Skates in the wood junction not to say because of speed restrictions. And. This is previous season. Thank the veggies and you win again it's 9 minutes past 2 and it is a well thought Wednesday which means we are joined by a self-made millionaire and friend of the show Jill fielding Hello good afternoon how are you Alison I think it's also explaining just before the news that the kind of idea if you like behind wealth Wednesday was that you were going to take 12 months to get all of our finances in order I would like to announce I'm now multi-millionaire No I'm not but gee what I've learned an awful lot and what I've learned is that even the smallest of changes can actually make a big difference absolutely and I I saw easiest way to make an awful lot of money is to save a few quid every day maybe just a pound a die for a long time and that eventually will turn into a $1000000.00 quid and that's a lot easier than trying to Mike a 1000000 quid in one go so small and steady and I make big changes over time because the benefits compound so any cost savings that you can make by you they accumulate and converse Lee every savings that you Mike the more you can squirrel away little bit of time turn into huge amounts of money eventually yeah I love the term squirrel away because I generally don't like you or as little of a sneak you scribble but it's nice because you know then you can then you can do lovely things like I was mentioning taking the kids the top schools that I would take the kids to see Matilda in the West End something they've wanted to you know take you to the west in a really expensive but again just squirreling away a little bit him in their means that you're able to do nice things like that absolutely I mean the thing about wealth Wednesdays is not about being mean and rotten with money it's about planning and budgeting so that you can get the tickets for the show go on holiday I. And it's all within a controlled environment rather than just getting yourself into debt all the time well the thing I realized as well is just how much money waste on stuff that you know you need to waste to go to and it kind of just I think it's about just taking a look at where your money is actually going because sometimes you know you get to the end of the month you know where did that go and this is about actually sit down again Well actually when they're there and then maybe it didn't have to go there and you could have a little bit extra We're going to talk stated specifically about saving. And again I think that sometimes and I'm guilty of this you can fall into the trap of thinking it's not really worth examine got enough left out into the market was going to say yeah well it's interesting that the government actually say that you should be saving percent of your income for your future financial life which to me sounds like a huge amounts of money but you can get reasonable interest rates and you can find good savings accounts if you just look hard enough and although you might not be able to save 8 percent of your salary you might be able to save 5 or here 10 or there and eventually that will accumulate into something quite positive and also a little something is better than nothing absolutely yeah there are some enough in India Yeah so where should we look in them to save our money well in terms of. Want to divide savings into 2 blocks one is what I call standard savings which is what we all my recognize as being savings in deposit accounts and one that's called enhanced savings which I'll talk about lighter but the one of the days where you could just walk into a high street bank and so I want to save money and put it in a deposit account because this is not easy anymore it's not that simple anymore and that's because banks and building societies and so on are putting together packages to entice you in and so you get different rights so let me just explain I think the 3 different why use it you can save in a standard deposit account and the different rights you might get what you and I might. Cool I buy savings account with a bank or building society where you have instant access you can put it in take it out as you like that would generally get you about one percent possibly 2 percent if your lucky buddy will give you instant access and if you have to take it out to spend it you can then the next level up is that if you commit your money and you commit to leave it to leave it there for a fixed amount of time and so on not going to spend it for one Year 3 years 5 years you will get an increasingly higher right the longer you commit to leave it there and that will be you'll get somewhere between 2 and maybe 4 percent maybe a little bit more if you commit to a fixed term Now what that means is that you can have your money back but if you do need your money back before the term is ended the right you get the interest rate you get will fall back to a standard Right so you end up getting a normal right instead but by far the best interest rate you can get from my standard bank or building society is if you commit to save regularly if you save $25.00 pounds a month for a fixed term then you will get an interest rate probably of about 5 percent are saying on the Internet this week and again if you default on that new don't keep up with the savings the right will fall back to my standard right some stage and I want to talk about those and I want