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To the monty python star terry jones, who has died at the age of 77. He had been suffering from dementia. Chinese authorities have stopped public transport and cancelled all flights and trains from the city of wuhan as they try to control a respiratory virus that has infected at least 500 people and killed 17. They have told wuhans population of around 11 million none of them should leave the city without good reason. Chinas Lunar New Year holiday usually sees hundreds of millions on the move. This from our medical correspondent fergus walsh. This is the epicentre of the outbreak. Hospitals in wuhan are overwhelmed. More than a dozen Health Workers have been infected, so medical staff have started wearing full protective suits. Now, in a dramatic attempt to slow the virus spreading, the citys entire public transport system is being shut down. Within hours, all flights will be grounded, all trains and bus stations closed. Residents are being urged to stay put. Wuhan has a population of 11 Million People, more than live in greater london. Wuhan International Airport handles over 2a million passengers a year, with direct flights to london, paris, dubai, and other cities around the world. The last flight out of wuhan for the uk landed at heathrow this evening. Passengers were met by Health Officials after they left the plane. So there was no screening at wuhan, and there was no screening as ive landed. And we were given a leaflet in english saying, if you experience symptoms, call nhs direct. That was from Public Health england. It was quite sparse, the leaflet, but ive not had my temperature checked. I wasnt questioned at passport control. But further spread of the virus is inevitable. Thousands of wuhan residents have already left the city for the Lunar New Year holiday, and 400 Million People across china will travel this week. 0ne positive the virus appears less aggressive than the 2002 sars outbreak which killed nearly 800 people. This virus, it appears that a significant proportion of cases actually have milder disease. They do have symptoms. They have fever, they feel poorly, but the symptoms are quite nonspecific, like flu, for instance. So that may pose a challenge in terms of rapidly identifying cases, though its good news from the point of view of this may not be quite as lethal as sars was. But there are still so many unknowns. The World Health Organization has delayed a decision until tomorrow about whether to declare a Global Health emergency. The decision about whether or not to declare a Public Health emergency of International Concern is one i take extremely seriously, and one im only prepared to make with appropriate consideration of all the evidence. China has been widely praised for its swift and open response to the new virus. The worlds most populous country is taking no chances. Fergus walsh, bbc news. 0ur correspondent in beijing, stephen mcdonell, says attitudes to the virus are changing as more cases emerge. The Lunar New Year in china means that there are millions of people on the move. They are criss crossing this country and also travelling abroad. And i can tell you, attitudes here over the last 48 hours towards this virus have completely changed. Two days ago, speaking to travellers, we could barely find somebody who was all that worried about the situation. Now, you have people here queueing up to buy facemasks. They re cancelling their trips. In some cases, theyve had the trips cancelled for them. For example, chinas neighbour north korea has cancelled all tour groups coming in for the Lunar New Year. Scientists are recommending that nobody travels to wuhan, this is the city where this outbreak started, and theyre also saying people shouldnt leave that city. Thats a city of 11 Million People, and they are suggesting during the spring festival, the most important festival in this country, that people shouldnt be coming and going from there. Stephen mcdonell in beijing. For more information on the coronavirus, visit our website. Among articles and video, this piece by our Health Correspondent James Gallagher on how worried we should all be about the coronavirus. Bbc. Com news for all that. On day two of Donald Trumps impeachment trial in washington, the us senate is hearing opening arguments as the prosecution makes its case that the president should be removed from office for abuse of power and obstructing congress. Mr trump denies using American Military aid to pressure ukraine into helping discredit one of his Democratic Party rivals. The lead impeachment manager, the democrat adam schiff, set out the prosecution case. The documents and testimony that we were able to collect paints an overwhelming and damning picture of the president s efforts to use the powers of his office to corruptly solicit foreign help in his re election campaign, and withhold official acts and military aid to compel that support. Over the coming days, you will hear remarkably consistent evidence of President Trumps corrupt scheme and cover up. When you focus on the evidence uncovered during the investigation, you will appreciate there is no serious