Released images of 3 calls they were interested in after vehicles were targeted in Leatherhead this woman told our community partners station Susie radio she wants all the drivers to be aware. And it's the noise that you notice 1st full and fast. And then the carriage date May that. Scotland is to become the 1st country in the u.k. To make it a criminal offense for parents to smack their children parents and carers a current to use reasonable physical force to discipline children but the Scottish Government has backed moves to give children the same protection from assault as adults a popular children's play center in Woking is facing closure this Saturday Treasure Cove has been in the town since November 27th but its premises it used to be demolished early next year as part of plans to widen Guilford road 600 parents have signed a petition to work in bar a council asking them to intervene. Britain has a new world champion sprinter this morning after Deena Smith stormed to victory in the women's 200 meters final of the World Championships in Doha the 23 year old becomes the 1st British woman to win a major goal global sprint title fresh from the winner's podium Deena spoke to the b.b.c. I'm just I guess we're going to use a different thing everybody be in the food a favor or whatever but you still got going during the favor if you perform however it expects you to you know it's there I was really focused on planes gather a good reason to jump to this but I was real. Today's weather starting off drawing embroidery some hazy sunshine turning steadily cloudy and breezy throughout the day outbreaks of rain developing later on this afternoon with hallways of 14 degree Celsius 57 degrees in Fahrenheit b.b.c. News it's 4 minutes past 9. B.c. Sorry. Still several miles of keys on the a 322 this morning southbound into the road works a back shot just before you get to the m 31 lane is closed off trafficking for about 2 and a half miles it's going to take your best part of half an hour to get through that one if you're heading out of bracken or want to join the southbound them 3 and going via junction 4 is pretty but moving on the a 3095 at the moment I'm forced his way and 25 not too bad with mostly past the worst this morning just a little bit of heavy traffic clockwise into 10 even that I was starting to free up from 20 or so minutes ago no serious problems on the m 23 or the m 3 traffic busy on the a 31 and the a 3 in to kill for throw as always and still a little busy on the a 385 southwest of that record and a with the right to exit are in place Watch out for delays on the a 22 it's very busy through East Grinstead road works there on London road making it slow as Dana Hill posted lane partly blocked off for the vehicle far so busy on the a 3 to 5 the car itself has now been cleared ime she average speed is he sorry with travel updates Oh. 805871 forsakes. Travel you trust. I wonder if this is a new term for you it's flight shame the embarrassment we can feel about the environmental impact of flying away for our holidays are you suffering from flight shame I have to say. I'm not. In. One flight taken one flight in the last 22 months probably longer than that to be honest with you but if you count all of last year and all of this year so far that 22 months one flight I think I can live on that one I've also changed how I get to work this year I think I have cycled around 800 miles to and from work on a fairly regular basis so that's 800 miles I haven't done in the car this year so. That's Ok it is all of that because of the environmental impact of my activities I would say no it's not some of it is about. Work is about me being a little bit and using the car. So let's talk about flight shame today is that something you thought about how do you change your travel behaviors because of it and also where do you find the information on how much impact on the environment your holiday fly. To somewhere in Europe actually is where do you get that data from when you try to make a good decision about how you travel so have you changed your habits on how you travel give me a call 80587 want. To talk about this you can text me 1333 Start your message with the word radio. Ne Hampshire this. Very. Cut cut cut cut. And the tide is high this is Danny 1st the morning head still made. Your travel plans for Christmas going to see the family visit relatives maybe you're thinking about next year's summer holiday as well perhaps a big anniversary is coming up perhaps you are taking your loved one away for a cheeky little city break or in the run up to Christmas very nice How will you get there on one of these. In one of these. Actually take yourselves. Or maybe. I think it was worth the effort anyway according to a new survey with flying less in fact one in 5 of us has reduced the number of flights we took last year in many cases it's because of flight shame that term flight shame originated in Sweden refers the embarrassment we feel taking planes because of the impact on the environment so have you changed how you travel do you feel guilty when you get on a plane perhaps you've taken the decision to not fly at all and if you don't fly how do you get from a to b let me know b.b.c. Sorry 08058714 See see. What I've already told you that I'm not feeling the flight shame yet I'm aware of the impact of flying but I've taken one flight in 