Of a Russian businessman on British soil as murder the body of Nicholai plush cough who was 68 was found in his home in south west London on Monday at this stage Detectives say there is no link to the nerve agent attack insoles spree affairs correspondent Danny sure has more details the death of Nicholai glitch caused was initially classed as unexplained but now after receiving the post-mortem examination findings police of launched a murder investigation according to the pathologist Mr Pushkov died from compression to the neck suggesting he was strangled Scotland Yard say the inquiry is being led by its counterterrorism command because of the businessmen's associations a former deputy director of the Russian state airline Air afloat he was jailed for fraud in Russia before claiming political asylum in the u.k. 5 teenagers have p. Did not guilty to murdering 15 year old Jacob Abraham outside his home in Waltham Cross the 314 year olds and 215 year olds who are all from north London appearance and told them to crown court where they also denied a further charge of conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm with intent the 5 you can't be identified for legal reasons will stand trial on the 6th of June. A teenager from Luton has been spared jail for stabbing another boy because he himself has since been stabbed Newton Crown Court heard a 17 year old was with around 20 youths who confronted each other in league rave road as part of a postcode feud Carol of a crumby reports the victim was stabbed through the chest on Boxing Day 2016 he suffered a collapsed lung had 4 stitches and was in hospital for 3 days his attacker who's also 17 appeared in court on crutches having himself been stabbed 4 times in the back and leg in the van but he admitted wounding and having a knife the judge said had he been fit and well he would have been sentenced to detention instead he sentenced him to a community sentence including a 16 month Youth Rehabilitation order an 18 year old has been found guilty of attempted murder after building a bomb which partially exploded on the London Underground dozens of people were hurt in the blast at Parson's Green Station last September Ahmed her son had been referred to the government's anti-radical ies ation programme prior to the bombing to Catherine Brown an expert in counter extremism measures warns against in Egypt response what we don't want to see is a kind of overreaction where lots of young people are suddenly put into these programs unnecessarily because people are panicked and then the relevant authorities kind of feel under pressure to put lots of people through these programs and will make them less effective an estate agent from Bourke I'm stupid to use the details of a woman whose house he was selling to apply for loans has been jailed for fraud James Beck who lived and worked in Bertram's it but now lives in Wilton Bassett borrowed 30000 pounds and used part of the money for a family holiday in Mexico that he 9 year old was arrested after trying to flee to South Africa while on bail he admitted fraud and was sentenced to 18 months in prison the weather increasingly windy and cold tonight with Cherry rain turning to snow and a low of one degree and get the latest news and sport online at b.b.c. Docket dot u.k. Slashed. Recounted. B.c. Candies made a similar reading the d.c. And she G.'s. From 2 tomorrow it's 3 counties now it's red that's a very nice piece in the county's radio and very good day when she was still live here in Milton Keynes live in freezing it's the showbiz panel not 3 panelists but an extra special panel She joined us let me tell you who we have we have Catherine Lomax creative director of the golden trade theater and Steve thank you so much Kathryn indeed venturing out to note again we have Mr Bradford head on I have yes just for you to get a bike Yes I was expecting Health expecting it so I came prepared Thank you Mayor to the Chapman social media girl from training well. We have found signs of the magician Yes you just I was just a roving around you've been working a secret project no kids I'm not much but welcome as well as you my children are happy right Kathryn you from the world of yes creative director have you seen such a splendid stage before with lights with a contraption that pumps out smoke I did enjoy the smoke I was here really enough to see you the target said there was this I did I can tell is in the financial year was just. There's no way and never went to the fact that they're all goody bags with a plastic pen and a fridge magnet now you can't tell me that that's how it has that names on them yeah if you're maybe b.b.c. For a counter I can get a feeling I get a couple of changed my name. Well Kim to you. Can we start with the story about the crowns. For a. Less than Smith outbreak for you know play cruise with in the series the 2 series and turns out this week she was paid signature. Seems than Matt Smith we all human is from Netflix or the production company she became the star of the show but she wasn't the star of the show Meredith when the series began does not justify it well no of course is not justified is not justified the any actress gets by less than yeah. I actually think less is the star and the minute she will sunset on the screen she steals every I mean you just just gravitate towards watching her she absolutely out Sean Matt Smith I think possibly they are looking at c.b.e. Maybe and not then things must Smith because playing devil's advocate here obviously but no I think it's a tragedy and he was a star I mean he was and he was Dr Who so he entertained to the beat the ways he came to a show with a reputation so put it put it in this case respect that. You get the owner of the self which is gets the job in. A new look do they get paid more because they haven't had experience if they are just working as a sales assistant I think it's role I've been paid less than a male colleague I mean it's totally demotivating but unfortunately we are we accept it as women. But now I think it's very wrong she has a far greater role than him as well and I think that is how the role should be judged I think you look at how