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The extra security follows the murder of a policeman in paris on thursday. In a separate incident on saturday a Man Threatened Police with a knife at the gare du nord Train Station in paris. It led to temporary panic among travellers. It all comes ahead of french people abroad casting their votes. In the lull before frances president ial vote, those out campaigning today werent supporting politicians. This rally was for the police. Chanting. Black balloons for those killed in the line of duty. Pink for the family they leave behind. Their message, the police need protecting too. I am a wife of policeman and i am very, very angry because i love him and i dont want that someone come here and kill him like that. One of the balloons was for xavierjugele, attacked on the Champs Elysee on thursday night by a lone gunmen with an automatic Weapon Targeting Policemen in the heart of paris. Xavier was on duty near the bataclan during the 2015 paris attacks and went back for a concert when the hall reopened one year on, where he spoke to a bbc reporter. Thats why we are here with my friend to celebrate life and to say no to terrorism. The police union say their members need protecting from everyday risks too. Exhaustion, overwork and stress. The State Of Emergency following a string of attacks here has taken its toll. Boosting Police Numbers has been an issue for the president ial campaigns. But this election has gone beyond questions of security, the economy or immigration. Its opened up a debate about the meaning of french values and how to define being french. This campaign has offered voters vastly different visions for their future and the race between candidates has been tight. So why are so many people expected to abstain . When you ask them why they refuse to vote, they always tell you the same thing. They are all the same, they lie to us, we have tried everything, nothing changes, which are political arguments. Its not because they dont care, its because they care a lot. Across the country, buildings are being reborn as Polling Stations for tomorrows vote. What happens here could shape the political future of europe. After all the rhetoric and all the surprises, its time for france to decide. Lucy williamson, bbc news, paris. My colleague Karin Giannone is also in paris and is assessing the mood of voters ahead of sundays vote. Todayis today is the day political silence, politicians have gone quiet and it isa politicians have gone quiet and it is a chance for them to catch their breath after months of relentless campaigning. It is a normal seen on this Street Market in paris. An affluent this Street Market in paris. An afflu e nt area this Street Market in paris. An affluent area of the capital. The background is anything but normal, front is under a State Of Emergency and there was a Terror Attack on thursday night which left a policeman dead. How much is all that weighing on voters minds as they prepared to cast their ballots tomorrow . Translation the attack hasnt changed anything for me. We have already taken it into account. Its more of the same. Translation i have had the same idea about voting since childhood, same as my parents, we have never changed. Im absolutely certain. Everyone is voting. Translation even if you are not that enthusiastic about any one candidate, you have to go and vote. It is your duty a citizen. So the scene here at least is much what france is known best for, buying good food, sitting outside cafes, drinking coffee, wine and beer but the run up to this election has been extraordinary, dramatic and unpredictable so is absolutely no way of knowing what the outcome of sundays first round will be. There will be a special Election Programme on bbc news on sunday. We will bring it to you live. Demonstrations have taken place around the world in support of science. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of around 500 cities, to take part in the first ever March For Science rallies. The main rally was held in the american capital, washington, where many protesters voiced their anger at donald trump. The us president plans to cut funding to numerous areas of science and research. The bbcs Laura Bicker Reports from the rally in washington dc. Scientists usually steer clear of politics that just scientists usually steer clear of politics thatjust metres from the white house, thousands gathered to celebrate and defend their work. Stand up tour, stand up tour. Celebrate and defend their work. Standup tour, standup tour. This is the first time scientists have presence in the capital. They said the message wasnt solely at donald trump but body was a good time to protest planned cuts to environmental plans. Science must shape policy. Science is universal. Science brings out the best in us with an informed optimistic view of the future together we can, dare i say it, save the world cheering. In a statement, donald trump said. He added his view that rigourous science depends not on ideology but ona science depends not on ideology but on a spirit of honest enquiry and robust debate. In london, the star of doctor who joined thousands of visitors, astronomers and biologists to highlight the role science plays in everyday life. Demonstrators took to the streets and there were 500 cities around the world including sydney, berlin and geneva. Many are protesting what they see as an alarming trend among politicians to discredit scientific research. This little girl travelled from flint, messaging, to try and speak, however scary that my mp. I believe in science. Thousands of people discovered that people in flint were Drinking Water with lead, burning their skin and making them sick. Listen to me, when we dont believe in science, and especially when our government doesnt believe in science, kids get hurt. Thats what happened in flint. For the sake of flint kids and for all of this world, Iam Flint Kids and for all of this world, i am for science. The rallies have generated debate in the us about whether Raw Nonscientists should involve themselves in politics but organisers said now was the time to ensure their voices are