22 months at least that's it so I think I'm comfortable with that how about people in Lewis a reporter Steve Dale has been asking them whether they're suffering from flight Shane I fly very infrequently. But I am aware that. I am a guilty as much as everyone else we are all guilty. Yes So I do think about it yes I haven't flown for the last decade I don't own a car use public transport that's how I solve my own conscience about it so it's because of environmental factors where it's partly that but it's not all of that and the cost of those things is quite expensive as well so it's just being sensible about your usage of these things nice My son is in New Zealand so I have an eye to his if I want to visit him that's the only way I can get you can't exactly say oh they can you know I mean I think a lot of these people are reducing their short haul flights rather than the long haul ones so maybe getting a train a Eurostar or whatever to Europe and then bus all car to the next part of the journey would make huge sure sure all flights to thing go yes possibly if you can get there any other way but if not see anyway then I obey flights but I like that often to be honest I hadn't really Sotto much about it because usually when you fly you're going on holiday are you and so I think you don't you're thinking really selfishly of nothing else obviously you are aware of what's going on and it is in the back of your mind but I think. Everyone's just been doing it for so long I think it's really something that's going to have to change for people to actually you know realise the effect that it is having I wouldn't be prepared to give up my annual holiday voluntarily but I would certainly consider might be holidaying in the you can I or you know not not going to roll off and do you for once a year so you're probably not the high usage person that needs to be on a massive trip necessarily And I think if I were you know a regular flyer when I was you know you know taking multiple flights there might be I would think about it a bit more but. I wouldn't be prepared to to give up my on your holiday for the psych of the environment some views there from Lewis earlier. I spoke to Jennie Bates from friends of the earth and asked her 1st of all what that term flight shame means it probably means different things to different people but it really should mean people thinking about any flying they want to do because it's a very climate damaging way to travel and you know we encouraging people to think of better ways traveling by train if they can that sort of thing and so yeah that's really what it's about Ok And maybe about the frequency with which we fly how do we know just how damaging our different forms of transport is because if we have the information then we can make informed choices calmly absolutely right and that's the key thing that we are trying to find out and want people to be able to know when they when they try and book a flight is how much climate damaging emissions would be coming out as a result so that information isn't currently there when you try and because a line and yet people do want to know a we know our research shows that nearly 2 thirds of people do want to have that information so that would that would help a lot because it is a very intensive carbon intensive or climate damaging way to travel with airlines do that voluntarily. Well you know we think it's something that the government should be required to do should require them to do I mean that could be done so that you know hopefully it would be a voluntary thing and I mean the big problem is we've got is that some people take most of the flights so it is a sort of you know a frequent flyer problem and that's where we're saying there should be something like a levy or a tax which you know the 1st flight people would take would be tax free but then you increasingly add tax the more flights people would would be trying to take so that actually said if it's a police or pays principle as it were in a way and it would try and discourage the more for. Can Fly is this as you were pointing out it's about the frequency of flying is as well as just where you go and the income from that tax what would that do fund sort of carbon reducing projects things are now I don't know yes absolutely I mean we you know we need to meet rail travel more affordable for a start you know rail travel candy you can get some good cheap tickets on online and in advance but you know it can be you know not not that competitive when you look at some of the cheap flying and that's why that's what's wrong you know if it's cheaper to fly than take the train and people are encouraged to do that that's why if we tax flying particularly for multiple trips that starts to redress the saner solve it and as I say at the moment you know of the flights that can be taken so many of them are taken by a few people but if we distributed what flights can be taken more evenly across the population then actually everybody could take regular holiday flights abroad say you know sure. You know it's a question of fairness as well do we know the carbon impact about train journeys is that information available when you book your ticket. Yes it can be it often can be some some do I understand and so yes it should be able to get a comparison and make an informed choice and it is you know you can to avoid feeling