Because you know she guru is also an author who constantly seeks to reinvent himself writing different kinds of novels from science fiction to me B.B.C. News. Hi there welcome to the B.B.C. News room it's Ben James with us today we're on our table as always in the middle of our news room in London to take you through some of the big stories the big talking points of the moment one of those continues to be the situation with Catalonia We'll bring you up to date on that with our correspondent we're going to connect you very shortly also that conversation on mentioned about vaccinations one of the biggest conversations on the B.B.C. News Facebook page through the last twenty four hours or so after a woman in America was jailed as a result of not giving her son vaccination is not for that post say but because it went against a court agreement that she had with her ex-husband that was then broken over a custody dispute between the two over that son and Demps she's been sent to jail for seven days the big issue around vaccinations and whether parents should or should not have the choice to give them to children we'll talk about that his views a little bit later on in this half of the program but I mention my colleagues from B.B.C. Russian and B.B.C. Arabic joining me here around the table that Muna Barr who's a reporter with B.B.C. Arabic for me my love. With B.B.C. Russian sitting with me we're already starting to talk about the visits to Moscow by King Solomon of Saudi Arabia meeting President Putin it's the first official visit to Russia by a Saudi monarch and various things have been emerging from their meetings through the day why is he there first of all what's this all about but it's definitely a historic visit as the Saudis have called it is the first time that the Saudi King visits every Russia their official title of the visit is to boost bilateral relations the interesting thing is that there is hardly anything in common between Saudi Arabia and Russia and they've been at odds in several issues but maybe the only thing the agree about is the prices of oil the decline of the prices of oil in the last few years just in. A deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Saddam and went to Russia and they have made an agreement to work together to reduce the price of oil because both their economies have suffered lots of damages because of that and after that visit it seems that they have been building up for this huge visit by KING SON man but they were not going to talk only about oil there are plans for investments there is going to be reportedly an investment fund energy a one billion dollar investment fund there's going to be investment in the petrochemical industry and on top of all that there is a discussion of an arm deal worth more than one billion dollars So that's a huge step forward for the relation between the two countries knowing that they are at odds in Syria and in Yemen and the Syria situation fascinating and we talked before actually about unusual alliances coming up for me as a result of the different way you see in which the Syrian conflict plays out Russia is on the same saw it essentially as President Assad's Syria in fact conflicts Iran is also on much side but then Saudi Arabia very much at loggerheads with Iran their Regional Rowing and Qatar is this well involved so I mean the thing is it is a proxy war and. Russia has positioned itself in a close alliance with Iran which Saudi Arabia sees. Nation as in a position to its own dominant position in the region and doesn't want to see it strengthened by a successful campaign in Syria but at the same time we can see that. With the oil when Russia and Saudi Arabia work to. Reduce the production of so that the price goes up they they work there well they now from need to find a possibility to. Bringing this stalemate in Syria to a conclusion that will be beneficial for both. Next excuse me for both King and Mr Putin himself I'm six more lines as well from King Salmon through the day report to the international community must take responsibility for what's happening to Muslim or Hindu people in Myanmar at the territorial integrity of Iraq must be preserved in reference like us to the Kurdish referendum we've been speaking to also this line that a political solution to Syria crisis must be found that keeps the country in peace what do you think he hopes king salmon to get answered this visit from his point of view very well basically is Saudi Arabia has noticed that since Trump occupied the White House that the U.S. Has had a shift in position to war it's the Middle East war Syria Iraq so I think they are very very nervous at the moment and they want to have at least an ally in the region they have noticed and they know for sure that Russia has a very very strong say and it has managed in three years since it went to Syria to shift the past the balance of power and the Syrian government at the moment says that it is in control of ninety two percent of its territory and this is very worrying for the Saudis because Iran has a very strong presence in Syria and it has a very strong presence in Iraq and a strong as well influence in Yemen so they don't want to see the Middle East region be gamed by Iran and they just stand there and they're there what shape so they want to be a major players and they understand that the main way or the essential way to do that is by talking to the Russians directly and this is what they're doing it's interest to see the reaction from President Putin although he's very good at sort of with body language he's faced with very serious and you can see that he is tense but he said that we had Frank detailed and substantive discussions. With his majesty and the interesting thing is that probably means that you were dealing basically that they were trying to reach a deal and by the announcement of the guy who is in charge of Russian military sector a military industrial production and Mr Rose in the vice prime minister he said that the Saudis are interested in buying a Russian defense system as four hundred exactly the one that they