to talk about the interest rates because what most people don't realize now is that you get the 1st 1000 pounds of interest that you earn on any of these accounts tax free. And the interest is pite gross without having had tax deducted Now that's a big perk for most ciphers because most ciphers won't earn more than a 1000 pounds worth of interest in any given year so it used to be the only way that you could get your interest tax free effectively was if you had your money in and I saw an individual savings account and I think for a lot of small sithes the icer has now become effectively. Not worth doing because you can get the interest tax free in a standard bank account up to 1000 pounds but for some people I says are still where you should put your money everybody gets an individual savings account. Each year and you can save $20000.00 pounds in this tax year and that will mean that any income and growth accumulates tax free again the ice recounts tend to have the same variance of fixed term regular savings instant access etc etc So just have a look at what they're doing do you think where we had interest rates so low for so long people were kind of almost put off saving I think so because in most cases your money's worth less a year because of inflation than it was at the beginning but actually with rights like 4 and 5 percent it's worth doing because inflation is about 2 percent so I always think as long as the right of interest you're getting is higher than the right of inflation then it's worth doing it will be worth more in the future what about children the savings account or children are interesting because most people think the children don't pay tax but actually they do they pay tax in exactly the same way as an adult I get the same personal allowance isn't the reason why most children in reality don't pay taxes because I don't use their personal allowance because they're at school not at work so I know it's a common misconception that children don't buy tax I don't think they did so I don't know but of course I get 12 and a half 1000 personal savings or personal out Exactly exactly so not many children are in the position of being I would apply tax but they are still liable under same rules as an adult if you want to get in touch with Jill today if you've got a question about savings accounts then what is really your questions as it relates to money and you can give us a call the number you need b.b.c. Talk tall and. I'm still looking for Elvis by the way I. Do want to help Clive this fabulous charity that helps young people and one way in which they fund raising is to set up. 2 different centers in Sussex. Staff so they need people to go along and be elves even if it's just for one morning or just one afternoon if you can help please do get in touch you can text me one triple 3 Start your message with the word radio or you can see sorry 805871006. 3 on the afternoon of the 3rd of December come along and it will may That's why I'm going to be put in Manhattan I'm a little shoes with bells on so come along you know it will be a laugh so you have a think about it if you can help out really great folks don't see that Jill sailed and I can see you when else hat I'm not sure acting is family although by my youngest daughter is a professional elf that yes yes she's going to be an elf for the Ascot Lapland over over the Christmas so you know how she gets paid to be and yeah she's got our own hat and. I'm jealous back to finances we've been talking little bit about savings and let's talk now about it Hans to say things as it were so pensions 1st of all absolutely I mean they're all wise that you can get more than just straight forward interest and pensions are the obvious one because when you contribute to a pension quite often somebody else who contribute to it as well now obviously the big disadvantage is you can at the money back into your retire which at the moment for a private pension is $55.00 but if you contribute to a pension the Inland Revenue contribute as if you get the standard tax relief so the 1st kind of right time expires I will add 20 percent to your contribution into the pension so you get an enhanced beings so sometimes the in revenue will contribute for you sometimes your your pension provider your company your workplace pension provider they will contribute to the pension as well so I want to work twice pension the air. The body should now be going into or will be soon. The employer has to prime minimum of 3 percent per year as long as you contribute 5 percent and those rates might be higher if your workplace place pension allows it and in some private company pension schemes they match your contribution like for like so if you put in 5 percent by putting 5 percent so that's a really good why of get in extra enhanced return on your money only disadvantage you can't touch it until you're 55 but worth a lot more time you get there yeah absolutely credit unions how do they work well credit unions are unusual beasts but there are lots of them around and what it is is it's I always think it's like a worker's co-operative but it doesn't have to be workers it's where groups of like minded people who are the work in the same place saw worship sign church or have the same children go to the same school they form a credit union where they support each other and where any money that gets put seen you get divisions on