And that if you don't deliver you must deliver and up for back that because I think 5056 percent that they loot people looted South wanted to leave and I think we should leave and with the proviso that we should leave for the deal. It's like if you believe in democracy and we accept you know which one of his going to be elected that then there is a day why people will take a seat so if you don't accept that which is a simple rule and I believe you accept the result of a referendum. Ok last word on the brake issue John French the best village party Thank you. Is quite simple in 2016 hour parliament voted. On a referendum for the u.k. To leave the European Union that motion was passed by a majority of 6 to one and that was a democratic vote in in Parliament as a result of that vote for a friend them we had that referendum and the very democratic majority of the people in the u.k. Vote is to leave the European Union including the majority of members in Luton South I think you get where I'm coming from here. We would support the current conservative tailless on the table we would support any new deal that's on the table from the Labor Party if they were our next government. We would not support a 2nd referendum it's quite simple that that democratic decision was made in 26 day let's make things interesting is start talking at the airport Steve says do the candidates agree that the existing noise and pollution levels from Luton Airport are already too much for residents to bear and if so how will you campaign against the proposed airport expansion One question comes in from friends of Luton Airport Terminal 2 who asked Do you support airport expansion to further fund the transform a huge of the town or are they happy for the town to keep being at the bottom of the polls all the time. Mohammed Ashraf independent Luton Airport. It's set to the town. And with support of the expansion because of the jobs that creates and brings for the over generations to come whenever there's ways and means of tackling the noise pollution and. I personally think that. A study should be done as toys to be done but I personally think if you have bigger larger aircraft rather than a smaller You got turnaround of less aircraft going in and out of the airport which would reduce the noise. And obviously are easy to get I think last week announced that the initiated is some sort of scheme invest in another 20 to 30000000 into the aircraft which magically If you want larger aircraft landing it'll never. Be that's one of the way forward and could they still come up with the numbers they're planning to expand to of course they can it's the way out of how you manage it and how you operate the craft Rachel Hopkins. I'm grateful for the questions because it is a very key topic filling in South and there are people who absolutely rely on the airport for their jobs our town relies on the income to the council from the airport to support services and we've got so much cut from the Tory government that if it wasn't for the pole people would be real will name can they would be are you seeing all the expansion of yes I will now. One of the Climate Change questions start to worry oh well let's be fair I do support the i.p.o. Expansion as one of the councillors who voted for it on the basis of what I was just trying to explain to support our town however. It has to any expansion has to me strict. Mitigations around air noise pollution the environment and balance that against the benefits of having airport expansion I've not shied away from that and you have leverage to carry on growing the way it is Cameron going in the suggested plans because we can't consulting I have to go be very careful don't go into too much detail fair but it has to have mitigations because we know there's a lot of people who are against it. And a Labor government will make sure that any expansion is looked at against those key things for the Green Party been fully on the airport issue. Expanding the airport is a dead end the climate can't cope with the amount of flying that's been done already it definitely can't cope with an expansion. If we don't end reliance on the airport soon or we're going to have to end the later is better to start sooner and do it in a more planned way a Green Party has got plans for a 3000000000 climate adaptation fund for local councils and because of its unusual particular situation will get an unusually large share of that to help the the town turn away from its overreliance on the airport then how do you turn away from the airport he said that you can't fly from anymore we wouldn't be closing the airport entirely but it's very clear that. There is going to be I need for less people flying at the moment 15 percent of the population take 70 percent of the flights they're the ones that are trashing the planet for the rest of us and you know the vast bulk bulk of people will take maybe what one flight a year one return flight year and that's a reasonable amount. Dependent I mean I've got records of 93 percent I think from the Guardian on my recordings. Climate change over the past 10 years I take it incredibly seriously about the expansion in airport provided it can meet the requirements the government puts on it but let me just say this it won't be the next m.p. That has a statue responsibility to decide ever it will be a little borough council for the plans and it be the government centrally that makes a judgment on it and in a sense your job is to be an honest broker to make sure the impact on the mitigation is there and put in place in the very much in favor of that the kind of summary of what I want to say is this in order for the airport to be a good neighbor actually one of the ways perversely to do that will be to perceive this expansion because it sorts out roads it's. A surface access to the airport and so on and someone that lives on the flight path at the moment right so I do not underestimate the impact for people but there are mitigations that we put in place and this is a complex issue you know. You support the expansion we have yes yes I just said that a week or 2 percent of carbon emissions globally come from aviation 4 percent from shipping 8 percent from cloud computing smartphones and all the rest we spoke airplanes in the sky and we assume that they're