Welcome to News Day with Judy and Donna in a moment we'll be right in the mix if I think you lack of a self declared capital of the Caliphate is how so-called Islamic State describe it plus a watch for Republicans rejected the latest bill proposed by the party to replace the Affordable Healthcare Act and they look like translucent worms that can go as largest both in the ingrates as somehow just what Pilot signs would have been found swimming off the coast of California and if a you'd like to share a comment if I got the text message numbers 447-786-2850 extension 85. And you offensive is taking place in Syria to gain control of Iraq a city which so-called Islamic state be God is the capital of its self declared caliphate is the other major front line where Islamic states have been maintaining a stronghold civilians have been afraid to be because I guess fighters have killed have been caught as they fled in the past few days fighting has intensified between Syrian democratic forces and Arab and Kurd issue Alliance backed by the United States and I as a militant a correspondent Gable Gatehouse part of a small group of journalists given access to the fighting within Raca now a city in Gulf and violence. We just crossed the. a small child saying we pray that God will have revenge against Islamic state. There are tens of thousands of people still trapped inside rock and hostages effectively to regime that has been killing anyone who tries to lead their show you what I didn't assert. They slaughtered us this man says he's a local house painter Yanni it but I want to commend you I asked told us unbelievers he tells me even though when Muslims from birth fasting and praying. For. The s.d.s. Rapid advances come in large part thanks to American airstrikes and artillery. You can hear the fog of their shells Ferial victory followed by a dust cloud of the center of the city. But now yes the after within a few 100 meters of the old city. And the advances slowed by us is handy in those narrow street and they're fighting back. While we're. On the top floor of. A building about as far forward a position. As the f.c.s. Hold here. The center of the city is about 5 or 600 meters away along. With it. There's still sniper fire coming in and you can hear they're returning fire. This is a female fighter from the y. P.j. . Kurdish female fighter loosing off rounds there. And. What's what are they I thought that the floors up to. Now I mean that you know the Kurdish fighters name is the line she's 22 years old and the Kurds men and women 5 alongside one another without distinction Delilah was studying to become a nurse but now she's smiling broadly between the bursts of heavy gunfire and killing it's here on the frontline that she's found her clearly. Bandsmen to fight when I hit my target and I kill the enemy I become very hard to she says and it boosts morale in our power we are protecting our friends and our people. Who are. Returning from the front exhausted fighters described intense all night battles as Islamic state uses its network of tunnels to stage sneak attacks behind the s.d.f. Like it wasn't. Long ago over the river and they surrounded they were shooting from every side says one and Arab fighters calls himself shook they caught one of the May took him hostage but we managed to get him back. To the this is going to be a long hard fight if I ask. Loses track it will surely mean eventually the end of the kind of but then it will be ideology guy along with probably not it certainly won't be the end of Syria's war over violence it's born around the world. And that's the B.B.C.'s Gabriel Gatehouse side in the midst of the fighting in Iraq . Now Republicans in the United States Senate to release that draft bill which aims to fulfill president trumps pledge to replace Barack Obama's health care system hasn't received overwhelming support within the party that is for Republican senators not happy with what some of the Senate colleagues have come up with the drive to pose a liberal states to cut spending on services like maternity care mental health treatment and large cuts would also be made to Medicaid the social health care system providing for those with little or no resources and quite a significant part of the new bill is that taxes on the wealthy will be slashed so saying some Republicans are not to please the Democrats well not impressed either the House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi described the draft as a tax break for the rich this bill that the Republicans put out a working draft is that the charm of our own is yet again a tax bill disguised as a health care bill they need this in order to do their tax breaks for the high end to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. Speak to Teja Wilson FESA Public Health and Medicine at the University of South Florida getting a bit lost him because we've got the House of Representatives they've already come up with their own proposal now you've got the Senate coming up with another draft bill what's wrong with the Senate's proposal was really in this is a slightly kinder and gentler version of the House bill that we talked about some weeks ago and what it does for some of the Republicans is it it doesn't go far enough for Republican Senate as you mentioned and for 2 or 3 others it might go too far because it's going to cut into some of their moderate bases there's an awful lot of negotiation is going to have to take place for a few things are good the preexisting condition thing state so that people don't have to worry about getting their health care removed if they have a disease and children up to age 26 can still receive care under their parents' plan there's a bunch of money for opioids in here but the mandate is gone the sad thing is that you have to have it and the requirement that employers buy it this is very different from what most folks in in the New York experience and it's one of the cultural anomalies of what we've done in the States