Here's McGrath this new study says that simply measuring global temperatures doesn't fully capture the real dangers of an overheating world the authors believe that looking at human population growth per capita meat production and global tree cover loss gives a more complete picture the scientists say that little effective action has been taken to change direction over the past 40 years and we're now facing a climate emergency but while the situation is serious as the report it is not without hope the authors point to a number of areas including diets energy production and restoring nature where major climate gains could be made in a short amount of time the report was released on the same day that new figures showed last month was the warmest October on record across the world the European Union's climate agency says records have now been broken in 4 of the past 5 months Donald Trump has said the United States is ready to help Mexico wage war on drug cartels after at least 9 members of an American Mormon family were killed in an ambush in northern Mexico the Mexican president and Reza Manuel Lopez Obrador said the family's vehicle convoy might have been mistaken by the attackers for a rival gang will grant reports video of the aftermath of the attack filmed and posted online by a distraught family member shows a burnt out car containing charred human remains as the victims were u.s. Citizens President Trump said via Twitter that if Mexico needs or requests helping cleaning out these monsters the United States stands ready willing and able to get involved and do the job quickly and effectively in response the Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he would speak to President Trump but didn't need foreign intervention in the battle against the cartels Yemen's government has signed an agreement with separatists in the south of the country that intended to end the power struggle there Alan Johnston explains Yemen's Southern separatists clashed with the government's forces in August in drove them out of the city of Aden. The 2 sides are supposed to be allies in the government's war with the with the rebels based in the north the split in the alliance is worried Saudi Arabia backs the government in its conflict with the who these and the Saudis have brokered today's agreement it involves a power sharing arrangement which would draw Southern separatists into the government the government of Zimbabwe has fired $77.00 doctors who have been taking part in a 2 month strike over pay Zimbabwe is in the midst of an economic crisis with high inflation and doctors are currently earning the equivalent of just over $100.00 u.s. Dollars a month they recently rejected an offer of a 60 percent pay rise this is the world news from the b.b.c. The Bolivian protest leader has failed in an attempt to force President Evo Morales to sign a resignation letter after government supporters stopped the activist from leaving an airport there is Fernando Camacho had planned to hand Mr Morales the pre written letter in law pass the seat of government in parliament but when a large crowd massed for several hours of the city's main airport police escorted Mr come out show on to a military plane and he returned to his home city of Santa Cruz thousands of people of police in India have joined a protest after several officers were injured in a fight with a group of lawyers over a court parking space the demonstrators marched on the police headquarters in Delhi holding signs reading we are not punching bags and calling for the swift prosecution of those who had attacked their colleagues dozens of people were injured outside the court complex on Saturday when a tense standoff over the parking spot turned violent. Crowds of singing and dancing supporters of welcomed home members of South Africa's World Cup winning rugby team some of the players arrived at Johannesburg's main airport where they were greeted by flag waving fans and cozy is that there was fear that they were there but top international airport is electric some of the parents have come out in their hundreds to welcome the best rugby team in the well they are dancing singing and chanting celebrating and there's a brass band right in the center of that I've also are something that people haven't seen here and probably have one South Africa beat England on Saturday to win the trophy for the 3rd time 5 days of victory parades have been planned across the country Queen Elizabeth has decided to stop wearing animal fur in a newly released book her official dresser has revealed that from this year new outfits will feature only fake fur it's not clear whether the self-imposed ban will extend to garments already worn by the queen including state robes the animal rights group Peta welcomed the move as a sign of the times b.b.c. News. Hello I'm Jackie Lenin's And you're listening to the newsroom from the b.b.c. World Service last month was the hottest October on record in fact according to the European Union's climate agency which measures such things records have now been broken in 4 of the past 5 months this news comes on a day when 11000 scientists endorsed research that concludes the world is in the midst of a climate emergency McGraw is our environment correspondent and told us about the report's findings I think was really different about this report is that instead of just looking at one thing like global surface temperatures or something like that they've decided to broaden the range of their data and they've looked at a range of things like how many passengers are going on planes how much meat were eating how many trees were losing when you add all those up together over the last 40 years they say plainly and on a quickly we're now in an emergency situation a climate emergency they're calling it and that's the reason why they've gone with this particular definition they say when you look across the piece you can't come to any other conclusion and when we say Climate Emergency What exactly does that mean that's a very good question what they mean by that really is that the range of things that we're expecting to happen may be much worse than we're expecting to happen so we may get to a certain situation where we reach tipping points where things happen very rapidly we lose all the ice in in the Arctic for instance what does that mean over the next winter 20 years how would that impact the world and so they say these are on knowns they say that it could end up with parts of the earth that could become uninhabitable and that's how serious it is that's how deeply they believe that this is the direction we're heading and that's what they mean by an emergency and we've been talking about a climate emergency for quite some time off that been no improvements they've been lot of improvements there's lots of things happening even though we look at what's happening in the news today with President Trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement the backdrop is the world waking up to this problem and doing something about it the question is is doing is it going fast enough because we've had massive. It's a renewable energy say of going up by 300 percent in 10 years that's great that's fantastic if you look at 2018 the amount of fossil fuels and gas being used compared to renewables is 20 times greater So there's we're still doing the wrong things in climate terms we're getting there we're making progress the part of the green is part of that but it's the scientists would say when you add all that up it doesn't go quickly enough fast enough in the right direction do they do the authors of this report have