Section of the industrial park has also been cordoned off so the delicate task of removing the bodies can be done discreetly The Deputy Chief Constable of Essex Police paper mills said detectives were 1st alerted to the lorry by the ambulance service in the early hours of this morning it went to the u.k. At Holyhead in North Wales on Saturday of the 39 people who died 38 were adults detectives think one was a teenager there were no survivors the prime minister and the Labor leader Jeremy Corbin have failed to reach agreement on a new timetable for getting the government's credit legislation through parliament they met after M.P.'s rejected Boris Johnson's attempt to push his bill through the Commons in just 3 days in order to meet next week's Breck's it deadline the prime minister's questions in the past hour Mr Johnson threw down this challenge for the Labor leader and what I think we would like to hear from him no is his commitment to getting bricks it done that is what the public. And I'm afraid this is because they're worried they're worried that all he wants is a 2nd referendum in apply Mr Korwin told Boris Johnson why he could not support his deal he once said the whole withdrawal bill as signed by the previous prime minister is a terrible treaty and yet this still is even worse than that. And so much that Thomas Cookson tahn network of high street shops was bought for 6000000 pounds by since I took over the 555 stalls which works out to just over 10000 pounds a shop 3 counties weather clouding over with a few showers in places to get the latest news and sport online at b.b.c. U.k. Slash 3 counties. C.b.c. . Radio. To. Kill as a human. Says Nick on b.b.c. 3 counties radio that will look ahead very shortly to the bank coming to the Bedford Corn Exchange rock Pharaoh's as its name. Cools that great to postpone track on its why our house is well madness McFadden and why ahead and George Michael got lots great news we have got a little bit of a competition for you well quiz a quiz petition the competition is I just need you to play along I would dare of to Tiffany. I think I'm going to him. Imagine if they were Maginnis she was thinking they were 11 now but it turned out they weren't much and how good that would be says b.b.c. 3 counties where they write this is for off the Huff Post one but I'm going to check that you now so listen up very carefully one you tell me and there is a reason behind this is not just me being totally random I want you to tell me what this is you ready you listen carefully. Get it right what is this. You can text me your answer to 813 double 3 that's the text number start your text with the 3 c. They won 3 there were 3 does that you text with 3 you can drop me an email to Nick at b.b.c. Don't don't you can say oh you can t. At b.b.c. 3 so I'll explain why. But get you Miles in now see if any of you can get it and if you can get it how specifically and precisely get even to me one more time what is this what sound is this. Any idea going fully abates 813 double 3 to send your text but 3 see out the start of your text and tell me what you think it is right I love this is a brand new. Talented guy that he is it circles and it's really gorgeous. His voice. In the production. Is a beautiful beautiful song one of my 1st things to come out to the. B.b.c. 3 counties right Bryce Magnus. Guy out. There. That. Was. Like. Because. Some very interesting suggestions coming in for you think my soundings I'm not doing a bing mystery sound good but there is a reason I'm playing you this out a repeat of the whole false one I'll reveal you're wrong says well what do you think this is going to have to text me what do you think it is. Slightly disconcerting is it that there were more time. Drive me mad Here's the text number 13 devil 3 Put the side of that text when you send it and they'll come through my book say 13 level 3 start with the 3 What do you think that noise is Ok I'll tell you what it is after all false will not tell you what I. Want as well none of you have guessed it yet none of you have guessed it. None of you even close you. Know even place my cup but your tags I see what you don't have a clever. That Major as well I want freedom with 3 takes 3 see what is that noise do. You. Think you. Could. Be. Going. Through. With. Me. Can you. Tell us anything. About. The fact that. I know. I know. And with. You but. Let's. See. If you. Refuse to meet. Him. You. Well. You know. We. Could. Do. That. And. With. That. They. Would. Listen. To. Me. Give. Me. Stuff it is not Christian says so see for knowing that sound I'm trying to get you to guess i'm lying in bed till resting in days and every time my days off you play anyway it's me up sorry. Sorry. Sorry sorry. When taken I might do again on the whole 1st one takes me on it 133 Start your text with the receipt. And let me know what you think it is some of you getting close some of you are getting close but not quite a cigar yet every weekday morning from 6 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio and he called. Me when I did what you want me I was going to say a d.v.d. Player. Chief of the 19 my. Dream the only player