shame you should feel pleasure at having chosen a good a good solution and you know I've just come back from the Scilly Isles and I had a wonderful train trip than along the Cornish coast and to Penzance and then a ferry say these things can be pleasurable it's not not something that should be. A problem and I've also got on a train at London and a little while ago and literally stepped off the same train it Absalom central station say international European train travel can be really good and pleasurable be interesting to see what our listeners say about flight shame and maybe the the things they've changed maybe just small stuff maybe day to day commuting rather than taking the car get the bicycle out in the summer or perhaps take the bus instead Absolutely although that as well because transport is the biggest single sector that's a problem for the climate crisis we're in at the moment Jenny Bates from friends of the earth speaking to me earlier what do you say about flight shame then 81333 Start your message with the word radio so this is Tony the gardener who says on the Tx I haven't flown for 7 years but that's purely because I'm skint so I wouldn't give it a 2nd thought all forms of travel have an impact until the main polluting countries clean up their act nothing will change says Tony Gardner and Louis called to tell us there are 9 and a half 1000 aircraft worldwide in the air at any one time 900000 he said I'm not big flyer but I cycle to work for 30 years I didn't see the point of driving such a short distance maybe others should think about doing the same says Luis personal knowledge from him there now what about you feeling that flight shame Have you. Perhaps you just considered your impact of your travel more in recent years and maybe change behavior somewhat practiced you thought you'd be drastic with it but at least be aware of it and consider it when you're this you know thinking about how to travel some with less talk to David else now who's from Lonely Planet's Hello David morning to you good morning and in a way let me plan is encouraged us all to travel more so so over the years how is the your guy 8. Advices how to travel in and have a thought about the impact when we travel you're absolutely right over the years Lonely Planet's been going for 'd 40 years on or more and over the years as in say many other ways our attitude our knowledge has changed and when we all started travelling back in the day it was great it's still great travel is very much a good thing what's different now is all of us are more aware of what's going on environmentally and what's the environmental sustaining of what lots of people are saying because we see in the figures we see in the data from the surveys is in the same way now we think about Ok cycling a mile to work instead of driving turning the lights off not putting the telly on standby all that stuff as part of that what we're seeing is people are deciding to fly less we're not all not going anywhere anymore but a lot of people are deciding to fly less and that's the big change is happening now but it's so tempting because it's so cheap Absolutely and and of course nobody as far as I'm aware is saying it never fly again or stay home put on your head it's not that kind of. Option what you heard from the previous speaker what a lot of the environmental campaigners are saying is fly less in the last 20 years with cheap flights online booking. A holiday weekend embark. Alone for 9 pounds $99.00 that's all a massive change and maybe some of the environmentalist are saying we ought to think about that and fly a bit less lonely planet what we 'd say is 'd and this is the key thing is it's not my place on Lonely Planet's place to tell people what to do what we say is 'd be aware of the information get the facts then make your own decisions so say you're taking that was it 9 pounds 99 flight to Barcelona the back of my head saying Where the hell do i Book that and an example I want to. Say that was possibly thought yeah I mean Barcelona is a wonderful city who doesn't love going to Barcelona but not to drive there in reality specially for a weekend break not going to happen so where do I find out what the impact of that would be because the airline is not telling me so what do I do have to or how how much time just to spend working out what the impact of my flight is going to be what the what the argument is is. And as I said people can can absorb this information and make their own decisions most environmentalist most scientists would agree that air 'd travel is a hazard damage on the environment if you really want to know how many cubic meters of c o 2 a flight from London to Boston cost that information is out there this 'd fly scan which is the Swedish word for flight shame there is a website it flies dot com But if anybody's got access to the Internet they just put in flight shame and it leads you straight to it if you want the actual figures show you how much damage a flight does and compare that to what you need to do in other areas how many times you go to turn the lights off and many carrier bags you've not got to use at the supermarket ought to offset that flight all that information is there so come back to the key point if you are interested if you want to be aware if you want to make a difference if you want to make your own decisions get the facts