Scotland heavy snow has caused major disruption across the u.k. For a 2nd day the alert means a risk to life is likely our b.b.c. Reporter Alison Freeman is in Newcastle where transport links have been badly hit we were warned by our so everybody was prepared but there has been a huge amount of disruption as snow is falling onto compacted ice closing many of our main routes across the northeast in Cumbria the a one the 819866 across the penalties have all been affected suffering closures at one point or another the police are saying to people across the region Paley's do not travel unless you absolutely have to do so treacherous in the conditions in Wiltshire and Amber warning for snow is due to take place from tomorrow afternoon. In other news the e.u. Has outlined proposals that could mean Northern Ireland would in effect remain in the Customs Union its proposed what it calls a common regulate tree area without internal borders on the island of Ireland if Britain fails to produce detailed plans to prevent a hard border to resume a said the draft legal text would if implemented threaten the Constitutional integrity of the u.k. But the Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar told his country's parliament he hoped alternative solutions could be found it is not the case this is the only option this is the backstop this is the last resort as prime minister made scribe's us there are alternative solutions us avoiding not just our border between northern Ireland Ireland but also hard border between Britain and Ireland because I don't want a border between Letterkenny and Derry any more than I want a border between line of Stranraer or between Liverpool and Dublin thousands of u.k. Jobs are at risk after the collapse of the retail chains Maplin and toys r us separate administrators are trying to find buyers for both companies and their stores will remain open for the time being dozens of jobs are at risk in Wiltshire the retail analyst Natalie Burke says the 20 firm which has more than 100 outlets has been struggling for some time you needed a very good reason to get in your car and drive to a Toys r us and simply put they have lost touch with shoppers they're less relevant today because they fail to invest online they fail to invest in their stores and they haven't differentiated from the competition a man has been charged in connection with a series of burglaries and we'll show Michael Pearson who's also known as Michael Roman has been charged with 4 counts of burglary relating to incidents in Swindon spree and Westbury In other news a will to charity says local charities are viewed very differently to Oxfam due to their transparency Oxfam's handling of a sex scandal in Haiti has led to difficult questions for the foreign aid sector with thousands of people cancelling their. Charity donations William white churches the head of retail a prospect hospice and spoke to b.b.c. Will chop people can actually clearly see where the money is being spent and I think for somebody donating an item of clothing or indeed that time was a volunteer As for very reassuring the old term festival has been given a funding boost South Swindon parish council have agreed to cover the cost of things like portaloo hire and or do you know equipment Welch's whether very cold snow showers possible a bitter wind is blowing b.b.c. Will chew news it's 3 minutes past 3 and. Some news would soon kill me a b.b.c. World show and on that cheery weather was gong. Chilly Oh my goodness and it hasn't even hit properly yet but just hanging on to the thought hair on the afternoon show that it's a forecast it's a prediction and maybe it won't be as bad still doesn't hurt to be prepared but to take your mind off the weather the soft the name we're going to be chatting about a one act play and then a little bit later the lovely Sarah and royal wooden Bassett will be giving us our recommendations of places and things to enjoy in this fine county of ours. Your voice in your child a cold 834-5951 devil 3 double 6 b.b.c. World show. Brian Ferrari on the receiver let's stick together I think we should probably be for warmth if nothing else I'm sick and glad of your company this afternoon I hope we find you well and managing to stay warm is hardly the weather to talk about ice cream but as a chap in Hull who is celebrating his life's work of selling the stuff he began selling them in Holland the age of 14 His name's Frank and he's now 82 and he's still going strong still selling ice cream even in this weather he reckons he's handed over 3000000 every single one of them the now laugh live at you know what I know it's wrong but I could really go on ice cream right now. My house and room house up next on b.b.c. World Pewsey Vale amateur dramatics youth society are talking one act play. Saw is good to hear custom a car days they're on b.b.c. Now you will know that over the last few weeks the afternoon show has been finding out more about this year's Harold Jonathan one act play festival we've spoken to Finale her up the festival director and now we're quietly working our way through the work to theatre groups that are taking part in this