The. 986. 87. 7 All right. On the way. Somewhere else in the building of the. And. There's such a local air force from the most unexpected of sources. Said . Back into the studio is everything all right yes everything is. I think it's fine it's become a bit of a standing joke let me share with you listening to this program tonight harking back to the days where I was having shall we say delicate health issues to do that if the Eagles and Hotel California came on it was one good reason to suspect I was in a small bottle it was run up to the studio to make sure everything was OK. But I am pleased you gave that little announcement because if I would have still been in the lift you know I would have been panic you don't know what's happened what's gone wrong it is perfectly possible we can play California without the brain. And it was a great show. And every time I hear it I always think. It was absolutely lovely and that brings us to a quarter past 11 you with us here on The Late Show now if you got your pen and paper together I'm pleased to say that colleagues here because very very soon in roughly speaking 40 seconds from now we're going to get round to tonight's. 1346 square miles a beautiful towns and countryside linked together by roads and rails the veins in the county's body but when it clogs. We have. They were top of the vehicle no other radio station covers will. Travel at breakfast to get she one your way and keep you moving throughout the day plus. Reports from a dedicated listener. Across the day. And that brings us to Well unsurprisingly 60 Minutes workers who was quarter past America well you know so I mean we shouldn't be too surprised you know by the way I don't know whether you heard did you hear the text message was it the text message I had last night which or which made me laugh so much because it arrived after midnight and I thought oh I'm in a small ball here did I know this I just read you the front of a resume and because you weren't with us last night and didn't hear this I'll just read you the start of this text message because it sort of had me going at 1st going it came from Mary in Swindon OK and she said Hi Dan I'm afraid I have to put in a complaint about your show when you start at 10 I should be thinking of settling down for the night being one of life's early rises and then you and whoever is working with you start me laughing and then getting a dig in the ribs by the husband telling me to shut up because he's long goes off for. All of that noise I've got to him for her yes the new B.B.C. Sounds that damn Oh all you need you can listen anytime day or night on the new B.B.C. Sounds app would you care to tell me what that's all about Carl Well basically it's an application which you can have on your computer your tablet or your telephone even that you can download and you can listen to what ever show you like from what ever B.B.C. Radio station but I would suggest you just put it to this one and just listen to us over and over again but if you click on my my name it brings up the past 30 shows is new or something only 282828 yes the last 28 shows that come up I don't I don't know anybody who will want to punish themselves from WANT TO DO YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK I think what we should do is we should arrange for a weekend damn a farm where well I just got a lot of people in the room and we just play back to back tears I think we should do that can I ask you if you've been taking anything. Look them in the room they can. That's one way to get in the listening figures and you couldn't get out of. That box when you're coming out you know that's a great idea well. No strangely enough it's not what are you a better idea well maybe it is but I don't think we'll get away with. It Anyway it's always time for his end to get into tonight's quiz and in case you haven't played this with us before we just need to give you the 2 basic rules you can only contact is once you must give us 3 answers when you contactors will give the answers to the quiz after we've closed the lines at 10 to midnight usually we do is around about $52.00 So you've got plenty of time but just a reminder because there is no prize we do you to bear in mind we will give you we will actually claim you as a genius. But that frankly is as good as it gets isn't it it is. Here is your host S. With the most asked. Question number one what links Elvis Presley and an ice cream on a gondola question number one what links Elvis Presley and ice cream on a. Question number 2 what links on the Polish composer Frederic Chopin. Take that I'm a Polish composer Frederic Chopin I'm finally what connects an Old English Sheepdog you hand Sebastian back that's what connects an Old English Sheepdog a new. Yes Yes I said it right that time. Well in the moment because I just want to try and get my brain around this OK because at 1st I thought you said polish the composer. And then the source Oh yeah. And so by the summer so I took my mind completely off. So I wonder if we can now without the heavy pace of the attic music I can let you just do it all again recap OK question number one what links obvious presently and then ice cream on the gondola took me ages I kept on 10 ice cream on a gun believe but no it wasn't