I have some screens here I mean the small white tent in a place called College Green that is just across from the Palace of Westminster that houses the 2 chambers off government and within the House of Commons there has been a debate taking place for hours about a potential path forward or options I would draw all deal could look like they need to be voted on in a little under an hour's time here with the B.B.C.'s Naomi grimly as I take a look at the House of Commons a little bit sparse and there are an awful lot of people seem to have gone missing Iommi what's happening I think it's more a case of the fact that the votes will start in exactly an hour and I think to be honest a lot of M.P.'s have been there for the whole of the debate they're getting a bit they probably gone off to have a quick maybe a glass of wine and then they'll come back and partake in they shall we listen to a little just to give our listeners a flavor. Protect jobs and heal this divided country. Oh. Well I would have called a particular gentleman who seems to be pulled out of the train but most unfortunate the fellow was indisposed but Mr Walker you're here so much you just walk out Mr Speaker I have a mission to make to you Mr Speaker I'm not an intellectual I know I know I've tried it for the past few months Point of order I really haven't tried it but I just can't get on with it Mr Speaker so I'm not going to give a high brow intellectual speech. So so to speak in my speech will be more of a 3 minute cry of frustration because I really really do want to leave the campaign for it for a number of years and I'm very very keen to go but Mr Speaker we have talked at length. About unicorns and the proudest style you unicorn of all is the unicorn of perfection a unicorn that Cantors across broken fields we've unrealizable dreams underfoot and Mr Speaker the unicorn of perfection must be slayed sadly because perfection does not exist discussions of Unicorns the b.b.c. If they are going to be taking place in the House of Commons but a lot of people are saying that what might be taking place is fantasy in the coming hours what is expected what are these votes mean well basically because there has been deadlock for several weeks in the House of Parliament when it comes to finding a way forward on Brecht say it basically this is a way of peace trying to emerge with a clear a path of where they want to go so for example they said cross party group who want to delay breakfast it will they get their way tonight another green which to raise the mains backing want to go back to Brussels and demand more concessions on maps and another group want to basically throw the debate open to M.P.'s for the for a week so that they can finally take control of the process and we have just $59.00 days until the deadline for breakfast for Britain to meet the European Union which will be the 29th of March should we listen to a little of the British prime minister she was the 1st person to speak in today's debate let's hear a little of what she told the M.P.'s I will never stop battling for Britain but the odds of success become far longer if this House ties one hand behind my back so I call on the House to give me the mandate I need to deliver a deal this house principle. Do that and I can work to reopen the withdrawal agreement do that and I can fight for it but stop the onus our commitments to the people of Northern Ireland in a way this house can support do that and we can leave the e.u. With a deal that honors the result. Of the referendum so the time has come for words to be matched id if you want to tell Brussels what this House will accept you have to vote for it you want to leave with a deal you have to vote for it if you want it you have to vote for BRICs it. Ok can you deconstruct. Me well to reason may want Parliament to back her tonight say that she can go back to Brussels and have the leverage to wring more concessions out of them so when she says I don't bind my hand she's basically saying this is in the still she believes there's the possibility of picking the deal but she's already said it was a done deal with the e.u. And she thinks that if the u.k. Parliament makes a clear statement tonight it will strengthen her hand she was quite a bit curious what you thought her tone I thought was quite defiant quite forceful I think it is but underlying that I think she's definitely getting down to the sort of more desperate strategies as the prime minister because there is absolutely no guarantee that the e.u. Will pick the deal to be so may herself was telling M.P.'s last month in the month before that there wasn't any chance of getting more concessions from Brussels So why has she suddenly had this damage seen conversion that she will be able to get more out of them let us turn to back to I suppose what is outside I mention the Palace of Westminster in the 2 chambers who are listening to one of them there and so if you came out and said You're going straight over to the Palace of Westminster you took a right you find out where a lot you find where Naomi spends some of her a lot of my b.b.c. Colleagues due to work in politics it's quite a time really to be a politician political correspondent or reporter so I went to see how they're doing these days how are they working on covering bricks. This and other political events and Chris Mason is one of them money if you will have heard him on the World Service maybe on no s. As well he has presented o. S. In the past you may have also seen a video off this clip of him this went viral while ago as he tried to explain at the latest on the breaks the story this is in November where in all of this process you know what people don't wait to have insight and foresight and hindsight about these things and to be able to project where we're going to go to be quite looking at things right now I haven't got the foggiest idea what's going to happen in the coming weeks is the prime minister going to get a deal with the e.u. . As you can be able to get it through the Commons I don't know about I think you might as well get Mr Blobby back. For his analysis because frankly I suspect his is not as good as Mark. And that went viral I have to say we continue hearing that the people just don't know what the future is what Mr Blobby he's a character that was on a Saturday night t.v. Show giant big pink with a very long eyelashes kind of a caricature cartoon character type of guy but let us return to Chris May said instead and he showed us around where he works this is the B.B.C.'s Westminster newsroom 100 meters