any recommendations of what they want us to do they certainly do they have lots of recommendations they have their product categorized in a number different areas but they range from residue simple things such as planting more trees planting more mangroves things that will absorb carbon quickly cutting short term pollutants in the atmosphere like meat and gas and sort these are things that can we make a big difference of the next couple of decades changing our diets for instance the big thing eating less meat and eating more plant based materials and also the biggie such as changing the way we make we do energy and stopping subsidies to companies on the basis of fossil fuels so they these are all things we've heard before they're reiterated by the scientists and they think that they need to be put out there more clearly so people governments and everybody gets the picture that was. Therefore it is in Mexico say at least 9 people were killed when a family traveling close to the u.s. Border were ambushed by members of a drug cartel police searching for several other people who are believed to have fled the family links to a breakaway Mormon community which settled in Mexico it's believed the victims include 6 children President Trump says it's time for the United States to help Mexico wage war on drug cartels saying they've become too large and powerful and the u.s. Stands ready to help Mexico defeat them the Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he would talk to Mr Trump about possible joint action but it mustn't jeopardize Mexico's sovereignty. But as long as there is area over cooperation that's needed is what I'm going to talk to Mr Trump about I will thank him very much and see how they can help while preserving our sovereignty as they and all countries do our correspondents to see about it is monitoring developments from Miami for us 1st of all Cecilio what more information do we have about what actually happened. Well the incident is very confusing the latest we know is the Mexican government and also the f.b.i. Have opened an investigation into the massacre of 9 u.s. Mexican citizens in northwest Mexico including children and babies as you said some family members of the victims have said the at tack took place you know war soon. And they have said they don't know the recent but they think the family may have been caught in crossfire or targeted by mistake and also another possibility is they could have been killed in what appears to be an organized ambush so until now apparently all that was abilities are open and something that is important to say is that the family. They have to know that they have been a target of threats recently and I know they will element that we may keep in mind is that they have a relative wealth so that has made them targets of extortion and kidnapping by criminal groups over the last decade they Kate so this is not the 1st time and we've heard Prez President Trump saying that it's time for the u.s. To help Mexico fight drugs cartels the Mexican president has defended his own security strategy saying you can't put out a fire with moral fire and it's important to maintain Mexico's sovereignty Well sort of options are open to him now well the Mexican government has a policy of no confrontation which is being highly criticized by political opponents and also within the army. In fact in one of the latest incidents the authorities where again the target of criticism when the son of a prominent doctor tells a temple was Munn was apprehended and then released this was the son of a temple with mine so despite the criticism the president has defended his security strategy saying the violence cannot be confronted with more violence. So some security experts say he does not have many options the drug cartels have appealed to outnumbered and outgunned the security forces recently and they are using heavy machine guns and the cording to the local population crème are going to say shells in some states off the country are taking control so the problem is that the previous confrontational approach did not stop the violence and we don't know what's going on right now so this being the problem is being on for decades and apparently nobody really knows what is the best security strategy Cecilia thank you that was Cecilia barrier who was monitoring developments for us from Miami to Yemen next a country that's been ravaged by 4 years of war in which more than 100000 people are believed to have been killed now Yemen's internationally recognized government has struck a deal with separatists in the south of the country that is intended to end the power struggle there are Middle East analyst is Alan Johnston and he is here in the newsroom studio this is all very complicated situation in Yemen isn't it Allan just tell us who are the separatists it is complicated but in Yemen's civil war you have on the one side the who's the rebel movements in the north on the other there's the Yemeni government and various lies one of the government's allies has been a powerful separatist movement that actually one's independence for South Yemen South Yemen used to be an independent state but it was merged in 1990 with the North to make one nation many Southerners have been unhappy with that arrangement they want to see there's been tension with the governments and in August there was an explosion of violence the southern separatists clashed heavily with the government's forces and actually drove them out of the Port of Aden the most important city in the south explain to us the involvement of the Saudis the Saudis have been. Involved in the Yemeni civil war they sided with the government against those northern Huth the rebels and of course the Saudis looked on appalled as the government fell out very violently with the Southern separatists suddenly a rift had opened up on that side of the war that the Saudis were backing and the Saudis were keen to smooth over those differences what made it worse for the Saudis was the the u.a.e. The most important regional ally of Riyadh that supported the southern separately so the Saudis as they say keen to sort out those divisions and they managed to broker this or this deal that was signed today in Riyadh and just tell us a little bit about the deal the deal will be a power sharing or arrangement there'll be a new government cabinet form which will draw in a number of Southern separatists they'll get a number of ministries in there be a merging 2 of the forces of the separatists and the government Allan thank you that was Alan Johnston our Middle East analyst you're listening to the b.b.c. World Service and Jonathan has the headlines thousands of scientists from around the world have joined forces to declare a global climate emergency President Trump has offered to help Mexico defeat drug cartels following the killing of at least 9 members of an American Mormon family her and as we were just hearing the Yemeni government and Southern separatists have signed a deal aimed at ending a power struggle South Africa has just welcomed home its triumphant Springboks rugby team returning from Japan after defeating England in the World Cup final the victory is more than just a sporting triumph for South Africa for many it's seen as a unifying moment for the nation which rallied around the team led by its 1st black captaincy a Khaleesi the b.b.c. Are some people waiting at the time the international airport why this win means so much to them. I think we don't acknowledge any more I mean as you was then there was whites there was black. There was Indians coloreds it was everybody the labor nation