I'm quite interested in the process for this one because a lot of the putting together the straws bill has been was done I'm tempted to use the word secret I mean pretty much behind closed doors Yeah it was. The. Majority leader of the Senate did this with his own staff shared very little with the rest of his own colleagues in order to fashion something that he felt had the best chance of passing most of his people in the Senate no Democrat is going to vote for it so he has to fashion something that at least you know $52.00 of his colleagues are going to agree to it's going to be a tight haul there's going to be lot of discussion and negotiations as you heard people like Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky say and you know let's remember 67 years ago these taxes on the rich weren't in place people had. Pre-existing conditions that preclude them from getting care Medicaid did not cover all the people not we wanted to so what we're saying that this is doing terrible things we're actually just pulling the clock back 6 or 7 years because as many of us have said we can't afford to continue to provide care and organize services the way we have this is going to be a great opportunity within the Senate to have what the United States Senate is favorite famous for and that's having bipartisan discussions to solve the problem it's not going to happen very quickly John while they're sitting that discussing things you know medical problems all put on hold on what's happening to people who are actually benefiting right now from what Obamacare had to offer. 2 things about that for Met for many people it's been a real relief they've gotten access to care they previously didn't have but for many people it's been a it hasn't affected a bit of a burden because the premiums for the policies have gone up and the doctor bills the amounts that they've had to pay out of pocket these last $3.00 or 4 years it actually increased to the point where some people are actually paying 7 $1000.00 out of pocket so it's one thing to say that you've got an insurance plan coverage is another thing that said if you can use it and a lot of Americans even those who are very favorably inclined to it have become frustrated with not being able to actually use it because they don't have the money to pay for it hospitals have found themselves having to become collection agents for those deductibles that people can't pay and they're going to be among those entities that are going to suffer substantially Medicaid is cut back and provisions of the the individual insurance policies are reduced which is likely going to happen there Wilson Something tells me we're going to come back to the story again and again always a pleasure to hear your views Joe Wilson that Professor of Public Health and Medicine at the University of South Florida this is the news day on the b.b.c. World Service are soon going to be hearing what pirates so. And why they that invaded so to speak of the area of California just off the coast the top headline here one of the top headlines this morning is British Prime Minister to ease a May has outlined to other e.u. Leaders her plans to ensure the rights of millions of e.u. Citizens in Britain after the block sports headlines now has honester us thank you we'll start with the main Markel Fultz law and the light head until a few days ago either but he has joined a list also of basketball's biggest names such as Le Bron James Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Magic Johnson as he's just become the 1st overall pick in this year's n.b.a. Draft he will be at the Philadelphia $76.00 ers next season but it's a lot has completed his move from Rome as a Liverpool for $43000000.00 It makes the Egyptian one of the joint biggest transfer for an African player also in the Premier League Crystal Palace are all of a. Of appointing the former i.x. And Inter Milan boss Frank the poor as their new manager Alex Sanchez has become the leading scorer in Chile is history but not in his 38th international goal scoring against Germany in the Confederations Cup That was a 11 draw as was Cameroon against Australia and for the 1st time in 17 years the International Cricket Council has granted Test status to new countries previously only 10 countries played the elite international form of the sport but now island and Afghanistan have been voted in as full members interesting thank you very much or at least now some business news and places have dropped by a around one 5th since the end of February and let's find out why the man who would who's on our business desk in Hong Kong and what price is their oil trading right now. Well here in Asia barrel of Brant crude costs about $45.32 now 3 years ago almost to the day Brant crude was $100.00 a barrel so it's well down from 3 years ago in the past $24.00 ounces been down as low as $44.54 and didn't the producers organization know they do a deal recently you know to cut production and drive up earl prices. Yes I mean a month ago it was looking good not only OPEC was saying that it would continue to keep her production lower the total withholding about 2 percent of oil production globally from the markets at the moment also known OPEC members seem to be joining in like Russia as well and it seems as though that those cuts 2 percent doesn't seem to be quite enough I mean is 2 ways of looking at it you know when prices change how much supply there is how much demand there is now rustbelt of the investment company a.j. Bell says that demand for oil at the moment is pretty stable so it's not we consumption that's pushing those prices lower oil is relatively priced inelastic which means demand doesn't change that much depending on where the prices are demands pretty stable at 97000000 barrels a day according to OPEC numbers the problem is supply and that's particularly coming from United States of America where shale is coming on stream Fast and Furious and a lot of those shell companies who are