away from parliament. It's one of those days here you needed to arrive early to get a chat because all sorts of people turned up yourselves included a suspect who you know are not here every day because it's such a big farm a new study just in front of us here who are sort of managing everything that's going on keeping an eye on the debate that's going on in the chamber down there you can see a map of the u.k. On the wall which marks all of the Parliament you constituencies papa nerdy thing to have a look at all of the political correspondents most of whom a dashing around at the moment sitting down. The online team he can probably almost hear the tapping of the keys. Dating Life pages and live blogs and all that stuff and live political programs here. Who produce Well exactly live political programs politics live at lunchtime in the in the u.k. But it's one of those days where we sort of survive on adrenaline and pizza and a massive pile of speculation better we get the results you know we don't know what's going to happen I go to some other parts off the job while I have you Chris Mason every week she got some pretty quiet ask these questions. So I wanted to know about how do you build relationships with the M.P.'s How do you. I don't know really create that role their political correspond it's such a I mean so much of it is based on talking understanding being in the know yeah so the reason I was late to meet you was because I was over the road in Parliament having lunch with a minister and the nature of that kind of conversation is what's known as off the record so I can't tell you I was speaking to him because it was all done on the basis that I could report what I was told but without attributing it to who told me so I could say a government minister because it was a government minister there's lots of government ministers and therefore I'm not identifying him or her I always say that you rather than he or she because that in certain descriptions could dispose of the sources and the real purpose of those I know some people are quite suspicious of those kind of conversations between journalists and politicians because it seems quite cozy It seems you know shouldn't we be demanding answers and that they appear on front of a microphone and identify themselves well yes that's true and we do loads of interviews face to face that are entirely open but a bit like it within a family if you like lots of real opinions come out when people are being that bit more discreet and that a little bit more private and so people are willing to offer you a sense of what they really think of the prime minister or way really think of their own boss if they are talking privately and they'll be a lot more guarded in public in my kind of view on that is that that is a formalisation of the way that human beings conduct their communications the whole time all over the world every single day and it's a convention within journalism a particular political turn. And that's between on and off the record so so yeah I have lots of those kind of things it's it's a privilege to be able to count as work going for lunch over the road talking to politicians privately and of course the reason for doing something like that is not just that they'll hopefully tell you something that you can report at some stage but you have a little story in my back pocket just had but also that you get to know them so that when I ring them at 11 o'clock on a Saturday night because there's something scurrilous in one of the Sunday papers about them they might be more likely to pick up the phone because they know me and hopefully they will trust me so that's that's the reason that it's so important to kind of cultivate those relationships I suppose it also means you're never really off you never off because you're always wondering about who's up and who's down who's going to move to hear who's going to there just before the snap election the year before last I had set up a load of lunches with people who I thought were senior and influential and going places and more than half of them lost their seats so you know those terrific contacts that cultivated there were gold but there were 50 percent that were Ok but those rigs out there are Ok and one or 2 I got a story out before they were and they were perfectly pleasant lunches. How difficult is it there with something like that to verify information it's a good question because you know for instance what I'm told something that I'm being told it's by one person and I'm being told it off the record privately so a journalist would regard that sort of information as relatively low grade in terms of what we can do with it because if it's something explosive you would want somebody else to confirm it and then ideally you'd want somebody else to confirm it in public but a lot of it and a lot of political journalism is about building up a sense of what's going on which isn't necessarily headline news but allows me in a conversation with you or with someone else to say look the mood on the Conservative benches is somehow they want to reach a deal or something like that. You can say something like that with conviction if you've had lots of conversations that are probably of limited use on the road but piece together lots of the conversations kind of kind of add up to something and then of course we have all. All our lovely colleagues that are dotted here and in other places how can you differentiate like who goes after who or is there a rivalry trying to get story of course as a rival because we're all human beings and we all want to get on and break stories and all the rest of it but it's the job of the new staff to basically manage what we do because we staff this newsroom from sort of 5 o'clock in the morning till 1 o'clock in the morning 7 days a week then actually most of the time there isn't scope for rivalry because you're on shift and you are the rival reason to get out of the shift that you don't want to do rather than try to turn each other over in terms of who gets what story so Actually we're pretty collaborative and when I send a plea email 11 o'clock on Saturday night I trust the mobile number of some Minister I've barely heard of most of the time one of my colleagues will take great delight in the fact that they're sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine and will return with the mobile phone number and just be glad that they're not in my shoes so in that sense it's quite collaborative You call this if I'm not misquoting you here I don't think Mr Mason and one of the best jobs