actually that Mandela was fighting for this is a team that's completely different they setting a new presidency South Africa well correspondent Milton and Casey's at the airport and joins us now tell us a little bit more about this welcome home Paul to Milton. It was absolutely electric the wrongs of people turned out here at the oh out of town by International Airport I don't know if you can still hear those we can still hear it ask you the celebrating 6. Officials who are leaving the airport now there everything the actual terminal building and they are still screaming and shouting and waving and dancing just celebrating this win because they know that this win is much more than sport it is much more than the score line and crossing that white line it's about unifying a nation that was divided for many years by the scared of apartheid and racial segregation so today people came here to welcome the players and they came with their web Ellis cop the 1st black captain of the Springbok sea of police see lifted the car up as he came through the arrivals hall and there was absolute pandemonium the police had a brass band there was a prospect in the center of the floor and there were people singing traditional South African songs it was in it was also emotional it was very hard to contain one's emotions even if you wanted to remain impartial balance and neutral so quite a welcome at the airport and there will be more celebrations going on. Oh yes indeed the plans for now with the as the celebrations fade away here at the airport they begin out in this. Cities and the towns and villages of south Africa and the townships where the Springboks will be. Part of raiding in an open top bus in Johannesburg Pretoria So where to all and then we'll go to the coastal cities of Devon is London Port Elizabeth ending in Cape Town next week Milton thank you that was Milton and cozy at the party at the airport in South Africa it's well documented that around the world women have less access to education than men earn less and are less represented in positions of authority now a new report by the International Telecommunications Union which is a un body warns that fewer than half of all women have access to the Internet it's warning that the digital gender gap could prolong worsen inequalities and restrict women's had access to education health and government services Susan tell shirt from the Id you says in African and Arab countries the digital gap is growing with worrying consequences for girls and women they don't have access to any of the information that is available on the Internet they don't have access to the many many applications that are available now or through smart phones which can help them in communication and in having access to education to health to government services this is of course major consequences because they're basically excluded from an increasingly digital world well Geneva correspondent is image in focus she's seen the report and she joins us now so why does this gap persist image and. Well interestingly Jacki it's not because of a lack of infrastructure or comic to Vittie in fact around the world mine t. Percent of us actually live in areas with a 3 g. Network or even better but as we all know when we look at their own mobile phone bills at the end of the month you need money to get online and you need this skill and that's why Puharich. Trees have a less access in the least developed countries it's 20 to 30 percent of people online and traditionally Who are the people with less money less earnings that swimmin less sat 1st to getting this technical training that is women about is why that that gap is there and what sort of impact is it having and walked might be done to rectify it. Well I think if you think about just how digitalized everything we do basically is becoming you know nowadays if you go to college you sign up for your courses online you can you maybe even make a doctor's appointment online you get it a confirmation that you've got that appointment online to open a bank account you go online so we feel you are excluded from all of that that's going to maybe even perpetuator make even worse the levels of inequality that we still have between men and women what the I to you is saying it could solve this is 1st of all women and girl focused digital skills training and then affordable not a p.c. Necessarily in every household but affordable internet and affordable smartphones because increasingly that is how we're doing all of our online work if you like is via these little computers in our pockets that we carry around and those that I to use says should become much more affordable to the world's poorest people and many many millions of them are women image and thank you it was image and folks in Geneva this is the b.b.c. In London Jonathan has some of the other stories from honest ask the new chairman of Boeing has given his support to the chief executive Dennis Mullen despite criticism of the company for its response to 2 deadly plane crashes Dave Calhoun told American television the Mr Mullen Berg wouldn't be getting any bonuses this year but the firm's board believed he had done everything right believe $350.00 people were killed in recent crashes involving 737 Max planes in Ethiopia and in the media last week Boeing was accused by u.s. Senators of putting profit over safety and its design of the aircraft. A woman has been detained on the Russian border with China for trying to smuggle gold in her shoes using a metal detector Russian customs officers discovered she had 8 gold discs worth around $60000.00 taped to the soles of her feet a custom spokes person in Eastern Siberia said the Russian National was walking unnaturally and seemed nervous and suspicious she isn't the most ambitious smugglers stopped on the border recently however the your Thora to say that in August a Russian was caught with 10 pieces of gold in her trainers and an image taken by a man in London has gone viral after he posted online a photograph of the thermostat in his house surrounded by a plastic cage which his landlord had installed the tenant Alex Milsom put a picture of the inaccessible thermostat on Twitter where it's been shared tens of thousands of times many other renters in London shared similar stories Mr Wilson claims he cannot control his heating or the hot water in the property and he's taking the washing him self at work. Nigerians were thrilled when the movie Lion Heart was submitted as the country's 1st ever Oscar contender for best international feature film but it's been disqualified by the award organizers say there's too much English dialogue in it. There is no more circuitry but I have an interest. And in this it pass kind of a man gets a little prompting everyone will lose their charm and they are depending on me and I feel like. The disqualification was condemned by its director Genevieve not he says the language represents how Nigerian speak to each other arts correspondent is Vincent out and he is here so Vincent 1st of all what are the rules as outlined by the Academy it's very interesting that this is happened in the year that the Oscar category for best foreign language film which existed since 1947 which is the beginning of time in movie terms has now been retitled from this year best international feature film as you say I wonder if that change of title has caused part of the problem here however the rules are absolutely clear I have the Oscars rule book in front of me Rule 13 Section I will quote briefly and international film is defined as a feature of feature length motion picture over 40 minutes produced outside