B.b.c. News that 11 I'm more oldest than police have revealed a nerve agent was used to try to measure a former Russian spy and his daughter in Salzburg at the weekend Scotland Yard says it's identified the substance but isn't prepared to make that information public yet former u.n. Weapons inspector Jerry Smith says the use of a nerve agent points to Moscow nerve agents require not only a significant financial or just a call in technical backup to actually be manufactured and so that would lead to a more likelihood of a State Manufacturing it. Were found unconscious on Sunday and they remain critically ill along with a police officer who was the 1st at the scene the attack is being treated as attempted murder but the him secretary Amber Rudd says the government won't jump to conclusions we need to keep a cool head and make sure that we collect all the evidence we can and we need to make sure that we respond not to rumah but all the evidence that they collect and then decide what action to take a lorry driver who was involved in a crash on the m one that killed 8 people has been cleared of causing death by dangerous driving 54 year old David Wagstaff who's from Stoke on Trent was on a hands free call when his lorry hit a minibus he'd previously admitted can of striving a teenager has gone on trial at the Old Bailey accused of planting a bomb on a London Underground train last September 30 people were hurt in the incident to pass and screen 18 year old Ahmed Hassan denies attempted murder and causing an explosion likely to endanger life the leader and deputy leader of the far right group written 1st have been jailed after being found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment Paul Golding and jade of France and had targeted Muslims they believed were part of a gang rape trial taking place last May The court had they posted offensive leaflets through the doors of Muslims in Kent and filled with cells confronting people in public. The fashion retailer new look plans to close 60 stores and make almost a 1000 workers redundant The company says the cuts are tough but necessary to restore profitability Rob Young has more We've already seen the collapse of toys r us on Maplin the likes of Byron and pretzel you have undergone painful restructurings new look is the latest high street business to acknowledge the extend of its troubles as part of a rescue deal to avoid going into administration about 980 staff face redundancy House warning 10 stores are closed down the rental most of its remaining branches will be slashed you look says the cuts are tough but necessary to restore profitability in a market where many retailers are struggling and a look at the weather another day of sunny spells and scattered showers on Thursday and the rain is expected in the north with some places further south remaining dry all day atop temperature of around 10 degrees b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11 Thank you Mara for the east of England tonight clear spells for a time of a night if you missed all fog patches just the odd shower then it turns a bit heavier as the night goes on a silicon chilly 10 the other night alone and a 32 Fahrenheit for Thursday ahead that rain clears to the extreme our morning skies brightening a few showers still likely though a tomorrow's high around 8 Celsius which is $46.00 degrees Fahrenheit. Making. a woman settlement his past 11 get any money was Paul Morris. While he's on his jolly health no postcard no nothing they did niƱa they mean by sticker on ridiculous story a bit late so I just got home sign me in if you would says fill in Stephen h. Thank you Phil Good evening my thanks for listening. Jay Lacey of back. To it can I give you a 1000000000 points for fessing up that I didn't work out what the wish list was if you did so and I don't read this on air I'm going to I'm going to hold my hands up there are some things I just don't know which one of them should be able to roll me through what I think by main wish list Yes All right Kang dear Oh dear Oh Mickey Rothwell is in early here with an answer on our d.i.y. Quiz our telly won't make will hold on to that animal do the d.i.y. Quiz in around 10 minutes if that or I with you Brian impaired say good evening year could we have a little bit of meat loaf only wishless the same way but we can see checking in with you and Robbie Caroline in with him good evening thank you for listening and Jenny in red born today a little while. Could we have some Patsy Cline. Of cool. Jenny read Patsy Cline crazy scheme holding in crossing different counties the seeming a man on a mission a mobile scheme. Thank you Melissa. David Bowie led stars go on pole stick on the wish list we will and we will feature that song in the next 1015 minutes as well the d.i.y. Quiz coming up as well a couple of questions that finished yesterday evening and we didn't give you the answers for those actually so we'll put that right in the next 510 minutes or so and 2 there for 2 brand new questions for you. Get the lines open in the next 10 minutes or so and I must just remind you too if you're on Facebook the saving I know what you're up to if you're already in bed laying there with the mobile phone Facebook open We've all done it. Then jump on the Nick raise be a nice Facebook page vote for your Facebook favorite to seventy's I'd call means going head to head on our