We laugh and a bird and believable are social media presence Karen Garner with the latest installment of the counting piggies later but they write good morning Ben song choice perhaps this morning for us the count Piggy's has been a large Day's Night. Well we don't have time for the betas but thank you very much complicates for suggesting you. Should. Try it for you 20 minutes b.b.c. Will show not much to say really nice there's no instant so far which is nice slow already there on Midway in Swindon with the usual flow of traffic and they watch a junction 16 on the m 4 of course last all the developments are going on because there will be a lot of traffic cones around throughout the day no delays as it stands on the trains. On on the digital fuel source in New York and. Madrid b.b.c. Which. Is some of the it was which is on a bit Swindon based card giant Honda has written to the government setting out its concerns about Britain leaving the European Union the manufacturer employs full 1000 people at its plants in South Boston and has joined forces with Fulton Vauxhall to write to a common Select Committee say b.b.c. Will says will Wilder reports on the says it's worried that Bracks it will cause disruptions to its supply chain as well as voicing concerns about restrictions on free movement of labor and the impact of tariffs on this told the business and the g. And the industrial strategy committee the more than a 3rd of cars built in Swindon are exported to e.u. Countries and furthermore 40 percent of the components used to build those causes wind and imported from e.u. Suppliers the comma is says tariff free access to the single market is vital to its competitiveness comes on the day the prime minister is said she won't celebrates any attempts by pro European M.P.'s to try to block the breaks that process to reason May's also announced today. 8 that Britain will leave the e.u. Will be written into law and amendments in the legislation paving the way for withdrawal will make it clear that breaks it will happen 11 pm on March 29th 29 saying our political correspondents in Watson reports from Westminster to reason me has a clear message for any potential proof e.u. Rebels in her ranks writing the Telegraph she warns of not to use amendments to the E.U.'s droll bill to block the Democratic wishes of the British people but there is one amendment she does favor writing the brig's a date into law she reviews of her exit from the European Union really will come at the 11th hour 11 pm on March 29th 2019 the prime minister will possibly be hoping that this symbolic structure to recommit meant to break that many inoculates or any criticism by you skeptic and P's the team defending a Wilshire Army Sergeant sickies day of trying to kill his wife by sabotaging her parachutes will give their closing statement today and we'll silly is accused of tampering with her skydiving kits on the day she fell 4000 feet another Raven airfields and 2015 He's also accused of damaging a valve causing a gas leak at the couple's home in Amesbury Mr Silly is denies 2 charges of attempted murder one of recklessly endangering life the case will be summed up by the judge on Monday. The Welsh a branch of the road richest Legion says it's urgently needs more volunteers to help with the Poppy Appeal the charities aiming to bring in a record amount locally this year but says a shortage of fundraisers could limits how much they raise in the future today it's unveiling its field of remembrance enrollment Bassett where wooden crosses the commemorating victims of the war in Afghanistan who every patch created through the town creates Simon Johnson says the crosses also bear the names of victims of other wars many people are remembering loved ones of those who passed away whether in conflicts many decades ago or much more recently many others or more wide ranging mysteries or remembrance and respect for our own forces a 48 hour strike that led to delays and overcrowding on some rail services in Wiltshire is come to an end members of the r n t union won't talents until midnight in a dispute take the plans they say would mean some staff Lewis said jobs and drivers put in charge of operating doles on trains the staff for Southwest and railway threaten more action unless the issue is resolved and he said he is recommending a major change in the way women is screened for cervical cancer it suggests have been vaccinated against the h.p.v. Virus as teenagers need only to have 3 smear tests during their lifetime rather than the 12 currently offered the vaccine is being given to goals aged 11 and 13 since 2008. A group of volunteers from tray bridge have been sleeping rough overnights raise money for to homelessness charities the team from the am the foundation is sleeping outdoors at Eden Project which is organized an event called The Big Sleep outs it's raising money for the foundation as well as sympatric society club is from the foundation and says sleeping outdoors for one Nights is very different to being permanently homeless it really does make you think you know you don't feel good you don't feel good confidential. And some people who sleep on the streets have to try and hold down a job to actually go through that night after night and then having to gather the next morning get up and go out they incredibly difficult say the latest on the stat sheet commemorating culms links with the Harris bacon company is due to be reinstalled in the town later the bronze artwork of t. Pigs was stolen from Phelps parade at the start of last month before being found at a scrap yard a few days later has been repaired and will be back in place at the soft inane lower days from Melksham has finished faith in the 1st round of the skeleton Bob sleigh Well Cup in the States have an impact champion teammate Lizzie Arnall came thirds at Lake Placid Well she says weather cloudy start with patchy rain this morning but drying out by lunchtime to leave some sunny spells itself to name before more clouds and rain arrives the seafaring tilt temperature 11 Celsius or 50 Fahrenheit's b.b.c. Will see news it's 6 minutes past 7 I will be catching up with Karen Gardner has become a kind of a humble pick correspondent threat is can pick East saga scandal favorite story it is but I've just realised in the last hour leading up to this moment that I am absolutely exhausted and Spence I have no pig puns left in me I wonder why that is why I was feeling tired this morning Bam what I just can't get any any emotional attachment those pigs any more than we've been there we've done it. Not the story but I'm just a complete. Grinning banking frying half banked. Spitting fire going through them all and nothing's working for me. I think it's good news for everyone to be honest even out this afternoon of the culmination of our story we will be there don't you worry. Breakfast we entreat b.b.c. We'll show those that look forward to being profiling. By you know what it is about this cancer and our association with said creatures of us want to look forward. To actually said them we're going to speak to Marco in Brussels and find I honed his words have gone down now that we know exactly what time of day 11 o'clock on which day in 1900 we will officially leave