I'm really excited to meet with enough of them on time and. They can see that mental health is something that people care deeply about and see something that they care about as well that we're doing. And we'll be following the royal couple's progress throughout the day here on B.B.C. Something. To reason may is to announce that fuel duty will remain frozen for the 9th year in a row and the means that motorists will avoid a planned 2 P. Elites a rise in the price of petrol and diesel the prime minister will close the conservatives conference in Birmingham with a call for unity despite deep divisions over Bracks it as our Political Correspondent Chris Mason reports reason may will tell activists I passionately believe the top best days lie ahead of us adding Don't let anyone tell us we don't have what it takes we have everything we need to succeed it's a sprinkle of optimism a day on from Boris Johnson's latest noisy trashing of a vision for leaving the the decision to free to fuel duty again the prime minister will claim proofs are party is on the side of hard working families. A decisions to tonight on controversial plans for a new idea store in Lansing developers say the proposal will boost the economy and will include $600.00 homes and a new school on new monks farm near shore mare port but those against the idea of worried about the impact on wildlife and congestion on the A 27 a district councils deferred a decision on the store in July. Your pharmacies in Indonesia say bulk supplies of urgently needed food and water have begun to reach people on the island of Soloway see at least 1300 people and known to have died in last Friday's earthquake and tsunami 7 cargo planes landed at polio airport this morning carrying tons of humanitarian aid the city's one of the areas worst affected by the disaster. B.B.C. Study has found that people in their twenty's who want to rent a flat on their own face having to pay on affordable amounts of money in $2.00 thirds of Britain in our says compared local rents for a mid-range one bedroom home with typical local salaries for the age group in 65 percent of postcode areas the cost was above 30 percent of income the threshold at which went becomes an affordable according to housing association housing organizations and legal history will be made at the Supremes court for the 1st time in 600 years a case that the highest court in the land will be heard by a majority of female justices all 3 of the Supremes courts female judges including Lady Arden who was sworn in on Monday will sit alongside 2 male justices to rule on the treatment of a boy with Asperger's to date with the news it's 4 minutes past 6 whatever next female newsreaders. yet never know i female judge she says now no ready for that you know i thought i'd know i believe where mean i have indeed always done the role of the duchess and so they're not it's that i don't know will the willoughby are poor ready you know the when you have a role visit new going it down to sussex about 10 o'clock you part of the lot to be up by no be an early early alarmed troll how old you know actually really on now cantles wow life ng and well there you are busy life the rather the alarm clock radio he's on at the moment morning it was all morning you we looking forward to seeing you the weather's quite nice in the traffic it's good at the most mode of the mode if you come down b.v.c. Sussex trample a new troll us all a very nice start this wednesday morning we got no particular problems are tall no accidents or incidents to start off with and i have check the speed tenses as i always did for you and it's nothing showing up which is how i was like seen it at 6 o'clock on the trains were also doing well folks who got no reports of any problems on the network now if you cannot take me throughout the morning few sport a problem for now number 080-232-1045 i'm stephen cranford p.b.c. Sussex travel and stephen would you do the isn't it mild out that from a hyson him mom of that we to he smiled out there on glad you mention that study brought my coat short of out of happy it and you don't need to slightly regret well not not 1st thing any way the temp chip we have in east born hastings 14 degree 40 bali's it is quite barmy actually and elsewhere along the coast it's more light 11 and 12 i'm so it's a mild star and it's going to be not a bad day we should be dry all the way through most to dry there's a some of that they it's saying so my a 10 percent chance of that of the odd shower but i think we're going to be ok it is on the mild side 18 degrees celsius and i thought i'm afraid it is books how mostly cloudy but there will be some sunshine breaking through from time to time i think the main thing for rob visits though is that you're want it dried day q so it's going to be dry it's going to be mainly cloudy and highs of 18 to Largely dry and mild once again tonight temperatures should stay in double figures and tomorrow and the mist of fog are leaving us and they were going to day all sunny spells with building up later in the day and similar sort of temperatures today 18 degrees Celsius the sunrise is at 5 past 7 in about an hour's time and our sunset is at 25 to 7 sleeping. And so here we go on a royal start of the program and while it's it's very good actually Allison Fern's our royal correspondent has gone the full holiday and she's had. She's had the mego which basically means she now not only is is commentating on visit but she baby looks like Meghan Markle so I don't