Facebook wall this evening it's mud versus the sweet it's who wins will be revealed just after midnight you've got 48 minutes he says working out the math really quickly to register your vote and we'll play a couple of songs from the winning artist just the other side of make. Trouble to Prince of the most beautiful girl in the world from right across the east of England from your local b.b.c. Radio station Mars I remember actually when that song came out. I was having a 1994 I want Prince he was married at the time and and I found it entirely by accident his wife recorded this same version of that record. From one of the most beautiful boy in the world and actually when you listen to the intro going on this is Prince. And you get the female it puts you off and it never Funnily enough I don't believe it was ever really. Did make enough of the prince connection I think there are 60 but it's past 11 d.i.y. Quiz in a moment after a check on travel history and it's thanks very much for the haven OD'ing Colchester has now reopened following the Elliott closure for flooding traffic back to normal there which is good news. Closed and not. 3 closed in either direction and a Baker Street to change keep in mind if you're traveling that way to see think and one of course not. Junction 9 at Dunstable up to watch the Dunstable bypass as a junction 11 again diversions have been set up for traffic there and a broken down train. Running at the moment. And Mark Steyn. Now. Last night couple of questions fell off we didn't give you the answer. If you're wondering what was found in King Tut's tomb the valuable. Watermelon seeds. A famous novelist a long serving English international football player and roots group car maker this was Question 2 from last night they're all east coast rivers. Of course the Crouch Peter Crouch. And the Humber. Stanley Cup which means we have a couple of new ones for you this evening here's your new question number one. Just a 2nd. New question one where was the clowns church where was the clowns church. Question about a new one from mother and basil one thank you mother from where did the Isle of Dogs get its name. From where did the Isle of Dogs get its name Question 3 was new last night if you didn't hear it which top 10 record from the 1980s. Mentions a u.s. President's name 30 times. And finally question for Name 3 Native American Indian tribes Well I say Name 3 Name the 3 that are on this piece of paper if you wouldn't mind and roller I'll be taking your calls right now 03453057 if you'd like to call you can answer on takes is where they feel wish on our number 81 triple 3 as usual start with the wood mic and in Northampton thank you for your message a little earlier and you asked for this on our wish list consider a song this is There are some of those songs that any record he just can you get to the end of Innes. 5 minutes and only time the late show from the b.b.c. 22 minutes past 11 Good evening my name's full Morris I'm here this week for Nick quantities on his holiday and still no power no sign of a postcard no nothing he's to brace forgotten rather Robbie and I just wanna tell you can I have thank you Desmond can I have the answer questions wanted to you from last night I missed the answers last night we have tats because Desmond we didn't do the answer. Last night because we were very naughty The answer from from from last night the question was what was found in King Tut's tomb that wasn't valuable watermelon seeds the famous novelist the link between that the long service footballer the old bridge crew come I could there were old Rivers east coast Rivers Georgia all well Peter Crouch whole Humber it's not yet we. Were on to a new set of questions the saving stave in Preston Hollow sir. Oh beg your part and say Now little details little bit how are you. I'm fine thank you I do humbly apologize me go see this my for that's a yellow card that's the 1st yellow card of the week from a lawyer has your day been state your are you going to give you going to give me a right answer here well hopefully well hopefully which question you go in for the one song with the president name. As to which top 10 record from the 1980 s. Mentions a u.s. President's name 30 times. Fire away I think Nettie I think I did buy that or you don't. 1983. You have got all the top of the Pops details for you there which I love g.o.g. Can you can you name the record label as well in the chart position so. I did I heard the question I knew what the answer was and then I looked it up whether it is well you're absolutely right it is the toy dolls Nellie the elephant. So Congratulations well done you get that many round of applause because the budget cuts mean it's only me that doing it. Actually are a reminder a story from from the toy dolls Nelly the elephant years ago by 34 years ago I had to do and you get the work place 1st aiders. And I did the 1st day I did the 1st aid course and when and I was torn out trying this it made an impression on me my wife entirely disagrees because she did this to another record but when doing c.p.r. On the chest compressions you should sing that very song and that's the timing for nearly the unit. Are going to be quite good when you're doing c.p.r. Going. Yes it's the right answer which means you do did you want me to do you do you have a replacement or would you like me to grab one from the file here