The b.b.c. World Service with me Alex Ritson Europe's top court has ruled that its policy of refugees being processed by the 1st e.u. Country they reach did apply during the unprecedented influx of migrants in 20152016 the case was brought to adjudicate on whether Austria and Sylvania were wrong to send asylum seekers back to Croatia Farhad Mohamadi is an Afghan who was deported to Croatia and recently allowed back into Austria pending this ruling by the e.c. J. In Sofia 1st show other fields will feel betrayed so hard I did everything occurred I did football which I was doing in Germany at school I was in a choir and I was at my interview and they said no that's just a lot it's good you have to go back you can stay. Well over. Croatia was very hard. It was winter how we didn't have good like it on a room was always also see our. Bethany Bell is in spiel field on the Austrian border with Slovenia Bethany remind us of the background to this case. Well this was a case of 2 sisters from Afghanistan and Syrian from Slovenia who both came to where I am now during the migrant crisis in 2016 the 2 Afghan sisters and their children were allowed into Austria but the authorities eventually told them they couldn't apply for asylum here that actually Croatia the 1st point of entry to the e.u. For them was the place that to deal with their claim in the case of the Syrian man he applied for asylum in Slovenia and then was also deported back to Croatia now the Europe's top court has just ruled that they were right to do that. But it also reminded both Austria and Slovenia that they should be show solidarity in what was a very extreme case so what of the likely repercussions both for migrants and for the governments of Europe. Well I think what it shows the governments of Europe is that the Dublin regulation the you know the E.U.'s rules on asylum claims have been upheld in this ruling by the court and that's interesting because the advocate general of the course in a court and advisor to the court had earlier said that that shouldn't be the case the court over rules that they're up held the current rules but it also means that the fate of people like that Mohamedi who we heard in that tape just before is now somewhat up in the air and those people who are who were deported to Croatia are likely now to have to stay there for people like Fozzie it's very much unclear it's up to Austria whether they decide they will be lenient on not and there are some European countries which have felt that they've always had a rather unfair problem forced it on them simply because of their location this does nothing to address that. It's very problematic with them border countries Italy for example Greece Croatia places where. Migrants have tended to arrive 1st just because they're on the Mediterranean Sea So yes this is a question which a lot of lawyers and advisers I've spoken to here in Austria say has to be dealt with police sickly the countries of the European Union have got to come up with a system by themselves Bethany Bell in spiel filled in Austria Russia has reacted angrily to a vote in the u.s. House of Representatives backing new sanctions against Moscow describing it as a very serious step towards destroying the possibilities for normalizing relations with Washington a vote which also covered sanctions against Iran and North Korea can't become law unless President Trump gives it his support we're joined by our Moscow correspondent Sarah Rainsford Sarah told us more about their reaction in Moscow. Pretty angry and frustrated here in Moscow I'd say this morning this isn't a surprise Russians were expecting this bill to be passed they were expecting these sanctions to be imposed but of course when Donald Trump was elected there was a broadly held hope here in Russia that relations between Moscow and Washington were about to improve that Donald Trump's positive comments about President Putin and about dialogue with Russia in general would lead essentially to America forgetting all the allegations of Russian misdeeds including its actions in Ukraine and of course the allegation of meddling in the u.s. Elections Russia hope that would all be forgotten they would be a clean page and things would go back to normal of course that hasn't happened and now what we're seeing in fact is that an intensification of the sanctions and politicians here have talked about this having a very negative impact on relations talked about hysteria anti Russian feeling in Washington sweeping the u.s. And preventing Donald Trump from reestablishing good relations with Russia and I heard one senator this morning who's the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the upper house of parliament calling for a response from Russia that would be painful as he put it for Americans what kind of retaliation could mostly take. Well it's a bit of an open book at the moment and certainly in the past days and weeks we've heard talk from the Kremlin about the potential for expelling American diplomats and for potentially seizing u.s. Diplomatic property here which of course would be a mirror mirror measures for what happened under President Obama back in December when American America expelled Russian diplomats and seize some Russian diplomatic property there President Putin at the time chose not to respond but there's a lot of comment this morning saying why hold back any longer that at least is a step that to Russia would be considering taking at this point whether or not there's any economic sanctions around I think that goes beyond that that's not clear but certainly I think there is there is an angry mood here and I think patience has run thin