it so you get profits as dividends and sometimes the credit unions are for a common purpose so for example I read about one where people who were saving up for a deposit for their 1st home by saved up with a credit union in the credit union provided the deposit for the higher sometimes as a common purpose to him You tend to get slightly more interest in the form of dividends or bonus and there tends to be other perks with it so critical unions where a group of people with common purpose get together to save as a group and benefit from that so you would have to find your local group but you might get slightly better rights on the say yes you most likely will do it because they're not paying they're not paying starve their overhead costs head office cost Exactly exactly so all the money goes back to the participants What about work place savings yes the workplace. They're a bit like a credit union in that you have to work there in order to participate but they are really good and there's 3 a workplace or a company will provide There's a workplace ice or individual account so that would work just like a normal account but the so there are like if you work for the organization is one is the site was you earn scheme where you can say $500.00 pounds a month and you don't pay tax on the owners all the interest at the end so. When it comes out of your salary on a monthly basis but then you get this bonus at the end which is not taxable so I think that's a real plus and then another variant of that is a share incentive plan where you put money in to the company as site but in return they give you shares in the company and you get Those are the cheap or you get a bonus share or like If you something else on it so again it's an enhanced method of thing because you get the discounts on the share price probably And sometimes the company will give you bonus share so if you buy $2.00 I give you one so it would depend on the individual share incentive plan but everybody should ask their employer do you have a side issue and scheme do you have a share incentive plan and find out what the benefits will be. And this is obviously more tips and news on the website I don't have to think because it's October it's too late to join wealth Wednesdays because all of the previous months information is all up on the website as well as now absolutely and I will cyber already planning to send $20.00 for what we can have there so if you go onto the website which is fielding Financial dot com There is a button called Wealth Wednesdays you can click on that and you can download all the materials since we started this in January this year all the work sheets the examples the newsletters they're all there for people to download and use it's all a fireball for free the world once type. So so it doesn't matter when you start with you start to die or a year ago or next year just start and next session next month we're going to continue looking at money making and to look at unit trusts and cesky Yeah no absolutely I think we've spent you know 9 months of the year scrimping and cutting costs and I think it's really important that we go from money saving to money making and I want to talk next time about Scheme that are now spoken to about before Allison which I call the Capitaine a factor which enables people just to start saving for their children off for themselves as I want to and it creates a lot of money long term company who got in touch. About how interest rates and where they could go to get the kind of interest rates that you were talking about for example Mr he said I've been investing in stocks and shares the last 20 years the best I could ever get was 1.4 or 1.6 percent yeah all I do for that listener is I go on to Google I tend to go to the Money Saving Expert dot com and I look up and I have a chart of rights that you can get it might mean you have to change bank or trying to provide a t.s.b. Are now I've got very good right so the moment M.N.'s buying tend to have fairly strong right so it tends to be what I call the nonstandard banks that have the higher rights but if you go into a search engine on the Internet put in you know savings rights and you will eventually get through a tiny ball which in which you then click on and find the highest price available for you yet I'm just looking online at the moment at the kind of kind of rights available so I mean what would just run is what we were looking at for a good savings account then because I'm looking at this one here this is a a 24 month fixed term deposit this is 2 percent a year are 2 percent would be at the lower range of the writing right for a fixed term odd looking. Looking for in 3 or possibly nearer to 4 for a fixed term and on a regular savings I'd be looking for nearer to 5 percent right but as you say it's all about research if you get a nose deals down Thank you so much for coming in if people do want to join up with wealth one says of my visit the website again fielding Financial dot com The b.b.c. Serial bank sky I'm Julie Abbott Now if you like bras why not head along to challenging bras on Sunday the 27th of October to take it's a rate pounds it's a concert it's a musical competition for brass bands are playing and that should be a great afternoon now the Orpheus center are raising funds by holding a sale called unframed it all takes place on Saturday the 2nd of November from 10 until 3 at