Jurors report House of Fraser building in Canal walk is owned by F.-I real estate management in a statement they've told us both parties worked hard but they weren't able to reach a mutually beneficial agreement F.-I real estate say they're looking at other redevelopment aspirations for the building the story is due to close in November with the loss of dozens of jobs the Swindon Business Improvement District team has told us they're working closely with the bell shopping center to secure another retailer in the canal walk unit and to support looking at other options for the space and Barack Austell has yet to react to the news a public inquiry into the blood contamination scandal of the 19 seventies and eighties has begun with harrowing testimonies from some of those affected thousands of people received blood products from overseas donors who had hepatitis or HIV AIDS the inquiry chairman said Brown one staff has insisted that he is prepared to hold people to account the future of which is Honda factory has been brought up at the Labor Party conference in Liverpool today delegates are calling on the government to protect the U.K. Car industry in the event of a no deal breaks it all on the which employees 3 and a half 1000 people at this factory in Swindon has warned that if Britain fails to reach agreement with the European Union it could cost the company tens of millions of pounds Well Tony Burke is from Britain's largest union Unite and he's the says that the timing was no coincidence under although it said will commit to staying in the. Cost of terrorists will add millions onto the cost of producing the Honda cars in the U.K. It comes as the government's chaotic bundle in the BRICs negotiations reaches its most dangerous stage raising the prospect of a no deal bricks. a man in this 3rd his as being repeatedly assaulted a knocked unconscious in sauls pretty it's happened between midnight on 1 o'clock in the morning on the 18th of September he the brambles on london wrote it was a tab riding a bike who demanded he handover his phone he's a sane serious facial injuries in the assault which were caught hostile a treatment the attack with described as white asen is early twenty's and all of a slim build of $300.00 new words a been approved for use in scrabble game spose only in the united states they include the word a moshi twat and ok spelt with oh and a k. Let's take look at will she is whether for the rest of the athey want to spin a tool a nice outing with plenty of sunshine just a few patches of clout water at north westerly breeze out there a max montem cheer a 15 b.b.c. Which a news it's now free minutes past fall the place you live you this story's you shall the music you love graham rajah's b.b.c. Will chip a course what rich it didn't tell you is how many point she get her twice that what i want to the how many points to gap get off today in welcome to the program a a the sun is shining again that makes me feel good right thank Song from the album the lexicon of love. It's the look of love. Is starting a brand new week with. Playing you some great music and. A musical diversion with a difference. With a minute. Musical. The easier it gets so what are we doing this different world every single day this week we're looking for a. Yes musical diversion doing. Some The name of a song Why are we doing it. Because it's going to be fun. Going to join in with. A song we're looking for as normal we're playing. His clue number one remember we're looking forward to artists of a song today. It reached number one in 1988. So we're looking for a song written and produced by stock. It reached number one in 1988. wow My life. Straight away. With the right. With the right. To today's music. A bit differently all this week it's true let's week on musical diversion so we're looking for 2 artists each day also a song to a. Musical diversion why not we just thought it be fun but different for the week. Was this Chouette was written and produced by stock Aikin and what a mum. It reached number one in 1988 and we've got 3 more clues which I'll give you between now and 5 o'clock if you think you know the artists we're looking for a minimum of a song you can get international see if you're right by calling our 8000 to 8 double 3 double 6 now I'm sure an awful lot of you will recognize this. Sunday nights haven't felt like some the evenings for a while happy. Since Downton Abbey finished on the telly but there you go there's the theme to Downton Abbey It was watched by millions from the very 1st episodes believe it or not 8 years ago right through to the Christmas special finale which was in December 2015 coming up 3 years ago since we last saw Downton on the telly for years there was speculation about whether the series following the fictional Crawley family could be turned into a movie well not only is that actually happening but some of the scenes are being filmed here in Wiltshire filming stake in place for the big screen adaptation in Laycock this week A.B.C. Watches Karen Gardner has been along to find out more masses of activity in Lake upstate Pam technican is white vans for by force makeup ladies giant when creating fans all fashion marquees all sorts of things that is going to turn this village into a set for sounds and be their lives were released this time next year the last time they were here people like Hugh Bonneville Jim Carter Elizabeth McGovern Phyllis Logan the last time they were here is about 3 years ago when they filmed the scenes for the last series the famous market scene with all the farm animals including the famous Lady Mary Empress of Grantham pig So there you are back to recreate something we don't quite know what now I'm here with Jackie. Should who run the quintessential English gift shop right on West Street bang in the middle of the village very very popular tourist because all the traditional English says if you can smell the shop nuff it's full