and don't forget that Russia of course denies that it's done anything wrong Thank you Sarah Sarah Rainsford in Moscow Saudi Arabia's oil minister once famously said that the stone age didn't end because we ran out of stone it may be his implicit prediction for the future of the oil industry is now coming to pass the British government has just announced a complete ban on new petrol and diesel cars from 2040 following a similar move by France Norway is going even further with a ban coming into force in just 9 years from now the move has been prompted in the u.k. By growing public concern about the effects of air pollution the u.k. Environment Minister Michael Gove's told the b.b.c. That local councils need to come up with other ideas to improve their quality those plans could include everything from changing the bus fleet retrofitting buses so they no longer emit some of these noxious fumes but it could include in specific areas particular restrictions on drivers but critically it is for local authorities to come up with plans and will make it clear that look with Ortiz must accelerate the progress that's already been made so does the ban on new petrol and diesel cars that mean the end of the age of oil. All is now in sight a question for our business reporter Theo Leggett potentially it's in sight but it is some way off 2040 that's 23 years away a lot could happen politically between now and then but what is true is that the car industry many people within the industry believe this is a tipping point and electrification is the future this isn't particularly onerous emissions legislation that's coming in 2020 in Europe for example and that is almost forcing car makers to invest in electric technologies they themselves will want us to buy these cars so market forces will start to take over so what we're going to see over the next 10 or 20 years irrespective of whether there's any sort of a ban in sight is carmakers moving us increasingly towards 1st hybrid cars and then electric cars it's going to happen is just a question of when and 2040 is a nice ambition to aim for it sufficiently far away that the deadline can be tweaked if necessary is that is the question at 2 decades in some ways it's a long time but in other ways it's not that far away can electric cars really be ready to take over by then the cars themselves in all probability can even today on the market you have electric cars which perform very well battery technology is going to improve which means that their range will improve and charging times will come down this is all pretty obvious stuff the question is whether the rest of the infrastructure will be ready in Britain for example there are $37000000.00 cars on the road today if you took away all those petrol and diesel cars because electric cars make up a very small proportion of them at the moment and replace them with electric cars you would have enormous problems charging them the infrastructure simply doesn't exist yet so what you will need ultimately is a nationwide charging network of fast chargers so that people wherever they are whether they're in towns all rural areas will be able to effectively refuel their cars recharge them. Quickly and without having to queue Critics though say the u.k. Government should be doing more to tackle the problem of air pollution right now politically it's a big problem in Britain because for many years people were encouraged to buy diesel cars because they were seen as being more environmentally friendly they produced less carbon dioxide the negative side of that which we've only more recently come to realise is that while you reduce the output of carbon dioxide you increase the output of harmful nitrogen oxides which are very bad for the lungs and also the output of Pam tens and things like that which are tiny particles of soot So given that people were encouraged to buy diesels it's very hard to ban them quickly so what we're likely to see a more and more localized measures where pollution problems are particularly acute in central London for example where dirty cars will be charged for access to the roads or banned altogether You're listening to the b.b.c. World Service Still to come on The Newsroom such a system especially could start a mortar blast everyone else buys an unfair when the race is dominant or to be ridiculous the British who are most who's making a splash at the World Championships in Hungary 1st Jerry has the headlines the European Court of Justice has ruled the migrants must apply for asylum in the 1st e.u. Member states they reach the judgment could see many asylum seekers being asked to relocate Russia has said New u.s. Sanctions against Moscow will take relations between the 2 countries into uncharted waters and the prime minister of Spain has been giving evidence in a corruption trial involving his People's Party the 1st time a sitting Premier has been called to court more than $10000.00 people in southeastern France have been evacuated from areas threatened by wildfires which have so far burned almost 40 square kilometers we all thought Robert Harris is on holiday in the coastal resort of Captain r 25 kilometers west of Sumter pay it's done enormous damage to the harsh round. Sarge followed while for another and an animal show the area really is then quite devastated Paris correspondent he Scofield joins us he what's the current situation well the focus is very much on that this fire that Robert Harris they would have been referring to which is. The camp then that a town called Bormann I mean. These are well known resorts on this stretch of coast which is of course very very beautiful and very much. The top the