on that gondolier on the gondola that could be quite an interesting spectacle Yes it could but Question number 2 what links take that and Polish composer Frederic Chopin or Chopin sure Pat show per show. And Question 3 What connection because connects an Old English Sheepdog a new hand Sebastian Bach is it a mains lead could be lead couldn't yeah. It's not. Right well I think that's given as a nice nice challenge the seeming modify my size thank you how do you think people are going to get on with that I don't care I have no no I think if you know you're music and you know you commercials from the 1970 S. You'll be fine. For. Good free on our way south and east to late double series of mistakes A.B.C. Will show. 6 and then send your message to H one triple 3 emails at B.B.C. Delgado U.K. Phone I at radio the change is also still to come so I should wait here that says. It was a bit we had to run sampling so well so yeah I thought we're going to funky Greven Oh man no we do funky grooves on this privately to. Me all right boat is the right environment maybe I'm foolish maybe I'm blind. And soon lost behind. So maybe I'm lying I. Have the wrong oh. After all don't you play my. Job which you claim are. Looking to me. To see you see it. For you to see. What you believe. As I'm only. Half the low and your only. After all don't play. Don't watch him play the. Song. On the farm I'm not gonna. Piss on. The sofa but not by a long. Long long. Long long long. Long long. After all I'm only. On. I'm just a. Moment. Now just a reminder call is going to be involved but this Sunday goodness may what is going to happen on this week's edition of clueless Davis in the studio from. About in the last week it was a wreck Old Vic trait. And the program sort of ended with call talking to the animals along late as you do. For me thinks anyway to keep calls winning streak of 3 victories going then you go to help him out Sunday close from knowing. So it was shot. It's in his smack and. In his posse. Ready no where is time going tonight and before we know it will be into Saturday and the weekend officially hit which is rather nice you got something planned although it does sound like it's going to be a bit sort of mild but one I would if you know what I mean with the sound of it and that's not too bad in one sense if you're planning to stay indoors but if you're going out those hang on to your hat seems to be the message now tonight's little quiz is my turn to attempt to unravel this for you so I hope you're paying attention because I'm not sure I was the night. Clue number one question number one tonight what's links Elvis Presley and ice cream on the gondola so that's always Presley and an ice cream. Question to. Take. And the Polish composer. Show problem. By play piano. And question number 3 what connects an old English. Dong and go hand Sebastiaan the rope. So what can fix an Old English Sheepdog in your hand Sebastian Bach. All we need if you take parts and show a bit of initiative giving you a shot because if you do you win absolutely nothing because 3 on a late thousands too late double 3 double SAIC C.B.C. Will cheer. 5 6 and then send your message to a 23. B.B.C. . Radio that is calm so. Mr Sally earlier on time now 1130 by the way so we'll get round to tonight's all down drunkard selection and I must just tell you fascinating fascinating thing and that is that where is it the turn on the message no no no it's here somewhere there we got John who was with us earlier on message in saying you know he said the song by hand as Yod called with you all the way he said I loved it 10 out of 10 he said it grabbed my attention so much I couldn't even remember what song number one was for the musical crossword so I told him but then he didn't unfortunately get to the deadline which we had for the quiz funny but kind of true if you know what I'm saying anyway away from that we have got for you coming up in the merest hint of time we have a little story which I'm going to share with you which is going to warm the cockles of your heart we do like the stories where we get those random acts of kindness I think in this case tonight the story which we're going to bring to you is from a rather unexpected source and you'll understand what I mean in a few minutes time here on The Late Show. Has a B.B.C. And a certain ratio is the name of the band they were one of the sort of very modern bands that arrived in the late end of the eighty's I think they had maybe an album or maybe 2 before that particular want but I'm not hurting I just started fear the singles and stuff and I thought I'd just get the album and have a listen because it came out again remastered another well we'll have a listen to it and I just loved what was terrific so I thought share a track with you tonight and I hope you enjoyed it and it was called the Big 8 so it's all about you know again the elbow in life if you say what I mean but anyway very nice and well that's borders around 224 minutes to midnight I think you know I think upbeat in the wind I think you have definitely you know you definitely put the skids under them tonight half maybe nobody remembers the adverts like I do. Well you know the 2 of us we are. Old enough to remember them yes or no and that's that's possibly it