Yes you have years and years on Shine Good morning you're listening to early breakfast for the Eastern Counties really appreciate your company when you study the middle of the week downhill to the weekend the sorting through about the weather today isn't a sound the weather well chilly yes frosty maybe a little touch to start with maybe a dorm dip again this morning just before dawn just before 7 o'clock or as we approach daylight wherever you are if you're in exposed parts could just be but otherwise it's the winds that are going to be pretty strong and particularly along the East Coast as well today and tomorrow very similar to 12 degrees with some bright sunny spells all do risk of an isolated shower as well Thursday a chilly start to then a sunny day Friday cloudy with a right in larky at times and then windy at times over the weekend with the right in the showers possible trouble as an Eastern Counties doesn't look like there's any major. Problems but if you know different you will let me know what you know maybe you'll give me a free call. All the way to 081 double o. Double 8 double o. . And maybe like a few others you'll work out what my 2 words are today t b tango Bravo what TB is an outer shield yesterday's p.c. Was prank calls what's today's t b we have ruled out a tooth brush a teeth brace a takeaway box a tin box Thames barrier and a thermal blanket. On the phones before 5 o'clock by the way thank you very much we called again and one John Denise in Milton Keynes Ian on the m 40 truck jet checked in and Dave the trucker. Right 3 and a half minutes away from the synchronized said that's when you'll hear the pips at 515 to synchronize your watch and then if it's safe and legal for you to do so take a sip of some liquid refreshment together whatever your fancy texting in Thank You wish you to a lineman for your vote. In the early hour which went to Gabrielle. Everything it could be a thermal bag or teeth brace and no no no a telescopic brawly or a train buffer all all says Jenny from Milton Keynes Are you a big smiley case. I say I'm sorry I can't broadcast that one. Just did. Trevor I went into a shop that was advertising trousers 50 percent off turned out they were selling jolts. I was inspired to still trousers the Flies kept getting stuck I also had a pair of London Bridge trousers they kept falling down a lot my Victor Silvester trousers the best they've got more. Well. Let's get out of a. Little. Everything everything everything. Synchronized. Traffic and travel for all the Eastern Counties is pretty quiet this morning actually from road seem to be just about everywhere and temporary traffic lights as well there's not a lot we can do about that public transport seems to be running fine if you know different do please let me know and I'll pass it on. Wednesday the 30th of October top headline this morning and peas are preparing for a general election on the 12th of December the weather headlines sunny spells generally draw I with brisk easterly winds and a top temperature of 12 degrees Celsius 54 degrees Fahrenheit. Morning I'm pretty well thank you very much sir you're going to go I think that was the nimble fingers of Eric Clapton on that last one was yeah it was the Yardbirds Yeah it was I'm a man. So. Yeah you're right. In the forward. Point of the contract oh you know me might start to get planted quite some time to the would you believe the last 3 weeks is the best it's been a year READY. Now where. To go to hear I not be able to crawl down the stairs to get to the phone from our moments. Oh you poor love never knowing Yeah that's right i was i get mad up and get on with it. I did I did the usual yesterday Yeah well put a screwdriver through me and you know I am now do you remember the film last year well yeah well that grew out beautifully but it's all right to assess just a little flesh wound so. That's what Nelson said I don't know if. It's just a scratch. But I sound like a bit of a one horse race this morning walking on the old score it certainly was we had to vote for Duran Duran. 6 votes for Gabrielle out of reach runners up as Club 7 go to Friday then with 12 votes. Current 101-520-2530 extension 3536 you know I actually said sure and I bet I got 6 seconds really but yeah yeah. But 4 people so far got t. Baby for what TB is an alto shield. Got no idea on that one. And they point to ponder which ancient medicine was found in the leaves of the willow tree and lead to the window to a yes which engine medicine was found in the leaves of the willow tree I wouldn't have a clue one only about any you know the willow supplies us with all sorts of still think cricket bats only. Yes I did know that one yeah. Willow good for fishing rods as well. You know bamboo is not. The only star started of fly fishing I would agree not really agree I think it's called Green grandad's fly fishing rod never to use in crisis right. Now you know you're ready I'm ready Ok identify this song for me please post now the country song for ever lost its soul when the guitar player turned to rock'n'roll and every time when someone nights are forming I always will be calling. You know that's a lot. We go again then yes now the country song forever lost soul when the guitar player to rock n roll and every time when some of nights of falling I always will be calling you know all I can only see so I haven't got a baby due on me not until. I see if they do the moon