in the world yeah it is and it's an extraordinary job and I think being a political journalist is a great job at any time but I think it is a it is the best time in my lifetime I'm 30 now I need a few weeks time to do this job and the reason is is that so much is at stake in terms of Britain impressions future and Britain's relationship with the rest of the world but also and this is what makes it hard to report there's so much that is unknowable has the job of someone like me to know was much is what's going on as possible and that's always imperfect as reports you never know what she wants to know but the reason you want to know what's going on now is that you can offer some sort of sense of what's going to happen next and the problem is I think we have to be very honest about this there's a vast amount that is unknowable unknown unknowns that all of the not all wrong loads of that at the moment because you know do we know what's going to happen. We don't want to happen tonight let alone what's going to happen with breaks in the next couple of months let alone the longer term relationship that the u.k. Will have with the European Union and therefore have that with the rest of the world that the extent to which you can strike free trade deals with America or India. Straightly or China or whoever So there's a bus about this and that's exciting journalistically but I get that it's either exhilarating or worrying depending in the u.k. On your instincts about what the Bracks it's a good or bad idea but as a journalist it's exciting. It's. Great to get the top from Christmas and the insight into the work of a political journalist in these times thanks to him we'll be back with new in Westminster in just a moment Ben James here in the b.b.c. News room in central London this is our last on the b.b.c. World Service and let me take you through some stories from our b.b.c. Africa live page right now an update on the story from Sudan that we've been covering in detail the fuel storage is there of ordered the release of all people detained during protests which began in December rights groups say more than 1000 protesters were arrested during the demonstrations calling for President Omar al Bashir to step down a suspected car bomb has exploded in Somalia's capital Mogadishu plumes of smoke was seen rising from where it's happened low details about the blast are unknown and prizes for 2 African teams at a global innovation competition held by the British Council Stan lab for Nigeria's one of them a virtual 3 d. Science Laboratory it gives schools with no lumps a possibility to teach their students practical science skills on line the other from. Project to help goals by using platforms like text messages to teach them about issues around sexual assault reproductive health rights early marriage and human trafficking. Now then here's a story we know has lots of people have been reading on The Washington Post just seen it still the most read on that site right now all about the Smith now that will be a well known name to many of you if not she's been a lifestyle guru and all 30 v host restaurants owner and model the 1st African-American woman on the. Cover of a magazine called back in the 1970 s. At age 69 she's now living without scientists in this big conversation about her husband Dan gaspy But why let's speak to the Daniel Roman OS and he's the Washington Post writer he spent time with baby and her husband the family thanks very much indeed for being with us because there's such a lot of interest in this story this piece you've written today now just take us back to last month when a picture on Facebook started this whole conversation explain what happened sir Ben we we 1st noticed particularly within the the African-American community some rumblings about a post that Dan Gatsby posted Now what made it sort of pick up steam is because he is so famous. She has many followers on Facebook and he posted it to their mutual Facebook account and what he did was post a photo of him with a nother woman and they were holding hands and he quoted a rock lyric from the rapper 50 Cent if anyone remembers from the 2000 it was hated or a lot of it you know and he said Waialae and people immediately picked up on the fact that he was with another woman and this really enraged a lot of the Smiths fans who may or may not have been aware of her Alzheimer's disease but who were wondering why her husband of 26 years was flaunting flaunting is a common word that we were seeing a new woman of noches that's come up a few times in some of the comments the way the headline on your piece puts it is lifestyle Gary b. Smith has also I missed her husband has a girlfriend. On is having it when he went to meet the 3 of them tell us about the experience and what was being said about all of this you know the very 1st thing that I noticed was how much the looks like the Smith the beast in it that was on t.v. The basement that was. Magazine covers. She had a restaurant here in Washington d.c. Where we're based for 20 years and and then you know she greeted me in a very charming you could tell this woman had been a hostess for a very long time she'd been a host she had been. Sort of the life of the party and nothing she said made sense to me and it's very heartbreaking to witness. She still has you know her model good looks she's still very graceful. And and I think that was when I 1st realized that there is more there is far more to the story Dan is very. Insistent that you know he he is caring for b. Along with his his daughter and be stepdaughter there they are caring for b. They are not they have not put her in a home. But he felt as if he had you know he was mourning for a long time the diagnosis came in 2013 when b. Was maybe about 6364 years old but in fact they had been witnessing center since 2008 at least you know her stepdaughter Dana mentioned that she was having the same conversation with with Lisa 3 times a day. So this is a. Condition that has advanced in the smith that she's been living with now for a number of years when Danny is faced with some of the criticism that there has been on social media how does he respond to that how do you see deal with it he. He pokes back is what I thought he sort of likes to poke the bear he is unapologetic for his choices and I don't you know as a reporter you don't know so I'm going to judge I know a lot of our readers over the last couple of days have had their feelings about that but. You know talking to others who understand as and who understand them as a couple and including Dana