Former formal identification yet to be made and back here we'll talk more about the men who use controlling behaviors over their partners it's very much about if you don't choose to do the things you're expected to do you may be harmed or you may be punished in some way and we'll hear about the just a couple who have scooped the Euro Millions jackpot bad 105000000 pounds richer after a draw to make the to mark the 25 years of the Lotto So where will we hear about how they're going public later today will speak to Camelot before 9 o'clock Steve with the news in just a moment on the road Stephen crown for if you're in northbound on the m $23.00 from Gatwick towards the m $25.00 there is one half hour delay due to a collision the weather from Elizabeth Ridge Seanie wet and windy for much of the day it will know they feel mild and in the sport Ben Stokes is the odds on favorite for the b.b.c. Sports Personality awards he's been named in the 6 people who've been shortlisted for the final You can vote on in about 3 weeks' time. This is b.b.c. Sussex the news this Tuesday morning from Steve Bell Police believe a body found in the Australian bush is that of the missing man as linking from Brighton the body was found in a creek just over a kilometer from where Mr King was last seen at a camping ground in Victoria on Saturday friends say the 25 year old had suffered a possible seize your then got up quickly and rushed into the bush our reporter Phil Mercer who's in Sydney told us about the discovery of Thora to say that the body of a man they found was discovered in a creek less than a mile from where as Lynn King was camping with his friends now this body has yet to be formally identified and now a report will be prepared for the Victorian coroner We understand that members of Mr King's family are travelling from Britain to Australia the U.K.'s most senior Jewish leader. Intervened in the general election campaign to denounce Jeremy Cobain for failing to tackle and he Semitism and questioning whether he fits a lead the country the Chief Rabbi Ephraim ervice said a pause in sanction from the very top had taken root in the party rotting in the times he urges people voting next month to remember the very soul of the nation is a stake a spokeswoman for the Labor Party Sept Mr Colburn that spent his whole life fighting anti semitism Rabbi Judy annoyed is the author of a book on the issue and as a crossbench member of the House of Lords is still a very good place to live as a Jew and it's an important bout I think what people are feeling is that East shifting and if Jeremy Corbyn and his Labor Party I mean it's not the whole Labor Party but the Labor Party if you like under his leadership colored by these views colored by not dealing with this if they come to power then I think this comfortable place to live may feel less comfortable it was one of this radio stations proudest knots of the year as we announced the winners of the 29000 community Heroes Awards last night and audience of the count week Plaza Hotel heard inspiring stories of local people who go the extra mile to help others but cancer groups included the 999 award music an awesome fundraiser and young achiever to Sussex Police officers p.c. Mag the street chart street and p.c. Tara Binod scoops our 999 award for saving the life of a woman on Brighton beach Mike The told us earlier about the moment she entered the city to give aid to the woman it was in the police also as a part of me it was just our saying something in me just couldn't awards another person's struggle that was just not something I could watch and do nothing about it and that was it there was this threat of a 2nd there was no thinking process of campaigns begun in Sussex to tackle coercive control as New figures show the crimes almost doubled in the past year is one of partly uses a pattern of controlling behavior off the norm physical to intimidate their other half it was recognised in law. Lawrence 115 latest figures show the more than the 17 and a half 1000 recorded offenses this year compared to just over 9000 last year the tentative Superintendent John Hall from Sussex Police gave us examples of the offenses monitoring is monitoring your time are usually monitoring you know communication installing some sort of spyware on your computer all my power devices . Depriving you of basic needs I mean at the extreme ends a lot like food children born in the u.k. To foreign parents to take in the government's a cause to challenge the cost of being legally recognised as British citizenship application fees currently exceed a $1000.00 pounds campaigners once reduced by 2 thirds a woman in her eighty's has been praised by police in the us after she falls off an intruder the man who broke into her home may not have realised the grandmother mother was in fact a record breaking power lifter he thought all reports 82 year old Willie Murphy goes to the gym almost every day and has been powerlifting since her mid seventy's so when a 28 year old man broke down the door of her home in New York state she was not going to be a pushover she called the police then grabbed a piece of furniture and in her words went to work on him the former social worker who holds a powerlifting record says he picked the wrong house to break into she kept the intruder at bay by squirting shampoo in his face and hitting him with a broom before the police arrived and arrested him b.b.c. News more from me in 15 minutes was that funny it was the way she says went so work on him I love it with a shampoo bottle yeah exactly. You don't want to mess with her that is very impressive isn't worth now you remember when children he came around we were asking people to challenge us to do things and our lady said I'll give 100 pounds the children need if you do began year 8 as trials are becoming a vegan for a. In January it's what it says on the side of the train started practicing at least I am today I bought some milk oh right over how you got in your tea no I haven't even tried it you know it's a home I haven't tried and I'm not sure it's going to be nice in t. But I'm going to experiment I'm going to try that and then there's this suddenly different mellow sound right I might have a go this year it began