Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20200126

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Strikes eastern turkey many people are missing. And a year after a dam collapse in brazil killed 270 people, we return to find a Community Still fighting for justice. Hello and welcome to bbc news. Chinas president , xijinping, has said the new coronavirus is spreading faster, putting the country in a grave situation. His comments came as officials in beijing confirmed the number of people known to have died has reached 41. China also ordered a suspension of all domestic and overseas group tours, to control the spread of the virus. In the last hour canada has received notification of its first presumptive confirmed case of coronavirus. And the uk government has advised all british citizens not to travel in chinas Hubei Province and to leave the area as soon as possible. Our china correspondent Stephen Mcdonell has been to hubei, where the virus was first diagnosed and sent this report. The approaches to Hubei Province are like scenes from an apocalyptic movie. Only after a temperature scan can you pass these checkpoints. The unwell are not allowed to travel. Whats more, the lockdown is spreading. Roads out of the infection zone are being closed. So, basically thats the border that way. The police have told us that we can drive in but we cant drive out. So it seems that this whole province where the coronavirus first broke out is now going to be locked down. We cross the border and drive through ghost towns. Instead of Lunar New Year celebrations, people are in survival mode. On the first day of the year of the rat all these shops are closed, there is pretty much nobody on the street here. I mean, this isjust one of the towns you come across when you first enter the province and people just dont know for how long its going to be like this, for how long they have to stay indoors or risk being infected with this potentially deadly coronavirus, which causes pneumonia. Hospitals here have been flooded with patients. There are thousands who are unwell but are not sure if their symptoms mean its the coronavirus. One man inside this hospital speaks to us from his hospital bed. He said he hasnt been told if hes contracted the potentially deadly virus. But hes worried he could catch it anyway from others in his ward. I wish him a speedy recovery and the Police Arrive as if on cue. They wont confirm if a province wide lockdown of 60 Million People is about to start. But local officials want us to leave. So, as night falls, they escort us back across the border. Stephen mcdonell has now crossed over to the neighbouring henan province and told us how authorities are battling to control the virus there. The authorities have their own headaches dealing with this coronavirus emergency in this city and others along the border. Transport restrictions are in place but think of how much worse the situation can become. In wuhan, hundreds of thousands of people left their seeking help in other cities before it was shut down. They were taking the virus with them so for this reason the Chinese Government is considering in the megacities of beijing and shanghai it will imply that mike apply more on peoples movements. It will apply more restrictions on peoples movements. And britain has issued advice against all travel to hubei and says that british citizens there should leave if they can. Cases of the virus have been reported in countries as far afield as australia, the us and france. Josepjansa, from the European Center for disease prevention and control told me more. At the beginning, the first cases we re at the beginning, the first cases were a little number of cases that we re were a little number of cases that were reported, about 41 but as time goes by there are more and more cases and so it is true. More cases have been detected. What is not com pletely have been detected. What is not completely clear is what extent that is related to bedded detection better detection or if there are more cases. What do we know about the virus itself . Is it mutating . Not yet. There is no information on that. What happens with this coronavirus is that they circulate within animals and at a particular time they jumped to within animals and at a particular time theyjumped to humans and they start to spread among humans. That is the current state according to the information we are managing now. China is a huge country and the authorities seem to be on it quite quickly, certainly compared to various similar cases. Why do you think it is proving to be so difficult to contain, simply because of the size of the country and the number of people involved . Definitely this is having a huge impact. So probably if that was happening in a small country or a smaller city, we would be seeing a com pletely smaller city, we would be seeing a completely different scenario. Donald trumps lawyers have been laying out the case for the defence, in his impeachment trial in the us senate. Mr trump is accused of abusing his power and obstructing congress. But the president s team says hes done nothing wrong and say the democrats real motive is to undermine mr trumps re election campaign. More now from our washington correspondent chris buckler. As the future of his presidency has been under debate, President Trump has been to davos to meet world leaders, to florida to speak to supporters, and ignored other events in washington to attend a pro life rally. Perhaps thats a sign that hes looking past this impeachment trial and already thinking about drumming up votes for this novembers president ial election. And certainly, inside congress, his legal team have been making a point of notjust defending their client but also using this deeply political trial to attack his opponents, the democrats. Theyre asking you to tear up all of the ballots across this country, on your own initiative, take that decision away from the american people. Democrats delivered a more than 28,000 page record of evidence and their argument, that donald trump abused his power. But the republican majority inside the senate makes it inconceivable that President Trump could be removed from office. What i have learned through all my years in politics, and all my years in life if youre right and you keep fighting for the truth, you will prevail. We would be derelict in our responsibility if we didnt fight for the truth. On twitter, mr trump encouraged people to tune into americas news