really all have a thing and I'll be name out but I would I mean well. Just to help out is it delimeter a role to me all I can be because I'm a good you only. Don't tell you anything I'm sorry thinking about. About. Role to me Del m h 3 and post impact still still thinking very hard about it Ok I was just deep in conversation with William from a rougher than I even just now he's correctly identified the song but how and how about you what do you think you know now the country song forever lost its soul when the guitar player turned to rock n roll and. When summer nights affording it I always will be calling what t.b.a. Is a now to shield and which ancient medicine was found in the leaves of the willow tree couldn't come again thank you takes a 13 double for you to remember your post on the net what charge Marian Chantry you'll be pleased to know the TB You have correctly identified it's not it's the other one that you said and see if you sent too many confuse yourself Laura in chatter is Good morning to you Laura Yes that song title is correct well done to you well identified so you something some people know it a bit postman does come up with it about he does you know email me is a b.b.c. Dot co. Don't you care. And if you're texting at once or you double treat remember you pay your standard network rates and you must suck message with the word Wally w a l l y coming up the very latest headlines for you Meanwhile some of the things that are going on at the moment the England rugby team of being fined for crossing the halfway line as they lined up in a v. Formation to face the hacker before their World Cup semifinal match against New Zealand the 4th figure is actually going to be donated to charity and a prequel to the t.v. Show game Game of Thrones has been announced it will be called House of the dragon George r.r. Martin the author of the books and series is the series is based on is involved in that project as well sure to be a success isn't it now 25 minutes past 5 o'clock and who is e-mailing in we've got Yeah beat to it today says Kevin with. The title on the artist of the song morning going Commodore says I'm one John your initials t b No your point to ponder correct song lyrics correct So 2 out of 3 for you John thing as your regular isn't it and well done to Trevor as well. Because you've identified the point to ponder correctly so you're all doing really really well security Rob is the answer to your point to ponder Yes that is the ounce of security rob the delivery to Laurie is it from yes it is so it's a to point to for you and tinny in King's Lynn while it was easy again well it was for you if you know it then that's fair enough Ok but to me in Kiel in Germany absolutely right with that song title well done. A Web sites promoting a fake university that highlighted counties links to add Sharon and Harry Potter to try to do potential students as we shut down Suffolk Trading Standards said they made no college the college of Suffolk in Ipswich offered a degree courses in acting musical theatre downs and performance it advertised fees ranging from 35028900 pounds and claimed that it had been founded in the 99 today's trading standards set it was probably aimed at international students to travel on online you can't even believe things like that online these days I don't know right now then greetings to you in the early gangs as the world burn gravel Oh yeah from the old frozen to death in the Scottish Borders well burn graph a low for certain sure I know 2 of the 3 today well the lyrics are correct and the point to ponder is correct but I've got no clue on the initial situation normal but I will take the blame for today's opener Oh it was you that shows Cathy Dennis of Waterloo Sunset year thank you so much for sharing the delights of the version with your listeners and carry on the good work out in this very current. In. Some green areas. When you come from escaping and searching for what I always say really you. Think of. All the good girls school. Is. This. Are. A study now really a leash now are coming up the very latest headlines for you bird. Count the traffic and travel situation and it's very quiet in the eastern counties this morning I'm pleased to report that well nothing to report quite honestly which is good news if you're traveling and same for public transport to just one event that going on today I can tell you about there's a race meeting at fake an embrace course where the gates opening at 11 o'clock so you can expect extra traffic on deer and road in Hempton road. From 11 o'clock the 1st race is the tempest one by the way. It is Wednesday the 30th of October Here's the latest headlines from the b.b.c. For the 1st time in nearly a century a general election is you should be held just before Christmas Boris Johnson says the public must be given a choice over the future of the country and brags that the Labor leader is promising an ambitious and radical campaign the 1st reports on the ground felt our fire in which some to 2 people died will be officially published this morning leaks of the reports have already revealed criticism of the London Fire Brigade a study suggests that switching to greener inhalers for conditions such as asthma could save the n.h.s. Millions of pounds a year and cut carbon emissions scientists at Cambridge University say using dry powder devices could reduce c o 2 in the atmosphere by nearly $60000.00 tonnes a year