much Alison you know hours she's going to be on screen for will be that she was reportedly $28000.00 pounds per episode which is less the Matt Smith you know when he was paid more African more in brown because the only committee hearings and there's been constant discussions about gender pay and people but he was the biggest star when the show started yeah I say again I can't said it before. Isn't it down to each of us you know clef or perhaps didn't have such you could. Interpret as well there you go to show that I think the interesting twist to this title is obviously mounting Clay have now left the series yet I have to say I haven't seen you live your Coleman is playing the queen in like some life and it's been announced that she will be the top. With the Rycote Yeah absolutely you know it does need balancing out box I think the way that t.v. Industry's works it's about reputation it's about who is going to pull in the view isn't in the early days Matt Smith would have probably helped bring people in but it was never marketed as much Smith's show and I didn't watch it thinking Smith's in the s. So it wasn't even though it wasn't as though it was it was wrong to dislike casting crazy now I'm a doll that when I come to produce plays all the shows at the Golden Gate be if you are looking somebody in your costing somebody. It is a name and a household name then yes they would be paid more but not necessarily paid more than the elite and I would argue that playing the queen in the crown actually it was the leading role so I do think there is areas I think yes definitely agent should have negotiated better but. That's an awful lot more to be negotiating so I would hope would be I didn't just responsible but I think then I think that Katie isn't that what about the argument I mean she's been in a few series before where for it but this has been you know making about I mean she was the queen on that program but in a way the program gave her a I'm not justifying but the gap was the way the program gave her given her an amazing probably she's a model I don't to speak not to and I think actually going full that she should therefore be paid even more in future role is because she now bring this not only that the acting capability to play the lead vocal also the name status doesn't help either as the site has how it but I think having played the delete that should be a comparatively right wave being a more famous name. Strike magicians sign if you know this is a Navy Yard out by Shinedown specially secretary doesn't watch in any area but you know kind of I love the crowd and I feel the question they asked it's it's like say it's like look at the house of cards right and. It's literally the other way around in the pro she is literally the lead actress so she should definitely. I said I don't know how salaries work with actors so I don't think it's great but. I don't know. So do you think Kevin Spacey should get paid more than most and more a large amount of his estate but all that we do is right there in the house of God Do you think he should get paid more because he's grown as big I just say based on the role Yes So nothing to do with his c.v. And he knows it already feels let us say that because that label really holds the movie that it will ever go to see class boy has the biggest role there for but let's be fed guys know how the industry doesn't think she's a. About the size of the room you know to produce this will put you in. With a minimum to draw really your i.q. Is that with a name brand of as long as it's famous because I don't think they look I mean I don't know this is why Best I don't think they look and they go oh they're cheaper they're more expensive they think that person will bring in more viewers so pay them that much much time but this yank saying so sometimes certainly in the case if the tip is not just because the name will necessarily help the sales although that obviously can be a benefit but it's almost And I think probably more frequently is that having a famous name in doing says the product and it demonstrates that the producer is prepared to put the the effort and the kind of the backing behind it to show that it is going to be a high quality and I think that subsidy finds I think that much as they're called Whether you're a man or a female name them but I think in this case in particular when she played the lead as well it is that she wasn't but it's even in the most recent series as well it would a page because they're filmed quite close together but by the time the 2nd series was no longer in literally in terms of advertising stations it was John time age and British just fights I mean because she was the product and she made the money there when they don't brilliant. And they saw the bit extra success of smoke coming out which is faith that it isn't really that was you still cannot stay which was which doesn't look very false to me to be fair I. Didn't And I have no doubt Andy away before we were really harried way yeah I mean you know you know we work at different times like we never see each other and you know I but you know 12 weeks of intensive training I'm impressed with his physique you really Yeah but you really Yeah but I. But I do seem to recall that he was. At the Elstree wall to stop when he was doing the 12 steps of Christmas retain now twice a day. 6 days a week so I don't know how long you take another break now as was I had my x. Look to see how I was here and you get back a check with either the right kind of sweets. Or for a monthly look that's not so much higher risk than heart right now you say about how you have the 3 counties and how love you like it's what up tonight oh yes I'm staying for now yeah yeah yeah Ok I'll be the 1st time ever Yeah I got. That figured out there is something else amazing weeks of intensive training and he's put on a pound to cure that could be muscle yet it is also not going to settle for a chair. Because I want to. Give another big shock let someone walk right into that line that we're going to take a very shortly the bit about distorts compass making the film that he's making just beaming at the poll to I'm checking the results are you but sure the other thing about this what is your favorite trick to make you feel. So old I can I have a little think I did show producer. A picture of me and. Doesn't believe that it is it's a black but it's not noticeable is of him I know that's what looks like he's you know you read. Me think it is and hang on to with me you know the law Yeah it would be kind of it yeah I have it you want you to stick it to him. And what worries me Catherine. Just the way he was when I did the 6 he must speak. That must be. So too much same pumping I and he's very much to me at one stage so I was on one side of the. Side there is with us we have Catherine limits we have married have a chat and we have a brand we have. Thank you. Maybe . That's. A. Stretch. In the area. Of the. 2170. 