Waterloo and he also 34595 wonderful 3 double 6. On and on and stitches in your voice in your county. The b.b.c. World. Was going to sell the car races b.b.c. Which she had lined the club a Really Good morning Wilshere police say they are dealing with a high number of people stuck in their cars across the county as we remain on a yellow weather warning for snow ice and wind the a 3 o 3 is particularly bad with several cars stuck at Western oil nameer including a snowplow and more than one Grettir officers say their priority is to get supplies to people who are still stuck further along the a 3 or 3 into Dorset and Somerset around 100 cars are stuck there b.b.c. Correspondent Robert hole was one of those stranded on the a 3 a 3 and a woman star in the Will Chase hills a long line of darkened vehicles snakes down the snow covered carriageway near the village of Mia We like hundreds of drivers have spent 12 hours in stationary traffic the 8th street 3 years littered with vehicles that could go no further blocking the plows and grocers trying to reopen the road in blizzard conditions one man we spoke to was trying to reach a care home was heating it failed others settle down to sleep in their cars Zoe more is running the Swindon gritty says and snowplows the Smalling she says one of the worst roads in the county is the a 346 between Swindon Amol breath fairly significant up to about 4 feet in places but we are working together with the council and the police to clear that right as soon as possible while this driver spent the night stranded there and described how he kept what I just got me and you know what I mean he's around Luckily I filled up the time before the last flask of coffee. Should look at how. I should listen to the advice a little radio. So anybody thinking of going I don't bother really don't like the only reason I do see people is based on such a soft sound I get on to well over the last 24 hours to Swindon Grettir's have used 120 tons of salt so most that they normally use 25 to me all working round the clock 24 hours 2 sets of shifts 12 and we've got 16 people on each shift. Police say a number of roads across the county are impassable officers say they have limited full by full capacity and will get to those most at need 1st but they say they are dealing with their usual emergency calls as well across the country police with the help from the military have been rescuing drivers trapped in the snow but the most of it Red weather warning has now been lifted. In other news this morning trees I'm able to day set out her approach for the next phase of Breck's in negotiations in a keenly awaited speech that has been moved from Newcastle to London because of the severe weather our political editor Laura Kuhn's book has cities have showing credibility to the continent and bringing unity at home those are a series of maze too big hopes for her speech the Prime Minister's answer to criticisms that her position has been vague and unrealistic will be more details than before on the approach she will take and the compromises she's willing to make to reason may will set 5 tests for her negotiations to achieve a final deal that protects the economy our security and the union one cabinet minister has told me it will feel like she is being honest with the public and will tell some hard truths spelling out how in some sectors of the economy the u.k. Might remain in some European agencies by implication accepting their rules but alongside that she will call for an explicit understanding that it would be possible for the u.k. To move away from e.u. Regulations as it desires the Welsh man says a dispute over plans to develop the site of an old rectory in his village is causing him to sell his home there and leave after 25 years the diocese of Bristol wants to develop lands next to the building in brink with pneumonia spree the villagers say the plans will not only look affect the look at the village in its views but also do nothing to solve the continuing parking issues we to see his house backs on and overlooks the site the diocese want to build on he says the plans also put a very special oak tree at risk house that we live in was named for that tree it is about 180 years old it is a good 50 to 60 foot tall and coal policy 51 is specifically about landscape and says that any development should protect conserve and enhanced landscape character I can't see how this is possibly going to do that I've been here since October 92 and my house is currently on the market because I'm sick and tired of fighting this the diocese of Bristol says it's actively engaged with brink with parish council over the last 2 years regarding the proposed development and are trying to accommodate the villagers requests. Let's go from Swindon the star of an Oscar nominated film as arrived in l.a. In time for the ceremony Maisie sly and her family are able to make the trip Thanks to money raised by their local community the 6 year old plays a profoundly deaf girl in the silent child which has been put forward for Best Live action in the short film category so find out the result on Sunday night which will be Monday morning on time they 2 football player manager Matt sailor is preparing Swindon to play host to Yeovil tomorrow there's a pitch inspection today the town will be without skipping only Lancashire whose cough injury is worse than 1st thought well to me is that we touch and go and don't McDermott 5050 and will choose whether a cold day with a brisk a silly win this morning there will be spells of mostly light snow at times Sefton in some of the snow is likely to turn a little heavier and more persistent a top temperature of between minus 3 and freezing point which is $2732.00 degrees Fahrenheit b.b.c. News it's 5 percent. Breakfasts we entreat b.b.c. Will show Thanks Crash or days turning out to be armed forces Korea not in world shit in other parts of the country the worst weather for a generation proclaim the papers today 10 sadly dead is a Siberian front collides with a month 69 am a airports closed roads closed the Met Office saying it feels like a minus 11 strike that lowers temperatures it's $9091.00 nurses sleeping on wards 4 by 4 convoys delivering doctors to work we might even have a case of ourselves thanks to John a volunteer in his Land Rover for use from. Chris and stuck in sea we all need to get to the Great Western We put them in touch and pre-Christian going to the great wall standing what this one is how she was absolutely scuppered. So we will have absolute fantastic tales of endeavor and Community Partnership this morning but we're also course scratching our heads thinking about how the region is grinding to a halt anything you can do to help we're in it together so nobody's I was 345951 double Freedom 6 you always seen your candy cold every 3459 by. One double 3 double 6 c.b.c. Will show. Now a very round of fish Gerald spent the night in a hotel in the solstice business park in ng's Bray because we had a sneaky feeling that the 3 as it turned out would be you know one of the worst affected roads we've already heard from Andrew live on this program stuck in his car he's got plenty of phone chargers have a nice pasta salad he's got water his kids his family now he's Ok but he's stuck there he says with hundreds of other cars do you think this is just a home for the motors this is really really serious Oriana got chatting to one stranded couple I would see last