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This is bbc news. The headlines. At the World Economic forum in davos, President Trump hits out at climate campaigners, calling them prophets of doom. We must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse. You say, just leave this to us, we will fix this, we promise we wont let you down, dont be so pessimistic. And then. Nothing. Silence. Donald trump became only the third president in history to face an impeachment trial. The misconduct set out in the articles as the most serious ever charged against a president. The first case of a new respiratory virus spreading across china has reached the united states. The duke and duchess of sussex issue a legal warning after the latest photographs by paparazzi are published around the world. In australia after the devastation of months of wildfires, we report on the signs of hope emerging at last. At 11 30pm we will take an in depth look at the papers with kate andrews and polly mckenzie. Good evening. At the World Economic forum in davos, President Trump has directed some of his hardest criticism to date at climate campaigners, dismissing them as prophets of doom, and he promised to protect the us economy, which is fuelled by cheap supplies of gas. Sustainability is the main theme of this years forum, and among those listening to mr trump was the teenage climate activist, greta thunberg. She later tore into political leaders, asking if it was worth risking a climate disaster in order to safeguard economic interests. Mr trump was speaking hours before his impeachment trial began in the us senate in washington dc. More on that in a moment but first, James Robbins reports from davos. Getting away from it all . Donald trump has flown over 4,000 miles from washington to the Alpine Heights of davos, hoping to look more like a president on the world stage, less like a defendant back home. Hes treading carefully on all the ice and snow any fall here would look terrible. But will this gathering of the World Economic forum, 5,000 feet up in switzerland, give an embattled president the high ground he craves . Even without impeachment, he is way out of step with the main goal of this meeting to do much more to tackle global temperature rise. But to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse. They are the heirs of yesterdays foolish fortune tellers and i have them and you have them and we all have them, and they want to see us do badly, but we dont let that happen. Being here today in switzerland and not in washington, the president may feel he is among friends surrounded by more than 100 fellow billionaires but, in truth, he is in a much more vulnerable and uncomfortable position than any of them. Im a very big believer in the environment, were now doing extremely well in the united states, but what i want is to have the cleanest water, the cleanest air and that is what we are going to have and thats what we have right now. So, who are the worlds biggest polluters . The us is the second largest producer of c02, accounting for nearly 15 of global emissions, but china is responsible for almost double that. The next biggest emitters of Carbon Dioxide are india, russia and japan, which produce another 15 of emissions between them. Britain accounts for 1. 1 of the total. One of Donald Trumps fiercest critic is also here in davos. Greta thunberg, teenage swedish activist, wants to hold everyone to account on behalf of her generation, accusing governments worldwide of empty promises. The fact that the usa is leaving the paris accord seemed to outrage and worry everyone, and it should. But the fact that we are all about to fail the commitments you signed up for in the Paris Agreement doesnt seem to bother the people in power even the least. President trump will be using the rest of his time in davos to focus on one to one meetings with other world leaders. He will be discussing everything from trade disputes to the huge tensions in the middle east, but the long shadow of events in washington still seems to reach even to switzerland. James robbins, bbc news. A long shadow indeed. As we heard, President Trump was speaking in davos hours before his impeachment trial began in the us senate. Its only the third time in American History that a president has faced an impeachment trial. The process involves several stages. It could, in theory, lead to President Trump being removed from office. The process started in the lower house, the house of representatives, where two charges were brought against mr trump. The actual trial takes place in the senate, the upper house, and thats the one that has already started today. The chamber of 100 senators acts as a jury 53 are republican, and 47 are democrats. A two thirds vote is necessary for a president s removal, its never happened before. 0ur north america editor jon sopel has the latest. Here thee, all persons are commanded to keep silent on pain of imprisonment. 1868, 1999 and now 2020, for only the third time in American History, the sergeant at arms tells senators on pain of imprisonment that they must maintain silence in the trial of a sitting president , the asth, donaldj trump. Presiding over it the chief justice, john roberts. But for all the veneer of this being a judicial process, it is really raw politics. The first person to be called was the senior white House Counsel acting as the defence. We believe that once you hear those initial presentations, the only conclusion will be that the president has done absolutely nothing wrong. And that these articles of impeachment do not begin to approach the standard required. The central argument is whether witnesses should be allowed. The republicans want the trial to be done and dusted in a little over a week, with no one called to give evidence. The chief prosecutor is adam schiff. The democratic chair of the house intelligence committee. He says that would be a travesty. If the defendant is not allowed to introduce evidence of his innocence, it is not a fair trial. So too for the prosecution. If the house cannot call witnesses or introduce documents in evidence, it is not a fair trial. It is not really a trial at all. Donald trump may be with the global elite, but he is watching what is happening in washington. It is a hoax, it goes