heard. Earlier i spoke to Science Writer and scholar mark lynas who marched in the london rally and believes the protests were success. It says something about the times we are living in that scientists have to come out of their laboratories and to stop mutually examining hypotheses and actually make a political statement by rallying around the world in five or 600 locations. Point being made is that scientist is universal. There is something going on at the moment, something going on at the moment, some political zeitgeist, post truth, alternative faqs, call it whatever but Hundreds Of Thousands of people came out onto to the streets and said they will not accept this. Truth matters. It is essential for our democracies as well as for the rigourous scientific method. One of the things you are talking about is donald trump in his reference to claim Climate Change. Many americans would agree with him. Is it up to scientists to prove that Global Warming does exist, present the facts . The problem is, the facts are clear on Climate Change as well as numerous other things you have the nihilists opposing the scientific consensus. In the examination of scientific literature, it is 97 of what has been published, supports the fact that Climate Change is real and it is human caused. The problem comes when you have a political backlash against that because fog some reason or other, someone doesnt want to accept the science. For some reason. There are people who oppose the size of back nations and all sorts of other things. Vaccinations. Science has been classed as an ideology but we have to ta ke classed as an ideology but we have to take science seriously. It has to be the basis of public policy. Not belief systems. Clash is an interesting word. This is further divide the scientists and the politicians . Are certainly hope not. One of the things that was clear today was that it was not going to bea today was that it was not going to be a partisan issue. It wasnt an anti trump protest, from my Point Of View and the Point Of View of many other people. Yes, we are standing up other people. Yes, we are standing upfor other people. Yes, we are standing up for the science of Climate Change and other things but it is not in favour or against any political party. The point about science is it applies in every country, every person, is universal. It is true whether you believe it or not and thatis whether you believe it or not and that is the message, we have to stop Targeting Scientists and attacking scientist, it has to be perfectly properly funded. Lets get some other news for you this hour. Hundreds of thousands of venezuelans are marching in silence to remember those killed in the three weeks of protests against the government of president maduro. Opposition leaders have blamed the deaths of about 20 people on a heavy handed response to their protests by the security forces. A United Nations report on south sudan accuses the government of responsibility for the majority of the fighting in the countrys three year old civil war and for creating the famine which was declared in february. The un experts are calling for an arms embargo. Emergency teams are trying to contain an oil spill on one of Spains Canary islands, after a ferry crashed into underwater fuel pipes late on friday. A three kilometre slick is threatening the coast around las palmas, the main town on gran canaria. The Regional Government said a plant had been shut down to avoid contamination of Drinking Water. Lets go to afghanistan now where an attack by the taliban has killed and wounded more than 100 soldiers. The president ashraf ghani said the assault was contrary to human values and islamic teachings. The attack happened on friday when militants wearing Army Uniforms entered the base near the city of Mazar E Sharif which is in the north of the country. A national day of mourning will take place on sunday. Justin rowlatt reports. It was during Afternoon Prayers that two Suicide Bombers blasted open the entrance to this army base in the north of afghanistan. At least eight other fighters dressed in afghan Army Uniforms used Heavy Machine Guns to attack the dining area of the base and the mosque. The taliban has claimed responsibility and issued this picture of the men it claims were behind it. One was captured, the rest are now dead. Afghan troops have been pouring in to secure the area today. The Afghan President , ashraf ghani, visited dozens of the injured in a local hospital. The attack took the troops by surprise and the battle that followed lasted for five hours. Translation when i came out of the mosque after prayers, three people with Army Uniforms and an army vehicle started shooting at us. Islamic tradition requires that burials take place as soon as possible and the bodies of many of the victims have already been placed in coffins. The assault on the army base is a shocking reminder ofjust how tough the ongoing battle in afghanistan is. Last month, an afghan Army Helicopter landed Special Forces troops on the roof of the Military Hospital in kabul after it was stormed by gunmen disguised as doctors. Around 50 people died in that attack. 2. 5 years after the International Combat mission in afghanistan ended, and the taliban now controls more than a third of the country. And with casualties amongst the Afghan Forces running at almost 7,000 a year, there are questions about how long the afghan army can continue to defend the ground it still holds. Justin rowlatt, bbc news. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come as temperatures rise and cause glaciers to melt we visit this ski resort turning to unusual methods to protect its slopes. The stars and stripes at half mast outside columbine high. The School Sealed off, the bodies of the dead still inside. I never thought they would actually go through with it. Some places have already had nearly as much rain as they would normally expect in an entire year. For millions of americans, the death of Richard Nixon in a New York Hospital has meant conflicting emotions. A national day of mourning next wednesday sitting somehow uneasily with the abiding memories of the shame of watergate. And lift off of the Space Shuttle discovery with the hubble space telescope, our window on the universe. This is bbc world news. The latest headlines the police are out in force for the french president ial election, after the attack in paris on thursday. And Hundreds Of Thousands of people have joined the first ever March For Science in cities around the world. The leader of germanys anti Immigration Party alternative fur deutschland, or afd, has suffered a crushing defeat, as delegates at a conference rejected her plans to appeal to a wider public. Frauke petry, who will not be the partys candidate in septembers election, asked delegates at the annual conference in cologne to vote to move closer to the mainstream and forge translation i understand that delegates wanted to concentrate on policies, but it is a mistake not to discuss the future political strategy of the party. A political strategy of the party. A political strategy and a Party Programme go hand in hand. Outside the conference venue, thousands of anti afd protestors clashed with police. Two Police Officers were injured as they tried to protect delegates entering the building. Jenny hill has been watching the days events in cologne. Its been a day of protests here in cologne, against germanys most controversial political party. You can see that the demonstrators are starting to disperse now, but there were Tens Of Thousands of people on the streets of cologne today, many of them held back from the City Centre Hotel where that conference is happening by armed Police Officers, some of them in riot gear. In fact, two officers, were told, were injured during minor scuffles although by and large the protests have passed off peacefully. Far more fractious, it has to be said, was the mood inside the conference hall, and that is because afd is really a party in crisis. Not only is it slipping in the polls, it seems that its very fierce anti islam, anti immigrant platform is no longer enough to attract the german electorate. But it is also a party bitterly divided over its future political direction. And there is still a great deal of discussion about how the party is going to move forward. If you look at the polls, afd is still on course to win seats in the general election, but really, its chances of significant political success rest now on whether it can come together, agree, if you like, on, first of all, a candidate to go into that election to stand against angela merkel, but perhaps more importantly, to agree on the very political identity of the party itself. The american Vice President has confirmed that the us will honour a promise by former president obama to accept more than 1,200 refugees from australian detention camps. After meeting the australian prime minister, he also spoke about north Koreas Nuclear ambitions. Mr pence said the uss Carl Vinson Carrier Group would be in the sea of japan before the end of this month. From sydney, Hywel Griffiths reports. In australia they call it the mateship, the special relationship which has seen it fight side by side with the us for nearly a century. And, with tension rising on the korean peninsula, america wants to reaffirm those old alliances. After false claims and confusion of the whereabouts of its aircraft carrier, the Vice President today said the Uss Carl Vinson was now on the way to the sea of japan, building up its capabilities in the region. The one thing that nations, most especially the regime in north korea, should make no mistake about is that the United States has the resources, the personnel and the presence in this region of the world to see to our interests, and to see to the security of those interests, and our allies. Military might was backed up with some diplomatic pressure, a joint call on china to impose economic sanctions. It is self evident that china has the opportunity and we say the responsibility to bring pressure to bear on north korea to stop this reckless and dangerous trajectory upon which they are embarked. The fate of hundreds of refugees was also on the agenda. The agreement for america to resettle those at australias offshore detention centres in nauru and manus island has been questioned by president trump. A dumb deal, in his words, but one which he will honour. Let me make it clear, the United States intends to honour the agreement, subject to the results of the vetting processes that now apply to all refugees considered for admission to the United States of america. The Vice President will leave australia knowing he is likely to retain its support. Whatever the next few months may bring, the mateship unlikely to waver. Hywel griffith, bbc news, sydney. Some sport now, and chelsea remain on course for a domestic double, after beating spurs in the semi final of the fa cup. The League Leaders won 4 2 at wembley. Chelsea twice took the lead before being pegged back by tottenham. Belgian striker eden hazard put chelsea in front for a third time, before the blues scored a fourth goal, to seal their place in mays final. Proud for this achievement. It is great for. For the players, yes. For me, because for me this is the first season in england. It is great to fight for the title, and then to reach the final fa cup. A great competition. But yes, i am reach the final fa cup. A great competition. But yes, iam pleased for my players, and also for our fans. Tributes have been paid to the italian cyclist who was killed on sunday after being hit by a van during a training ride. The rider, who won the 201 during a training ride. The rider, who won the 2011 giro ditalia, was 28 years old. As the Alpine Ski Season comes to an end, one of the problems facing resorts is the effect of rising temperatures, causing glaciers to melt. Some have diminished by a quarter over the past a0 years. Sara thornton has travelled to the austrian alps, to a resort built on a glacier, where authorities are going to Great Lengths to stop it melting. For tens of millennia, this glacier has carved its way through the alps. It is now less than a third of what it was. I am the on the top of this glacier in the austrian alps, at around 3,000m high. It is an area thatis around 3,000m