who is devoted to be you know b. Is her de facto mother and she's done that and treachery to be is. Yeah and she has been you know be with her mother for since but from the time that that dinner was about 4 years old 4 or 5 years old she they all give day and their blessing because she is at a point where she's regressing very quickly of the of the stages of Alzheimer's that are recognized there are 7 there they estimate that she's about a stage 6. It's a really tragic story and there's so much conversation about this some people to say we're looking at in the comments it's not my place to judge of the people Shelly we spoke to this comment what happened to your vows in sickness and in house taking advantage of her unfortunate situation you mention one blogger. Who posted a video that says this she's having a lifestyle funded by a black woman in this white woman didn't have to build a thing with you and to what extent if you notice the conversation around this being a conversation about race I think RINGBACK that there are 2 separate conversations having maybe 3 you know there's one among people who have had experience of all time lows who understand. How what Dan is the dance choices and I think that there is one among you know the African-American community that is very. Very. Has very strict notions about. Family you know family bonds are very tight and I think that that to them it seems like a betrayal and one of the things I tried to get across in the story is that they are from well all of them you know be Dan and Alex Lerner who is Dan's girlfriend all run in Hampton society they all come from the restaurant world she is Alex Lerner has has her own wealth you know she was married and divorced she lives in Manhattan she drives the Porsche. It's it's. Unclear how much her wealth is is going towards funding a girlfriend and I do I do hope that readers pick up on. Telling us about the piece and I do encourage people to go and read it and you can see some of the pictures that the photographer took as well it's certainly something that's got people talking got people thinking and of course outside is something that so many families to have to confront Roman arson for telling us about it from the Washington Post and this is our on the b.b.c. World Service let me tell you about a story from Iran we're seeing on the Reuters news agency will continue to track this in the rest of the program they're reporting through the menus agency in Iran 2 explosions heard in the city of sadness in the southeast of the country near a police station we'll keep an eye on further reports on that. Now time for some drama on the b.b.c. World Service it was a normal day. For a war torn country. The night sky brings me peace. What do you think a wedding or a martyr Betty there were no fireworks in between the gunshots and definitely a belly. Was in the air just a few minutes and I'll be free. Just a few minutes. He's gone you can come out here once. A bomb or a. Passionate affair and. A lie and. There's much more to this world than you might think winner English as a 2nd Language price in the international play writing competition a broken heart in a war zone by is easy age at b.b.c. World Service don't call. Hello this is new McGovern with an extended edition of the West on the b.b.c. World Service We're outside the U.K.'s parliament in central London because we're following proceedings just across the road in the House of Commons the politicians there are due to start winding up their latest debate on break that Britain leaving the European Union and begin to vote in about half an hour's time currently $59.00 days to go so the pressure is on can they find a way forward. B.b.c. News with Chris Spero the British prime minister to resume a has asked parliament for a mandate to go back to the European Union to seek changes to the Briggs it deal when M.P.'s rejected the agreement by a record margin 2 weeks ago Mrs May had said changing it was impossible 7 proposals to shape the future of Bragg's it are being debated but the only one she backs scraps the contingency plan for avoiding a hard border in Ireland. Venezuela's attorney general has asked the Supreme Court to bar the opposition leader. From leaving the country and to freeze his bank accounts was to go I don't said he expected nothing else from a government that has arrested and killed dozens of opposition activists. The authorities in Sudan have ordered the release of all people who have been detained during protests which began last month rights groups say more than 1000 protesters were arrested during demonstrations calling for President Omar al Bashir to step down the president of Uganda you wary me 70 has caused controversy after saying that Somalia was not really a state has no authority ram it he said there were other countries in a similar situation but he would not name them for diplomatic reasons a former political advisor to President Trump Roger Stone has pleaded not guilty to 7 criminal counts including making false statements to Congress and witness tampering Mr Stone is the 6th presidential aide charged in the Special Counsel Robert Muller's investigation into connections between Russia and Mr Trump's election campaign. A mining operator in Poland says 8 workers a missing after an earth tremor It's a copper mine in poke of it's in the west of the country the miners were about 800 meters on the ground 24 have been brought to the surface and reports from Iran say dog walking has been banned in the capital Tehran dogs are viewed as impure in Islam and in Iran a seen as a symbol of Westernization and that's the latest b.b.c. News. You're listening to us from the b.b.c. World Service or just full of the chasse here talking about who's coming and going outside the has is a parliament as we continue to broadcast for an extra hour today because again there are dealt elements with directed Britain leaving the European Union there are debates taking place in the side to the House of Commons there are campaigners rallies might hear a little bit behind me taking place on the green where we're broadcasting from today. With a bit of a sing. Bit of chanting going on behind me Rob Watson is here with me as well the u.k. Political correspondent for the b.b.c. a Question for you in just a moment Rob I did want to. Also just read a tweet I was seeing coming in from our colleague b.b.c. As your correspondent Damian Grammaticus he's hearing that leaders will not renegotiate the withdrawal agreement regardless of the Bracks it vote e.u. Sources say. The vote is expected