nowhere because nothing happened. The only thing we have done is a greatjob. We have the greatest economy weve ever had in our history. The trial will last for at least a week. Then there will be questioning. All of this will be conducted with the strictest rules of behaviour. But on the the cable news networks, it is playing out 24 7 and here it is mixed martial arts with no rules. This fights for Public Opinion is just as important as donald trump eyes re election later on this year. Lets get the latest from our washington correspondent. With the democrats trying to get through a move to get documents out of the white house, that has failed . Yes, so we white house, that has failed . Yes, so we have had the first big vote of this impeachment trial and of course at the moment they are still trying to set the rules for how this trial will be conducted. Basically it was an amendment from the democrats. This vote came down party lines, 53 republicans, 47 democrats and therefore the amendment failed. Thats a blow for the democrats who wa nt to thats a blow for the democrats who want to try to get as much information as possible for the impeachment trial. Therefore it is probably a good thing for President Trump, but they will keep on trying and democrats are talking at the moment on the floor about trying to get information from the state department issuing subpoenas for that, and in coming days we will see them arguing for witnesses as well. They want to try to get as much information as possible. On the other hand the republicans want it to be over with as quickly as possible. If the first vote split on party lines, so partisan and clear and simple, is that not an indication that future votes, whether on other documents or as you say on witnesses, that they will likewise split on those lines . Yes, i think there is no doubt about that. You have an idea the republicans have a majority inside the senate and they will use that. There has been a slight push back from a handful of republican senators who have been unhappy with how some of this has been handled. Mitch mcconnell is the one who has been pushing for the way this will been pushing for the way this will be handled, and he had wanted each side, the prosecution and the defence, to set out their case in 2a hours over a period of two days so essentially 12 hours each day. Handful of republican senators pushed back against that and as a result he has now said they will have 2a hours each over three days and thats an idea that perhaps information should be handed out over a longer period. People should be allowed to be seen to process it more carefully, and it gives you the idea there are some republicans may bea idea there are some republicans may be a little uncomfortable with how quickly this is being pushed and how it is being handled. But i think you are right, there is no doubt the republican majority inside this and it means this impeachment trial, you can almost write what will happen in the days ahead. Obviously for some republicans they are probably concerned about the Democratic Party charge that this is a cover up, that it is not a proper trial, if you dont get any evidence or witnesses it is not for real . Yes, even on this first day whenever we have had the whole idea about setting the rules for this trial, it has actually been a process of also setting out what each side believes, and thats because this is being covered floor to floor by the American News networks. They have given up all of their airtime to this. People are aware america is watching on this first day. As a result its gone away from the idea of rules and we have had trumps tea m of rules and we have had trumps team setting out the idea the president has done nothing wrong, it is the democrats trying to take political advantage. 0n the other hand the Democratic Team coming forward saying, listen, he was trying to use his position to influence the next election by trying to force ukraine into launching investigations into his political opponents. You get the idea that because there is a certain idea that because there is a certain idea of this being quite predictable, people are aware they will be watching on the first day of this impeachment trial and therefore it isa this impeachment trial and therefore it is a chance to get their message to the american public. I suspect the American Republic will get used at the same argument is being said in different ways time and time again, and ultimately it is the republican majority inside the senate which means it is highly unlikely President Trump will be impeached and perhaps both sides will use this as an attempt instead to speak to the electorate about what is coming next. Chris, thank you. And a reminder you can get much more on the impeachment trial on the website. Just click on the link. A case of the new virus spreading across china has been reported in seattle, in the united states. The man had recently returned from china. Six people are now known to have died and more than 300 have been infected by the coronavirus, which can cause respiratory problems. 0ur medical correspondent fergus walsh is here. This american patient for example is responding well to treatment. Having said that, any new virus which jumps the species barrier from animals to humans is a cause for concern. We dont know what the animal reservoir is for this virus. It has been linked to a seafood market, but it resembles a virus found in bats. It can jump from person to person, but it doesnt seem to be particularly contagious and all the six people who have died so far had Underlying Health problems. So they had weakened immune systems. Tomorrow, the world health 0rganisation will have to decide whether to declare the virus a Global Public health emergency. They have done that before in the case of other viruses. But its not a given. They could issue travel advice and restrictions. They didnt do so in the case of a middle eastern virus that jumped from camels to humans. So they may decide to watch and wait for this epidemic to spread and see how it develops. Fergus walsh. Headlines. At the World Economic forum in davos, President Trump hits out at climate campaigners, calling them prophets of doom. The president arrived in switzerland, as his impeachment trial was getting under way, back home in washington dc. Prince harry is threatening to take legal action over paparazzi photographs of his wife. They issued warnings to the media after pictures in canada were published this morning. They were reportedly taken by photographers hiding in bushes with long lens cameras. Prince harry joins his wife and son in vancouver this morning as they prepare for a new life away from royal duties. 