the European Union will hear some reaction Honda's bold statement about their you know serious concerns serious worries we'll have the papers all the rest of the local national international news being made today with none other than global head of fancy operations at the y. Even in Swindon Derek old rich. I will be hearing that fantastic news have no the times moral in Swindon see remember those who follow your join the was 900 victims of the 1st World War has been painstakingly restored after being damaged as we look ahead to remembrance weekend your voice in your county coal as 345951 devil 3 devil 6 a.b.c. We'll show. And we start with that night because the will of the Royal British Legion is aiming to raise a record breaking amount through the Poppy Appeal this year for the 1st time its opens are bright with 3 quarter of a 1000000 pound but as we get ready for this weekend's commemorations the Legion says there's a desperate need for more young people to get involved in the work they do and support the fund raising. Speaking to Granville Jones in the charity Goldie's which helps young people find out about what went on in the 1st World War In the years time the whole country focus will be on the armistice on the final days of World War one so we want primary schools to get into it for their child. The gold is and find out how we can work with them to get the young and old working together singing together talking together smiling together but remembering how important it is that we all recognize the sacrifice that was given by so many so many years ago one of the schools hoping to launch the project today is 5 lanes primary from pot and just outside of devices Miss Hearn is the assistant head you've done similar projects in the past one of the kids get out of it we started doing a project in a couple of years ago with Graham Bell and it was a real opportunity for the children to come together and share their learning of what their families contributed with other people who had done something similar and who said at the launch event here today that they got more out of meeting the older people the different generations that they would have got by going on we Kapadia Yeah exactly it's really important for us as a school that we give our children real life experiences hands on experiences of learning and the stories that we heard we can a found in a book we can have found on Wikipedia to hear it from someone to feel the medals to feel the death penalty just to have those things in our hands and to be told those story just made. With Sami's being how to devise a school this morning to one of the schools former and current serving servicemen and women have a history Tom Strickland and school people need Kemp are on the line for a quick chat about it now Tom good morning. Good morning and the thanks for coming on the eve. We'll come see in a 2nd Tom how difficult is it or easy is it to engage people about so when that happened so long ago. Well I miss my whole job being a history teacher doing that I think it's really put just to make it as relevant and as likely link possible so they can see that connection to the history and if you can do that then they point to what we be doing today then as it is a dry fusty a fag you know respectful or trying to do things differently to engage in what you say we I think we're quite different to a lot of schools will be lots of things in the build up to it as well so he takes 3 students or to a project on the war memorial they take names of the woman when they do research for local historian and they will sort of stuff like that so everybody can gauge from an early point and then on the day itself what we do is we relay puppies like you see Lydia carcass up in the wall basically in our in our grass court and then we have 45 minute assemblies led by my team of history teachers and we really get out there we really coming across various themes to do the remembering it's this year we're linking to a passion Dale hundreds of years into a new path and cashing out and then spot finally we'll go out we'll have a bugler and we'll do a family like the kids see on the telly had half allegiance in town it was that's as they can eat what you know about the men and women being commemorated and on a venue how many links with the score the finance about. I think where you learn about in you know when you do you end up finding a lot about the different men and women who have to bring that life because you can give an individual to research and he was yours. A shame it's not that she's gone blank on me I can tell it's because the lines gone down or I don't think ill of Neve Kemp you can sell She's very intelligent and personable just a technology but letting a dam there were terms of the story after 8 o'clock and hear about people from the Royal British Legion to try and get some fresh legs into the system to try to keep the fun raising a life ban with you 712 and breakfast on a Friday morning and devoid of any empathy a pathological liar a man capable of attempted murder the words put to the jury during the prosecution's closing statements in the trial of the world sure Army sergeant accused of trying to kill his wife and mil silly is nice sabotaging Victoria skydiving kids another I even thought in 2015 and she fell some 4000 feet when both her main reserve parachutes failed to open while he also denies damaging a valve and causing a gas leak at the couple's home in Ames were just days before their fates were full . Of Fish Joe was at Winchester Crown Court for us and joins us on what happened yesterday Rianna Well Ben addressing the jury of 9 women and 3 men the prosecuting barrister Michael those q.c. Asked they take a cool calm approach to the evidence and to focus on the facts he invited the jurors to stand back look at the evidence in the case not in a vacuum but as a whole it was at this point they went on to say that the prosecution put forward that it was during cross-examination that Mr Silly as it showed his true character was meant by this well Mr Baez q.c. Described the defendant as the following devoid of any empathy he cared nothing for Victoria and little for anyone else he has controlling aspects outside any normal behavior he has the highest mation of himself he is a pathological liar he will say the 1st thing that comes into his head to shift blame he is coming and manipulative and has no remorse for his actions whatsoever this puts him in a whole different category of a man simply having an affair he moves from what he wants from one thing to another in his life. It all means the same to him as it's all about him he's desperate for status a material possessions you find he pushes back on everything in short he just doesn't care calculating callous and cruel a chance or only interested in self gratification we the prosecution submit this shows a man capable of attempted murder no sitting on the fence really strong words I mean what else was said in that closing statements Well the court was reminded what expert witnesses said in relation to the gas leak as well as the power she equipment and jump and the fact that none of this evidence was contested Mr Baez q.c. Then had 3 examples of what he could exceptionally callous behavior