6. And you're in the nation's. Get the school. Today. Really. Of things we have merit if we have saw the WHO's there is the magically appear good to see you again how this is about is Magic Mike we have to come through and we have brown. Has confirmed this week the Eddie Murphy has joined the sequel to Twain's. Yes yes they are short so they got 70 years old Danny De Vito $73.00 they had to another version of the film twins it's going to be called Triplets I'm just. Making fun of us I know if I'm not a j I still get babysitting. Should be seen and. Schwarzenegger to veto and the triplets know that there's something way that's true there's no way. Oh well. What's wrong with he's excited I think what you're all 4 of you looking at me like I'm the whereas what I think it's a great company I show you 3 So who's going to have the triplets they all the triplets they are the trip or they will find a not long lost also any Murphy is there something that you don't seem to know I have but you know it's been 20 years since you know so I don't watch every week to say that I have to means so there's all the Shools and I got big yeah. Every time I try to confuse that with the one where he had a baby like for a bit so I thought that was right Ok You know I think it would be freedom to get definitely dismissing Meredith. Say I love Danny De Vito and I love ownership snake it's my it's my it's a 3 on my phone my dinner party guests that. But this 4 of us around the table. Is Going To Be There was about it what a virus on the kids take it. Back on the right so I'm right I'm not. How we came to the conclusion I just meant but then they went to law you think this is a does it signal is Ok it was definitely wanted to Christmas. I remember seeing the end picnic breaking into the old place and isn't and I don't want to ruin the film for anybody's machine cinema only doesn't come the end to get. Brownie triplets I wonder who's getting the nice pay out of those 3 I think they wanted woman sang lace I think they've missed an opportunity I think Eddie Murphy should be a gold but I think they'll be much better oh yes a yeah but the other said anybody don't want will pick oh well. My one regret is not seeing Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act at the London Palladium because I was away when she did that away and I really genuinely regret more having a child so I can fix that for you can just come back in a few months time to do it it's a kit for that would be love for you know love Ghost series what man loves ghost my husband favorite film of under the order of No I think the question again which man was not a good story Jeremy. 30 Murphy should encourage or not sorry Jerry. So what is your favorite shorts in the film silent jingle all the way to live enough to think about this at all which is a great it is a grad is it by Christmas movie that's what I'll watch 1st then die hard. To Scrooge I hope you can juggle to what the story of a dad that. Doesn't love aside enough to buy a toy before and then ruins lives allow it to get that was how is the most amazing thing doesn't love peace. Now I've had it 5 years ago with a touch it's not about not loving them enough Oh Frank it's just about life and then suddenly realizing these have sold out everywhere but exactly it will never know if you don't love them enough you would have bought it for him 6 months ago bear that your favorite shorts and a film Earth Well I like 10 minutes. But the fact the original try and and I actually did it. What was that which you know could be in the car so that's 121 what's the female. Why you're looking at me now I think your make up and tell the actress days that's gone as I did a job that had once and she still make a must play I'm just really cool and Teller Yes yes Sarah Connor but he's the actress I'm being ridiculously generous in that place are thought to be at his house and we all know that most of the other I did show really know how to moments and she told me about the filming and how funny it was and had and it just sounds like a girl and it's a pretty average you know Hollywood blockbuster is one of my favorite things at Disney or universal whatever is the Terminator but what about true lines of the Last Action Hero I've not seen that lot that I already answered and I want to answer some more because there's no one movie they can love there's 5 I mean Terminator I can have an editor some of these writers are not Priscilla that's really good it's not that I'm sure about the tango scene they generalize I love I love to it was so great Katherine when I was going to say twins because I had seen it most recently interviewed her by the way I do remember liking predator. I think I could surprise me my dad by often action. She's going to get books they get but this really. Is an own choice and again now I think I watched him on stage in London being asked what's the question that's right you see a movie star game an Oscar and maybe 60 and also a politician kind of round about how careful Solutrean no idea I've not seen him on anything on states he doesn't really register with me I don't know to be honest I think I saw Terminator too many years ago is that the sounds with the next so Williams No Way sign Now if you notice the race I was a little bit whether you got it was that one but yeah Total Recall Yeah what I do what I do is right you know you're right