It's 1 o'clock John Howard trees a May has reached a deal with the European Union on the crucial issues which have been stalling the brakes in negotiations the agreement to reach after weeks of intense negotiations paves the way for the talks to move on to discussions about trade and the U.K.'s future relationship with the e.u. Includes a settlement which the b.b.c. Understands will involve the u.k. Paying a divorce Bill of up to $40000000000.00 pounds Mrs May 70 goshi a sions required compromise on both sides getting to this point has required give and take on both sides and I believe that the joint report being published is in the best interests of the whole of the u.k. I very much welcome the prospect of moving ahead to the next phase to talk about trade and security and to discuss the positive and ambitious future relationship that is in all of our interests under the agreement there be no hard border separating the Irish Republic from Northern Ireland an issue which had the rail previous proposals our correspondent Kevin Connolly considers the details of the deal the day began in Brussels on a dramatic note with word that to reason me and David Davis had boarded a pre-dawn flight that would allow them to seal the Briggs's deal at a meeting over breakfast an agreement that sufficient progress has been made on citizens' rights the Irish border and the divorce bill to allow the talks to move on to matters of trade the question of exactly how a hard border will be avoided in Ireland won't be settled until the next phase of the process but there is it seems definitive detail on the societies of the financial settlement pretty sources say it will be between $35.40 pounds and will be paid as shared liabilities like pension payments arise rather than as a lump sum. In other news Brian have Albion and Crystal Palace fans have united in anger against Sussex police after claims that weapons were found at the Amec stadium in last week's match which turned out to be untrue the forces apologize for the claims which they say were made in good faith based on information logged by officers on the night police Samara is an Albion club store there is disgraceful line and on the night and that you know that didn't support it but clearly this police completely muck up really you know it's a very well example situation police's credibility has taken a knock but you know everyone's human and people learn from this have an excellent relationship with the Albion on things almost forward a landlord from Woking has been fined over a 1000 pounds and ordered to pay nearly 2000 costs for a string of failures which Guilford magistrates ruled but the safety and welfare of her tenants in jeopardy man do Milou Johnson fail to provide a proper smoke detector or gas and electricity safety staff it gets for the property for crowd to cottages a severe weather warning has been issued for many northern and western parts of the u.k. Storm Caroline brought snow overnight and up to 8 inches expected to fall in some areas today as Tom Burrage reports storm Caroline has brought strong winds and snow and in searing disruption to several parts of the country in northern Scotland hundreds of homes were left without power all schools have been closed today on the Isle of Man as well as all non-emergency outpatient services at the island's main hospital dozens of schools have also closed in northern parts of Wales as well as in Northern Ireland and there is this rush on the roads and on public transport throughout affected areas more snow is expected to fall throughout today and into tomorrow and the new reports being commissioned into improving the 827 at Chichester earlier this year the government pulled the plug on the 250000000 pounds scheme because there wasn't enough local agreement on the. 3rd option West Sussex County Council are set to appoint experts have a fresh look at the road before Christmas reports expected by the end of March to sports and right now Albion midfielder Davey proper says he would be happy to play in the number 10 role for his club if his manager asked him to the Dutchman has played every minute of every game in the Premier League but he says he could replicate his international role as an attacker sides like that like ourselves have to cope with losses we said the beginning of the Season One thing that we would have to cope with that we're not going to win as many games as what we have done in the last couple of seasons so I think that the team and around the club you are aware of that one and I think allows you to bounce back quicker the manager Chris Hughton their travel to Huddersfield summer and this full coverage in b.b.c. Sussex sports from 2 pm and Premier League games are to be played in a new Saturday night slot under the terms of a new broadcast package broadcasters will be able to bid for rights to show 200 live matches