of the defendant relating to the lies he told about one of his children and the way he acted in the hours after his wife sniff a too full He also pointed out that as the trial developed the motivation for trying to kill his wife became clear in going beyond money he told the jury that the evidence provided a window into Mr Seely as his mind in terms of how controlling in quest of he was when he talked to his wife about his career and status in the Army had to conclude ram wrapping up just before 1 o'clock the prosecution asked the jury to apply judgment and common sense in the real world Mr Bates q.c. Said that Mr still has had taken his wife Victoria and his lover Stephanie for fools and that he was trying to do the same to the jury Mr q.c. Finished his closing statement saying that it wasn't a motiveless stranger who struck twice in a week it was him Mr Silly is both times in the trials not quite so I resist it's not night today it's the turn of Elisabeth Moss q.c. To present the defense's closing statement then on Monday the judge Mr Justice Sweeney will sum up the trial to the jury giving directions relating to the law which they should and shouldn't consider during the deliberations the jury will then be sent out to reach a verdict and just to remind me as silly as denies 2 charges of the attempted murder of his wife and one of recklessly endangering lives. You know if it's Journal thank you for 716 the time. Being. Written to the government setting out concerns about Britain leaving the European Union comes as the prime minister sent a blunt message to. Cannot be reversed and the branch of the vote British Legion says it urgently needs more volunteers to help with the. Cloudy star should we say with the weather there patchy rain this morning drawing up by lunchtime to leave some sunny spells afternoon before. Evening. Degrees Celsius 52 degrees Fahrenheit and a full forecast half past 7 that's coming up. You're not having this campaign he's having their own social media can I run a bird you don't believe that pigs can sweet. They can't wait they got taught says How does it happen I know relatives with quite big fat thumbs. You know Uncle Ron featuritis way this all over the place like a cat scan on the keyboard like my dad tries texting me. Great b.b.c. Will show. You're carrying guarding our humble pig correspondent bringing us the den you more the culmination of getting those pigs back on the plane income later we'll catch up with her can't wait and can't wait for more tweets from the companies today as well 717 and one of which is main employers has written to the government raising their concerns about Britain leaving the European Union when a bass car giant Honda employs 4000 people and has plants in South Mohsen and there's joined forces with Ford and box or to write to a common Select Committee Well prices Secretary David Davis is back in Brussels today for the 6th round of e.u. Exit talks the u.k. Waiting for the e.u. To agree to move on discussing a future trade deal having refused to do so at a key summit you might remember last month might cause as we say in Brussels our correspondent and any sign of a breakthrough Matt whatsoever Ben you know we think is the short answer to that but the study is just coming up here in Brussels rising up above the burly man building the home of the commission with a Talk to take place and maybe it will shine down some light and progress will be made as things stand officials ahead of these talks which say get these the 6th round of negotiations would be to get all we need clarity said Mitchell Barney the lead negotiator for Britain's position e.u. U.k. Officials out of these talks are saying well this is just going to kind of a stocktake rounds of talks not really about progress so the very fact the 2 sides don't even seem to agree about what this round of talks is actually aiming to achieve perhaps underlines the fact no progress may be made when crucially the sticking points that we still are stuck upon the Irish border and its future the u.k. Financial settlement or the the divorce Bill if you like and the question of e.u. Citizens rights in the u.k. And u.k. Citizens rights in the you. After breaks on all those issues we seem to still be rather stuck and while there is a suggestion that David Davis for example been seeking support in meetings in places like Poland and Italy there's still a bloc of 8027 nations who are tightly sticking together and waiting for Britain particularly to make movement on that divorce Bill so no real hope I'm out for this meeting coming up in December no we missed the opportunity in October with the 27 leaders saying they had been enough progress to move on to talk about our future trading relationship our future import export regimes the sort of stuff that's been raised by Honda this morning in their letter in terms of their concerns those sort of questions about what tariffs there may be those are going to be discussed in future trade talks in the e.u. In October said no we're not ready to talk about them because you haven't made enough progress on the divorce deal now there's a summit in December that is when the will again have a question put to them has sufficient progress been made and as things stand the e.u. Is now warning that if progress is made in the next couple of weeks by the end of this month sort of thing they certainly won't be signing that off in December and what's more they say they won't be willing to get into kind of trade talks until February at the earliest So this is sort of now a crucial set of talks a crucial sort of couple of weeks coming up e.u. Officials behind the scenes are talking now amongst themselves about how they may see a future trade deal Carolyn may see those future terrorists which could so disrupt and interrupt you know the car supply chains that sort of thing but eighties it is not something they're going to start discussing with the u.k. And so we've got progress particularly a number put on what Britain is willing to pay and for what projects will it Britain is willing to continue paying after it leaves to settle it's of obligations if you like and at the moment and I don't think we're going to get David Davis sort of the florist saying Ok we'll pay you 50000000000 quid or something like that today and I think that's what. Would really like to hear before they can. We do know what time of day we will officially get out the European Union has a bit of marking Diggnation a bit of frothing in the Daily Mail that is Brussels midnight not our midnight and we. Thought was not lost on me 11 pm on the 29th of March 29th scene or as you say the 12 midnight on the 30th if you're here in Brussels yet stories are made trying to lock the date and time into the legislation for when we leave and transfer all laws in the u.k. Or 30. 