Around us now so we're. Just outside the cinema at the moment is just a lot of people wearing Holly Beach vests just will set you know the right to visually about 10301045 you know it was 5 years ago into his mouth in my view look . It's pretty much quadrupled in size. But. Thank you. Groups around us and away from the weather at the moment. It's going to it's going to be a fun day. All the friends and family is going to be out along the ropes and people on. The Cole and you know a message to Iran to. Remember. Your message with of course give us a call. 56. Old morning as we. Get in a good heart from the simply health rights. Story Give a shout out to my friend Helen focus. And her husband William Good luck guys and Victoria Stokes Please give a shout out to my big brother Ben Benjamin big. Ben Benjamin big Joel waver you know lots of love from his cheering squad your proof reading these before you read them good luck to everyone I think the only microphones and things are going to all right so we are at the starting line of the great bombing run and I'm joined by David Hart's who is the partnership director for the great run company Good morning . Good morning I want you I'm looking forward to another great day in Birmingham. How many months of planning goes into this dive it will to go this is a year round effort because we have the 10 k. In my and a half marathon in October so we're in Birmingham pretty well every week making the preparations you are seeing today that we've installed a 13 point one mile long run through shallow for the runners to keep well as yes lovely isn't it easy to do that every year I seem to remember a big challenge here as well here we did it last year and it was unprecedented success so this seems to be exclusive for Again you see exclusive to Birmingham though the the rain showers system that you've got here I have to say this year it might be. I mean how much fun is that you know the sad thing is I actually thought you meant to shall I say I saw your thought Yes And folks we genuinely thought get the Gaghan software through that guy just that it's writing right and I get it now yeah but haven't installed it you know so yeah I'm a bit slow they say. Well we're just an author what we do with the writing for the runners is no problem at all is it not it's not I mean the difficult thing is for people who are waiting on the start line but that's a roaring trade in bin bags going on at the moment and pound land etc So the ones who keep it drives a possibly can but once they get going actually these kind of conditions are not too bad at all and for the city of things that sound like this these events are massive for the city on that Yeah well great run events we organise a lot of great runs around the u.k. And beyond the biggest of which is the great north from 57000 people with about 200 . 1000 people crossing off finish lines each year and over $20000.00 of those are in Birmingham so we're really pretty excited about the next couple of years in the build up Commonwealth and even more people of all shapes and sizes and abilities active and I know you've been busy but I'm guessing you're watching Elliott keep joking yesterday did he say that with that you know doing a marathon in under 2 hours also inspiration is that like you know you've got kids running here and for them for people who just old thinking of taking part in these things and it could just be this is something I did I did watch the last half an hour absolutely extraordinary different conditions of course to the likes of Birmingham on a Sunday morning about what an inspirational figure he's done many of our great run events over the years but it's actually our events are more about the people of all different ages and abilities just taking part of their own reasons but just seeing him at the end of the at the finish line and then it's a bit of sweats on him then sprinting around as well he's just run for 2 hours doing a marathon was extraordinary wasn't and I think I will be an inspiration to some people taking part today by the way he looked around celebrating with his friends colleagues in the crowd was absolutely extraordinary It's sickening really I mean this is really Martin it should be a little bit so I think there was even a bead of sweat was there was nothing you know like you've done nothing it was extraordinary Ok so what's going on so that the order of play here is around about $1030.00 the elite runners go right that's right the 1st wave will go off at $1030.00 and then we'll have various waves over the next 40 minutes or so yet so that will head down the street well literally be stopping the shopping and they will wonder around the streets of Miami and take in the night's events best and which we're quite excited about is we've got a Brummie Army section we've been the go on with music together to celebrate England's cricket successes over the course of this year we've got a Brummie Army section outside at best and so they'll be hugely motivated to some of those famous cricket songs from over the years nice nice I know the weather is a great but the runners will really appreciate the good pasta