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As a huge winter storm sweeps in, bringing heavy snow. And reliving every parents nightmare Professor Robert kelly tells us what lifes been like since his interview, and his family, went viral. Its been pretty unreal. We didnt expect any attention like this at all. We certainly never had anything like this in our life. That hello i am katty kay in washington, Christian Fraser is in london. Next month turkey will hold a referendum on changes to its constitution that would grant Recep Tayyip Erdogan vast new powers. If he wins the vote, the position of Prime Minister will be abolished in favour of a new Executive Presidency that would be mr erdogan himself. Polls suggest turks are evenly divided on the issue. To win, mr erdogan might need the support of the millions of turks who live in countries across europe and can vote in the referendum. On sunday the dutch government, stopped turkish ministers from campaigning in rotterdam. German states have taken similar action. In response mr erdogan labelled the dutch nazis and blocked the return of the dutch ambassador. Now hes gone further still. Today mr erdogan invoked the Srebrenica Massacre when, in 1995, 110 dutch peacekeepers failed to stop the killing of thousands of muslim men and boys. Translation my dearfriends,. We know The Netherlands and the dutch people from the Srebrenica Massacre. We know how rotten their character is from their massacre of 8,000 bosnians there. We know this very well. In the past few hours ourcolleaoue from the dutch Prime Minister mark rutte. I have to say that what he said today about srebrenica is completely unacceptable and a rewriting of history. ;. 1;. ;; ; if. Ii ll . Izg hour by hour and i want him to tone down and to calm down. This is not helping at all and i is an acceptable. He said that people in The Netherlands should vote in the interest of turkey. People in {herinterest cat turkey. Peoplem netherlands should vote in the The Netherlands should vote in the interest of The Netherlands. The netherlands is a very proud people and country too. What is the president playing at . Its an extraordinary escalation of inflammatory rhetoric which is designed for domestic purposes exclusively to rally his nationalist voter base who love this sort of thing. Their strongman president standing up to europe and presenting turkey as a victim of oppression from europe. That the europeans is giving Turkey Lessons On Freedom Of Speech when actually they are abusing human rights and dispersing turkish protesters in a very violent way. It is really something that is designed for this half of the country that supports president erdogan. This pro government newspaper today used a play on words, not very subtly, to talk about how mark rutte is a dog. That is very much taking the message literally. Another pro government paper talking about how a simple apology is not enough from The Netherlands. Hammering home this idea that turkey has the moral high ground here. This secular newspaper says thanks to germany and hollands actions, the yes campaign in the referendum held in foreign half weeks time about boosting president erdogans powers will get two points more because people are really rallying behind his side on this issue. In the much more pro european side of the country, they are recalling in horror at the way turkey is calling out nato alleys in this way. Nato allies. Turkey is calling out nato alleys in this way. Nato allies. Letsjust move it away from the row for a second and focus on this referendum. How much power is it going to vest in president erdogan if he wins . Nothing short of the biggest political shake up since nothing short of the biggest political sha ke up since turkey nothing short of the biggest political shake up since turkey has had since the foundation of the independent nation in 1923. It would change from a Prime Ministerial to a president ial republic. He would have vastly enhanced powers. He would be head of the executive as well as head of the executive as well as head of the executive as well as head of state. He would be able to elect laws by decree, pointjudges, prepare the budget and it would give him much bigger powers. He says that parliament would have greater oversight of the president and would be able to answer more to the parliament but this is very much the climax of his career. He is going guns blazing for this referendum and this whole campaign with europe is designed to that effect. Thanks very much. What is this row doing for mark ruttes chances . According to polls this afternoon, it seems to be doing him good. He is performing better in the polls today than he has done for months. Some people in The Netherlands had suggested that it would be in his interest to let the iow would be in his interest to let the row escalates but that argument has evaporated today. People today have been so offended and so by what president erdogan has said, he spoke about state terror, he made reference to the Srebrenica Massacre, he called this country a ba na na massacre, he called this country a banana republic. He has succeeded in unifying all politicians behind mark mark rutte and saying he is right to reply in the way that he did. Why does all this matter so much . It matters because turkey is so crucially important to east west relations. Geographically it is, of course, one of the largest landmasses separating europe and the middle east. And since 2011 turkey has been heavily involved in the conflict in neighbouring syria. They have been pushing back is from their southern border. Last month Syrian Rebels backed by turkey took back the northern syrian town of al bab from is. There are complicating