having a disproportionate impact aviation is always going to be a higher carbon industry and that's why I said I'll always support measures that mean that they net 0 back from 2050 scenesters day Powers Act are conservative. I've campaigned literally for hours under the fly apart and I've been with more since I've been selected and I honestly can tell you I have no idea how people live and back type of air traffic it's it's horrendous who drove me up the wall in the short space of time that I was there I understand the economic argument I understand the benefits by less have it's not one or the other why don't we regenerate the town why don't we get power Cornelia's done why don't we upgrade the housing stock we've got well I mean we've reason or a little Uganda walks or far as the end of the youth and the expansion there I and I are being. Honest with you perfectly honest and I'm not afraid to take this up this fight where the government I think the misery it causes people living under the flight path is not worth the economic benefits against it Gary Warren the breaks a party run very much in favor of the expansion of the pool for the good it will do for the people of Luton self in Luton in general many employees 10000 at the moment with 817000 dependent on the airport yes it's going to be a massive impact on the people of Wigmore and you will of course lose we move Valley Park which as you may know used to be a dump so that you might get to their massive earthworks as it's described in the consultation document a meet and release so there's a problem there in itself it will be a massive problem for the people living around it but it's which you've got to balance you've just got to somehow balance it to join friends the best religion Party thank you I'm a little confused because I felt sure that Kerry put a post on the Friends With no part that he was against that so I'd have to check that whether my facts are wrong or his facts are wrong. Listen we have always been opposed to the total destruction of Whitman park we do believe that we can grow some aspects of the airport but without the destruction of the park. Now. The other thing that we have to consider is the current government plans for next carbon 0 by 2050. With the huge focus all parties now seems out to have on global warming and the climate emergency that we're all facing we must consider the impact on our environment and to touch on a couple of points that all the other members have said. I do understand that the council are partly reliance on funding from the airport. We will still maintain the same level of funding if not greater but without the destruction of work Moorpark and the one of the things that comes in my emails virtually every day is the pollution that we have around the whole town. Somebody said that if we have bigger planes we won't get so much pollution but it's the traffic going to and from the airport that creates that pollution I will take some trouble news for the regulations are going straight back with the candidates we still talk about Lauren was about law and order lots of question about climate change housing the stadium the record So still lots to come you can text the program takes 13 double 3 Start your message 3 c.r. It's easy to be counties radio ads and bugs travel every 15 minutes Good evening where better will both be a delayed continue on the m 25 clockwise junction 16 because of an accident with the hear traffic skewed 12 miles back to junction 13 it's further delays on the m 40 London bound the still one lane close enough Ethan for the showing a travel time of around an hour but the flow through the road works on the m one southbound at between junction 14 at Milton Keynes and junction 13 at Bedford and beckons build a few in one part played southbound from next to the 840 that the road works area on the rails there's delays of up to 15 minutes and some cancellation from. Sutton because by the headline problems for the. West in between Bedford and let's play because the shortage. 3 Counties Radio 4 every Thursday evening from my own b.b.c. 3 counties radio jag. What you got slated for check your local paper behind the 3 counties right now. Have a great day we've been teasing it all my Coldplay receipts where we're going to go through my embarrassing c.s. Highly anticipated Jack us and down a hallway to get off my desk clean the. Producer Chris and I've just been running around the building sifting through sinking right. Out of the been quite literally that's what we do hear some of the thoughts I really wow straight from the bin to the radio bringing you new music trends and things pop culture can Stead's and Jack us every Thursday evening for nights on b.b.c. 3 counties radio. Say directly across the beds. To say b.b.c. 3 counties radio. 72 minutes past 6 the candidates for the South constituency are all here from Mark says one of the candidate's position on social. Tax So how do the candidates think they can help with homelessness in Luton and low income families been for the Green Party. In terms of housing and low income families. There is clearly a need for a lot of action lead Green Party policy is to be building $100000.00 new council held seize every year fair for 10 years and so yeah that would make a massive massive difference but we also need to make sure that those that living in private rented accommodation dealt with fairly and so bring in rank controls and ending the so-called no fault of actions which are used to victimize anyone that complains about what homelessness was that was part of the and the question of homelessness in particular. A poll from the problems to do with housing which cause homelessness another factor underlying is the number of people that fall on hard times are then temporarily perhaps out on the streets and then they drug pushers get to them they get addicted and there often is more and more difficult to get them reintegrate and to deal with that then we would say take the drug pushers out of the equation and make a supply of illegal drugs currently legal regulated controlled and that way we wouldn't have people that have vested interest in getting people addicted may come back to those points in a moment Mohammed Ashraf social care homelessness and house incredible tied up into one what would