and today it's the turn of Pewsey amateur dramatics youth society which is performing a play which features a county icon the writer of the piece Stonehenge white girl there's also directing it and I'm delighted to say that Nettie Bascom Brown joins us on the line now very good afternoon tea net even for we talk about your play just tell us a little bit about this theater group the Pusey there amateur dramatics youth society Yes good afternoon so you know we were commonly known as p. Bad days. And we've been going for probably 12 yr and we normally do a couple of productions in the year one of which is for the Howell Jolliffe want to play festival. Sort of age do you cover in the society where 10 to 18 waylaid were production based companies and we don't have rolling classes going all the way through but we do we auditioned. For them when we do play gotcha So that brings us neatly on to talk about your one act play so you've written Stonehenge white gold so tell us a little bit about it if you will Nettie Yeah 1st story of a place which has been in the news quite a lot recently which is called Lick me. And it's a mess a literary light within the Stonehenge landscape. And the story behind it as far as we can say is. That people say no he pulling this site for 8000 will since 8000 b.c. Say they were there 5000 years before Stonehenge was built. So it sat in that time then how do you sense that in that time Ok. Because I know I started it originally I wanted to do a trilogy of Stonehenge again as sort of an educational piece for the children and I tend to write little Christie funny plays. Because I've got such a big age range. And I thought Ok I'll do something about the landscape has I live here and walk all over it every day. And I went to Ames Berry and went into the little museum and was handed this piece of pink slip. Made which is like a magenta paying and I just you know this is. Deposit from 10000 years ago and it just sent shivers down my spine. And started me thinking about the people that were there. And the real interest in archaeology just the fact that I'm gay and I'm a in it now oh wow you got a double career going here are playwrights So tell me is it is it a drama is it is a thriller What's the story is the play telling through these people from the message period. So it's a it's a drama. I was a very dramatic ending really is basically about a Family Stone Age people who are living it black maids. And a time traveling all geologists who is digging the site transported back into their world and he gets to see really how they lived. And they are then visited by a couple of strangers from another which is from Dr Land which is a land bridge between England and Europe. That was around that time quietly decide they decide to go on a wild cattle hunt or ox hunt. And so they do meet and orcs face to face. Or Ochs Yeah. 2 meters tall at their shoulders can feed 2 or 300 people gosh and they're all there's lots of this site say all the facts all the little stories are based on facts that were they are few logical flight so how far along have you got in the process of sing it have you cast all the parts have you started rehearsal Yeah we had quite a long time over half. The children busy as a whole where we had line we just freeze and then making So we've made bears and IRAs and spears and pine cone necklaces and. All sorts of actual sayings so the kids have a great time doing fantastic You must be excited that it's you know been accepted it's finally going to be stage between the 9th and 11th of April at the Harwood John a one act play fest Well it must be thrilling for you yes it's actually the 23rd of March I was. There and I want to play festivals for 2024th of March good stuff so 3 whole imputes say so it's local ground for us as well say I know we have quite a lot of interest from people who live in to wanting to come and close the also logical community of planning services as well which was a scary place I go any facts wrong. While it's apply. Some arts I think you can be a bit flexible with the facts can you. Have some dramatic My real yes which aren't necessarily in the all here logical history. So are you working on your next play or focused on this until after the festival be I'm focused on this until after the festival and that's when I finish my study. I think it's too soon. I think going to go away whether we're. Staying in the boat Stonehenge. And I'm a look at some place today and you know so I have a chill trilogy of well should dramas to do with well which light. Fantastic Nettie Bascom Brown thank you very much for joining us this afternoon to tell us about the amateur dramatics you society one act play being showcased at this year's Harold Jonathan one act play festival. The title is now on b.b.c. Much as we head towards the travel and whether. It's. Good. To. You. Mr. Smart. Is. So happy to be. With. Us to. Us too. Yes blame me. And let me know bad it cost the dollars it had to be the new one for me as an engineer for me so use it to get to. Play. Play. Us play and women no matter how it turns the dad said it had to be the only one for the. Engine for me so happy to