sold to Iran and that means that the the discussions were really very business like I believe they were just sitting probably there and saying OK we'll do this and you do that and here we can sell you this you can sell that will do this with oil it's just you can just see that this historic visit is probably the first in the first step in probably a change of game in the Middle East if they agree further on Syria and further and of course we remember that summit that Donald Trump meeting with leaders of the majority Islamic countries around the world including the king of Saudi Arabia the whole picture and all of that and not so long ago what Washington is thinking about seeing its traditional ally Saudi Arabia hanging out with President Putin well for Washington is pretty much a business relationship with our countries Donald Trump has made it clear that he is in Saudi Arabia for deals after the meeting with the Saudi king and with our leaders the first thing he talked about is that the huge deals he made with the Saudis they have made much much higher and more lucrative deals than the Saudis are making now with the Russians so probably there will be I in this with interest but we have to remember that Saudi Arabia has always had a very close relation to the to the Americans and this rapprochement may be just comparing At the moment between Russia and Saudi Arabia but I don't think that Saudi Arabia will be ready any time soon to relinquish its new. Which is America we need to also mention of course sab quite apart from all the really serious policy implications for conflicts for economics around the world there's always lots of interesting fun details I spose about big state visit and ceremony like this I was just saying before we came on air what I didn't notice when I was sitting here yesterday watching King Salmon arrive is that the reason that the monarchy was in his early eighty's was walking down the steps of the plane you've probably seen the videos by now is there is gold Mescal later appeared to break down as we didn't convey him to the floor as it normally does and I think this video has been shared quite a lot it's in what the Russians are told Russian sites and social media are just all over the place with that video it was quite interesting they also accused the Legation coming with King King and at least three major hotels the four season until this reaches a tell and not so not Hotel next basically the walking distance from the short working five minutes from Red Square and Kremlin have been totally entirely booked for that visit for that delegation obviously no no meat and no ham on the on the menu definitely And apparently according to Russian media they even brought their own this is the Saudis even brought their own carpets in order to use you know four different occasions during the visit here and it's a really really very well prepared for really world visit I have to mention that the Arab social media as well has said that video of him coming down this day and actually in a few jokes about the video as well that it may be a tear walls what the relations between the two countries are going to be Thanks very much Lisa both of you and family smile off a P.C. Arabic B.B.C. Russian thanks so much for your insight. On the B.B.C. World Service that's one big story we're looking at today another is the future of Catalonia Now Spain. Constitutional courses suspended a session at the Council on Parliament shut jeweled for Monday last speech the B.B.C.'s James Reynolds covering this story and James tell us why this session was seen as so potentially significant. Significant because the Catalan parliament has been planning to declare independence on Monday and the Catholic Spanish constitutional court had already ruled that the independence referendum itself was illegal now the second ruling says that the session to declare independence is also illegal this may potentially set up a clash between the police who have to enforce the order and pro independence Kathlyn M.P.'s who want to vote and possibly to declare independence so more potential tension if a Declaration of Independence were to happen what would that actually mean in practice would have anything actually happen. That they wouldn't get what they want with that because potentially Spain then Madrid has a huge card to play Madrid could invoke an article of the Spanish constitution Article one five five Anyone who wants to look at out which says that the government here has the right to suspend self rule in Catalonia so sensually each side has one huge card to play Colonia has that you've actual declaration of independence and Madrid has that we will suspend self rule again another potential conflict is set up and so this ruling today came from the constitutional court what about the actual politicians in Madrid what's their tone at the moment. Mariano Rajoy the prime minister has just been speaking he said if you ask me Do I have a solution he says yes I do those authorities in Catalonia need to return to the law and they need not to make a unilateral declaration of independence which would make things much worse and he says. Says that all of society is united behind his positions as the media business people and union so many are not OID is trying to put political pressure on the authorities in Barcelona B.B.C. James Reynolds with the latest on the situation with Catalonia thanks very much indeed for being with us on. Now then let's look at another story of video that's being shared a lot that I guess is all about the experience of being a female reporter in what some people see as a manly sports that's how some might describe the N.F.L. Legend and Rodriguez someone he knows he's an N.F.L. Reporter American football that is for the Charlotte Observer in North Carolina in the U.S. When she put a question yesterday to the local team the Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton is uncertain not only caught her by surprise it's also now gone viral online it's also about how he was smiling during adolescence. Really race ality. Brought me in. That