you do. If my memory serves me right going back to 2002 there was study taken out which suggested that we needed 100000 more houses in Bedfordshire as or in order to look. The population that's going to have in 2020 and we are nowhere near that at all. Especially if you look at it I think the needs to be more hostiles provided where you could get the youngsters especially who are sleeping rough so they can be catered for at night and that I believe it can be initiative taken in some of the monies that comes from the airport but local authority to take care of that in that situation that they would go back to the airport money we want we don't we're not going to expend we want we want the money absolutely yeah I said it we want to spend you know obviously and then over expansion the more money for the local 30 well obviously for the taxpayers to be honest because that money is not going to fund it to the tax base but social care's going to be a cross party deal as an Independent vote for any deal that starts so yeah but my preference is a scheme that's funny that national insurance isn't means tested it looks at whether there's a need there or not because one in 4 of us are going to need social care as we get older I can't tell you which one in 4 it's going to be that sounds to me a classic insurance model that you need to put in place on homelessness. Is there is no root out of this problem for us without reaching accommodation with our neighboring local authorities which is why it's been so depressing over the last decade we had a plan on the table to work with central beds in order to deliver more housing it was blown up by the labor group locally from that town hall it's meant we've had a lost decade it's meant that we are hugely behind the curve and I'm finding more and more people in really terrible private rented accommodation so in Panama but any measures that make it easier to build on the outskirts of our town to try and make sure that we can accommodate our own people and also any measures like have done. Before to reverse the cut slope government because that is how you can have to tackle timelessness as well one of the problems of course that with a lot of accommodation being built around the back of the pot which there in the old Vauxhall site was some of those 2 bedroom flats again 495 grand or more or people who live and work in Luton never be able to afford those. Saved me on that so people are going to discover that we are 22 minutes from some bankrupts rights happening already and the real concern is because we're not building at the moment because we've lost that decade we're now in a situation where people are going to get increasingly priced out of having lived in substandard accommodation Hopkins' labor. A national strategy for a Labor Government would be on 2000 council houses every year. And I've said it before and I'll say it again we need a strategic national program for the points governors raised about Luton having built up these boundaries some of the specifics talking about the actual question around homelessness would have at least 8000 homes across its program specifically to address those people who are homeless will somebody from Luton is homeless get checkers if German call becomes prime minister do my best to see if I can find out what is plenty bad trainset would definitely only 6 away that was I'll maybe 6 there was one of the things you touched on it and local councils be part of the solution to this issue. There's going to be from the Labor government 1000000000 pound going in so to local councils to tackle this particular round writing like a housing allowance which supports people in housing but you know we've got to do things around tackling poverty with family income families things like minimum 10 pounds an hour in any job from age 16 scrapping universal credit and have an affair a benefit system to support people with dignity and also social care. So you know hand in hand with the n.h.s. Around have enough national care service so you get free personal social care Thomas act a conservative you know song on Ross lifting and the government have committed 54000000 pound to the housing 1st program I'm not sure what pollutants share that is but that's to deal with the immediate problem of homelessness. Beyond that there are many voices in the Conservative Party although this isn't a commitment there are many voices who think that the housing element of universal credit needs to increase to stop people losing their their homes particularly. That rents are outpacing the. Pacing that particular element of benefits and that's not just me it's not just the right spot I mean there are those those developers there's a part. That's going up absolutely 195000 pounds if you live and work you live on an average car there's no chance to lead successive governments and this is a failure of the political class haven't built enough he that in the too difficult box we can build on the green belt or we're not committed to building and as a result you know I've got young kids as well I have no idea how I'm going to get them on the housing ladder it's a huge huge problem and I think it needs across party consensus on this to help tackle it Emma says Councillor you watch and listen on Facebook dot com and comment there as well Mrs Council has a very much needed I was told I can apply for the waiting list then they said we would have to wait a minimum of 14 years before we could probably get one Gary Warren the break your heart or. Don't you think that the pressure on our existing housing stock is exacerbated by the unregulated migration situation we find ourselves in this is he says terrible effects you have unscrupulous landlords who mostly let some of these hopefuls on fit for human habitation become a health hazard you have rubbish piling up outside and you have infestations for example. So uneasy and the migrants when they come in they work for less money the indigenous skilled craftsman and you fall under the skilled craftsman will leave the area and the migrants will end up suppressing wages in the area. So that has got to be looked at modern If you know but in Harley Paul which is a break see Council. They've just initiated the 1st health council house building program in 32 years that's next door to