struggling for money last year when oil was low price to refinance our debts raised fresh money through the stock market and they've begun to pump again encouraged by the fact that all the credible $50.00 a barrel early this year so that's Rossmo this lower price the low price of oil will that affect all the plans that Saudi Arabia has to float its state oil company on the stock market. They probably will they've been hoping this is talking about tens of billions of dollars i.p.o. An enormous one the company called around Co but a lot of those plans have been based on the projections being based on 60 dollars a barrel for oil price in the proceeds would be spent on helping to reform the Saudi Arabian economy and no sign of the oil price getting that high anytime soon Ok Andrew thank you now a big blow has been dealt to Brazil where the world's largest beef exporter the United States one of its prime customers has just suspended imports of fresh beef from the country following concerns over the safety of the meat let's go to South powder to speak to the Genesis Kali safety of the meat was the problem here well basically what it is beef imports to Brazil. And there goes some cows exist I used to use with the sound lines coming in and out. Yeah Ok have a go I was yeah it was a safety problem and. Stories are the norm when they're basically. Seeing is what the Brazilian president the Brazilian beef exploitation Association is saying a reaction to the foot and mouth vaccine is causing absence is. The meat so the United States have suspended right I think the lines definitely gone with the salmon have a little girl little later but I think it's going to move on but. Until such a. Yes Sam's coming in and out I think we'll let him go out for about a month and just go on k. You are listening to news day on the b.b.c. World Service and let's see if that anybody's been commenting on anything on our social media Somebody called in or Karami in Somalia has commented on the fact of a you know the new discussion that we were having in the last edition about and the possession of weapons being a help public health issue and Moore says possession of well weapons in the USA is not freedom little shout out to some of our listeners knows that Cheney and right now are No one a 1.3 f.m. In a crock and Garner and Cantor all for 2 says you got to ready to tune in for the night in the United States now Britain's prime minister to resign May was all smiles yesterday after announcing a deal to ease citizens which are Conservative Party believes will afford the best conditions to those who've been worried about their position post fix it she told leaders gathered in Brussels at the $3000000.00 e.u. Citizen the levee in the u.k. Will be granted settled status granting them full access to the national health service education and other benefits in the condition is that they have to have lived in the u.k. For 5 years well Mrs may describe the deal as fan serious e.u. Leaders have been pushing for that citizens are living in the u.k. To keep all your rights forever and the German chancellor Angela Merkel said to resume his position was a good start to reason I'm a hard inspired to do I keep my thoughts to reason may make clear today that ease citizens who have been in Great Britain for 5 years can keep their full right. That's a good start but of course there are many many other questions about banks it about financing about the relationship with Ireland which means we still have a lot to do until the turns that it will and some of it in the us has the army in a future 2 members of 2 of us so what does this all mean what happens now I'm speaking to and man and professor of European politics and foreign affairs at King's College London I would say 2 things about it it's a very positive start it marks a change of tone from London and it is as he said on the surface quite generous compared to what Britain might have offered but the fundamental stumbling block is over the issue of adjudication and here the 2 sides are miles apart because what the e.u. Say is whatever rights these people have and we want them to have precisely the same rights they had when you were in the e.u. Those rights are got to be adjudicated by the European Court of Justice and what the British are saying is we will have a law and that law will be adjudicated by the British courts and I suspect you will come back and say that's just not good enough rice has created we've got a major issue with that the German chancellor Angela Merkel reacting to the British proposal said this is a good start I mean clearly this is a lot of work to be done not least deciding you know when's actual cutoff point when do you decide that sort of 5 year length of residence is it from March 27th teen when Article 50 was triggered or is it from March 29th saying when when Britain is due to leave Yeah absolutely I mean I suppose if one were to be cynical you could say well the prime minister is going to be flexible about that because there's been a decrease in the number of e.u. Citizens living in there over the last year for a variety of reasons and so if we're not facing a huge number coming over here anyway we can afford to be magnanimous and say Ok it will be generous about the public a deal is this question of citizens' rights for the other European leaders Well it's a massive deal that. As far as they're concerned a bunch of a u. Citizens came to the u.k. In the expectation of enjoying certain rights and they intend to make sure they keep those rights and they're not stripped from them and that I mean if I may say is very linked to the issue of adjudication because we're saying we'll pass a law and the British courts will enforce that law and what the e.u. Will say I suspect in response is that's all well and good but if you get a different parliament and that parliament decides to change the law we have no recall we have no recourse whatsoever in that case so it has to be an impartial Naam