factors the Turkish Forces have also been attacking kurdish fighters who are armed and supported by us special forces. And recently they have cooperated with the russia military, who do support the syrian president. On top of all that turkey is a hugely important partner in helping europe deal with the migrant crisis. They have taken in just under three Million People who have escaped the fighting in syria, many of them trying to get to europe. The deal the eu struck with turkey last year led to a sharp fall in the numbers making that perilous journey by sea to greece. In return for that better policing, turkey received a big cash hand out and some political concessions as well. With me now is the former Us Ambassador to turkey and baghdad james jeffrey. When you listen to what president erdogan has been saying, is he acting increasingly irrational, is it politics, what is going on . It has gone very bad, very fast. This is the erdogan i know from 2008 10. He exploits situations to advance his political agenda. This is working on the ground in what Will Bea Working On The Ground in what will be a tight referendum for him. The dutch Prime Minister mark rutte is happy about this because his numbers are going up at the expense of Geert Wilders who erdogan doesnt want to see win. Both sides are actually benefiting from this. What does it do to turkeys chances of one day joining the European Union . People are not going to forget the things he has said to germany and holland over the last couple of days . M he has said to germany and holland over the last couple of days . It is going to further diminish what most people think is a slim chance that turkey would become part of the European Union . Is it basically giving up on the ambition to join the European Union . Turkey has a greatly beneficial customs union, 1 million dutch tourists and 22 billion investment alone that they dont want to give up. Turkey doesnt want to give up the idea that it doesnt want to give up the idea thatitis doesnt want to give up the idea that it is a European Union so it will maintain the charade of wanting membership into the future. We have spoken a lot about the situation of the State Department and the fact that Rex Tillerson doesnt have a deputy of the staff to get to grips with the problems he needs to get to grips with. Is this that in normal times the americans would be able to do something about . Would they be able to if Rex Tillerson had staff in place . Where did the United States wa nts in place . Where did the United States wants to intervene in this, given the fact that we are on the ground ina given the fact that we are on the ground in a very confused situation in northern syria, i dont think so. I think the us will step out of it. Rex tillerson and his acting deputy tom shannon are more than capable of acting effectively on Something Like this with or without the agreed pathetic situation of staffing in the State Department. So i suppose it is less of a concern, this row that might blow over, more of concern is where president erdogan is taking the country and how u nsta ble is taking the country and how unstable it might become in the future. We are worried about that. Roughly half the population want to see him sees these powers. This is not democratic. I thought, French Fifth Republic and the american constitution, we have had some experience of this, however, in the hands of someone who may not respect democracy as much as we might hear in america, that can be very problematic and people in washington are very worried about where president erdogan is taking the country, for sure. We are taking some time looking at populist leaders and their characters and policies. Are you suggesting that people are looking at President Trump and saying he is copying the style of people president erdogan. People who have spoken to him say he has the ability to act rationally but some of those with nationalist ideals and played to a Populist Audience who can beat thin skinned and it back at critics in a way that it seems president erdogan is doing in language that might be outrageous but plays to their base. Is that a characteristic of populist leaders in this day and age . I wonder. We will move on and talk about health care. Weve suggested before on this programme that the Trump Presidency represents a test for populist movements today that test hit a hurdle, in the form of hard data on health care reform. Governing, it seems, is a lot harder than campaigning. Mr trumps promise to repeal and replace 0bamacare has bumped up against the cold reality of a study from the non partisan Congressional Budget Office showing the Republicans Health plan would hurt lots of poor americans. The report estimates 1a Million People will become uninsured by next year under this new plan. Rising to 2a Million People over the coming decade. Though that will create savings of 337 Billion Dollars over ten years. Rajini vaidyanathan has been taking a closer look at how americans could be affected. This woman has made it on her own in the way of work. She and her husband own a smalljewellery business. Being self employed, they dont have a boss to Cover Health Care insurance. They struggle to pay medical bills until president 0bama introduced his health care law. When the Affordable Health care act was passed, we were able to get a reasonable Insurance Policy that covered a lot more. The deductible went from a 10,000 Family Deductible down to 3000. Now they are concerned that their bills will rise as President Trump repeals 0bama care. The republican replacement would cut up the republican replacement would cut up from subsidies and instead offer a year end tax credit. I dont think we