the USA with a predominantly non English language track well as we heard Lion Heart breaks that rule clearly no one is questioning that the films basically in English were not entirely it strange the Nigerian film industry one of the world's biggest chose to ignore that rule I can't imagine they didn't know about it they were in total $93.00 submissions originally this year so far nobody else has made this mistake that we know of where the Hollywood director very important person these days Ava Duvernay for one has said that the Academy has made a bad call that given the English is undoubtedly the most commonly used language in Nigeria the film should be allowed to continue on its way as a submission for the Oscars not everyone agrees. That English is the main form of communication the any form of communication no it's a very it's very very complicated in Nigeria as in other languages people have been pitching in online from Nigeria and elsewhere some supporting the director 100 percent other saying no this is an embarrassing mess how counterfeited happen Nigeria has a lot of languages as you know Ebo Europe English is extremely widely understood especially in the big cities but the Nigerian director. Who directed amongst other things the last like to a booter told the b.b.c. That he would not support the idea of Nollywood that's the Nigerian film industry being able to submit films under the heading of say Nigerian English if that window was open I think you would go to fit the popular category I believe that there are very good body language across the world I believe that Nigeria is capable of making a film in foreign language that would hold it among the international film community unfortunately this time. Now there are only ever been a couple of African film which made it even to the final shortlist of 5 in this category the last I think was Timbuktu in 20 thought again it would be great to see other African films make even the intermediate long list of 10 this year there are 8 other African nations on this big submissions list just Kenya and Ghana and further down the line hopefully we'll take a look at some of those films and some Thank you that was our correspondent then since die out. And we've all been there sometimes online shopping can go horribly wrong you might order a jumper in the wrong size or a piece of furniture that doesn't quite fit inside your house and home Well one man in New Zealand has seemingly outdone us all accidentally buying enough livestock to start a small farm in the newsroom and Henry bellow has the details Hamilton man Steve Morrow had a simple wish. He wanted to buy one singular solitary chicken for his backyard instead he got something that sounded more like this was yes Mr Maher accidentally purchased 1000 birds rather than one he blames the online auction advertisement written by an egg farmer who desperately needed to sell his flock before closing his farm the post read 11000 birds Mr Maher thought that meant the highest bidder could take as many birds as they wanted so he made a small bid and won but took him some time to realize his era especially given he paid less than one us dollar for the entire flock. Mr Morrow is now trying to find a new harness for the birds to avoid a slaughter so far 700 have been saved with the help of an animal sanctuary. And that was Henry bellow reporting and before we go to our mind of the main world news at the moment thousands of scientists from around the world have joined forces to declare a global climate emergency president chompers offer to help Mexico defeat drug cartels following the killing of at least 9 members of an American Mormon family there and huge crowds have turned out in South Africa to welcome home with the country's Rugby World Cup winning team stay with us if you count all of them will have a new summer in just a moment Jackie learned and you've been listening to the new story from the b.b.c. In London. Now on the b.b.c. World Service how do you save one of the oldest religions from dying on it I love my community I love my religion it's a way of life for me Youngs of Austrians are faced with a growing problem their religion faces extinction I feel like a girl of responsibility towards keeping this Russian face going the solution to get married members of the faith can traditionally only marry the Austrians and now with fewer than 200000 in the world it's a challenge trying to find someone literally like the International 2 thirds we're in and hundreds of young the Austrians are heading to. But also I thought another important race and I wouldn't be surprise were far my future wife you're well on to find out as they can they find out in just 5 days and helps a fab religion from becoming extinct looking for love there's a West Street and way at b.b.c. World Service don't call it slash documentaries Hello there I'm Steve Crossman ambitious sport today from the b.b.c. World Service coming up on the program we'll be talking about in the Champions League tonight focusing on the big ones like Dorman versus n So we'll have the form adult men and Nigeria play Sunday Elisei with us on the program we'll also speak to Marcel van the credit Dutch journalist about Chelsea against i.x. I will be in South Africa for the return of the Rugby Union World Cup winning star sport today follows the b.b.c. News b.b.c. News with Jonathan Isaac a climate study endorsed by 11000 scientists warns that there will be untold human suffering without deep and lasting changes the report draws on 40 years of data that declares that the world is in the midst of a climate emergency which is accelerating faster than most scientists expected the study says measuring temperatures is not enough to capture the full dangers of an overheating world. Donald Trump are said it's time for the United States to help Mexico wage war on drug cartels after at least 9 members of an American Mormon family were ambushed and killed in northern Mexico the Mexican president said he would talk to Mr Trump about the offer but warned that any cooperation must not jeopardize the country's sovereignty a senior American diplomat Gordon Sandland has acknowledged telling an advisor to Ukraine's president that u.s. Military aid would not resume until Ukraine agreed to investigate a firm link to Joe Biden in comments released as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump miss on the nsaid pressure to investigate Mr Biden and his son was insidious and improper Yemen's government has signed an agreement with separatists in the south of the country that intended to end the power struggle that the separatists clashed with government forces in August and drove them out of the South's main city Aden the 2 sides are meant to be allies in the war with who the rebels are 6 British politicians have written to the Rwandan President Paul Kagame a calling for 2 former military officers to be released from prison Frank and Tom but Kamber were charged with spreading rumors and tarnishing the image of Rwanda and its government the British politicians describe the sentences of 20 and 21 years in prison respectively as disproportionate Russian border officials have detained a woman trying to smuggle in gold from China after they noticed her walking strangely using a metal detector the officials at the Siberian border post revealed that the nervous looking woman had 8 gold discs worth nearly 80000 dollars taped to the soles of her feet b.b.c. News. That was simply surreal it was Wimbledon. For such a. Permit to see the old fabulous piece to day. Yes hello there it's sport today with may state Crossman coming