and get we care porters looking at ways to avoid queues to get onto planes during a 2 month trial one system would see passengers with window seats called 1st it's hoped to reduce the time and stress of getting on a flight the weather cold start and a possible Dawn dippers what we're heading that way now aren't we were heading towards dawn. And it could just dip just a few degrees colder but it's certainly cold cold enough to start I suppose you shower as much affect the coasts of Norfolk we're told the winds blowing from the east will be quite strong into coastal parts giving quite a chilly feel to the day but a maximum of 12 degrees Celsius 54 degrees Fahrenheit and a similar forecast for tomorrow as well sunrise today on the East Coast at 647 Sunset at $1629.00 it reduces the daylights Baria another 4 minutes. While you where on the b.b.c. . Greetings And what about the triple challenge want to go the point to ponder which I mean shouldn't medicine was found in the leaves of the willow tree which ancient medicine was found in the leaves of the willow tree the initials tango Bravo t.v. What t. B. Is an hour to shield what t. B. Is out to a shield for us or not the correct one come in with that one. Come to your texts in just a moment reminder that the lyrical aren't today now the country song forever lost its soul when the guitar player turned to rock and roll and every time when someone Knights of Falding I always will be calling or ites Now let's have a look at what we've got yet Texas 716 knows the song title but hasn't got a name Ginny in Milton Keynes hours nice big kiss there and correct with the point to ponder calling a Bletchley is right with a point to ponder and think TB might be tough bubbles but I'm afraid not but your song is right too so 2 points for you you can email Wally dot web remembering my web house a double b. Please b b c dot co dot. Ok j.c. In Milton Keynes says good body body Larry to line is correct thank you and have a good day you too. Us and told them this is already done and if you want to text it's like one treatable traced on your text message with the word while the spell it w. I l. L. Y. And remember you'll pay your standard right. Glenn I knew I'd. Nickelback and how are you remind me 22 minutes before 6 You're listening to Wally Webb 1st for the Eastern Counties and you're very very welcome this is that a. 2 inch hole linked to Britain with mainland Europe for the 1st time since the Ice Age the link came when British Channel Tunnel engineers sent a probe through to the French side some 40 miles off the coast and 130 feet underneath the charnel the year come and think very quickly it was 999 t. 90 thank you for your texts 195. Put your name next time you've got the song right Jay and Lacy Let's see what you do j Alessi here Dia command a point to ponder correct lyric a line correct well done so many people getting to today Chris from Norway Hello hello no way. Will go for yes you've got the song title right you got a point to ponder right and then for Teflon far you know it's TB tango Bravo not t v off to see the large mouse holes in Cheddar is today's trip around England says Chris from Norway always doing the tours ne you doing the works Hi again Molly point to ponder Yeah correct for that song is correct make a clean piece wrote you got the 2 and James Norrish correct that is what was found in willow leaves the leaves of the willow tree to be correct for you trucker Martin and also it's a 3 out of 3123 well done trucker Martin The trouble is don't travel everybody you know any prizes for it must make you feel better you know you're right I don't know where which one it was Tex wrote 7300 loads of kisses again that will be married then from Chantry units which is the song yes it is a point to ponder is correct the initials t. Be tough to conjure a Western flavor village takes to Dr Scott's true sardine Roberta Oh here we go is the lyric to larn boys of summer by Don Henley no to the letters t. B. Stand for Tommy bag no Roberta interest already love the Yardbirds track they were rocking in their crib that's very smart they look to in the. Air. Mary thinks might be penicillin gets from the leaves of the willow trees not penicillin I'm afraid and see good morning oh day for my Islam Oh my. Good morning to you I'm one an old ancient medicine yes on his You'll be the Thames barrier no day not the Thames Baria we ruled that's how along with a thermal blanket very quickly. a. Classic. Classic Johnny Cash and the ring of fire just go up to 70 minutes before 6 o'clock. Checks in with the Thames barrier definitely not the Thames barrier and would mighty be what t.v. Is and how it's a shield not the Thames barrier or a thermal blanket a tin box a take away box a teeth brace all right toothbrush Mr being a great morning to you correctly identified in the song I'll be playing that one a little while not to not just yet not just yet I got orange juice for you next George from Wharton on the green you've got the song title right a little start this morning everybody's got it right with the exception of Postman Pat who turn now I think he just doesn't want to admit to the nose it. It's one of those he's emailed and here comes his email he says you have got me actually Wiley boo not out of 3 for me well there we go it's not often that we beat the post he is it I could have given the opening line of that it would probably got there and