night in the hotel on this business park dining John decided to stop off there as the road conditions got worse and worse we travelled up yesterday from a to attend my dad's funeral which was taking place today in. Chichester read any around runs just around here and my mum got bit spooked by the weather so we decided to leave yesterday so we were travelling up this morning so the weather wouldn't be an issue and of course we got here absolutely fine got there up that you find. The night which is lovely and everything is going according to plan today and now we've tried to get home and all wanted to do was get home and we've ended up getting stuck. We. We were we got as far as went on stage and turned around the came back to here because it's all scary scary and I think we would end up in the accident to what point was getting squished scary around went. Felt like everyone was sliding. Down into the depths and I think they probably were on what we've heard since we've been here by the sounds of it the road was closed so. We wouldn't go any further and how we got further it with anglos in 2 or 3 other places that we had going on and you were driving weren't you what was it like to be driving it was quite scary today we've got super smooth and everything went off the brakes actually to start sliding to the left and the right you just. No control over a wall and we got to the brow of the hill and we almost couldn't stop and we could see all the cars coming and sliding down towards each other. From angles and going in the dishes and we saw numerous abandon couples. So we luckily we were just at the point where we can turn around and come back to some weather so you. Can understand what to do from here really and you came back to this area knowing that it's you know quite a large service it's just the hotel here it's wild really and stay with night and last night all the rooms are gone so I think we're going to be sleeping in the van they've been very kind here and said that we can stay and drink coffee and keep warm in here which would be nice but ultimately we do need to put a sleigh because hopefully tomorrow there's a little window of no snow hopefully we'll be have to get home but I think realistically at the moment it's not looking likely. And we have 2 dogs but thankfully they're with friends and we're going to carry a home that's been looked after very well by a very good friend so everything is safe but it would just be nice to be able to go home and normalise for and I don't even know how you're able to answer this question but. During kind of good spirits and just really just seems like you are taking this in stride on the day that your father's funeral people the stuff to contend with and to think about but the worst thing in the world happened 3 weeks ago when he died so actually this is just I think people saying to people it's just logistics and that's all there is nothing that can happen again can it so so the worst things happened and now we've just got to. Get used to it and adjust and normalize and get home and go back to work eventually. Person perspective doesn't it more than attitudes I have dined John decided to stop there at the hotel where Ron and his is the Rose could the teary ated rather we can catch up with now you said earlier if you missed it I think that 78 people just turned up at the hotel unexpected because they couldn't go anywhere else last night Good morning Brianna. Good morning Ben Yes that's right I spoke to the receptionist this morning and yesterday afternoon they had tons of cancellations and even people the day before leaving. You know an anticipation of the bad weather but the bad weather did arrive and I over see it impacted a lot of people and yes 78 people walked in last night to try and pick rooms to people like he didn't get rain sauce night in a mike truck drivers who are with me now and just all in the well I would say is the truck part I actually don't know if this is a designated area for lorry drivers even is this where you would normally park overnight but it. Does have a few spaces for trucks but not money and there's a good dozen here that have been stranded overnight at least and this is just in the dedicated area and we can look around to the left and see more in the far distance you've traveled up from France yesterday and go as far south park yeah I know I was under myself a parse the trouble I got over the Channel Tunnel and then soon as I got on the 3 I 3 was just about cars and trucks everywhere of just south of there of pure magic hurrican So what did you leave with the 3 or 3 did you get stuck yourself. Need the services were here and. Because at least they were they got stuck or got food in the service is never the now so pointing going on at parts of I talked last night and there's no point going further So when I 1st got City this morning it was a group of other truck drivers trying to decide what to do today have you decided what to do this morning. But I would look at a thread 3 now it looks like some of the lines are clear but it's getting the truck back was going to be the problem but I think it's just a case of say right thing is you know going further on to ship to Malin and Somerset you know that there's a severe problems on the a 383 the West so that. How does that make you feel. Naive or that you have to be honest but what you day I mean it's just got to get to the shops everybody's panic buying because they want their bread and milk but it's just not on the shelves what can they get you know everyone's about truck drivers and whatnot but we're the ones that have to live in a high place 6 metal box in bad weather like this so somebody's got to get the job done and Mike you are in the same position you've travelled up from Germany and you're all trying to make your way to us in Cornwall How can see a Welsh joint that a ferry freight. If Condit gamepad around half or so awful right just call it that I can this is just a day off today what she saw coming here I think a call far away but I get up and thank you no chance. I mean looking out the lorries at the moment and in some places there's about half a foot of snow that's fallen over as it has been built up because of the drifting because the wind which probably here in the background looking at the you know you'll always I mean the how heavy they are with that should be able to get out of the park is that the main concern at the moment white does how drawing back so I haven't gone out why on so not even going to the tent but the more white you go all the more it kicks into the snow and the chance you've got really and have you ever driven in such conditions before. And many years ago in my Afghanistan in that when I was in the army but not ration laming we have not weather like this in England for a long talk going to be at least 570 s around there but yes not very often do you feel prepared and capable to be able to deal with these conditions in your truck. Yeah well I mean all living much like Monday to Friday anyway and. Pretty much I've got everything I need water food and you know warmth and all that sun has got plenty of data I've got that he is. But to be honest as a truck driver it's just avoiding them. When you house you know you get the cost of the cars one star never has got to go slow and steady but they just end up getting in the way in the cars the ones causing most of the problems for a truck driver if you need the momentum