British adjudication mechanism Otherwise we can't trust that any leader going into international negotiations wants to be able to discuss the negotiate from a position of strength that isn't quite the situation facing to resume a having Nasr parliamentary majority messed up elections a problem for isn't it sort of I mean I break that down there's evidence in the in the sort of academic literature that actually the best way to get influence in international negotiations is to be weaker him that's to say if you can say look I'd love to compromise with you about this but I can't because I've got a bunch of nutters in my own government and they were let me that actually gains you some breathing space and you know a nice example is John Major when he negotiated the mass trick treaty he could credibly say to all its partners who liked him as a bloke look I'd like to be reasonable my situation Holmes means I can and I think you know if the reason I was walking into the room with a majority of 100 the other member states would turn around to and say well look you're mistress of all you survey you can do what you want so it's not necessarily the case that being strong at home makes you stronger abroad do you think that bad line March 29th teen you know within that sort of 2 year period from when Article 50 was was triggered is going to be mad it doesn't have to be met in the sense that it can be extended to all the member states decide they're happy to extend it can be extended what's important to remember I think is that breaks it involves 2 separate deals between Britain and the European Union the 1st deal the article 50 deal which everyone. What I schools the divorce deal is about tying up the loose ends of membership it's about citizens rights it's about things like how much money we might over the European Union the 2nd deal as a trade deal we want a trade deal that allows the trite as freely as possible with the European Union even while we're not a member and I think most opinion is you'll get the 1st within the 2 years but you'll need it you'll have to have some kind of transition for the 2nd because no one has ever negotiated an ambitious trade deal within the sort of time we've got left the press at the baker's on and on and I'm the man I'm at King's College London with news day on the b.b.c. World Service. This is the b.b.c. World Service and here's what's coming up in the next part of i.c. Raise the truth about cancer. Smoking my for a cigarette in with a 20 minutes after I wake up smoking is significantly more likely to get now cancer Roberta even during a treatment is still smoking It is Tuesday and I listen because I carry on and travels to you're a guy a country which is taking a stand against snaking the cigarette packets all have one thing in common here and that is on the front and the back there are she a huge very graphic images disturbing images despite opposition from powerful multinational tobacco companies if they could stop the progress in Iraq why then they could essentially stop the momentum and progress in other countries the truth about cancer we are looking for a country without small worse than at b.b.c. World Service dot com slash discovery. And this is news day on the b.b.c. Would follow Mosul and you again doesn't shine the world away when it comes to hosting refugees welcoming more than 1200000 people today they're asking the rest of the well to help financially Kenya's president Uhuru Kenyatta said his government will now be providing free Senate cheap products to schoolgirls in the country is yours is progressive and we'll find out about strange sea creatures piracy Allan's in fighting California. B.b.c. News with Neil new Has the British prime minister to resign May has presented her plans to ensure the rights of the estimated 3000000 European Union citizens in Britain after it leaves the e.u. Mrs May told a meeting of European leaders that any e.u. Citizen who had been in the u.k. For 5 years would have guaranteed access to health and all the benefits after bricks it John I'm going to magaluf Germany described the author as a good start u.s. Backed fighters in northern Syria have advanced to within a few 100 meters of the old city district of Rocca in their battle against Islamic state militants b.b.c. Reporter in the city says the jihad is Star Hamed into the neighborhoods narrow streets. A court in South Korea has sentenced Trey soon see a long time friend of the former president Park Geun hye to 3 years in prison she was at the center of an influence peddling scandal which led to Ms Sparkes removal from office earlier this year for us Republican senators have signaled that they cannot support the dropped health care bill put forward by the party's leadership to replace Obamacare such opposition would be enough to block the bill the United States has suspended Brazilian meat imports over recurring concerns about the safety of produce reaching the American market the u.s. Department of Agriculture said that a high proportion of Brazilian meat had failed safety tests in the past 3 months the Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has strongly denied that his government was involved in the installation of spyware in the mobile phones of journalists and activists he said of those accusing his administration had to show more evidence such as say chimpanzees in Uganda may have changed their hunting behavior in response to being watched by humans they say scientists should ask themselves whether they need to enter the chimps territory to research them when data can be collected remotely b.b.c. News. Thanks for that some welcome to News Day only. Hearing about the pressures Uganda is under after bringing the doors wide to South Sudanese and other refugees across the region but others follow suit. More violence is broken altimeter necrotic Republic of Congo this time in the east we'll be hearing from the residents in the town of we're really interested to hear your views about the