I want you to go up number. You pick number 4 from a bank of questions have you let me just have a lot to scan through and read this here we are a. And this was so it was from Christine Hadley the summited this one is far far less what can a cheetah do the lion can't hold. What can a cheetah do that a lion can't stay thank you called Saving and well done get that one right Ok thank you 345-3050 double 070 no Roma Robbie Whiting. East. To the right to a thing that's the way you should go a Glock to a review going to ask us. We've. We've. Reviewed. Us Greg grok . We've . We've. We've. We've. Past 11 the Fine Young Cannibals good thing in the late show from the b.b.c. Am on a pull Morris pay for this week thank you. Thank you Keith and no rich I think Henry the 8th. When I went hunting on the oil with dogs hence that's the name this was our new question to you from where did the dogs get the name. Keith you might be on to something more on that in just a 2nd John and Shenfield a cheater can climb can climb trees and a lion can't. Is not the answer I have of the piece of paper in front of me Linda is a culture Linda hi Paul No I have been committed I love you to speak to you too thanks for calling to how was your Wednesday then. Always the other 6 times in the what he said don't do this to me no harm I said good night and you know highlight in the day today. You know I would like to have a highlight I'll go on my part I went out on my boy you. Did manage to get through the snow Ok I got an engineer around and it was a very expensive piece of equipment. Before he went last night. And not w.t. . By. I missed it I'll be back tomorrow. Night I know. I was he was he bang on time he was bang on time and harbored up harmful she possibly because I know. How I love the fact that you describe it as the find of the pilot the boy who went off was a highlight to highlight was when you say still. A bit of oil sent the fire man and everything worked. Going to be. A pilot light the market spell problems but it's all right Linda it's all fine but with where Ok. Which question would you like my lovely I think we are dopes. Because I used to keep it until you don't there. So that's question 2. From from way question one can the right what idea right from where did the Isle of Dogs get its name and you reckon it would figure the sign I think in my pain I can see hunting don't kick a thing nor a John takes agrees with you. Which is just as well that you to an agreement because that's the right. Way to leave the law and I was under the law. Now do you have a new question for me oh I. See. If it's one of them you know what is the most that he would use of something our heart. What is the most valued use of some flower heart. You know it when you go to fairly easy. I'm sorry. You know. I'm going to bed I've got a guide if that's meant to be easy either it's not as easy or I'm not particularly clever. It's probably the latter option that Linda thank you but dolling Thanks for having to go to my well done good and I'm all right Ok I think I'm What becomes of the brokenhearted 25 to midnight b.b.c. Local radio right across the city to a light show and get a money. Pases Welnick Risby has a nice holiday this weekend 1st couple days next week to where in the middle of a d.i.y. Quiz at the moment let me just run through the questions for you one more time Question one and it's the other one literally just said a moment ago what do you use some flower hots for what do you use some flower hots for question who where What's the clown's church. Where was the clown church Question 3 also new what can a cheat do the to lie in cards thank you aims for your question for your answer run faster. Not the right tones. Question for and you need to match the 3 that are on the piece of paper in front of me remember these are the Native American Indian tribes name 3 Native American Indian tribes I will tell you what you get and there are many you get right Allan and all ping turn Hello. How are you. Getting. Is there a tale of woe you need to tell me here are you on the mend. Well the monks influence. Slip Slidin the mice to make the most of every day my friend and thank you for calling in this evening which question would you like to have a go at. Each one more chilies is the question. Ok Go and all was going to. Cheat. So. Clams. You know where was it we. Will make his sign that. Well. I know what people were 'd. Few. And it's know the answer I have in front of me Alan but you get to frankly could you come back next Tuesday because we need all the help we can get. Just so room and. I have a double take. Alan Avodah Right now my friend thanks for a link from a cold. I 345-3050 double I was 7 Yeah I'd forgotten the old family fortunes Maybe I should be rolling that out of a more. I thank you Melissa in Peterborough a little earlier tonight on the song it was on your wish list. I think you should be playing David ballad. Minister I think you could be right let's put our i shall I. Go. Thank. You. Illo . Elect. Clinton . So Melissa are enough Peter brother safe David ballet Let's Dance thank you for your songs on the wish list some birthdays to come top the side of midnight and also Facebook favorites the winner revealed the saving of the sweet verses mud right now and looking for your votes on the Facebook page Nick riz be a night. Like the page you can cast your vote. Give