8 is I think a message as much as anything else to her own side her own potential Tory rebels on these issues she's written an article in The Daily Telegraph warning that people shouldn't try and frustrate the process no one should doubt how did determination to deliver breaks it by locking the date and time into a bill what treason maze doing is meaning that it will no longer be within a minister's gift to say Ok we'll leave Well it's delay the leaving that delay while we talk some more as talk some more she's trying to maybe sharpen minds on her own side although I think the bigger concern over. Amongst people on the side of the equation is just trees of a future itself people worrying that she's being fatally undermined by these Cabinet reshuffles by the sexual harassment scandals by all of the stuff that is swirling around Westminster at the moment as a real concern it will undermine the reason and her team as negotiating partners meaning that even if a deal is ever done here she won't have the strength to do to get it signed off back in the u.k. Meaning sort of well what's the point if you can't get the deal passed at home why are you talking to us of this real concern that things could descend into chaos here and so the exact date being locked in a suppose that doesn't matter so much to the people on this side of the English Channel Makkal in Brussels thank you ever so much 722. Every 20 minutes b.b.c. Wiltshire one of your friends ourselves thanks Ben good morning if you're heading into songs bring out just a bit slow on a 36 not so Wilton road just might be St Paul's roundabout the a 3 a 3 day fairly quiet at the moment traffic 3 did well. And device is coping fine just a bit it's like a 3 mile were known as St Peter's school bus 100 st a 353 West Ashton look at a bit slow now on the senses if you're heading up towards mom's breakthrough course when those road works they're just causing some days now on the a 49 Bill main routes 3 Swindon still coping fine at the moment a mistake delays on the m 4 or locally on the trains that's the latest. Travel every 20 minutes sponsored problem cool as 345951 double 3 double 6 a.b.c. Will show. Just a quickie someone's taken time to takes us which is always nice we should read them all and when most of them anyway just listen to the story about that guy in Venice moaning about his 463 pounds restaurant bill yeah that well that was the 1st installment and then today in the papers the mayor of Venice has come back to school Bruno. To say he's not got a leg to stand on St Mark's Square. Comes with sleep a a bit put your hand in your pocket he's going to skinflint this man he's having none of it I couldn't stop laughing says this text here when you read this if you choose to eat in St Mark's Square not only do you get charge of the food but you also have to pay for entertainment going on around you I was reading that's what's . New and if they've got a pound or more or whatever someone singing in the stick another tank will so if this guy had any sense he would have got something to eat out of the square and saved a fortune you you're right there we're going for a couple of days next year and I've already looked at where the nearest supermarket is so our little apartment we're going to be eating there the whole time I am not going to be putting a napkin on in any restaurant in Venice no chance in a special program this Remembrance Sunday b.b.c. We'll chat looks back at the Battle of passion a battle that lasted almost $100.00 days claiming the lives of more than half a 1000000 men hundreds of them from Wiltshire regimen session deal is one of those sort of comic dates in history that we will always remember I think we all should remember using archive interviews that have. Never been heard before and speaking to descendants of those involved will tell the story of one of the bloodiest conflicts of World War One and revisit the village of passion Dale 100 years on passion Dale Welch's story this Sunday morning at 9 on b.b.c. Wiltshire it AMISOM arranges here with a spore and talking of pride remembering what people did for us remarkably proud of young cadets are in Chippenham really really pretty young cadets Yamit an instructor she was 34 Squadron the accurate since they will be on the high street tomorrow collecting for the most part the Poppy Appeal so young people are getting involved I know that we need more but it's really nice actually to see these guys very very willing I mean lots and lots of them tomorrow the seeds of there are absolutely it's not lost on young people's minds absolutely right whether you want to start a sporting is going into a weekend yeah let's start where we where we would normally start on a Friday which is with the police when they're looking to make it 6 wins in a row this weekend tomorrow they host bottom of League 2 table Chesterfield manage a day Flickr craft has been talking to b.b.c. Says Andrew Holmes about the recent run of results and contribution of the 17th the latest signing since taking over the town bringing in my Preston in as a Lotus to should be more in the front for a minute as high as it seemed so that's been important. You know and then from that point you've got to you've got your make sure that everybody when you're attacking is in position same position and the player is now a lead in as well that said that mean for times. Certainly in the early stages of comments football club of over lead the group. But now I'm seeing real leaders come sort of fall and when they go over the white line. You know start leading and that's up and in the last 6 weeks for me from my point of view but we've got we've got a good leadership group you know we were. Over round about 2728 year old a G.'s he's fantastic and we've got. Well one of the best young leads I've seen in my breast and this guy will all guys feel he will get make sure the structures right in front of him you know saw. The light was watching not leadership group develop in the squad of those that's going to leadership and personal Corps is one of them when it's honestly want to mess with 2 or 3 I was. And you know Shreya where you knew you talking to a real man you knew your talking to someone who. Probably had to call all solved and get somewhere and the star is out and I said this in the day the star is out in the super star is out really. The Swindon fans of talk to him straight away and I think that's important any football club when up and you almost get this Association and he's reveled in a knows he's a big football club. You know and he wants to defend he's not going through an academy system which makes him you know unique. And he wants to defend 1st and foremost you know and some swindle fans always say now you know. I was sent in the past of past well and you know promotions a bill on clean sheets 20 football much a 1000000000 clean sheets and the top you know chunk sorry the top defend Israel Ferdinand goes on a football pitch at night and. And that's the one thing that. If you keep a clean sheet and my president has got that. Fantastic quality to a lot of the academy said Ross just gone off the p.c. Which is we'll have all the build up as usual and the commentary on Saturday sports tomorrow from it's who now Northern Ireland manager Michael O'Neill says it's staggering the Switzerland were awarded a penalty against his side last night Ricardo Rodriguez scored from the spots to give Switzerland a one they'll lead in the 2 legged World Cup play off after Corey Evans was deemed to have handled inside the area O'Neill is adamant it wasn't a penalty even this West lairs there was you know a reaction of surprise that they'd been