real was that that's where you go begin from on the April. First minute drive here we go over. These all catch on lazy and I'm going to have a go at the bill but if anybody who is a bit experienced in the milk department of vague and if it doesn't work what should I try. Or what would be your advice year maybe maybe don't have an email how am I going to my cereal then learn to water my husband has orange juice on his cereal because he doesn't like milk Reidy Yeah Ok this is a whole rich seam if the milk doesn't work other ways of having breakfast cereal water orange juice. Dried just after I just dry b.b.c. Sussex travel trouble you probably won't finish eating it till about 10. Maybe even lunchtime. But but my god it'll do you good anyway if you want to. Text the word radio if you can get the milk with the v good. Works best for you I'm really keen to know how the road Stephen now 2 problems on the 23 1st of all the existing one I've been mentioning m 23 going from Gatwick towards the into the 5 there's a collision there half hour delays but David's just being on the phone to say there's a collision northbound as you go up towards Ham cross hill on the $823.00 looks like about 5 vehicles involved. Settled in various locations on the right hand outside lane is blocked off so do be aware there's already a mile of queuing traffic forming and building as well now another route so very slow through working in Lansing and Shoreham 20 minute queues to get through land's farm ha our queues to get from Lansing through the shore lights are just noticed as well as. If you go on the. Bypass there's a 10 minute queue for some reason. Just east of the queues the 272 junction going up harvest lane as well they've got road works there this week folks good news or the road works or he would have gone so that it's fine 20 minute 24 to Washington I just observed the turn as hill cross roads from were once again hold ups for about 15 minutes southbound about 10 Luckily there on the trains folks things are looking good if you can update me 802-3245 I'm Stephen Cranford b.b.c. 6 trying to. Write the good news is mild bad news is very wet and it's dull and looking outside still looks like the sun hasn't come out sun has been up for about half an hour it is going to feel gloomy all the way through the day rather like yesterday. A little bit more rain than yesterday with that it was sort of nonstop drizzle yesterday Well it's certainly going to be a little bit heavier than that in places at times heavy showers also the wind picking up we could get some gusts to 40 miles an hour along the coast a little bit later on so a great start patches of rain turning wetter as the day goes on and much wind as well tomorrow starts really vengefully we're going to dry up on Wednesday and then the weather starts cooling down as we get towards the weekend we'll have some frosty stuff by Friday and Sat. Kind of prefer trade in a few degrees Celsius just to start raining. Good morning b.b.c. Sussex then and the thing I want to know if you go vegan What's the best thing to do with. Sussex. This is b.b.c. Sussex Pringle. Celebrating community air 2019 community heroes. It was a very special night last night not a dry eye in the house that's for sure paying tribute to some of the truly amazing people at the community hero wards last night and please welcome your house. And. Thank you good evening and a very warm welcome to a special night the celebration here at the cafe was a hotel tonight we celebrate you. Process 6 sorry in ne Hampshire and it is our great pleasure to be your comic for this evening. Great job last night and it really was about the people who shortlisted our finalists all of them with inspiring stories Evos who didn't win you know we applaud you all people who go the extra mile to help others now are outstanding. Achievement award was presented to Patrick McIntosh from small field he's a 3 times cancer survivor who cycled all the way from Tokyo raising awareness and thousands of pounds for charity. Our next guest has been on an unbelievable journey in more ways than one Hi this is apart from I'm just cycling the world on this my bike by the tree Patrick McIntosh from small field in sorry has a fight about prostate and skin cancer. Ah. He spent the last 4 months cycling over 7000 miles from Twickenham to Tokyo just in time for the Rugby World Cup It's but you Miles along with most of what we're going was being knocked off walk up with Laurie's decided that it's just too dangerous. He's doing this in order to make us all aware of how important it is to each property to exercise property and to be just aware of what we're doing to ourselves to recognize cancer early says it. Something something can be done about a trick on from 40 degrees on the road to about 10 degrees on the road it's absolutely incredible pretty quite cold balcony. Is also a sacking for Catherine's hospice which I'm sure people know about the phenomenal that they get you know King after people come to the conclusion that I can cycle in . Roads in good weather I can cycling good roads in bad weather but today a combination of bad roads and bad weather. We've been tracking his progress every step of the way he has been on number leave journey in more ways than one we well here I am on the 18th of September and 6 minutes past 11 when I finally arrived at the stadium I think stream you proud not to be here I cycled over 70 pounds 100 miles and I think I have received my take to thank you for following. The lorry conditions and road conditions at my huge potholes were a huge problem we almost got mugged or we got the bike stolen we almost got burnt alive we almost got washed away but it was all almost and we didn't we met plenty of people who dig. Into those sorts of situations and so generally we were incredibly fortunate and we got through all these things and to some extent it sounds a bit blahs a to say Well anybody could do it but you do have to have a certain amount of extraordinary mental resilience to do something as ridiculous as this. Patrick is live on the line Hello good morning good morning good morning good morning I well all sorts of things to talk about 1st of all the worst potholes in Europe where are they. Probably in the