to start taking place in a half an hour perhaps changing the look of Mrs May The British prime minister's withdrawal agreement but it may all be for naught. Maybe I mean it seems to me the series I'm a has is the farm on the blinking and saying to themselves Well look the deal that we agreed with Theresa May It's not possible to get it through parliament maybe we need to give it another look and now the prime minister herself to pay and in her astonishing u. Turn of a speech that it wouldn't be easy to get the European Union to have a look at this again they'd be very reluctant and boy she looks like she's right there continuing to speak they're expecting a vote soon we got a message of several votes yes in fact several votes going to go on until we don't know anything to mind 10 pm Do we think. There could be as many as 8 votes takes about 1520 minutes of voters so you can do that yes or do a couple of hours starting about 9 o'clock yes or after depending whether there's much chatter in between and there has been so much chatter which brings me to a question that came in our What's up as high as this is during Hendrickson from Amsterdam in the metro He said I often listen I'm not sure of the male or female name actually but I often listen to your stories and breaks it and today I want to do it you came ministers M.P.'s have time to actually govern the country breaks it must take up so much of their time have you report. Correspondents perhaps notice that other areas of government are not receiving the attention that they need that's an absolutely cracking question. That it wasn't I've just heard in my life it's a cracking question and of course the answer which is we journalists are so busy following bricks that we don't know whether what we don't know if you see what I mean I don't know what everybody's following the same track but but it's certainly true that. There's no doubt that the entire bandwidth of the government is taken up with bricks I mean for goodness sake it is the biggest crisis that Britain has faced since the 2nd World War disentangling Britain from the European Union after 40 years of a close relationship economically diplomatically security wise depending on you. I mean I could go on is bound to be very time consuming so I think all the anecdotal evidence just of the government is absolutely struggling to do other things couple lines of dissing coming in to us on our life page conservative m.p. Philip Lee We're going round in circles Carolina says the Brady amendment that will be one of the votes of the Sebring this to do with backstop or the border between North and Arlen says Brady amendment takes fantasy to a new art form another Tory m.p. Breck's it on the 29th of March with no deal will be a disaster extension of Article 50 that is the mechanism and withdrawals from the European Union must have a purpose so says Labor's Liz Kendall let's leave those for a moment Rob because I want to bring our listeners a little bit of a conversation that we were having earlier with a couple of young women. Deni a student from. Christina Volker who's a student from a very a in Germany studying here in London at City University we sort of wondering how she felt about. That makes feelings of worry and. Just confusion and many of them I talked to they are just confused about all the paperwork that's going to be acquired because you know it's really it's lots of Italians come to London just because there is usually less paperwork required if they want to like open a business or if they want to start over and they come here for work and they have a high unemployment rate. For people under 25 absolutely So actually there are a lot of young people that just come here to study to find a job and many of them. Even. Start working. And they just think that from there they can just go over and develop their career I'm does it work for a lot of people do they stay. Nowadays this is actually a rough number but there are 700000 Italians in the u.k. Quick question I mean Britain was maybe I'm deluding myself but I think you know Britain was regarded as one of the kind of cooler countries in Europe until the referendum I mean you know I mean to the young people like you tell young people it's really think less of us. Some of them yes some of them are really worried they're like oh you know especially those I mean came you know just you know I didn't mean the practicality is coming here but when people look at Britain they think I'm going to completely bonkers. Actually feel discriminated because they're like this approach on immigration is going to be much harder so why should I come to you I might go just well it's go to France or Germany. Or France Yeah yeah they find really. There's less this feeling of home in the u.k. As well as a long. Time in like people in Germany would say like if Great Britain crazy to. Exit the European Union because as Germany is like a fundamental believer in the European Union and yeah and there's also a lot of confusion because no clear guidelines on what to do and what's coming out for people living here and people coming here for student exchanges and that's going to happen with Iraq's most I got very lucky to got my funding for university approved by the German government but this is going to change as soon as Britain exits and I think as you mentioned it was actually the recipient office well it's when you can go to another European Union country and you study there for a year and you immerse yourself learn the language go to college funded also by European funding so. That the name it's given is that you can go basically anywhere that you want Where did you go it's not that I'm receiving It's like a special funding by the German government if you do your ma. Degree in the European country and I got it approved like a year ago so it's going to run out in August so what does that mean if you minus relatively safe I had the phone call with my dad yesterday panic and I can you please check if this is actually safe because otherwise I would really have to step up and work even more to secure my finances here I'm really really sorry I mean just as it never mind being a journalist this is a sort of Citizens of people of work that I feel welcome anymore I was one of the few the one of you had examples of of you folks like yourself yeah I'm working in a cafe and a couple of months ago I had a customer complaining to me about people foreign people coming in and getting everything for free and taking away the chops and I was quite confused because he openly saw that I'm