at 7 45 in the evening from the 2019 to 20 season the weather most places remain fine with plenty of sunshine over spew snow showers are possible for instance on the South Downs highs of 4 degree Celsius for this evening into night any isolated snow showers should we clear skies developing overnight very cold with a widespread Frost expected minimum temperature of minus 2 degrees Celsius b.b.c. News it's 5 minutes past one. B.b.c. Sussex travel you trust. On the trains as that was big for us then we've got delays of up to 45 minutes between Victoria and Brighton and over there between the bridge and the right in 10 think that also reporting delays of up to 45 minutes from London Bridge blackflies towards Brighton living on the galley gets press they've always they've got half hour with the leis between Victoria as Gatwick Airport and between Brighton and Victoria it's all g 2 problem on 7 they've got delays of up to 20 minutes but he Brighton and led. The plates they can only write as we have accidents on the way to 6 was built right in Guilford it's only rounds out and it's causing delays on the westbound side that said not to bright line how to train to at the b.b.c. . Species such as. Say. A you. Guess the mystery still out is that the judge told it Good Afternoon think of a chilling us today we do appreciate his time but is that then there when the Beatles weird Well you couldn't help it he's gonna come so let's just crack on with the show then we have to say we was May I arrived here as the fog and mist. Across the land this morning and. With a torch managed to get into the bolted archives beneath b.b.c. Sussex and b.b.c. Sorry headquarters to retrieve a little bit of an interview up at this rate every gaudy one. Through about 4 bags of dough he drops for the Alsatians. He's never missed spray like he does in The Pink Panther for the show you where late anyway enough of that and I managed to retrieve this from the archives how many countries competed in the 1st Olympic Games as usual the clue is in the audio we're looking for a fella how many countries competed in the 1st Olympic Games if you think you know who that is and you want to name check on b.b.c. Sussex b.b.c. Star then get in touch text Radio 281 triple 3 email Joe with a doctoral but. Don't you k. Or you could call this number. The B.C.'s are fakes out 345 knowing 57 Hello 57 get a name shared with you right or wrong good this is a not available on line b. One b. Giving away a holiday in Florida I think that's makes we. Thanks we needed that but you do get a name chip with you right or wrong and if you write a caution name goes on to the coveted role of Obama so who do you think this is how many countries competed in the 1st Olympic Games Good luck can you identify the celebrity voice Who's the judge told it. Could come. And nothing. Beyond. 3. Gold. Could. Get. Stopped but she comes. To the. Gold. And you. Are. Seeing. A good. Cook. Oh. Nothing. Shy of. 3 clouds. Let me go. To. The. Only. Thing. For. Me good. You and me. Will grow come. Every cloud has. Told. Me. And that is my Christmas present to her through the clouds she fancies David Essex from the new release be honest. I feel sorry for. Song I'll be close. I'll. Make sure to put a leather jacket. For a Sunday. Now hello to a don't. Who says Hi Joe please can I ask that you find a couple of ministering to these brokers to tell you homelessness of the forming of that the magic of Christmas a concert of Christmas carols and songs some entertainment too will be held tomorrow the 9th that did Astra holding Kima road hassocks between 230 and roughly 430 with local concert party friends and neighbors hosting the occasion admission is just 3 pounds to include refreshments children get in for a pound in advance tickets are available by phony 012-738-4529 extension 1 or from pavilion electrics in team road hassocks Please join us for a friendly enjoyable 1st of afternoon with Christopher raffle to add to the excitement exciting from the proceeds we shall be giving a donation today Marilyn's children's charity Many thanks for your help and support dory friends and neighbors for the dory thank you so much for getting in touch I hope all goes well for you tomorrow in the hole between 230 and 430 Have you heard b.b.c. Sussex Drive time on this week's try the gun amnesty that's led to over $500.00 comments being handed in to Sussex plagues I think it can only enhance the safety of Sussex far as even though they were innocently held could have inadvertently ended up in the hands of those intent on for the purpose b.b.c. Sussex Drive time with Sarah Gore all join me tonight for all the day's top stories . We're playing Who's that Ben and who's that in this week sounds like this how many countries competed in the 1st Olympic Games if you think you know takes Radio 281 triple 3 or you can call my dedicated team