could pay upfront costs per month that we are able to cover now. Weve had good coverage of it now. We just have to stay healthy and educated about the programme. Others are glad to see the back of the 0bama care plan. I didnt want to have to pay for insurance and be fined if id went. Frank voted for donald trump and backed his Health Care Plan even though he may lose out. They may drop people of the Insurance Plan because they still have got health ca re if because they still have got health care if they go into the emergency room. This comes down to cost, how watch people pay for themselves and how much they bear the cost for others. The government plan could cut the federal deficit by hundreds of billions but some doctors are unclear how it will affect patients . I think it may change the winners and losers but it is not going to eliminate losers, it is going to change the problems people encounter but not address the problems. That has been the dilemma in American Health care for decades. The system divides patients as much as it does doctors. You are fine. Your best protection against this Health Care System is not to get sick. 0ur North America editor jon sopel is here. 50 or so days into the tron presidency and his pace has stuck with him firmly. Do you think these numbers mark the beginning of this base thinking, hang on the second, you promised to look after the common man and you are giving the rich a big tax cut . It could be the issue that separates donald trump from his base if things go badly. This could be it for the Republican Party and the leadership. There are so party and the leadership. There are so many layers of complexity in this. Donald trump, its easy, cheaper, better. In government, its fiendishly complicated, isnt it . What does he do with House Republicans who thought they could vote for it, it might fail, im going to get blamed in two years in elections. No thanks. I dont want to have anything to do with it. How much political input does donald trump put into it . Does he want his name closely associated with it . If he goes too much in one direction, he goes too much in one direction, he loses the libertarian right who dont want government interference. Too much in the other direction, he loses other people. It is a really delicate balancing act and i think there are people who in private quiet moments are thinking, why have we opened this pandoras box . Could he have a pizza and bowling night and hope to pull some of them in . Thats what hes doing tonight. The Budget Committee meets in the house tomorrow and it is full of rogue republicans. He is the negotiator in chief and he prides himself on bringing home the deals. If he cant does he shift the blame to them . hate to do the only time will tell and so which is the lame answer when correspondence dont want to stick their neck out. He has put a certain amount of Political Capital in, he wont want to be defeated because i think it will be a huge moment in the early stage of his presidency if he had to admit, you know i promised you that thing, i cant do it. You just have to think of the toxic nature of the adverts democrats will be able to run if they are able to say in two years time, there could be 2a Million People without insurance as a result of republicans having supported this about. It may be unfair but who said politics was fair . Donald trump has a very difficultjob fair . Donald trump has a very difficult job knowing fair . Donald trump has a very difficultjob knowing which way to jump, knowing how far to commit itself, using how much Political Capital on this. Already talking about the midterms. Not getting into the small print about health care but this gives a very good example of how costs could go up. This is for people who earn 26,000 annually. Thats what they pay at the moment in premiums under 0bama care. Look what happens according to this report when this new system kicks in. For 64 year old people, it jumps dramatically. That is nearly half the salary of the 64 year old, much cheaperfor the half the salary of the 64 year old, much cheaper for the 21 year old who never goes to the clinic. An increase of six times for the older people, who are the ones who vote in the elections. All the more incentives for the republicans to address this. President trump campaigned on this idea that he was going to help poor americans and make sure they werent forgotten. This plan, as it stands, sacrifices the needs of poor americans and gives a tax break to wealthier americans. Is that something that they are going to want to go into they are going to want to go into the mid term elections supporting . It doesnt sound very populist. How did it go down in your household this morning with all of the snow . The snow was very popular. My son got a day of school on his birthday. He was thrilled. Ive got to intervene in this debate even though im not meant to be in this section. I walk my dog along from where katty lives, and they hadnt dug out their pavement. You are very good citizen. Get now out of the studio christian, i told you yesterday that it was cold here in the us well, its not any warmer. This was the view for millions of commuters across americas Northeast Corner this morning. Winter storm stella has forced the closure schools, flights are cancelled, and the snow ploughs are out in force to clear roads. This is the view right now in new york. You have to say we do whether big in america. Nada tawfik is in new york. Whats it like . You dont get snow like we do here in new york. We had powdery snow in the morning and it has turned into sleet and icy snow that when it hits your face is really painful. Whats making the conditions worse are the rough howling winds that knock you off of your feet when they get going. 