Blu ray. And decal lens which was likely to be days when he was pleased but the next. Day. I want to talk to making you smile and keeping you up to date in training and beyond. Weekday mornings from 6 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio I am getting quite a few 1st time text as well about that noise maybe I should guess the noise every day do put your name on a tech so I can at least give you do you credit 13 double 3 star text with 3 c right let's have a quick little what's on that because rock heroes will be visiting the Bedford Corn Exchange in a couple days time on Friday and the top fundraisers in support help the heroes and so far they've raised over 20000 pounds will not will not need even come on they will not and is kept lead singer in this so why have you chosen Help for Heroes as your charity target here. Winterson help the heroes because each and every family member including myself produces and rating is in the show the family and friends family and accepting men and women I think it's something everyone can relate to someone knows someone is related to someone that has or is right now and then sometimes these things are a forgotten you know we go about our everyday lives but these people put themselves on the line so we can gather our retail I so happened I wherever it might be and we want to make sure that those people are never ever forgotten as a say a charity very dear to our hearts and the only way we know how to do it is by given an amazing night so been a great time and fun prices but you can see collector after the show did you also offer tickets for local former servicemen and servicewomen did you give them a reservation Yeah. We actually work with a company called tickets for troops which is a Web site for serving and accepting men and women and they can put to join and we give them tickets as well and they come along for free so they literally just go on tickets for true stuck at a cafe and they can come and bring their family accept and join us and we do that for every single toward a across the country is just another way to give back you know after everything they've given you looking to raise turn off an impasse huge amount of money you're up to 20 grand so far you're not going to make sure half a 1000000 are you what once was a realistic target he will. Say that it's incredible and it just shows how quick the money is changing and growing and growing like from when we sent your press release of where we were and what the show was about we were 20000 were already at 5 Now I know that's still nowhere near 2000000 but this is a show that we want to go on is it so is a long term but we are determined to reach Tumen our 1000000 want to be the 1st to do it I don't know how long that will take but we will keep going as much as we can . Good luck What is this show is it is like a tribute karaoke is it a how you how you paying tribute to these great artists who are so what we're trying to do is we really try and recreate some of the magic of the charity concert such as life and trying to. The best record stage is Friday when. We are one and there is no doubt you wake so many you know we had a great trip to some incredible legend music from like. The status quo. Dire Straits David we still call him Toto so many more and just as you say people have a great 9 hour long wait I think and just you know everyone gets involved I like the idea that there we are a band paying tribute but we are not a tribute band that. Clear distinction says this Friday Bedford Corn Exchange or the Web site there is Bedford Corn Exchange dot co dot u.k. It's currently down stream how to log on to and have been talking and I want to try one more time better to get back up Bedford Corn Exchange dot co dot u.k. Also coming to the open arena want you in and opens in November you can see that if you have further south in the patch tickets at 20 pounds for work for heroes concessions are 18 pounds it's this Friday evening doors open half hour 7 is of course in the main order tore him. Change Bedford Corn Exchange dot co dot you can't you want to find a more for the show you have a website we ca you can visit production retail find an Instagram heroes to stuff well I hope you raise also money on fighting continued to do so on the tour. Thank you so much thank you Ms there Will Norton right there is coming to Bedford Corn Exchange on on Friday right I'm getting loads and loads and loads of suggestions as to what my noise might be just double check em are you listening I'm listening right here we go I'm going to post you know last year afterwards and what is this there's a very good reason I've been playing this is not just a random guess the sound thing what is this. Ok then tell me I have a memory I think that it 813 doubles 3.30 this audio takes some loads of answers here and I will go through them slowly after help us when we continue to play the annoying sound isn't that call for the b.b.c. Recounting radio it's an extra and he knew his Emma. Thanks very much Nic Well I'm watching big problems on the rails this off the name I'm afraid cell phone service is all currently suspended that's