networks, who have covered every minute of this trial. Although the publicity awa re president is said to be upset that his defence team were given saturday to begin setting out their case. Mr trump calls it a death valley for tv ratings in the states. Chris buckler, bbc news, washington. Since the senate ajourned, mr trump has tweeted, saying that any fair minded person watching the senate trial today would be able to see how unfairly i have been treated and that this is indeed the totally partisan impeachment hoax. Ive been speaking to frank bowman, author of the book high crimes misdemeanors a history of impeachment for the age of trump. I asked him what he made of the days proceedings. I was iwas in i was in the chamber today watching from the gallery and i have a couple of impressions. First i think the president s defence team stylistically were rather better than one might have expected in the sense that they kept the tone more low key sense that they kept the tone more low key and businesslike. I think if one were not familiar with the rest of the record indicates they made points which might have seemed convincing. If you are familiar with the record in the case, not so much. For example their claim about mr trumps original contact with ukrainian president that mr trumps sole concern was corruption in the ukraine systemically and also alternatively burden sharing with other european allies against russia. That is not a supportable claim. It is almost comical. Mr trump has certainly complained often that other countries, in his view, dont do enough in all sorts of areas but there is no suggestion at any point that he in his discussion with ukraine, was about trying to get other countries to support ukraine, it was about whether we will continue to do what we have a lwa ys will continue to do what we have always done. Nor did he care about corruption in a systemic way, the claim is not support cis supportable. All he asked about was joe biden and his son. And there are other points on which the president s team, their arguments just dont stand up as a matter of american constitutional law. One thing is clearly signalled by the hints that they dropped and something i saw while i was sitting in the gallery yesterday, looking down on the floor, you cant see that on regular cameras, i was able to see on the republican senators desks each of them, but not the democrats, had been provided with, this was yesterday, mind you, a piece of paper that said something about a timeline. That may not be significant except that very summer, barisma, the apparent basis of the investigation, what this tells us the investigation, what this tells us is that even before the defence tea m us is that even before the defence team got started, the trump people we re team got started, the trump people were trying to focus this on hunter biden and on Vice President biden instead of on the fact of his behaviour. A major rescue operation is continuing for a second night in eastern turkey, where an earthquake has killed dozens of people, with many more missing. More than 1,000 people are known to have been injured in elazig province. Teams are working in freezing temperatures, to reach survivors trapped under collapsed buildings. Our correspondent richard galpins report contains some distressing images. Shes just five years old and covered in blood. But this girl is now safe. The rescue team pulling her out from under the smashed blocks of concrete and other debris brought down by the earthquake. And she is just one of more than a0 people to have been rescued here so far. Speed is now essential to save lives in freezing temperatures. This emergency worker uses a mobile phone to speak to a family trapped underneath the debris, telling them they must stay awake. The powerful earthquake struck this Eastern Region of the country last night, causing hundreds of casualties as buildings collapsed. In the light of morning, the scale of destruction revealed. This is just one of 30 buildings to have been brought down. Hundreds of after shocks over the past 24 hours have also added to the fear in this earthquake prone region. Some of the homeless have now found shelter as the temperature at night drops to 10 degrees. Others, however, are out on the street. Richard galpin, bbc news. Inhabitants of montenegro are afraid that a lithium mind will pollute the local environment. They are now preparing to produce high grade lithium. Stay with us on bbc world news. Still to come one year ago this dam collapse in brazil killed 270 people. Weve returned to find how the community is coping with the aftermath. The shuttle challenger exploded soon after liftoff. There were seven astronauts on board, one of them a Woman School Teacher stop all of them are believed to have been killed. I the evening, the heart of official cairo was in the hands of the demonstrators. They were using the demonstrators. They were using the word revolution. The earthquake brought down buildings in seconds. Tonight, the search for any survivors has an increasing desperation about it as the hours passed. The government is a family in control of the entire republic of uganda. Survivors of auschwitz have been commemorating the 40th anniversary of the liberation. They toured the crematorium and the gas chambers and relive the horrifying experiences. This is bbc news, the latest headlines china has ordered a ban on organised tour groups, as a deadly new strain of coronavirus continues to spread. President trumps lawyers have begun the case for the defence at his impeachment trial. They say he did nothing wrong. Now imagine a world in which governments switched off the internet, so you could no longer access any websites or social media. Well, thats exactly whats happened to the people of indian administered kashmir. The region has expereinced an internet blackout for more than 150 days after the indian authorities ordered a complete shutdown. They said it was for security reasons, after a controversial constiutional change to the status of the territory. An Indian Supreme Court ruling has led to a partial restoration this weekend, ending the longest outage in any democracy. But the slower zg connection only allows access to about 300 government approved sites and theres still no social media. Translation when i switched my phone on i was excited to Access Internet services after so long. But i could only access the website of the jammu i could only access the website of thejammu and i could