but he is somebody has made so many great he's always monks and I love him what did I do recall about that night. We spend and I think I was a few a few races ahead of you that night at the Lancaster House Hotel listening to him when you eventually came on stage with how amazing motivating he was he was an inspirational speaker and you just wanted to be center it was fascinated by him but the thing is we were to raise movie career and he's made such great films but of course the top fun with the heat he's an actor or a politician because he's a very accomplished Well it's a bit of both I guess but it's about the performance isn't it isn't it you're you're right 23 minutes past 6 Kathryn Lomax is the creative director of golden creek even steven h. You've got Joe Brown on tonight so how do you I do I do my research yes it will so now I am but again it's got Sleeping Beauty Coming up we have so I left rehearsals at 4 o'clock to make sure I was a designer but we have blocked all of the 1st act so we've only been a rehearsal since Wednesday not done too badly I left them they were learning the dance till the end of. The 1st act. But we've got the best coxed the cast a phenomenal Les I was working I've been to every morning and we finished at 7 o'clock in the evening and they've just worked but they are getting to be amazing and the costumes have been designed by Lisa he came on. A question designed specifically for nobody with his big show you go to that special place I did I did that special place in bed let's not talk about that and now these have all been designed all been created in-house along with the sex I was I'd have today it was very easy to root for Joe brown van de Coubertin because there were bits of set being created because it's going to be set in a castle so there was lots of fabulous big gray walls with brick effects going on it's a kind of plea to read magical things happening in my favorite every story is such a lovely thing and one of the things that the movie. Interesting is making it different to be dismayed story so actually how do you keep the essence of the families that all of the children tend to know about how do you heighten the comedy or looking for that kind of different personality it's been a lot of fun creating my 1st experience of Sleeping Beauty with the ladies. So my grew up with real fashion and from seeing more of the display film which to the fairies and everything is wonderful but do you think children relate to Disney and that's why I think so I think I think they do relate to things I think probably want to start a bit as a fairy story like say That meant that by the being told anecdotally bad parents remember reading that later but I remember having a big favorite house and that was my treat when I went to bed I remember my mom and dad reading a different fairy tale to me it's my son and me who are Philip out for about a year at nursery school he was Phillip from from the music. Every story yeah a fairy story yeah right. No I don't think so but I'm always still going to say you're looking very trim Mr Brown. He's got to turn on a haircut as well. For something you did I can't I couldn't possibly say you looking for you pressure pretty so thank you I I think. You can bet that because well that's what I that's what I was going to say I figured there may be a vacancy on break for Star research because you can get a bridge check your facts are quickly but you don't because it's really just in case it's just. Stopped again. Because I think. It. Will catch up with a very short because it will find out what's happened to for 7 we need to generate enough energy to power the state should bridge that for all day but out tree we've done so well we've actually generated enough energy to power the station for 4 days . We have to cut calories left to go for a week or so carry on I'm going to have turned out. Calories to go to see how they have been dissolved and then what do you want usually Well I went to Manchester last weekend so a little bit off the beaten track and I saw a very intense piece of drama. Mira transformation it's an American place 1st time it's been done over here starts Emilia Boehner who wrote and starred in Scott and Irish is also not a partridge isn't she she she says I've been trying to go French or whatever and the wonderful Conan Neal. And it was it was it was a sort of actor's pace so what happened was it was a group of 4 people in middle America who went to a life acting class and you saw their life unwind over a 6 week course one hour 45 minutes no interval so it was a bit sort of. Clenching but really very little I don't know where you would look at me when he says well you know they were in that case and that was that but. There was no submarines there were no guns and there was no bikini clad girls so I think you'd really like it but it was set in like this rehearsal room was a little better life you know. Sort of sexual interest in it but absolutely fascinating really really strong piece but I was talking briefly to con after the show and had quite a few people walk out because it is something 10. But stick with it because it's really worth watching just people get there to try and use cider as well as to see when you work in a secret project you can't as well but you've got some dates coming up in the 3 counties we can be open to more but you'll date on my website side s y l a r magic dot com I have a show a month and Bertha said Rafe will come down and see me and other things all their fault they're easier we will take in trying to compete with the much power of silent. Catherine remembered and would have missed that you slim down Brown. Travelling bags and bags b.b.c. 3 counties radio. On the end $25.00 it still stop start anticlockwise between junction 20 for London Carney and 20 pickings Langley That's after an accident on but all lanes have been opened it's causing delays as a result on the north over 2 red dots between London Kearney roundabout and a part street round about a one a struggling with evening that southbound between the 4 more 10 up and standing corner and it's because of some red flags in the area it's low being only a one