to get ahead if you've got a cop snaking around and doing 2 miles an hour in front in a b.m.w. Or shouldn't be at this now anyway. Yeah that's what causes most of the problems. It's ridiculous you know Mike thank you very much this morning I hope you get to where you need to go safely when you do get somewhere I think you're about to go and help a driver who struck just stranded in the hotel carpark at the moment only the bit of a perch all coming help in a moment so that's why it's like here just off of the a 383 on the edge of 3 this morning Brianna thank you stories of people helping out there front center this morning Pinehurst just got stuck on the road he says now the golf course by Nationwide in Swindon has to be pushed by someone really kindly be careful out there he says and very very shortly we're going to catch up with the owners of a big Mbaye in calling bomb Kingston who took some way from strays out from the hideous weather conditions last night help them. I want you up 716. By the morning will simply say they dealing with a high number of people stuck in their cars across the county as we remain on a yellow weather warning for snow ice and wind 3 o 3 is particularly bad with several cars stuck at Western oil nym including a snow plow and more than one nationally the military is helping the police to rescue stranded motorists and all schools in Swindon Wiltshire are expected to be closed today and get the ball games out and the best guess what today is all about if you're happy and healthy and inside do not go out Ok to. Get up to 0 degrees Celsius if you're lucky but minus 3 is as low as it will go today a fall snow day weather forecasts with Dan downs at half past 7. Right let's get to the man a farm in Columbine Kingston and speak to James Macbeth who's I think in the middle of breakfast service right now James good morning good morning serving up the fry ups it's also a thing away not not far off that list we recently had you want because you're an award winning b m b r we have won an award Yeah yeah. A bad thing anywhere in the remit was is your gaffe good at taking in travel is when Blizzard conditions are outside what did you do. Well we had cancellations I mean speaking hotel earlier. It had a lot of cancellations we had people who were staying who decided to leave early we were meant to be here last night and they left early so we had a room vacant and there were other guests who would use arrived last night you cancelled so we had We're going to have 3 rooms but they were all available and very quickly we had people knocking on the door saying. They couldn't get through the village and could we put them up so they were absolutely delighted. That they've never seen a face like yours in that moment when you said yes there's room but my in we did have have a little joke because when people arrived on the I did say you do realize that it's 500 pounds a night you devil and the response I got was I don't care. So I mean you know people were very very desperate I and the conditions are horrendous Yeah I mean you're in a beautiful part of the country and you know make it can be a delicate times we will have a snowy postcard but when push comes to shove we're just having the story so that when was the last time you had it and witnessed it as being as bad as it is. Probably not this century that sounds very grand but I think I think I recall some photos of similar amounts of snow and about 97 something like that I mean you know a long time ago and you get by it so it pour in the orange juice whatever being a nice person James McGrath and I suppose that's but still managing to spread a bit of love and share and open up the door and say Yes we've certainly got a bed for you in hot water bottle as well 719 we can't be a sort of person don't pass to get me wrong well do our best to get the information to you but we're getting some individual personalized customized requests through like a how is it on one particular road or you know is this bus service running the advice of course at all time. If you try to on the buses stagecoach go to the websites for roads Ben Williams up very very soon to tell us what he knows So for instance we've got. A few queries about the 55 stagecoach service this morning is that running ask one or 2 of you we've also got is it jail saying Ben good morning can you tell me do you know how bad conditions are on the road between Pusey and Burbage as anyone able to drive down that it's actually Jenny asking that question we keep just sort of saying don't drive anywhere unless is absolutely vital journey Ok but we will endeavor to get the information that you need to see how relatively speaking bad it is Let's speak now it's the b.b.c. Whole he's been caught up in all this you might see him on breakfast t.v. This morning Robert good morning. Where exactly are you. Between chick late and me are just short of service is the name of which temporarily escapes me we've been in the traffic queues now for overnight getting on for 13 hours actually we 1st hit a bad cute chick played at about 6 o'clock last night that was caused because of the hill on the western side of being impossible lorries couldn't get up it eventually they managed to get a plow through to clear that about midnight maybe help us 12 so all the traffic all the car traffic cleared but we only travelled about 2 miles and now we've ground to a halt again we think it's because there's an issue with the grid head of us in some form but having said that we've been stationary here since about 2 o'clock this morning said Father The problem is for us and for all the other drivers in this probably close on a 100 vehicles lorries and cars stretching from me back towards chick trade. We don't know what's going on there's no official information we haven't seen a policeman since. We were in chick late about midnight just after midnight and nobody knows what the what the plan is or whether there's a plan and I think everybody's quite appreciative that we'll to police a very strange but there's no information and that I think is starting to wear people down a bit because they have kept warm they have kept their spirits up but they just don't know when they're going to move it and what's more it's not clear in front because I know there's an issue in Canton and of course you've got presumably the remains of that rather serious incident down near 0 Minster. Many of the tweets and the social media I'm seeing between people being relatively phlegmatic to a point but then that will break and the Senate sense of abandonment from others who say what is going on. Well I mean we're not seeing the problem really is that where we are here this is just. A 2 way road where between the 2 sets of deal carriage way here and cars have come up the outside thinking that the cars on the left hand side were stationary and now we've got roads completely blocked so nothing can get through the gritters can't get through nothing can go east because the carriage was blocked and there's nowhere for anybody to go so. I don't know we're just going to have to sit here I know there's more snow forecast bitterly cold but not snowing at the moment. But you know there are people here who weren't to be eaten for a long time and there's no indication of how that's going to be resolved and there's nobody to tell them what to do other than sit tight. To do the snow reports or you just passing by and you became