Great song Roxy Music and come up to 7 minutes past 12 on an hour behind the B.B.C. In the south covers travel news for you just coming through at the end for one lane closed eastbound between junctions 8 to 9 that's Maidenhead junction 7 slot west because of a field spillage I just want to approach with cab and also in Camberley the A 30 London Road Now this is the main road the I 30 that is closed in both directions because of a serious accident between Victoria Avenue and the avenue that's a very busy road a lot of people use the. Rather than the 3 the A 30 London reading Kambli both directions the road is closed because of a serious accident from Victoria revenue through to the haven't you oh a time then for our secret sound which we do just after 12 on a Thursday always look forward to this it's never a day sound something that you could have heard today in your home in your place of work out and about something like that it isn't going to be something highly specialized always important remember that So if you're thinking it sounds like something very very specialized in unique and unusual it isn't going to be OK so I suppose a bit of that you have a listen see if you can identify I'm a little bit reluctant to do so actually because I spent ages earlier on trying to work out what this was a Mr Patch the nice man that he is he was just a laughing at me because my suggestions were just complete rubbish his words not mine so let's see if you can do any better show. What you reckon this is. Yeah it's quite a long one so night but it still doesn't make life any easier really does it. I think he's brilliant I really do it must have been 56 minutes of May going on it sounds like this is it that is this is that and in the end I just got the hump and left the room. What do you reckon it is cool B.B.C. Sorry 080587 I want to enforce a. Very fancy having a go to all a bit of fun you can email Paul Miller Show a B.B.C. U.K. Text you start with a word militant 81 triple 3 and if you follow me on Twitter pull a radio to feel free to do the business with Twitter and I'll mention the names of people who get the answer correct online and we get to the end or right sometimes these go very quickly sometimes they hang around sometimes they drive us mad the blood pressure rises other times it's quite an easy Ron said I could not for the life of me work out what it was. That sounds like. Or I'm looking forward to this one cool B.B.C. Sorry 080587 want to enforce a. Version number remind you again text you start with a word Miller sent 81 triple 3 other people sometimes question and I say time and time again it is literally what I say the phone number is 813334 text that is it 81333 and the actual text message you start with my surname M L L E R So you could for example say Mila Spice is the blah blah blah and then when you send it the number is 813338 people always phony up in question. In it with their with Powell Russell who have but he is literally how I say it. So what is it let's go to Dorchester and see to Rose iros. How you look to 500 then I go all clear the air as they say you have read of all the dark jewels funny because I was watching the 6 O'clock news this evening on the B.B.C. As you may have been doing so neighboring Kew Gardens which is a 1000000 miles from where I live and I was watching it and then suddenly I had this big rumble. Of Thunder and then when they went back to Sophie he was presenting she was looking up at the sky and she said well it's just starting to rain here. Or there been lovely and draw Oh did I And then I never opened up she was saying all day long dry and warm and the minute she goes on the telly that thing collapses but I don't know whether. You have a red sky at night shepherd's delight so it should have been too bad should it. But it's been such a balmy couple of days as far as the weather is concerned who knows what's going to happen who knows So Ross what you think their sound is my life I could not work this out what do you think is simply cereal being poured into a full right that was one of my suggestions which gives you a little inkling I thought. Well I thought was cool flakes I was convinced it was carefully expressing heads cold for exams he pays the oh no it's not some afraid it's wrong OK thanks for trying but. I'm afraid not how that marching Goring out of Marjorie. are you ok mouse wait more or less thank you know how you sort of you know cool and collected in karmas you all you cool specimen you may him and of a but you but that's quite normal isn't if you didn't out thinks that was wrong really have a doing for the you must be careful yuma i remember i did give you some words of advice a while but marjorie saying that if you were too if you were to wear a suit of alma or the scene yeah it would solve the problem lookup extra it i creating some a coming to your anciently way oh most certainly know i can imagine someone knocking on your door and there's is a person of our much yes going to if that sound he's not marjorie banning ahead what you think it could be a my love this is truly you know Right again it's got that sort of crinkling sound has no have you like to describe it it's good it is also rare you know for a I sorry