0ur correspondent over the long is on Vancouver Island and said that for the first day at least the reality of their life in canada has been very different to what they might have imagined. This is what meghan and harry moved to canada far, a peaceful life by the Pacific Coast but they say they have found photographers hiding in bushes and an alarming level of paparazzi activity around the home they are staying in. Pictures were published around the world of megan with her young son and their two dogs, looking happy and relaxed as she waited for harry to arrive, but the couple say she did not consent to being photographed. Their legal team say the paparazzi have set up a permanent camp around the property and even tried to take pictures inside using long lenses. Harry has only been here for less than 2a hours. He arrived last night. This should have been the first day of their new life together. Instead it has been a day involving lawyers and legal accusations of harassment, unwelcome reminders of home and exactly what the couple were trying to escape. That personal speech harry made before leaving the uk, he spoke about the powerful force of the media. The queen also spoke about the intense scrutiny the couple had been subjected to. Even though the sussexes have travelled thousands of miles, it seems they are yet to find the peaceful life free from intrusion they had hoped to see here. So for long. The Mpjess Phillips has dropped out of the labour leadership contest, leaving four candidates in the race to succeed jeremy corbyn. The Birmingham Yardley mp said the next leader had to unite the whole labour movement, and she said that person wasnt her. Emily thornberry, sir keir starmer, rebecca long bailey, and lisa nandy are still competing to be labour leader, with the result on 11th april. The gmb union today came out in support of lisa nandy. The government insisted it was intent on protecting family reunification and will try to reverse the change, when the bill returns to the commons. The nhs in england faces more than £4 billion in legal fees to settle outstanding claims of clinical negligence, according to figures obtained by bbc news. The total estimated cost of all unsettled claims now stands at £83 billion its more than doubled in four years. The department of health has pledged to tackle what it calls the unsustainable rise in the cost of clinical negligence, as our correspondent Angus Crawford explains. Brother, son, grandson. This is hayden. Wow. A video filmed when he was just hours old. But later, he was rushed to hospital. And after a failure to treat a virus, which attacked his heart, he died there. He lived forjust six days. Every parents worst nightmare. We had to sit there and watch our son slowly die in front of our eyes, literally. To find out the truth, they felt they had no choice but to sue. You cant bring that person back, nothing is going to bring them back, and the only thing that helps is to have acknowledgement that they existed. That they mattered. And answers. I havent really thought about it as suing the nhs. I felt about it as kind of fighting for a voice for hayden, and fighting for, you know, acknowledgement of his life and his rights. I dont think we would have got the answers we had any other way. The hospital did eventually admit liability, years later. That picture is being repeated across england. Payments for clinical negligence have doubled since 2015. Last year, the nhs paid out £2. 3 billion. But the total cost of outstanding claims now stands at a staggering £83 billion, and weve learned legal fees make up 11. 3 billion of that. Compensation comes from a central fund, topped up every year by the hospitals themselves. The rise in pay outs down to failures in maternity care. Lifetime support for babies, injured at birth. More complex cases, and a change in how claims are calculated. But lawyers for patients warn safety failings are really the key issue. Youve got patients who are injured negligently and thats why they should be compensated. What we should be looking at is improving patient care and patient safety. We would then have less injured patients and the costs of litigation will then come down. The government says its committed to tackling the unsustainable rise in the cost of clinical negligence, and its ambition is for the nhs to be the safest Health Care System in the world. But haydens death is evidence of a system that failed. 0ne his parents believe is in urgent need of reform. There is a death and you pay. Theres a death, you pay. Theres an injury, you pay, and theyre not actually fixing the source of the problems, so it is just going to be repeated. Angus crawford, bbc news. Boeing has delayed the expected return of its trouble 737 max two june orjuly which is seven months later than expected. The delay is thought to be caused by a wiring issue. Max was grounded in march last year after two separate crashes that killed all 346 people aboard. In australia, where bushfires have been raging around coastal regions since september, claiming dozens of lives, destroying thousands of homes and laying waste to millions of hectares of woodland. Despite heavy rain and hail in some areas over the weekend, many of the fires are still burning. But as our correspondent nick beake has been finding out, in the midst of devastation, there are some signs of hope at last. In this silent bleakness, its hard to find comfort. But look closer. New hope. New colour. New beginnings. These brutal fires may have scorched so much of the bush in this vast country, but already there is life once more. A month ago, this is what confronted jez and deb. They watched as the flames raced across their land. So, the fire came over the top of this ridge, and then jumped over the gully and roared up this side. Much of the thick vegetation was incinerated, but now. Even after all the fire, you