get the information and then you can decide what you want to do for the environment is there another way because shaming people is not necessarily the most effective way of changing behaviors perhaps I mean sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't how about if you notice what you just say it sounds like quite a hard work how about if that flight 50 pounds becomes 55 and that 5 pounds is used to offset the impact of your flight by planting more trees or whatever it is it's a simple solution but also one that many people would be happy to pay because they get it. Yeah let me make it clear I'm I'm not here to to to be on one side or the other I'm saying what the environmental environmental campaigners may say what the public may say and what the airlines may say what the environmentalists would say about that is this offsetting several airlines and indeed train companies offer that you pay a little bit more and that money goes to planting trees or whatever the other side of the coin is that let people off the hook it makes very little difference the amount of damage this is the argument the amount of damage done by a flight you'd have to plan an awful lot of treason and awful lot of money for it to do a proper offset all right just saying it let people off the hook they think oh I got it last I think I planted a few trees I can now fly to Honolulu and what they're saying is we should just less Ok David great to talk to you thanks David else there from Lonely Planet What do you say get in touch his money late 10587 when I was full 6 so sorry and. See you sorry. Get your calls and comments in a 2nd officer bar isn't it quite amusing. Us yes yes yes. Yes. Yes yes yes. And. The power is in don't take away the Dying to know what you think about this flight shame when you're feeling and because of that your changing the way that you travel or at least considering the impact you have when you go away on your holidays Martin in Fishbone summit Hi Martin. Hell yeah I'm all right thanks so I'm not feeling the shame because I need fun once in the last couple years have by yourself well we were lucky enough to get away on the 25th wedding anniversary of. Our schedule consisted of 5 flights. So we went. Marley and Singapore 'd they're all start stop offering to call life. My other sensory research it was the fact that we were in Singapore or watch a drug wear Marks and Spencers have a store there and the store contained a lot of British curds Now one of those things that we want it was sandwiches those sandwiches were made in you know are sure. There is deliveries on a regular basis. So you know Mark suspense is just keep in touch with their demands globally or sorry but sending sandwiches so I was 6000 miles away. To the far east Ok Well they're not heads tell us if or why they do that but I suppose the obvious question is why not make your sandwiches locally to sell them because all the ingredients of a little Indian have to ship family sandwiches halfway around the world because you haven't actually come out and say what they actually do is fine how about for your own part you with wanted took the 5 fly to meet your 20 foot 5th wedding anniversary and appreciate that and it is you know you want to treat yourselves but did you think about the impact and there's no reason you know you don't have to just wonder if you did well we we so long and hard about where to go and we found the place we want to go we probably won't do it again for a very very long time. It's not like frequent fliers or anything so we found that we felt comfortable with our decision to take those flights and and Jeff and Jenny from friends the earth was saying that it is about the frequent flyers people who take a lot and perhaps you could tax those who fly more and increasing amounts to perhaps discourage them. Yeah I understand that I mean return talking about global problems I mean on the on we're on if there was a tsunami there's no way we would have Sky Sky to 30 minutes of what you've And we we had points where we had so many on the island which was no more than say a 3rd of a kilometer across so. We could be accounted for by the time the wife come it with having gold stars and the rest of the island I suppose the argument there is the people who live on that island all the time are the ones you know. Polluting the planet as much as people from here flying to their island yet they don't want to get washed away that was just one thing though bad that we were very conscious of any plastic we saw where we found a couple of items that were washed up on our page which we brought out of the city so the hotel complex could take them a while and dispose of them. In an orderly right instead of leaving them floating in the say Ok have been having beaten yourself up about your flights and all of that did you have a lovely silver wedding anniversary we did in a down yeah it was fantastic and as a side. I would love to go back again obviously I'm conscious of so use those malls that we drum up but we threw out on a $380.00 from can't wait that was completely full right so that was much more efficient than say a $970.00 s. Jumbo jet isn't it I wouldn't say further at 1st but there's but there's more planes flying that in the 1970 so you know it is difficult to work it all out again you know you haven't broken any laws by treating yourself to