interview a little you know I mean this is a measure of the it's funny to hear female talk about routes they start. From and come along. Funny he says to hear a female talking about routes now routes or I would same British English roots are you see a pattern or a path that a receiver in American football runs in order to receive a pass I have no idea about that we have to look that one up because maybe for my voice you might know I'm not an American football. A huge movie knowledgeable American football fan anyway lots of men. The U.K. Though these days this is how one North Carolina fund reacted seal of Wrath way raised in North Carolina currently resides in Brooklyn New York I'm saddened that the quarterback of my favorite team has such a low opinion of women to think that a sports reporter what know about routes Cam has been in this link the N.F.L. Link to all and no there's nothing funny about a woman doing her job in a predominantly male profession and it's disappointing that in the twenty first century just as racism has and neither is sexism So that's from North Carolina thanks very much for sending Jordan Rodriquez the reporter in question later on Sat I was dismayed by his response I did my job as an N.F.L. Beat writer I ask the question but one of his receivers his response that not only belittled me but countless other women before me and beside me who work in similar jobs a team spokesperson said I've spoken with Jordan and Cam and I know they had a conversation where he expressed regret for using those words although I have also seen some coverage in the local newspaper contesting whether indeed he did express regret or apologize sounds like that story will continue to run and I did read one column by a colleague of Jordan Rodriguez essentially hitting out at a company and what I guess unveiled about some of the attitudes within an F L. O S on the B.B.C. World Service with Ben James with a colleague from B.B.C. Brazil just arriving to talk to us so we're going to talk to him a little bit later on about a story from Brazil but in the meantime let me take you through some of the other stories we're looking at here in the B.B.C. News or in this on Instagram which has been criticized by some users over its new voting polls users can now add a poll to Instagram stories some are saying they didn't realize that choice would be visible in a school system in. Paris Match one of Germany's full response nicknamed the German James Bond has been found guilty of tax evasion millions of dollars in a man who says his nine have helped stop a plot to poison the former pope and Japan's public broadcaster and H.K. Has said that one of its reporters died of overwork after doing one hundred fifty nine hours of overtime in a single month she had hoped. Now than I've already mentioned this story one of the B.B.C.'s most read online through the day doing a lot of traffic on our Facebook page as well loads of comments on it a mother in the U.S. State of Michigan has been sentenced to seven days in jail after she refused a judge's order to have her son vaccinated now she and her ex-husband had come together to agree that the child should be vaccinated amongst a number of issues after the breakdown at their marriage we understand that was agreed in court when she didn't follow through on that court agreement that was the point at which the judge sentenced her to seven days in jail now that's a listen to a whole range of views and opinions on this idea of parental choice and vaccination we reached out to our listeners around the world to ask what they thought about this case my name is Carolyn from Lagos Nigeria Jill. To already will mean that are not doesn't it in the children. Mean the best tool. She learned in releasing. Very very important. And this is how. Vaccinating children is the parent but I don't think so that a mother should be jailed that's letting children is a parental do you know and I think so it's the right for children to be protected and children are precious and mixin aiding children is not only their moron but. The birthright of for children to be protected from diseases but I don't think so that a mother should be jailed OK Let's bring in a few people to help us talk with some views on it we can speak to Judy who can see employ in Michigan. Close to Detroit's. In the U.S. And. He's here in the U.K. In Worthing in the south of England to find the website the informed parents hello to the three of you. Judy can I start with you since you will in Michigan what do you make of this. Well. I mean that the ruling is maybe a little extreme but I think she's trying to get a point across and I'm playing. The girl agreed to it and she did not follow a judge's order and and that pretty much it and I know your kids are grown up and I don't know what the law was when they were younger I know from reading up on this particular case that actually parents in some cases can choose not to have the children vaccinated in Michigan so this case was an aid punishing if I'm not doing that but it is breaking the agreement that she had in court with her ex-husband What do you think about the luring Michigan allows parents to skip vaccines for postal believes. Well I mean you know it's NOT have freedom to do what you want with your children but basically I think it really puts your children's life and danger all of the young parents they were not around when there were terrible terrible people that took children's lives and that made their lives you know let's recall for the rest of their lives like holy. So. Much for coming here because because I know your website is all about this issue what do you make of this case well I haven't got all the details but I understand that the mother in the statement says she wasn't actually there when when this so-called order was agreed it was behind closed doors and without her knowledge and so I think there's a lot of information that we haven't got in front of us which which is China a different light on it but I do think it's the screenplay it's frightening how we are moving into the Dark Ages towards draconian