not brought up here and I kind of immigrated that but I was shocked that yeah there was like no barrier just plainly out saying that he doesn't welcome people coming here I want to bring another voice into the conversation we've been asking people around the world to send us their questions or their thoughts about. What's up phone or give the number in a moment let's listen to what my name is Kate and I am a university student in Columbia South Carolina in the United States but I just finished a semester studying genetics a Trinity College in Dublin Ireland last semester I think a question that isn't really being addressed that I saw while I was there are tuition payments if Northern Ireland students are now going to be considered out of the e.u. Do their tuition payments change if they're attending the University that's in the European Union because they may not be just considered e.u. Citizens anymore and I was wondering if the b.b.c. Or if any politicians have any answer to that. I don't have an answer just take a look at the Belfast Telegraph actually as I was listening to Kate's. Question there and I think with a lot of these things you know it's basically unknown or unknowable as we're talking about Chris but I can see they say they will receive to wish him fees support the Irish government said it's going to review its position before the 20202021 academic year so it sounds like a stopgap Yes there will be support but after that that they'll need to review what the arrangement will be. Here will look it's just part of the general uncertainty I mean you know whether it's people making planes or people exporting live sheep from . Europe I mean these are the kind of things that are all profoundly. Yes I'm just taking a look at there you have said but I think when it comes to universities and education this is. Because I think also there was a demographic split when it came to the u.k. In the way the people voted older more likely to vote to leave younger more likely to vote to remain so then there's also the question about what those futures look like for that generation there was this huge gap Absolutely and I am speaking to a lot of my. Young people that were here and they were really worried about the future just especially regarding attrition fees for you know like oh my god friends that are in Italy and want to come study as we did in the u.k. Probably they're going to pay as much as like Chinese people or people that are outside from there was very. Worried as well it's a big worry for no for having to live in Oxford which famous for its universe I was talking to one of the sort of a senior officials university was pointing out that they stand to lose over 80000000 euros worth of. And also Christina what about your future in the u.k. Are they in the u.k. Do we know so we would like to say we invested so much hard work. And so much hard work and money and education here so. This is also good to. Know that. Now. Especially in international. We really would like to stay. But I'm at the moment at this point don't stress too much anymore before I would like to stress about every single detail coming out of the House of Parliament. But that doesn't mean for me what's going to happen now I can't change anything and they keep changing their position so I'm just going to take it as a concept when they see what will happen in the end because now there is still so much uncertainty and confusion and a lot. When you when the program is off you can teach me about relaxation techniques. Back into b.b.c. News really spend James here this is us on the b.b.c. World Service who will hop back to Westminster one more time for this half hour. Let me take you through right now some stories we've seen coming into us from the various agencies we get information coming from in this News Stream as I mentioned just before the last news bulletin the news agency is reporting that 2 explosions have been heard in the city. In the southeast of Iran near a police station scene reports said through the Reuters News Agency know this at the u.n. Migration agency said the more than 130 migrants are missing off the coast to see after 2 boats said to have capsized both of those stories will continue to track here on the b.b.c. And also warnings of extreme. Cold temperatures making headlines in parts of the United States whether officials in the state of Iowa for example of warn people to avoid taking deep breaths and to minimize the talking if they do go outside. Also let me just bring this to us related to a story we're covering in January but 8 years ago Egyptian security forces arrested 54 people including suspected members of the Muslim Brotherhood for planning to help protests and commit violence on the anniversary of the 2011 uprising that's come from the interior ministry in Egypt through the Reuters news agency so watch that as well are they saying 54 people arrested that suspecting some of them were members of the Muslim Brotherhood and of the story we'll watch here on the b.b.c. Now in Brazil rescuers are continuing to search for survivors after that down collapse last Friday police there have also arrested 5 people in connection with what's happened at least 65 people have died nearly 300 people still missing with little hope for them to be found alive and we spoke to our reporter covering the story in Brazil yesterday didn't we talking about speaking to those who survived also people who are missing family members and the b.b.c. Spoke to one man whose wife and 2 daughters and sister in law were courts in sludge from the collapse one of the daughters is still missing now the interview was in Portuguese so he translated into English and voiced it over. I'm down to see want to see they arrived by helicopter got closer but couldn't learn to cook I mean they rescued her with the help. And made me realize to lead to couldn't move from the waist down it was a struggle but they managed to get her and you had to walk to my she told me after she was in the office you couldn't feel anything but. It was just pain a lot of pain and you know she's Perkin to hit. The feeling on my. Leg you know I mean way it was so big so they would say one way or. The other way I mean. That's what she told me in a much mistaken for is hard to explain which is you know people say it's as if they were inside a joint blend into turning around the being smashed by ropes sticks buses because. Everything was coming down with the mud smashing people breaking everything so much money look at this sea of mud. Found here look how nice I found my