with the leftists on only 345957 double 057 quick wardrobe check we are resplendent in a hang on. It's a blank show today 034-5957 double 057 you can email Joe with an aide told me to be. And pull readjust joining the rest of in the winner's enclosure. Let me bring your glass of champagne my darling fantastic work and who else are we go here Yes Tony I'm sure you are also in the. I'm not sure that you're champagne on a personal. Thanks for playing the game anyone getting it wrong will my clean see Ford getting it wrong he said How many countries competed in the 1st Olympic Games is a very a and if we can lay claim to and David Hamilton not right. In . Your original suggestion. Nudge nudge wink wink. Think about it. Keep the guesses coming through. The brothers. And listing the talents of deal more to from their pen produced and indeed back to Christmas means to me and before that it was dealing with heartbreak Listening to be the b.b.c. Set out what it was 23 minutes past one we're playing Who's that then this is this week's mystery celeb how many countries competed in the 1st Olympic Games not much a mystery though for the people getting in touch is be any had one person getting it wrong and he's changed his mind and added to her through the glass He's an awful awful man but I now think that the answer not the celebrity but maybe he's a terrible man and I think the answer is now and he was absolutely right if you think you know who this is how many countries competed in the 1st Olympic Games. The b.b.c. Some flakes I was presold 5 knowing my 7 double O's 576 to give us a call to Radio one triple 3 job with the b.b.c. . It is Shivah gets me upon the time. Of the. Band's bowling takes a. Bold. You know a minute and. Then moves I don't see. It. Coming. Down. To. Please. Go but dong the song. With a song. With. Some of the. Checkout guitar tone. You call. But it's tricky with the news alone because crime. Is all you can. Really heads up under the law and see the players playing. Army as long. As they see. He's got a. Right. To. See it on a Friday morning. With the soldiers. Saw both sleep. So. You. Think 1st 77 or 78 nothing really happened within then rereleased in 79 became quite a big hit a big hit in fact Sultans of Swing. With Joe until full the soft in. The post for the d.j. Sarah will be in full effect with drive time with a headline deadline and. Then. What else she'll have introducing track of the day and all that sort of thing the news for you for Sussex between 5 and 6 Mike Buxton doing likewise to sorry and ne and a look tomorrow at the wonder what's happening sport wise to my post the rock n roll cafe with. I'm using from the fifty's all way through to the eighty's and rarities this week from Tommy James in the Shondells the platters and Bobby v. And the u.k. Number one from a single singer rather who asked people not to buy it gracious you could that be that's not really the general idea when it comes to singles is it that often in a sport if you're Sussex listening tomorrow then Sussex sport brings you the build up and full match commentary and reaction post match to the seagulls tripped up this field in the Premier League that's with Jonny come to the former Albion strike a warrant Aspinall from 2 Meanwhile in Surrey North-East Hampshire you are lumbered with. Well you lumber would make guess the mystery celeb was that their joke Tolbert through the glass she's just winced as if the sale could go just the way it is and sorry in North East Hampton Assam and we've been playing Who's that then and this week we offered you this little clip how many countries competed in the 1st Olympic Games now I'm not sure how many different ways I can explain this but when I said Here's the clip of the mystery celeb how many countries competed in the 1st Olympic game I don't want you to answer that question. But. Michael in New Haven says 3 so if you were wondering not only who the mystery celeb is but how many countries did can beat in the 1st ever limit games he says this story and he's absolutely adamant that's the answer the quiz but the answer eventual vote is the one that adding Durrington Jakim Partridge green pool in late May June bug reaches sun and he would see Jan in starring Tim funky Jay Liz from her screen Julian Jerry from Blackwater Ga New Haven Angela from Paul Bertone insurance Martin in the company van Michael in Seaford lives in Worthing Carolyn Wagner and Jeff in Wallington Jeff enjoys the show every week of man Jeff I knew somebody did we didn't know it was you because they all said that this was some of the countries competed in the 1st Olympic Games lot code and lot code was chatting to me just shortly after the been announced that London would host the 2. Games and he was participating with the listeners remember this but you might remember through the glass did we have a quiz at lunchtime called