a nice a nice present All right thank you Martin good to hear from you and Jane and Pevensey Hello Jane hello I'm a feeling flight shame today. No not a one out because I'm not saying you should I'm just asking why you're not flying have you flown recently knows I haven't been on airplanes 972 right so you're off the hook. And why is that don't you like flying the way you fancied going. On I don't know whether I'd like flying or not because it's such a long time since I do. You know I don't know what they are like nowadays I think the airport. Carry No I don't. Do well if you like a wall creates a good place to go for a walk if you use an airport but actually I mean. Terminal 5 at Heathrow area spacious The times I've been through there it's actually quite a pleasant experience you kind of walk to a strike a Security's a bit more of a pain in the backside that it used to be in 1972 but it's a process and you know you want to get through that off you go so they're not that scary. So it would seem at some stage we're going to get a 3rd runway at Heathrow Airport So what's your view on that then so that would surely be built of 3rd runway that encourages more flights more people to take flights as net and and some people want to be going in the opposite direction. That too yes I don't know where necessary are not I haven't really thought about it. Larry and your day to day travel Jane tell me you've got some kind of 3 American muscle car now now yes big as a bus. All right ever been. Have you ever been on a cruise ship because they're like little floating cities aren't they they must play quite well and I can't I don't care for that. Listen you live in Pevensey where else you need to go on the planet thanks Jane thank Danny nice to speak to you today thanks for your call get in touch 1333 Start your text the word radio weather and travel next 5 top 10 albums 17 top 40 singles on the celebrating that 30th anniversary this year and this week's featured artist on stereo underground. 3 tracks from the also back or Ocean Color Scene to our play list of alternative anthems and indie classics. In. Stereo underground Saturday night from 6 b.b.c. Sorry. Ok here's our weather across Sussex sorry and ne Hampshire today dry and bright to start with 80 sunshine then turning cloudy and breezy are through the day outbreaks of rain coming later this afternoon highs of 14 the ceiling cloudy and blustery with rain and brisk winds that clears overnight with lows of 9 tomorrow cloudy at times patchy light rain but some brighter spells later top temp just 16 degrees and our 3 day outlook Saturday dry with a mix of bright spells and cloud at times Sunday cool cloudy and wet Monday is going to be drier with some brighter sunny spells b.b.c. Series travel trailers. This leaves. Thank you very much Danny Well we've got long queues at the moment if you're heading down towards bank shot on the a 322 taking about half an hour from the direction towards the end 3 this is all just the road works really miserable queues right now also from called to the by Fleet road the 2 full 5 heading westbound as you go around the junction with the a 3 that's causing a huge amount of congestion I think it's roadworks perhaps is taking about 20 minutes that's having a knock on effect to the 7 Hills Road which is also acute southbound for a good model so on to the Crawley area those road works by the piece portage junction above the motorway junction 11 of the m 23 still causing delays mainly sort of coming down from Crawley on the 23 you're looking at about a 10 to 15 minute queue a little better now on the 8 to 64 eastbound tools that same junction with around a 10 minute queue there now roadworks in and style in East Sussex on the 8 to 72 that's causing a 10 minute queue if you coming across from Volney Len phoned early to say towards skeins Hill that got a set of road works there so westbound going towards Haywards Heath you have around a 10 minute queue and between new a can or there's another set of works that's also causing a westbound queue of around 10 minutes around Hastings 15 minute queues going down evidence hill into Hastings at the junction of the ridge if you're coming down Westfield lane that's also queued for 10 minutes southbound tools that's saying the city and the Queen's way in the rich West also queued much the same time actually 1015 minutes according to the speed census finally for the trains on South Western Railway they've got delays between at Woking and Guilford this morning that's true to congestion they're saying this is going to add around 20 minutes to some journeys this disruption likely to go on until around 11 o'clock I'm Stephen Cranford b.b.c. Travel News called with your travel updates 08058714 see it's b.b.c. Sorry travel you trust. Thank you. You. You just. Want. To. Keep. Us. The. Woods. Yet. To emulate. You with. Us. Sierra thinking about you attend the sit down the pike Thursday morning this Sunday the Guilford Book Festival begins a couple stars of the book festival coming up on the show this morning actor David Suchet. Talking about his love of photography his new memoir is called behind the lens David Suchet come on my show. In about an hour's time this morning and also just after 10 the quantum physicist and broadcaster Professor Jim Lee of sorry University University of sorry is discussing his futuristic