and northbound just around junction $61.00 in Garden City and on the rails great Milton separatists are currently at a stand at Biggleswade because of the dent evidence in b.b.c. 3 counties radio. The band's call at 6 am box this is b.b.c. 3 counties radio. At 630 I'm Jane Killick counterterrorism police are now treating the death of a Russian businessman on British soil as murder the body of Nicholas Kulish cough he was 68 was found at his home in south west London on Monday 5 teenagers of pleaded not guilty to murdering 15 year old Jacob Abraham house on his home and will from cross the 314 year olds and 215 year olds who are all from north London the pitocin told Crown Court where they also denied a further charge of conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm with intent the teenager from Luton has been spared jail for stabbing another boy because he himself has since been stabbed vision Crown Court heard a 17 year old was with around 20 youths who confronted each other in the grave road as part of a postcode feud an 18 year old has been found guilty of attempted murder after Bill . In a bowl much partially exploded on the London Underground Ahmed Hassan had been referred to the government's anti radicalization program prior to the bombing the weather increasingly windy and cold tonight with Cherry rain turning to snow and a low of one degree and get the latest news in sport online at b.b.c. U.k. Slash 3 count his b.b.c. 3 counties radio. You know to change some of the funky just go a little tweak here for you and I'm sorry I have to check with tweets often to be there with some of them but this tweet from Richard says Rob If I'd known saw him in the magician was on a lot of make the trip to Bill to kick it would he. Like what's his name sorry Richard Richard Ok Thank you Simon thank you so much for having me I'm signing the registry. Because there's a cheat in sci fi what size he is. The fact you say. There's a good magician s y l a o you can go find his website it's got to like somebody that's coming up across beds out some bucks Catherine Lomax is with us narrative at the Chapman and Mr Ian Brown Can we talk about blue plaques because a Blue Park has been unveiled at the home of with a producer for good and Craig was born in Stephen I got to actually do some work but it's a surprise. It was good Craig was one of the most influential theatre produces set designers and theatre theories of his day and of course gives his name to you will feature he does indeed he was a remarkable man came from a very theatrical family a very artistic family who moved to Hopkinton not. Martin and yet his family left London they moved his parents went to hop and then they look and they went to Hopkinton and then they managed to move to stick with what is popular is because I didn't know that I did know that his mom's could end in Terry because we have a conference room in the theatre at. Named almost so I didn't know that I needed to see it I know I even know where they lived in statement I wasn't aware that I thought honestly didn't know that I do know that he was quite difficult as a director to work with when I go on almost direct it's quite different I'm right and I'm a joy a joy to be even in the rosary here because you are so you can. Say that when I was . A little scared I was going to be. Right so Gordon Craig fits the blimp is going to pay for it with corn crakes inch teams I'm on the make a pilgrimage to go visit to play politics hoping for a copy to. Offer for you cover before you ask if you have to be dead before you can are blue plaque right. Both be well with my baby but you're at the thing probably where I've done my best work so let's not. Pretend you love me when I was born in Portsmouth so I guess I'm getting old trees around there so yeah I don't want your eyeballs with boy and that's only my Candy of course I was in the Navy Well that's Ok You know I was. Going to be in a dream but yeah the case with with said it was my hometown but I thought that they'd actually stops putting the blue plaques now because they actually cost so that we should say there was a discussion on the news today on Jeremy Vine about whether we know how should get one that says a home there's no home because he's a Jew And yet you don't have to like the people of nice I think never has been a great people like yet but obviously you know it's you know which is why they are asking where marriages would you'll Plutarch be what is going to be sort of where you were. Even if most your mother because it wasn't boring Stephen h. But it's part of the city it's also you know it's London somewhere so kicking around hyperreal And I think trying to cross them yeah school. Sort of thing the Tampa. I'd like to say something wonderful I can which sounds. Like it can probably speak to me but I was going to stop just outside Manchester but I can't imagine that you know my aunts and I don't see much of it on the on the on the platform of the railway station last Saturday afternoon was it because it was. Cold even if. It's cold but yeah I don't know but I believe any man a few weeks really and they've been a trend I don't think I could have my park on the great day given that he's already got plans already put. Them up and for a long time but we see Dunstable doesn't have a plan yet so you can't get in 1st you have to get sick when you take a lot of stature or part of stature. Legs up with a logs I mean sometimes do you depending on what makes you doing yeah so what is that yeah and it was next to me almost the whole snake me one leg is I mean something if it's if it's one leg up during battle and you want Ok if it's 2 legs up you last May get chopped off some are my dad is going to die they aren't today so I guess to me about the acting out it will. Come on you cannot this one more plaque. I visit and the outside body. I'm. Moving. There's a lot of noise back and. Actually very face it is the only. Planet and if you look a 2nd to go along the next 10 feet and I thought that was a direct line behind us just then I got very excited on the bike so we got a bit of an 80 run into one of the t.v. Reporters and this big crowd here is