know if people on the walkabout do not actually get to see my grandma we're going to send Alice and ferns down along afterwards and. Because they can make a daughter then. We are going to ask the question if you did talk to Meghan or Harry on the walkabout then what would you ask them. Use your skill in judgment an interesting quote you've only probably only got one question because they move past these royals but what would you ask them on the role about 81 troubled 3 Start your text the word radio I've got a couple of walkabouts they want in their West Street just before they visit. You know before the official bits. 10 4th quarter to 11 some and read about 2 o'clock at the Pavilion in Brighton that that's the rough timings of your royal walkabout. These B.B.C. Sussex. Sussex me bring. Them what would you ask them my. Chance I mean. It is the big. It's happening for you how do you get your hair shiny you know I mean she's got gray hair I mean. It's better the welcome to Sussex is now and then she's a. Prince Harry is being a royal hardwork you know these are the these the questions ladies and gentlemen if you want to add your question I want trouble 3 star should take to the word radio and maybe our reporters will shout them out onto the road for you anyway the they are rolling out. The royal red carpet across Sussex in church to brighten. Just hours away from the 1st ever visit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in our county people are rather happen very excited but I think it's fantastic. So 1st on the trip is Chichester they're going to visit house and view a rare Sussex copy of the American Declaration of Independence and they're going to head to Boca Regis to open new engineering and digital technique technology. Variety in this visit then they go to the roll pavilion have a look at the new saloon room and all the rest of them and Alexander last curator of the rubber Valiant is looking forward to meeting the whole team has been working in preparation of this for the last 4 weeks and it's been hard work and waited an enjoyable as well I'm beyond excited of course it is it is the most wonderful thing . Happening here in 7 years and next after that they're going to the Survivors Network a charity for survivors of sexual violence and abuse more charity like us to have this recognition this validation this level of have progressed is absolutely amazing we are delighted and then final stop is in peace EVA later this afternoon when they go to the job few center. You know piece a research community. To. Become a. So it's a big surprise to me. Time and time to come. We can see that mental health is something that people care deeply about and see something that they care about as well which. I suppose is not a surprise that if you are asking royal editors and royal watchers who is going to be most attention you know who's going to get most of the focus it'll be probably her rather than him this is Duncan LARCOMBE everything is focused in terms of the media on mag and what we should be wearing how will she perform she's about to go on a huge tour to Fiji Australia New Zealand where she will be really sort of out of a comfort zone on a major source of the Brighton thing visit to Sussex as a warm up for that will she shut her door over someone else shut the door for her stupid things like that everything's under the microscope. Yeah I think she probably was shut you know we actually are not terribly bothered whether she shuts those or not I'm really interested to see how the visit goes in and particularly you know some of those smaller charity events and that you know that that is probably place to what they're most interested in I guess anyway though of course they have very good at the walkabout Meg and Harry as well you know around the royal wedding and since we've seen some great walkabouts they they just seem to engage Very well sir said West Street in Chichester just before 11 o'clock this morning. The the no for the palace said they will greet anybody who any members of the public who have turned up to see them which is a very low key of way of saying and if no one's turned up there just go straight inside each house I suspect there might be quite busy there and then the pavilion then the South after there are about 2 o'clock I dare say that will be quite busy as well but if you were if you were on the walkabout what would you ask though I want trouble 3 Start your text or the word. If she Sussex $616.00 and Emily Geoffrey with a. It is headlines did you conduct shifts of Sussex will make their 1st joint official visit to their namesake County today heading to Chichester 1st then Bachmann Regis Brighton and peace haven to reason may will insist today that the government is on the side of hardworking families she announces that fuel G.T. Is to remain frozen for the 9th year in a row and a decision over controversial plans for an IKEA store and $600.00 new homes in Lansing is expected to be made at a meeting this evening yes every big day today as the area that's a pink prime minister stands up and does her you know. Remember no never mind the guy with the wire I'm still in charge of this that thing about fuel duty I wouldn't know how much fuel duty was but I'm glad it's not going up. Is most of the PRICE Yeah that's right so there was going to go up a couple of pence was in there. I mean it's what it is now or 130 What are you paying a loan yes about 130 on you know 131 someone throwing you know sometimes it's cheaper over your