the barn theatre in the Orpheus centering Goldston they'll be presenting a wide ranging sale of paintings prints and drawings by local last tests comprising of around 100 works for sale the artwork in the exhibition is smartly presented but one frame to keep prices down so you can go along Have a browse possibly have a buy maybe find some Christmas presents down there so that's all at the Orpheus Center on Saturday the 2nd of November unframed from 10 until 3 if you've got an event you'd like to tell sorry about you can email me at b.b.c. Sorry advance at b.b.c. Cotto u.k. . Still to come this afternoon we're going to be talking about ion deficiency you might have since Sally Jack's on the tele she works well the shopping channels and I'm going to her story shortly basically in a nutshell she kept going to the doctor she's been a retard all the time what have you and eventually was diagnosed with an iron deficiency and she's now concerned that it's actually something that's quite prevalent in a lot of people might be suffering from a not be aware of sort of behavior her story in just 10 minutes on the program as always so you can still get in touch on any of the topics we've been discussing we're talking about this Raul on a train whereby a mother with her 3 children had pre-booked seats but when she got to her reserved seating there was already an hourly couple sat there and they according to her refused to move she then took a picture of the put it on Twitter is now what I have the price. Wand you can text me one triple 3 Start your message with the word radio or you can. Rather randomly The other question I'm asking you today is whether or not you happen to have a couple cutout of any party. To. Meet us a random question so far what we have so I forgot a piece of Andre in the bedroom Martin Kemp Spandau Ballet we've had some bloke from n.c.i. Yes And what did I say I said I bet he was gorgeous and he is. Julian Heathfield says Mark Harmon is gorgeous I watch and c.i.s. a Lot so I think that's the lady with the couple cut out but I think I think she might be in the market for gnashing that exist but let's take a look at the weather. The rest of the. A little bit of brightness around a bit is life you will see some showers with. A 59 degrees Fahrenheit that's 15 degrees Celsius this evening anyway will drift away leaving us with a dry but largely cloudy night winds remaining light. That's 48 degrees Fahrenheit. Cloudy and dry. But as the day progresses. Feeding in from the West or by some spells of late sunshine. Oh it's not good for the traffic in. The black. Coming out of long. Because. It's coming in. So it's easy in the. Directions because of and it's also started to build up coming away from cooling. Gate for those coming out of the m 23 to spare it's really busy at the moment heading. The main camera. 3 itself south down the broken. Down. To state bird and. 3. Still suspended between. 15 minutes between Basingstoke. A few things between Congress and 50 minutes and cancellations are delayed. It's down to the new skates in the road junction so if you don't Great Western service is that the place he was about to stay between right he'll kill but I'm not. Saying I'm one of the b.b.c. Travel. With your travel updates 080587 want to enforce a 6 b.b.c. Separate travel you trust. Love Song that's not bad. Sad. Sad sad. Fact. I'm sure. It is. As. It does. That. I'm going to keep. That show there's nothing. To live. Seem to focus. Sean Mendez if I can't have you here listening to Allison fans. B.b.c. Sorry I'm still looking for some elves to join me in this Gross said Doll post on the side of December or if you can do any diet plays starting from the 30th of November I know that the charity who are doing this to fundraise would be very grateful they were put in charge of a lot of work for Young. Born children one of the ways they raise funds they put on these amazing Christmas costs but they are completely run by volunteers and so if you think you could hack it as an elf even if it's just one morning or want to afternoon please do get in touch with me you can be the text I want triple 3 Start your message with the word right or you can call. 807. Now that it's time to talk about ion deficiency I just want to close on deficiency people maybe I think underestimate the impact that it can have on somebody you know we have it now when I in olds take. However our next guest knows firsthand how debilitating and on deficiency can in fact be Sally Jesse Jackson is a television presenter and she joins us on the line afternoon Salai Hello how are you Alice said I'm good thank you now it took him a little time to understand few to actually get the diagnosis of deficiency in the 1st place Yes Well I haven't really been truly diagnosed with I'm deficiency by my doctor and they sold came about because a friend read my blogs and said Oh I think you might be low in fabrication because I've been able to fallen off years with bruises and a little bit staining at the head brittle nails chronic fatigue I was having anxiety attacks that was through the roof not able to leave the house I was having panic attacks on live television and I'd also sadly had 2 miscarriages and just numerous things that were happening to me as a foreigner half years and just infectious a chest infection and my friend came around to my house and read my blood and she said the same