middle of Russia just had to be very aware. And you have to tell you well make sure you can then the biggest problem is cycling just rough as you can do in the rain because you can't. Balls and they were big enough to swallow 'd us up they were pretty 'd dangerous but hey I do want to just pick up the l.v. Him thing because I thought of across the whole world as a Wii game and if you want to bit of a tip about what you can tell serial You can use apple juice you can use coconut milk and you can use soya milk and there's a whole wide writings of Eagan stuff you can put on your cereals and people should go out there and experiment with it because you'll find one very giving idea with real cereal in the morning 'd which will be pretty subtle right Ok I love I love that positivity one of the things I'm amazed about you stories that you didn't just are supposed to cheat cancer will be cancer once but 3 times and you were very lucky when you yeah I was in The reason I did the cycle ride was because I have been lucky 'd and I was lucky because I was a dog knows 3 times if you can catch cats in stages wanting to all the statistics now say you're pretty much likely to survive and go back to living a normal life we in Britain a particularly 'd bad recognizing the signs we live in denial and so therefore we tend to present ourselves Saudi peace 'd and doctors 'd and stage 3 of 4 ways much more difficult because cancers go to hold on your body and it's much more difficult to treat the biggest issue is to try and recognize the signs and not be afraid to go and see a doctor not the right to get some of the diagnosis but of course the other issue that we've all got to address is this issue of eating better food and taking better exercise we simply cannot live our lives hoping that somehow that will be some cure at the end of it where we have been abusing our bodies eating the wrong foods and not looking after ourselves of Health Service simply isn't given look after us were trying to fold to live our lives in the most oh I've been trying to get everybody to encourage them to 'd better for 'd take a bit of exercise but essential. To get a diagnosis because like me I was lucky 3 times I'm a complete miracle I don't know why it happened but I seem to be here on the planet try and help everybody else to recognise these 'd important 6 roles Yeah well I rather like that when you when you look at it like that you think well hang on the saying that there must be a reason if if I'm still here but again when do something by right continues doesn't exist I'm just going from Twickenham to Tokyo. You then take up the genny go if you hills the Rockies are in the sand so that's going to be good fun that is a stem from the fact that I walked to the South Pole and I did after I'd had my 1st well after I'd had all the counts as I thought what I'd do some extraordinary to try and draw attention to when I got to the South Pole I found a bike as you do and I cycle around the flag of the South Pole in 30 seconds on how the world record for travel cancer survivor south across the world and then when I was doing all that South Pole people say What are you going to next so I thought well I better cycle around the world properly so I'm halfway around the world now from St Catherine's hospice 'd to Tokyo and then the next leg is to set off from Seattle which is on the other side of Pacific from Tokyo up over the Rockies across America up through New founder and out from the family across Iceland down to Ireland and then out through the home nations art of Scotland whiles back to trek remember the end of it see back to St Catharines hospice sometime during the course 'd of next year fantastic fantastic you make it sound very doable and of course you will do it because because that's that's that's you anyway lovely your life time you know I dislike the fight so you'll I'm standing Achiever of these and we're really pleased that you were there last night was quite a surprise for you which is lovely and good to talk I had no 'd idea that I was coming to give an award away I was missing spectrum to be given well so it was a fabulous surprise and I'm very very great. Oh I just hope that somehow we can continue this roller coaster of charging people 'd in so many ways because it is all about helping other people. 'd as positively as possible nice stuff well done Patrick. Right It's 20 past 8 b.b.c. Sussex and here's the deal with the latest headlines the bodies been found of a man from Brighton King who is missing in Australia a company has begun in Sussex to tackle coercive control his new figures show this crime is almost doubled in the past year and a couple from Chichester of 105000000 pounds in the Euro Millions jackpot. To Camelot in the next half hour about the sort of sort of advice they give to people who just 105000000 pounds things like Don't spend it all at once something like that we'll see what they say in the next half hour they're going to work veiled to the press later in the day 105000000 pounds better off there will be all those shorts with champagne they'll be in there in the papers tomorrow morning you mark my words now we've got an accident on the a 23 now on home course Hell yes going northbound reported this last time is still causing over a mile of congestion so if you'll excuse me are heading up that way to watch out but the time when it was flying through one lane was blocked off I don't know how things have changed further up the 83 where it goes on the m $23.00 you've also still got a 25 to 30 minute delay going from Gatwick towards the m $25.00 that is due to a collision Thanks Steve who phoned to report heavy traffic which cross on the 22 northbound I had a look on the speed sensors looks like around a mile of Q.'s also from East Grinstead up towards Felber it's a further up the a $22.00 northbound that's also very tight with traffic for around 10 minutes number Hurst keepings cross a 21 North just caught that delayed 25 minutes for you pick queues up the 24 to Washington there's a 20 minute queue if you heading out from finned and road works and all this week temperate traffic lights only 8 to 7 too so that's called. A 10 minute q. East and west also we've got delays going from Clayton to