up on the program we're going to be live in South Africa where they're returning Rugby World Cup winning stars have been landing back in the country to a fantastic ovation we're going to stop by with football games in the Champions League tonight that all get underway very shortly in day Liverpool goalkeeper Allison says it's crucial that they qualify for the last 16 of the competition early to avoid the problems caused by fixture congestion they take on later and failed that's when a 15 might change that they've got to fit in before the end of the year including that huge game in the Premier League on Sunday against title rivals Manchester City his important goal for us to 2 qualifying as who is possible and we have a home game we know how strong we are here if we won every home game from now. We have a big chance to to qualify Liverpool goalkeeper Allyson who now surprise starts for them tonight a reporter John Bennett is with Mesa Joe want to live a poll need to do to qualify so winter nights against gang and then all they would need is a point in the next game it's not probably later this month which would open up the possibility stave of resting players in their final group game against RB Salzburg and that is vital for Liverpool because you mentioned in your introduction fixture pile up is really in danger of causing problems for them so they have 8 games in the Premier League still to play in 2019 plus 2 games in the free for Club World Cup in Doha in December plus their a.f.l. Cup quarter final against Aston Villa and we've got some news on that today as well it's been a. Announcer that will take place on the 17th of December and listen to this tape that's that's the day before they play in the semifinal of the Club World Cup in Doha rice so 2 games in 24 hours in 2 separate continents tames to say you have to play they have to play they have to feel 2 separate squads and can you be at both games the manager that's what you have to find out but a couple of players rested tonight by the way robots are from a no study Amana and under Robertson on the bench so devote a Regi is in attack with Alex oxalate Chamberlain Chamberlain Ahmed Salah James Milner will be left back gang I don't think will cause them too many problems tonight and to Liverpool actually have a former gang player in their squad as manager you're going clock was keen to point out to journalists that yesterday's pre-match press conference you plan against drink which is a very famous club for 4 very big plays Brawner Coulibaly a lot of players and the having the right yeah but we're going to have a little collection by the way. Of a pretty famous here I love other journalists when club says Dave. Is a legend no school in the Champions League final a Describe the chimes of a always goes the big goals for Liverpool so fair enough I think the biggest game of the night though from it from a neutral perspective in the Champions League but Rusty Dornin against Inter Milan and I'm getting into will probably feel that they've got a bit of an edge here because obviously Di they beat Dortmund in the reverse fixture here they were fantastic and yet on the night Dortmund I expected to them to cause into problems they didn't at all it was a tactical masterclass to know when I'm signing a contract doing a great job at Inter Milan this season since joining the club of the one you lost twice this season that was against Barcelona and you Ventus own no shame they're just one point behind the leaders events in Syria are and in the Champions League interim Dortmund level on 4 points in 2nd and 3rd place behind the leaders of the group Barcelona and dormant actually done well since losing to win so they drew to show they be. Munching blabber and Wolfsburg Let's speak to a form of receipt Dorman player now stave is the former Nigeria Star Sunday I say Hello Sunday thanks for joining us on what's right. And thanks for having me Sunday What did you make of the last game between these 2 sides in so we're really dominant one night 2 weeks ago did you think home advantage with Dortmund this time Mike a difference. It normally does because the furnace in government to have very strong article more is almost a religion for these people. Think like Europe for this contest on a quick shot interred they don't look scared when they play when the Played in fact they came out blazing and really got Montclair their own tempo so it's not always a forgotten and actually you know the into manager very well done even because you were part of the event to staying with him Gary was my captain when I was a gentle and did you always know I mean I was going to say did you know I was going to be a college did you know he was going to be such a great coach she did a fantastic job isn't me. Yes I think if we see it done well so far but like we've always said you know if you've been a good coach when you coach on league team see is also different it's always easier when you have quality players to put your your ideas into play it's like that's where the coach of I don't want to serve as a bit pressure because even when the quarter got dark he had his own style of play and he is a very solid coach too even with players that are not as known as the was a counterpart to work with so it's not going to be easy for Conti it is interesting you bring up the birth you don't head coach Lucien far because there have been a few question marks about him after this season what are you making of the job he's doing basically this season I think is really a quarter of their lives deduced from the very world this season I think it's a fact that they stopped a lot of pressure on the players wonderstruck this isn't they were talking about I want to be champions and with a young team but put so much pressure on them and. There is a word of love been so sure various recent like they were last season thank you so much Sunday great to speak to your sport to dilate Sunday at least I form a brisk you don't imply fantastic What a great guest to have with us on sport today this been some good news for i.x. Is well ahead of the Champions League game against Chelsea tonight the head coach Erik tan Hogg has insisted he is staying with the club until the end of the season at least despite interest from buy a new unit buy and sack their boss Nick over the weekend and 10 Hogg was one of the favorites to replace him a few strong connection. But everyone with Alex so I can confirm that it was the night of the season that they had touch of Eric Tynan Hogg Let's speak now to the Dutch football jealous Marcel van to crown Hello Marcel I can't I mean this is going to be a big relief for i.x. Fans isn't it absolutely the team's on a great stroll. Winning every game in to actually having you know times are good for people and only want to so far put a little spoke in the wheel and that was a. Home game here in the Amsterdam Arena but other than that it's flowing Eriksson and indeed he says he's going to stay until May and he didn't really talk about what's going to happen after that we think that maybe there's still a possibility that by Munich could appoint a short term head coach and then go for Eric 10 hard again at the end of the season very very much the case I think at the moment and by Munich you're usually appoint a short term coach when they part with their coach in the past and is a strong candidate for him he knows a clue very well he's being that is when he was coaching the reserves he knows the people inside the club he knows the way they play and cause he's made great complicity for him so the last one out of here with in Europe and I think