situation in your country regarding the provision or not. Products and whether that text message numbers 447-786-2050 extension 85 we'll be finding all about. Creatures and Why have they been invading California. In just one year the overall refugee population in Uganda has doubled from 500000 more than 1200000 according to figures from the u.n. Majority of those who've been given a new home in the country South Sudanese but Ugandans hospitality is taking its toll so in a bid to drum up support financial support they got a major summit with United Nations in Kampala up to $8000000000.00 in funding is being requested to cover programs for the next 4 years Uganda has one of the most progressive policies on refugees in the world to international support is crucial there is a research fellow at the Overseas Development Institute that's the u.k. Based think tank on international development and humanitarian issues Well I think it's very important at this meeting is taking place countries like Uganda and doing quite amazing work to welcome refugees especially given their own development challenges and Uganda has been struggling to keep its progressive model unite. Of very fast increasing numbers of South Sudanese refugees coming in. However target is being appealed for the money that's being appealed for the moment by both the un and Uganda is $8000000000.00 u.s. Dollars to fund projects over the next 4 years. Is it really an achievable goal this kind of money I ask that because the years you know agencies like the un pleaded with international donors and they fall in short even when they see the tell the situation in the South Sudanese and others around the world. Yes indeed and Uganda is facing the same issue with only 17 percent of the humanitarian side of the funding being funded at the moment however I think we need to understand what the ask really there is not just funding for life saving short term you mentioned response it's also supporting those communities and refugees long term if it is in those host communities sustain themselves developing infrastructure making sure that access to services are guaranteed for all and really it's about protecting the asylum space for the South Sudanese that are coming in and supporting Uganda in what it is doing so I think while I'm really it's a big number and unfortunately will probably see that the pledges from different countries and development partners not reach that number I think it is important to show the political commitment and the willingness to support progressive models like the Uganda model can you describe for people because people might just hear you're saying you know progressive model Uganda is opening its doors but can you describe for people just how wide that door has been opened refugees have a right to settle where they want and leave where they want so that means including in the capital Kampala. They have access to all the social services that Ugandans have access to use the government has also extended access to land this is something that also local people in local communities allow refugees to access but on top of what local communities are doing the government has also is game and try to support access to land for refugees to to be self-sufficient and she's very bubbly as a research fellow at the Overseas Development Institute news now small trouble in Democratic Republic of Congo yesterday you for listening to the program you may have had concerns expressed by the Catholic Church in the central Kasai province the violence there is claimed up to 3000 lives since August Swedens have suffered from attacks carried out by militias and even government troops well known it is there's been an outbreak of violence in the city called Beni in the east of the country and he had news they got through to cover to the civil rights activists to hear about the situation maybe. Even up dark on Thursday morning the city of Bennett was attacked by a group coming from Callao a village 15 kilometers away an armed group called the revolutionary nationalist movement led the attack against government troops they managed to get inside the city with the aim of trying to destroy any city council its police station in the women's prison the estimate is that 13 rebels were killed and on the civilian side 6 were wounded 5 of whom were students from the local high school we have since learned that another female student has died from her injuries 3 soldiers were killed 2 others wounded as well as 2 police officers. The army eventually chased the rebels away allowing the activities of the city to start again. What we really want now is for the national authorities to understand that there is an actual going on here for the next attack to be contained and for the rebels to be stopped once and for all she didn't to be seen if you will not even if you have 2 more. Civil rights activists. The United States now it has been an invasion of a strange sea creature cooled upon by Pa you might imagine it has something to do with fire and the name device and the fact that if you touch. It millions of them have now turned off the west coast of the United States much to the surprise of scientists like him. He's a graduate student at the University of. So can you describe what these pirates aims look like Schumer's So they are sort of small they are kind of like a jellyfish they have a jelly like outside and there are 2 Miller organism and that is actually made up of individual clones that are called that all joined together in this trick so they're known as a colonial pelagic to a cat and they're usually found in more temperate or tropical waters. Since about 2014 we've been seeing more and more of these organisms showing up off of the North American West Coast and the spring has been. Mentioned in the millions and they summed that I've seen they look as small as a thumb and then I see how those with Gem asvab according to some reports they've kind of swallowed things even penguins Is