well I never sleep on the roof so Dunstable underwater hockey. Scene as dramatic as that is very Gropper Yeah can we talk about 2. Deaths this week in Italy Ken Dodd passed away and. Surely that you do not seem to like to make it you know it was it was incredibly stark used to wake up to on Monday morning actually I was I was genuinely upset because he was such a wonderful comedian in character. I saw him twice on stage I think combined respect about 12 hours in the theatre over the 2 nights he was in the 1st time it was actually here in Milton Keynes a few years ago and I remember the show starting at 730 and we didn't get out for the interval until 10 o'clock. And we finally got out of the theatre at half past 12 and about 18 months later I saw him in Northampton and we didn't get out to go on 1 in the morning so you totally got your money's worth he was funny he was just passionate about comedy and then I was also sad to hear of Jimbo it who died the day off to and that was a kind of you know you always look for links Apparently the reason Jimbo to go into comedy was because he saw Ken dog lie black hole do is and got the ball and I met him I've met Ken dogs and he gave me a tickling state and I know that so I know I think I'm told you that when you laughed but this is a true story Jeremy Beadle took me to see Kendall it's in a pantomime because he was friends my mom and Kendall came out and presented me with a ticking stick which is basically sheep skin feather duster. He's Or he was also and he was so lovely inside a funny hat so much time for everyone well but in every of the years on the show we have had to cage where I used to call Yeah can dog every now and again would literally of the doctors he hold him I don't. Come on get off. And I think the beauty is well the fact that he was born in that house and you know that electricity was floating in the sea so you know it's a financial you see that I think we're on the poster has been like you have in the country show on so be careful that the panty you know he was it was a not so incredible character and I suspect he probably is the last of the Great for righty comedians and he's going to leave a huge legacy I don't think we'll ever see the likes of him again because I don't I don't think it will be in fashion a great great acts but if you bring a theater. Because instead you think oh no we've not got to worry about what time are allowed to happen for his own till they can't just go on until midnight or 12 or 1 o'clock in the morning it lets you got private mission to do so you know you have to abide by the license to everything to new when they but that was really the biggest risk but I've got friends who watch them in fact thought d.s.m. Once even bt he was a child performer and kind of got into performance by being in one of the pantomimes that conductors on and they always stayed in touch and he cared so much about making sure that people did love to be performing and he was yeah I mean he was amazing I must been and I were in the car and talking about how when it was really Saddam has been said oh well you know I don't I don't think it was really my type of humor and then the radio station we received a couple of clips of the jokes and both of us were low you know it was like if you didn't kill or you think you don't like it but actually some of the people to review really funny I think why his humor I think he I think he's very. Know Fielding is probably the closest you saw because if you watch it's a modern day out. Off the Wall madness if you watch you know fielding on on takeoff that just bizarre you know his son to talk to you. She's in a bad box but that is that's Ken Dog scheme and I think we won't see anyone like Ken taught again but I think a modern updated version of Ken dog does exist in a certain place but anybody else through the ranks. Of the variety he Crofter take down there I didn't hear about. Blackpool love the end clearly love him I mean when I was up in Blackpool a couple of months ago there was this fantastic comedy called appears on the revamps prominence and this one of them featured on I didn't realise what it was and I was working on it and you suddenly start reading this the lyrics to the Morcombe why song bringing sunshine and then you as a Benny Hill and all these it's a celebration of comedy cos couple of 1000000 pound a pound but it's beautifully done and he just perfectly sat in black but I think the other thing about it is he was so well respected by the business not only was he loved by the population you know you didn't really hear about just what do you like him or not yeah it's the fact that the age of 9 up until a few weeks ago yes he was performing obviously and he was a woman for fuck if I'm with you have enjoyed. Life and you can't you can't do anything but respect and seriously askew I mean he's done 2 things up to the man by marrying his longtime partner now you know I mean. I mean he's just very very clever and he was a very easy going around saying is that he's very very good it takes a very clever person to have that Doraine just in simple which is more satisfied Jimbo as well you mentioned briefly now Jim started a schoolteacher. Then went to balls which was a fabulous problem he had drawn be a bit deeper than it is on Israel and all the time I live and 12000000 people a week used to watch that I mean. It was Sunday afternoon Sunday afternoon Sunday evening and then when he left pulls on. Because he went back to over you and that you had to be very anxious here present and he was brilliant how many absolutely loved the job of being a local people and he was really good because he had this amazing personality and yeah I mean he was like Can dog a space it was the self deprecation wasn't he. If you read any interview I mean I interviewed him years ago when bull's eye was in full swing and he made no bones about the fact he wasn't the best show on t.v. But it was comfortable for Sunday afternoons he wasn't the best host but we all kind of work together and there was a nice feel around it and it was good to see that he managed to do a few things on stage one up to the Edinburgh Fringe I think a