women's rights are literally being criminalised, for a woman's right to her own body, and in india the supreme court passed a decision where it is not, where a woman has autonomy in her own right. if you think about it, that makes no sense because you would think that a country like india would actually — patriarchal — would not be able to do that but we are seeing that in america. so, it is like we are living in a time where we are moving forward a hundred steps but we're moving back at the same time. but all i think about is, like, whatam i doing every single day? can i be a good person and make sure that i create actions within my own life that maybe have a butterfly effect. you talked about progress and that is the theme — it's a hopeful theme of bbc 100 women this year. yeah, thank god. we are in a couple of years where you've got teenage girls not being allowed to go to school in afghanistan, you've got the protests happening in iran, we know that post—pandemic,