that true yes I don't believe the species that we've seen off of this West Coast what we've found has ranged from just a couple centimeters to about 2 to 3 metres long. You know what do you kind of count. One of the front to lead to the now moving closer to 2 you'll want to show us that there are a couple of different hypotheses about that one of the main ones is that they're responding to particular environmental pram matters that have been changing off of the West Coast here probably a lot of different things are contributing but one of the main factors is temperature so a lot of theories around the fact that with the last couple of years that we've had with warming water temperatures off of the West Coast that that's helping to create an ideal environment for the fire zone saying otherwise just talking about global warming. I mean it could be it could be a number of different factors but definitely the last few years the environmental conditions have been ideal for these these organisms to move into this area and to thrive in numbers that we haven't seen that most a lot of scientists who've been working off of the West Coast for several decades have never seen me before and I must admit it must be a bit of a shock to residents that they quite agree I have to say that they kind of like. To be translucent do do people have anything to feel about the problem the fact that they think they pretty close No not at all I mean they're there for quite interesting as you mentioned before they're bioluminescence they might up in certain conditions and they're completely harmless they feed on tiny phytoplankton one of the main impacts that we've found so far after seeing them in such numbers is that they're disrupting a lot of fishing operations but they're clogging of fishing equipment and they're actually weighing down so much that they're breaking in some situations so they've been a bit of a menace to a lot of the fishing operations and we've had some calls and about them washing up on beaches 'd but. It's just something that we haven't really seen in this area before to be very interesting talking to you thanks very much indeed she's history songs and biologist. News day we bought. Some. Sounds like pretty strange creature when you top headline the British prime minister Three's a maze out minds are the u.t. Does have plans with sure the rights of millions of the citizens in Britain after it leaves the block Time now for all the sports news. Thank you I'm looking at live pictures from Brooklyn where the n.b.a. Draft continues to watch though health he has taken the cut was it overall number one pick a chance for the n.b.a. To bring in new talent 19 of the $25.00 1st picks before 2012 a point in the n.b.a. Team of the year at some point that includes the likes of the Bron James Kyrie Irving bad. Remember the name Alexis Sanchez has become all time top goal scorer of the Arsenal forward not the opening goal in a 11 draw with Germany that leaves both sides level and in a good position to both qualify from that group that I thought 4 points with one game to play while Cameron and Australia picked up their 1st point of the tournament as they drew one all as well both coaches felt their side deserved to win. Was impressed by the local Russian fans support for the endorsable lions when I when I was in pitch so. You know when you're to be tired and I think because they did so with that you deserve. A lot of chances we controlled the game but you know sometimes for years over to. The France no shouting for us so. For them. Has been awarded the number 11 shirt at Liverpool having completed his record equalling 43000000 dollar transfer fee for an African Football Club says the Egypt has been monitored since he was a youngster and has watched to mature into a really good player Crystal Palace a close to appointing Frank De Paul as their new manager to Paul's been out of work since he was sacked by insulin in the van but after just 85. Daisy charge fee for has defended the use of a video assistant referee in the Confederations Cup saying the technology is the future of football systems caused confusion at times for spectators but the former Russia Captain Alexis said has told the b.b.c. As well football program we have to give the system time my opinion so we'll you're affected because sometimes an all bit and incorporate goal is a crucial and sometimes annoyance so we need to spend a few minutes but to know what exactly is the goal there's no goal we need to take time we will see and plus you know is at this hour we will develop a lot more football line at the European on the 21 Championships where England are through to the semifinals with a 3 nil win over the hosts Poland the defending champions out so they lost 3 daughters Slovakia and back in 2000 Bangladesh was given full cricket Test status taking a number of Test playing nations to just 10 now the 1st time in 17 that number has been increased It's now 12 Afghanistan and Ireland have been invited by the sports world governing body to join that elite group the changes were passed unanimously by the International Cricket Council have the overall the chairman of the Afghanistan Cricket Board says the entire cricket mad country is celebrating. This uprising Alister us that this go nuts when it suits in some parts of the world is taken for granted. Can be a major problem the lack of access to sanitary pads which prevents young girls from attending schools in Kenya a new laws come into force which calls for free sanitary products to be vital to all school girls across the country one organization which has already been giving out sanity products is called freedom for girls this is from some of the pupils they've been helping and took school just outside Mombasa. Last been anything to make it to bed tonight. But I feel so uncomfortable because I thought if you make cuts like light. And felt so good I could jump it would play different kinds of games lay claim for to the local kid