dispute about the facts underlying the president s conduct. This is really the prosecution setting out their case, and they have three days to do so, and its already been a number of hours in which they have been setting this out in forensic detail. And it has been a very professional presentation. It has had clips, even clips of President Trump himself, and at times thats when youve really seen the senators Pay Attention and take notice. But it doesnt really have any new information brought to it, if you take a look at whats actually included so far. Its really documents and information that was already discussed during the impeachment hearings. And were really getting this idea that perhaps the democrats have been stymied a little by the republicans, who up to this point have blocked the introduction of new documents, issuing subpoenas to the white house, the state department, for example, or really forcing witnesses at this stage to give evidence. Of course, thats an ongoing battle, and you can imagine the democrats really feel that they want to introduce new evidence if theyre going to push this case against President Trump. Chris, talking of documents and evidence, these rather curious words from mr trump today to the effect of, we have all the material, they dont have the material. 0n the face of it, thats an admission of obstructing congress, isnt it . And that is one of the charges in this impeachment trial, and yeah, its worth emphasising those words once again. President trump was actually to some extent boasting about how well his team, he thought, were doing. And he said, but honestly, we have all the material, they dont have the material. And that seems to be direct evidence to this voting down of amendments inside the senate last night, in which democrats were trying to push for this new material to come from the white house and the state department. And there is absolutely no doubt that democratic members of congress will be saying time and time again that those kind of words perhaps indicate that the president might have something to hide. But at this stage, if you listen to his legal team, they seem very chipper. They believe this is going very well for the president , and of course, they havent started to make the defence case yet. And for all the drama of this, chris, we should just remind people this is pretty much a foregone conclusion. The vote is almost certain to be along party lines. Yeah, and i mean, there have been slightly dramatic moments. We did, for example, have the chiefjustice whos presiding over this trial stepping in at one stage and telling both sides essentially to behave themselves, that he felt it was becoming too aggressive, too angry, that this should be treated as a very sober trail. And we also had a protester in the last few hours, who spoke out at one stage, and had to be removed from the chamber. But you are right, republicans and democrats have come to this already feeling that they know what way theyre going to vote in this, and that republican majority in the senate means it is inconceivable that President Trump could be removed from office. And in fact, at certain points today, there have been senators missing from the chamber. They left during these long hours of testimony and evidence that was being presented. And that might be an indication that theyve heard all this before, and they know exactly what way theyre going to vote. Authorities explain searching forfour for four people. Storm forfour people. Storm gloria arrived with great force. Winds of up arrived with great force. Winds of up to 144 kilometres an hour with waves up up to 144 kilometres an hour with waves up to 14 metres high. In a small seaside town in catalonia, a thick foam flooded the streets. It was caused by this, howling winds and a powerful surge from the ocean. Local Authorities Say its the worst sea storm since 2003. Its claimed several lives and there are still people missing. 0ne several lives and there are still people missing. One man is feared to have been swept into this canyon on the island of majorca. Rescuers are doing all they can to locate his body. Translation in principle, the god of seville and the fire gate are the only ones who can go into the ca nyon the only ones who can go into the canyon because the water level is quite dangerous. After four days of relentless rain and wind, a moment of calm is settled across the worst hit areas. Its only now locals can start to assess the widespread destruction. Translation it was tremendous. It destroyed the seafront and look at the result. The worst thing is the disaster its caused. This was beautiful. Forecasters have tracked seawater three kilometres inland. Swamped the abra delta ta, a vital ecosystem full of rice patties. The storm front headed North Eastern hand landed in southern france. Torrential rain there has also caused chaos, forcing many people to abandon their homes for safety. Only when the water subsides will they know the true extent of glorias damage. Some breaking news from australia. The Rural Fire Service is investigating reports that one of its large air tankers is crushed while fighting an emergency level