Tony Blair's constituency never built one Council Larry can I ask you hasn't Luton always had a reputation of being a very mixed diverse multi-ethnic siestas yet what's changed you think in the last 1020 years I think we is on regulated I think that's the point I mean it's no point having sales and thousands of a certain unskilled worker because I don't need somewhere to live don't need to get on the n.h.s. And all the rest of it. Anything they do and they invariably send home to their own countries as yes oh yes they do and they qualify for the benefits under the e.u. Rules but you know me cost is about $3600.00 clear you're asking with a record with what you get before no. Job and conservative before John French but falutin party. Actually quite shocked at what Gary's just said I feel like um I mean 930 is Germany. The go back to the issue and they rescue homelessness social care and I now remember and I will 3 aware of that I concur with some of Cameron's points on the social care issue. The homelessness I'll come on turn a 2nd so I want to talk about the the housing you know I think you're right the 190-0041 or 2 bedroom flats is disgraceful. But we've we've missed one topic which is the private rentals and the State of the private rentals I would fully support the m.o.t.d. . That has been sort of suggested by one or 2 parties for the private rentals. Coming back to the homeless issue yes we see a lot of homeless people on our streets in this cold weather is it is a horrible thing for people to be out on the streets we need more. Places for homeless people to stay overnight we know of many places throughout Luton that shelter people temporarily This is the issue it's only temporary we need we need the funding comes back to funding yet again and whichever government comes into power come December the 13th of promising us all the funds in the world for this issue so let's stick by what they are promising. Ok I will take control is very shortly you can text the program with your questions 8138 double 3 Start your message it is being streamed on Facebook dot com Just search for b.b.c. 3 counties I'll try to squeeze it was mediocre as I can be about half an hour or so left there are 7 candidates we need to come take some travel news headlines come back with law and order we need to address the Luton Town Stadium issue because a great number of people want to talk about that of course Facebook dot com Get your questions in there if you can and the the video that we're currently filming now will be on there for a couple days you can go back and look at what the kind that have been saying on lot of the the questions Gary Warren John French Mohammed Ashraf pov as actor and Rachel Hopkins will take the trouble to come back and we'll talk more and order. 3 Counties radio ads and bugs travel every 15 minutes. No improvement on the m $25.00 clockwise I'm afraid 12 miles to the junction 16 because of the crash that killed one leg close enough speed sensor to showing a travel time up around an hour further along the m 25 clockwise 23 at Southminster junction 25 at Enfield still looking very slow through the birds on the. Screen junction 14. And junction 13 is bad fit on the rails delays of up to 20 minutes and some cancellations on Thameslink between all the stuff then because of overhead line problems it's not all that all 3 are reduced service on the west in between better than pledge me because of the staff shortage of going b.b.c. 3 counties radio. 3. It's 630 I'm Jane Killick new figures the show worldwide rise in the number of people catching measles the World Health Organization says cases went up last 3rd to 9700000 president. Has accused the Democrats of trying to impeach him over nothing he was responding on Twitter to an announcement by the Democratic leader in the u.s. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi that impeachment proceedings will go ahead the number of children being cared for by local authorities in England has reached a new high more than 78000 children and now in the care system a 4 percent rise on 2018 are the chip police arrested 2 men over a spate of Range Rover thefts in Harpenden 8 have been stolen in the past 2 weeks the weather mild wet and windy tonight windy again tomorrow with showers and get the latest news and sport online at b.b.c. Doco dot ek slash 3 counties b.b.c. 3 counties radio. Very good living so let's talk a lot of question about Lord or let me try and paraphrase what you've been saying let's be honest candid it's the sound of Luton is not without a police siren whizzing past what are you going to do to make Luton safer funding for better police is an acute problem. Seems to struggle. I've always worked in across party basis with the other M.P.'s and better cheer to make a very simple case about police funding you know live in is essentially a London borough that wanted its way up into Bedford cheer and yet it's funded as a whole force like a rural force now we've been promised by the Tories multiple times and know this because I've been on the receiving end of it that they will look at this properly that they'll reallocate funding to where it's needed there's an acceptance in government that actually better Cheers under-funded but they keep on coming up with piecemeal solutions which is what has been extra funding a bit and we find ways around it so we put in applications for you know a couple of 1000000 here or a bit for this project or whatever but everyone accepts that we've been historically underfunded under both governments and yet action has not happened which is why it's one of the 1st things in the interest of the incoming m.p. To work with the new M.P.'s and get the chair and broad leadership an issue so that we haven't lost that institutional knowledge law and order a 17 year old boy who was stabbed yesterday afternoon in Park Street Rachael Hawkins how they feel like that next Thursday how are you going to say for well as a local councillor we've been grappling with the issue. Anyway we know not a crime has increased over the last 5 years have 80 percent I think they say and that is to simply wrong and it is a consequence not just of not having enough police but the actual kind of demise of those public services those groups activities that keep our young people safe