couple of times and took his life. As he looked back and you know I guess it's our generation. That remember him from that time and there's something lovely about your childhood memories or your you know your teenage years and you feel comfortable and then you feel a little bit upset when you watch it now bull's eye it's a lot of fun spins about how much it seems to be on loop in our house because on the state it's my mom's it's not my husband's favorite still my favorite but he's a massive because I found he had actually had all that in his mind. To just recap this very important you served your husband this week your lovely husband by Getty . And I you're going to see cry and out of it but it was a serious side. Because Michael I've never thought I have the talent to please just . Past the bubbly stores who said Pride never done that before it was because my son said I want to have a Happy to school I wanted it with the spaghetti and then the Polonaise until I didn't think anything of it I come from a European family it's always historic in nature and I didn't realize it made such a difference in the taste I just sort of scale mixed it will end. Apparently I have created. The ultimate. Table with Pastor and I. Didn't realize there was such a thing about. Underneath the. Era. Of 50 minutes if only there were. Those there's a certain local radio presenter looking. Yeah and there's a. Picture of you because the. Let's. Travel. 3 Counties radio. 5. All gradually. As a result of the. B.b.c. 3 counties. The last 14 minutes of the show will catch up with active and 12 weeks of long healthy living campaigning getting fit every Friday morning from a gym across beds out some bucks and he is a splendid figure of a man as football manager Shawn Barber said it remarkable they don't like calling it the more awful you try to take it off later on to be a bit sweaty but he's done brilliantly well and they will catch up with very shortly. They should be a state that we have him on every week. Really nice outside the studio on his bike Yes I'm not sure he needs to speak to his agent all day so I did want him to agree to anything from the. Got married if we have we have Catherine we have just give us details again. Down but Sleeping Beauty is a big big show. And when we open on the 29th of March at the Golden break and then we play until the 2nd of April all over the east bank holiday weekend so please come down and see us and then we're off until or similar effect images back and just feel it and skate next time I am going to put my trips out into the trunk a few more stories in if we want to beat out that tree so I just go and ask someone that does this now let me listen and then shut up and begin to set the Oscar winning British short film of the Sonnet child to be shown on b.b.c. One on Good Friday this is the short film on the Oscar written and directed by ex Hollywood stars Rachel Shenton course I was in she's the lady you cable gets on line you just go faster to go that short film it's going to be screen Don't be too long on Friday now I don't have the spring Thank you. For mainstream television it's a very good movie Catherine I think this is a pretty good me but I am a little bit biased because one of the ideas that worked on is the lady to sometimes comes and does filming for us so she's coming to feel sleepy and there are all quite quickly. And she is phenomenal so yes I think it's a great name and I think Michelle be very proud of it I think it's a great idea I mean you know it's it's nice to celebrate being British and actually winning something like this and I think it clearly has captured a lot of people's imagination isn't only going to play I mean we talked about this last week to me on their own after they say oh you know I was dreaming but I think I think that's a great thing to give it a much you know potential of a problem and it's just the whole story of how they made it why they made it and and Chris Overton and Rachel Shenton they say passionately believe in that's all the went deaf That's right that's that is that that's the I think that's the that's what that mate I want to write. About oh a wonderful mate I mean aside from celebrating British film what a brilliant No 2 additional needs and and and and the deaf community and it's great it's so inspiring for anyone that has impaired hearing profound deafness to be able to watch a film that recognizes that actually it's you can sign in it and I raise awareness which can be about I think you open the door for other opportunities will catch up with them to you back in the gym in 2 minutes it's remarkable what you're going to rain if. It's the washing Like I said. The flush day just you and a bunch What do men with whistles. Trying to figure story Danny Boyle has revealed he's working on a script for the 25th James Bond film. It's Craig last time playing Call and he's working on a script with Trainspotting writer John haulage he's working at those has done it all on a film for Richard Curtis and that's finished. This year possibly Venice all set to go on with 25 Danny Boyle as the director. That's been probably a. Now this now that you're a prosecutor I'm not sure the bomb producer announce that but he certainly has and that's amazing to me Boyle is directing 25 think you bring to the grits I think I think he'll may I mean especially since Daniel Craig I mean to I find Daniel Craig actually particularly gritty I love layer cake and eat a you know that was clearly his that we've said before for bones and Danny Boyle is obviously such a real. Life he's lived in the real and he was trying to spot saying and tietê I think actually getting a bit of the gloss that had developed since Spector which made a lot of die hard fans turned off and you want a fan of speed you didn't find it particularly Rick. Perry I did like a but the more you watch it the sport the weaknesses and yeah I'm a star and I think it needs to maybe have a gloss on Hollywood small but you know I'm not a good judge for Bond films because I await eagerly I go to the cinema I watch it to 3 times of the screen I'm such a big fan and then like every other thing when it's on television I watch