wrapped up in this is a. Pretty. No No Well in that in a way we were on we had been over in Kent covering the snow in the week we were traveling as just a couple of us to do some filming on dark more and so we knew we had to come this way and we knew that the weather was coming in and we were prepared for it but. It came in very very quickly I have to say that in the space of about 15 minutes we went from being possible with care to impossible and and I think it's what caught a lot of people out it really happened very quickly in the particularly just can't cope. Gentleman down in. Chick played very annoyed because he felt because he was on his way to Mir to repair the central heating at a care home where there were 9 elderly people and one of them over 100 and the heating had been off since I don't know the Off to noon and he had told he tried to get through but the lorry drivers a double parked across the road and he couldn't and he told the police and the police and said well good luck with that there's not much we can do to help you stage because you know so much else going on so there is frustration but on the whole positive note certainly down in chick clay we can't praise enough the lady in the garage I don't know her name but she was brilliant she was it to know she was encouraging people she was there all night anyway but she was a lifeline for people with hot drinks and biscuits and will till the sandwiches run out sandwiches. And people were helping each other and there is still that but I think now after being awake all night and very cold people are starting to get a bit fed up and would like some sense of what is going to happen in the coming hours Robert who appreciate. Catching up with us. To that crew. They got caught up in it because it just came in so quickly crucially we need to know the name of the woman at least. Things who are. Every 20 minutes. Ok follow Ben Williamson Exactly that's a then that's a 3 or 3 then impassable as we've been hearing me chick laid the work to stretch snowdrifts and stuck vehicles people have been stuck there since last night's further west on the 3 o 3 is officially closed by highways England between the South round about it and the a 30 up artery again that's because of heavy snow and stranded vehicles a 351 minutes to the west is still closed following the stranded lorries from last night's the a 420 between watch field and Farrington reports the vast impassable because of snow and the a 46 between the m 4 and 18 for bath and bath center closed as well other impassable roads around the county between Swindon and a 346 in the a free to rotten stretch of the a 4361 between devices and Alton Horton right that remains impassable as well as steep hill still causing problems throughout the county just naming a couple Dunkirk killing devices and a 3102 into Bassett's and even steep hills in the center on the trains Great Western devising customers not to travel there any supplying a minimal service southwestern railways between Salzburg in London Waterloo are not running and one other thing as well Peter or a 345 we were reporting last night that I was impassable so I doubt that's changed anything else so 345951 double 3 double 6. Travel every 20 minutes. Cool as 3459. 3. B.c. Will show. Fresh for example for the good news no queues at Junction 16 your glass is certainly half full isn't it Rob thank you there were questions about the number 55 stagecoach service whether it was operating earlier from one or 2 of you Hi Ben it is most certainly running because I'm on it heading for robot Bassett's as market you're saying thank you. For Dating us on that this morning please do tell me if you are lucky enough to be in the safe and sound environs of your house and you've got the catalog and you've got the what do you intend to do with your 4 stay at home Ok if you can't go and do what you paid to do what are you going to do instead of an opportunity has arisen even to maximize your time you're just going to out on the sofa and watch the b.b.c. Pictures coming from different snowy areas of the u.k. Where it really has again taken just when you think of enough warnings taken people by surprise the big freeze the coldest for 27 years coming up sports news with Marie Marie Lennon next Monday I'll be taking you behind the scenes and we'll ship police headquarters in devising such a struct you can hope for help from finding out what happens when your crew is answered in the course Center to going out on patrol with the offices will take a close up look at the operation as well as being joined by police and crime commissioner Angus Macpherson and new chief constable of work to police care Richard in the region and live from Wiltshire police h.q. In devices next Monday morning from 9 on b.b.c. World 728 the other Marie now with the Sports News Good Morning Good Morning Yeah and the the weather is affecting sport across the county we'll start with football and there's a pitch inspection today and head to Swindon at home to Yeovil in League 2 tomorrow if the game goes ahead you can hear full commentary here on b.b.c. Wilshere and Saturday sport from Max hailer has taken charge of the town and he says he's excited by the prospect with 5 points off I think 3rd 3 tin cup automatically We've got 11 games left force they're not supposed to go I mean I know I may be a slight optimist but our pleasure Portsmouth in the. 506 season Christmas we were 12 points adrift we stayed up with a game to go for it 1st taught me anything. And that was in the Premier League that's taught me anything football is never a straight line it's up and down up and down what we need to do now is with as many for much as we can now to end the season and try our best because you know I think . As football fans as people I think if for me if the fans come here on Saturday they turn up they see a team given everything right mistakes course I'll accept make mistakes I made many of them you know in the last game I probably made more mistakes than I did good things however. It's how you react from the I think the fans if I see the team going out giving everything they've got except the oddness like because we're all human. So no fun for me personally if you can offer me more than an f from people. There and here we help by goalkeeping coach Dean Thornton they'll be without all the Lancashire though his calf injury is worse than 1st thought to me else Nick is said to be touch and go and gentle McDermott 5050 Meanwhile it's been confirmed that we no return for Lawrence figure from his loan to Waterford following the departure of de Flitcroft as manager the international transfer window has closed to ice hockey on this one and Wildcats travel to Basingstoke tonight for the 1st leg of the autumn Cup final the Wildcats will host the return leg next Friday at the links center face off tonight is at $745.00 to warmer climes and in golf to which his players are in action on the European Tour at Swain in Pretoria South Africa since David how will start round 2 having carded a fair day one under par score of 70 Meanwhile Lawrie can tell you places go for come while park is back out on the course in a short time ago was 4 under par the 8th leaving him too and overall Now organizers of the path half will be looking will be working really hard to ensure the course is kept clear for runners and their support teams for the race this coming Sunday former boss rugby player Jimmy