under a Tory government has just taken lots of money away and then I party invest back in a National Youth Services Wow which will be about providing positive activities for young people that are engaged in these things how they are away from just being drawn. Off the street into potential gangs or something something that we're very passionate about and we really know is that a party we need to link the 2 of us have seized by 3 Council. Ships and all that stuff Promise Act a conservative record I really don't understand the argument that Rachel keeps making year and there are Labor m.p. Here for 22 years I've thought of 22 of those good 13 has been a Labor government the council is run by labor you can keep passing the buck you've got to take some responsibility for lack of political leadership so on knife crime specifically what we've said is we will. Make sure that if you're carrying a knife you expect to go to prison tougher sentencing stop and search and more police on our streets so the prime minister is committed to 20000 more but we're not getting more police officers will be getting just slightly under the ones that may reduce those I mean those are means $54.00 more police officers on foot Bedfordshire police Catherine Holloway the police and crime commissioner has asked for an increase in council tax precept so that she can recruit another 40 on top of that so there's 9 there will be $94.00 more police officers and I accept that that that means that we'll be back to parity with 2010 but there was a very specific reason why we had to cut back those police numbers in the 1st place because the Labor Party didn't leave us any money because. Ben Fawley Green Party policing law and order. Just lay you know talking about conservative policing and crime commissioner she campaigned against an increase in the the funding when there was a referendum across paid for change this is just she may have changed her mind about that clearly. Some of us have recognized that public services need more funding or Lol in terms of knife crime. It's not crime but it's. Not crime it's Ok burglary although it's an absolute absolutely it is a lot of the crime unfortunately is related to the illegal drugs you've got young people carry carrying knives because solve the gangs which are tied up with. Drugs you've got people committing bird raised in order to to feed drugs habit I regularly talk to bed for chair place and they are saying that the drug problem is right at the root of so much so much of the crime in our town centers and in the end we've just got to accept that trying to wage war on drugs is not working because John French the best a little party Thank you I. Know it's interesting to hear this but firstly I don't understand the point of a p.c. Say I thing we should have polished the p.c.c. And put that funding to place on the streets one of the things that is very clear is the social upbringing we have in our towns and the education that we need to give our children to understand the dangers of drugs the dangers of knives . Police Well whichever party comes in next Friday they will promise more police good we need it and I concur with Gavin that the we are much under police in Luton with were classed as a rural area when we are virtually a major city so I agree I agree we need more police we need to get that in line with our our needs in Luton and the surrounding villages and I agree that we need tougher sentencing on particular drug and knife crime. Gary war in the party law and order. Well of course we need more policemen as simple as that $20000.00 were caught but that was only going to reduce reintroduced to $20000.00 which they cut so they're not actually doing anything are they and also we should have punishments to fit the crime I mean that guy who step to get to death the 2 students on the London Bridge. You know who let him out that man should resign surely it should be resignations punishment fit the crime for a start of so if you do step someone to death you know you're going to go to prison for the rest of your natural life and that should be mandatory really should. Independent. Thank you 1st of all my sincere sympathies to the president got step today and it's very yes and he has. It all goes down to I think we need to identify the root causes of this particularly if you start closing the youth centers and have less resources in the places where it matters where all the youths get their normal activities going you can get these sort of problems and it's good contact a resource issue and if the government is going to create a government generally an opossum one here they are for authorities to bid for it and get 4 extra funding over and above the actual budget that shouldn't be I think what they need to do is have a set budget for a Authority reach every. Red Fisher in this case but there's a case for Luton to be separate than about for. Police the authority in order to get an accounting that needs to you tackle these projects for time reasons early Luton Town football club and the stadium the stadium project is being held up as wind blocked by the owner of the and they'll shopping center What will you do as an m.p. Think at the state him back on track Rachel Hopkins labor. For support for the development of power Park I think you know behaving disgracefully. I've already met with some of the fans to get my support to support them in what they're trying to do in terms of standing up for our town because it's not just about the football club it's about regenerating our town and we know that people and in town found 33 but you can be an absolutely tiny and you know this is a good thing I'll use any powers I have as a local politician from a town being. A sporting fans be taking things forward you know whatever needs to be done we've got to get through this do you think it can be unblocked this impasse Yeah because I think that it's a spurious Jr that I pity really because they're just trying to protect one of their other shopping centers it's not actually about Leighton So I think once we've got through the detail of that kind of legal thing that they are putting in to block it I think we'll be able to move forward and can you see this thing being built the stadium this is the ongoing development. Yeah absolutely yeah John French