hassocks on the 273 that's a 10 minute queue and both approaches to a corner are cute for 10 minutes so you that coming in from Bring the field also from the South Rim roundabout to the Ashcombe roundabout on the a $27.00 in the us that's also a queue for around 10 minutes or thereabouts around the Chichester area we've still got queues going eastbound from the road roundabout towards Hunston rather towards the bottom right round about I'm Stephen Cranford b.b.c. Sussex with your travel updates now 80232104 Find the b.b.c. Sussex travel you trust a 22 Well sad news from Australia as you've been hearing in the news that police believe that the body they're found in the bush is that of the missing Brighton man as linking body found in the creek just about a kilometer away from where Mr King was last seen on the camping ground in Victoria was a curious story this he'd only been in Australia for a couple of weeks and he was 25 years old I think probably suffered a seizure he got up quickly and he rushed into the bush his b.b.c. Correspondent in Australia film body was found in a creek less than a mile from where as Lynn King had been camping near the 12 apostles a popular tourist site in Victoria the 25 year old illustrator from Brighton disappeared after suffering a suspected seizure and hitting his head his friends told the police he ran into bushland in the early hours of Saturday prompting a large scale search emergency crews and volunteers have scoured thick vegetation and rocky cliff tops members of Mr King's family are reportedly travelling to Australia from England for most of their Loyd Ficken says travel safety expert author of the Travel Survival Guide thanks for joining us Lloyd it's a afraid another another story from from down under someone who's lost their life this one's a curious one really and I suspect in some ways we may not ever really know that what really went on here. You know salute Lee tragic when someone goes away expecting that trip of a lifetime in a tragedy such as this you know I can't really comment on the cause of death or you know the mystery around this but I'm sure they'll be a post-mortem carried out and more clues might come out as to why Auslan actually disappeared in the 1st place I mean clearly one thing we learned this is the where they were near to the Australian bush that that if you go into the bush that is is is very very difficult because it almost impossible to penetrate for people doing searching. It is very difficult and you only quite literally have to go a few metres into the bush and you can become pretty disorientated now you know there's reports that he might have had some sort of a seizure before this before he ran into the bush and that in itself could you know add to the disorientation and then you start heading off in the wrong direction but you know the fact that he was found just point 6 of a kilometer from where he disappeared would add to the fact that he he either collapsed or there was an incredible amount of disorientation because of the fact he didn't know where he was yes when you think about it point 6 McCullum that almost line of sight his name you know if if you call that their detention in the way it's incredible and as I suppose I don't know what we learn from this in keeping yourself safe when you're when you're going abroad particularly to places you don't know but other any any golden rules which you think people should learn Yeah I think the 1st one really nail is you know tell people where you're going in this case that probably doesn't apply because there seems to be something else on to war going on but also have some form of location device with you and nowadays that is actually largely on your phone in the school of an app on the one that comes to mind and I think you and I have spoken about this before is one called What 3 words which is a free app which has divided the whole world it 3 meter square and each square has got unique 3 unique words now if you have that emergency services all around the world are now using this is a locating device and all you need to do is put in a call and say this is where I am give the 3 words that are on the screen and people can come and find you very very quickly so things like that are I salute the life saving devices if you have them but of course if you don't have them they're not very good at all other things that you could do things old school you know go low. Tex think about having something reflective if there was aircraft looking for you that you could have something that is going to reflect the sun somewhere like Australia that is going to give people a clue as to where you actually are thanks very much indeed sound advice is Lord Figgins there the author of the Travel Survival Guide in the other gardens and all up the Vale from the autumn bonfires see the smoke trail called Quest day to day the accidents around the area pleasant summer over and all the summer flowers the red fire places the gray smoke the town we had a couple of reports of an accident $27.00 in Chile frosty started. Singing a song of seasons something bright. Flowers in the summer fires in the fall. As the leaves turn golden and the night straw mats Office warning in place for heavy rain your autumn with b.b.c. Sussex. Has responded to my question about milk sort of alternatives if you're going to have a go at began you're a vegan for just over 2 years now I recently discovered that oatmeal is absolutely lovely and I even gave some to my mother in law and her tea and dil didn't tell her that it wasn't cow's milk and she said it was nice and creamy and very surprised to hear there was no cream in it whatsoever she says the soil can be a bit Beany So that's not to everyone's taste almond milk is a bit like does a row without a goal and has the milk is pleasant so have fun and good luck thank you made in Sussex cool Sussex b.b.c. Sussex with Pringle. Just looking at the front pages of the newspapers today well the Times is running with Corbin not fit for high office says the chief rabbi the latest on the labor anti semitism story which a few of the papers. Talking about the sun looking at marginal seats swing when you're winning they say the very few number of seats all the few number