between clapping junction and non-thinking central it's all because of an earlier lying fight fire now also on the rails I'm watching problems for the East Midlands trying on Thameslink they have the lanes of up to 15 minutes between the bank with international on Leighton and on to right now in what that the $841.00 that's crawling in both directions heading towards the diamond roundabout it's down to the right like taking place in the area and mittens and b.b.c. 3 counties Radio Come on I mean what is it well it sounds like something from don't think so I'm going to say it like a cyber mine also. Only you know 2 clocks is a model of a 13 there were 3 Start your text with 3 c.f. . Cards in Box 3. It's 130 I'm Jane Killick there was only police has been given more time to question a man arrested on suspicion of double murder in Milton Keynes police have also confirmed the identity of the 2 victims a 17 year old Dom and sa and 17 year old Ben Gillum Rice a man has died after the car he was driving crashed into a tree following a police attempt to stop the vehicle in what foot the crash happened on Hempstead road around 5 am Tuesday morning the driver died at the scene and 2 passengers were taken to hospital with serious injuries Essex police have begun a murder investigation after the bodies of 39 people were found inside a lorry container the driver a 25 year old man from Northern Ireland has been arrested on suspicion of murder the prime minister and the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn have failed to reach agreement on a new timetable for getting the government's Bronx it legislation through parliament they met after M.P.'s rejected Boris Johnson's attempt to push his bill through the Commons in just 3 days in order to meet next week spread deadline but whether that's also bucks clouding over the softening with a few showers I was all that lines the next bulletin is to go to ideas where that noise is what we in the news room all think is a very irritating noise. That it's not the answer I was looking for you know what it is actually I genuinely don't is it some sort of robot I tell eventually you have to go back in the news room where everyone's irritated I said irritated no irritating different and and I'll tell you in about 6 or 7 minutes from now on this is a known you guessed it but guessed it like really really precise it's quite well they're just you know a superior form of listening Yes Now to your show they are absolutely in the top tier the listeners this is Nick Carr for you or b.b.c. 3 counties radio. Have. You got. Song a clock back on the. Song . Thank you. As it. Does Michael it's faith this is b.b.c. 3 counties radio I mean they got to national curry chef of the year my studio very shortly right I'm not going to play the sound again because you know what appear in the news you may find the annoying Christian says it stays national slap your colleague They do your lying Don't tempt them Christian Don't tempt them at 0 pages out and cheer up and play while I play that one bit out of that I just play the 1st bit where the god where is my sound on I have a game I just play the very 1st bit and I asked you what it is. As are you going I had some fantastic replies here Nicky McCain says Is it a submarine diving No Kevin hitch it asks whether it's the Doppler effect hold on a minute what is the Doppler Effect don't. Doppler effect is an increase or decrease in the frequency of sound light or other waves as the source an observer moved towards or away from each other the effect causes sudden change in pitch noticeable in the passing Solomon as well as the red shift seen by strong as you are I reckon if the Doppler effect had a sound it would be that denies that. Ignore x. As my answer to that in a moment. Cameron says sounds like a personal robot telling you that your dinner is ready no. That was the right answer. Is that a Cold War Russian radio signal that the woodpecker over the horizon radar says Mark a working but in no. Is it the noise of an Advil the steering vacuum no. It's quite a few that are quite close to my son read to me or is it the doors opening on the Darling mothership is that from no name on that you know what again I don't know what it would sound like have the doors. On the docket membership but I reckon it would be that. You're only 10 on half term really lovely to hear from you she says is it the sound of a power plant shutting down no that's a really really really good guest. Live in Himalayas fail if it's an alarm no. Doug I can't read out your tags Stass if it's a male frog and. Ronnie he's still in the Skip says is easy is either Ross from Friends. Board or a fire alarm in a public building no radiation leak from a reactor No a train spinning no. Leg or Mike says that sound is the noise my Lego railway makes speaking of Lego. Can I do this the mill Festival is back on the 9th of November stand to be leisure center I was there in March at the 1st one is brilliant bigger and better than before is pretty big last time although I think they going up into upside as a result they got in the gym and then in the bed up top as well said 9th of