laws such as this because every parent wants the best for their children and I have to say that you know me so I don't tend to I thought vaccines were good and essential in all this but when I started to study it. I was absolutely shocked and I'm actually at the moment read in books from eighteen hundred in the U.K. There was a growing number of people concerned because I could see so many problems with the smallpox vaccine and of course. On the ban so jump in there and say of course smallpox because of that vaccine has been eradicated so in this country people living in this country are not getting it because of the vaccine and that is that I'm not a medical advance that's what we've been told if you study I can urge the public enough well why we need to look into this more because that's not what it shows if you really study when they may be compulsory in eight hundred sixty seven in the U.K. There was a three fold increase outbreaks in the vaccinated in the back and I also know that I don't know anyone now in London who have smallpox come on in here and join in this conversation you heard what Mike to said We're hearing different views say what's your take on this from Baltimore Hey there yes I'm definitely pro vaccinations I believe there are essential to save our children and also to then protecting those around our children and of course just on this because this is maybe is less a conversation about whether vaccines are good or bad but what about this specific issue of whether a parent who chooses not to vaccinate should be punished for it Well I think that you know sort of a gray area I think that in Michigan since it is legal to abstain from vaccinations by parental choice then parents have a choice now as to whether or not she and the husband made that agreement with her knowledge or as Magda indicated perhaps without her knowledge I think it deserves a little Not conversation however I think if they were on the same page and they agreed not to vaccinate and that's the law there they shouldn't have to vaccinate However if they agree to ensure that law then I think that jail time was definitely appropriate and it's a case that a lot of people getting involved. In this conversation all the way down our Facebook page you can see people like John getting in touch and John makes an interesting point here actually he says it might be for the greater good but the right winger inside me doesn't agree with jailing mothers who choose not to put stuff inside their kids even if they're wrong so an interesting take on it somebody who agrees there with the idea of vaccination is good which almost all medical professionals will say that is the case but thinking that that it's wrong to jail people for not putting that parent at that child into vaccination said thank you to everybody for taking part in that will continue to have the conversation through the program this is the B.B.C. World Service where we're wondering what it means when a child commits a crime then. You have something in your brain. But I have said on. The business that I sell more than there are people that have basically an evil streak. I want to be artists in. The United States is the only country in the world to sentence under eighteen's to whole lifetimes in prison no longer will acts of youthful indiscretion be erased from their records while leaving prominent scars on their victims but after mandatory life without parole for juveniles was ruled to be unconstitutional I'll be meeting adults who have prison since childhood just as real I did take that moves without any Second Life After Life at B.B.C. World Service dot com slash life story. We'll continue on this edition of B.B.C. Iraqis here on the world's best to hear different views on the idea of punishment for parents who do not vaccinate their children and the idea that you might be able to have a choice doing that we've already had some views on that we'll continue to gather yours I'll give the what's up number on the other side of the news so you can add your voice we're also going to go live shortly to Iraq to talk correspondent following the latest battle against the so-called Islamic state that B.B.C. News with Jonathan eyes are Spain's constitutional court has provisionally suspended the session of Catalonia as Parliament treasurer for Monday amid fears that it could vote to declare independence for the region the ruling follows a complaint brought by the Socialist Party of Catalonia which fears that such a move would be in breach of the Constitution resulting in parliamentarians being stripped of their powers the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives has indicated that he may be willing to consider some forms of gun control after Sunday's mass killing in Las Vegas Paul Ryan said Congress needs to look into bumper stocks the accessories the killer used to her his guns into rapid fire weapons Saudi Arabia has said New Horizons are opening up its relations with Russia as king salmon continues the first official visit to Russia by a Saudi monarch the two countries announced a series of deals as the Saudi king and President Putin held talks in Moscow including a one billion dollars joint investment fund and the Saudi agreement to buy defense systems from Russia the Russian defense ministry has drafted a law to ban professional soldiers and other military personnel from using social media due to security concerns the bill says photos videos and other material uploaded to the Internet can reveal details useful to an enemy at least thirteen people have died in a suicide attack on a Soofi Muslim shrine in southwestern Pakistan crowds of devotees had gathered for a special religious ceremony when the blast happened the shrine is in a village close to quarter the provincial capital of Baluchistan. The president of new Jeremy Howard who is who who says his country has been attacked by what he described as terrorist groups following the killing of three American Special Forces commandos on Wednesday at least five soldiers from Asia also died in the ambush and the British author. Has said winning