give the. Players to the man who was the a. Sub slave. Away playing . Trouble free 20 minutes b.b.c. With and keeping me moving this often it's one of the head. Problems now if you're trying to get between Amesbury insoles Korean vice versa on the a 345 The 345 is blocked both ways between the high post crossroads and the beehive park and ride roundabouts at Old Sarum as he trees come down so that's causing he's outside of souls Premier League can corner on the 8th there's some roadworks and also a collision which is still possible but it is slow going between moments to embark on the a 36 on the back into a bypass busy into the warmest a road roundabout by the farm shop that's partly bought off by collision in Swindon slow on Fleming way there's an excellent about the retail park which is possible but slow and in square in Swindon remains close near the old pub as a doing swim urgency repairs and the m 4 junctions 16 roundabouts There's the road works and a new road layouts at the moment it's mainly Great Western way outbound from the playground roundabouts to the motorway the slow going the high street through royal woods from Bassett's is stop start West free on the a 350 queues near the railway bridge because of some temporary lights and a lane closure the a 361 Trowbridge road at 7000 but the criminal is heavy going for the works as well as is the a 34 to the devices road with Hampson London bound on the m 3 between junction 4 Camberley and junction 3 light water and back short a car broken down with lame one close but no hold ups there are issues though on the trains a vehicles hit a bridge between Westbury and trade bridge it means trains between West pre and buff are being delays or seeing some cancellations it's worth checking before setting off and that's the latest travel every 20 minutes Spaza problem cool as 345951 devil 3 double 6 c.b.c. Will show. You all weather now and strong and very cold easterly wind is persisting throughout today making it feel much colder than the highs that we're seeing of minus 2 to one degrees has 28 to 34 fan heights even colder tonight light snow possible overnight as well temperatures dropping. Between minus 5 and minus 2 that's 2328 Fahrenheit and tomorrow again bitterly cold windy but a mainly dry start throughout the morning a bound of snow will slowly move up from the south initially lights but becoming heavier later with the risk of disruptive snow fall and as our and James was telling us in the news there is an Amber Alert for the snow tomorrow afternoon in Wiltshire and the temperatures again basically cold ranging from minus 4 to minus one degrees 25 to 30 foreign high tomorrow when did it begin on b.b.c. 2 the dawning of him for his service. Simon Schama very good and David of the show can explore the way out reflects and questions human life this is old that reveals a very different civilization to the warm the Victorians image part of the civilization season of the b.b.c. What's amazing is that hey dreams encounter is recorded thanks to a piece of vandalism civilizations begins tomorrow night at 9 on b.b.c. 2. Souk in a b.b.c. Will show. How. The way. About to. Assume a. Mask . How can. We. Say. Without. Bless you. I'm. Gonna beat you every. Good. Night. Assuming. It might. Not. Lavis afraid must be live on b.b.c. I don't know about you but do you keep getting electric shocks in this cold weather every time I shut my car door I get a real jolt up my arm another one is going on but apparently it's very common during the dry cold months you know handling a door knob flipping a light switch or indeed as I have been doing touch your car's metal frame more likely to result in that jolt of static electricity that gives you no shock it really is a thing and the scientists say to you to reduce them if you're suffering also your winter wardrobe because wool sweaters and socks might keep you warm but your chances of being shocked will increase they recommend wearing cotton as long as it's warm I think I'll put up with the shocks they also say use fabric condition that can help reduce your electric complete carrying qualities but it is getting ridiculous every time a touch the car this is not much fun coming up on b.b.c. Work we will be finding out about Sarah arches favorite thing to do in the big B.b.c. And the human. A very good afternoon. Keeping while warm it's time now for our feature trying to find out more about wonderful county from the people who live in it it's Welch's Well each week we'll be asking someone 5 questions from where they like to have a tea or coffee to that favorite place to shop to do they share with and in the hot seat this week. Which. Do you live in Rome. Best place to get physical. I love park and the reason I love it is is a beautiful place to go walking or to run or to do I've done exercises in there with a personal trainer but I love it because it I feel like I'm being transported back in time you know whilst I'm running around Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice and it's just a beautiful i think it's one of the jewels in the crown of Lady park it's a beautiful place to go and it's sort of fills my