of soaps and oils and a peaceful little dog Jackie you are very used to filming and you've got if you take a long view that the disruption this week will be worth it in the long run definitely definitely it'll be quiet this week because obviously the focus will be for the tourists and the 1st has to watch the filming because it is quite spectacular but then over the next year or 2 when the film comes out then yes people will be in this party that is not about hugely positive it's amazing 120000000 people have watched it incredibly popular from the 2010 to 2015 when it ran we didn't think there was going to be a film so it's wonderful news that not only there is one but it's backing like it truly has and the various tourists that I've spoken to so far from all over the world really excited about it so yeah we're. Going to be a Downton film and that's wonderful From what I'm now seeing lighting lorries I've seen set dressing here with lorries I haven't seen the costumes and makeup and yet but I think they're probably already here you've got a particular weakness of the costumes haven't you Oh yeah definitely and I think the British film industry doesn't get enough credit for the sheer attention to detail that goes into the costumes just incredible it's a wonderful thing and it is quite where to see the actors in real life they look very different from when they're on the film now a few additions this year Imelda Staunton who's the real life what wife of Jim Carter who plays Carson the butler she's in it we don't know what role yet and they were here filming Cranford So I wonder if they help in your short poking around like some nice so they do sometimes come in the actors we saw a melt away and she film crew. 1st I was an extra and that was a lot of fun and they were all very friendly in fact they start at the end of Westray on their chairs waiting for their sins to come up we know who that would explain a sea horses were eaten any more details and no it's open can't really truly top secret No we haven't heard anything we saw the hostess arrive last night late last night there was a couple of patents came through so we know that hair been put into a ready made stable at the back of the happy Jackie shared from the quintessentially English store and like cock talking there would be see where she is carrying a downturn the movie being filmed to this week in Lake County one of. The travel weather on the right after the sun featuring Kimbra. Just. 2 months of. Felt. The need. To use Caribbean. Cruise. Pick. The long. Live. The Senate you could lead. Some. Slum. Dog. The models. Really quirky that isn't it but I like it somebody that I used to know good to hear gotcha featuring Kimbra again on B.B.C. Wilcher it's Jewett's week all this week our musical diversion so we're looking for 2 artists and a song today we're looking for was written and produced by stock Waterman it reached number one in 1988 we're going to play it up to the news at 5 o'clock but you need to identify what it is 1st Kevin from Christian Morford has the right answer good data for me Kevin thanks for getting in touch Steve listening in Shropshire in Telford also with the right answer Good to have you along Steve as well. Another clue on the way very soon 1st the latest B.B.C. Wilcher Travel News has with Liam JONES Thank you Graham entering Marlborough then looking slow along the road for the A 48 sec queuing in the St Peter school now the congestion is back as far now as all the Bourne Mazie it's down to the on going road works on the temperature half a glass just prior to the school itself of course peak down traffic heading through there now so it is looking a bit heavier than normal heading in towards marketing Lavington then spin hail in both directions still remains closed after we had an accident of around about 20 past 8 this morning it's still closed as an accident investigation work is in full swing now down towards the black dog cross road so best to try and avoid the area for the time of the evening the A 36 then Wilton road in Salzburg very slow down towards the St Paul's roundabout entering Swindon Cricklade road heavy at times down towards the moon rakers roundabout the M 4 generally coping quite nicely both east and west on the highways England cameras be a $350.00 in the UK slow but in the ground about down toward $710.00 for an hour that's the latest. B.B.C. Wilcher travel start a problem call free 108-0028 double 3 double 6. Now with your weather forecast the Saturn Sora phone from a spot with us good afternoon. I have to integrate him in a pretty fine forecast I have as well for this week although I do notice that most people are talking about how it's just a little bit nippy isn't it and it certainly feels like Autumn has arrived because it is the economics at the we can wear well and truly into it this morning with temperatures well at 2 degrees in some parts of world sure 23 degrees certainly felt like it didn't it and another chilly night to come tonight but tomorrow like today will be dry settled and Sunny we got the benefits of high pressure across cultures through this week and with that we've got some fine fine days but some cool starts particularly tomorrow morning could be another degree down tomorrow morning maybe one Celsius in a couple of spots with a little bit of shallow mist and fog around as well that will move very very quickly there and then it's a dry sunny day today we've seen highs about 1415 degrees tomorrow maybe 16 or 17 maybe up a notch again on Tuesday and for Wednesday I think we could be knocking on the door of 20 degrees Thursday as the peak of it will still be starting as a cool mornings but probably looking at mid single figures rather than right dose Ingle figures for the next few days after tomorrow we're talking about 5 or 6 degrees lows then on Thursday 21 maybe 22 Celsius 72 in Fahrenheit We're fine right the way through but on Friday change when