the No he told. Me I have no recollection of this but he was my know it all guess one lunch time and there was a little interview and then a series of questions at the end on a subject that they knew something about the sleaze he was the the. Commission everything his questions were games we haven't got any longer because the rest of them are just questions and I thank him very much for. Being rude to him in the case. I don't remember that quiz but apparently that's what we used to do at lunchtime. By the celebrity voice. With a member. Well done everybody. Well done Michael there were 3 you compete in the original and big games on the way. With a passage dangerous. And some. Stuff. Just. Remember that. But you never heard about. Kim Jong. Un to. Her. Plan. The Been. Above. Her. And. She. Process to hear. Somebody. Say. The bomb. Her. Hands. The Pasadena's I'm doing fine now look. Usually shot down by other D.J.'s when I say I prefer the version from New York City one. Of these because my origins are also south of the town which is where the person is hail from ended you know their rhythm guitarist used to be Design and Technology technician at school. Do you know Mr Sampson coming up then we got our cook in the book Snow Angel stuff the eggs and winter putting and then a very special Christmas performance where you live on the radio with a cost to die for tell you more about them as we are a little bit closer towards 2 o'clock so most places find plenty of sunshine a few snow showers are possible 4 and 39 the top temperatures for the saving inside an isolated snow could ease up so you got to have it in 1st place for it to ease clear skies then developing brisk winds will also easy especially in sort of enclosed there is in valleys and so on very very cold the widespread Frost expected minus 228 earlier they were saying it's minus 3 it's got warmer minus 2 into Saturday fly in and sunny tomorrow winds will continue to ease remaining very cold one or 2 light snow showers can be ruled out form 39 the highs on Sunday to choose the persistent rain spreading northeast turning windy with possible coastal gales and further rain spreading north Monday risk of further snow in the West and largely sunny and dry for Tuesday b.b.c. Sussex travel new trust. A couple of problems just coming in on the Entergy 5 and I'm just watching this one on the anticlockwise side between junctions 7 and 6 but in the m 23 Ingleton it looks like that all the traffic is being held to move an accident on to the hard shoulder so acute going up rapidly on that section there also appears to be a problem on the clockwise side between junctions $5.00 and $6.00 between at Sevenoaks and the Goldstone it's changed very very slow can't see what's causing the problem there but appreciate your updates if you down to see what's going on. Still very slow heading up towards the junction with street after accidents on the roundabout tell you which has now been moved out of the way of the $8.00 to $64.00 and peaceful to remain very slow moving eastbound approaching the m 20. 3 heading up towards the roadblock section and installing to Manly's Hill very very slow either side of the junction the high street taking that 20 minutes to get through that he's least like that on the trains Thameslink and Southern still have delays of up to 45 minutes to go from Brighton for the number of cancellations as well this is a lot to signaling problems Croyden and as a result he expresses have to live up to half an hour with a number of cancellations as well amount Joyce to the b.b.c. Travel Center. With your travel so 3. 5757. 6. If you missed the answer here is that. Sebastian Coe or Seb Coe we would have accepted and he was asking which 3. Countries How many did in the 1st of the 1st lympics well done and the school one of Alice the slightly confused he says the answer is definitely 3 now Mavis has put a fly on the wall which. It doesn't matter but I just want to know if you knew it all that before we actually go on the radio. I think you have you know half of it I mean most of it well. I wanted to be able to review it Ok for the listeners if only it is an experiment this is b.b.c. Sounds exam b.b.c. Sorry and still here until 4 and we welcome the late from God who is one of us stablish cook on the books you have heard thank you before and then Mickey always brings in recipes from Nana's recipe book Nana was not mine and I because she wouldn't have mine unaddressable is Nicki's Nana. And what would tell you more little bit about astronomy of the background as we go along because I'm already embarked on a stuffed eggs we've also got snow angels and winter putting which is an alternative to Christmas pudding and I've only there were 5 stuffed exam any 2 of them join the record to be fair. It's good they are trying to did you find the ones where they go yeah I had one guy came