consuming loads, loads of their own mother's quality milk. last year was profitable and this year will be more profitable again. unlike the ethical dairy, many dairy farms have to try to make a profit selling only liquid milk. prices have been kept low for years. typically, farmers are paid between 31p—38p a litre. that means making the cows as productive as possible. so we have invested a lot of money in genetics and we have invested a lot of money in health and those two hand in hand just mean we can bring out the best in the cow. the average yield for a dairy cow daily is about 23, 2a litres a cow, which is about 40% higher than it would have been about 30 years ago. a lot of the market is exceptionally price competitive, particularly the sector that we're in, which is the liquid market. and there's a massive range within dairying of those who are making good money and those who are really,