house if you can pop out for a little bit of a chill let me share and clapping and got me sweating Well that's. And of the things about the I mean I'm a couple of years ago we nominated Birmingham and the people of Birmingham as the most supportive crowds really across the whole of the you know just saying that's about our supper I know I've presented that little trophy to the lord mayor at the time so. I was just saying on the show earlier on I did this this math and 5 years ago and look what's happened to me David. You do and you're going to be not playing in the event are you not. The event I've just fallen apart since I did the run I'm going to be I said you know the the hill in Edge bassinet as that is that's still part of course we've managed to remove the hill you'll be pleased to. Say it's pretty well impossible to do a flat half marathon or completely half marathon in Birmingham but we've we've ironed out various little bits and pieces and actually today we're going to be announcing some of the detail around the tank a next May Well we've got a really iconic route in the heart of the city center it's going to be finishing on Victoria Square to be starting at the Hippodrome taking in the likes of the jury quarter so that's going to be pretty flat so you'll be back my work as well David thank you very much for spending so I was this morning good luck thank you and thanks for being here on the start like absolutely not promise I will love and I say will do will go to travel I look back on the roads. Travel for the West Midlands. $95.00 David Mark what interests are in place now around Birmingham for the great Birmingham run so if you are heading out across the city during the course of the day they could affect to journey lots of roads closed around the city center pretty clear around the boring more street Queensway is now shut until 4 o'clock this afternoon James what Queensway that's now been closed and Dale and through to gentlemen's road we've got a closure of Sherlock street Pershore road a long stretch of that from the Belgrave interchange all the way through to Maryvale road instead actually closed until around about half past 3 this afternoon education road will be closed past the cricket ground. And in about a quarter of an hour's time until 3 o'clock who also got numerous roads around Sunday. And Bournville also shut until mid-afternoon if you can. Not a 5.6 travel 330-123-3550. 7 breakfast I was walking down Main Street. And I saw blood walking towards me and I feel pretty good and I don't think. It's one of my sister's eggs boyfriends I think so being a very jolly and started chatting to him. And he plights along and it was only after I had finished speaking to him and giving him a big. Hug see you soon I realised I'd been talking to let me. Close in judgement so my. Breakfast is from 6 to. 12 c. I don't. Seem to be ready $95.00. Radio for the West Midlands. Sally. What. You know some. Folks. Are saying to me when 95.6 radio for the West Midlands. I try. To visualize No I don't like to be this way and the object. So stop. Spreading the word is. Still one. Day ago that. You played games. Have got to look out for me and say. No way. But you. 5.6 This is folksy and Giuliano life from. The Brits. This morning. About Trudeau this mess is my one. You can do a shout out message for Kelly but any amount from Home From Home fitness who were running the Americans that day so we wish you the best of luck So if you're just joining us way down on News Stream at the start line for the simply Health great Birmingham run of 2019 if you haven't looked out the window this morning. We've had dried ice here we have not yet we are so old congregated underneath a little bit of roofing this jutting out from the Odeon cinema if you know you straight down one end I can see the bullring down the other end you going up towards the council house and stuff like that the clock is ticking it's a it's $924.00 we know the run is going to get underway in just over an hour from now over 10000 people running 13000 miles and of course all importantly the guy is test it's not he's not pressed play on that thing all morning until we go live on one of a quote of him in a minute we've got a lot of volunteers in front as well just to everyone up just in the UK You said going to patio biggest part of the state of Assisi is while I've got the wellies on this morning a lot might look like I'm out of country magazine but I'm about to go on an equestrian stroke country shoot. This Rice couldn't happen with a load of people who are in high visas and many of them there where we could goes now volunteers like Ma late Molly how you doing all right you're a volunteer on a volunteer What will you be doing today and what if like me and my kids Ok so why are you down on a wet Sunday morning doing they spend no money. And for me. The question so biased coming out of helping out that payments but with the formation fantastic now volunteer friends who have been told we're going to stick around for now believing in their drugs this is George George why George thank you very good why are you volunteering today so we are from the