best polluted party. We fully support the development of our core and new lands park which will therefore give the funding for the development of our core. Their actions and saying Ari I agree with Rachel they're little bit off the books at the moment and we need to make sure that all of the Illinois here look at this that they might say they need to protect their their commercial. Property if we want to get in that discussion then they should not be hiking their rents in the in the mountains start with you could go to. Rob we probably talked about every single issue tonight in a different context but one of the issues we probably talked the most about on your show is this the actions of Capital Regional are outrageous they're despicable This is not an organization a company this think about the long term interests of the town center in which they have an interest they think about maximizing their short term profit there isn't anyone that took a step back and thought about what regeneration you know that level of re reinvestment is not just that will project it's a regeneration project in the heart of town center that has been decimated would reach the conclusion that backing this and get in the side it would be the thing to do now Gary in the same little town came in to their roles about 10 years ago just as I was becoming the m.p. Of words alongside them from site selection right away through to bring the application through and at times it requires actually a proper loud voice going out there and using the role of an m.p. To call out these people on what they're trying to do it's going to cost each of us their residence money to fend off a serious claim from c.n.n. And it's not about that whoever is elected makes those they can then pay have an impact on the outcome of this impasse Yeah they can and actually when you when you pass things through planning for example as we've done on many occasions locally it's your role at Westminster to. Build relationships with central government and say this is something you need to look at or no I don't know many occasions things have gone through because they haven't been called in by government that's what relationship building is so important powers act a conservative Europe a family acted clearly we're going to have agreement across the board here we all support the quota needles development will be good for the football club but for the town I think the key thing for me to understand is an almond I doubt it is to talk to capital and regional What are their concerns is there any way we can mitigate those concerns through government support and if we can revive the mall and the town center reduce the business rates for shops in the town center those kind of negotiations and discussions then maybe we can bring him to the table and get them to. Take back their call for the judicial review into the decision so it's that kind of thing I'll do it I'm elected. And thank you. Absolutely it's a white of that. Moving to a coat not only that because it was on lock the land they are currently at and also supported them when we. Thought subsidised them when they were currently when they were. Not. At the lower division. You know with the rate payers money. And you can definitely make a difference has been that. You know it's been done a local plan to build. A green space then what's the sort of the Green Party's view once they develop and the ongoing development. We absolutely will power call out we think it be really good for the town center but we're also way out of town development kill town centers if you just look at Northampton there's been too many out of town developments and the town center there is dying we can't afford that happening as well currently the town center is thriving it needs to remain that way and while in the short term park you know if it could end up really really damaging the town center in the end will not last it will be a white Helfant because we need to move back towards everything being concentrated on town centers which are the public transport hubs rather than being concentrated on motorway junctions when we will not be able to cope with the environmental consequences of so much road transport Gary Warren breaks a party but we absolutely support. Development and it's a fantastic opportunity to regenerate the town and some of the people here have mentioned it's a 1000000000 pound project 1000000000 pound project. And it's been held up by vested interests earn our I think all political force should come to bear on these people who. Haven't got the right to hold up your Agree very busy in the last few days ahead of the election next Thursday this listener OS who will be coming down at 1230 on Saturday to drugs and with the Luton fans for. Me to stand by the side that we've actually year. Noise to rally. We've got a stalled and it was well diluted support has. Been really be very desolate and been fairly would be going. To count as a ward surgery for my local residents at that time John French are sending to my wife's. Doctor Yes Powers Act Oh yeah and Rachel Hopkins Yeah you could well take some time he's come back and we talk about education and then climate change c.b.c. 3 counties radio side stocks and bugs travel and every 15 minutes Good evening Roberto 25 would still think the bearded lady. For 12 miles up to junction 16 because of a crash. But we're still watching to laze it up to an hour on earth speed sensors. On the m 25 anticlockwise from Junction 28 King's Langley to junction 162 people have a look at the accident on the opposite side to what he lays on the m one southbound between junction 14 teams and complete 13 heads that all the road works on to the rails now this delays up to 20 minutes from cancellation from Thameslink between. The I the headline problem to a reduced service on London request in between that and the top shortage of the b.c. 3 counties radio. Every Sunday morning for 9 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio tell you need hardly more love about my show most of all was the fact that we can incorporate and so I'm banned as well because he's so difficult for buy and young bands to get exposure so if we can give young artists the chance something to see through counters then I think that's a magical thing tell you had laid