given a power influence and like Corey's arm is not above his head it's not on a and not on natural possession it's not away from his body it's not as if you know you could say well it's our was an all natural possession possibly thought to have as our it doesn't qualify on any of the critics that you're looking for for a home in the box it was a positive start in the skeleton bobsled World Cup the motions Laura D's she finished 5th in the 1st round at Lake Placid her limping champion teammate Lizzy Yarnold claimed 3rd place at the event in the USA There were no best they celebrations for Will she go for Jordan Smith in the 1st round of the Nedbank challenge yesterday the 25 year old from Derry Hill may come Canada for over par score of 76 leaving him struggling knowing shots off the lead and he'll tee off for round 2 at around 830 this morning in cricket mind he's from Wilson's been in action on day 2 of the women's Ashes Test a short time ago Australia West 61 for 3 off the overs in response to England's 1st innings total of 280 all out meanwhile England's men are currently playing in a woman's match against a Cricket Australia 11 a short time ago England 138 for 7 or 50 overs leading Australia by 198 runs with 3 wickets remaining which is James Vince was out for l.b.w. On $29.00 runs and in rugby both are in action tonight in the anger. Well. The wreck kickoff is $745.00 he's going to be tough for Northern Ireland to defeat switch the now they've got to go mountain to climb having their own. Marie Well it joins us for equate channel will Good morning yes spend Yes sorry sorry good morning but you're right were you struck by my fantastic Toblerone inspired when the Swiss were Switzerland and then we owe amazing best pun I've heard all morning what you're going to get used to them because you going to be next to me in your purse the ones in. Pedal for Pudsey pedal bus for a week from Monday always a while looking Well it's looking amazing we've just got our group come through absolutely finalized we know where we go it crystallised no doubt in our minds war so whenever you're going to be driving so we need to know where we go and yet so. We've got some fans and we're going to be starting on Monday morning at the end of the show with the with the sound of bands playing us out some of them on the pedal bus as well with those drums will be heading out to the Magic Roundabout going across to the lawn Manor score than up into Swindon to Morrisons and Dorchen school the Swindon cycle center as well because by then you're probably taking off about 16 wing mirrors we're going to punch and show by the yeah so when we lost our pump Tsotsis out it's looking fantastic the number of places we're going Swindon college on the Choose down looking for to the space center on the Tuesday as well blasting as in this world is not our home not again really a whole week of this absolutely I will buy or some food and goodies along the way though it when we stop it you know various lay bys. So you know which on the on the Wednesday night when we do our 4 to 7 shift around the West when the district censor our pit stop if you like as we go round and round and round is the British Chippy is not even rain just well this is what you are world class producer on an award winning breakfast show I did have a look in there yesterday because you know. It's always good to check these places that they have Pudsey dry up as well get ready I went in a fortnight ago just to float the idea of we'll be going round and round and round went in yesterday to see if they're still up for it and they still are and all those little Pudsey is all over the place their children in need ready by you are more than happy to be a lot of very yellow button sausages are you well that's the whole point is this very yellow so it has to be done obviously for charity so if you want to dig the b.b.c. World pedal for currency if you'd like to show your support and make a donation to b.b.c. Children in Need to donate 5 pounds text the word $5.00 to 70405 tax will cost $5.00 pounds plus your standard network message charge and 100 percent of your donation will go to b.b.c. Children in Need You must be 16 or over and please pass the bill payers to mission for full terms and more information go to b.b.c. Dog you Kate b.b.c. Wiltshire where you can also donate online medal for Plan c. With b.b.c. Wilcher. We can't wait please be generous like you normally are 738 so I. I on and on digital you'll always in your county. Which would be nice to you Will I have a birdhouse news headlines Swindon base car giant Honda is written to the government setting else a range of concerns about Britain leaving the European Union the manufacturer which employs 4000 people it is plants in South Boston says it's worried about disruption to the supply chain restrictions on free movement of labor and the impacts of terrorists Honda says more than a 3rd of cars built in Swindon are exported to e.u. Countries it comes as the prime minister's sense a blunt message to end pays it breaks it cannot be reversed to resume A's also outline plans to enshrine in law that Britain will leave the e.u. It's 11 pm on March 29th 20. And sane lawyers defending a Welsh Army sergeant accused of trying to kill his wife by sabotaging a parachute will give that closing statement today and we'll silly is denies 2 charges of attempting to murder his wife Victoria silly as one of recklessly endangering a life. The Welsh branch is the war British Legion says it urgently needs more volunteers to help with the Poppy Appeal the charity is aiming to bring in a record amount locally this year but says a shortage of fundraisers could limits how much they raise in the future a 48 hour strike this led to delays and overcrowding on some rail services in well sure it's come to an end members of the r n t union working for South Western Railway was held in a dispute over plans to put drivers in charge of operating doors on trains and the stack she commemorating culms links with the Haris Baking Company is due to be re-installed in the town later the bronze artwork of 2 pigs was stolen from Phelps parade at the start of last month before being found to scrap yard a few days later b.b.c. Will see news it $735.00 I was mentioning that we completely flat out of pig puns and beyond pigs are untouched goodness. Companies are in touch on their social media account Twitter to say squarely. For our partners there is a better than yours no offense. Offense taken on a plane at night severe weather down downs bit sort of next day down is not right yeah everything in our forecast for the weekend starts the weekend of cold and the weekend some rain at times from sunny spells and some frost by the time yet through Monday morning today though very mild start 11 degrees for much of well sure at the moment and temperatures during that sort of level for much of the day 11 or 12 are maximum today rather cloudy to start with a bit of patchy rain and drizzle around again today like we saw yesterday morning I think it will clear away more quickly than it did yesterday becoming brighter with some sunny spells developing in many dry today although clouding over again towards the end of the day with some rain arriving