of people who have to change their mind to vote to swing a seat for Boris Johnson and Corbin's pension promise I will borrow to pay the waspy women these the women who are going to be denied a pension because of their age 29 now been to about bent domestic violence today and I suppose physical signs can be obvious but Sussex Police have launched a campaign to raise awareness of the more hidden side of domestic violence known as coercive control and that's when a partner uses controlling behavior often nonphysical to intimidate and isolate their victims it's been recognised in law for 4 years now those who worked with it Tim says more needs to be done to create a wider understanding about it this this woman spoke to us she's experienced it has dressed up as being concerned something every day as I myself am not realizing how serious it is becoming it's been together for about 6 weeks when I told him I was gone out with some colleagues for drinks he reacted to that 5 heist and threats to kill himself on social media well it's been reporting this morning Sussex Police now say that the coercive control offenses have doubled in the last year and they have launched a campaign to make people more aware I spoke to Detective Superintendent John Hull from Sussex police who told us some of the signs to look for are still in you from your friends and family monitoring you monitoring your time I really monitoring you know communication installing some sort spyware on your computer my bow devices depriving you of basic needs I mean a stream and like food even your time away from the relationship repeatedly putting you down saying that you're worthless controlling finances. Well that that campaign now out and later on on the radio station we're going to speak to joke off the chief executive of rise which is the charity which has been supporting the domestic violence victims top est. Tuesday morning on b.b.c. Sussex his detail with the latest the bodies been found of a man from Brighton who is missing in Australia 25 year old Auslan King disappeared in the early hours of Saturday he suffered a suspected seizure while camping with friends in Victoria the U.K.'s most senior Jewish leaders intervened in the general election campaign to denounce germy Corbin for failing to tackle anti semitism and questioning whether he fits or leave the country the Chief Rabbi Ephraim ervice said a pause in sanction from the very top had taken root in the party a spokeswoman for the Labor leader said Mr Korwin had spent his whole life fighting anti semitism the intervention comes as Labor publishes what it calls its race and faith manifesto later this morning Political Correspondent Chris Mason reports in the documents published by the Labor party this morning they promise to make it the Equality and Human Rights Commission the very organization investigating labor over allegations of anti Semitism truly independent as they put it and this suggestion that it isn't already has been dismissed by the Jewish labor movement in addition to what they're saying about anti semitism Labor also wants what it calls historical injustice colonialism and the role of the British Empire taught in schools and also review to work out why there aren't more minority ethnic teachers local people who make a remarkable difference to their community got their moment in the spotlight last night b.b.c. Sussex and b.b.c. Sorry announce the winners of the 9th Annual and your community Heroes awards and audience of the Get week Plaza Hotel heard inspiring stories of people who go the extra mile to help others an outstanding achievement that will be presented to. Patrick McIntosh from small wood a 3 times cancer survivor who cycled all the way from Twickenham to Tokyo raising awareness and thousands of pounds for charity Patrick told us earlier about the next stage of his journey the next leg is set off from Seattle which is on the other side of the city from Tokyo up over the Rockies across America up so newfound learned from the famine across Iceland down to Alden and that out to the hive nations either Scotland whiles back to recommend a veggie back to some cats and hospice some time soon because of next year and the consumer group Which is urging shoppers to do their research before buying goods on Black Friday this week if and only one in 20 deals it reviewed last year were the cheapest on the day which led to dozens of products being sold by 3 major retailers for 6 months before and after last year's sales events that infringe consumer rights editor there are certainly some good deals but it does involve doing your research and I think what's a good deal to you may be different to being a good deal to someone else you don't want to go in for the hype just because on the face of it made it like a bargain or surprise you haven't heard of a brand name you don't know then you may be wasting your money on something b.b.c. News more for me in 15 minutes science in CIA I bought something online the other way which I didn't I just wanted to buy it and it just happened to be in the Black Friday sale and that seems to me to be the best if you want something if you want something particular this is not a bad time of the year to go and look to see whether or not it's in the bargain price or leases at the price we need to buy anyway you might as well buy it when when generally the sales on don't you think yeah absolutely I'm I'm concerned about this is yeah I can envisage one day maybe things to be more expensive a Black Friday because people are so used to their shopping habits I mean I've notices you know buying in bulk is supposed to be cheaper I've done the calculations before and actually some products are. Looks in various places buying in bulk is more expensive they know they've who point you they know you're going to believe it's cheaper you have to learn they want the price you know you have to look at the unit price you mean all calculated to go shopping there but again coming up in just a moment. B.b.c. Sussex sports update but in the sport Josie Marino is going to hope to take top them into the Champions League knockout knockout stages by beating a limp course in his 1st home match in charge a lot on the back pages about whether or not