only access the website of the jammu and Kashmir University and a bit of cricket news. Thats it. It was quite slow. I am a student and i need to apply to universities for scholarships, which i could easily do at home, but because of no internet, i have not been able to do much. It takes about an hour or two for any webpage to open, so it hasnt helped. Ive been talking to nitasha kaul, an expert on kashmir and asked her if curbing of the restrictions has helped ease the access that has been restored as partial, it is restricted, so it is only two g, which is not very functionalfor a only two g, which is not very functional for a whole lot of things. It is limited in the sense that, as your reportjust pointed out, lots of news websites are not allowed, from what one hears, including reuters, ap and others. Social media is not allowed. So essentially the problem with all of this of course is also that it is arbitrary. We dont really know for what reason the websites that are not being allowed arnold not being allowed, and why something that should be peoples fundamental right, to access the internet and to be able to communicate, is being given to them as if it is a favour thatis given to them as if it is a favour that is being done after 150 plus days. And how restrictive has the lack of Internet Access been to the people who live here for all these months . Well, there has been extensive documentation of that. In my congressional testimony in october last year i pointed out the multidimensional damage this has done to the people that in terms of businesses, medical access, educational institutions, students who are studying through distance education, people just who are studying through distance education, peoplejust being who are studying through distance education, people just being able to contact their relatives. The hardship of people in living in present day society, it has been unimaginably harsh on them, and also, the Internet Access that has been restored comes with all kinds of riders, including that no misuse must happen. So anything that will be usable will also be completely surveilled. So people have no privacy and no digital access, as we normally know it. Narendra modi the indian prime minister, his defence in doing this in the first place was that the blackout was for security reasons, aimed at restricting the ability of what he cold armed militants, backed by pakistan, to communicate. What do you make of that . I think this preciousness of that . I think this preciousness of that rhetoric has become quite clear. The very idea this was being done for the development and security of kashmir, well, certainly not for the development of kashmiris oi not for the development of kashmiris or the security. And how disciplinary people, collectively punishing the whole population, how does that help them to somehow feel better about any of this . The very fa ct better about any of this . The very fact that the chief of the Indian Defence force has recently said they propose deradicalisation camps for kashmiri children, because children speaking to each other are radicalised on each other, i mean, this betrays a completely strange way of thinking about communication stop surely the way to address any problem is not to stop people and silence them and suffocate them. It isa silence them and suffocate them. It is a very counter productive strategy, as is becoming ever more evident. And not just strategy, as is becoming ever more evident. And notjust me, ithink many people, most people in fact, you are looking at what has been happening to the kashmiris for this amount of time, and how that is just amount of time, and how that is just a part of a chapter in a much longer history of what they have been going through, the brutalisation, the impunity is and so on, would agree that this is no way to increase anybodys security, be they kashmiris or indians. Lets get some of the days other news. At least three people have been killed in iraq during clashes between Security Forces and Anti Government protesters. Dozens of others were injured during the violence in baghdad and the Southern City of nasiriya. The venezuelan opposition leader, juan guaido, is in spain as part of a tour of European Countries aimed at strengthening support for his campaign to remove his adversary, nicolas maduro, from power. Mr guaido, who defied a travel ban to go to europe, has been recognised as venezuelas interim president by dozens of countries, including spain. But his year long bid for new elections has failed to unseat president maduro. At least 31 people have been killed and thousands displaced after a week of heavy rains and floods in madagascar. 15 people are reported missing, and according to officials, the floods pose a risk of Food Insecurity as farmland and crops have been damaged. A year ago today, a dam above a mining village collapsed in brazil, engulfing the community and killing 270 people. It was one of the countrys worst ever industrial disasters. 16 people from the mining company, vale, along with the mines owner and its auditor, have been charged with murder. But few people there believe justice will be done. Our correspondent katy watson has returned to the town of brumadjinho, to see how the community is coming to terms with the tragedy, a year on. The name of every one of the 270 victims was read out like a register. Their families answering for them. A town that once thrived on mining now devastated by it. When the dam broke last year, the toxic sludge that came crashing down the valley destroyed everything in its wake. Houses, hotels, farmland and forests. And this is whats left behind. 