university but I mean my Flexcar which come down to how power and just have a great time and you've dragged all your mates from your uni down here and there are a little bit annoyed on why they are so but you know. We're told you're going to give us a big chair with all your shoes we've got a live and I have all walked. Through the picture yourself after 31230 Right there we go Well I think that's one song one sound sums up the atmosphere right this year George as you watch the ball and say thank you very much Carol it's as volunteers now ladies so that we don't ask them any questions live on that look you can still be much the same if you know of anyone who's taking part in the great bombing runs and I detect them and we will beat them out one triple 3 Start your message with w. . Is going to slow here is Culture Club and come on come on the Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Jackson. Baby she. Told. Us. There's golf club come on come on come a comedian on b.b.c. w n 95.6 This is folksy and Giuliana here live from the great bombing run this morning where exactly and I was Time 11000 people who upon the streets of Rome trying to set some records this morning we are right at the start line where everyone is going to cross and start their 13 mile trek across but again in about an hour from now that's when the elite runners get under way few people milling about now the runners they said nice and ladies just go past in one of those sort of silver shades of people we could go zone lots of people with high vests we're outside the Odeon on New Straits and we just sort of chatting to people and some amazing stories as lots of different charities and raisins the people she run the great Birmingham run and well this is one of the most interesting ones. Over when our son Jonathan Scott you're doing something a little bit different today what you doing what you want what you going for to die we are going for World Records anything to set the world record for the fastest at Parent and Child brackets mixed in a home that you say you know Jonathan's child you don't look like a child to me. You get the momentum that's now it's difficult for me to say for those you can say oh she's falling so. So so the the 1st is combined songs you could do in the full hour with a straw Yeah this is ridiculous. Yeah basic we're excited about it we're looking forward to it been talking about it for a walk and everybody but I've just been reading some notes from you guys. You've got previous when it comes to my things you've done you've done all the big ones I mean I have just finished doing all the world's major is yeah I finished a fortnight ago in Berlin when the conditions were very very similar to this so that was how many is not that I know nothing about running tell you can't tell my I've done and the 6 world majors Yes London New York Chicago Boston Tokyo and then that's it that's it yeah and we wish your favorite London without a doubt without a doubt Yeah I was kind of times you doing for that for the mountains where my personal best is 328 but that was a long time ago and. My time in Berlin was 3 hours 15 so we were just talking to the director of the great part of the room which was about a guy yesterday who said Just get me to keep chugging he did a marathon in under 2 hours 1st of all as I was a decent run is you know what you're doing how extraordinary was that yeah it's amazing I think that it's running 4 minutes before for every mile 26 times in a right which I would be surprised if one person who could do it faster than I know that's the wrong that should tell us that you got there let's get this in perspective for the world record you're going on roughly give or take is he doing it twice as fast as yeah. Yeah yeah yeah pretty much everything I spent so constructed with is extraordinary but yeah for you he's a he's an incredible athlete Yeah I want the best of us and we'll be running together with you to support each other or you start on your off ice and Jonathan is way faster than me so he will go off with the late I'm on the orange life but I'll be 40 minutes behind him Ok so what time you aiming for then Jonathan I think it's something around 125 would be a goods good time I think today where I know I'm aiming 415-1551 is still very quick well everything I mean 1st of all good luck with that 2nd why why why go for it I mean apart from like you just really good at running you fancy Oh but what is there a reason behind it or you just lie. Running Yeah let us 1st of all that and then secondly we already have money for the Child Foundation. But you know well good luck I know you have a really good. Run it this is good for you whether it is provided it's not windy this is good conditions. Will be keep in mind for that thank you very much for talking to me this morning. Of support coming in on the text that we can not write them out on here. He said you were. Just. Everyone I mean on reflection I just looked at the picture that you posted. Around the growing. Numbers on the Facebook. I mean yeah if that's your thing again I. Don't I have to squint so much. With any messages of support this morning