directional little bit more in the way of cloud still dry but cooler again at 16 degrees so a really fun week had Yeah let's enjoy it sorry good to have you back with us sorry Thornton with your forecast that for an update at 20 past 5 another I chanced coming in for musical diversion Stephen Swindon Scott the rush answer all these from just clue number one going to give you clear number 2 in a moment and then we got a song from jump are on the way B.B.C. Which you say I want every night Wednesday nights at 7 wild about the show they get out into the countryside so you can hear visiting the places and people that make Wiltshire what it is you've got this open space of green all the way around she which relaxes you have a hair and. Nicknamed Frank. Makes a noise. While it will shift Wednesday nights at 7 on B.B.C. Will. Now go diversion we're looking for a. Musical diversion this was written produced by stock Waterman it reached number one in 1988 and Clue number 2 for you the singer has. Recently reunited its performance of the song in London's Hyde Park it was in the news was only literally a couple weeks weekends ago so the singers of the we're looking for today recently reunited a surprise reunion as well joining a performance off the song in London's Hyde Park. The singer's Can you name the song. 3 double 6 if you'd like to play along with. Sean Palmer on B.B.C. Well sure I'll use the Great Sun Elmo's Fire on the farm song such a good song one hit wonder for John Palmer as well which was surprised me and she goes home now such a good song never ever ever seem to be at a follow up success loads of people getting in touch today for musical devotion thank you for that afternoon Marian intro bridge lovely to hear from Lady Marian as always she's got the rush on so well done Allie in ship but I'm also with the right answer your clues so far the Jew Ed Wade giving that we're looking for today was written and produced by stock Aiken and water month it reached number one in 1988 Clinton but to the singers of the recently reunited but of a surprise reunion jarring a performance of the song in London's Hyde Park it was literally a couple of weekends ago and it made all the newspapers can you name the 2 performers can you name the singers and the song if you can get in touch 080028 double 3 double 6 and we'll have more clues on the way for you very soon now we're hearing of an accident in Chippenham it's at the pheasant roundabout B.B.C. Welshness is there and can give us a little update now what do you know Marie. Well I'm standing at the moment just outside the fence and the road is currently closed the 8th floor is clear let me just make that clear the a full path with us and it's clear that the police have closed the road from the 2nd round about heading up to Queens rage and Easton Lane So I think that the 45 anyway. This several imagine services because on the thing they rent an ambulance and the air ambulance is actually landed in a sales adjacent to the scene of the accident I think it's waiting to say whether it would be nice a lot I can't see exactly what happened but I would suggest to fairly serious given the number of emergency to cruise around thing right now OK So let's be very clear on this the I 4 is not affected but from the friends and roundabouts won't Queensbridge plants closed at the moment that's correct so the a floor is flowing find the road from hunger down lanes the fence and roundabout it's flowing fine that all sort of that they're all queues of traffic but that those access rates the fact that roundabout all clear the road from that has a roundabout post the whole time I'm a little thing to do it's east and Lane and queens Great should think so. Brilliant OK Look thank you for the update really appreciate that B.B.C. Works as Marie in shoes nearby that scene at the moment so accident near the pheasant roundabout in Ship One on one potentially to avoid for the moment. The place in the stories you share the music you love your radio station for will show . You the B.B.C. Will see. As just gone half past 4 here's Richard Crowley with the latest news it's been confirmed that Swindon's House of Fraser store will close in November with the loss of dozens of jobs the new owners of the department store and the landlords of the building have said they were unable to reach an agreement over a new rental terms despite their best efforts the store will close in one week's time on Monday the 26th of November a public inquiry into the blood contamination scandal of the 1970 S. And eighty's has begun with harrowing testimonies from some of those affected thousands of people received blood products from overseas donors who had hepatitis or H.I.V. A banks of cannabis had been seized during an operation targeting drug dealers in L.D.N. In Swindon a 25 year old man was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class B. Drugs to other men in their thirty's or given cannabis street mornings and filming for the new Downton Abbey movie is getting underway in which are the cast and crew in Laycock new chip in him until Thursday of this week because he will show to stand some scenes will be shot around the high street with some villagers being used as extras so to sports and Fi furs and your best football was take place in London this evening Chelsea is at and has it is not on the short list for Player of the year but is Belgium boss Robbie tome of a Martinez feels he was the best player at the wall coming is the resilience I think everyone knows what he's. Exceptional at that and I want he wants situational is something that is natural that you cannot coach to anyone. Is probably him force in. Always opposition looking for the ball been available for it's always been a real leader by action is what makes him so consistent in the role that he has with a national keeping with football drills were made for the next round of the F.A. Cup SIL's Perry will