way the sport isn't there you notice that I have noticed that recently and over Portsmouth it's cheaper as well that's not worth the detail you probably spend more money on the A 27 yeah I feel sure what would you ask them on the walkabout then come on then Emily because you're a bright girl come on you've got your moment there she's standing in front of you and you going to ask. I did I just I don't know the really normal thing is actually just like you know what do you have for breakfast or what do you have for breakfast it's a perfectly good public good question what you have what was your reaction when you were told you're going to be the Duchess of Sussex are very good questions but yeah . Yes exactly yes I'm gone I wanted Bedford char or something are you missing acting you know that you know these these you know you could so we'll talk about the educational drums or something. I still keep me and in. Part in the crowd I do go through cicle. Doing a pan to the palace for the queen you know that. You might get an interesting art so we'll talk about the etiquette you could make the princess it's all right we do the etiquette walkabouts a little while you're allowed to shout at them or not 2. MEIGS you know you just get the etiquette of the walk about how to behave you know. What we want to present a good face this is their 1st official visit experts to tell because we have a clue we want to get it right I think they're quite laid back they are there I don't think you could get away with most things she shops around doors you know probably 619 no problems on the road so far no we're all doing pretty well got no problems that have been flagged up I've looked at the speed sensors and that looks fine at the moment we don't know queues showing on local routes or the motorways there is one consolation is just crept in the 617 Brighton to Bedford train that would have arrived at 839 just had notification that's been cancelled this morning part from that they were doing OK We've got no reports of any particular problems I'm Stephen Cranford B.B.C. Sussex travel call with your travel updates 080232104 Find B.B.C. Sussex travel you trust and this is a nice thing we have been organizing 50 gifts for the royal couple you know which Mark Sussex and also you know our 50 years of broadcasting so I'm going to try to hand them over today no no we don't get it today would do it later on in the year. Because I think we've been quite busy today but we had today on the program going to feature some of those local places that have contributed to all 50 get some Listen. 50 gifts from Sussex forearmed you can Duchess drive from any wine estates. Sussex. It's a thought. To give a bottle of sparkling wine that we produce to address any in 2014 it's a blank blank sparkling wine made from 100 percent shot may I hope that they take the opportunity to champion stick Sussex produce both here around and around the world celebrating 50 years of local radio wave 50 special gifts from Saw 6. well with the the decision coming tonight about the Ikea store on the 27 new Monk's farm and the 600 homes as well so we're going to be talking to those people who vehemently against it's quite interesting actually this morning the breaking news on this is that Lansing college withdrawn their object to the scheme This is after they have come to new arrangement with the developers to make sure there is access on the from the A 27 to college where inconvenience people so that that was their main concern and that's been sorted out now so they're not not they're not protesting any more than they're there and we will see you know we will see what happens anyway so it's one of those that the robot would odd isn't it tonight the last time they ran out of time and couldn't decide once if they run out of time again or are they going to have to say today's the day whatever I think despite the fact there are 500 members of the public there's just have to increase I think it will be quite a late sitting because they don't think they start till 7 o'clock in some of that and they're going to the thing they've got to reach a conclusion today really we've been hanging on for long enough anyway so we'll talk to the press processes we'll talk to Martin Perry who is from the developing company and he's going to tell us what tweaks they've done to the plan since it last got the sort of no no we will be deferring our decision for the time big said they've done some tweaks We'll find out what those are and just let us know do you welcome 600 homes and and I care on that side if you want to join in a one trouble 3 Start your text or the word radio but also to. What would you ask Meghan and Harry you can make this is random as you like. Is it fun being a royal that sort of stuff on the walkabout I want trouble 3 Start your text of the word radio what would you what would you say to them welcome to Sussex and you can't put your bins out in your dressing gown anymore Kenya much mean well that sort of normal thing that people do they can't do normal things anymore Well Meghan . And now she's in the public eye I can't imagine her ever putting her in a dressing gown they have. Probably always had someone to. Sort of metaphorically speak OK from pages back pages in a bit in the middle from pages dominated by politics the back pages dominated by a Marine yo and let's just do some of the front stuff daggers drawn this is in the mail Boris accuses me of cheating the vote voters but of course Theresa May will have