to the ball when they call Lumia though up with built in is safe and they could be but they have because I believe my husband we'd go to new yet I can do my work. When I listen and not come around that's as with design the African organization which has also been working on this issue and she told me how the provision of sanitary towels going to change some young girls' lives on a very basic level providing girls with sanitary pads and the tools to management menstruation really helps them to manage their lives with confidence and dignity just gives an idea of what your own organization is doing in this area so it's an Africa it's an organization based in Nairobi Kenya and our mission is really to expand access to sanitary pads for adolescent girls and to provide reproductive health education in the form of a referral Health magazine called me a teen and they're also working on the advocacy works you really distinguish ties ministration and normalize it so that communities and governments can really openly talk about girls rights and needs and talk about menstruation without fear or shame when you say distinguish sizes that resistance to all of those ideas going through well I would say you know globally talking about menstruation is often a challenge and it's a very it's a very normal thing it's a very basic thing it's a life giving thing that all most women and girls go through and I think you know globally there's always been a challenge talking about this this very basic part of a woman's biology so we're really trying to destabilize that to normalize it and to not only change the conversation but to ensure access and products for girls and schools we've been hearing about Kenya but of course it's not just. That is according to the UN's and figures when they tell 10 girls across sub-Saharan Africa forced to misc will jittering their period say it's clearly a major as it is another issue which is to be the cost of the problems yes yes that's right in fact in Kenya a 65 percent of women and girls cannot access sanitary pads because they are so costly so for a family that's living on say $2.00 to $4.00 a day a pack of sanitary pads could be you know $0.70 or $0.90 so families oftentimes will have to make very hard decisions you know have to make a choice between say buying sanitary pads or sanitary napkins for their daughters or buying other basic necessities like bread or milk so as a result oftentimes girls will have to use you know homemade materials which can lead to infection which can cause embarrassing stains or girls who are simply just stay home from school which can eventually cause them to potentially drop out altogether really putting that at them at a disadvantage Alison and I can ruin that says with the zona Africa organization and you remember if you'd like to share a view on the subject we'd really like to have you been amazed plus 447-786-2050 extension 85. Now a few hours ago the funeral took place in Ohio in the United States of auto Juan Bia The 22 year old student who just returned home last week from North Korea but he is not the same young man that had traveled to Pyongyang with a tour group back in December 25th he would turn to the u.s. In a coma after 18 months captivity often accused of being accused of stealing a political poster from a North Korean hotel while the authorities said he contract to Buckley's him off to taking a sleeping pill bug report some auto won't be as high and why. The service has ended and now there was a procession through the streets of the small town hundreds and hundreds of people came out to say good bye to our show here at the school that he used to attend from where he graduated in 2013 people remember him very fondly a wonderful kid who's going to be remembered for being a wonderful kid who was loved and who loved running and was autos geometry teacher I still can't get over the fact that he liked those threats shop shopping and liked underground rap I mean that's the sad to him he never really shared in class well nothing needs to happen after today other than a continuation of that positive spirit and that love that he has for everyone if you grow up in his community you live in this community and the kids who graduate from high school here are part of the community for a party where the you know him or didn't know him and he's one of our kids their britches auto was a top student chosen to give a graduation address to the class of 2013 he described their journey together in the language of a t.v. Sitcom This is our season finale this is the end of one great show but just to be getting to hundreds of new staffers today one of the floating river beds exceeded everyone's expectations but no one expected the horrible fate in store for Wyoming spay Brit son sentenced by the North Koreans to 15 years of her. Labor for taking a political poster the last time anyone heard his voice he was reciting an almost certainly coerced confession Micron's very severe and crude for managing at 1st to keep his composure but then he broke down frightening to me. To you or me in this state. It was more than a year later that the family finally found out he'd suffered a severe brain injury shortly after this trial at a news conference auto's father Fred accused the North Korean government of brutalizing his child but overwhelming love is what stood out were the rule when our son is on American soil or anywhere instantly driving I'm not going to talk to you on the street I mean to where Chacon. Even more when he gave his confession it was bittersweet it makes you angry and makes you wonder why it took so long Gretchen Tasha's a family friend who both cried and rejoiced with autos parents when he returned like them she believed at some level he knew he was home that's what family is it's the ability to know. What a facial expression means to be able to look in to your child's eyes and know what they're trying to say even without words and that's the connection that so important