weekend I said the sounds last night you dope dials fairytale I said what the staff and she said that's love and and so that's when I saw one on the raw . Page because I went back to my doctor and I said no you're in the guidelines of fun there's nothing wrong with it but that's when I stumbled across ringing around trying to find some somebody to to help me in the salary because I can you know when you just get a gut feeling something else aside along and when I read up on it I was like a mirror image of deficiency ferritin deficiency and and so that's when I wrong the ion clinic and spoke to Dr Caitlin Scott's Professor Toby Richards who runs the clinic and I sent my blood to them with my symptoms and I said yes you all very very are and deficient I went in for an infusion at the end of February of the Shia and 9 weeks later on when you myself all my drugs honestly Alice and I can't even tell you how much how many synthetic drugs I was on was it was yeah it was it was it was a horrible time of high fever and now I'm on feeling great absolutely fantastic I'm back to my former self I'd no anxiety say no panic attacks drop 2 stone in white Now I'm not saying that that is going to make you lose weight because I'm deficiency slacken in direct link because you're chronically fatigued all you want to do is head for the sugar and you know you don't say oh I'm tired give me some broccoli and water to do yeah. I had to give me a fizzy drink and some chocolate just to get me through and to get me through my shows on television I was just so shocked and I was putting on why and of course that doesn't help I couldn't breathe properly I was on chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder medication I was on All Souls'. It sounds like you had a massive impact on your mental health I mean you mentioned having panic attacks on live t.v. What happened well basically. In live television you obviously have a talk back in your area and you're hearing from the gallery this is how it all happens I know you'll know that Alison but just for anybody that's listening and you have a director that counts you in and they'll go 198 you know go in line. I have and it was from a round about the count of 10 o 5 that I started to have this awful feeling like I was going to combust and not it was all for it like I was going to faint it was going to pass out it was going to see into flames now don't ask me how I handled it because I know a lot of people say I need that to both lay I don't know how I handle Day I don't know how I got through the show and I never said anything to anybody because I know everybody's Of all the thing of all let's talk about mental health but I was so scared because I'm afraid I. Was so frightened about talking about the mental health and I have this problem because if I was in business I be saying well I'm not I read her well she goes well on t.v. I was so scared that I was going to lose my job so I never mentioned anything until the old you know fell into place and I became better. Did you pay that do you think so I don't know you're fine because I come in the guidelines so what I want to also point out is that it's not the doctor's fault and basically they are the training through medical school is not enough and then I've died line so that protocol that I have to follow the guidelines in my area is your ferritin level measured in and g.l. Is between 10 and 291 so if you seek to not guideline if you're 12 then you'll find by doctors levels but actually 12 you are severely deficient so doctors aren't picking it up because he is not in the guidelines and that training isn't good enough through medical school so that's what my friend and I carry are now trying to either change or put a traffic light system into place and we've got Norman Lamb back in is and we wanted to go through Parliament to try and help so nobody else goes through what I've been through Let's get a medical opinion on all of this docs who came in from the I implemented in London . Dr Kate and. Says something you come across a law whereby people of feeding and experience in symptoms of on deficiency and yet they are within the the n.h.s. Guidelines Yes unfortunately it is something that we see a lot and it's as Sally's mentioned it's because the lab reference ranges are too wide and don't take into account the points at which people develop symptoms from a deficiency in the past we thought that you only got some terms from being a mnemonic but 3 research we've actually found that that simply isn't true when your thyroid some levels drop below $100.00 and more specifically below 80 that's the point at which you start to develop the symptoms of an deficiency which is anything from hair loss to nails cracked dry skin the 50 exhaustion headaches brain fog muscle aches shortness of breath and the anxieties hots potations Even the list is endless. And it's unfortunately because those symptoms are fairly vague and fairly common to a number of different causes it's not being picked up by the G.P.'s because it's not flagging up as being outside of the reference range so what is the solution if you are low in that within so you need to replace urine so if your ferrets and levels are low and you are symptomatic and bearing in mind everybody is a little bit different they all get different combinations of symptoms if you have those symptoms because of your ending and because