her say today what else we got the August welcome Sussex in a frenzy has begun to rival love their unit friends are not the only friends they are sees a bit high quality excitement quite interesting to see how it goes in the diary on the back page pages are calling it a more draw let me explain that for you Stephen Yes Matthew night in the Champions League they're playing at home against Valencia and it was nil nil the manager's called Marie Neo and so instead of calling it a bore draw which is and 000 they called it a more draw understand than I do now Wright said it so it's a more draw right where we are that's the back pages inside The Times this one is quite a clever idea Netflix viewers can now decide how a favorite show will end T.V. Is getting so interactive with the audience that they are now offering the opportunity to script the end of a future series How about that in fact it did happen before in the ninety's there was a B.B.C. Programme called you decide or something which Sylvester McCoy presented and every day people phoned in and said what they wanted to happen the next day and they had to make overnight. Here So it's not now nor Tom They're never caught on complicated that's for how expensive a script writers script writers quite enjoy that actually but and I look at another television item this is in the mirror flogging it one of the daytime T.V. Programs is being axed. After 16 years to make way for a new generation of daytime shows so there we are a few laughs flog it they're going to show all remaining episodes but then it's not night nurse let's face it there are enough digital channels now that if you want to watch law get about 16 series which are going to be good for you K. Gold and all that other sort of stuff I don't suppose this is the not waking new ones there's plenty of old ones 130 repeated forever forgotten about those tacky things that came up for auction. And I mean really not I'm not I don't know if I'm not sad that flow gets going every time I see it turn on the television in the days flow and you go and your heart sinks. Welcome to Episode 58 of Series 60. OK so it's going to be replaced by something new and exciting which is called sell it. Something like that and just run the ASIO know they're down there one final one for me inside the mail they've got a Palm PALM is it a palmist where they look at your part of what you'll headlines and hotlines and fate lines and lifelines shown them 10 pictures of 10 royal hands and they try to predict all these things about him personally I think that's completely over what am I saying or what if I say Well for example let me about the egg and make an is number one they are saying these hands are very feminine from the lower below the fingers it's clear that these have the hands of a sensitive artistic person this is the most interesting Royal Palm thanks to a very unusual feature in the right hand known as a simian line oh she's got the simian line usually the headline and heart line is separate and spaced apart as they run down the center of the Palm However on this royal It shows up as only one line which divides the hand in heart meaning the spiritual feature is known as a gift market and reveals a person of enormous drive energy and focus out this to the long straight hard line on the left hand reveals its considerate person likely to be humanitarian. How many people are now looking Yeah I know it's just I just love the minus I believe I got the simian I was. Drawing focus Oh yes that's me right 631 is B.B.C. 6 no Pringle here breakfast and the latest headlines from Emily Jeffrey banks me over to you conduct as of Sussex will make their 1st joint official visit to the namesake County today Prince Harry and his new wife Meghan Markle will make their 1st stop at AIDS house in Chichester to view a rare Sussex copy of the American Declaration of Independence now go on to Bogner Regis Brighton and finally stop at the John youth center in peace Haven Bieber on the streets of Sussex are excited about time so I lay there Bangles got married on my back I'm very excited cliff it's fantastic I think the Brighton is such a sort of vibrant city such a buzz I think that's already been a good day for how exalted to the call only I think it's pretty exciting I think out of it to resume a war declared today that Britain's future outside the E.U. Is full of promise closing the Conservative party conference the prime minister will insist the government is on the side of hard working families as she announces another fuel duty freeze their decisions do tonight on controversial plans for a new IKEA store in Lansing developers say the proposal will boost the economy and will include $600.00 homes and a new school on new Monk's farm near Sure I'm a port but those against the idea are worried about the impact on wildlife and congestion on the A $27.00. Bulk supplies of urgently needed food and water have arrived on the Indonesian island of sun the way you see 7 cargo planes landed at Palin airport this morning to help survivors of last Friday's earthquake and tsunami. That B.B.C. Study has found that people in their twenty's who want to rent a flat on their own face having to pay what housing organizations claim are affordable amounts of money in $2.00 thirds of Britain according to the analysis the most expensive areas include Cambridge while the cheapest is Argyll and peat and the 1st commercial flight using fuel from recycled carbon gases is due to land at Gatwick this morning the Virgin