dog to be no if I couldn't. I couldn't find what happened here for God's sakes look what's happened to this place there's no more hotel there's nothing left . My wife shouted she had noise and shouted Run. Away went different ways my daughter run into one bedrooms my sister in law to another m o y fell Xandra stayed in the kitchen my sister in law told me she only had my daughter to say ouch and after that doesn't remember anything. She says that deep in the slot she held her breath and tried to. When she reached the point that she was. She arrived at the surface yes. At the most recent face as she raised her arm and asked for help this colleague of ours rescued her she was on her last breath she said she couldn't handle any more she was ready to dive. With. Listening to b.b.c. World Service this is let me tell you about a story that lots of people are discussing on social media in China all about one of the country's most influential celebrities and musician called Roy Wang and rumors that he might be leaving the country to carry Alan is our China Media analyst a familiar voice on this program she told me why so many people are talking about him Well Roy Wang is he's one of the members of t.f. Boys here one of the biggest bands in China there are 3 of them they're all very popular very influential and he's a there's been a lot of controversy surrounding him the past month or so because back in December there was some pictures circulated on the Internet showing him at an event for those in Beijing for the the Barclay College of Music in Boston so people are starting to kind of say always applying studying abroad because he's 18 at the moment and he's passed his exams and people are wondering now we're going to go to university or is going to go to university because he's in this the most famous Chinese boy band basically so it may be right that why even sell such time as he he wants to go to uni and future Yeah yeah well yeah I mean he's a he's a huge I'm busted for China so actually this will conserve the government as well about whether he's going to do this and there's been a lot of media speculation people asking what's going to happen to Roe Wang So a t.v. Show yesterday actually asked him Are you planning on studying abroad and he was quite cagey about his response he said that he's still young at the moment and he's thinking about what he's doing but but he said yes I might do in the future. And this has been a big talking point in China because this this comes in the wake of the Duke University controversy yesterday with an e-mail going out and universities to some students saying the Chinese students could be compromised in the future if they choose to do an internship or master's if they if they speaking Chinese in a public place and they're not trying to improve their English so there's been this dialogue in China for the last 24 hours about why would you want to go abroad you know there's this discrimination apparently for Chinese students if they go overseas so for one of China's biggest stars to actually say I'm I in the future to go and study overseas the Scott a lot of people talking and and some people are saying that they they had my Him and it's quite surprising given the yesterday people were saying actually you know I would rather study in China and be a good person for my country so it's seen as a actually a ticket then to study in China of course plenty of Chinese students to study in all sorts of different countries around the world Oh absolutely yes but but but there are some people who are saying well music in China doesn't really move forward and they admire the fact that he's when he's in this pop band that he might want to take his music overseas or you might want to learn ways in which you can change his music if he decides to do music degree so people are actually looking at this and kind of speculating saying that they think it's a good idea it could be a good idea for China but China has had concerns in the past about people going overseas not coming back so this is this is a lot of speculation around the story that was of a brain drain problem or a fear that people will go abroad and not come back to contribute to the country absolutely yes and he is he's one of the mega-stars of China so he's somebody that everybody loves him in China and he's a great ambassador for Chinese values so so yeah there will be a lot of concern if he decided to go abroad for a long period of time say to do a university degree. Carrie Allen our China Media analyst talking about Roy Wang and the conversation around him this is our last on the b.b.c. World service you might have heard the story about Apple saying that a floor in it software did allow eavesdropping through the video call up face time even if the recipient didn't pick up that something and we got our tech reporter so he Kleinman to explain to us earlier I met up with her she told me how this all worked it's alarmingly simple but it's not the sort of thing you stumble across I don't think unless you unless you knew about it so the way it worked with this apple in October last year introduced group Face Time which meant you could have caused a lot of people at the same time and what was discovered was if you if you were calling somebody else via Face Time and then you swiped up as if you were going to add an additional person to the call but in fact you added your own phone number then for some reason that would activate the microphone in the phone that you were calling but the person who owned that phone would have no idea there was nothing came up which suggested that the microphone is being activated all they could see was that their phone was their i Phone was ringing and if they hit the meat or the silent button you know the button on the side then it appears that that could also activate the video so the phone would be sharing audio and video only for the duration of the call the time the fames ringing so we're not talking about particularly long time but still that's the sort of random and quite intrusive time isn't it to suddenly be broadcasting to somebody else with no clue that that's what your phone is doing especially because I suppose people thinking about Les might imagine the moments when they've seen the phone ringing and maybe they make some comments about the person that they can see is phoning them that's something that could be heard theoretically when they spoke with life in theory yes if you fail me and I went bang again what I tell you and then and it's possible that I am now off your Christmas