bushfire in the south of New South Wales. This tweet says its unknown how many people were on board the plane. Lets go live to phil mercer in sydney. What more can you tell us including how many would normally be on a plane like this. Would they also be volunteers . We understand the Rural Fire Service era New South Wales is lost contact with a large air tanker. Were not sure if its a helicopter or fixed wing aircraft. There are reports here in australia but it could well bea here in australia but it could well be a ci30 hercules, large water bombing aircraft which can dump about 15,000 litres bombing aircraft which can dump about 15, 000 litres of bombing aircraft which can dump about 15,000 litres of water or fire reta rda nt about 15,000 litres of water or fire retardant in one go. Ordinarily they would have a crew of about three and would have a crew of about three and would be professional pilots and we do know the Australian Defence force is sending military aircraft in the search for this aircraft which is believed to have crashed in the Snowy Mountains region. This is about 500 kilometres to the south of syd ney about 500 kilometres to the south of sydney and in that particular region, an emergency was issued for a very large and fast moving bushfire so if these reports are correct of an aircraft crashing in that part of southern New South Wales, it will mean that is very long and destruct have bushfire season long and destruct have bushfire season here in australia would have taken potentially season here in australia would have ta ken potentially another catastrophic turn. And the weather seems to have taken another turn. A senior government minister saying this is a return to the bad old days. In the last week or so, weve had very heavy rain in parts of eastern australia and the authorities were worried it could lead to a sense of complacency among people in fire prone areas. As you say, one Senior Member of the New South Wales government says todays very hot and windy conditions were returned the bad old days of months gone by and you have to remember this bushfire crisis began back in september. Of these 30 people have been killed, hundreds of homes destroyed and more than 10 million had tea rs of destroyed and more than 10 million had tears of land scorched, an area almost the size of england and todays conditions, very hot and warm, the ministers back in of eastern australia and New South Wales, as other few minutes ago, about 80 fires continue to burn and about 80 fires continue to burn and about half of those are out of control. More information to come. Thank you. Stay with us if you can, much more to come including this. Worldwide tributes for terryjones who has died at the age of 77. Donald trump is now the 45th president of the United States. He was sworn in before several hundred thousand people on the steps of capitol hill in washington. Its going to be only America First America First. Demonstrators waiting for mike gatting and his rebel cricket team were attacked with tear gas and set upon by police dogs. Anti apartheid campaigners say they will carry on the protests throughout the tour. They called him the butcher of lyon. Klaus altmann is being held on a fraud charge in bolivia. The west germans want to extradite him for crimes committed in wartime france. There, he was the gestapo chief klaus barbie. Millions came to bathe as close as possible to this spot, a tide of humanity thats believed by officials to have broken all records. Welcome back. Good to have you with us welcome back. Good to have you with us here on bbc news. A city in lockdown. Chinese Officials Say the people of wuhan cannot travel. Officials are trying to contain the spread of a deadly virus. At the donald trump impeachment trial, the senate is hearing opening arguments as the seclusion makes the case to remove the president from office. As the opposition makes the case. Staying with that story now. I asked what she makes a proceeding so far. From my perspective it has been a gripping day. It has been on in the background, tracking different news channels through the day. From the perspective of most people it has been a little dull but there has been a little dull but there has been a little dull but there has been a steady presentation of evidence that the democrats have control today and they will continue over the next few days with the republicans, beginning their presentations on saturday. This is much more a political process than a legal one, isnt it, and the result is certain to be on party lines. Essentially what we are viewing is a partisan political process dressed up partisan political process dressed up to look like a judicial one. But there is nothing particularly judicial going on about the process despite the fact that the chief justice of the Supreme Court is sitting up there in the chair. There have been signs that some more moderate republican senators seem to move the Senate Majority leader away from some of his more restrict the plans for the trial. Is it still possible, given that the witnesses might be called. I think it is possible. It is interesting, the majority leader mcconnell