it's 25 minutes to 10. C w I'm live from the simply Health great bombing run 290 you're. That you. Don't know this cat on the back. Of you know my. Decision because Thomas focus. Is going. To court. And you know that. It's. This is folksy and Giuliani here b b c w n 95.6 We may sound a little bit different if you're just joining us we're live from the great bombing in Iraq still stuck inside. The Man Cave Yeah if you want to go inside the man cave for anyone who doesn't know the man cave is a sight so you know where I only men who are listening to this broadcast right now can hear said we step inside now. On the site Fleischer wonderful women can hear what we're saying what a slight issue with my my wife Leanne because I put some thoughts in her favorite mug shot probably she got a favorite mug you heard of such a thing but she's got this one mug but I didn't realize till this week we have a similar thing I remember there was one time where I let someone use Jen's favorite not someone that she isn't particularly keen on the oldest guy who was a I wouldn't want to say right. But the mug has never been used again I choke it you know she she Full Metal Jacket on that one because she says she does not mess around the person that some have tried to think I'm not allowed to use in my house and I got up today that this is the same in your house I mean that and granted this is a strange place to be you having a conversation about it but. Do you have push toward it rolls that you want on how to use your head No Ok so we know he also downstairs bathroom the one that traditionally you probably get you know we have like Posh shall we offer toilet rolls and the other and then we have the regular long I'm allowed to use anything and if there wasn't any of the regular stuff you know if someone used the pasta and I got told off was the difference between the Pasha the regular And I think if people either says you know the regular recycle stuff that just breaks easily dangerous yet we've got towels and I'll buy for which we don't want to use. You know what's interesting about this is I was supposed to be a big secret but later on when we have to. When we have to move from the start line to the finish line for the. Half Marathon you know if you forgot where we were 9 there's a there's a place there's with a preview it's a bit where they've recorded all the wives doing some writing telling stories about you know and I have absolutely no I don't want going with this link Ok. Thank you very much I've been distracted by something over there as always a true professional just about the monk I left out for him I feel uneasy having a man kind of life at the start line of the great bombing Iran I just realize where we all start in the 3 kind of be outside the audience cinema we are actually making people buy into I like like it's really strange a comment outside the idea that there's a roof that's Kate given discover this t.v. Cameras had now and everything and outside of that there's there's nobody but it is it's getting very chucker and have just been bodged out there why we will update you on the roads is a waste of your messages of support coming in late one trouble for The thing is there's no where there's cover here so we're on you straight for the city health. Great Birmingham run $29.00 St and there's no cover left so I've had to resort to get my Probably out and going standing in the puddle since an interesting story. In the film rights. Travel for the West Midlands. 95.6 All right David what's the latest Mike. Was dry here anyway hates the great burning a run of course today we've got lots of road closures around the burning him area so where do lookout for those if you are heading out across the city today so got roads across the city center shut to clear on the boring area includes more street Queensway James what Queensway from Dale end through to Jennings road Shylock Street is also closed a long stretch of road in the city shuts from the Belgrave interchange all the way down to Maryvale road at Ste edge research road by the cricket ground is now closed as. And there are all road closures in these. Areas until mid afternoon as well. As the stock routes run. As you head away from the expressway and we're not seeing any significant delays just at the moment you can. Travel 133-012-3355 extension 0. In face to face with the real. Crime was pretty much. What do voters make of it is it was said. That he said Rex It sits and some of the. Beautiful animals. That's. Tomorrow at 7. B.c. From the start of the run. Here. He said. I got one really good I did just that was you know I'll keep it secret I can't explain it when we get down on the morning to Alex what's going to happen here because at the moment I'm currently holding a plastic spoon with a piece that piece of it ripped up sausage roll size the fine is I looked at you don't know what you want the odds are in hamari right so I thought you don't want to pay all that training so I will do an alternative many Martin View this morning and I'm sorry but John Hey anyone I know John hello John good morning shows are you ready to die you and I am going to a yearning