one without which ones to prefer I think I like the ones with the girl I did you have extra flavor in because you said you know do you like gherkins and I said Well late anything we haven't had anyone yet the boss has just come into the we're not 18 here which is timing cakes her. I know you don't like a cd in the studio just carry on Britain's night Ok so let's let's start with when to put in we should all turn into Christmas pudding because this has so it and we never find it now Oh so it's everywhere I love to another dumpling your bacon Rolie Polie and I just love this so simple it's so. Cold out into a pastry stick it spread it with mince me apple I've added Cinnamon the recipe doesn't say cinnamon but I think cinnamon gets it and I think you got to have cinnamon I think it just absolutely rolled it up stick in the oven for 40 minutes and out comes this delicious it's very nice hot with ice cream and I mean I hope that it will not scream now you know left a little bit cold in question to try that I might try and cold as well. Now the same alternative was put in this is just the mice when to put it but yes you could have anytime I see any in his house she would always have like 5 pictures of a main male and then I would be such on the right but I think it's instinct have as well as Christmas pudding I think it is important I think just having one putting is is a bit stingy I think so I think it's good to have a nice Right so would disappear at Christmas yes I think yeah it's a good one to have at Christmas maybe on a Boxing Day probably rather a Christmas Day where we kind of looked at the because the eggs as well were going to return to the exile to finish this one but usually the advert for a tourist surgeon but we can do it to go on and on and on and on and then it seems to it's one of those things you say courses to readily available that seems to disappear slightly off the radar but I love it but I think people use it and you know I don't know why not and there's loads of like cuttings from a tour so I think that must have been like putting the attached so the rest because it yeah exactly recipes on the box that you would use to make lots of product it so Ok let's turn our attention then to the stuffed eggs imagine it's Boxing Day morning. I love the late night you want something proper for breakfast Yeah definitely and you've got loads of leftovers and loads of leftovers sitting around the kitchen what are you going to have a breakfast Well how about boiled eggs yeah. Although I found squeezing the I could but use it and scooping right pops out mash up the yolk and then stick whatever you like in that yes I think it's got mayonnaise is a bit past the season a ham is in there and some of them have kittens but I was thinking pick some blankets if you chopped up some pics of blankets stick in the out stick it back in the whites Yeah it was some ham on toast. Now you've been told off by your mom my mom will tell we'll there's no crackers you know I know you did tell her about your . I tell you what these crackers you've service are great they just work really well don't they really work well you wouldn't want this without practice what you. Know works really well we've got it on a bed of home yes well you must be actually says a better plan which I thought was quite funny I thought it was going to be wrapped in the how but now you put the plate and stick it on top and it was simply brilliant knows a thing of it in a buffet some point in the no man's land between Christmas and New Year works very well yeah and kids will like these yes I think it's going to make. It's quite fun mashing up the I stick my view fancy and spin it back into the white 3 children to that one of them's Ok with eggs he doesn't mind them but take a leave one of them is an egg fanatic I really and the other one doesn't he takes. The strain on the eggs are you quite devoid people I think yeah it's divided our family anyway I like these very very much and you put into you what I would need them but I like with or without good now I'm going to try and find something you want you know I know this is going to be there's a challenge in the future let's see what I won't eat I won't eat her through the glass is water logged Christmas quiche release comes up this comes up most years so any time she ever brought food in. And I was quite ill I really was going to go you know defrost to properly Oh and I didn't and we didn't know each other all that well and so I wasn't as relaxed in your company as perhaps I am now I'd throw it out yourself but back then back then I didn't want to find you know because people get funny don't mean a big deal when you have this in our house never think I mean. It was it really soggy It was. Anyway but we don't get upset please it was and she looks quite Now I don't know why you know why you brought it up Nicky will