that is probably his best selling point now if you think it Turner who is the silent of this or is it maybe I actually have decided that he is staying because there is no way mark over my ass with on the side would let the coach go they don't need the morning even if by Munich would offer tens 20000000 I know how much they could they buy and could spend on a coach but I don't need it they have to let 1000000 pounds in the bank can do anything and they want to keep the best players and the best coach muscle and without wishing to be offensive to touch football I think part of me is a little bit surprised that by and same very Kanan on Eric 10 hard given what happened the last time and I x. Manager went to abundance League club and when paid to Bosch last aids Well couple of months it dormant. Indeed yes it was that kind of you know marriage that didn't work out but if you saw what happened afterwards the next. German club in the area where to buy a little goose are soon snapped him up in the quite happy with him good coaches I think with their style not all of them but the ones what we do play very offensive attacking football the very one to him only that the real good ones can last what about this Chelsea game coming up then I actually thought were very unlucky to tell He's the Chelsea in Amsterdam a couple of weeks ago do you think they'll get revenge Well the great thing about this I excited the players they have is that they have no fear if we remove them at the games away to Madrid better. To him again so you've sent us I explain this don't really care whether they play at home or away they will play their own attacking style anyway I'm looking forward to such an attacking game from both sides Chelsea and I aks that I hope it will be very very entertaining for the whole of Europe to watch this because for the 1st time really in many years our answer phrasing aside which is a little bit similar to the youngsters. Educated in their own style in their own philosophy it's probably stronger than ever and there is a touch of irony in this Chelsea side I think and that will make us almost mouth water to what I hate is going to be a mouth or a game is no doubt about the job before we let you go that the way to kick off in the Champions League and we're heading towards conclusion surprising school on as well in one of them it's possible on a nail Slavia Prague nail 80 I mean it's going to count now Slavia Prague more than deserve this I've played superbly and had a goal disallowed in the 1st off boss line of dominated the 2nd half but some of your Prague deserve a draw from this game Meanwhile Senate some Petersburg nail RB Leipzig to 86 minutes gone in some Petersburg and it would mean Leipzig running away with group g. They'd be annoying points top of the great Senate 2nd on 4 points. John thank you very much that's off what we're reporting John Bennett one of the football story for you Italian side have been ordered to close part of their stadium for one guy after a racist abuse directed at Mario Balotelli during Sunday's match with precious and in addition Verona have banned the head of that ultras fans group for 11 years I've been looking forward to this South Africa's Rugby World Cup winning squad have arrived home in Johannesburg It was quite the grating when they got back. Yeah it was a fantastic welcome and we can go live to South Africa now and speak to. The noise is great but just describe the scenes for is when the players landed well but that noise was nothing Steve come here to win dressier us most and arrived a few hours after that with the golden with yellow stone be it the people just went absolutely ballistic with their as you see they lifted the tofu for everyone to see it was just fantastic images and happiness all round the airport there 3 floors above the ground floor every single floor was packed to capacity people singing and dancing and I must tell you the players when they emerged there in the arrivals hall were simply wide eyed They were gobsmacked I'm sure they would have expected a big welcome but certainly not on the scale that we saw this often in a mess of massive welcome lots of t.v. Cameras the players themselves took out their mobile phones and the video recorded all of a video recordings all around pictures all around fantastic atmosphere at the edge of the hand is big international airport but not but probably if you didn't like rugby and you had to fly somewhere else. Dave record in Johannesburg did you manage to get in amongst the crowd and speak some favors. Yeah I mean that you know the crowd Fortunately for many of them who perhaps they wouldn't have been able to afford to come to the airport and peak hour traffic they were given free throwing right on the hot train which takes people from the airport into Johannesburg city center and on the provision that you where Springbok colors and many of them would never ever have been able to afford a ride in the heart and they all came out in the numbers from schoolchildren to people taking off work and the pride that the team supporters for Felt was clear for everyone to hear in my opinion I feel like see a cliche is the head boy of South Africa I just love it every time I see his face he represents the black people in South Africa I feel like he gives us a good image and. I find crises see that game rigs out hope and that's what he's given the country and safe in playing he Stephen has I think Rossi just gave the whole country over because I think the fact that it wasn't more focused on the game was more about how we have to come together as a country has done it before and we're going to do it again as long as everyone's listening and we keep hope we can all do it to come together change his country for good and by you know you know inspiring the youth of all starts from the bottom Freespire little ones get up to inspire everyone to get motivated and change this country for the better on No I mean there are so many great parts to this story and it's great to have people talking in these terms but I mean it's not just the story that's happened it's that you know it's reminded people through the imagery of Kelly See this is the imagery of Chester Williams all those years ago it's almost brawl the Francois Pienaar World Cup win to a new generation as well. Absolutely of and as Francois Pienaar has himself said and remember he had Nelson Mandela the great Nelson Mandela next to him when he lifted the trophy in 1905 even from shopping I said this victory was probably greater than that the chief meant because 1st of all it was the 1st ever black captain of South Africa 1st ever black after that the World Cup to lift the trophy and then no fewer than 6 black players all there on merit in that team and making contributions because Olympian p. For example has scored the opening try was the 1st African to score a try in a World Cup final and on the other side was chosen and called me as well and each of those players made a massive contribution and you can just sense that around the townships the young kids now wanting to emulate markers on him up in play for example comes from the deep rule areas of the Eastern Cape didn't have any privilege growing up didn't go to one of the traditional rugby schools and had to fight his way to we eventually ended up only started playing professional rugby in 2017 and those will certainly be the role models that the young kids will look up to and even the minister of sport who was at the press conference with Ross the rest of us and with us yesterday said the rugby is now an example for the rest of South Africa not only in