for how to help our help others I absolutely yeah say take junkies to work and help Now you help others as for several years and you've helped that charity they've got a cancer center and they do many things in Georgia he runs east is just fabulous and to see it you alone you log on to help our help others have raised 100000 if not millions of pounds of solution here so that's why I'm doing it today to keep his memory alive because he just is this week that he said he passed away so what better way to keep the memory again than once and I will help carry on a great show see a great local charity and that's great what a shame that you are being asked to take part in what looks like a very poor I can spin Rice's lacks the only way to any way to describe what's about to happen here is pathetic likes of want to watch might well see that was the plan and I can speak Rice buffet on the x. So I've got placate I want to be like a son you didn't say that you know I'm going to go running today as well I bought the watch you look really silly. Very silly I now wish I wasn't ready for. You so I look silly look as well thank you thank you very much at least you know that or are we going to get on with the right because really if you got to know what's going to happen here Alex So we've got calls all the way down to 8 so I'm backgrounds you know I'm like a it's going to be on is a common sight and while I am going to give a guy said Well I hope John I'll hold on to. Oh I took of that well I wish you the best of luck John Giuliano you actually get to run this journey take it because it's a lot of people around and see seriously as we kind of like Ok I'm going to see drills and lessons for me so I send us an example right Ok Well Ok I'm going to have the mike over to our events commentator and I just know John you've already got your thumb on that yeah I say all right he shut up like he from the new seems like he's 17 and the tension here it's a palpable it's clear he's not the planting rice Neath racking experience of my life this is big this is Big John this is Giuliano it's they sell seats roll I'm spinning Rice. Mox can't say it's. An issue beyond us I couldn't any from John I don't think I'll just cut the sausage roll to know the reason well you know a lot of us absolutely although minutes ago but John's got he's trying to sell Giuliano well when he's unsure Giuliano still just really always thank you very much. As just a minute don't just chill you know no I'm just gone. You see you know something so I'm just very nice I thank you thank you for. Well that was I would say 70 successful I think it's so much to put on social media check out Thankfully Alex has got no other criteria days for the show but you know what leave it there thank you very much to John good luck we run today as well might I will play this of music and it's funny to me now is the b.b.c. w n 95.6 folks you know I mean. It's why. Do we make them follow. the 6. Don't tend to like to say slaves the Prince of Wales will join thousands of Catholics at the Vatican to say they. Birmingham priest Cardinal John Henry Newman made a saint he's the 1st English person born since the 17th century to be canonized theologian David McLachlan says he was well known in the Victorian era partly because of his journey with John in humans a sort of star really of the 19th century because he was a poet's a musician he was pretty good mathematician logician great university teacher founder of churches till 845 he was a leader in the Anglican church and then he's removed more and more through his study really as a historian towards Catholicism the family of her Harry did on the 19 year old killed in a crash involving an American woman will fly to the United States today to raise concerns about the case answer Coonass who is the wife of a u.s. Diplomat left the u.k. After the collision in August she's now said she wants to meet the teenager's parents last night the foreign secretary Dominic Robb said she no longer had diplomatic immunity. A stash of what's believed to be cocaine has been found by West Midlands police officers behind a loose brick in a garden wall the gang made the unusual fine during a raid on an address in the Bordley green area Friday 2nd rate in salt also uncovered 70 wraps of suspected cocaine cash and an imitation handgun 2 men both aged $32.00 were arrested on suspicion of firearms offenses and drug dealing they've been released under further investigation California has become the 1st Us state to ban the manufacture and sale of fur from 2023 Anyone caught selling or making clothing shoes or hunt bags from the product or face a $500.00 fine and 11000 runners are lining up for the start of the great Birmingham run for the 1st time the half marathon begins on new street and will finish near the think tank in the city center and 50 roads are partially closed off to make way for runners the partnership director for the great run company David heart has been speaking to b.b.c. W.m.c. Foxy into me on a great run events with the Organize a lot of great runs around the u.k. And beyond the biggest of which is the great north from 57000 people.