thriller some fall so set about 20 years from now and I imagine most of Jim's work is based on fact so what he's done here is take some of these kind of. Massive brain knowledge of quantum physics and the solar system the galaxies and all of that and use that to create this story and so there's kind of very human stories about the people involved but also some big science in there as well the bits for a read so far I love so Jim coming in just after 10 sun fall is his current book and what was staying with a girl for a book 1st of all as a say starts on Sunday a couple of talk so I'm really looking forward to hosting it interviewing the authors for next Thursday evening Electric Theater in Guilford Gavin Thurston the wildlife photographer journeys into the wild is his book so we'll be talking about that 8 o'clock next Thursday at the Electric Theater and then on Sunday week the Explorer Steve back sure his book is called Expedition adventures into undiscovered worlds and looking forward to interviewing Steve about that at the even on a theater on Sunday week or part of the cure for the book festival today we're talking about travel and just how where you are of the carbon footprint of your travel and whether you've changed your travel plans as a result do you get in touch with the v.c. Sorry 080-5871 unforeseen. And returning to a subject we've covered before on this program pensions and if you're one of the estimated 3800000 women born in the 1950 s. Who are affected by changes to the state pension age. I started alongside a man on the same day 16 and he and more money than me because he was a mang there was no equal pay so we didn't start on a level footing and the only reason is like after money and I thought to myself well I've still got 20 years to go I was 40 at the time I'm going to play catch up anyway why they're trying to get this money out of me nail I didn't want to. My sister who's 4 years older than me she said to me she's got to wait I think a year or 18 months to get Hez and I've never heard of this before and I thought well how long I got to wait maybe till I'm $61.00 or $62.00 but less went year on year high and I realized. So in recent months you might have heard me talking to women from the waspy campaign the women again state pension inequality but there's another campaign running alongside that called the back to 60 campaign and in June 2 women from the back to 60 campaign took a challenge to the High Court seeking repayment of all the pensions the people born in the 1950 s. Would have received if they'd been out all retire earlier we'll bring you the outcome of that case because it happens around about 10 o'clock this morning so soon as the results that comes through we'll tell you but 1st of all let's talk to Helen downs who's won the women affected from the back to 60 campaign and is outside the high court now where are you well we're actually in a taxi going to traveling towards the high court ready for the verdict and you're from Elmer down here on the south coast so I have how this affected you Helen. Well I was born in 954 so originally I should have my pension by now because the 9095 act stated that I would get my pension at 6064 and a whole but because the 2011 legislation came out when the coalition government which in I got a further extension by another 18 months so I don't actually get my pension now till my birthday in 2020 which is November 2020 so I'm almost $65.00 got another month before. And then. Ok so you haven't really get there how does that feel there is I don't. Ok you're me fine hello how does that feel though that kind of nearly reaching and that kind of moving away from me is can you draw some Yeah I was devastated really and my husband actually so I got it wrong he said you can't they can't possibly have changed again they wouldn't do that and he so I got it wrong and we had a big argument about it. And you were right I was right yes. So what are you hoping as a result of what will happen in the high court today what what might be called a rule hoping that we're going to come up with some sort of verdict you know because it's an extremely complicated issue every woman that you speak to has been has been affected differently and there are so many issues I mean people can't believe 1st of all they have no idea what it was like to be a young girl in the seventy's when we started to look. The world is a very different place than and we were very discriminated against and we were subject to huge sexual. Abuse in a job that would not be tolerated today and also a lot of. Inconsistency with the way we were paid we haven't actually we heard in that clip that in way the 1st person who spoke said I start on the same day as a man at the age of 16 he got paid more than me because he was a man Yeah exactly exactly you got paid move even if you did even if you had the men got paid even if they had a less responsible job than the woman I mean it was just totally unfair the whole system and lots of women weren't allowed to pay into pension schemes because. There weren't any available if your job your role with. Someone who was going to have children and you want you know everything was about the men everything we've gauged on your man the person that you were married to say you were basically a chattel. Right and all those times when you know and let's face it the kind of