Margie not the one who say Cather no more bumping heads. No. Speeches so none of my love. By There we go there's Margery OK Ian is in Portsmouth on the way in Good morning how are you this morning he has to be. Absolutely lays it's coating down it was just too hot today was minutes according to him he had been. Going to go even. Staying indoors regarded as its virtues good stuff even that retirement as well. This sound is intriguing let me have another quick bashing. What do you reckon IAN Well I think is the same as the lady previously is wrapping up a sandwich perhaps by Kofu wrapping up the sauna. Sun is a made wrapping them up kit nice and fresh. It's again very good but again it's wrong I'm afraid. Good to talk though in thanks for trying to night thank you Michel it's good thank you but by now by they get to see it in pumping know. What it is that Syria is in Tunbridge Wells how Sayliyah Hello how are you tonight probably HALL Yes than ever but it's very warm in here as well so we're not being cocky in here it's very very warm in here so I know exactly what we were you thinking so what about their sound levels you think well are there aren't a lot and loads of Koreans being take care of a container. Right so maybe you got some coins that you've been saving up or you keep you know pennies or something in a particular thing here tipping them all out a little count up. It's funny you should say that. It is and. You know why. Thanks for trying those silly A nice to toss you my love and saying care but by now no it's not. What he's that is going to Worthing and speak to Ben how you Ben good morning i am good how you sound for the beams are not on the sweltering Oh really are you home are you working or war home when most open and hoping is going to. Clear the air it's miserable here you're used to open up the windows hoping for some breeze to come through and absolutely nothing comes through but a couple of flies in a daddy longlegs. Good As It Gets Are you quite a way in from the coast where you are. Half a mile or so you're not close enough to get the sea breeze ready are you on course you know. What I'm going to make what you say Mr Pat there's what story are thunder and lightning apparently across much of the East Coast Kent has is getting some of it but whether or not it's going to make its way down and around the not sure it looks as though it's going north the late looks like it's going north the Pats just been looking online so we may not get that storm is going to the east coast to make its way up so maybe not. Never mind so Ben away from all the hot and steaming and it's hot in here as well what you think the sound is this one I could not work out what do you think of someone taking tiles on the back for Scrabble game. Right someone's home a little game of the old Scrabble. It's a good guess it does sound like that. I take my hat off to you yes it is well. Good I am so impressed Pat's son is off school at the moment so holidays and have been playing Scrabble with him and he thought I'm going to recall that sound only deeds I could not work out what it was no way did he come to you straight away if I had a not so that's why but I recognize that a brilliant brain Jever play it now I have a set I think you still sealed up right so. Because what you can do is you can always play what I call adult Scrabble it's good for me about a couple of drinks the inmates you know. What word you could come up with the news you have lots of fun and the more you drink the better it gets but probably just as . Well done bang great to talk to you not your cool down get some sleep tonight as well to take care not know why they go there is there's been from Worthing Well darn well done you know actual fact couple of other people got the answer I'm so impressed Maxine worked on the night shift at Southampton airport nice one MAXINE Well done Martin from park gate and also somebody on the Tx without a name has the correct answer as well right where you've got time therefore for another one yes we have so you got that one sorted out straight away let's see if we can make it 2 in a night it works in exactly the same way as the 1st one here comes 2nd one what is this. It short. What is that. He I didn't know that was a cool B.B.C. Sorry 080-587-1046. About 15 minutes to try and get a 2nd one here it is again remember it's always an every day sound something potentially you could hear every day. A mile show a B.B.C. Don't care about U.K. Text you start with a word Miller sent 81 triple 3 from me on Twitter Pullman to radio Yeah. You can do it too in a night snow. She can kill the small she can. And she can ya. Casual. a how are you tonight yeah I'm good how are you nice and cool yes but actually I'm a fan until they melt. This sounds like some make a fan you've got that it's not lost on you know it's love when you clearly you've got the best one because that especially the other night when it was boiling hot you said you were nice and cold so this must be something really quite special you've got there because I've got fans that are useless anybody but it's just. Life for me that's pretty scientists do it as well it won't be long may it continue keep you nice and cold is bloomin out there