take. On in the round so if they beat Western in their replay they watch open when Superman also have a replay tomorrow and that will set up a tie with the then Henderson or Phoenix sports depend on who gets through a cricket offer it is of closed an investigation to a claim that the England all rounder alley was caught a Salama strongly in play in the 2015 Ashes series Cricket Australia says no new evidence has been presented the governing body launched an investigation after Moamar wrote about the incident in his autobiography Salzburg born team bath pentathlon Jamie Cook's been describing the tough conditions he had to overcome to become world champion he became the 1st British man to take the title for 25 years when he won cold in Mexico earlier this month and Cook says it was a real challenge one of the biggest problems was the outage it was at 2004 and metres which is incredibly high we prepared for that as a team. In the Pyrenees French are the Pyrenees So we went to Mexico City thinking that this is going to be probably one of the toughest competitions that we've we've ever had being the World Championships as well so that was just a culture and of of difficulties that we had to get through and finally from the moment on to ice hockey swim the markets play coach our now as praise Tyler Perry's performance during the weekend wins against the Sheffield Steel docs pestered him for running a mark he was suspended after an instant Journal last week's match against Hull now says the stand in was fantastic in 2 wins which he believes could be the biggest 4 points of the season for the walk has been. 45. Graham religious B.B.C. . By the pheasant round the road leading from the roundabout towards closed. Off to. School. And so. It's. Was. 3rd clue. For for today's. Musical diversion if you only have only just joined us it's Jewett's we call this we call musical diversion every afternoon we're looking for 2 performers and a song as opposed to just identifying one artist and a group so we know that you are looking for the South and it was both written and produced by stock in Waterman it reached number one in 1988 the singers were recently reunited during a surprise performance of the song in London's Hyde Park Clue number 3 a love this close on a television special in 2001 I can't believe it was 2001 doesn't feel like 17 years ago but there you go one of the singers of this song also performed it as a Jew wet with Kermit the Frog. Now can you name it we're looking for the stuff that 008-0028 double 3 double 6. It's 20 to 5 with the latest B.B.C. World should travel news his Liam Jones thank you very much Graham within the last couple of moments call on this we are getting reports of an accident in chipping away from the pheasant grounds about down towards Queensbridge now we believe police are currently in attendance to the scene and they very close the road away from the pheasant roundabout down towards Queens Bridge itself as so a serpent particular can slow now around the closure points on the senses this afternoon heading in towards 7 Hampton then the B 400 high with road still remains closed down to an accident down towards Shivan and the A 346 then heading away from the M 4 junction 15 entering chiseled and slow at times 2 speaking of the M 4 that's moving while both east and west entering Salzberg Wilson Road heavy at times down towards the St Paul's roundabout Cricklade road in Swindon busy at times down towards the moon rakers roundabouts and I'm looking at the light departures and arrivals board so far on public transport that's all running to time for now that's the latest. B.B.C. Wilcher travel starts a problem call free 10800283 devils see. A lot of sunshine around today and ask them to continue into the evening overnight tonight to dry and clear so a good night for spotting the stars and the moon shining bright tonight overnight though it will be very cold temperatures hovering literally just above freezing one degree overnight goodness may to morrow choose study starting obviously cold with some patchy mist and fog once this clears a dry fine day expected although the sunshine shining a little hazy at times tomorrow temperatures up to 16 degrees weekday afternoon 12 what would you like to do when you grow up. I mean you want to hypnotize all of the . Southeast here sir. Graham scene and. That is picking up. Anybody coming in at the moment you 4 years ago. You don't think to be very careful when you go underneath a tree. Fell on he said I was walking around with a couple folks on the head is probably. On B.B.C. We'll. See the with thing is she thinking but you still actually wearing a cardboard box. We're. Always good for our lunch time Graham seaman but tomorrow from 8 to. 10 C. Say the things we do for love. You. Know I woke. Up. The symbol. Of the. 10 C C B B C World and the things we do for love so we're playing musical diversion thank you very much for playing along thank you for all your calls Catherine in Swindon with the right chance so well done Sylvia enlighten also with the right answer and a lovely little message she says tell everyone to have a good evening have a good evening everybody which is lovely thank you so via And as a say you're absolutely right and well done you one final clue if you haven't worked out with us on the the singers we're looking for this afternoon I think this will give it away Clue number 4 the singers off this Chouette appeared together in the T.V. Series neighbors now can you name them and name the song we're going to play up to the knees at 5 o'clock now first's as we've been reporting in the news the softer names the landlords of the House of Fraser store in Swindon have confirmed they weren't able to reach an agreement with the new owners of the business despite their best efforts lay out it means the outlet store in the Swindon Town Center is set to close in November what will happen to the site after that well