sport but generally to show that if everyone pulls in the same direction we can certainly lift this country out of the quagmire that we in at the moment might thank you very much it was brilliant my alley that reporting live for us from South Africa the full time whistle is just gone by the way at the camp now Barcelona nail Slavia Prague nail What's a result for the Czech sides New Zealand crosscut star Sonny Bill Williams is set to join the Super League newcomers Toronto Wolfpack on a multi 1000000 dollar 2 year deal 2 time World Cup winner in union and parts of the old black side that finished in Japan last week he's also 34 years old former New Zealand international rugby Hunter poll isn't concerned by that incredible piece of us I'm going to. Say it's not as young as he once was really nice to talk to a game that allow him to charge once again it's 2nd nature to him he grew up playing regularly. He made his name and very Beluga many went across around the union and then also put in their professional boxing ring as well in effect if you know a society these 2 seasoned painters I asked who sees that they are of his who are more legs in a limb stammering blink as a regular boy it just be nice to say he started regularly getting criticism regularly but the reporting is that until it is got on the table is absolutely amazing astronomical any allows a sport or regulate to sort of start to compete with the big boys especially the simple so they're paying a lot but ought to run top paying for the player or the name that's a question for the Daily Mirror's rugby league correspondent Gareth Walker it's a bit of golf but I think the name is significant for sure so I'm so we'll start right from the start of spoken completely differently to Mosul billy clubs in terms of what they wanted to achieve and they've been very vocal about one since in that what they describe as a David Baca mask signing when he went to l.a. Galaxy and kind of you know invigorated the whole league almost and set them on that pos that's what they're wanted to do for a beleaguered and really believing Canada and Sonny Bill Williams Well it is just about they can and as they could have got do we know kind of rough ballpark what kind of money he's getting because his multi-million dollar could mean a lot of different number has the Australian reports been between $9.10 Australian dollars all that serious which equates to about 2400000 pounds a year and why it's complicated a bit is because apparently there will be given him a stake in the club which again is totally new unique and very much out of the box in the belief sense and you know so that could make up some of his money and so we don't know exact figures yet of the club still haven't confirmed this deal Of course that's all that has been agreed but not signed but that's the kind of ballpark figures we are talking about which would make him the highest paid player in history and I the cold within say the more you talk about it the more it does remind me of the David Beckham situation as you say because when David back and of course came to Major League Soccer he was coming for a lot of money but he was also coming for a stake in a club and then later a stake in the lake. The Army Absolutely they did they are a very much a bigger picture closer on tussle it did on almost everything differently it's a lot we're used to in the belly ache and this will be part of the you know a big goal of that is it and they've had t.v. Deals all the way through the 3 year existence so far so they've been going to countries all over the world effectively entry to add Syrian and then head for their own coverage if that's that way but it's got them in front of potentially millions of us obvious that those are the figures for across the world that they could have watched around so we'll track now them answer in super late then don't take anything away from the sky sports tale it's the Super League clubs receive so they don't get essential funding on the proviso that they can go and get their own t.v. They'll now I think that there will think we've got Sonny Bill Williams playing follows every Saturday of our the many weeks during the Canadian summer and that should help us go out there get a better t.v. Deal in Canada and beyond and look this is a big deal not just for Toronto it's a big deal for the whole northern hemisphere isn't it absolutely when this Toronto thing this kind of come to the fore and people even talking about it it does split really people into so you get half the really people think this is fantastic new horizons you know potentially massive new crowds over that even get up to 10000 already playing in the lower lakes and if they develop the steady and that could go up and then you get you get another half of your ability people who say What are they going to bring to the game of their No I'm no Afghans and and they will bring anything to the sporting level I kind of disagree with that I think now if you got Sonny Bill Williams and surround Soulfire coming into town that becomes a very attractive home fixture for Super League clubs. On to athletics now and the Russian Anti Doping Agency president says they're expecting the athletes to face a 3 or 4 year ban from competition uni Ganis has put the blame on the country sports ministry describing the potential bans as a real tragedy because he claims that are athletes once involved and no Wallace yet it's that he will be hit hardest he also wants a full investigation in the country to find out exactly what happened we're off to the will power Athletics Championships now they get underway on Thursday in Dubai many of the sport's biggest names pot is the last global championships before next year's Paralympic Games in Tokyo and as he added to our news in Dubai for sport today well this is the 2nd time that the world paraphyletic Championships will be held in the Middle East the 1st time was in Doha in 2015 there were lots of great performances not so world records broken but one of the main talking points was the heat and the lack of crowds in the stadium commentator and Harry is alongside me and we were both in cats out for those games. Interesting to hear that the set up should potentially negate this issue about crowds 4 years ago in cats or it was the Qatar sports club that was used around about a 20000 seat venue a ball with seats in all the way around and it was empty and we say that when we described crowds in various events around the world but it really was empty the people sitting and watching were members of the various teams here it is a very different set up as you suggest that he where sitting as we're speaking now in the main stand in the finishing straight and it is a substantial stand with a big overarching roof as well to provide shade and there is also seating midway down the back straight and in terms of the heat we also talked about that we've recently been in Doha for the I double f world championships it's hot here it's not as hot and is nowhere near as humid and they're confident enough without that we're going to have morning sessions where as into how Remember everything was skewed towards the made like afternoon into the evening but traditional morning and evening sessions here oh. Now from funny very guy who is the chairman of the local organizing committee and he told me that he believes that the performances on the track will make headlines and not issues office at these games everybody really assume and. Admire their chief meant of these people especially in sports what they achieved in a sport a lot for the country and for the people the really