the Nobel Literature Prize is a magnificent on others placed him in the footsteps of the world's greatest writers the Swedish Academy said Mr Ishiguro his novels have great emotional force B.B.C. News there we'll hear some response on our ass a bit later on this half hour to that Nobel Prize for kinds of issues and if you're a fan of his books maybe whatsapp some of the place you can get in touch to react to that victory at that price you've been awarded earlier today just four four seventy seven three zero seven five nineteen twenty five is the number to use We're going to start though by going to talk about Iraq care where the prime minister says that the military has retaken how we just had a main town in one of the last two enclaves of the so-called Islamic State in the country let's speak to the B.B.C.'s Ronnie Ryan who is in in Iraqi Kurdistan Rami what do we know about exactly what's happened and how Egypt. Well the Iraqi army and federal police start their battle. Against. On the twenty eighth of September so that wasn't very long before they managed to reach the center of how we just. Announced that they had retaken it this is one of the last strongholds of all of Iraq they still have certain parts of the border with Syria desert areas that they still control but we can now say that they have they no longer have any major urban centers at all in all of Iraq so what does that do to the way in which the so-called Islamic State and the organization of it can operate in function if they're not in an area is what does that do to the nature of how it might be fighting the Iraqi military for example. Well first of all it means that they are more likely to go underground. What that exactly means we cannot say but we can look to their history for clues in. Just a few years before the Syrian uprising they were under pressure as they are now yes and they're pretty fast as of course they weren't called bias at the time and they were driven sorry they were Drew even to the desert area but they managed to stay in the desert area to lay low in the desert area and to take the opportunity of a civil war in Syria to cross over from Iraq regroup and then build themselves into this great force and resurge in such a magnificent way which was completely unexpected and take everybody by surprise now whether that will happen again is very difficult to say but there they are cornered once again. And go into that on both sides of the border Iraq and Syria and of course in Syria they're also under pressure but they have managed to launch a counterattack just on the opposite side of where they. Hold or even so we can say that it doesn't have to happen again the same way it did but that that area on both sides of the border is one area that we should watch very closely . And to understand whether there will be and I guess is that what form exact thing thank you very much indeed it's always good to speak to you on. In Iraqi Kurdistan at the moment following the progress of Iraq's military in its fight against the so-called Islamic state around that. I've got a full table here in the B.B.C. News Stream on our ass on the B.B.C. We've got a colleague from B.B.C. Brazil to speak to me in just a moment but first of all we're going to talk about the latest from Las Vegas and we're going to talk about some of what's emerging about STEPHEN PADDICK the gunman behind Sunday night's mass shooting there living a secret life much of which would never be fully understood that's the verdict from the sheriff Joe Lombardo the motive for killing all those people remains unclear we're learning more details of some of the planning that led to the attack including the weapons found in his hotel room twenty three of them many of which modified to make them shoot more quickly explosives discovered in a car in his hotel along with something like sixteen hundred rounds of ammunition and but at the same time details of people who died are also emerging and crew parties come to the desk from our team to tell us about some of them some of the personal stories creeper and so many personal stories emerging Ben in the last thirty six thousand or so we've had some of those. Names of those fifty eight victims they have been released of so many heartbreaking stories amongst them including of until he owned a truck company he loved being respectfully Corps lice and that's according to the T.V. Station K.C. C.R.A. He was attending the concert there with several of his family members and they did survive and they marked his death with a procession of golf carts at the Cameron Park and Country Club another name released is Hannah L. Third a thirty five year old mother the Las Vegas Review Journal reports that she survived by her husband and three children the youngest being only three years old then there was a jack beaten fifty four from Bakersfield in California he was a father of two he was there with his wife and he and he died shielding her from bullets as she survived the attack and according to the local Bakersfield now they are reporting that the couple had been married for twenty three years and they were there ben celebrating their marriage anniversary at the concerts or a police officer was amongst the dead Charleston Hartfield he was thirty four but he was off duty of course and he was better known as coach Jackie he coached the youth football team for the Henderson cowboys and of course lots of students as well Jordan Rivera he was a fourth year student to California State University Quentin Robbins only twenty years old studying at the University of Nevada as well so now we have some of those names then that grieving process will really start for those friends and families and indeed entire communities as well yes some of those personal stories those faces of people emerging as well in some of those local news sites local to Las Vegas and also local to where some of them were from he would come to watch a country music concerts and in the middle of all of that Frank's very much indeed creeper one of the thing I should say about STEPHEN PADDICK at the gunman some more of the