these people in Swindon Town Center I've been giving us their opinions we've got I hardly any pick up saying so and them are going to be someone yeah it's just been going for years I don't know why they want to stick them on the old Wilkinson is a big building empty they can make I can show you the next 5 years he wants enough . Having this or any part of the time there's a feeling of sadness about is a sense of loss or risk the full service South Swinton's Conservative M.P. Robert Buckland of course the that the stall sits in your constituency how big a blow is this to the Swindon Town Center but it's very sad news and I'm thinking particularly of the start up a storm many of whom have been there for busy a long time I was down there a few weeks ago and it's a having a chat with some members of staff and at that point we still have some hopes that there would be a deal I still think that there could be a deal if the parties come together again busy and try and hammer out a sensible cost obviously it's all about the rent this is all about how much the new owners of House of Fraser prepared to pay 1st in investment so you know I'd call upon the parties to give it another go and see whether or not how we can safe house Fraser in Swindon if that is not the case then I would very much hope that the stars will be supported. Given all the help they need in order to find new jobs busy alternative busy training that they have to be very much in the forefront I think of the minds of all busy for everybody to directly involved in this my understanding is the landlords of the House of Fraser store have said they want to turn into flats turning into housing so from a business point of view they can probably make more money that was the book we've lost pretty Shyam stalls now it looks anyway as if House of Fraser is going to be going there are a big concerns about the future of Dublin I'm in Swindon remain It's not going to be much left big store wise in the town center is that well we were thinking about the building where Devon's is of course are these going to be subject to a major redevelopment the folk and House scheme which is going to redevelop all the flats all the all the offices above Devon's itself and revamp the building so that is some good news for ready the time center but you're right there is a question. When I think about the future of retail shop it's a changing a lot more people go into shops but then go home and order things online because they can get a better price that's reality for many many shoppers nowadays is a time when I think we've got to ask ourselves the question you know how do we support small retailers as well and encourage riot whether in front of our time Center is you know is historically a large towns and whether it needs to be a slightly smaller time center that can still attract people into the town to shop and also to ease to as well because because you know busy food and restaurants are very much part of the retail experience in many towns and cities in England a while so so is some strategic thinking I think is vital here I've heard that rumor too about slots Well if that's to be the case it needs to be in the context I think of a better offer for Swindon residents and visitors to give them a real reason to come into our time which will you know attract investments footfall because we do have the North style development which now finally does a pace to be going in the right direction let me just go back to the flats question do we need more housing in the center of Swindon. I think we do I think that as electrification rolls out Swindon's attractiveness venue for people to live in and pop's commute from will only grow and therefore the need for more combination seems to be a clear one to be it's also you know a good place it seems all Pops people who are slightly older you don't want to travel long distances producing get to the nearby shops and. Without having to go too far though I think there is real potential in encouraging housing in the center so nobody needs to be mixed off or you know there needs to. Continuation in all retail center let's not forget the smaller shops has a lot of smaller retail premises in around all time. You notices of. Continued existence we need to. Thinking about the future it doesn't just involve the big names it also involves all ranges for an independent stores to. Will share the love from not because you. Are so free backstop Oh. Wait a minute. Musical diversion. Easier. Well thank you for playing along all this way kitsch musical diversion. So we said the Jewett we were looking for today was written and produced spice don't they can and Waterman reaching number one in 988 singers of the. United it was a surprise reunion joining a performance of the song in London's Hyde Park on a T.V. Special in 20011 of the singers of the song performed it is If you can avoid to the area for now please do so the emergency services are in attendance but it's going to be very very slow getting past that so it's at the pheasant roundabout and chip and a nasty accident there worth avoiding if you can. The place still is the stories you share the music you love your radio station from will show. The B.B.C. Will say. Thank you it's 5 o'clock Richard Crowley with the latest news it's been confirmed Swindon's House of Fraser store will close in November with the loss of dozens of jobs the new owners of the department store on the landlords of the building has said they were unable to reach an agreement over the new rental terms despite their best efforts the store now close in one week's time on Monday the 26th of November the shoppers in Swindon have been giving their reaction we've got hardly any shops in them are a few decent one Yeah well it is being go on for years I don't know why they wanted to close. The old Wilkinson is a big building empty they can make flats there I can show you the next 5 years he was in the.