Atlantic flight from Orlando using Lanzer tech jet fuel will be greeted by said Richard Branson up to date from news bulletin 7 now there are some slightly bizarre things that are going to be going on today mostly concerning Allison firms are named presenter who are calling the royal correspondent day I don't understand how this quite got through planning but Alice knows most convinced the B.B.C. Bosses a good idea for her to not use the radio car in pursuit of the roll family today but use a Rolls Royce I know Joie classic Alison very very uncanny that later she's all the other go hire cars out there we were really a Rolls Royce what was wrong with a polo shirt. I like her style I like her style she's she has got she's got that's got to do it properly she's having you think she's going to be wearing a tiara. Do you think she's got her ideas of grandeur. Or she has she has to have the make over she does look quite like make a mark it's got a good hair Yeah Eric Yeah that's right fact if you look at the way we can hardly find her day we can hardly find a prince harry lookalike maybe she could bluff the virgins of Sussex that she actually is making well. Maybe maybe the idea is that people will if they don't get a chance to see Meghan Markle they will see at least the Alice and ferns the B.B.C. Duchess and what we're calling our boil correspondent. Driving around in splendor today we're going to catch up with Allison ferns and we're going to ask her how she managed to wangle B.B.C. Sussex travel new trials. Still in fine shape this morning we've got no particular delays or problems I have just checked the speed sensors in case there are any difficulties and so far so good there are queues just building on the M 25 there if you go in clockwise from 5 around the clock at Lane It's a little bit congested there but nothing too major on the trains one cancellation this morning is so early Brighton train that goes up to Bedford the one that should have departed at 617 and to get to bed for the 839 that's been withdrawn apart from that though I can't see any other problems if you can update me our number 080-232-1045 I'm Stephen Cranford B.B.C. Sussex travel. Let's look at the weather once again and it's going to be not so bad actually a fair amount of cloud but at least it should be dry there's a chance of overnight missed him fall but it's mild out there the moment in some places as mild as 14 degrees Celsius 1st thing this morning so he missed will leave and then it's a dry day with variable amounts of cloud the the afternoon should see a better chance of seeing some sunshine breaking through the cloud and days high 80 degrees Celsius so it's a workable sort of day at least we're not raining all over the visit which is good and seeming in tonight largely dry with clear spells through the evening temperatures dipping down to 9 degrees Celsius the odd mist and 4 patch once again and so there will lift on Thursday morning tomorrow and then we've got gentle south westerly winds quite a nice day tomorrow actually dry with sunny spells similar sort of temperatures 18 degrees Celsius now wind on the coast Westley northwesterly 4 or 5. Decreasing as we go through the day. The visibility is good. Evening 17 degrees Celsius. And also this morning the inside story. On this one but it's it's it's in the news this morning. Which. You know. Taking on. These. Brave. New. You know he says good morning. Friends Day. I can pull off that getting down let's get down with K. Can sell and now at the weather Good morning. Let's get down with. The I think we could have a new jingle let's get down with the weather presenter That doesn't sound quite right disses had a bit rude right OK then. Sentiment Yeah well thank you Wednesday the 3rd of October give it to us in a sentence Kate can sell or mild often cloudy but a cloud will break and we'll see some sunshine I love that you give us that seconds polls that make you think the transmit is have just gone down but think about what do we need to know that. You can do that no one can take that but that was that was it. Well we'll see tomorrow right OK so it is the wedding visit and give us the the child is it yet we have today you know. Yes I have heard but it's not like they don't marry again I know they don't get married again but you know the royal couple I already. Know oh God. All right carry a Meghan down in Sussex for the 1st time since they were the title officially all that you can just Duchess of Sussex is that better. Well this is what I want to know from you. What's the chance that it might drizzle all rain on their parade I don't think it will good I mean. The cloud when you have it is thick enough to produce the odds what you've had some already this morning for East Sussex but if you get it it's not really going to amount to much too it's not going to ruin any has styles that's excellent news that is X. And news because. You know you know Harry is really big on his hair I know he actually he does have the sort of hair you know I don't think he needs to run a comb through it wouldn't look much different gray hair very very easy low maintenance hair I think anything less might not think that for now I think so it's very hard to make it look like that whereas mental models go as we don't call a mega market anymore with the Duchess of Sussex on the other hand I suspect she needs a little bit of work on that you know they'll be conditional that sort of stuff when they're. I'd like to say if I'm honest I don't know