overnight tonight so temperatures Different away at 1st tonight and then they start to pick up again as one pushes in the rain becoming increasingly persistent and heavy at times tonight the wind picking up as well north. Westerly winds through much of the day today and cloudy and wet start to the day tomorrow where you have the weather front across this tomorrow which is a move in that rain up and down times or so is with us for much of the day before it finally starts to clear away it's who the south staying quite cloudy though for much of the day tomorrow and a high of around 13 Celsius so still a fairly mild day tomorrow but I was not front clears away draws down much colder air from the north so for Sunday a colder day with northerly winds and temperatures I suspect struggling to get into double figures on Sunday so although it will be bright and sunny at times it will feel a lot colder a few showers around as well and a cold night from Sunday into Monday with frost to start the day on Monday for the 3rd Monday in a row as it happens and then Monday many trying cold day but turning a bit damper again on Tuesday been down Thank you so much will it give the papers with the help of a chosen hand selected reviewer for today Friday's show and that happens to be the global head of theater at the Swindon Wyvern Derek Holdridge he'll be in always pushing a good mood on a Friday don't worry it has a few funnies in the he would have picked those habits now the campaign yet they're they're back where they belong you may remember that at the end of September the famous bronze sculpture of c. Rather jolly pigs went missing from his plane thing calm center it was found a few days later in a reclamation yard in Gloucestershire and returned to the time for repair by a local company Black for engineering work will finish this morning on the installation of the sculpture ahead of an unveiling ceremony this afternoon and so this morning we're celebrating comes long and happy association with the humble pig by sending Karen go on that's a very special big farm and there's only really one way to introduce a. Comedy married so you've been going. I mean is she doing it should be some music oh my goodness me bad this is the best Friday morning from months on a bottle of all that comes from Bassett and I have just met sakes 6 pigs with the pope. Is robots who runs the farm had just tell me what all these pigs say these pigs let's just say they were reintroduction of what used to be like a Chicago cage linkage kind of case a lovely descriptive name you can imagine it's a breed from Lancashire with a collie kite it's a week off and I have people who see the pics from the right who think that we've got sheep. They are actually a pig with a kite like a woolly sheep Scout picks with puns if you like. Say they they grow as a full thick case in winter and then they melt naturally in the summer so this time of year that just starting to grow that case out so it's not particularly thick and hairy but you can see the lovely curls coming through say this breed comes in 3 colorways what we've got here old lawns it's a sort of white hole just off white but there's also a red. And what's called swell about which is a black bag with a grey on the line are just left on it behind us this handsome young man had a. Black box a black that he's just show us the box it's a local braid from. Neighboring county lovely Purkis say generally with thanks you either have pricked his or law is with perk is the pigs tend to be more like they can hear and they can see bashing when we start to look at look they're paying something like the large black which we've got just up the way has got massive There's the drought right over their eyes so they can barely hair and they can hardly say but they're big enough they don't really buy and you know the mound to all. 3 to peg the sculpture in the town center is by stone no. I mean I guess it's maybe if you don't pick but I. I know that you always please everyone else to see. Oh it's fantastic that Meister recover it I thought it was a lovely sculpture and as I write I had so much connection with say the history of calm and back production and I think public has a place that people underestimate the importance of it so it's there for everybody to enjoy and I asked people walk past that particular And that's little education where they came past every day and the children play on it it just creates that appreciation and that community fail so it was really sad when it went missing and fabulous that we've got it back they come back to me about when I was made the acquaintance of some of the other takes his 6 red braids just a couple of miles from where those peace sculptures be unveiled this afternoon and we're going to celebrate the way we'll just farming tradition. There with a crackling report that this morning from bottles 5 didn't have a dime now scratching around on the side of stories we can see straight in there and. Every 20 minutes. How are we looking around in thanks Frank good morning as reports. Say 33 and a chair trade is just by Everly right he was shot one this morning if you're heading for a course in Silicon a bit slow on the 849 would at least temper like him place there I mean a $350.00 heading out from chip in and just towards junction 17 or silicon fairly busy at the any fall for economy with I all coping fine I just got some days it's pretty center of devices and if you're heading into some speed just a bit slow on London right now you do you have things that temper like that just slowing things up at the moment a 3 a 3 coping fine and there's no delays on the m 4 or locally on the trains and that's the latest. Travel every 20 minutes sponsored problem call at 345951 double 3 double 6 c.b.c. Will show. I forget what's on at the y. What's not on at the y. Even thick and fast the huge productions coming Derek Holdridge I'm doing your job for you quite frankly put your feet up well thank you very. Good morning yes I've dragged myself away from the p.r. To go at the center of the universe is that what I'm going to quote bald headed Lobel head of world thing it's a big bad you know it weighs me down but there's lots going on at the 2 theaters that we run in Swindon and if you were in and any illusion that there was a lot going on this is the man Derek who had to be filled in on some of the picky details well that shows how did it go for a story did you I did not bring Truman was the work I know there's a play in there somewhere I think being nicked outside you've got no idea how it's like our own little babe story isn't imagine that you can measure the same pigs that have been found. Because they're cute cute Ok and a recommendation on a Gloucestershire you know I once had a dog like this you know went missing for about a month probably went to a pig farm and there another one turned up so I've been scarred in the past like him and he's furthering investigations like going there and I have to take this is a sculpture this is a stunt you these are real pigs what this is what you're using musician what your real dog these days are you know fabricated pigs if you like Ok and where have they been where someone got a chainsaw whatever and I stole them and then