it I won't say anything it doesn't appear that close or run right through the menopause have a look make recipient night on Facebook travel nice shortly to take another call mercies of books but I doubt you go oh how I am are currently. Fair to middling but I think it's fair to middling which is the guy it's been a fairly but when I say it's been a bulk standard Wednesday. He went off to the groomers earlier today we've we've got in the last year we've got Jasper it's a cockapoo dog. And was my wife's idea I'm passing the buck I'm passing the buy but. He's fairly fluffy fairly long head and some of it was a bit straggly and a bit tangled So what we sent away today. Well we sent a dog away and what we got back looked like a guinea pig if I'm being. Early on I. Just thought that. She didn't go. Yeah well. Yeah. Many an occasion snow and I've yet to find a dog that doesn't like playing in snow. Absolutely love that but of course what comes with that and the rain that came in a couple of days after the big full began is that when he still herring around the garden tearing up the garden and effectively we've kind of got almost like a track around the edge of a god now way he's torn up torn up all the grass so yeah when you've got long hair and you're quite muddy it's not the best combination really you know let's. Jump. Over there were mean this is what I get I'm like think mercy what number would you like my lovely Well well question you have been one question well I'm not quite sure what number 0. Sunflowers Question one What do you want probably. Won't do it no need to. Use some flower hearts. As bird food using charcoal thank you Yes 'd exactly the wrong on so well done. You you were expecting their way. Now would you like us to have you got a question for us would you want to use one from the pound Ok tell Robbie I want to number one number 5 from the by anger oh Mike I'm Ok you ready for this. Would you be happy or sad if you were cold terminological inexactitude. I can't believe I managed to say that correctly the 1st time I did not I'm glad it's you because I don't know but I'm just I'm quite surprised I managed to get through mercy thanks because I'm a darling you have a lovely evening when you say thank you. 303453058 double 07. 30 minutes to midnight. I certainly do yes and not Stephanie a fat as a lean close in either direction as for the Maginot scene appears this evening at the Baker Street interchange outside lane in both directions going to be cordoned off traffic wise it seems to be coping not too badly at all and I am one northbound is going to be closed overnight I closed until 6 am between junction Manor Redbone and junction 11 e. For the Dunstable north and bypass about diversions in operation for traffic and you can still access junction 10 from Luton and Luton Airport and broken down train means at a place from bus service running at the moon between subway and marks. 3057 The brilliant Lady Antebellum need you now the late show from the b.b.c. This is Paul for me for this week while he's on his all a days and which is wrapping up coming to the end of the day and I came pretty busy with a number of right answers we're getting a daisy in old brown Hello how are you I'm very well my friend house How's life treating you very well on the beautiful Suffolk coast the seed I've been to all brown many a time a beautiful fish and chips. Question Would you like to answer the Save the cheetah was the. Question through a wall can a cheetah do that a lion calm recruit very close and how dare I ask do you know that because all synonomous avoid programs I use a. But I've been watching David Attenborough that's how we know. It's a good on today's On the I can't I can't. Grumble it's a good answer. Wrong. It's not the answer on this piece of paper and it was going to get one of the. Thank you voting. It innately will squeeze one more in Hello. How are you such a bad. You know you know you're going to be my last call tonight. So with Mike this count in. Question Would you want to answer number 2 which is he says he looking at my list he could this is the where's the clown's church that one is no yes the one Yeah so where is the clown church it's a. New one. Is exactly the wrong time Holy Trinity Church as was now called all St Augustine but he's absolutely right well Donna we end on a right answer to you have a new question for picking one from the bank for every question Ok. What was the. Mission Space for a u.s. Air Force Base or $71.00 spoiled trying to bring it out Sabra bathrobes going to she said I saw 70 want to get a plank Ok so that the top speed of the s r 71 the blackbird plane and I guess that's the flat you know flat out when it's when it's you know. Out on a mission right. That would have been 4 day before they were toys Yeah Ok this is it is he official record books what they say sight as Ok what's passed or not we can. Never get to know it. All right well we'll add that one on. Thank you very much my friend have a wonderful evening. Thank you thank you thank you for all the polls will go back to the day. After 11 o'clock tomorrow night 1st a Simon and Garfunkel. Just don't They brilliance. The books just before midnight who wins are Facebook favorites the. Versus the sweet We'll find out a couple of minutes and your musical hold a fine coming as well.

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