high. It is an area that is very popular for skiing, and actually there are about 80 separate glaciers in this area. But there is a problem, because in the last few yea rs, a problem, because in the last few years, scientists have realised that has been unprecedented glacial melt. So the question is now how serious was that melt, and what can they do to stop at . Doctor Andrea Fischer is a world renowned Glee Theologist who has made it her lifes work to halt the decline of this glacier. And she has had on the solution. A blanket preventing ice melt. On a very small, very local scale, we can prevent some very small areas by covering with textiles during summer, but only i of calyceal area in ski resorts can be protected by this method is, and of course it is very cost intensive and it needs much labour glacial area. Very cost intensive and it needs much labour glacial area. To save 196 much labour glacial area. To save i of the glacier seems almost futile, with the local economy relying on skiing and tourism here, Officials Say it is worth it. It is expensive, but it is more expensive to do it not. So i think the cost of this protection is around 300,000 euros. The result is very good. On average, the melting is about one metre or 1. 5 metres, and with this it protects more than 50 . There are 5000 Alpine Glaciers in the world, and some scientists predict that at the current rate of melting half of them will be gone, and those that are them will be gone, and those that a re left them will be gone, and those that are left will be much smaller. But it is farfrom are left will be much smaller. But it is far from clear of this expensive, a local solution can work ona expensive, a local solution can work on a global scale. Hello there. With clear skies for many of us overnight, sunday dawns on quite a chilly note. There will bea on quite a chilly note. There will be A Touch Of Frost for some rural parts. This was the sunset on saturday evening, taken by one of our weather watchers in south ayr, showing a beautiful blue skies. Cloud will increase across this part of the world as we head through the day on sunday, so Turning Cloudier across northern and western scotland, with a few showers. Also some cloud across southern counties of england, and for Northern Ireland as well. It is of course London Marathon on saturday. After a fairly fresh start to the day. By the early afternoon, temperatures in the mid teens. It should be fairly cloudy but were expecting it to remain dry. There isjust cloudy but were expecting it to remain dry. There is just the outside chance, though, of a Passing Shower in london. So this is nine a. M. You can see quite a lot of cloud across devon and cornwall, afterwards east anglia as well, but there will be some brightness around. Temperatures around eight or nine degrees at 9am, with some cloud across Northern England and Southern Scotla nd across Northern England and Southern Scotland as well. Northern ireland Sta Rts Scotland as well. Northern ireland starts off a bit cloudier and that cloud also pushing in across the western scotland, with some scattered showers across northern parts of scotland. And moving through the day, then, not a bad day for most of us. It is looking predominantly dry, with the best of the sunshine in a swathe through parts of Northern England, the midlands and across wales. A bit more cloud to the south of that but most more cloud to the south of that but m ost pla ces more cloud to the south of that but most places paint dry. Just that small hint of perhaps a Passing Shower in london for the marathon, of course. Temperatures here up around 16 degrees for the middle of the afternoon. The north, more in the afternoon. The north, more in the way of cloud and outbreaks of rain too, down to the fact that we have this frontal system approaching from the north. That will bring quite a change in weather type as we head through into the new working week. First thing Monday Morning in the countryside it will be very chilly in the far north, put italy across of scotland. Could be as low as minus four degrees first thing in the morning. And during the day that cold air filters the morning. And during the day that Cold Airfilters in the morning. And during the day that cold air filters in across parts of scotland, then into Northern Ireland too. Some wintry showers in the north. Further south across england and wales, cloud, outbreaks of rain, but we are still in the milder air here. Around 16 degrees or so. Whereas further north around six to nine celsius. Then as those were the principal way into the south, heading towards tuesday, colder air pushes down across all of us. So a return to a quite wintry feel during the course of tuesday. I think, with that cold, northerly wind, will be quite a lot of dry, bright weather, with showers put italy was the east and a bit of a wintry flavour to those showers. Temperatures at best for most of us around eight or nine degrees. Could be up to around 13, though, in the far north east. That wintry theme continues through the week. Still cold for wednesday and thursday, with wintry showers and night time frosts. The latest headlines from bbc news. Im alpa patel. 50,000 Police Officers are being deployed across france to reassure people that its safe to vote in the first round of the president ial election on sunday. It follows the murder of a policeman in paris on thursday. Hundreds of thousands of people are taking part in rallies in support of science around the world. The american organisers say they felt compelled to protest against a political assault on science, particularly from donald trump. The Afghan President has visited a Military Base near the city of mazar i sharif where a Taliban Attack on friday is said to have killed or wounded more than 100 soldiers. He condemned it as against islamic teaching. Hundreds of thousands of venezuelans are marching in silence to remember those killed in the three weeks of protests against the government. Opposition leaders blame the deaths on a heavy handed response by the security forces. Now on bbc news its time for hardtalk

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