0fficials your feet when they get going. Officials have said that despite the Fa Ct Officials Have said that despite the fact that new york city hasnt borne the brunt of the storm, not the 20 inches that they had forecasted, it is still icy conditions that they are worried about. Particularly on the roadways. They say it could be very treacherous. They have spent 1500 ploughs throughout new york city to try and clean up for tomorrow when icy conditions could make it harder to clean up so the city can get up and running and get over the massive disruption we have seen over the massive disruption we have seen today. Just looking at these pictures. These small buggies with ploughs on the front. If this happened in the uk, there would be all sorts of problems for weeks. They deal with it better in new york, dont they . Absolutely, christian. We have the subways running still. The aboveground subways have been shot. The roadways are still open although speed limits have been imposed. In Upstate New York where they are getting really hit, they are closing stretches. Laguardia airport, 99 of flights have been cancelled. We are seeing the same across the New York Metropolitan Area airports. Even though officials are hoping that schools will reopen and companies will reopen. They are suggesting delays may last for a day or so at least in addition to that. Officials are you trying to grapple with the disruption we have seen. For the moment, thank you very much. 0ne very quick good news story. A democrat and Republican Congress but who had flights cancelled. Driving together from Texas To Washington to try and get to one of their votes in time. A rare bipartisan story for as. Weather related. Well done. Voting politics aside. Youre watching one hundred days from bbc news. Still to come for viewers on the bbc news channel and Bbc World News scotland could get another independence vote but would the European Partners welcome them to the fold in a post Brexit Britain . And a leaked recording of us House Speaker paul ryan reveals some scathing comments about donald trump whats interesting though is the timing of the leak, and its source. Thats still to come on 100 days, from bbc news. Fine and mild weather for the fine and mild weatherfor the uk, not making news headlines. What is going on in North America is. That North Eastern storm dumping snow inland, away from the immediate east coast in the north east of the usa. The jet stream becoming coast in the north east of the usa. Thejet stream becoming more powerful as the cold air comes out of North America this week, that means that the jet stream becomes much more active and will affect our weather towards the end of next week. High pressure going into wednesday. We have scenes like this today, near york, plenty wednesday. We have scenes like this today, nearyork, plenty of wednesday. We have scenes like this today, near york, plenty of sunshine with blossoms doing well. In Northern Ireland, another lovely day. Inter to light, Northern Ireland, another lovely day. Interto light, under clearer skies, parts of northern britain, there will be A Touch Of Frost for some of those. A bit damp and drizzly, strong winds in northern scotland, showers becoming confined to the northern isles. A mild night further south with plenty of cloud. The cloud will thicken from the west, for wales, western england, for Northern Ireland, outbreaks of rain into western scotland. Some sunshine in eastern scotland. Elsewhere in england and wales, there will be some sunshine. In the longer lasting spells, it will feel quite warm again. A rather cloudy story in cheltenham as the festival continues. A strong breeze and the temperature coming down later in the week. Looking ahead to thursday, the weather starting to become more active, a Weather Front through active. A Weather Front through and Northern Ireland with scotland and Northern Ireland with heavy showers and strong winds. Cloudy weather into much of england and wales. By friday, a stronger system will take rain from north west to south east with the north west to swim picking up and temperatures wind picking up and temperatures coming down as well. Things feeling different by the end of the week with the stronger jet stream different by the end of the week with the strongerjet stream coming into play. Cooler, wetter, and windier by then. Welcome back to 100 days. Im katty kay in washington, Christian Frasers in london. A reminder of our top story the turkish president steps up his attacks on The Netherlands, accusing the dutch of having a rotten character and blood on their hands. And coming up its the interrupted interview which went viral. We speak to the family behind the famous video about how theyre handling the global attention. The First Minister of scotland caught the british Prime Minister off guard yesterday with a demand for a second referendum. The Scottish National party argues the vote should be held between the autumn of 2018 and the spring of 2019, when the shape of brexit becomes clear. But the power to offer a referendum rests with theresa may. The nations of the uk will leave the eu together, she says, which means it is highly likely scotland will need to reapply for european membership if the nationalists can win the independence debate. Lets speak to richard corbett. He is a labour mep and a member of the committee on Constitutional Affairs within the European Parliament. Would scotland have to reapply if they get independence, could they, as Nicola Sturgeon seems to be suggesting, carry on being a member . If they become an independent state, they would have to apply to become a member. Ok, so