tried to hide them but they were found like the moments that I'm her saying such she went down. I imagine something very similar freedom for can. Get the badges I mean even We've discussed this want to go to social media account these pigs Well of course they have their their little trotters trying theirs of do that see 180 characters. Live on Trotter you get a trot instead of a 12 right front pages 1st please don't have to be pretty. Front page as well the b. Word is all over it so breaks it's still the main thing that's being talked about in front pages a lot of pressure from local businesses have heard this morning obviously with you guys for $100.00 been saying that the promise needs to get on with an apparent she's going to kick start bricks it so that's not ticked off and sorted out which is great I wouldn't buy the front pages if you Gary Lineker necessarily there's a few stories on there that come out these paradigms papers about tax but maybe you want to buy if you're running a large retail firm who got an advert coming up tonight because that is also all over the papers today you know last night you avoided the jail terms and Campaspe say but if you are on Twitter spare a thought for the man in Wisconsin in America whose name is John Lewis who receives a lot of tweets. And he stuck to each one going to look at it right now if you're right and also people start sending in their sort of issues with faulty products so very much so yes I think you do a lot yes Max The monster is almost the monster that big the big he will only be on the table every day apparently although he was available to buy in some stores yesterday so I think the the secret is out there of the monster under the said basically what you're saying is the 7th of January you'll be able to get loads of cheap off the monsters from the mountain John that in Swindon You see I find a man who's intrigued by a statue in Canton difficult to take seriously being the cynical about a story about a monster I mean I can't keep consistent pace as the problems of all when Rags but well I think he still thinks they're real pigs. He was he watching news on again half past 8. First story for Direct has come from the what should time start was it saying yes a will should times out today and they've got a great story inside about some telephone boxes stick with me here it gets more exciting so over Sure Whitley they are adopting you you could do this adopt some red telephone boxes so beats here obviously phasing out the machine uses telephone boxes now that we've all got my hands in our pockets but a lot of the rural locations I was has happened over the last few years have turned these wonderful red boxes that we've got into a real community hopes so few of them are being used for books and toys to be put in there to swap and some local information some posters and things but also a few of them around near where I live of putting. First Aid boxes so really good places to make the center of the villages and a lot easier to get a healthy place where you live when it is now yeah absolutely absolutely you have to run to the telephone box so you know you know you build up the fitness even with a false alarm and our very own Graham he did a show of life on the telephone box recently to sort of make the story point that he intentionally it was a limb urgency procedure it wasn't look at it he couldn't do it from or else he wanted to do it to do it. You know. I'm still very much of the generation where everyone seemed like they were. Every street corner I'm surely burnt I'm sure we remember it's not user friendly but I smell them before I visually sort of memorize them if you see what I mean is it was that no my whole experience of walking to a phone box they were never really pleasant places where they could play it could be absolutely and when you were in there was obviously you kept the calls fairly brief didn't even have to be said but I think now you know if you mean she wants a prize now and it really is a little kind of echo of our yesterdays isn't it so be ashamed they've all taken down late stages to do a better production from inside a family's Well I'm sure you could you say but I'm not sure how many would members you better get maybe they do want to say sunlight and listening. Great thought I'm writing that down the well I you know come to me for inspiration if you want Darrick writing in pencil the pen just in the moment but. I'll let you know hold on to the royalties for what they say well the Daily Mail among others have got a story even of come from scientists and we love you know their films are paid for Men's or are they enforced Yes I think to Alan the science correspondent only male has said that spending just 15 minutes alone a day makes people feel more calm and peaceful so they don't experiment with 3 of volunteers to spend time alone and they have questions about how happy they're feeling so I suppose it's true isn't it if you have a bit of time to yourself it's nice to have a little break from the world and have a little time I have a 30 minute commute into work each day and that is where I kind of get myself prepared for the day and think about what I'm going to do but I do think there's a balance between how much time you spend on your own isn't there you know we hear all the time also about people being very lonely so it's getting that balance right it's almost a luxury to be afforded so to choose to have a lonely spot isn't it like you say well it is and if it's your choice that you know you've hit the nail on the head there isn't if you've made that choice I think you know I am proud referee of 3 children and I know that you're a family man and you saw those little windows of time where you're all by yourself after you and far between. But I think you also want to make sure that you are spending as much time as you can with other people because you know they're only to be around for so long name Yeah I mean my my my 14 year old face timed me from her ring the other day to ask me to bring her pencil case told me. She was very keen to spend time alone I was less came for to spend time alone and the other episode coming back from the glitzy awards do this this week thanks for mentioning by the way they are whining that Rosie was a girl but hey and we got delayed because it was a connection that went wrong it did caught station which is of course a wonderful place to have to spend 45 minutes of your life all human life is there you know thanks very much great western version of hell that train back for 2 minutes get you so we thought which we do know and I spent a lot of time with these people I went with you know. Some of what you're looking at me now here is the last 40 I was and I just sat on a park bench outside the pub that they went into because I just wanted a bit of a break I wanted that. Gnashing of being above things now. Taking the Rosetta off Mel was in there often half a shandy text me looking out the windows and you were right yes and what she thought I wanted to sort of you know be a bit of a hobo own bit of contemplation so I'm sure that silver is good to put plans in place and finally there at the Telegraph So the telegraph along with a lot of papers have another study which