I mean I think you've given people a sizable glee I think I have and I think I have yeah I suppose really a better explain it isn't going oh yes was there some nights off our quiz I just remember it is priceless and it is Prize less so you will win absolutely nothing to do it just for fun and we're hoping you can manage to work this out I think you might have got the better of you tonight we should say so clue number one tonight what links Elvis Presley and an ice cream on the gondola what links Elvis Presley and an ice cream on a gondola. QUESTION To what links take that and the Polish composer Frederick sure proud. What links take Latin the Polish composer Frederick Chopin our final question 3 what makes an Old English Sheepdog and Johann Sebastian Bach what links an Old English Sheepdog and go hand Sebastiaan Baku all 3 on a way found since too late double 3 double 6 C.B.C. Will show. And then send your message to H one triple 3 emails at B.B.C. Delgado U.K. Phone I at radio that she is also a star telecom so I should media that she is. Going to. Get. So my girl and that came from the temptations well here on The Late Show thank you very much for being with us on this Friday night so many choices of things you could be doing and you know I will go back to our quiz questions in a moment see how you got on with those but that's in a few moments time because what I want to do ahead of that if I can only find what I'm looking for tonight I don't know what it is but just because it's west of it tonight you know it's one of the stories we sort of had the potential to be the last thing you need it you know after you return from a trip overseas if you've ever done that and then you come back through the airport something completely different though to the sort of story you might be expecting Well here's what happened a man returned to his Volvo car parked at Bristol Airport yesterday after being out of the country for 9 days and he arrived to find his window that's his car window taped up with a plastic ceiling over the window now inevitably his 1st thought was that he'd been the victim of a break in but when he investigated further he found that he had accidentally left his passenger side window open after sticking his parking ticket on the wrong side of the windscreen and that's because he's car is European so left hand drive. And so instinctively did body normally did but you know you'd think that maybe that would automatically lead to issues with the parking but want to hear this when staff noticed what actually happened they took the decision to seal the open window of the car and they obviously did a great job because nothing was missing from the car and no Whether go into the vehicle as well and as a result the man who parked his car was extremely grateful they did a fantastic job and I think they should be acclaimed as such for having done that we often hear so much about people you know in parking areas and all that sort of stuff but I thought what a great story to read when so many businesses may not actually have gone to the trouble so well done Bristol us why it's. Absolutely top at any. Rate is on SHOW 40 minutes to midnight travel news for you. Right couple of things 1st of all tell you the M 48 West bounding Gloucestershire has been closed to junction one for Aust the traffic being diverted via the exit and entry slip road we're told is not grazing major problems at the moment but this is in preparation for the increased wind speeds which are on the way and as a result an expected closure to high sided vehicles I must repeat the earlier message if you're traveling in Wells tonight the A 371 has been closed in both directions this is because emergency services are dealing with an incident following an overturned car there that's between the B. 3139 Elm close to Ganguly Lane So if you're traveling through the area be aware there will be a diversion now in a moment if you haven't already got anywhere near as for tonight I'm going to repeat the questions in just a moment right after this in fact where are those happy days they seem so hard to find I tried to reach for you close your mind what happened to our love I wish I understood. Used to be so nice used to be so good. Looking to make such a join me Sunday afternoon B.B.C. Will show. Some nights. And well we're all. I'll give you strain 4 minutes. Studying the music you say thanks for minutes for you to get the right answers this is your last chance then question. Remember by the way you are going to win absolutely nothing just for fun just in case all of the Bahamas does not have the right question what's Link's Elvis Presley and an ice cream. And ice cream on a. QUESTION To what links take fats and the Polish composer upright the Greek Chopin. Take that to the Polish composer Frederick sure. And connects an Old English Sheepdog and go hand Sebastian Bach what connects an old English sheep dog and go hand Sebastien. 