supposing scotland gets its independence, wants to become a member again, gets its independence, wants to become a memberagain, and gets its independence, wants to become a member again, and they are on the road to access in, is full membership guaranteed, rather conditions attached to that . They would have to negotiate and reach an agreement on an accession treaty, which would have to be approved by the European Parliament and by every government of all the other member states, and ratified by their national parliaments. In your experience, how long does that take . That usually takes quite a long time, but of course, other countries that have joined and had a different Starting Point. Scotland already applies all existing eu laws, so that part of it need not be too long, but the need for national ratification by 27 also Different National parliaments, some of whom might not be in a hurry, one thinks of spain, that part might be somewhat longer. Spain said they would go to the back of the queue, the Spanish Foreign minister. There are many other countries that have applied tojoin are many other countries that have applied to join the are many other countries that have applied tojoin the eu. I think its possible probably to jump that queue, but your Starting Point would be at the back. You would move up a bit because you are already ready, ina way, bit because you are already ready, in a way, but you would still have that fundamental problem that at the end you need national ratification by 27 national parliaments. Every other country has too agreed. To be clear, it has to be unanimous, all 27 have to agree on the accession. Spain is the example you mentioned. Yesterday, we interviewed a member of the snp who said we always raise the name of spain, but are there other countries that might object to scotla nd other countries that might object to scotland becoming a member . other countries that might object to scotland becoming a member . I dont know, i doubt it. I cant think of any who would have a particular objection. Spain may not be. We dont know, of course. What we do know is that the government in madrid is anxious not to make this an easy, matter of fact thing to do when it is faced with the possibility that catalonia may declare independence to go down the same route. Plenty to think about there. Richard corbett, thanks for your thoughts. Two of the three main candidates in the French Election are now under formal investigation. Its a pretty extraordinary statistic. Francois fillon, the centre right leader campaigned as mr clean but now faces charges of corruption. He denies accusations that he paid his wife and children for work they didnt carry out and promises to fight what he calls a political assassination. He now doesnt have the issue just a penelopegate but of the lovely suit he was given. I suppose you would call it suitgate 13,000 he was given. I suppose you would call it suitgate 13,000 each, so they must have been fantastic, but they must have been fantastic, but they were given to him. Why is he not dropping out . It isa not dropping out . It is a good question. There are plenty in his own party asking the same question. They spared him the Walk Of Shame today. The media expects him expected him to appear tomorrow, but he nipped in today. He said he would stand down if he was formally charged, but he has said he is not going to do that because it is a left wing conspiracy and the investigating magistrates are left leaning. If you look at the polls, i was going to say that he doesnt look to have much of a chance, running third in all the polls, but he is only four points behind, then today we get another story about mr macron, who is under investigation, it looks spurious, but when he was at the economy ministry, they awarded a contract to apr ministry, they awarded a contract to a pr Company Without putting it out to tender. Does that mean he is responsible . I dont know. We started this by saying two of the three, but it now looks like potentially three out of three have clouds over them. The politicians have a tendency towards financial corruption, ordered french investigators need something to do . If you ask people in france, there isa if you ask people in france, there is a general problem about party and campaignfinancing. If is a general problem about party and campaign financing. If you are in the game long enough, it seems to me, in france you are going to be prone to some kind of investigation. Another thing i spotted today, just before we finish, is a picture that has appeared on the twitter feed of nigel farage. No words, just a picture. Nigel farage was asked about marine le pen, whether he would support her in an election. He said at the time he thought she was quite brilliant as a performer but had a real problem with the party. He doesnt like the racism and anti semitism, and they distanced themselves from the France National in the past. The question is, will he campaignfor in the past. The question is, will he campaign for her, go to france and campaign alongside her . He never did that as the ukip leader. When you send out a photo of the two people together, it does look chummy. At least two people have been killed during a Fireworks Factory Fire in central israel. This Amateur Footage shows the moment fireworks start exploding in the warehouse. You can see the person behind the camera then running for cover. Some people, including children, were wounded by debris. The eus highest court has ruled that companies can stop employees from wearing visible political or religious symbols. Courts in france and belgium had asked the European Court ofjustice to rule on discrimination cases brought by women whod been