if you're so it's in being low then you need to replace that ion the 1st line treatment is still high and tablets but unfortunately they do cause side effects to a large numbers of people I think the statistics are about 75 percent of people will get side effects from taking I ended up that's And we do still recommend that you try tablets for about 3 months and if you just cannot tolerate them because the side effects are unbearable all you're finding that it's it's taking too long so you're not feeling a resolution or an improvements in your symptoms then the other option is an eye an infusion where you would get a dose of ion directly into your bloodstream so that it can be absorbed directly as Feresten. Can you not just change your diet time. Food that contains sources of all and I mean you absolutely can the problem is that our body isn't really that good at absorbing on the reality is that you can absorb a maximum of 65 milligrams of iron per day and the best source by far is red meat because ion is present in red blood cells so anything that has red blood cells and it is going to give you the most and you can get ion from a number of of plant sources so I things like Doc green vegetables calles broccoli asparagus green beans and peas seeds and nuts and lagoons and pulses are really good chickpeas all lentils all being things like that. But our body isn't very good at it still so it takes a very long time and that's similarly why it takes such a long time for you to feel an improvement from taking the tablets because even with type if you can only absorb that 65 milligrams. I think we should say that obviously you know if you are thinking of taking it on supplement don't do so until you have spoken to a health professional absolutely So I would strongly recommend that if you have any of those symptoms go and see your g.p. Ask them to do a set of bloods and see what your ferrets and levels are and what your full blood count shows and whether or not she was anemic and. Again if you feel that your bloods are not being read correctly you can send any blood results into the ank and it can we can review them for you and give you an active honest opinion on you know what you can do to try and improve your levels because I'm right in saying that if you were to consume too much all in then that could also have health risks. Certain notes entirely it's very difficult to consume too much wine but there are a group of people who have a condition where their body produces too much wine and that school team a crime and choices so we do have a number of patients who are concerned about overloading themselves it's it is quite difficult to do and you would have to consume a lot of violence for a long period of time and it's only really people who have that condition which again is a genetic course in the legal condition that would be able to reach. Some once told me that you should try to avoid coffee or tea or male Yes mealtimes Is this something in Yes So island is best absorbed on an empty stomach because you need a an acidic p. H. To absorb that fine so things like milk would obviously cut the stomach lining and would neutralize the ph slightly which means you would absorb less of that eye and you will also actually need Fitzsimmons see to absorb on its parts of the process of absorbing specifically plant based diet. And Fitzsimmons see is needed to convert the ion into an absorbable form so an empty stomach and with Fitzsimmons see the problem with caffeine is the caffeine actually inhibits the absorption process so we recommend avoiding any form of tea. Feeding so that chocolate coffee even tea which contains caffeine you need to avoid that caffeine for about an hour before and after consuming any ion so through your diet the food that she eats or top it's back to this messy thing lemon juice driven drizzle over some leafy greens Yeah you're on the right track yet apparently the best source of its infancy is actually peppers orange red green peppers have a lot of it's Mincey in them because they combine that with your leafy vegan Yeah you do well you know Caitlin thank you so much for joining us appreciate that book came in there from the on clinic in London will set it sadly sounds like you've been through the walls I guess that's now why you're so passionate about how to get in the message out there you know get your blood check to check that it's not an iron deficiency because yeah because it's free check so it's free to have these blood but you've got to have certain blood checked and that's really important because if you go if you're over 40 or even 15 you go here and I take those blobs 50 checking on to a nice M.I.T.'s which I'm also going to put forward hopefully 3 parliament to try and get that changed as well because obviously as we get older we probably maybe I don't know could we be losing more on what you know what are we working out and things like that but also as well all the details will be on the clinic to be able to go and raid and all my personal stories and the guidance to send you over to the clinic is also on my You Tube channel which he studies x. T.v. Mom and I'm deliberately put stories out there for people to watch watch me having a 9 infusion say that it's not painful it doesn't there's not a problem and I've got a lot to solve some of the most pleasant thing in the world what is what is actually involved only