Dean will be hoping that the race can go ahead he set up the charity sporting family change and has 24 runners in the hof marathon with a further 100 running in the one mile community race I caught up with Jimmy after a training session recently told me how important sport has been in reaching families that otherwise might not have an opportunity to get involved as a charge he would basically look to try new sporting games local people given the opportunity she from the truth will come belief and not source suffer surance So for us the programme which is started off just doing some activities and gyms the slime that onto a specific training programme is really important because of the brilliant and we will be very very privileged to be loads of really nice people now you've got a 100 or a. The mile event on the day the both half you've got 24 during the half marathon has training been going for the really good I think especially the guys that the big challenges are 30 miles can bask in the front suffers a few people get a little bit nervous which is understandable also bring in families down into the mall run for some of these gods and probably never would have been to a major event never really put himself in front of thousands of people it's one of his much man's who is physical all the gods of train really really hard what are some of the 3rd things so that the physical element I'm sure a lot before and it's just it's just make sure people have a belief and you know they're amazing people but they can do and when it does get tough whether it's doing them all of the it's Ok to feel that pain if you like and push on from there doing it buddy system so they're all running with someone else to support and through that why has that been such an important part of this process I think is it as a church you are trying to embrace everyone in across the community even walks of life to the buddy system iness is to get everyone from all over from different jobs and things together so that there's a massive social element of it there's camaraderie to people generally for more comfortable arriving doing things especially the settlers next to him where they push a report emerges there to support the buddies will get as much out of the shore races or races than the guys are new to sport activity I'll be honest I'm already proud of them because I think there are they're brilliant to meeting their founder of the charity sporting family change and in an hour's time we'll hear from Kate Reynolds from chip in and he's one of the one mile as running in the race on Sunday but more importantly we'll hear from race director Andrew Tyler in the next 30 minutes about the current situation at our Yeah exactly yeah yes I will hear from him. On. Wednesday as you see your voice in you'll. Be seen with. 733 of these families have lost the morning drivers are still stranded on the a 3 x. 3 and will share the small awning after getting stuck last night include. A snow plow and more than one critter is the county remains under yellow weather warning for snow ice and wind b.b.c. Correspondent Robert Hall one of those stranded on the a 3 hour 3 between chick plate and near says they've not seen any police or emergency services since 7 o'clock last night and it's local people that have been helping them out elsewhere there are snow drifts of 4 feet making the a 346 impassable Wilcher Police say the advice is not to travel unless essential all schools in Swindon Wiltshire are expected to be closed today that's about $350.00 in total some boarding schools are staying open nationally soldiers have been working with police to rescue drivers stranded on the a 31 in the New Forest since yesterday afternoon because of heavy snow hundreds of vehicles are also trapped Neeraj on the m 62 in Edinburgh troops are driving hospital staff to work and around 5000 properties in the north west of England are without power trees and I will today set out her approach for the next phase of breaks in negotiations and a keenly awaited speech that has been moved from Newcastle to London because of the severe weather and a schoolgirl from Swindon in the star of an Oscar nominated film has arrived in l.a. In time for the ceremony Maisie sly and her family were able to make the trip Thanks to money raised by the local community the 6 year old plays a profoundly deaf girl in the silent child which has been put forward for Best Live action in the short film category She'll find out the results on Sunday night which will be Monday morning our time. It's 25 to 8 things quiet down Darroze with the weather now. Thank you Ben another day have a renders whether for Will to the day I'm afraid to think slowly starts or improve through the weekend and temperatures climb and we see a thaw setting in but today we do still have severe weather warnings from the Met Office an amber warning for Wilshere the Smalling for wind and snow also ice problems and be prepared for further disruption downgrading to yellow warning later on but that last right through until tomorrow morning still problems with the wind snow and ice today and the wind brisk easterly again gusting up to 40 miles an hour or so so still some drifting of the snow where we're saying it's and making it feel better Lee cold temperatures below freezing for most of us while much of the day and with the wind chill factor feeling more like minus 7 or minus 8 some flurries of snow around this morning some heavier snow setting in for a time later on and into the afternoon as it makes its way northward there is a chance we could see a bit of that snow particularly for more southern parts of the county turning a bit more sleety or even to rain for a time and that just brings us further problems because the rain falling on the cold services will almost instantly turn to ice so issues with ice and snow today Gradually though the snow clearing away to the north overnight it does become drier risk because he's a mist patches forming and later in the night actually with all the moisture in the air and temperatures it down to minus 2 so still freezing overnight when all is cold as it has been for the past few nights and then we see the general trend is for the temperatures to climb during the next few days so tomorrow mainly dry rather cloudy perhaps or 1st but there is the risk of some showers coming in a falling as rain sleet or snow over the hills Increasingly though the showers are falling as rain particularly by the time we get to Sunday think it will be mainly rain by then temperatures tomorrow creeping up to plus 3 maybe plus 5 or 6 on Sunday so a gradual floor setting in the winds falling lighter as well and once we get today out of the way Ben things do start to slowly improve down to. Thank you is so interesting how because of the nature of the beast the beast in the east in a different people are experiencing different things around the county you know people like Chris tweeting this morning wonders what we're seeing on the a 3 on 3 with cars going nowhere or overnights people sort of you know could coon they're trying to keep warm and got enough food and drink to survive when is this turned into a major incidents in Swindon Foyle says it's pretty bad I suppose taking a photo of mobile road coming out the Great Western hospital certainly he's advising people not to go around that if you can and then you got Jason I know lives in Chipman but works in Swindon who has just sent