can see that after a bit of moisture and a bit of rain this angophora has started to shoot. What do you make of that . Thats pretty incredible, to be honest with you. Jez and deb have been looking for signs of recovery. This is a place thats been stripped bare, but not destroyed. These trees actually need the fire to regenerate. The seed pods here open with the heat, so its a good thing that the fire goes through for this banksia tree. You have got to look for the best anyway, so yes, well use this as a restart, and try and create a place better for the wildlife and all vegetation and such. We are seeing signs of new life, all across fire scorched australia. Flickers of hope, after these darkest of months, and its a much needed tonic for the thousands of people who are now trying to rebuild their own lives. He does like to get out of his bag and stretch his legs a bit. And for some native animals who survived the fire, including jake, a gentle reintroduction to their transformed habitat. Hes not a wallaby, and hes not a kangaroo. Hes a wallaroo. There may be strength in adversity here, but no one wants to be rebuilding time and time again. I hope that in the future this is a little bit of a wake up call. Its never too late to change the way that we do agriculture and do coal mining and that sort of thing in australia. So, yes, you can see new life here, but with other fires still burning its a new urgency thats needed to protect the future of this land. Nick beake, bbc news, new south wales. Universities have had a tough time of it financially, in recent years. And one way theyve coped is by attracting increasing numbers of foreign students. More Chinese Students than ever are studying here up by a third in just five years, according to the latest figures. They are the Largest Single Group with 120,000 students. Its a lot more than india, which comes second, and almost as many as all eu countries combined. So they produce something of a financial windfall, but some mps are now warning about the influence of the Chinese Government on campus. As part of our series on immigration, our education editor branwenjeffreys has been to the university of liverpool, which has the highest proportion of students from mainland china. The sun never goes down until night. My name is deng renwei. In the uk, people call me kevin here. Its liverpool. Music brought him to study in liverpool. Now hes writing songs about the city for his band. Kevin told me being a student here has given him a different perspective. It makes me think things more objectively, especially when it comes to a global matter. I wont. I wont see it only in a chinese perspective. Almost one in five students at this university are from china, paying fees two or three times higher than uk students. In a uni lab, yang bai is working on clean energy, a graduate doing research. The Chinese Government is paying for him to be here. Before i came here, id never seen a laboratory that looks like this. Its amazing. So this is a world class facility . Yes. Firstly, iwould bring the future to real life. So the science here is being carried out across two countries. China has almost unrivalled resources to put behind research. The Chinese Government is paying for 40 phd students to use the world class facilities here. Its part of a much wider collaboration, but its a relationship that some believe has to be handled with care. So would the University Risk offending the Chinese Government . Would a pro democracy speaker from hong kong be welcome . We would want to be sensitive to the relationships that we have with any partner. But, you know, we are part of the uk higher education sector. Freedom of speech is really important to us. And yet mps are genuinely worried that universities are being naive in the way that they are engaging with china. I dont think were influenced in a negative way. China is now the second Largest Research and Development Economy in the world. You know, they have a quarter of all research and Development Scientists and researchers in the world. You know, we cannot afford to ignore the contributions that Chinese Research can make. When democracy protesters took to the streets in hong kong, there was an impact on uk campuses. I travelled to another part of the country to meet hong kong Chinese Students. If i get identified by the Chinese Embassy or the Chinese Government, then i might put the safety of relatives i have living in china under threat. They say theyve been intimidated by mainland Chinese Students. Ive had Death Threats on mainland Peoples Group chats of them saying that they want to kill me. 0n things that ive put up on the university campus, and theyre saying that theyll bring knives to kill me. And theyve also harassed me by taking photos of the stuff i put up and where i stay. Young people, thousands of miles from home, theirfamilies paying for a british education. But does their government now have a bigger say on uk campuses . Branwen jeffreys, bbc news. Now a reminder that we will have an in depth look at the papers with our reviewers kate andrews and polly mckenzie, coming up after the headlines at 11 30pm but right now we ta ke headlines at 11 30pm but right now we take a glimpse at the weather week ahead with darren. We will see a change of weather type next week, as i will show you later on. It will probably make forecasting more straightforward because everything recently has been slow moving, its been difficult to get the cloud and the mist and fog right, but over the next few days we should be seeing a lot of cloud over more of the uk, milder conditions as well. Still got High Pressure in charge but cloudy skies should be moving down from the north, so sunshine much more limited on wednesday across england and wales. Probably the best of the sunshine across eastern parts of scotland. Damp and drizzly weather across the north of scotland, on the whole it will be dry but even then we are seeing more cloud across england and wales than we had on tuesday. Temperatures 13 in the sunshine in aberdeenshire, very mild for the time of year. During the evening we should keep cloudy skies, limiting the frost. As we head into thursday we still have the High Pressure in charge, light winds

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