began his bargaining position with a lot of strictness and quite low on the bar that the fact he gave into a bit of an agreement about the changes in Time Distribution seemed like a little win for the democrats. But i dont think mcconnell or the republicans felt like they were giving up much. After the republicans do their presentations for a couple of days and they have questions somewhere in the middle of all the end of next week there will bea all the end of next week there will be a debate about whether or not to have witnesses and we are looking, the democrats would need four republicans to peel off and vote with them to agree to have witnesses. Susan collins of maine has already is rated she is willing to do that. It looks like it is possible. You will know better than i. Possible. You will know better than i, it is honest exactly 21 years ago that a democratic president was facing impeachment. Do you see any meaningful comparisons with the clip clinton impeachment . meaningful comparisons with the clip clinton impeachment . I was a younger person at the time but i remember watching it and there is a lot of similarities but the biggest difference, two big differences that i would point to is that bill clinton was in his second term. He had no possibility of re election and questions around his impeachment nothing to do with elections. Donald trump is in his first term and is seeking re election and the question of his impeachment is about electoral issues. On the other difference between the 19905 now is that the polarisation in congress has increased dramatically and the effect that that has is that parties, as they become further apart, have a greater sense of the ri5k apart, have a greater sense of the risk of losing. Each party is trying to save face not so much about winning their own position but making sure that the other side, that they do not lose to the other side because that increases the loss. Opening arguments have begun in the trial in new york of the disgraced hollywood crew producer harvey weinstein. He denies five charges including rape and sexual a55ault relating to two accu5ers. Defence argues that the encounters we re defence argues that the encounters were consensual and that there was no crime. Through a corridor of cameras, harvey wein5tein stumbled his way into court. Gone, the bravado and swagger of his red carpet day5. And in their opening argument, the prosecution reminded thejury of how powerful he used to be, both physically and psychologically. But he was notjust a titan in hollywood, they claimed. He was a rapist. The court heard that wein5tein was a seasoned predator who had lured women to his hotel rooms and private apartments with the promise of Opening Doors for them in hollywood. Then, he would sexually assault and rape them. The jury was told of how the movie mogul then used his power and prestige to 5ilence his accu5ers. This is how the industry works, he allegedly told one of them. For yea r5 afterwards, they internalised their trauma. Harvey, how are you feeling this morning, harvey . Are you feeling better . Yeah. His defence team said harvey wein5tein was neither a predator nor a master manipulator, and claimed that one of his accusers had sent him hundreds of e mails demonstrating a loving relationship. He has denied all allegations of noncon5en5ual sex. The weinstein trial is now the focus of the global metoo movement. During jury selection, the5e protester5 chanted an anti rape anthem inspired by survivors in south america. And the rapist is you this is being seen as a test case on gender, power and consent. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. Environmental activists say the contamination of Drinking Water in the United States with man made chemicals is more serious than previously and is estimated. Test have found pf a toxic chemicals in the Drinking Water of dozens of american cities. Some chemicals have been linked to liver damage and low birth weight. Schools are staying closed for two days in bangkok because of the high level of air pollution. The burning of undergrowth in surrounding rural areas is believed to contribute to the poor air quality in the thai capital. Tributes have been paid worldwide to the monty python star terryjones who died earlier this week. He was 77. He had been suffering from a rare form of dementia. Our correspondent looks back on a career that helped reshape comedy. They cant get the fire brigade, mervyn. Will the boys brigade do . Hello, mrs rogers . No oh, i must be in the wrong house terryjones. In monty python, he was often at his best in a frock. Charlie, you come to this mark there. But he also directed their films. He was an historian, a tv presenter, a childrens author and friend and writing partner of michael palin. I met him at university in 1962, i think, and we were inseparable for many, many years after that. Writing, acting, through the python times. In python, what is terry jones contribution . When do you know, oh, thats terry . Well, i mean, there are certain roles that terry played superbly. A lot of them based on his mother when he does the mother in the life of brian, hes not the messiah, hes