day is you line a bed which is a bit like a few patients bed you lie in a bed and they put a needle that brought me to put a needle in you and then they just put the. In you and then they keep they you know the opposite of you that a half an hour 35 minutes it was no problem at all I didn't feel a thing the only thing was afterwards I was quite as I run about 48 hours afterwards I was quite poorly with flu like symptoms but actually a when I think about it so I was in bed for roughly about 2448 hours afterwards with very cold hands very cold fate separate 48 hours fine and then a 48 hours after that I was poorly but how I feel now compared to how I felt as a 4 and a half years I would do any day again because I was. And the food would take me too long to get my levels back up and the tablets would take me too long the idea fusion gets into your bloodstream a lot quicker Well listen I'm just pleased to hear that things are looking up for you because it sounds like you've been through it again though before you take any source supplements before you do and on any of that stuff as always check with your g.p. . Have you heard breaks as fast sorry in ne Hampshire right. I was. There. From 6 on b.b.c. Sorry breakfast we heard from Hamas that the head of his appearance in Paris. Also gave us an insight into his morning routine which starts with a dull pulled. In the. Other One and they want to double. Every day. Living. Up to Frank's. I don't want to talk. About the things we've got to move through. Though it's a good thing. It's just a. Good. Cause. And that's what you've done to move. Nothing more to say. You know when it takes a toll coming up to the knees at 3 o'clock we're going to be playing alleys doc it's the salary and ne time show on f.m. Digital radio and smog speak these days b.b.c. Sorry. It's 3 o'clock on how like a murder investigation is underway after 39 people were found dead inside a lorry container Afton industrial estate in Essex the 38 adults some one teenager were discovered in grace in the early hours of this morning the driver of the lorry which is thought who travelled from Bulgaria has been arrested a young woman who lives locally spoke to reporters after laying flowers at the scene they only come here. Only to live a regular life like. I didn't for them to risk their lives like us you know they deserve. They deserve to have respect paid that money grab it from Hove is a director of anti trafficking consultancy the cops simply soon have clearly impacted on this not just for specialist human trafficking units are to call for you. Police forces have specially Schuman traffic in units the majority of one year use one officer but patrol officers so this truck has driven across the u.k. But never been stopped Boris Johnson and the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn have failed to reach an agreement on a new timetable for getting the government's bracing legislation through parliament they met this morning after M.P.'s rejected Mr Johnson's attempt to push his bill through the Commons in just 3 days in order to meet next week's Breck's it deadline European leaders are now considering whether to grant Britain more time to decide how it leaves the e.u. Downing Street has indicated that Mr Johnson will push for a general election if the e.u. Decides to extend the deadline to the end of January and 91 year old man from Sussex has appeared in court following an extinction rebellion protest in Dover John Lyons from sin then it is accused of bringing traffic outside the port of Dover to a complete standstill by blocking the Western carriage way of the 20 back in September and failing to keep within a designated protest area Mr Lyons will face trial on the 5th of December. A newly unveiled memorial sculpture creative parents who've suffered child loss has been vandalized at a cemetery an older shot the wooden sculpture featuring 2 carved hands cradling a baby was unveiled just last week but on Monday a visitor to the read and road cemetery found it not to the ground and the wooden hands removed a crown funding page has been set up to raise funds certainly replaced if Bar accountable is not able to secure its return. Dog owners are being warned to be extra vigilant as it's the mushroom season watch where their pets are sniffing and considering keeping them on leads in wooded areas scientists are checking samples of wild mushrooms from absent downs the several dogs fell ill and one was reported to have died and a Web is a broadcaster author and dog lover with climate change we see different insects coming over to the u.k. Different plants different bacteria around us because the temperature isn't really the same as it was back in the day. Change is all going to happen and we have to be mindful of this and some neighbors is so fed up with the noise from Dawkins new football stadium the council is ready to pay for a $5.00 foot barrier and trees to limit it residents near the ground that Medibank have complained of shouting all day every day from practice sessions matches and events to the sport and brought Albion infidel Stephen says the new system from head coach Graeme Potter suits his game the 30 year old is 3 appearances short of 200 for the seagulls and is enjoying life under his new manager probably the 1st operating system words you know probably more so.

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