before I was ever to spend over a sort of record if I was him but in publishing I was actually pretty good it was quite good on the phone having a chat and I was also the youngest union official up on that side when I was 19 in 450 people on the me and I was Rob was really into the whole politics thing in the unions and stuff. The soundtrack to your Sunday. Tony had every Sunday morning from the. 3 Counties radio. Radio station. And. Climate change in the climate emergency as the next potential member of parliament from Luton South what contribution would you make the climate change discussion in Luton South do to to further develop this this particular story. Well the Labor Party is up front and central it's going to destroy evolution is partly a manifesto because it's absolutely got to run through not just you know environment issues but everything from transport to how saying to green jobs. Transport for example good. Jobs how to deliver that a case about investing in good public transport so for example electrification the railways more freight on railways or again which used to make. Buses Well that would could be the future what we need 1st of all it seems the structure there for more electric vehicles which we've actually committed a transformation fund to help with things like that because you can't do everything overnight but absolutely we do need to reduce congestion in our town that is to partly good public transport systems like more buses and ultimately more electric vehicles electric buses are absolutely like to say and does that mean excluding more vehicles from the Central was pretty difficult to get to some of them anyway but so I mean excluding even more vehicles but I suppose if more people are using the more buses around the fewer individual vehicles go again but we've got to do something to tackle congestion because it is impacting on people's lives in Luton. Quite a lot because of it it's quicker. It's quicker so I think there is a green thread running through all of the manifestoes including things around energy. Oh and cycling the big polluters Parviz act all conservative look very specific things Luton airport expansion we've already talked about the most appropriate use of Luton Airport the 2nd thing we need to do is reduce the traffic in our town and that means committing some infrastructure spending on the roads relieving some of the pinch points the 3rd thing we're going to do is invest from the money set aside for being for housing infrastructure invest in installation and clean technology to upgrade our homes here and the 4th thing passion of mine to bring electric car production into Luton. Sugar independent I mean of you have been an m.p. For the last 10 years so I've got a record on this before the Guardian I mean 3 percent right in this I consider it really important the key thing for me is what can we do to actually reduce our emissions in line with the way in which people get by and they feel that they've got ownership over it it's actually true that missions going on around the world actually in the u.k. They're going down consistently we've got a legal framework in place the next legal citizens that are going to need to be decided in the forthcoming parliament is going to be how we do things like domestic heating how we tackle emplaced green charging and so on for me I want to do that but I don't want to leave behind particularly low income people you know if you look at the cost of traveling by bus you know 4 to 6 pounds for a day right just to get around Lytton whereas if you're into London you can hop on and off for one pound 50 Those are the kind of practical things we need to do this isn't just a question about hitting on at 0 with I'll back any plans to bring that date forward it's about making sure we don't leave people behind as we did go more the party rule. You know we go to down to invest in whatever you come up with down to funding isn't it and we believe with the breaks dividend this can be used to put in clue. Energy vehicles like. Electric buses for example I mean Scandinavia are at the forefront of innovation is much the on their bus routes that just experiments with this they have an induction cool under the ground so that when the bus comes around again it's recharging off it goes again that sort of thing would be fantastic for Luton self really would. Be the Green Party we need an absolute transformation of society and the economy and you know the other parties are talking about heroes some time 205020458 day in the future we need to get there much much sooner because if this country doesn't then other countries won't and we need to be leading the way rather than liking behind but we are told you're part of a complete social train with absolutely how quickly and how do we afford it how do we afford it at the moment. Record low rates we borrow a lot of money 94400000000. A year is a lot of money but this is something where our children will really thank you thank us if we invest in their future and that's what it is if we don't invest in their future then they're going to be inheriting the earth which is going to be. French best falutin party on the issue of climate change and green issues. Well we've already made our opinion clear on the expansion of the airport. And we know that Luke now has far fewer green spaces than quite honestly our population deserves and . I think being against building on our green spaces has to be part of our policies so that we actually create more green space rather than destroying it. I think I used this before but it seems that the only tree that's been planted recently in Luton is the money tree of Luton Airport. So. We have a huge problem with air pollution in Luton we must address that before anything else yeah and the. Power has mentioned creating jobs and creating moving the industry away from the polluting industries so they if we look at the renewable sector such as the electric vehicles open fantastic to see electrical electrical vehicles being built in Luton. Independent. Thank you I think to start off you're going to look at it in a context of like locally. Buster bags why are we using those facts where they're coming from how much are they polluting. The town itself more green trees wherever you possibly can there are strays or