maybe no she might be blessed with hair that doesn't need any kind of looking after OK. Constant attention Juno Well I've taken taken not to never combing my hair I don't think I've comb my hair in about 3 years I know looks scruffy scruffy mess is bursting No But is that I have an action or let you into a secret I had my hair cut off which I did I say recently was much earlier this year. I discovered a new pair of head straightness which when I do something I don't like something in the plates and I don't know but when I do it the night before going to work I don't have to brush my hair in the morning it's day I have not wash my hair either going on the telly with brushed her hair how about that have a look at it or I OK with a slept on it yeah. Yeah OK Very interesting Cherry go to the weather tomorrow. Will be even better than today won't it will be my 2nd fog I don't like is the wind force light so when there's no wind and it's very moist air we could see a bit of a mist of folk developing overnight so it's a quite murky start tomorrow morning but it will lift more in the way of sunny spells more Friday is why it's actually really nice when it's couple days right trying to thank you for that weekend celebrating the royal visit to Sussex with Neil Pringle ever by the weekend yet now unless you've been number wrong. Let me tell you something you probably already know that you can Duchess of Sussex coming here today you know you did know a lot of sick Simon as you can imagine and we're going to be broadcasting through the day looking at the visit through the eyes of our reporters and some of the people who they're going to be meeting we think we have found some of the most exciting people in Sussex they are the children of old intern primary in hope and Allison ferns our royal correspondent has been chatting to them complete contempt of Sussex. I'm a huge fan of your family and I think it's a lovely place free to visit it's to cliffs and plates by East or neck and by millionaires why which is beautiful have a good just time head. And don't forget to come close. To the best school in the world I hate Pete get to listen to this P.S. I'm so glad the illogic. Do you conduct yourself suspects has a lovely day Harry M. Megarian at it is a bit of a mouthful isn't it jus conduction I'm sure I will stumble over that some point today thank you children. 40 minutes to 7 B.B.C. Sussex and early Geoffrey has the latest headlines that you can doctors of South exact heading to the county for their 1st official joint visit here would she choose to have broken Regis Brighton and peace or even on their agenda to reason they will declare today that Britain's future outside the E.U. Is full of promise and insists the government is on the side of hard working families and the decisions you tonight on controversial plans for a new IKEA store in Lansing right OK So avocados versus bacon rolls if you see the story now I'm serious you know why OK this is this is all over the place that apparently this is Costa the coffee chain did an advert where they said avocados. You could get a great deal on those but they're only right for about 10 minutes so why not have one of our bacon rolls instead that was basically what they say sounds odd rather have a bacon roll and there was a rush of complaints want to guess how you complained about 4 to 2. Complained it went to the Advertising Standards people and they agreed with the complainants and they up held them Costa said that. Played on the frustration and unpredictability of the avocado but. Apparently you know slagging off fresh fruit as avocados are as I understand rather vegetables and over fast food is not seen as a good message you know I think though I think if so few people complain they should have a threshold that they won't even consider unless a certain numbers reach because you get T.V. Programs are washed by 9000000 people and like 4 people complaining it's like 4 out of 9 thank you thank you for that view but it's not the view of the Advertising Standards Authority and therefore it's worth it $65000000.00 people didn't wait lame shows they care to gating like I don't want avocados to be slagged off over bacon ones anyway but I didn't I didn't bother my myself to do I didn't see the advert so I won't combine both couldn't cost I'm missing a trick they could do an avocado and roll and the one who found the 10 minutes when they're fresh and we're putting them in our bacon know how marvelous OK straight straightforward poll today avocado a fresh avocado or a bacon roll What would you go for every Jeffrey I know let's say because they say but if you can't say it's one or the other at this time in the morning it's going to be bacon bacon and Mr Pringle avocado actually just for you. 2 people are healthy super food they are and they are absolutely lovely I love a bit of avocado and baked sandwich hammy I've had hundreds of bacon sandwiches and you know yeah after a while they do sort of ploy a bit terribly salty After you want to drink. With the Tartars leave you refreshment and and fit some slimy fingers to face the. Injured from removing the patron OK well you can you can have a go they say when trouble 3 start you text the word radio it's fairly straightforward on our text when you say bacon roll or avocado and we'll see what comes up I wonder 11 minutes to 7. Now on to the roads no major problems no still looks very good actually I just checked the screens for you know queues showing up on our local routes I'm expecting 87 and we're going to join in pretty soon same around Polk but at the moment you've got no significant delays motorways they're pretty good really there's nothing too much to worry about there and on the trains no the cancellations or problems I've managed to spot I'm Stephen Cranford B.B.C. Sussex travel with your travel updates 080-232-1045 B.B.C. Sussex travel you trust. 