although we didn't you know. Dennis in Swofford well done point to ponder on song title is right for you and Clifford is this how again TB would be a Teflon bass I was in saucepans no cliff it's not Ok and shit like this always a quote from Quentin Crisp that he sends and treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster how well spoken is that have a great day says Kate from Felixstowe where triple kisses I think the the Willow was yes that's what it was it was an early discovery well done Jenny know how to reach a certain b. Is it a tough Beard No but your 2nd guess is correct and I think yes it is derived from the willow trees who've got 2 of those as well Jen with the song title you'd have are the trouble and rocking Robin from Politico's that song title but that's it as far as that goes And let's see greetings to all my nym. I Phone you could send it is it or is it yes it is u t b is correct to me in Kiel in Germany yet now getting up into sunny days it is it really are used to service photocopiers Trevor on the Channel Tunnel site I have a story about when I was ordered out of my car at gunpoint when I drove back. Out of service tunnel a case of mistaken I don't. City and it's a story that's a bit too long to say and yet they were very tight on the old security work well the photocopier and their full. Blanket Chris thanks for the 2 cases but I'm afraid I'm going to have to say no it's not Ok our morning Wally is a. Dog from Bennington. Dog It's not the Thames barrier. Says Pam in hard words we too because his. Now that we're before but know. The leaves of the willow Yes Yes Bill and it is and Bob in Felixstowe. Has to to out a is that misspelling of the song title or. Reminds me of our watch Mommy says but so you think TB is a tin bath it's not you'll have to settle for 2 points. We're going. To get in a minute. It's not long before some of us a parting company so give you answers just to put you out to your misery this morning. Orange juice and or rip it out of a little orange juice with your breakfast this morning tend to say is the time Hindus have been left disappointed after a court ruled the council could repossess a city's only place of worship for their religion they form a library on Mill Road in Cambridge spin a leased to the Indian community and culture association free of charge for 20 years for the county council took the group to court last week after a significant backlog of repairs accumulated and the i.c.c. a Trustee said the group was considering an appeal full that sadly a 30 thought figure of a minor tall which was due to be set alight the Bonfire Night has been destroyed ahead of time in a suspected arson attack the sculpture which took about 3 weeks to build quite a thing you can see on the b.b.c. Website if you have a look in Northampton was it was going to be top joining a far worse celebration of steed park in Kettering Northamptonshire fire crews were called to the scene on Monday though it's a write off it's gone that's it. Angela thank you for texting in she says Bonnie sure miss you oh well we. Haven't added fab day are the leaves Ozias there are 2 kinds No not the leaves are actually don't they strip the leaves often 0000 is a very thin fine branch of the willow tree and only use those in basket making Ozias I think I'm not quite sure but obviously it's not the answer that I want and Gordon in Rushton Good morning Wally is your TB troublesome birth or terminal breath how cheery No it's neither of those in fact the points of ponder and the initials today are linked but I'll tell you about that in a moment where I 1st. Traffic and travel in eastern counties pretty quiet this morning and it looks like it's going to stay that way as well just one you are from coming in in Bedfordshire looter and the a 5 o 5 Dunstable road in up both directions has been closed because of an accident from road to Shaftesbury road that see a 5 o 5 Dunstable road completely closed at the moment Ok keep it. On your own local b.b.c. Radio station for the very latest which means you'll find under Collins with your b.b.c. 3 counties right after 6 o'clock this morning right on top of everything b.b.c. Radio Northampton and about a mass from 6 and 6 b.b.c. Cambridge are the cabs Lawrence prep the show b.b.c. . Deal back again. Mark Murphy from 7 o'clock b.b.c. Regine off with yours truly till 630 and then Nick Conrad's There we go around the used encounter use Ok. Well we got here them I said they are actually linked together are all the texts are in if you sent a text I'm not ready out it's because it hasn't actually come in yet last one from the tinny as well who says Wally triple kisses here aspirin Yes it is aspirin and also checking in we've got Martin in down the market yet is it is it aspirin Yeah and your TB is it tree bark. You know they can get aspirin out to tree bark as well. Willow bark has got to healing properties to it as well what TB is a now to shield simplist it was simply tree bark tree bark was the answer that I wanted to talk about the willow tree which change of medicine was found in the leaves of the willow tree it's actually aspirin and parent who's got the great healing powers. That's for you to check out all right I'm not suggesting the sort you out anyway right now the country song forever lost soul when the guitar player turned to rock n roll leverage saw him when Summer Nights affording I always will be calling