destination of thousands and thousands of tourists the population triples this time of year and not last night we saw this particular fire starting very very very late at night 111131 the hills above these resorts and then spreading towards the resorts and that. Led to the decision by the wealth origins to evacuate mainly campsites actually the lot of camping down there so most of the 10000 people were people staying in a large number of campsites where they were they spent the night in in gymnasiums and so on I don't detect a figure that this is a disaster about to happen with you know whole residential areas being caught in the conflagration it does seem to be pretty much under control but it is requiring an awful lot of the human and. Material means to just just to control it and to contain it briefly here any sign any hint as to what caused this fire Well I have heard here that people think this was criminal it's very hard to determine how these fires start in general they say that about 2 thirds of the fires that wildfires that we have every summer of course in France are accidental but there is a proportion that are deliberate either people trying to clear ground or sort of settling scores with neighbors or just vandalism our correspondent in Paris he Schofield next to Spain where the prime minister Mariano Rajoy is in the uncomfortable position of having to give evidence in a corruption trial he's been appearing as a witness today in a long running case involving his People's Party and it's the 1st time a sitting Spanish Premier has testified in court our correspondent Guy Hedgecoe joins us from Madrid briefly tell us about the background to this and what Mr Rai has been saying. Well Mr a hole is the defendant in this is not a defendant he's a witness in this as you pointed out so he has been asked to shed light on this case which is censored on the finances of his People's Party and alleged illegal cash fund which supposedly paid out money to senior figures in the party allegedly illegal donations paid to the party by companies and illegal campaign financing so Mr always been facing questions about all those issues this morning just a few moments ago his testimony finished he spent about 2 hours on certain questions and he played a pretty straight bat he was denying any knowledge of any illegal activities in his party throughout the session how much attention is this trial getting in Spain. Well I don't think anyone has been expecting appearance itself to shed any really new light on this case but the fact that he's had to appear as the 1st sitting prime minister to appear in court in a case like this that is seen as significant it's perhaps very damaging for his image and I think perhaps compounds in the public's mind this image of Mr Rai's People's Party as being mired down by corruption it's really had a lot of problems with corruption in recent weeks and months this is one of several cases that have been plaguing the party so it's simply not good for his his image I don't think anyone believes that this is going to unseat him this case but it's certainly not good for him our correspondent in Madrid to go ahead go Jerry has some other stories from our news desk reports from southern Afghanistan say at least 40 Afghan soldiers were killed when Tell about militants attacked their base in Kandahar province on Tuesday night a spokesman for the ministry of defense said heavy fighting was continuing in the area and reinforcements have been summoned he did not comment on the number of fatalities but said 6 soldiers have been wounded the Taliban have said they carried out the attack. One of the Vatican's most senior officials has appeared in court in Australia to face charges of historical sex abuse Cardinal George Pell who's a financial advisor to Pope Francis is accused of multiple counts involving several complainants Phil Mercer is following the case in Melbourne was a bit of a very chaotic scenes as Cardinal George Pell was escorted into court in Melbourne to face historical sexual abuse allegations the cardinal made no comment but his lawyer told the magistrates that he would be pleading not guilty to all of the accusations specific details of the charges have not been made public the hearing was brief and is the start of what could be lengthy legal proceedings against one of the Vatican's most powerful figures the Nigerian state oil company n.n.p.c. Says 10 geological researches have been kidnapped by suspected Boko Haram militants the geologists and surveyors of the University of my degree were seized in an ambush near g.b. Village in Borno State in the northeast of the country they were can try to work on oil exploration in nearby Lake Chad Local reports say many a feared dead in the ambush but this cannot be confirmed you say in bold has done it for athletics and in thought and Michael Phelps took competitive swimming to new levels but there is a new fish in the Sea Here's the young British breaststroke Stroma Adam p.t. Yesterday he broke the 50 metre world record twice in one day at the World Championships in Hungary the former swimmer and now b.b.c. Commentator Steve Perry says Adam Petey is in a class all of his own this guy is scaring go every single record Bob has ever been on the rest of training you know just to just to give you the concepts for this is like. Doing 111 as you'd expect Sprint and almost It really is phenomenal performance this guy doesn't. And he left storage capability he hasn't lost the race since 20 hoping I would send every comic and walk it breaks a record but it really has 3 different races it's got 7 guys don't do so from bombs and hypocrisy against the