come back in just a 2nd I don't have to go out that will you stop crying please your laid back Sunday with cancer my guess this weekend is the singer Mr Paris my grandparents had me singing when I was like 4 years old I was singing replace the bear. This is sort of things over with her through the glass from that little frock on before the record and she's now gone off to welcome our next guest with the children from Manor House School in Little Bookham who are joining us live in the studio for their Christmas performance 2017 which I'm very much looking forward to who she's not scaring the children anyway Nikki still with us and we've got one more dish to go here I'm desperate trying to get as much of this done me before the children come in not that I don't want to share is that where you started earlier that it is it does so you realize that oh I didn't realize. I'm clear the decks. I know it's Christmas and I know they're only children but. A feed is a feed Yeah yeah right on to the final one then and these are snow angels yes these are perfect for church and so these are no cooking required this is quite fun yeah so it's construction really not even drawn a diagram of how that they should be assembled she was going to leave her and she really had a bad time so if the chocolate suits were old and one of them laying there with a scoop of ice cream although I thought it was many types of ice creams that work quite well they would marshmallow with a face on it which is interesting drawing on some of my Angels look a bit. Not angelic and then looks like he's been at the drink some of the leaning backwards I know the as the ice cream they've become a little bit because I mean Christmas Day I've been in an armchair got anywhere this is what says Christmas yet anything but this I want to find I had to order those online Yeah we can and I'm hoping as we get closer to Christmas they'll be more i should we should say what they actually are into lemon slices jelly or like that not readily available is why this country has gone to. Christmas there are courses now so used to orange slices for the wings and the little yellow lemon slice for the heyday of the and I really do but do you think this could be a good like game after dinner like have everything on a plate and then have a race to construct the angel or have the kids making it would be all right as well because that ice cream melts quickly even in this weather absolutely even Yeah even a cold and was very hot in the studio very very nice I'm not used to says Christmas to me I think this is fun isn't it I could do so put in after a d.i.y. Putting Yeah 3 things for you to try I've been reliably informed that these recipes are on our Facebook page if you want to have a look at Facebook dot com slash b.b.c. Sussex and b.b.c. Sorry for pity's sake like the pages while you're there please and you can have a good one out through the festive period. We mentioned early on that the problem of these is very difficult to talk radio when having the. Radio that's maybe why they're not readily available. And it came to attention when she won the dementia recipe competition with one of her nana handwritten recipes this is Nana Betty and we've been using shamelessly to our own advantage on the beach recipes ever since and it's an exact inexhaustible supply to more to go. So there's definitely a book in this we keep pushing his book to a book but we hope that you have a lovely Christmas new come back next year yet. And I'll finish this bun. Nikki have a lovely Christmas and a regular very much and if you want new recipes go to Facebook pages or email Joe with the b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. . Towards the news and the pending Christmas before we go with some of. The To live. Some clam human something in the air coming up on a minute to 2 now many many thanks to Nicky once again for being our cook on the books and the fat recipes on the Facebook page Facebook dot com slash b.b.c. Sussex or b.b.c. Star make sure you like the pages where if you do you like the pages while you're there you'd be doing me a big big big favor you really would if you don't do Facebook you can email me Joe with an aide told the b.b.c. Don't you k. So it's Christmas gets nearer and nearer mostly openly using the word Christmas now in daily speech we thought well why don't we go a little bit festive self-denial and risk is down to our bosses heavily in the Christmas she does Christmas woman so we've With all due a few festive song sung by some local school children I did volunteer to sing myself but Paul said No I think it's best if you get somebody can actually sing in that's fine so I'll sit here need some marshmallows and we'll have the children from Manor House School in Little Bookham performing after the news. Radio to sunset on.

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