November legs of new displays for the m.k. Break fest for Paul by some very very talented people and they gave it to Mike so your mom is going to be furious if he doesn't say well I will tell you I would tell you after my next couple songs what that sound is there's a reason I've done it and it's quite a good story actually quite a few of you the bizarrely not any of guessed it but I guessed it really really specifically Snick on b.b.c. 3 Tenors right here on their way and then I'll reveal the sound. Is that. An old. Next. Every Friday and Saturday night from 9 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio Justin De Lay He says I think you can find someone pain you like to call internal fight that I think was shown on. The line. Just in day the song penny mind you actually like you know that it's made a lot of this. But I just feel very tired and don't sure never ever doubt this progress the classics the rarely have and you never know what's coming next in bed was laid and beyond just in every Friday and Saturday night from now on b.b.c. 3 counties radio a. Bed and box this is B.B.C.'s week. Right there is a reason I've been playing this sound and quite a lot of you have actually got it right quite a lot of you've got it right. One last time. I kept it one last time I'm just going by the very 1st bit. Now the thing is I've been told that it could be a tri crane and though it could be somebody with the Daleks Christopher said that it was Morse code for and say which I think is actually quite a good co sadly wrong. What is it. Is the Brazilian. I remember now actually. I have to get it right it's the Belmont is the mating the bell but. How did you know this twitcher now I feel a bit of a cheek why I didn't actually remember it just that it's because I was lying in bed the other morning. Television and it was on the b.b.c. News and I was half asleep when I heard this noise. That know you all and I thought my in France over my eyes and the article it is credible as I said this to. Amazonian this caught my eye in the paper yesterday it was become the loudest animal ever to be recorded the white Bellbird has been caught on video producing a deafening buzz and buzzing screech I think that's a polite way of putting it which is louder than a chainsaw or a rock concert there we go is more powerful than Coldplay a small white bird with a black beat the creature looks unassuming it weighs just half a pound that's nothing that's 150 grams it emits the monstrous $125.00 decibel noise when looking for a mate. To have to go to the effort has been found on the treetops in the mountains north the embers and singing to a female to try and curry her favor if you're with a female and what would you be thinking to that noise. Be running a mile. The scientists is part of the birds at the females may risk their hearing sitting so close but it might be worth it to examine them mate you think read of Oh . We were lucky enough to see females join males on the display perches said Professor Jeff paid us biologists from the University of Massachusetts in this case we saw the male sing only their loudest songs not only that they swivel dramatically during the songs so as to blast the songs final note directly to the females we love to know why females willingly stay so close Miles as they sing so loudly do you missing a trick you think we should just go into bars and clubs and and do the union Bellbird call and see what would happen. Next I think I'll probably share this point where my b.b.c. Passes I do so and see whether that creates any good chatter on the I'm so it's a very bad memory it would teach my breakfast t.v. Is on it is indeed that it is the Amazonian. White bell but them as in what Bell but what an incredible noise and what an incredible annoyingness let me just give you credit because loads of you got it right probably missed a chunk of your bad got it right Rick in Luton stabbers Well Doc to cut in Hemel who would also like me to mention believe that's quite a shout out his friend Steve tuna and. And he's not guilty in Italy is not he's listening or make his day Hello Steve Cina. On the rich in a joke and failing miserably that makes your day Rick in Luton loads if you got it right I'm frankly surprised how many of you did get it right because it means that you're either as I now know you were telling us is on there the day or you're just a little bit geeky with the birth thing because tonight that is actually very very impressive indeed this is b.b.c. 3 counties radio cough a healer is said the power of love on its way off the pain. There's something in the bowl we're. Up to a petard. News. Channel. To be. Another. So what. Was. The. Ultimate. Color. Pink. Color. Blue color to Adam. Can be. So stay with me. Because there's. Going the. Gold. Jewelry a. Great . Want to. Come. It is some of the power. Crystal Reports coming in from our travel desk love the most kind on Emma. I think we can stay in the studio right and I'm genuinely terrified to talk normally believe in a Santa gone what has happened while somebody left there might find I pan off not like the foreigner a bit yes yes I do I can at 4 o'clock