as a teacher. Anybody thinking about becoming a teacher, think about it and do it. Because children need more role models. And anybody thinking, you cant do it, you can. In 1996, the democratic republic of congo, then zaire, was in the grip of a violent civil war. The conflict reached the remote area of the ituri forest in the north east of the country an area with enormous biodiversity, and rich in minerals and diamonds. One conservationist, Corneille Ewango, hid in the forest from armed groups, to try to protect the forests plants and animals, despite repeated threats to his life. He spoke to our witness history team. I grew igrew up i grew up in the north east of the democratic republic of the congo. Learning about. Almost a quarter of a Million People have fled refugee camps because of fierce fighting. The un has begun an evacuation of humanitarian staff from eastern zaire. That was Corneille Ewango talking to our witness history team. A driver in the us has been caught trying to disguise a fake skeleton asa trying to disguise a fake skeleton as a passenger so he could use a lane reserved for cars with high occupancy. An official noticed the skeleton, which was wearing a hat and tied to the passenger seat with and tied to the passenger seat with a yellow rope, and the driver was given a penalty ticket. Nice try. Well be taking an in depth look at the papers with our reviewers prashant rao, International Editor of the atlantic, and katherine forster, journalist at the sunday times. Thats coming up after the latest headlines and a full sports update. That is coming your way in a couple of minutes. Now its time for a look at the weather. A week long spell of settled weather and now things are changing, pretty wet across western parts of the uk. More rain to come in the course of today. In any 1 more rain to come in the course of today. In any1 place, the rain not lasting for too long and in fact in the afternoon there will probably be sunshine around. The big picture, this is what the satellite shows, weather front in the last 12 hours moving across ireland into scotland and approaching Western Areas of england and wales. Behind the weather front, colder air coming england and wales. Behind the weatherfront, colder air coming in off the atlantic, wintry weather out at sea. We are expecting wintry weather a little bit later on tonight in the north. The rain across england, through the midlands, yorkshire, approaching the south east and east anglia. I mention sunshine, across the western half of the uk and far north, plenty of fine weather 2nd part of the day. It is cold. A little bit milder in the south east. The wintry weather i have been talking about, a spell of it moving through Northern Ireland tonight, eventually into scotland, perhaps the hills of northern england. Early on monday morning could be quite icy on some roads, perhaps wet snow lying around, mostly talking about the hills and mostly talking about the hills and most probably across scotland, but nothing too bad i dont think at this stage at least. For the rest of the uk, monday is looking fairly bright with showers, most of the showers across Western Areas, carried on a strong breeze of the atlantic. Temperatures in the north tomorrow around 5d are in the south closer to average for the time of year, 7 8. Low pressure with us not just on monday but for most of the week, stretching from greenland to the baltic, so the whole area of low pressure needs to move through and it will continue to bring changeable weather. The thinking is showers are possible almost any day anywhere in the uk but there was a hint that towards the end of the week it may turn a little bit milder, particularly in the south. Hello, this is bbc news. The headlines the death toll from the coronavirus in china rises to 56. President xi jinping once the virus is exact accelerating in its spread. The United States plans to fly some of its citizens from china, the Foreign Office is warning british citizens to leave the province as soon as possible. A member of the grenfell tower Enquiry Panel resigned over

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