truth of that is that in the seventy's many more women were bringing up children at home whereas that's changed to some degree now I wonder if you changed considerably you weren't you weren't paying into a pension by staying home bringing up your children where you know you weren't a lot of women in part oh I'm in very sort of manual job which paid a pittance and there was no opportunity to pay anything into a pension scheme and it was the last thing you would think you know because you thought that everything was going to be based on your husband's salary because that's the way it was then we mean pensions were based on my husband's contributions and from the government's point of view the 995 Act which you mentioned Helen. The act was there it was in forced if I remember rightly the club the government say that that was publicized at the time and I. Say that because because I was working in 9995 and I was working so hard I certainly didn't have time to read the Old very obscure publications that were apparently around that time I certainly didn't see the dog at. That they've publicised in recent times and I certainly didn't read things like the Financial Times any broad shapes because I worked nights because it was the only way that we could sort out our childcare and I was exhausted all the time and I was running home bringing up children and looking after my family so I had no spare time to read. Who's in newspapers and we weren't written to what have you because I would have known the ages of all the people concerned so maybe that would have been useful but we are where we are what's your hope what would be an at an outcome that satisfies you Helen. Well I'm very concerned with the the level of. Well there are put the. How in. It's just so the inequality there is called the $950.00 s. Women because the single women the women find themselves on their own whether they're the post or they've never been married have been in a much worse position I mean I am who I am married and I stayed married and I haven't got divorced I've been married for 41 years and so I have my husband's allowance to fall back on but there are many women and my friend and she's going to be speaking later is one of those single women and her her situation is far worse than mine because she is on her own and I would like that specifically to be addressed through your white is about the principle of isn't it . Your fight is the is the principle of it well it's a principle all of it but as I say is so complicated and everybody's everybody every woman is is has a unique history of contributions they have paid into the system and every every person's pension when we finally get it has to be calculated individually none of us have you caught that there's no. One size fits all for if and that's what I'm really angry about the fact that governments and I'm not talking about any particular party said because they all have to. Have. Made it so complicated that they've actually forced women against women because there's been a huge discussion on who deserves what to say what I mean it's been very very deep this duplicitous of the why they've introduced it and and the why people have really suffered I mean women have committed serious damage over there because they have been desperate they've lost their homes they've they've used up all their savings they've been couched surfing they've been living in cause they've been homeless I mean you just have to look at the statistics of the difference of the life expectancy between women in poverty and women in the know in Kovacevic there's a 20 year. Discrepancy between this. Helen thank you. See Ok well this is due in the High Court shortly so we'll let you go and thank you for talking to us this morning Helen downs there from Elma headings the High Court at the decision from the courts in that case involving the back to 60 campaign jus shortly so will return to the story later in the program. It's 5 minutes to 10 Have you heard. This Saturday Brighton host Tom Hanks in the b.b.c. Sorry sorry I couldn't resist as my little bit of fantasy football there so it's bright and welcoming Spurs 1230 kickoff on Saturday I'll be outside the Amex for the build up as the fans start to arrive from 9 o'clock in the morning the rain wind making the fans and Johnny canter with the full build up on the commentary after midday that's this coming Saturday on b.b.c. Sussex sports Albion against Spurs who are having the brightest week are they spoke . Those. Words. To me. 10 o'clock. Good morning the bricks that Secretary Stephen Bach play has said that the e.u. Recognises the government's latest proposal for advising the withdrawal deal serious Yesterday the prime minister outlined plans that would see Northern Ireland stay in the European single market for goods but leave the customs union with the rest of the u.k. Resulting in new customs checks on the island of Ireland the European Commission says the British plan threatens the peace process in Ireland and the functioning of the single market correspondent in Brussels Adam Fleming is expecting more considered responses to the proposals from Brussels today including from the European Parliament's Breck's it steering group it's anything like the comments I mean he's making last night after they had a meeting about this.

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