in the morning we have a recording of the most terrifying daemonic noise really I don't know what it's come around really freaked out how would you describe the noise. Like a scurry Ching and then there's like a creepy whispering in the background creating a terrify you show is not going to Halloween is just not pulling your chain it's not there was no one here at 4 o'clock in the morning I wonder whether it's linked to this right I saw in the papers London or Manchester topped the charts alien sightings. So maybe it's less ghost and more ideally and maybe write a will you send me the sound and let me know if I can play on the right here or not quite there this is a Friday October and stay This is a Nicam b.b.c. 3 counties read it she's got a travel b.b.c. 3 counties radio that Scots about extract. Well we've got problems on the rail face afternoon I'm afraid Southern 7 states all currently suspended out between clapping junction and thinking central life after a long fight fire on the departure boards that for you is Mittens trying to also house the problems they have delays of up to 35 minutes between from tank with International only 10 after an early at track bolt and over in what they've now on the rides the I 41 is currently crawling in both directions that's where the build up approaching the Right back at the Diamond roundabout evidence then b.b.c. 3 counties radio we've got problems looming problems compared to having a go to New York in your studios involved in the morning is nothing. Maybe a similar sound them or not if I compare only their quality coming through what is a spooky speak earrings on our travel desk in London Bellamy Brothers coming hours James Blunt Dexys on their way and Army National curry chef the years well. Did the radio and t.v. On b.b.c. Sound and on your small. It's 2 o'clock I'm Jane Killick piece of confirmed the identity of the 217 year old boys who were killed at a house party in Milton Keynes on Saturday both on and saw a man glamorize died from stab wounds 20 Fisher has the latest post-mortem examinations found the Da Mansour died from a stab wound to his back and Ben Killen Bryce died from a stab wound to his chest police say 2 others who survived the attack at the house in Emerson Valley on Saturday night a 17 year old boy and a 23 year old man are recovering a 21 year old man arrested on suspicion of double murder he is still in custody police have been given a further 36 hours to question him officers say they're still looking for other people in relation to the attack a man has died after the car he was driving crashed into a tree following a police attempt to stop the vehicle in Watford the crash happened on Hampstead Road at around 5 am yesterday morning the driver died at the scene and 2 passengers were taken to hospital with serious injuries the independent office of police conduct says an alley drove off when an unmarked police car attempted to stop it. A murder investigation has begun in Essex after 39 bodies were found in the back of a lorry parked on industrial estate near Gray's Police believe the lorry came from Bulgaria and entered the u.k. At Holyhead in North Wales on Saturday the driver a 25 year old man from Northern Ireland has been arrested on suspicion of murder Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn have failed to reach agreement on a new timetable for getting the government's broke that deal through parliament the prime minister has paused the draft legislation after M.P.'s rejected his plan to allow just 3 days of debate in the Commons on the matter Richard Harrington a former conservative and now independent m.p. For Wofford came to prime minister's questions to explain why he voted against the tight timetable for debate proposed last night I would like to ask my right on from the prime minister if he's aware that for many people many members like myself who voted for his bill was not right the motion against the program motion we're beginning to turn except a reasonable compromise for the proper scrutiny of the bill and this was not a vote for revocation of the scale. Of people killed on a Boeing 737 Max aircraft which nosedive into the sea of Indonesia say they've been told by investigators that the design of the plane contributed to the crash 199 people were killed in the accident a year ago less than 5 months later a 2nd 737 Max crashed in Ethiopia in similar circumstances the plane remains grounded worldwide it's emerged that Thomas Cook's entire network of high street shops was bought for $6000000.00 pounds his travel based in Sunderland took over more than $500.00 stores which works out at a little more than $10000.00 pounds per shop. And Instagram is removing all filters that depict or promote cosmetic surgery in response to concerns that the home people's mental health effects that might people look like they have had lip injections fillers or face lift will be among those banned from the photo sharing website is whether clouding over with a few showers in places to get latest news and sports online at b.b.c. U.k. Slashed. News b.b.c. 3 counties radio.

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