lines emerging this morning was that officials suspect that he plans to flee and also he might have had help with planning the massacre so. Those are lines of inquiry that the Las Vegas police are continuing to explore this morning it is first thing in the morning there in Las Vegas twenty five here in the B.B.C. News Stream in London and going to talk about Brazil now with Fernando from B.B.C. Brazil because Fernando we're talking once again about color so it's a newsman the head of the Brazilian Elim pick Committee has now been arrested over allegations around the Rio Games last year what's new. Well the new thing is now the suspicion that he to mediate a bribery scheme to sway let's produce way some I.O.C. Delegates or vote for him apparently using Mr Lawson jacket together is that he tried to hide evidence from the from the investigations and by evidence well how can I put it this way sixteen kilos of gold that Bradley has in a he's accused of having in a bank if you cover that's a medals Mr cover to a newsman would be only second to America in the Rio two thousand and sixteen medal board so it's a huge revelation amongst some of the things he has been found out that he he had a Russian passport because of the Bella Reuss origins of his family and their Russian passport if it wasn't officiated by the federal police could be used in a skate because Russia doesn't extracted state this it since you know once they're there who as we have might have remember in the Litvinenko case it's basically shake shake in Brazil and spoke to the Corps because Mr Newman over twenty years has been the biggest name in Brazilian sports is a guy by the mastermind of this. Unheard coming of the Olympic Games to South American elephant suddenly he's now pretty much in dire straits a lot of sportsman in Brazil celebrating his prison he was in the most popular guy is that right yes the thing is before this this desire Legations they had never been anything any kind of investigation into his conduct but a lot of people for years when I worked in a sport that was you were saying the something fishy there and apparently the police has found out that his personal wealth increased four hundred fifty seven percent in the last ten years if you apply that to a time line it's around the same time Real started its bid to become a lead to capital city each was decided in two thousand and nine so from two thousand and seven onwards misunderstood misfortune increased a lot according to the police but he's been arrested in a rest they'll charge with anything at all Frank guilty of anything with delays investigation is being charged is being charged with. Conspiracy of and fraud but not really regarding that the possible by your votes it's it's a complicated investigation because it's got like also the French authorities coming in because Lamont in the beginning of the year the story that there had been some wrongdoing nobody saying that the whole lympics were bought but that there is evidence of some wrongdoing in the in the bidding process and my remand to Rio won the the decision the final round of Madrid by sixty six votes or thirty two that's the that wasn't the final but again some very very shady likes been cast of real imagery and of course he denies all wrongdoing wait to see what the outcome of the investigation is from under Doherty thank you very much indeed for coming along as a waste to the desk here on our ass for one day from B.B.C. Brazil you can get your niece in Portuguese by against the B.B.C. Brazil dot com and reef and on those work there as well you're listening to us on the B.B.C. World Service let's talk about an award then that's been held it's been given out earlier today issued during the recipients of this year's Nobel Prize for literature he is the new Nobel laureate this is how he reacted. So that. And lots of other awards he's won perhaps and the greatest that you can get as a rice and now when Bob Dylan of course when it last year this is perhaps more of a classical choice I suppose someone who actually writes novels or Bob Dylan on it for his poetry and lyrics writing last year and. Written novels including the remains of the day he won the Man Booker Prize for that you might also if you know a big reader know that that was a movie starring Hopkins and Emma Thompson I think now but earlier on this afternoon we spoke to The New York Times best selling author. CHRIS But jolly and he said his thoughts on if she goes what without asked what he thinks it will be for the Trichet a surprise for her three books and the obvious ones he remains of the day and never let me go and the barrier giant and I was deeply moved by all of them what I find extraordinary about his work is the way that he finds a center courage and beauty in wistfulness his a deep affection for his characters and their frailties the way they live with missed opportunities you understand the importance of memory and how we crave it and need it like air and even beautiful memories are changed with sadness because the moment they conjure is unrecoverable he understands loss and dignity of living with loss and he approaches this from so many different angles my hope in my life is that I never write the same book twice I've written twenty now and I hope no two are alike and that is what you should read who has accomplished he takes enormous risks and he seems never to restrain his imagination and it is such a vast imagination certainly there are many other authors who are deserving someday of the new of the prize in literature as well but I'm absolutely thrilled with this choice I think he is absolutely deserving and I think it is going to be a great infusion for bookstores and readers I think first of all it's going to lead to renewed interest in his work not that he needs renewed interest because certainly he's very well read as he should be but I think it will cause people to find his backless and read others of his books certainly I will but the other thing that I think the Nobel Prize can do is that great Harry. Harter of their group Oprah's book club are stacked in the