50 gifts for Sussex forearmed you can Duchess my name only and I can take on and based in. Just called by the sea because I know they're very much community based. So I have seen the Sussex fantastic. Opportunity with. Them and because it's safe Sussex celebrating 50 years of local radio with 50 special gifts from Sussex our lovely idea. If you want to look at all the gifts all some of them on our Facebook page B.B.C. Says it's on Facebook today. Sports in just. A conversation with. The. Play. All the money come come in now if only. To see. Him play. Coming because. That's what you play in. Sheet metal like he needs to let some. Come in. In. The. Coming. Days some. Of the weekend we. Would go in on the 1st day you amazed at the Super Bowl you can. Play with. Our entire families doing the OK. And the Taxi taxi kill that problem and. Not. Sure. If somebody like me come and see me reason. To. Least. Come in late come in now if only. To see. Him pull out. Of the mud. Coming. At you with him to. Come up feeling like he needs to learn something and. Come in with. Me. And. With. A chair and the love of your body and avocado versus bacon roll he is one who says in capital letters they really mean it avocado and here's one bacon roll with a fried egg that's from Dave in hopes that I make it at the moment it's 5050 between bacon all the avocado B.B.C. 6 forwards update I want trouble 3 Start your text with the word radio to join in on that one right sport and it's being called a bore draw Man United drawing Neil Neil home to Valencian in the Champions League last night means the pressure is still on the manager Jos a Marine you know after 4 draws all losses so things difficult for me to say the 1st is not good for me even yourself the other reason to criticize we have enough. Right there is not a good move elsewhere Mason City scored a late winner as they won 21 in Germany against Hoffenheim David Silva scored with just 3 minutes to go to see who would judge. He. Was sure. I. Just. Can't change. Manchester City back on track. Right color tasty ones in the Champions League tonight Tottenham and Liverpool in action Spurs hosting Barcelona at Wembley not a bad match Liverpool are in Italy against Napoli who also really good side says she would cook up a cracking match is there in the F.L. Camp Southampton the through to the 4th round after beating Everton $43.00 on penalties in the Championship Aston Villa manager Steve Bruce had a cap each thrown at him before his side's 3 all draw with Preston said it's useful if you make the sandwich later back here the former West Ham United striker. Dean Ashton says the Sea Eagles fans should be excited about the club's prospects this season Ashton joined the Albion unlimited show last night ahead of the Albion game against the hammers on Friday evening at the Amex and he says it's not the home form that is a conservative different result again I think Chris You always has it's well organized especially at home as well the only thing I think this season can they change the home form and take that away. With Last season I haven't seen that I was as yet particularly there we are so that was the national on the podcast you can get more of that and also Albion defender guy butters talking about the West Ham match and the progress of the seagulls this season you can get the whole pod cast by the B.B.C. I Player or via Android devices. One a 2nd it's so that was supposed to happen oh yes text Asante talk on H one trouble 3 starting your message with Sprite text such charge that you'll stop that message right see our privacy no juice at B.B.C. Dot co dot you can slash local radio producer we're asking if you own the book about you had a chance to see Harry and Megan what would you ask and this close to home for John and she just a moment John said I would ask Meghan Do you miss the simple life as a good one. We will have that one anymore I won't trouble 3 Start your text with the word write. See. You. Too she. Says Neal do we know the time that. I have you know referring to the. Royal visit I can tell you yes the approximate time at about 11 West Street for their walkabout and roughly 2 o'clock for their walk about the role of alien in Brighton. If you can make it in. Digital radio please see some 6. This is B.B.C. 6 Wednesday the 3rd of October. Is the 1st visit of. I'm a huge fan of yours yes we'll be following this. Throughout the day talking to people they'll be meeting. To have this recognition this validation this level of public. It is absolutely amazing we are delighted and will be previewing those walkabouts in West Street in she just turned at the Pavilion in bright everything is focused in terms of the media on mag and what we should be wearing how will she performs now Steve Dale is in Chichester ahead of the visit to AIDS House yesterday security is tight here nearly as workmen lay out the railings from behind which thousands of well wishers will welcome the roll couple Also this morning Theresa May scraps the proposed increase in petrol tax this is not about the jobs of politicians this is about the jobs of people in our country and.