banned from wearing Islamic Headscarves at work. We knew long before novembers election that donald trump was going to have to win without the support of many within his own party. And he did. We knew that senior republicans, like Speaker Of The House paul ryan, wasnt mr trumps biggest fan. So it should come as no surprise to learn there is a recording which hasjust been published in which the House Speaker was less than complimentary about the future president. Whats more surprising is where it came from, and the timing. Take a listen. His comments are not anywhere in keeping with our partys principles and values. There are basically two things that i want to make really clear as for myself as your speaker. I am not going to defend donald trump, not now, not in the future. That call, leaked by breitbart, was recorded on October The 10th last year. And a day later, there was this from donald trump. Our very weak and ineffective leader, paul ryan, had a bad Conference Call where his members went wild at his disloyalty. This intrigues me. There is this huge row where paul ryan, a budget hawk, is trying his best with what he has been served up by donald trump, and then breitbart put this out, and they are of course linked to steve bannon, President Trumps right hand man, so was there a link to the white house ear . It is very curious timing, this late, because at the moment, the white house really needs paul ryan. He is defending them on National Television programmes here, defending their Health Care Bill, doing what he can to rally the Republican Party to get the health ca re Republican Party to get the Health Care Bill passed, and then the tape comes out and it seems to be a kick up comes out and it seems to be a kick up the pants by him, and why would you do Something Like this to somebody that you need, if indeed those links between steve bannon and breitbart are as close as they used to be . Would you do it for political covering in case it all goes wrong . You are machiavellian, christian we are playing you at clip that went viral over the weekend. What will it mean for the ride the wider region . Shifting sands and relations with the north may change . Pardon me. My apologies. What will this mean for the region . North korea. South koreas policy. Still makes me laugh every time, christian. That clip has been viewed more than 16 million times on you tube. Professor kelly has been inundated with media requests. Here is what he told us. This is my wife, this is my son and this is my daughter. Its very nice to meet you properly. And to be able to talk to you, rather than just seeing you running around in the background. Chung ha, how has it been for you these past few days . A little stressful. We have tried to handle it. We are fine, getting better. The reality is, for around 48 hours, you were the most Famous Family in the world. When you watched it back, which im sure you did, could you appreciate what a Perfect Piece of physical comedy it was, unwittingly . We did. And weve watched it multiple times too, and our families have watched as well. Everyone seems to think it is pretty hysterical, so we understand why people find it enjoyable, catching a regular family off guard. Its funny, we understand that. And of course, your wife had a major role in making it funny, flying around the room trying to retrieve the kids. Did you find it funny watching it back . Yeah, we just laughed and laughed. We were worried a little bit more. We were worried actually that the bbc would never call us again, actually. That was our first response, was mortification. We thought we had completely blown our relationship with you. Its ok. We still love the kelly family. Great way to end. Well be back tomorrow. Goodbye. Hello, youre watching bbc news. The headlines theresa may has told mps that her timetable for triggering formal Brexit Negotiations by the end of the month remains on track. Aid agencies are warning that time is running out to save more than 20 Million People who are facing famine across africa and the middle east. A crew member from a Crashed Irish Coastguard Helicopter who died after being pulled from the sea is named as captain dara fitzpatrick. Here are the market numbers. More on the warning to Downing Street by scotlands First Minister Nicola Sturgeon not to try to block her plans for a second independence referendum. She said the timing of the vote should be determined by scots and not by london. Earlier, jane hill spoke to the german mep and former chair of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs committee. She asked what would happen if scotland voted for independence before the uk had finished its exit from the eu. Independence before the uk had finished its exit from the sum independence before the uk had finished its exit from the eu. It is unclear. They have too apply for membership, they are not automatically in the eu. Scotland has a lot of sympathy because such a vast majority of scottish citizens voted for remain, and therefore, i think this sympathy could be transferred into political possibilities. This is the question of the British Government and the question of the scottish citizens, and these two questions, we cannot interfere. Why make you cannot interfere, but there is no doubt in your mind that scotland has the then simply go through a process if it votes independence, it has two apply to bea votes independence, it has two apply to be a member of the eu. You are certain that is the case . They have to apply but it would be easy negotiations because at the moment, scotlands legislation is 100 compliant with the eu. Theres not much to negotiate, because scotla nd

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