a very naughty boy now, you listen here, hes not the messiah, hes a very naughty boy. Now go away all who are you . Im his mother, thats who. Hop up, graybridge ripping yarns, do not adjust your set, he even wrote for the two ronnies and then, 50 years after they met, it became clear something was very wrong dementia. At this bafta event, terryjones could barely speak. Um, wed just like to say thank you to everyone. I know its a great honour for dad to win this award and just. The struggles were having at the moment, its been hard, but were so proud of him. Thank you. You described him as a renaissance comedian, a man who a polymath. Which part of terryjones will you really miss most . Oh, i shall miss the sociable terry, you know . Sorry. Illjust miss putting my arm around him and having a drink. He was just a wonderful companion. A terrific companion. So, yes, i shall miss our trips to the bar. I shall miss our pints, and i shall miss our sessions at setting the world to rights. He had his view, i had my view, but he was the most wonderful friend and, as i say, just a terrific person to be with and i wont be the only person who says this. He had an enormous number of friends who loved him dearly. Michael pailin on terryjones who has passed away at the age of 77. Thank you for being with us. Hello there. Wednesday was a rather grey and gloomy day for most of us misty and murky with some spots of drizzle. There were a few brighter spells, particularly eastern scotland and north east england, and i think todays looking pretty similar most places cloudy with limited spells of brightness. Weve still got our area of High Pressure, its getting squeezed out as lower pressures pushing in from the north and from the south. This weather front will be pushing to the north west of scotland to bring outbreaks of rain. But its going to be another very grey day. There could be some dense fog patches in places, particularly england and wales, and some of the cloud might be thick enough for the odd spot of light rain or drizzle. Much like wednesday, its probably eastern scotland and north east england where well see the best of any brightness. We could see a little bit as well across the south west of england. For most of us, the winds will be winds but stronger in north west scotland as that weather front moves in. There will be a stronger easterly blowing through the english channel. Those temperatures, hovering around eight or nine for most, could see 10 or 11 in the brighter spots of north east scotland. This weather front pushes further south with rain heavy on it as it continues to go south, but it tends to weaken and elsewhere a rather cloudy night with spots of drizzle and a bit of mist and murk and again a largely frost free one because of the cloud cover. A few sheltered spots in north east england and north east scotland could turn chilly. Friday will be similar sort of day. With our low of High Pressure with us, its going to be a rather grey and gloomy one with those temperatures around eight or nine degrees. That is how we are looking on friday but out of friday and into the weekend, we start to see some changes. Low pressure starts to push into the north west of the country. For england and wales, youll still notice not many isobars around so another day of light winds here and quite a bit of cloud. Further north west, for scotland and Northern Ireland, it will be a breezier day and well start to that weather front pushing into the north west of scotland. Could be as well because of the breeze mixing up the air, we could see some brightness for scotland and Northern Ireland but a rather cloudy day for most. Those temperatures, 7 10. As you move through saturday night into sunday, that weather front begins to push eastwards, slowly sliding across the country and youll notice more isobars on the chart for sunday. So its going to be a breezeier day, or windier day, for us all, particularly in the north west. This weather front moving eastwards will bring outbreaks of patchy rain, the odd heavier burst on it as it moves across england and wales. Brighter skies in scotland and Northern Ireland but here there will have blustery showers and they will be wintry and quite cool over high ground, nine or 11 in the south east. Then as we head into following week could be unsettled. We could see a deep low bringing gales and a spell of wet weather early in the week. Ask your this is bbc news, the ask your headlines public transport has been closed down in the chinese city of wuhan as the virus astronomy can taint. Millions have already travelled for the Lunar New Year holiday. In washington, democrats are presenting their arguments at the impeachment trial of donald trump, accusing him of in each shipment were the abuse of in each shipment were the abuse of powers. His defence team will soon present their arguments. These describe the proceedings as a sherrard. Authorities in spain are searching for four people since storm gloria caused destruction across the east of the country. Powerful storm front is so far killed nine people and is causing flooding in southern

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