Eriksson is going to stay with the team are the sign up or ship out I think a lot of the papers the saying match the City boss Pep Guardiola has urged his players to get the job done again Shack tired the nets they hope secure qualification at the seeping otherwise it goes down to the last Champions League game of the of the group stages and the shortlist of 6 contenders has been announced for the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year 2019 and the nominees are 2 athletes Deena Ashley Smith and Katrina Johnson Thompson the cricketer Ben Stokes who's the favorite Lewis Hamilton from Formula one run him Sterling from Manchester City and rugby union Allan when Jones Good luck to them all 3 weeks' time will find out who's the winner b.b.c. Sussex travel trailers. On the a $23.00 still got a laser on hand cross Hill area due to collisions so northbound it allowed around 20 minutes journey time m $23.00 similar situation from Gatwick towards the m $25.00 a collision there that's still got one lane closed off in the road works means there's an extra half hour of journey time now on our local routes what 240 minute delays one is on that dreadful stretch of the 807 from Worthing through Lansing all the way up to the shore mare port lights is one make a queue journey time in excess of 40 minutes I'd say the other one is on the 264 eastbound if you go on the cop former towards fell bridge that's flagging up a 40 minute queue on the speed sensors on other routes to saltine that's taking about 2. 25 minutes. Into New Haven you have a similar generation and if you go. Over the crossroads. There's one massive queue as well I think that's going to take you probably 20 minutes or more to push through Tell them to battle the 2120 minutes there's a 20 minute queue at the. And if you're in brown. There's a 15 minute queue showing up. And finally. Findon to Washington there's a 25 minute queue to get over the Washington roundabout. Travel. Well it's another way. Around 125 percent of our normal average rainfall this month and there stood a few days of it to go. Well today and tomorrow we've. Just pushing in from the southwest some of the rain is quite heavy it's quite Sharri their natures that will be raining all the time they could even be a rumble of thunder around at times. Yes rather wet days but a sunny day is a mild start to the morning the wind is picking up with gusts of wind of around 40 miles an hour I think at times today and the radio just continue for much of the rest of the day. Potentially into this evening's rush hour temperatures today of around 13 maybe even 14. So very mild for this time of year but of course not very pleasant out with the wind the rain I've been night tonight then is just going to continue but there will be some long dry rather misty murky conditions developing at times in mornings Well I've been around 8 or 9 but many of the figures tomorrow will fit a bit cooler than we've got another system spiraling in from the southwest that we get. Outbreaks of rain around at times perhaps bright espouse day tomorrow. And again it can be quite the last story now as we head through and Thursday the peach just is going to feel cooler again and it should be dry for most of the day but we may just get married rain just pushed down from the north towards the end of the day that will introduce some cold air a northerly wind and some sunshine in time for Friday say the change will happen really at the end of the working week let's take a look at the close to what is forecast for today North Pole and to build a wind that the neighboring southwesterly later 5 to 7 if they stick moderate or rough the weather educational rain of thunder showers and visibility cation in the moderate and the next high tide today at Hastings a bit 1027 at 7.7 meters Brighton 1046.7 meters blocking radius 1038 I think pleated is that is the book that she made in Sussex for Sussex b.b.c. Sussex with the old Pringle. Writes that time of the program where we celebrate people who were born on this day November the 26 s. If it's if it's you you share your birthday with a god from the rock world God s I should say Steve Bell is play for news cravat is playing for travel one will to travel so far we can start with you Steve Tina Turner wrote goddess has a birthday I think I know what shoes she was born or she is from just wish she would be 80 you saying well I know that's the answer because I read in the paper this morning he went 1st I'm sorry about that you should have gone for 80 and a few minutes 18 a few minutes Tina Turner's Birthday Happy Birthday to. You get a chance you go I tell you what you go 1st on this one Rita Ora or as she says or I was really one of the judges on The Voice she was a judge on The Voice and of course she seized on all that singing stuff she does sometimes appears without an awful lot of clothes on but they are that's Rita Ora right now is celebrating a birthday how old is she who would a. 30 I don't even know who she is I'm just going to say 32 she's 29 so he went with the. Level pegging now and I'm giving you John John McVie is a rock musician and plays for the band Fleetwood Mac. That would give you a clue. Well that means he's going to have to. 7575 to go youngest 68 No He's 74. Even though he was. Stepping out. You've you've you've it's 10 as we go to when you say. Was. A single. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and well have fun as well x. Just saying. How you doing this morning I'm very well very impressed by you and. The community here to face the front and not fall over with the new Richard and Judy of the radio stations are coming. Straight out the back of your hand says yeah but it was all about the people who were nominated and the winners last night and sometimes you can put a cigarette paper between I know the nominees and it's also it's like how do you compare you know inspirational achievements because you know that well that's the job of the judges Fortunately Alison I don't have to do that do way but what what I think what lingers with me from last night's going to Heroes award is that the people who are nominated aren't doing things just for one year for any kind of recognition some people doing it 2030 years or more doing spending all that time they could be with their family or just their feet up in front the t.v. But they're not they're out there doing things to help others here's another thought they're not superhuman. They're just human beings who decide that they're going to do something and I think if there is you know the word inspiring gets trotted down a lot what's inspiring about this is that it just needs a moment of resolve to say I'm going to do this and then getting on with it and obviously going to dedicate yourself to it but it's not beyond any of us to do these things so as we continue to tell their stories through the day maybe something somebody says today will inspire somebody else to go you know what I think I will have a may look at him as yes something now or see something you have to have a passion for or some knowledge of or a real kind of need in your area as well who knows what it could be so you got more the bringing of that and also we're told that the n.h.s. One of the most important issues of the general election and today we're looking at it starting about one in 10 n.h.s. Posts vacant hospital bosses say that even with extra cash they can't find the staff to spend it on so what's that like for people working on was that known and of course more potent partly for patients in hospital base it still safer than half staff to look after them so your thoughts on that hour 802321045 if you're interested we've got saffron and a.j. Strictly on the show has certainly are more you might say I am saffron a.j. Did you know a.j. Has an calendar we spotted this yes the other day we were looking at me he owns a calendar I know he there's a calendar with pictures of a.j. Took 20 pieces Miley and all the pictures perhaps it didn't do movie does it doesn't do movies good looking young boys too young those in their saffron a.j. With Danny and and nurses as well and a bit of community heroes it's all they are. And it's 30 minutes to 9 now and his detail with the latest headlines Police believe a body found in the Australian bush is the last of the missing man Auslan King from Brighton Britain's chief rabbi has intervened in the general election campaign condemning what he says is Jeremy Corbin's failure to deal with anti semitism and. It was a night of celebrations as we revealed the winners of r. And c. Of our annual Community Heroes Awards last night it's right there is another tip on the alternatives to dairy milk if you go if not they are a chocolate dairy mill if you're going to be or have a go at being a vegan as I'm going to do next not next month month after January and by the way you don't need to constantly say be angry about being vegan you know save your texting you know this is the 1st thing I realized about being a vegan or having a go at being vegan is that some people take offense that you're having a go I think the problem is some people assume that you're having a bit of a moral pop of them is a bit like when you think I'm trying for a man I think that's really what you say I drink so much oh I'm just saying I don't really it's all about me it's nothing to do with you so you're absolutely fine you can drink as much milk as you like now people in Haywards Heath says I am of Eagan and if you normally have skim milk and I do have skim milk she said I think you will find oatmeal is too creamy and if that's the case I would try a wry smile hard What about soymilk Well someone said that's a that's got a bit of an odd taste I'm going to try them all I'm going to try them all but this is a little event you know if you're going to go very far you have 20 both cereals and morning I know you went through your milk is right in Brighton actually phoned to say he has ice cream with cereal as you happy unless he or she could try that and I think that's very healthy this is this is supposed to be a slightly healthier way what we see now are not going to try them try them sequentially they are today we're going to hear about the lottery winners in just a 2nd from just up 105000000 not bad not bad on the roads 1st of all we've got problems on the a 23 a hanging still queues going northbound you took a collision there is around a 2025 minute delay if you're making way out that way this morning that's because one lane is shut up shut off there's also still one half hour queue from Gatwick towards the m $25.00 that's due to a collision on that stretch as well now on a low. It's and we still have these mistreats on the Standing by pass the 3 just south of the up beating roundabout there seems to be some kind of incursion that is causing a 2 mile queue back to the standing bypass now Dunham road work search nothing is listed if you coming down from the sort of one field right direction towards the 283 there's also a queue on that approach as well from Lansing through Shoreham it's still really nasty on the $870.00 is improving slowly but there's probably still around 20 to 30 minute queue Findon to Washington and storing to Washington both of those are taking culture of an hour thank you Michael who found this to confirm there's a massive queue going from. Up to found it looks like it's taking almost half an hour to get to the stadium there's no apparent reason why perhaps a little bit of fog at the top but that's about it 15 minute queues still 20 minute delays rather getting onto the a 27. 