list that is the most. Off my Christmas list but so so this is been fixed this on the one hand like you say it's not necessarily something that the stumble across it is props quite a nice thing to go wrong but on the other hand it still really embarrassing for Apple Yes if there are 2 things to sort of bear in mind here number one Apple introduced great price I mean October so that's at least 3 months that the facility has been available and it's completely unknown how many people knew about this or who was using and to what tens in that time and number 2 Apple prides itself markets itself on its attention to prophecy and security you know it just took out an ad to billboards in Las Vegas gin and the c s tech fair which said what happens on an i Phone stays on an i Phone Well that's come back to haunt them now doesn't it was some kind of privacy day was night when this all emerged Yes it was it with I think it was data protection days Happy Belated Happy Days for Section day and the c.e.o. It been talking about exactly this issue of privacy and talking about how the industry needed to be mindful of it what if they said they're going to do now to make sure stuff like this does not make them so what's happened is Apple has completely disabled this great Face Time tool say it doesn't work if you try to now by the way it won't work and they've also said that they're going to issue a fix this week to the software which will mean that it won't happen again and whether that's enough for people is another thing you know it's a kind of stark reminder isn't it we've been lulled into this enormous full sense of security and we forgotten that we are carrying around a camera and a microphone all the time we take it to the toilet with us some people do we take it to friends' houses we take it to the park we have it with us I've got it with me on the table right now you know it's about us all the time and we are told don't worry you are in control of this only does what you command it to do so a little chink in the armor is is cause for massive uncertainty really especially with a firm like Apple where people play pay top dollar for these you know these products are. Over a $1000.00 a piece for an i Phone on the understanding that it's more secure was this every i Phone or was it operating systems on the i Phone It was only the operating the the latest operating system so that is the i.i.s. $12.00 and both phones I believe would have to have that in order for it to happen quite a lot of them do you know not when Google issues an operating system it takes forever to trickle down because every single manufacturer that runs an Android phone has to then make it work for their phone and then release it with Apple of course everyone just gets it you know within a matter of days certainly weeks I may people who have an i Phone a fairly recent i Phone certainly would have that by now. So you climb an article and your porter speaking to Ben James who's in our news room in central London I instead of a government outside the Houses of Parliament where M.P.'s are going to get ready to vote on a number of options or to change the look perhaps we could say of the withdrawal. Deal that Mrs may put to them a number of weeks ago but it was roundly defeated so we descend into the House of Commons for a moment and this is the back seat Secretary Stephen Barclay speaking. Today Mr Speaker I've written very very patiently but I've run out of patience I would like the 2nd shooting for leaving me here to play interest in stopping the old trying to turn from radiation. Is far worse question we are entitled to a serious forward on say. So this will be part of the negotiation and we would be sensitive. Issues but what is not in God so alternative arrangements they are talking about what would it be if it were not the backstop and the guarantee to stop a hard border between northern arland the Republic of Ireland stay with the b.b.c. You're going to hear more details also how those votes go but thank you very much for spending some of the past 3 hours with Ben James in London and me new government outside the house of parliament also in London I'll talk to you tomorrow . This is the b.b.c. World Service where the story of Rubin Hurricane Carter continues the famous American boxer and 19 year old John Artis were convicted of a trickle in the 1960 s. 50 years later John Artis remembers the nice of their arrest just say that Ruben Carter killed his people and will. At b.b.c. World Service don't. And in 30 minutes sports today with the added after the weekend's f.a. Cup fixtures attention switches back to the Premier League today Manchester City have a chance to ramp up the pressure on Liverpool a win against Newcastle move them to within the points of the league leaders that in an hour is next on the b.b.c. World Service the world's radio station. It's 19 hours g.m.t. I'm Jackie Leonard and this is the news room from the b.b.c. World Service the only way to avoid no deal is to agree a deal that is why I want to go back to Brussels with the clearest possible mandate the British prime minister has asked parliament from mandates to seek changes from the e.u. To her Brecht's it deal M.P.'s are due to begin voting shortly on a series of amendments Venezuela's government has asked the Supremes courts to ban the opposition leader one guy Doe from leaving the country after he declared himself interim president the Belgian all Thora teaser to test the d.n.a. Of 15 children adopted from the d.l.c. To find out if they were kidnapped from their families parents who adopted the kids and parents who gave away their kids to go to a sports camp in. Those sets of parents who are absolutely blameless in the story and white fast food chains are being asked to do more to tackle climate change well they are on the news room from the b.b.c. . Hello I'm Chris Berrow with the b.b.c. News British M.P.'s are beginning a series of votes on 7 proposals to shape the future of Bragg's it with no deal insights 2 months before Britain's to to leave the European Union the prime minister to resume a has asked parliament for the clearest possible mandate to ask the e.u. To change the brakes it deal they agreed in November before M.P.'s rejected the agreement 2 weeks ago she said changing it was impossible Here's Chris Mason at Westminster but we vote here tonight on what are known as amendments a Labor m.p. Evacuees are suggested Brecht that should be delayed until the end of the year unless there's a deal by the end of next month a conservative a Labor m.p. Of thing.