me a message to say I'm on my way to work and it's actually it's one of those little memes is a gift suddenly to old Alan Partridge shrugging his shoulders you don't know all the fuss is about well let's see what the fuss is about and so when the because we've got Karen Gardner at the greeting Control Center good morning Carol. Hello Ben you can hear in the background the guys who come in from an all night shift that shifts so it's a bit sort of of the Blitz atmosphere that share full amazingly really because they've been out there for 12 hours now so we more runs the team here she's been here 24 hours and is still smiling but you lost your smile for a brief moment because there is a real problem at the 346 and it's not the snow people who are not listening that's right we've got 2 guys out of the 346 with the police and council and the Red Cross and we're trying really hard to clear that road and drivers are not. Not heeding the warnings that the road is closed they're trying to divert through that closure and still use the road so this is the a 346 out for sure to turn towards more where there are 4 foot or if you've got j.c. Be out there trying to get the snow out the way and people driving normal family cars think somehow by force of will they're going to park the snow and get where they want to go that's right and then no I mean we have had great is that there have been stuck in the drifts if you're driving a normal car you are not going to get passed so just stay home where you can because the other point you made to me just now which of course I haven't occurred is people are saying get the snowplows out but you can't snowplow a road that's full of parked cars or is blocked by a car that's ended up sideways That's right we can and we you know we try to get out and grit and plow all the routes this morning but we need to be mindful that the cars that are on the road because you're not traveling or because you're stuck are going to prevent us from truck from plowing and tree in the road so if you go on your car and then have to abandon it you might stop you treated that road another thing and it's been interesting talking to the guys coming in who've been driving the critters is they're not infallible and their vehicles are still with holes and you know we laugh when prices get stuck in this. No it's your nightmare because it takes one of a major resource off the road but despite the skill this this sort of snow especially where the tourists are is going to stop here is if you can stop all Grettir's it's definitely going to stop your cars now how much scripted you use last night $120.00 tons which is how many how many times the normal amount you use on a frosty night about 5 times have you got enough to keep you going yeah we've got plenty of cell thank you so so that that is in itself good news now bins have been suspended been collections today obviously the other thing that's happening is the control center for Swindon bar accounts where they take the emergency calls at home center stuff. Having to get 4 by 4 to get people to work that's right we are deploying one of our 4 by fours to pick up some of the control center start dropping some of the controls and stuff home that's been working all night as well now you've got a meeting at 9 o'clock with lots of other people to review the situation is that right that's why it's attached to that goal called Nation group with which are the police fire service ambulance and all other agencies in well I will review the situation and look forward to what's coming up next but again if you just research on the radio the advice from the head of the team that keeps window moving is stay home and less your journey is absolutely necessary and absolutely necessary mean bad means an emergency medical appointment or your job is essential to the situation if you just think you might run out of bread or you were going to meet a friend for coffee or the children are bored then stay at home Karen thank you 741 is the time when when young people see what your special Say program this morning things are pretty darn certain past they can see really really bad let's make sure we're aware of everything that's happening. Every 20 minutes b.b.c. Wiltshire Williams As we've been hearing a 3 o 3 it is impossible the mere trick. Section snow drifts and stunt vehicles people have been there for over 12 hours so the a 3 o 3 Eastern impassable just at the moment it's officially closed in Somerset between Minster and our pottery that's been close since last night again due to heavy snow in stranded vehicles and update. The a 346 traffic is turning around at the petrol station Andrea posted that and so effecting traffic coming from the junction 16 of the m 4 getting towards the on Bourne's looking at the a 350 still closed between Woman star and Westbury again following the stranded lorries from last night heading into burn off from the m 4 it's the a 46 it's closed both ways from the m 418 into the center of barf and the 420 watch failed to Farringdon impassable due to snow other roads that are impassable currently include the a 346 between Swindon a more the a 4361 between a and between devices and often bands Houghton road it's like the a 345 between Pusey and or is also impassable as well at Dunkirk Hill devices that's very treacherous due to it being a steep hill heading into Bassett from line him and Braff on even steep hills causing lots of problems as well on the m 4 the cameras are showing very little traffic lane 3 south throughout Wilcher trains at between Salzburg in London Waterloo on South Western Railway and not running and Great Western on the trains are advising customers not to travel there just providing a minimal service Bristol airport no flights until midday to 2 departs anything else 345951 double 3 double 6 travel every 20 minutes the problem call as 345951 devil 3 double 6 a b. C. Will show. 743 straight to Chris Regan from highways England on the program Chris good morning good morning what is going on on the a 3 a 3 people are annoyed they're angry they want answers Well like I see you have people are well aware of the weather conditions in the warnings that came out from the Met Office last night or so. Number of stranded vehicles in that location so working very very hard with place and search and search and rescue volunteers to support ensure that we make sure it's catered for looked after and that's going to take take some time to clear those stranded vehicles and sure we can get in to treat that road why is it taking so long to get to this point people are saying has been a complete accident void lack of communication I think our communication has been very very clear across a number of channels and the messages that we put out over the t.v. And radio with the cells yesterday our Twitter feed is regularly updated advising pay no no I get the point I guess they're believing up to me I mean once we've got a major incident some people are calling on our hands rob a whole lot b.b.c. Correspondent that stuck in what he says is no small number of cars Andrew someone else stuck in a cocoon in his van saying we talk about hundreds there are there are personal 100 vehicles in that location and as I said working tremendous tremendously hard to get those cleared 'd but given the with the weather situation that we've had over the last 24 hours in the warnings that we've had to deal with we've we've had teams working