20 minute queues either way to saltine or to New Haven and finally if you want an answer they've got roadworks that on the 272 that's causing a 20 minute hold up and a 10 minute queue westbound thank you for all the updates keep coming in for Danny's programme I'm Stephen Cranford b.b.c. Sussex travel with your travel updates 08023218 full 5 b.b.c. Sussex travel you trust. I don't know why these stories are so interesting and fascinating they are a couple of inches. Celebrating they have 105000000 pounds in the Euro Millions jackpot I think it's partly because you just think Crikey what would I do they were in the door last Tuesday and that coincided with the 25th birthday of the National Lottery's 1st have a drawback in $994.00 and the couple are going to be taking to the media they're going to be in a hotel later on the Simon horn from Camelot Hello good morning good morning good morning how's it go about I mean a lot of people being coming on this morning or texting instead sting Why would you want to go public on this sort of thing I mean I have a pretty pressure on people to go public No no. Individual decision and across majority choose to an anonymous pop around one percent change I think. And we all connections within our community. And I think it's something you want to see. That knowledge and start to enjoy it because this is huge when you see you change your life and to be able to get on. Your job. And you can and Harrison's Great Aunt Mildred know absolutely tell me how much advice do you give to people winning I mean this is this this is almost like a silly amount of money over 100000000 pounds incredible to give advice do you ask or do you offer advice has that work you know no it's not reaching the original and I cannot a lot of. Talk about what other experiences. Are Not because we're not. On 105000000000 but also. The legal and financial advice that private banking which a lot of. And yet they get a lot that was always on the end of a sign for help the Internet right so the drawer itself was on Choose day. That was that was last week. I mean going any details of how they found out where they watching at the time you know all that sort of what we're going to hear that and I can't reveal too much more like you know I can tell you this is a hard lesson from the choices they were. Gobsmacked or all of us were. And it's and it's going to be in the long changing when it's you know 100000000000 100701 pounds don't forget the 90 page that's what I've got coming when you have a thought thank you can so you're a huge opportunity to support and solve the long term like so what happens for the rest the day was the big the big unveiling what tell us how about how that works for some people became the big 2nd to spying the champagne around 11 we'll have yourself for the world's media to come and have a chat with them and to hear what it's like to find out 1. 100000000 pounds and then yeah we're trying to get allies that get all that the media happy so that they can write write the story again look past the winners get them away for a little bit so that I can start trying to hide from this mess about. Wow I'm still I mean. A lot of people be itching for me to ask what's in it for the why why should you go problem I'm kind of alluded to earlier on but it's seems like a lot of work why don't you just fly out to some desert island and start enjoying it well I think it's terms of each individual I think if you. Live in a community and I was a school or thought suddenly up sticks and disappear a friend the other half of the whole recollection. So it's not so with that 80 some people don't want change everything a loss a lottery win is a huge thing happens and we all cats are all naturally in a little white I know I'd like to go to work and I'd like to do a lot people want to carry on in the community they're in and support their family and friends and people around them so it's not always possible to suspects and I think sharing that. Allows you to get your head around. That thought so the other people don't understand what you're going to throw and actually can sort of south central a pretty different amounts and so on to get our head around changes in certain that it's an incredible story thank you very much indeed we will we'll look out to hear what we're going to do with that's always the for what you can do with it and that sort of questions thank you very much and they'd. Reveal less this Stevie Wonder and isn't she lovely Alison turns back to the news of the moment remind me of her. Goal that drive and then don't forget it's the Albion limited day looking ahead to the new pull back to the weekend with Johnny canter and one asking all from 7 o'clock this evening how fantastic day I'll leave you with Danny Pike good morning with the n.h.s. One of the most important issues at this general election today we're looking at it starting about one in 10 n.h.s. Posts are vacant the hospital bosses say that even with extra cash they can't find the doctors or nurses to spend on it Boris Johnson says his government will provide tens of thousands of nurses but Labor pointed out that that figure would include dissuading staff from leaving so why is there such a lack of nurses was that mean for patients What's your experience been like on wards get involved give me a call or text me 81333 Start your message with radio. In Sussex full sun sinks on f.m. On line digital radio and smart Speaker this is b.b.c. Sussex. It's 9 o'clock on Steve dial the body has been found of a man from Brighton who is missing in Australia 25 year old Auslan King disappeared in the early hours of Saturday he suffered a suspected c.z. While camping with friends in Victoria Lloyd Figgins in exposing travel safety advice says he's easy to become disoriented in that part of the world you only quite literally have to go few metres into the bush and you can become pretty disorientated now you know there's reports that he might have some sort of a seizure. All this before he ran into the bush itself you know that disorientation and then you start heading off in the wrong direction Labor insisted is driving anti semitism house of the party after the chief rabbi intervened in the general election campaign he frame ervice who heads the Orthodox Jewish community claims a new poison has been sanction from the very top of the party Jeremy Coburn is due to launch Labour's race and faith manifesto this morning the Labor shadow transport secretary and the McDonald says he understands the frustrations I totally get it that means the Jewish community are hurt beyond measure that these sorts of things happen but I also want to reassure them that there's an absolute determination to drive it out from within our party and wider society and that's why we're making you know that we are today of policy development at least 6 people have died following a 6.4 magnitude earthquake near the Albanian capital to Rana the country's government says the Army is working with firefighters to help people traps on the rubble it was one of his radio stations proudest nights of the year as we announced the winners of the 29000 communal.