soul the views are awesome and it makes me feel peaceful being there really an awfully So is it just a stroll and amble round Lidia park would you get a bike What would you do I've done all sorts there to be honest I've I've been round there with my dog I've done the park run which is there on a Saturday morning and as a side of I've had a personal trainer there putting me through my paces and making me feel. So all sorts I think that's the beauty of it and the now you've got all of those those sort of tree top walking things it's Or it's a really good space for us to have in this place and would you go around the world garden always there a specific spot that you like where where do you feel most at peace that I like to be where you can see actually from the other side of the House that if you go walking round to the other side of the lake and look back to see the lake in the house is a beautiful view and as a say it really really takes me back while like to always like the idea of time travel and it is probably one of those things is as close as you can get on or on a beautiful sunny day in early in the morning with the midst of a lady park is smashing. Sarah Archer the half royal wooden Basset who coaches people in the art of public speaking and does stand up comedy and now we know she loves Lydia park too and it was my friend and colleague grew green asking the questions there if you'd like to get in. Volved in recording a which is what she would love to hear from you can give us a call at 345951 double 3 double 6 or you can tweet us at b.b.c. . Very much looking forward to nipping of it another haven on Friday evening to record another which is which although I am a little bit worried about the beast from the east that's not my meeting that's the snow. That. The 2 and. Indivisible your weather. That's. Trouble for you 20 minutes b.b.c. With. The helm helping us keep moving this often enough. Thank you good afternoon. If you're traveling just around the corner full of the 830 is partially blocked a collision just in that area very very slow at the moment not helped by the road works nearby So certainly it's a good 5 to 6 minutes worth of congestion being experienced at the moment cones causing queues through 17 for the 361 the into the high street banking to the a 36 just around the woman's the road roundabout which is heading towards Somerset looking slow that's partially blocked at the roundabout itself again it's all due to a collision those cones on the west the road for the a $350.00 once again causing 5 or 6 minutes with delays but unusual wet Hampton the 3 fall to is now all clear but if you're travelling in Salzburg on the 345 just putting down by road on the beehive park and ride roundabout both directions are county being blocked by fallen down tree just in the between beehive and high posts so again one to watch out for a bit slow into town on the London Road slowing to moderate sue for the Soulsby road just heading through towards the town center problems too in Swindon with softening Flemming way just near to the retail park only partially blocked again there's been a collision just at the roundabout by Spring Gardens and inscribe the westbound side is closed for the ongoing emergency repairs pretty slow 2 for the a 31 or 2 just heading around the m 4 a junction 16 by the road works they're not helped by that new road layout very slow for the wooden bastard road and the old road tolls the money from roundabout just heading out of town and on the trains of the moment service is a county at a stand on Great Western between broths bomb Westbury that's all due to a road vehicle that's hit a bridge a mast the latest. Travel every 20 minutes starts a problem cool as 345951 devil 3 devil 6 a.b.c. Will show. Basically cold nights tonight many areas will stay dry but the. Is possible from time to time cloud increasing from the south I have a nice and temperatures dropping to minus 5 minus 5 to. To the range 23 to 28 found ice and tomorrow basically cold windy and mainly dry I start through the morning a band of snow slowly moving up from the south initially light but becoming havea later with the risk of disruptive snaffle and temperature is minus 4 to minus one degrees is the range tomorrow that's $25.00 to $30.00 found night. Which sounds insistence. That I was sad because I was sure. It was about just one result at 1st but closer to the full. Swing and certainly going for a 6 successive home victory over lead to business this weekend for poetry and started a sport full of your same with Aleksey b.b.c. B.b.c. Which I don't feel like dancing said this is a sister's a tell you what ground they would if they were in here is called Dancing would help Jane I like this temperature do you mean were shot keeps me going to. Get a busy show this evening when I've got a busy show we were just saying I don't know what it's like in your part of Wilshere the softer tone but but hit outside broadcasting house Bob what 10 or 15 minutes ago you suddenly unbelievably said conditions I'm an absolute blizzard conditions were like oh yeah we go here it comes now we've got blue sky and sunshine it's just