flat out to try and keep the roads moving and I noticed from your reports l.c.m. Fall is running is running clear and all I would encourage people to do is not to travel unless absolutely essential as your traffic traffic report and previous person on the on the on the line them communicate is one of them which is so treacherous and we are doing everything we can to get the major roads in and that we're safe and running for people I'm and despite trying what what actually physically can you day when you've got that number of cars going nowhere and say much and I want to list who I think is incredibly difficult 1st obviously to clear those vehicles and in a sense we can get the greatest where we can plow that location get the greatest through. Work to get the ice and snow cleared so it's going to take a bit time on the on the 3 o 3 but we'll be keeping everybody updated. Through you through your good selves through all the other channels I just explained and just to confirm to make a journey really encourage them to check that information and make sure they are fully prepared if they were to be delayed just in from you know your own vehicles a stock amongst among the other cars down to a nice night plus we do have a broken down snow plow are very fortunate we've brought others in and we will be using those to fill that role one of 3 people on social media saying once even unions he did not because like you say quite rightly be mourning people for days and once it became dark last night you should have shut the whole road where we got emergency vehicles need to travel and one of the things we need to do is that is to make sure we can we can get through and treat treat the network so and close to closing roads once once we close very very difficult to get them back open operational again so we we took the decision and the right decision to keep the network fly and I think we've done as well as we could in the circumstances to keep much of the network moving. We've got very treacherous conditions I want people to really concentrate and if they do drive by actually drive to the conditions leave good amount of space because it can take at least 10 times you normal braking distance to stop depending on the vehicle that you're in. Thank you say still I think in hindsight it was the correct decision given the scene than now I think I think absolutely across the network we're responsible for network across the southwest we have all the motorway running albeit due care is needed and as I said I Come Back To please don't travel unless it's absolutely essential today your vehicle is probably a quit and you're prepared back to my question I mean to close it yeah my that's a few people grumbling having to go different ways but they wouldn't be in the position they are now. I think as a have already highlighted we have to look at a broad range of options in order to make sure we can manage our network safely and we've taken a right decision is understand people are stranded and we're doing everything we can to get those stranded because Clear get that network but open the soonest possible say physically rather just the clean water by just reassuring people because I'm just looking through that's what's a fatal ino you've updates of people about the Somerset side of things but there's a complete Whiteside when you use that phrase on on any information you know there's no kind of we're doing basically what you've been telling me had his people really worried in the cost absolutely in the dark there's a tremendous amount of information. To say across a number of channels we're keeping our communication. Broad is why it really would be a good selves and another partners as a say working very very closely with the police saying that that location to ensure everybody's looked at and we can clear that location as quickly as we can or I'm going to do is going to take a good period of time to get 100 vehicles also cleared so we are trying I was going to say and I appreciate you crystal ball might be frozen in these conditions but what is best case what is worst case scenario you must have a rough idea given how many resources you've got now. Well I was as we as well as we look this morning but for the most way through the m 4 and by running we were treating 247 across the most way on those a roads so hopefully over the next few hours. So really gets the snow going down a little in places we certainly start to see that becoming much more possible the roads are going to continue to be challenging leave it there will be a 3333 when will that be moving again when when most people have got very little food and drink and everything else never because when will they get moving again. I've got to kill a time so that as a say we're working very very closely with police and other partners to get those people worked after I get back but it's going to take a good period of time given the logistics required to get ration Thank you Chris Ragan from highways England headlines coming up in just a 2nd but 1st a quick word about what's going on in the world is still turning a politically certainly big dates a reason may well make what's being billed as a major speech this lunchtime spelling out her vision for breaks it out of the next stage in the gauche ations with your opinion the prime minister is already clashed with Brussels this week over the way forward quite with what we can expect I'm joined by our political correspondent Paul really poor just in a in a bit of a snapshot I mean how significant is what we are going to hear today sent to be the most important speech to reason will make ever breaks it then again then they said that about the last one in the Italian city of Florence last autumn and before that when she made a speech at the start of the process in Lancaster House a little every year ago in the fact that she's now having to do it for the 3rd time probably she has a mammoth task she's now facing to secure a deal that satisfies her party which is always been divided over Europe the other 27 member states who affectively have a veto over all this and maybe more importantly bend the listeners to b.b.c. Radio Wilshere who started this process in the referendum the summer before last and to get all those different components on side is a. A pretty tall order especially one for a prime minister who let's not forget no longer has a majority in the Commons war she says she's setting out what she calls her 5 Tests one is to implement the referendum result which she would have thought is a given despite what former prime minister John Major and only Blair had been saying this week about having a 2nd referendum secondly to reach out for what she calls an engineering solution where we never thought it was going to be a short term fudge thirdly to protect people's jobs and security which I think most people can agree with Fourthly if you're still with me she wants Britain to be a modern open outward looking towards European democracy in that we will still be part of the continent of Europe even though will no longer be part of the European Union and lastly but and she says we need to bring back Britain together again after all this which I think is an acknowledgement of the did the debate the discourse over breaks it in recent times has divided the country poorly thank you 752 far more and what a big speech it is on our b.b.c. Website this morning. Headlines his class the morning drive as a stranded on the a 3 o 3 a mulcher the Smalling after getting stopped last night including a snowplow as the county remains under a yellow weather warning for snow ice and wind all schools in Swindon and Welsh are expected to be closed today some boarding schools are staying open and nationally soldiers have been working with police rescue drivers stranded on the a 31 in the New Forest and around 5000 properties in the north west of England are without power sports news is Marie they'll be a pitch inspection later today ahead of Swindon town's home match against the oval tomorrow at the County Ground and the weather we've said it all really but it's going to be cold again increasingly So temperatures minus 3 or worse they're 0 at best and the snow is going to kind of flip between light and heavy drawing the course of the day downtowns back at half past 8. 