tells us that girls in class based boys academic results the same having more girls in class could help boys focus their minds because girls are apparently better readers and better at concentrating I find it's only people will drink and me as a say the referee of 3 girls I'm sort of 3 daughters so I've no experience of sons but my girls are all very different so actually they do bring very different things to class some one of them is an avid reader but others use very difficult to pick up a book I think possibly the next generation think less about these gender stereotypes than we do so maybe it's not them consciously change maybe it's the way that teachers teach they've got to mix class it's a real debate isn't it as to whether you put your children into a single gender schools or whether you mix them up I kind of think it prepares them for life a little bit more if it's all mixed up because that's how life works in them and then ever now Rick as I like you to do you've left us with Once upon a well the big question the big big show you know about the campaign and the big question just leave us hanging on but no answers so you have a consistent as ever make it difficult for them thank you ever so much lovely We can't referee in their street goes being bothered on your face time upstairs and believable the man just wants a bit of peace we will remember them. Nights and a special concert did it so Springsteen. A mix of opera and featuring the Opera Babes and Welsh as would full and. Was We will remember the song. On b.b.c. . Yes Should be quite a weekend is it every time is each year this time of year that we do stop and reflects $753.00 we're going to get more of that now because we spoke a lot about remembrance this morning and for those looking to mark the occasion in Swindon Well there's some really good news that sounds memorial to 900 victims of the 1st World War has been painstakingly restored after it was damaged and b.b.c. Which is Gareth Bale he was there for the grand unveiling yesterday so we're here in the civic building Council on here with Councillor Garry Perkins who just unveiled the memorial today here with a man on her. These are the heroes from Swindon who unfortunately gave their lives for the country during the Great War and it's a fitting with remember state coming on Sunday and it is 100 years for me for an end of the war that we're able to commemorate. The magnificent way today so what actually happened to them this memorial Well this memorial for many many years has been in the old time hole which is no Swindon dance which afterward has not been opened to the general public for many many years and the way the building is built in their lives the damp try to traverse through the wall single bricks I did affected the more well quite considerably and so when Rex has done it he was then one fellow cancers and it was made at the time came to me and asked why would I have to have a culture and heritage that if I could do something about it and we work together with missionary with the help of insurgencies has been tremendous of the last 5 years and it has been a little more than 5 years I since we initiated this project it's just you see it coming in for if a woman said but I've been a long journey but it's been well worth it I'm going to come across now to Sandra because you wrecked his late wife why is it so important to Rex to get this restored Well it's really important to him because his father was in the 1st World War and he was all in the trenches in about Jim and we'd gone back to see Hill 61 the trenches even 2 or 3 times and met him gay and he refused to visit park farm where Phyllis tell you know I don't know where she had she is she was here and I think her half brothers on there and so speaking to her you know Rex was really keen to get it moved I remember going to town hall and looking at it with him and it was too whatever and so it was a mission that he would like it moved here or somewhere but then unfortunately he died Sunday he could carry on. That everyone else has covered over that and so he would be very private if he could be here to drive us into why he wanted what kind of message. Town that we're preparing something like this Well I think it just sends a message that you know we have to remember them I mean we're only here today live in the lives we do of freedom because of this man you know and and I think it's. The time that we have to keep remembering you come forget that ever. What you think right you make of it saying you know it's glory he would say magic wouldn't that was his words he would assert its magic and he was approximately he would have been so proud so. Why did it take you. Newly restored Sweyn and 1st World War Memorial have great to hear that that is not fitting will continue to look at this after 8 o'clock director of operations for the sound of the Royal British Legion calling Gordon with us to say what they're doing to try to inject a bit of you know sort of fresh legs I suppose into the operation of course. Be a money if you're not popular What have you someone in their seventy's eighty's ninety's with a whole swarm of medals on their chests and that's great that's a real Filipino you can talk to someone about what they've been through and it means something but also I've noticed this one and roll station the other day a lot so younger people there side by side with the older vets which is good to say and apparently we need a lot more of that if we are to keep that message a life 757 that's low for 2 after 8 and I always look for the coming in of a day and looking in the pedal for Pudsey e-mail box where you generous lot to sign it's a contact to say you know what Ben pedal for Pudsey campaign starting on Monday I'm going to get involved Howard King for one here Howard good morning from the Swindon wheelers cycling groups we've got 13 people wanting to raise some money for children in need we can help you on various days next week Howard you're an absolute gens I will be in such sits tell you where to turn up in your lycra with you know fancy little clip the pedals shoes you don't need those by the way you don't need those or I just come in a t. Shirt preferably a yellow one more revelations of who's joining us after 8 o'clock. In the great b.b.c. World show. That Derek mentioned this newspaper review Christmas ads on the telly is a sure sign December is just around the corner and a 3rd of us say we're just as excited about the premiere of a Christmas advert than any film release rumors on social media suggest the John Lewis 27 see now that will be put online this morning t.v. Tonight's the ads already been seized by the retailer online. With a video of a monster peeking around a dog don't be afraid to be scared 1st let's hear some of the finest Christmas adverts. All Miley to fly one stream it's. Lost like some from golf dream. Oh the children. Are both there for me. Having so much. Cause to believe was cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut. Cut. Plan. But I was joined by no means all talk. To me also like me and all of a sudden young Karratha would flying high over London the ocean so the slate blue mugs plastic Christmas.

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