10 million cubic metres of mud that needs to be cleaned up. Firefighters are still looking for 11 people who are missing. Todays commemorations brought together communities from all over the region. Nobody here is untouched by this tragedy. This is as much a remembrance for those who died as it is a protest for those who are living. Brumadinho was broken by what happened last year and people want justice. My nephew wants to kill himself every day, says claudia, who lost her brother in law. The mud that hit this city also hit our hearts. I ask her what she thinks about the mining company. All vale is is destruction and death. Theyjust cared about profit. Nothing has changed this year apart from our pain. Its only got worse. Murder charges brought against the Companies Involved go right to the very top. Vales former boss is among the accused. Translation vale and its workers knew the risky situation of the dam and they had demanded action but nothing was done. Today was a day for remembrance. Tomorrow, they continue theirfight forjustice. Katy watson, bbc news in brumadinho. Boeing says its successfully completed the first test flight of the Worlds Largest twin engined jet, the 777. The plane flew for three hours, taking off and landing near seattle. It will have to complete almost a year of tests before it enters service. The flight will help to boost boeing, which has been struggling since its 737 max airliner was grounded after two fatal crashes. Madonna has cancelled the first london show of her madame x tour, saying she has to rest because of an injury. The singer was due to begin a run of fifteen london performances on monday. It comes after she cancelled a show in lisbon, portugal, earlier this week. She posted on social media to tell fans she was deeply sorry, adding, as you all know, i have injuries that have plagued me since the beginning of the tour, but i must always listen to my body and put my health first. A swiss pianist has come up with a way to keep his audience hanging on his every note. Alain roche performs while suspended mid air with his piano. He recently gave a classical concert while hanging from a building crane above the construction site of munichs new concert house. Heres what the had to say after the concert. Translation why did we do it here . Because it is a very allegorical symbol, as we are on the building site of the concert house. Therefore it was the very first concert of the future concert house. For me it was a very important to generate notes that i hope will resonate on the walls of the future concert house later. Injapan 300 people armed with torches set fire to the slopes of Mount Wakakusa as part of an annual festival. The wa ka kusa yamayaki festival in nara city originated from a boundary dispute between two temples which ended in the hill being set alight. Its also believed the burning began as a way to encourage new growth for plant life. A reminder of our top story. Scientists have warned that it may be impossible to contain within china the spread of a coronavirus which has killed more than a0 people. The london based mrc centre for global Infectious Diseases say that human to human transmission is the only plausible explanation for the scale of the epidemic. You can reach me on twitter. Im samanthatvnews. Hello. Sunny skies are on the way back but it is going to feel colder. There will be showers and it will be windy. It all follows a spell of rain on sunday, low pressure making things very changeable again after high pressure, which may have kept us high pressure, which may have kept us dry but certainly recently it has given us these grey, gloomy skies, and it did again on saturday. Sunday sta rts and it did again on saturday. Sunday starts without a frost, dry across the east except for the odd shower. What in the west. The rain from this waterfront moving east to west across the uk on sunday. Behind that wet weather we are in the blue. This is the colder air coming in. Within that there will be sunny skies to start the new week, it also showers, cold enough of those to be wintry in places, as we will see in a moment. Lets follow the progress of sundays rain. Thickly out of northern ireland, pushing through scotla nd northern ireland, pushing through scotland in the morning. The sunshine comes after the rain. It should clear Northern England, wales, the west of england into the afternoon. Turns a bit brighter there. Still there to end the afternoon across east anglia and south west england. So maybe not at this stage to verify southeast. Wintry on hills in scotland. A windy day. As the rain it turns colder, so that combined with the wind will make a chillier feeling to things during sunday afternoon, despite the fa ct during sunday afternoon, despite the fact the sunshine reappears in places. With that cold our showers move east on sunday night. We focus on northern ireland, Northern England and scotland, because here some of those showers will follow snow and hills, relatively modest hills, and quite low levels across some parts of scotland. A few centimetres in places possible. Ice on untreated Services Going into monday morning, so dont get caught out by that. Monday, yes, there is some sunshine around, the eastern spots will stay dry. Showers pushing into the south and west will be happy. Into the south and west will be happy, possibly thundery, may be some hail. Wintry across northern hills. A bright but blustery day for many of us. Again, that wind is a factor in making for a colder feeling two things compare to recently. Low pressure stays in charge of our weather for the rest of the week, initially anchored towards the north west year, and bringing in the showers, especially towards the south and the west of the uk. So the week will start with a colder feeling two things compared to recently. Some frosty nights around as well. There will be some sunshine, but we have noticed some showers, cold enough for some of these to be wintry, especially across northern hills. Windy through the week with low pressure close by, but by the end of the week it will start to feel different again and temperatures are on the up. U nsettled, temperatures are on the up. Unsettled, yes, dominated by low pressure and changeable, but later in the week, although it is still windy and wet at times, it does look milder. This the headlines take the chinese leader has said the new strain of coronavirus is accelerating its spread, the country in a grave situation. Experts say the human to human transmission is the only plausible explanation for the scale of the epidemic. They estimate more than 50 people have now been killed by the virus in china. Lawyers representing donald trump have become the defence in his impeachment trial saying the president has done nothing wrong. I said democrats in the senate have shown he abused his power and in attempting to remove him from office before the election. The turkish president has gone to eastern turkey where rescue workers are searching for survivors of the earthquake. 29 people are known to have died in 1400 people are known to have died in moo have been people are known to have died in m00 have been injured. Residents have been wound that make warned not to return to damaged buildings because of possible

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