753 Ben with you keep telling us what it's like please where you are we've really got around the county already from Swindon Suozzi to Ames breeds I'm in this morning but so what about you in your part of Wiltshire calling born Kingston we were as well 345951 double 3 double 6 the number to keep on calling please. Despite this now past half marathon is still set to go ahead on Sunday some families have been working hard since September to train to take part a lot of investment emotionally financially for many this is their 1st time of course and return of the race organizers had a chance through the arrangements of the day and I mean to be frank and Jim that there probably are a lot of people thinking how could it possibly still go ahead that is still a sin are you thinking about you know the morning then yes no we have a review today to look at the circumstances we had some snow yesterday and last night that's the 1st snow we've really had in Bath So 3 to 4 inches overnight so we'll be sitting down today with the Council on the other agencies to see what we can do to respond to that particularly in the u.s. The fact that resources would have been diverted elsewhere to deal with other issues on the highways network just to say really what we've gotten her and how we can respond is just really really bad luck his nephew is an event organizer and that that is it you can't do much about it other than to say each one exposing in March. Well I've been involved in the event as a runner as an organizer 25 years I've never seen anything like it we've never had snow you know it on the ground this time of year in my memory obviously there are predictions in terms of weather forecasts but you just don't know how these things are going to pan out and really until the snow actually arrives you can't really respond or decide you know what you need to do to deal with it if the race is canceled I mean will it be rearranged for another date was that just an possibility it's not possible really and if you've got an event in a venue like a theater a concert hall you can often just you know change the date relatively easily but for us it's almost impossible to take so long with the consultations in the rangelands legal process for instance or a closures and also a protest upand sooner they prepare themselves for this particular time you know if we made an event available 2 weeks. Later a lot of people would just say that that won't fit in with with a 2nd chance to say no is this if we can so that we would have lost the events of this year and what about the financial hit for human for all so people have paid so when someone has or work with so much reliance on it being charity donations Well I mean basically if we can if we have to cancel event we have to refund run those entry fees this is just simple as that and that's a very straightforward commitment that we've made to people and we'll stand by that . Ok And what that was actually has to happen now for it to take part you think anymore what percentage likely are you putting in as we stand I can't really say because that as a set the snow and he arrived last night now we have we hope that we wake up in the morning we look at what's out there and we sit down with the Council on the other agencies and say right how can we respond can we deal with the snow because of the snow predicted today and we've got icy conditions continuing up until race day you know it's not looking good but you know we really need to look at what in fairness to all the people that have prepared. Been training for some months we've got charity partners that are relying upon these funds to deliver the services since services through the year we need to have a good Sorry look at it and to see if what we can do to mitigate and actually deliver a safe event fingers crossed and return to thank you for the past half marathon they say how they're doing at Salisbury hospital showing catch up with Andy Hi is their operations manager there on the Good morning good morning Bill how you I'm all right what a day has been what people need to know and the if I've got any business with you there at the hospital today. With everybody we're struggling with the roads groaning that stuff is struggling to get in and we're conscious some of our patients who are. More use the less. Covering stuff. Some people maybe like this in the hospital and the number on their leg or we can write for a doctor to give them a call or. So stay safe and hope the other plea likely has got a floor by what will be out to help us which is to argue. That in to the hospital this morning 'd by personal bible got around to it just give me a call and if you can help us you can be much more the color face of the snow face and that can you give out your mobile over Twitter and you're in the thick of it. Because it's hard to suppress all. Ready if you will. And there are people worry because we have wanted to get in touch with us about you know not wanting to let the n.h.s. Time knowing how hard pressed you are and there's always a lot of warnings out there on that appointment that is about not running for someone else and not wasting money but to reassure people if they found the number on the letter people would have a go at them. Similarly I. Might miss a court. Order what I would say they're not going to come in and know we now know that we could redeploy but he is also quite really good speed c. They go with his well he's on trudging through the snow appealing for anyone with 4 by 4 vehicles to get in touch with him and hopefully as many people who need medical attention can get to the hospital same story I think gays for the Great Western and the i u h today. 20 minutes b.b.c. World has banned Williams thank you got in touch to say in Swindon the road by swimming college is completely blocked him down buses are severely restricted and reducer says today they're not running Thames Ave eleven's and the twelve's and the not serving lawns Blunstone And I work on the service 12 and they are making it along Mobile right to co water and then on to g.w. H. So we'll keep you posted on that read so all services remain suspended until further notice but that's a subject to regular refuse chiseled and a 3 for 6 traffic 7 to turn around at the petrol station the a 3 o 3 is course of reaping hearing chick late that's impossible due to the stunt vehicles and snow drifts it's officially closed on the Somerset section between the a 30 and the a 358 it will Minster at Lord's hill on the a 350 between whispery.

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