Postman Pat a probably knew it just didn't want to admit that he knew it in Mississippi pussycat. Number one. Back in 1976 Ok much of America was thrown into panic when the radio play War Of The Worlds by a she wells and starring 23 year old also Wells was aired many people thought America really was invaded by Martians some committed suicide and a short time later a radio station in Columbia South America broadcast the play they do it differently than don't they they broadcast the play and this time the people rushed to the radio station and killed the cast. 6 o'clock am Simon Oxley voters will go to the polls for a general election on December the 12th after M.P.'s voted to back the idea following months of deadlock over Bracks said the bill needs to be approved by the House of Lords and it will be the 1st election to be held in the run up to Christmas since $923.00 but the B.B.C.'s political editor Laura Coons Berg says many M.P.'s are concerned about a brutal campaign if we look at what's happened in politics in the last couple of years certainly for many people it's been agonizing it's been fraught it's been divisive it's been bitter and I wouldn't be surprised if the tone of the campaign mirrors that in some way earlier the prime minister restored the Conservative party whip to 10 of the 21 M.P.'s who were expelled for a Belling against him over breakfast last month northeast Bedford Burton what foods Richard Harrington were among those readmitted or both are standing down as I am pays the parents of missing from Milton Keynes have told b.b.c. 3 counties it's both a relief and a curse that nothing was found after police or. The Blue Lagoon in black 20 year old Leah disappeared on her way to work in February Thames Valley Police carried out a 2 week search of the Blue Lagoon following a sighting of a gray hoodie which was linked to Leah Claire Croucher is Lear's mom. And the case another body of water with us and like John says we want to find their to be still in a fair the forward not having any idea where she is what's happened to these devastating the London Fire Brigade is preparing to respond to criticism of its role in the Grenfell tower fire following the 1st official report on the disaster more than 2 years ago the findings of some Martin more big public inquiry being published today the key sections of the report were leaked yesterday the French parent company of Luton based Vauxhall could be set to merge with the Us Italian rival Persia and fear it cries Laura reported to be in merger talks to create a new conglomerate worth 38000000000 pounds there's been no comment from either company. Work to widen a road in the Buckinghamshire village of Great Missenden ahead of building the h.s. 2 high speed rail line has been suspended until next year it follows a campaign by local people who climb trees to stop them being chopped down the m.p. For Cheshire an admission Cheryl Gillan is welcome the decision they're going to push back the work on the link range until the 1st quarter of next year and they get a look at a redesign. To try and save as many trees as possible in Spore what further out of the lake up after losing it have a turn much of it's in the right pursued by capital into it all odds are it's all I've heard for I want the poker player from the 1st man have a 3rd of the total thought of the only girl I ever took a turn. And stave an inch through one all with full among the 20 one's in the a.f.l. Trophy but gained a bonus point after winning the penalty shoot out the weather for a bad song straw I would surmise the sun shone a maximum temperature 10 degrees Celsius and you can get the latest news and sport online at b.b.c. Don't care about u.k. Slash 3 counties Thank you Simon. So this is the breakfast show it is Wednesday the 30th of October. Let's talk about what I might be doing tomorrow with my this is the. Show this morning may just in to be in for Andy Collins. In the small shopping for a brand new way of Simon Callow of all faithful. So I want somebody shouted out. Obviously that we're going to be talking about what happened yesterday the general election. The 12th of December very same we're going to be asking you exactly what is in your diary for that day. And we got this phone call at the weekends and we have done a reconstruction of this phone call it was a man called John who phoned the newsroom and he found it to say that he thinks he has got the biggest Elvis Man Cave in the whole of the country did we want to go and see. Did we. I went yesterday the video is on my choice of page at Justin daily spoke to me I really want Wow I mean I have never seen anything quite like they say my life before this man deserves to go borrow he deserves to be on The One Show a place or not punishment. You hate your own story but life for all and also lovers of sex coming through already. We shall work out very soon which one is the 1st text message with some dreadful music behind it so you can find a way out right one double 0 job like w. Can text at once for example sorry start your text with 3 c.r. And you can email me as well this morning just in don't baby say that you cat. Bad since. B.b.c. 3 can ease radio broadcasts of these techs next we should start with this they say is one of the Grice's chains of all time and end of conversation Motown gold from the temptations bowl of confusion. And one. Of the. British looking. Back. At the beach.