means of doing it it's been said only one tree but if you look around in Luton salad you can plant or treat. Better electric cars all those go Specter issue of what you do with the poverty people living in poverty and can you persuade people in Luton to ditch their cars and travel to and from the town center for example a major pleasure to work on a bus system providing you have a bus that it's on a regular basis and it's affordable I'm sure you can Dave says schools across Luton are facing hundreds of thousands of pounds being taken from their budgets what will you do to ensure the children Luton have access to a fully funded and high quality education system. Gary Warren director party. Well going all comes down to funding doesn't it so just you just put up more light to see in our system is a grammar school actually it gives working class kids a good chance of a good education that's what he does and he also becomes an excellent regulator for the other schools I mean if you look at some of our previous prime ministers Callaghan Wilson Heath Thatcher major all grammar school kids competing with the Tony ns and it was only show you Williams who shut down the grammar schools and she went to the highest free paint school in the country I believe so go and shoot her independent of course the schools and the funding issues across Newton self I mean I went to a little comprehensive school and I think it's possible to fulfill your ambitions you know regardless of your background but many often we're held back because of it around a 3rd of Litton's kids are growing up in poverty so it's not just about the school funding issue it's around how do we level the playing field to make sure they've got access to education was involved in some court level trust back in a few years ago to try and tackle that issue bottom line is this though I support the school cuts campaign because Litton does disproportionately badly under the Tory cuts there they need to be reversed socialism is the language of priorities that is a huge priority for me any of the early national insurance through between the program. Independent on the issue of funding for schools. I personally think it's a resource issue as if you look back in 2008. Then the government decided to cut down the. Dissenters can you get not just can you get more money for schools in Luton if you are the m.p. Of course you can you can get. Party yes you get more funding for schools and if you elect a Labor m.p. Because we committed to an education service my old school didn't bury its last $778.00 pounds per people over the last 5 years and that's a disgrace and I'm going to be fighting all the way to make sure we reinvest in our schools pov is act a conservative we have committed to 14000000000 in schools which means 5000 pounds at least for every secondary school pupil in Newton. Green Party. Green Party would be increasing funding for schools and so yeah right across but also in addition we recognise that while it's. Done well at school that then go on to university and so many are put off by student fees that were introduced by Labor triple by the Conservatives are you going to pour more money for that as well that would be in amongst our overall spending plans for which you know some of the money comes from borrowing well on the part of the bar of the Barlows woman lived John French best. Party education and so I'm getting a bit worried that the Greens seem to be boring more than the last Labor government . Pledged to bring more than the Conservatives. Who were only just bailed them out last time around. Didn't need to combat skills. Very much under-funded we know that and we need more funding for the schools to pledge my support to a couple of schools locally to help them we need across Lutes What about Kerry's idea of a grammar school system and. I went to a grammar school now it gave me a good education I left at 16 and then I joined the Navy and that gave me a far better edge. Cation I think in terms of creating better education for particularly the mid-range is the youth of today we need more apprenticeships and we made it and we need more vocational training candidates thank you very much for joining us. Gary Warren Gavin Chuka John Frenchman but Ashraf powers act up and Rachel Hopkins thank you for your company all afternoon thank you of course for joining us on Facebook Live My thanks to my colleagues here b.b.c. 3 counties right next those of course it is the election we will start our election every night special at 10 o'clock and run all the way through until 6 in the morning could be a long night but an interesting one as well. B.b.c. 3 counties radio bad spots and box travel. Good evening or bad I will always in the back open on the m 25 clockwise that with to what you traffic queuing to 12 miles off the junction 16 after a crash earlier a fades into the showing delays but they've burned Alah onto the rails now and services are to stand on London northeast in between Steven age and Peter Barr that's because of the point failure to call them delays of up to 15 minute break northen at the kitchen the still delays of up to 20 minutes and some cancellations on Thameslink between for the open and fast and because by the headline problem and to refuse service on London or with between Fed for them Bletchley because of a shortage and if you're flying from Luton Airport with cancellations to from flights because of the strike action in France today until Saturday the passengers are checked that but before heading to the airport b.b.c. 3 counties radio Laura thank you more trouble trouble course of evening if you've missed it join the conversation make you can see on Facebook dot com 3 Counties radio the program of the last about it's on the and you can watch it again and I just comment. On digital radio and t.v. On b.b.c. Sound and on you a small. B.b.c. Introducing this is b.b.c. Introducing where Danny and Katrina hear this evening all the music yeah I've the next hour has been might imbeds hots on bugs support the band Ca You can tweet us introducing b.h.p. Tog b.b.c. Introducing or you can text us 13 double 3 star a message with 3 c.l. Stands not with a mix of disc i house and acid rock. From x. . This is a banquet chart of the parish. Tracks called Fred the needles I. Got to from Steve