in the blessing that was here and they could say goodbye and they could get that closure this is also a political story relations with North Korea were already bad now they've got worse lawmakers like Ohio Senator Rob Portman say something has to change I think we need to tighten the sanctions and agree need to focus more on the human rights abuses and if we can do more in terms of putting pressure on North Korea. But we. So I have to have a line of communication open to this country as barbaric as they have proven to be and that was one of our our problems we didn't have that ability to communicate. Senior administration officials were also at the funeral but none wanted to politicize this deeply personal moment for now focused on celebrating a life rather than looking back in anger Here's Gretchen again part of what made him such a vibrant life was that he was willing to go out and explore and try to find out more things and that's what took him to places like Cuba and to North Korea and to Beijing China because he was exploring what's in the world and how do I fit in to a make the world a better place. Now reports from Barbara Pratt Russia. If we can see the start a music festival which has become an annual staple for music lovers in England and beyond its Glastonbury and thousands flock to the countryside in southwest England in brave the elements with the scorching sun all pouring rain to see and hear their favorite artists according to him for civil organizers who held the field festival in the East London there aren't enough female bands around he said he wanted 50 cent of the artists before Ming in his stage earlier this month to be women but he failed because he said there are simply too few female bands around musician any of the great disagrees and said Why I don't think that's true a total unfortunately I mean I think if you set yourself a goal of 50 percent and 0 x. With women and I mean why don't just try and meet that goal why not just work a little harder do you think perhaps it's just that he either didn't know where to look like he was 80 looking for a particular type of female band or just doesn't know the music industry I think is . Ando's the music industry I don't run their festival and I do think it's a good festival but I just think it's it's a little bit of a poor excuse to say we can find enough women Glastonbury if Estival is now just a matter of hours away is it somewhere that you've played Yeah I've played Glastonbury quite a lot because I actually started making music because I wanted to play Glastonbury Have you ever found that there's different treatment meted out to you as a female artist compared with many of you haven't noticed that at all I mean yeah there's things you notice and then there's things you don't notice I see it all as like this sort of where the society that we live in in the conditioning that we've all been raised on and sometimes you noticed a setback is because you're a woman and sometimes you wonder if a setback is because you're a woman or or for any other reason so for example I remember a long time ago reading an interview with the artist's image and he and she brought up this very interesting in Congress ness in that a record label might say we're going to sign one female singer songwriter the season but you know for 5 bands and all of the people in the. And they think they've got enough female singers songwriters because they've got one or a radio playlist will will sort of see it that way too like we've got enough female folk artists on this playlist but we've got you know 80 percent indie bands and again those indie bands are following this sort of tested format of 4 boys so there's a slot of math. And one wonders why it's not just the music that speaks of thems itself I released a song this year that was dedicated to a community of women in Hong Kong. Domestic workers migrant workers there mostly women most of them mothers and the separated from their children and I interviewed them last year in Hong Kong and became quite close. When I wrote the song on International Women's Day I wrote an article about an essay about the conditions that domestic workers in Hong Kong are living on and the ways in which they resist in quite a restrictive work environment would you share it with Allison's show I know you have your guitar with you would you be willing to give us a little taste. And walking through this. Trying to find something I don't know but you are really just receiving very I think just think out of the festival organizers just want to play it safe well names they know well this is somebody who is willing to challenge that her name is Amy The great in that song that she's singing this she sang for us live it's called. I love you and it's entire gallows one of the Filipino languages and this is the pre recorded version. Every time I mean. To use to be to be. All the people. In the crowd turns 2 or 3. In the morning and thank you Landrieu says on the issue of cemetery provision they must do everything they can to keep girls in school the better educated they are the future for the better the future for them and their country this is the b.b.c. World Service Don't forget we're online as well hello I'm Reza it down and I'm here in London Science Museum with 3 pioneering robotic engineers to find out how they're creating the robotics revolution They'll also be taking questions from our specially invited audience join us to find out how their work will change our lives . The engineers drawings of the robots at b.b.c. World Service dot com. And in 30 minutes it's science in action with Roland we'll be talking to a planet expert researcher get me Siri about egg shapes you didn't even know that there are round ones as well as a little ones and you can point to one studio stay with the nice room is next on the b.b.c. World Service the world's radio station. But 4 hours g.m.t. Welcome to the newsroom from the b.b.c. World Service I'm Demi Cox as fighting into.