can remind us of how much we love them really and how much we want to pick up a book and. Disappear argument island with a store. That sounds good after a car like the disappearance an island with a book and decorous battalion that talking about Kazuo Ishiguro the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature this year currently His name is the top worldwide Twitter trend courses saying it's a victory for literary weirdness that's their headline on the story of people sharing a piece at describing how. Wrote the remains of the day that book I was just talking about in just four weeks of victory says somebody here for last minute rice is everywhere that sets week from Rachel saw him so well lots of people celebrating that and discussing his work on Twitter. You with us on the B.B.C. World Service is Ben James in the chair in the middle of the B.B.C. News room today we're taking you through some of the biggest stories of the moment so far on the program let me say three some more headlines that coming in from different parts of this building and outside Reuters reporting this business story that the Hilton Group plans to spend fifty million dollars over the next five years to had one hundred hotels this chain in Africa joining other chains keen to tap into growing business travel on the continent on the front page of B.B.C. After freakouts off French language service for Africa a soldier in the Cameroonian army has killed his commander for shooting himself in the head it's happened in the town of Moore in the country's far north region and here's a case of mistaken identity the most watched video on our website at the moment as well body comforted has been released the police officer in Crawfordsville Indiana shooting as an actor dressed as an armed robber the film crew had failed to inform all Surratt is about their film shoot is the most watched. The website now should say that the actor thankfully was unharmed. Right then we now have a colleague joining us from B.B.C. Turkish check to talk about what wretched type are doing the president of Turkey has been saying now about the response I suppose to the Kurdish independence referendum it's all about borders and aspace what he said. He said that Turkey would soon close its border and air space with Iraqi Kurdistan but he didn't give any detail he didn't say when this is going to happen or hollow basically Turkey and the central government in Iraq have been already conducting military exercises on the border for about fifteen days now and add one has signaled stat Cherokee would impose more sanctions on Iraqi Kurdistan he was in Iran yesterday he met with his contra part and before going to Iran he had said that after this visit we will. We will decide on our road map and this is the first indication of the road map Turkey will going to take against Iraqi Kurdistan and of course the countries of Turkey and Iran both have significant Kurdish minorities themselves that have separatist tendencies that's what's worried them about what's happened in Iraqi Kurdistan is there a lot of traffic then a lot of traffic across the border between Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan is this going to make a real difference to a lot of people trying to do business across the border definitely basically we don't have any specific specific numbers regarding the trade with between Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan but it is estimated that per year five billion dollars is the trade capacity between the two. McQueeney two partners and. And basically you know there is an oil pipeline is operating. Iraqi Kurdistan is selling its crude oil through Turkey and heroin also said that Turkey would decide jointly with Iran and Iraq Iraq central governor . Doubt whether to cards oil exports from Kurdish and care or just region in northern Iraq thank you very much indeed for explaining all of that he whispers of works with B.B.C. Turkish on that latest statement from President on the subject of that Kurdish independence referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan last week was made and we're talking about that quite a bit now where Thank you to Bertie Let's bring in B.B.C. Sport now and I go to the B.B.C. Sports Center that's close to Manchester Jon Benet's there and it's all about World Cup qualifying today John that he might be able to book a spot that trip to Russia next year yeah a few feet teams could be celebrating a few countries could be celebrating from Europe England Poland and the holders Germany from South America Europe why and Colombia could put their spots this is what needs to happen then for their parties to begin Germany is going to qualify if they win or draw in Northern Ireland Poland qualify if they be Armenia and then Montenegro against Denmark is a draw Poland just about to kick off actually Europe why they're going to qualify if they Venezuela bit more complicated for Colombia they could also qualify or if a number of results go their way as for England they'll be hoping that the in-form striker in Europe is going to inspire them to qualification we're talking about Harry K. Is in great form at the moment schooled thirteen goals in eight matches for club and country in September he's going to be caps in against Slovenia later a win for England to qualify for Russia twenty eighteen so how world being captain impact Hurricane. Ivan and on the and. On your mates and indifferent to how you play or if you score goals or not you know for me this is another. To try and help them to enjoy and score more goals and. There's already been one crucial match in the lead up to Russia twenty eight team ban it was a preliminary World Cup qualifying playoff and Syria's unbeaten record in their temporary home. Lazio was held onto as they held Australia to one all draw in the first leg a late penalty equalizing for Syria controversial penalty after Australia taking the lead in the first half so one Warne all to play for in the second leg next week in Australia it's an extraordinary story of course lots of politics around it but it could be in