extraordinary isn't it I was amazed I quickly learned it was so that's what I drove through on my way home last night and it was terrifying you lose visibility in in my journey home last night minus 8.5 only temperature gauge how mad when I so much have to go just morning I thought it was broken it was it was really that cold I got really good lines Well I mean you know. Without sounding like a broken record we are going to keep an eye on the weather the ever changing forecasts but it does appear that everyone agrees those in the know anyway it's going to be tomorrow it's going to be tomorrow afternoon into the evening it's going to be really really heavy snow but we'll keep getting your updates on that more so looking at you know how Wilshere is preparing itself for the onset of the bad weather again it doesn't appear that when it arrives it's going to last all that long but we'll say well that's great nice to have chosen by Saturday morning of the fine one of the other big stories of the day is all about the retail industry toys r us they've got a store in Swindon and the electrical specialists Maplin they've got stores in Swindon and soles where they both gone into administration so what does it mean for the industry as a whole but also people whose jobs are affected We'll look at that on the program tonight and well more talk about the n.h.s. The annual British Social Attitudes survey has found that satisfaction with r.g.p services has dropped to the lowest ever recorded. Interesting one this with talk to a doctor and get his thoughts on this as well perhaps what lessons can be learned from that as well if you come from a nation of stiff upper lip to a nation of complain as you think. That why. I think so I mean you know I have to speak personally my experience you know in the last year when as a family we've been to see quite a lot of artists over the last year or so everything is good but we've had tremendous service from the n.h.s. They've been brilliant it's the people the people that work within the n.h.s. That make it tick to hold it together in my mind anyway the most brilliant people in the world and the great but yeah we'll talk about the survey and of course we will keep on top of the weather and all the travel as great music Felicie fantastic and of course the musical diversion. Like today's Graham Rogers on your radio from for the softening to take home the Bangles now it's on I'm sorry how are you enjoying your off the name. It's an offline the bangles on b.b.c. Watch and say afternoon gosh today has accelerated away from us we're nearly out for the lovely Graham Rogers will take over your radio a little word before I go of course about what we've got in store for you tomorrow another treat I'm delighted to say it's World Book Day tomorrow now and for the parents of primaries and grandparents indeed of primary school age children year old groaning the outfits the costumes but the kids they love it so we've invited some people in from what proprietary school near Pusey to talk us through that cost ins and tell us what they are reading and how much they enjoy it so very much looking forward to that quest on the afternoon show to build a virtual allotment continues and this week we're looking at why we need a greenhouse on our plot and which is what you're of course returns it's a bit of a show where we find out more about the treasures on our doorstep from the people living here the treats just keep on coming here's another one Steve cut you have all made me smile. Steve Harley cut me rebel come up and see me sometime make me smile one of the great classics it was a shame Steve Harvey cancelled the 1st gigs ever in his whole career recently I believe he broke a leg or was very poorly anyway but lovely guy lovely song out and if you've planned your evenings viewing but there's a couple of crackers on you enjoy shut the snow out shut the cold out and settle down and watch the world's most extraordinary homes which is on between $8.00 and $9.00 on b.b.c. 2 tonight and there is another fantastic program and I've been watching it it's an Channel $49.00 It's called One pound houses Britain's cheapest street and it has been a revelation looking at that project and I remember Liverpool Council gave away houses in a derelict street to families 1st time buyers for a pound but oh my goodness they were in such a mess and this program has charted the work that they've done and if they've moved in so that's on tonight as well as a bit a t.v. Viewing don't forget Graeme Rogers Up next they're brilliant radio listening Still to come news after you travel now. Try it for you 20 minutes b.b.c. Welsh. And cover this story about the a 345 m. Both directions at Salzburg a road has now that road's now been cleared a fallen tree was removed between Port way and down barn road a 38 locking corner problems there because of an accident on the a 30 near the a 343 and the a 350 Westbury road heavy traffic there in both directions between coach road and the thumb part of the meat wherever you are whatever you're up to go Safeway I've been seeking Thanks for.

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