again and again and again and then you start to pick out. In. The church I'm more excited about the theme change I'm always more excited about the. Going to sing it I'm more excited to see when. He and out says that he's coming back is bought and that actually he's not retiring because he seems to be doing this after every single film so I think Danny was a great director choice but I'm not so that I. Would Miss to cry you could actually I know but don't you want Henry Cavill No I tell you I want I'm on the guy who's just been in my fear. Am hearing how much to be almost So I want something that's why James spent. But there is James Knowlton is a possible child too many to chose to tell bodies but sure. And to make a choice yeah. No way I'll forget. But I would like it just how I see now let me read it so I know but I think he's great he's a great guy was a magic trick and about his great I've never but I'm suddenly begin to realize that maybe the time has come for him to be explained you know because we've had this conversation I you know he would say I was 90 great actor great bloke because of fear and he was so very interesting because of Fleming's stories as well a lot of real Bond fans believe that you know James Bond was described quite accurately by Fleming say. Small Are you staying true to Fleming's Bond that I would love to see just now but he and Brown I have no idea have any of those things . So Danny Boyle you know. I'm comfortable talking about and I think you know there are a kind of a match made in heaven for the next James Bond it's got to be a woman. It's got to be a woman clear for you. It's a challenge for our age and you see I think my suspension isn't going too far in that I think. We're having a female talk and I'll tell you why when we why wouldn't why would we have a female because you couldn't see who James Bond. Right. Now away from. This weekend like come to Wonder Woman well into Carter. Oh yeah she's amazing it's a great film Yeah it's a great Supergirl She's she's very good everywhere ya she's military Israeli military trained she's amazing better it's. Right I'll take a quick walk come back and he's busy pope's they're going off to a shelter tonight. Someone asked me. If it's been such a long such a long busy day we brought in. Last thing from Milton Keynes all day long active and the the culmination just a few minutes away and the it's the joy we will do in particular. He's just amazing and you know it's been the hardest it's been a tough 12 I was 3 o'clock this afternoon I hit the wall and falls on me say this point is this stuff that when we did a show as be a few years ago the band. And you jumped off the stage in the kidneys and yes it is ice tougher than the can I love the canoeing but this is this is I'm never doing this again I'm never this is this that made me separate in advance so we spent some time because they were kayaking missions raise money for charity this weekend in the snow and their idea started in the park and the worst idea is to start in the park when the b.b.c. Approached you know it would have been in the pub to know that if they did not think going on actually remember saying it's all I'm saying Hello everybody and that's when I want to spend a bike. You know it's rhetoric of course. I've done my bit now I've got my back I've got some significant support here from everybody these boys the young lads here these appall my bedclothes under 11 chain I manage the weekends. So I'm you know I see how do you I'm 1011 tonight and that's all Happy Birthday Happy Birthday You and I just comma comma Hello how are you I what do you call a lesson in life it seems but what if your birthday Woody I'm going to the cinema but what you're probably to really. Good literature is really for these are managed I'm. Just told in that they drop this weekend so they've got that when he well you know I mean yes when he manages you easy any good is he better at managing you the knees on the pipe probably. I'll get a manager Mark when you get back you can identify them. And I got my 5 minutes got just a big Thank You to all of the way down still on the wall hockey team. They've been terrific everyone always got Malcolm in Malcolm he $78.00 get out of there $78.00 I didn't I would you say I was going to make is about 70 is said I know and of course been Keane's well in time they've been a bit Malcolm Malcolmson the people spinning I think you could be a. Very Minister thank you to the amazing b.b.c. 3 counties team you've been here all day long doing amazing work. How do you have you achieved what I think of how many are many calories are lots of them lost 500-6000 calories I don't know where you could. Have a viable Yes I mean a double cheese but we could just 7 at 3 minutes past 7 I will be having a double cheeseburger for the ladies and chips because I can and. You thing is right when you come off that boy have they got any medical assistance for you because well Malcolm Malcolm is going to carry maybe 7 years right now because you give me a piggy back to the budget and. That's it guys thank you so much and if you listen to this off dot com on Sirius I loved it. When we got we got a minute and a half 1000000 so just one final last push came on the back of the power to go nuts with the guy because the show and the show with the big smoke smoke come out completely hip out people Malcolm. Shelter that come up and we got $33.00 amps. Come on come on everybody fun no time for those who are far into it so I'm just doing. The ways. And stuff thank you. I wish you continued I mean Monday off acquired by back. Here thank you very. Well done it will get you off that bike you will get in the park and to. Thank you for your company all this amazing so thank you to everyone who has come this evening and. Pick up the free goody bag thank you to Meredith thank you Catherine thank you. Choose the morning I'm back on Monday afternoon at 3 a super week and it is going to be super cold this weekend with weather coming just like you do through camps for the very latest weather. Radio. Around junction. And. Up to 50. 3 Counties radio.

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