make them a proud of them so I believe that they will come here to support the encourage that what we saw before in other sports and championships that we have that here in divide it has a capacity of 2500 people how confident are you that you can get 2500 spectators here to watch the events because that's where you going to be that's what people are going to say that people come to watch you know the population by only 5000000 guys you know so 2500 I believe that's what you call a peanuts or a piece of cake. I believe they were so I study Barry godat the chairman of the local organizing committee. The going to be lots of gold medals at stake here but beyond that the athletes and the teams will have an eye on take your 2020 the problem to games those Paralympic Games starting in August the 25th of next year some federations will automatically select their athletes based on what they do here some gold medalists their federations will say you are pre-selected for Tokyo but there's other issues here Addie they have they look at the overall placings and that influences the i.p.c.c. Quotas by that we mean how many places each country is offered in each event so so might cross the line here in one of those top 4 positions even if they themselves don't end up qualifying for Tokyo they will be winning places for their country so individual goals here but also team goals as well. Teams and individuals have different motivations for competing here one man with a completely different perspective is Shara not just for he's a refugee afaik he's a team of one he's a former aide in Africa competed here in Dubai back in 2011 and since being banned from competing for the national team and he's a refugee in the United States and he says his purpose here is to inspire others being on this team is like maybe I can represent a part of millions of people they have difficulty they have to actually leave the country for some reason and seeking for asylum or to refuse you to be say for you know being away from the difficulty of all she'd be having to home is somewhat sad for you that you can't be here representing Iran bearing in mind that you've represented Iran in the past as a part of you feel sad that you know able to wear the National Jazz here well for sure you know. I like you know my country for sure but yeah it's sad there cannot be there you know it's really bad I can have you actually to me like Ok I rather be on national t.v. . But now I'm happy that I mean us I can continue what they were like to and hopefully I like to actually love to be young teen will say soon hopefully a couple of years so the primaries are a naturalized citizen in America so the plan for you going forward is to one day where the u.s. Agency and represents them in a war championships or a Paralympic Games yet exactly there's a part of you feel a bit strange that you'll be here you'll be competing as a refugee athletes but there might be Iranian opposition officials people that you know yes you know it's a maybe like weird feeling Ok I wasn't that team years ago but now I'm away yes but still I'm friends because most of the athletes shot not just for their refugee after he's competed here in the discus events. And he is one of the top 10 in the world in that event so we expect him to be in Tokyo next year as well great stuff at the Add it all in there one time he's a result for you another one Janet nail Leipzig tell you and if you want to keep in touch with all the games this evening go to the b.b.c. Sport website and read our large tax from a state Crossman that's what today schools today is a boozy sport production for the b.b.c. I'll say. This is the b.b.c. World Service and with news of the next World Book Club Here's Harriet Gilbert's who'd been reading a novel about a man frantically trying to rescue not only his marriage but his family and marriage has run its course Douglas I think I want to leave I wanted to explore what it feels like in a family when there's a tug in a particular direction be talking to bestselling author David Nicholls about us world picked up at b.b.c. World Service dot com slash World Club. And in 60 minutes people fixing the world where this week we're going to anonymous fruit is under attack from a deadly disease that's why the news will. Go where meeting the people trying to stop it in this news hour is next this is the b.b.c. World Service the world's radio station. Welcome to News or live from the b.b.c. World Service in London I'm Tim Franks thousands of scientists from around the world joined forces to declare that the world is facing a climate emergency from the expertise been assessing whether governments are fulfilling their climate pledges also President Trump offers to send in the Army to wage war on Mexico's drug cartels helpless families are innocently killed it's not just gunfire in the wrong place at the wrong time as on the level of cartel violence the British government is accused of sitting on a report about Russian interference in the u.k. Elections and its deadly protests continue to convulse Chile the president gives his 1st international interview to the b.b.c. We listen and we are in the act but of course people have the right the protest and we could now is that and we protect that right because that's part of our democracy . Will have a pollution of the news. Hello I'm Debbie Ras with the b.b.c. News a climate study endorsed by $11000.00 scientists warns that there will be untold human suffering without deep and lasting changes therefore declares that the world is in the midst of an accelerating climate emergency Here's our environment correspondent Matt McGrath I think what's really different about this report is that instead of just looking at one thing like global surface temperatures or something like that they've decided to broaden the range of their data and they've looked at a range of things like how many passengers are going on planes how much meat reaching How many trees are losing when you add all those up together over the last 40 years they say plainly and on a quickly we're now in an emergency situation a climate emergency they're calling it and that's the reason why they've gone with this particular definition they say when you look across the piece you can come to your conclusion the report was released on the same day that new figures showed last month was the warmest October on record across the world the European Union's climate agency said records have now been broken in 4 of the past 5 months the agency said large parts of the Arctic experienced much warmer weather than normal. A senior American diplomat has acknowledged telling a top Ukrainian official that u.s. Military aid depended on key of launching an investigation implicating Donald Trump's presidential rival Joe Biden the comments by Gordon Sandland who's the u.s. Ambassador to the e.u. Were released as part of the congressional impeachment inquiry into President Trump more from John Sopel in Washington Donald Trump has maintained that there was no quid pro quo we didn't stop military aid to Ukraine in return for a statement about Joe Biden's son in this company that he was involved with this gas company the response but you have the absolutely clear statement from Ambassador Sunderland his knowledge telling one of President Selenski devices in Warsaw that resumption of u.s. Aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anticorruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks John Sopel in Washington the government of Zimbabwe has fired 77 doctors who've been taking part in.

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