clock searches dominance but he could stop in the water last everyone else buys an unfair when the race is dominance it's also ridiculous if he's winning every one went by over a population and it isn't something I have ever seen in 20 years of swimming b.b.c. Commentator Steve Perry Adam Petey not only did he take the 50 meter world record twice yesterday but later today he is swimming for the gold medal we will of course keep you updated on the b.b.c. World Service its name comes from its horizontal stripes but the zebrafish is better known in scientific circles because it shares 70 percent of our genetic code and now researches at Edinburgh University of identical modicum molecules in the zebra fish that could help humans suffering from spinal cord injuries Professor Katherina Baca runs the center that made the discovery after spinal cord injury in the injury site itself a dense meshwork of routines is formed but initially protects the injury site from bacteria of coming in the cetera so this dense meshwork also prevents in humans and other mammals the connections from the brain to grow back into the part of the spinal cord that have been disconnected now we found in the fish a protein that is deposited in this matrix that allows the connections to recruit and we also found the key molecule that controls the deposition of this protein Now what we have to find out is whether a similar regulation would be possible in mammals including humans to see whether we could and Hounds the position of this protein and therefore allow eczema recruit in them as well and the fishes being used for quite a while as. Model we've been using it for almost 20 years because it was known that they can repair their nervous systems because they're small and easy to keep the genetics of been explored under quite easy to manipulate we can use the fish to find out what is fundamentally important to repair the nervous system to the point where function Rick returns now who do you know that talks like this like he was made you upside this un and sadly you got like instant virus say right off the bat which is way cool and we're like guys that's the title slam dunk but that's just the start of that just like small but honest and future forward what you do you free yourself of visual clutter. If you work in an office you'll recognize office jargon being asked to touch base being told it's no brainer or ask to do some dreaded blue sky thinking according to a new survey here in the u.k. They are some of the most annoying phrases used at work Mark to Toros from glass door the jobs website behind the pole he told me why people use Office Jogen people think it makes them sound more intelligent which is a bit worrying secondly is probably the fact that human nature to copy and try to adapt to that surroundings so if they see senior people people they respect using office jargon and buzzwords we're going to actually copy them does it really make you look more intelligent though I've been a lot of people I know would say the exact opposite of course a lot of people feel when they hear things and speak to people and they say things that I understand that sound good people like to copy it to say to say words like this such as this pick it up and run with it is this a game changer or you can punch a puppy they think it'll make them stand out what impact does it have on listeners when they hear phrases like that when they hear we're on a journey or or touch base this kind of stuff can slow down productivity it can actually in some cases make certain employees new suspects other people and why why used to free and maybe 4 words where one will be absolutely fine and what should people be saying instead Well it's about being clean are straighter down the line and just a bit more transparent you know. Instead of something like blue sky thinking you know it's like why don't we just say you know let's let's let's be a bit broader on this let's think about a bit beyond exactly imaginative You know there's that kind of thing there isn't there isn't any right or wrong answer this is about moving away from these these phrases that a been coined of the is what's your least favorite of these phrases of all my least favorite is probably we're on a journey the reason for this is you know. We're on a journey is a trip from Gatwick for you know that's a journey we're on a journey and business is is almost just saying Ok this come haying this this this piece is what we do is going to take crew 4 months that's not a journey that's inefficient working let's just break out a reminder of our main news this out the European Court of Justice has ruled that migrants must apply for asylum in the 1st e.u. Member state they reach the judgment could see many asylum seekers being asked to read a case you've been listening to the news or from the b.b.c. World Service more in the hours ahead this is the b.b.c. World Service where our series The Truth about cancer is now available online. To see my doctor tell someone that Don is dying but you do this every single day from detection and candid pic that is open maybe very early stage and treatments good wife before Down East human right to the issues surrounding them away at the worst disparity in the country 75 percent black white and who on and investigates one of the world's biggest for the B.B.C.'s truth about cancer we've been reporting on the latest evidence on how to tackle this global disease the truth about cancer why not put the sources there to address this so that people can live. With the one series now at b.b.c. World Service dot com slash discovery.

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