that second leg that they get through to the next stage at the Syrians so we shall say Messi could be missing from the World Cup because Argentina is struggling that would be inconceivable when it would I mean this in Argentina to reach three major finals in three years it's a real fall from grace they have to beat Peru to have a chance of taking one of the automatic qualifying places from South America very difficult to qualify there the top four go through to the World Cup fifth place you're into a playoff and that's probably where Argentina war will finish they play New Zealand in a play off they've brought in a new coach who took over four months ago Jorge Sam Paoli with the task of getting into the Russia because they had an awful campaign they lost on to Ecuador empowered by the felt to be Venezuela and they scored very few goals for a team with all that sacking talent of a where over of Messi So a lot of pressure on Argentina as you say it would be unbelievable for Argentina not to be there but Russia twenty eight thank you very much indeed Jon Benet we will keep an eye of course on all of those matches full coverage in the morning on new state of course here on tomorrow as well listening to us on the B.B.C. World Service let's talk about Stella McCartney before the end of this hour the designer has been accused of exploiting African culture with her use of a particular print it was used in her collection recently shown at Paris Fashion Week we're going to some of the conversation about it on social media in a moment but let's bring in a couple of African designers to talk about their views on it we can speak to say now who's in Lagos Nigeria has a nap. And let's also speak to. In Johannesburg South Africa. You know very well funds for a much say now what do you think of the criticism that Stella McCartney using print is guilty of cultural appropriation. I honestly do not think it's called. Because number one and I'm Carol Lin That's what it's called African pain that is not originally Africa and that's the first thing I think it has its origins. And Indonesia and could you just describe it to people have not seen the pictures and tell us more about its heritage you know it has me as you know every time tribal designs. They look very African at each Supremes I mean it's African but the fabric is not originally came from. And let's bring in Tom Delay's Why do you think that that meant his time allows way we saying that comments online going like this from literature which is a blog in London saying we all know African prints are awesome and beautiful appreciate them but don't make it look like you just discovered that. Yeah I think that for me very very the main thing with I think from a from a design point of view I think that's probably less because I mean I think the designs for me were quite ordinary actually and I think the fact that she. Had to be able to just sort of inspired by Africa. And they did to my work and prominence in that we think quite frankly. If I think this idea of African person being a single monolithic entity the slogan is is to say not talk. Try . So then to tell me what what was what is your. Actual with the work place your programs are for those who do so. I don't think it's called that I said you know fashion designers you can he gets inspiration from everywhere and anywhere everybody takes some sort of inspiration from every part of the wall I think that's what that has just done no one really has and you know most of these designs I think she's just following the current trends which is why I say fashion and I do you know you see something that you know it beats being right now everybody gets in on it and you know tried to make some money you know off it that's why she did I don't think it's her fault that people are going into a thousands of gods or whatever it is designed after every kind designers also don't we don't a hundred percent have original designs. Where they've been inspired by some of the Western culture it's not a hundred percent African So I don't think that saying you know why I actually dance using our style or why is a cultural appropriation of that fact. I'm on my own but I think. You know I think I'm thankful and can. Be in fashion Paris Fashion Week I think is a big deal so I can actually help you in getting your designs out there that it's feel that it's getting this attention and. That potential advantages you happy about. I tend to. Think. On what appear in. Things. I think you know. Most. Of you. Have to put out the same sort of work but in the same sort of expose of the C.E.O. Because of who she is you know and we saw various comments online as well like this from. A Nigerian American photographer saying so we're going to talk about some of the current using on current prints Meanwhile there's only one African model on her own one. Yeah I think you know I think. I tend to think that wasn't entirely my. Actual. You more African. Sort of model there think it would have actually made the situation even worse. Interesting stuff we're going to leave it there but thank you both of you for joining us to design a say now you could say in Lagos Nigeria Tamil Tombo from Joburg South Africa with their views on that Stella McCartney. This is the B.B.C. World Service now I close your eyes and listen in the distance I saw the little guest house it is completely vanished. Into Me You have a story to tell why not bring it to life in radio play our international playwriting conversation is presenter and open to anyone living outside the U.K. For details of how to enter and the Google terms and conditions go to B.B.C. World Service dot com slash radio play we join Matthew Bannister in an hour for act like today the Indian volleyball player who lost her leg in a terrible train accident at the age of twenty four The sooner she came out of hospital I remember Cyn had decided to set itself an apparently impossible goal climbing Mount Everest Stay with us as we return to our west here on the B.B.C. World Service the world's radio station.

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