3000 to 8 double 3 doubles the P.C. Will. Take and then send your message to a 23 email B.B.C. Delgado you can. At Radio the change is come soon. So the weekend is almost. Busy on this train as you would discover in a moment of a feeling the. Only other thing I should tell you boy. Somewhere in the middle of Cut. Cut even. You call it. I mean I think it's appalling that there's some very Michael Jackson ish they doesn't it dollars yeah yeah every time I think it just needs a. Stuff like that. And yeah yeah you get that much higher range than I do yeah Kiki there again I go 123. Well you know Quite right now and. Things I say oh yes well and by the way. I need to remind you before I forget yes. Tomorrow night from 8 B.B.C. Introducing in the West Sam and Richard together in session with Dirk all discos SLOWEY Oh really sounds like something that you can see the doctor about is going to say I think I've suffered a little. There in conversation with Mike Dennis about his new album called Edge in world ways excellent title and also chatting to Steve in the masquerades about how they knew him E.P. Rather has been inspired by the city and that will be followed with Rick back on The Late Show at this time tomorrow night right here on this very frequency so I think I'll see the quiz and it seems like you may have outfoxed people to question number one what links Elvis Presley and an ice cream on a gondola and some of it was blooming It is very squeaky Are you sure it's channel uni's Well it's possible my age is well over this song it's now or never was based on the old Neapolitan or Italian some solo Meo with used on the well loved Cornetto commercial from the late seventy's in the early eighties it's quite funny because a lot of people didn't realize that it's now or never which Elvis sang was based on Oso Lamia yeah exactly the same tune and then of course when the Cornetto thing came around on the T.V. As well that just what I just threw everybody because it was like I know this chick . You know some people thought Elvis and the other people thought the Italian piece and yet it was the same you see I have the respect of me whenever I hear the of his 1st one breakdown by myself and I scream yes a great idea that jump shot in 5 initial stores oh yeah I got time questionable to what links take that and Polish composer Frederic Chopin. Chopin ship sure ship. Think of power. Like like. Chopin show. Well the music to the song could be magic was written by Barry Manilow but was based on. A lead in C. Minor it was 28 number 20 which featured at the start of my molars 973 version of the song so basically the song Could It Be Magic was based on. It in C. Minus 28. Well you know. When we when we get into that detail on classical music idolize over because I don't know what it's all about I just know what I like yes you are doing. Doing doing doing when you see that you're going to because that dance into that as well even as Polish not Russian Question number 3 what connects an Old English Sheepdog with a Johann Sebastian Bach. Well worth lead paint is the simple answer to the question because the Old English Sheepdog starred in the jukebox paint commercials which the music for was A Whiter Shade Of Pale by Procol Harum but that was actually your hand Sebastian backs or question orchestral suite number 3 in D. Major. So where a lot of people got number 2 number one and number 3 correct nobody nobody got number 2 correct I think that might be me being a bit moody I would try to make it much easier great reservations called Thank you so thank you give myself the crap that you have one absolutely. That is the good news congratulations thank you wear it with pride whatever that is. a paraplegic man is suing little nap or tough to stuff that failed to provide him with the will chat that he could will himself just in the veins I had been left behind on a flight and he felt he had no option but to drag himself through the airport on the floor he says the rigid wheelchair he was offered wasn't good enough one of the biggest problems I had was if I hadn't had my wheelchair my legs have been taken away from me all of my self-sufficiency and all of my independence was no longer about to be in one of those shows that made me feel humiliated and degraded if you are in those chairs and they insist on trying to strike me down and that I wouldn't have been able to adjust myself and then I would have been at risk of getting a precious or a 17 year old boys died after being stopped in London just a day after another fatal stabbing in the city 1980 S. Have been killed in the capital so far this year the latest victim was found a cop and south cheap station the B.B.C.'s Jon Donnison who's on the scene says forensics offices are still gathering evidence witnesses have told us there was some sort of scuffle and that actually a number of doctors who were just passing by on a very busy time of day tried to save this boy but he died about an hour later in hospital and this is just a day after another. Teenager was stabbed 15 year old J. Hughes that was in Bellingham also in south London a council's been fined 300000 pounds for health and safety failings which resulted in a 15 year old boy being run over and killed by his school's minibus a court heard bridge and bar accounts or failed to address concerns about people's crossing the road to catch their buses home the energy company could really says its fracking site in Lancashire has produced its fashionable gas just over 2 weeks since work restarted that drilling was halted at the site near Blackpool in 2011 because of earth tremors.