is no that's beyond your. Right Tom got the 1st one sorted out how about the 2nd what do you think that strange little sound he's on I think you know if you boil an egg. With like soldiers and I think there's some crack in the top of it with a teaspoon on opening the top of the egg to get you to dip the soldiers him. I'm being told that is a very popular guess and it's very wrong I'm afraid and there's a price not the one good suggestion the hope you sleep well tonight it's all they care that they were all the best thank you not good bye bye bye bye Tom in South Sea So what is that Terry's intending to Hi Terry. The malarious very well indeed yes very well indeed it was on the part about an hour ago just under an hour ago well bushy Parkway Yeah just went and talked a little crossroad fresh. As a criminal case at $27.00 degrees yeah it's very warm still isn't it very hard to believe their mind is all of a kit they were on their hub you didn't wake them up. You know. They don't take kindly to people waking them up. On the run very YOU same buckler person yeah you would quite rather you got those antlers somewhere so you got to run definitely speak very highly. So are you speaking very highly of my sound what you reckon this one he's ever says Sure isn't it but I think you could be a critic too much that I drip from a tap you can look in my kitchen again I did sound get it sorted out one day. It sort of well put it this way it wrong. Not much out of sight of great really a lot of all rubbish you have to give it a go you can play with a day as. A group of these nice people. To get to Haiti. And he's also say cared speeches tonight it's very good lot of us and now Taiz in telling certain you know they're playing with the oh dear. Rossi Nando that eros. I'm fine how are you. So what do you reckon this could be. A pen of clicking the pen to get the thing going will borrow ever happens to be it does sound like that or clicking sound it does sound very much like that great guest once again Roland the one of. The lying always it clouds coming up it's it's weird because Paxman look at the radar what have you thing next door and it's really isolated there are some quite heavy showers there's thunderstorms in place but they're really quite small it's really weird to see them most of it seems to be further to the east of the region from saying they could be anywhere so we're going to good sharing to cool things down. To come. From West London to Economy air so Terry which is saying about 27 there at the moment is intending to mention far from where I live so we could do a sign to coolest anima fans knackered so. Basically we are now that is something I can definitely relate to yes given me a reason to get stuck in a supermarket and. We thank you and you Ross take care stay cool but by now by a by a rush mind over process I should have lots of ice cream or ICE I don't want to let people down Thank you very much. Come on what's that Stephen cause Nice Dave are you doing Paul I'm fine how are you tonight oh I'm very well out of beer all year so what about this sound please what you think often is when you know when your maternal string Yeah and it's when you do the ring pull. I do indeed hope for you haven't shaken the thing or somebody else has shaken your everywhere. It's a good guess it does sound like it birdie it's not right I'm afraid Steve sorry not the one all right thanks for trying they're nice to talk to you take care but by Steve ing cause dunno it's not no it's not so this one not so easy maybe it was that sound like to you remember it's very much an everyday sounds something you could have heard I think its true for me to stick my neck out here I would say probably 100 percent people will have heard this sound See it's not something that any way. I should imagine that everybody's heard this. Probably several times cool B.B.C. Sorry 08058714 see. What directly let's go to Dave things like you Dave Oh my how you do him yeah not too bad not too bad good stuff already got but yeah that's good news so you're back on and you're on the main when you're back up and running Ah yeah yeah yeah yeah good stuff so hopefully you're going to get the right answer as well would you recommend friend if. I did not like. Something. Oak. But to answer your question is it I'm afraid now it is not the way I'm sorry Dave. Thanks for the last one of them had just now that were taken tiles out of a Scrabble bag playing Scrabble Oh yeah oh oh oh oh oh it's all right you know like oh yeah yeah well get that kind of sound all plastic toy I was very very similar but never mind not that I'm looking for tonight but thanks for trying Dave I'm glad you can a bit better by now the Dave in South St. Is rips it last week of the week before painful Johnson sound as did other John. Are you doing not too bad my friend thank you very much not too bad at all. I don't mind it when it's warm but today was just too warm I can't be doing 30 degrees nearly 40 that was just too hot some afraid I was wilting melting and moaning all at the same to. Better it cools down just a little bit yes bit too much for me. Why. I do indeed yes very nice very sophisticated I would say it's another good guess but it's also wrong sorry a. Thank you John take care of yourself by now bye bye the journey Santa stayed no. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Jesse Marlow Hi Jeff. My son of year with all your goodies there are you gonna get this right oh yeah going to come don't kin through the right answer Yes All I'm saying you can have a better pay no and always do like to hear from you what you reckon Jeff. Record Marcelle you know when you get plastic well made Yeah you know the syrup Abayomi Yeah you rip it all done Yeah yeah and a blinking thing breaks out of. My subway you it's that little sill thing on the milk when you open your take the lid off Think of that little sail that you have to pull off to actually get the milk OK It does sound like that done it does sound. On Armor. Stephan Guilford says just text with exactly the same amount and you are both. Right yeah. Right. I think he's pleased. It is well done Jeff Yes it is sparse and it was my Yeah yeah again a bit gooder there subtlety a bit too good I'm getting worried. Right you should write. Excellent well done Jeff this is the start of the New Year I can tell you now it's all going to be happening fingers grow. More cause. I most certainly will know he's listening he's been over the park playing with a day or so yet you'll be listening on the show and well Joe Yeah well done Take care my friend you cannot reply now you're a. Man. Not to take it easy not by Bob by Jeff him on how he's appy he is happy yes and also stepping Guilford saying exactly the same thing listen again. So you know you get your milk and this is really by the plastic the plastic bottle things you on do the the bottles. The top the lid that's the one screw the lid and then you've got that little bit inside that sort of seal which stops any mucky bits getting in there and you got to pull it off and that is what that sound is so simple when you know like everything in this world do we have any correct answers online let's have a little look scholar in Colorado thought it could be a minutes contain a thing Jane Australia thought maybe opening the plastic ice cream or yogurt top I'm afraid not scar that had another go with removing a plastic seal from a jar very very close almost good enough. Just own Listen to this this tells me an awful lot about some people Jenny in Australia again I used to go to school with she just couldn't be pulling off the plastic poll from around the top of a victim in jargon here's one person she is fit as a fiddle on that a means you know and there's me a with a Mars Bar Thank goodness she's innocent you can't see me cracking an egg was a very popular guess poor Baker on Twitter thought it does sound like that Tilly winks when you know you've flipped the real thing and it goes in the look up. Pet food going into a dish was also a good suggestion as well but we've got our answers so well done it just goes to show how simple they are when you know what it is. Dearie me other popular ones are in for Marx thought it could be sweeteners you know get your secretary sweet nothings new press little button at the top and it clicks now comes it will tablet Yes could have been but not hell in Bracknell thought the electric light pole caught that you have a few people going for medication tablets or bleach bottles things like that when you have to sort of push them and squeeze them to try and open it impossible for an adult to do give it to a 2 year old though do it no trouble a dripping tap We also heard from a few people as well and the most popular guess was cracking and A. It does sound like it as well. Knock. Knock. Elton John and I guess that's why they call it the blues it's 20 to one point the B.B.C. In the south about 5 minutes Mr Powell be popping in for a little NASA church going back to that 2nd sacred sound opening the seal on a plastic bottle of milk and I was just joking with Jeff saying that you pull that little tab and it breaks he why he said that they saw ways happens here we are 2090 I always use the idea of being able to get high definition pictures back from Mars or whatever it is we can get mobile phone signals from down the road for stout and little things like seals on milk when you thought would have you know sort of that by now but it happens with everything what about read emails or things that you buy that you cook that you put into the microwave or the album. You pierce the film you put in the microwave or the oven it cooks you take it out and then there's a little lip of the side that says pull here so you pull that lip to lift off that cellophane or whatever it happens to be on the top does it come off not a chance and it doesn't matter what he sees everything whether it be milk or some kind of drink anything you pour that little thing and it just breaks I just wonder if it's done on purpose you know if there's someone sitting down who designs these things and thinks some fun with this this will get people going pull here and it breaks biscuits is another one packet of biscuits you find a little it has 10 here so you go to try and tear it what happens you get a better one centimeter piece come off and that's the end of that. Something is no quite right something is definitely not quite right here definite. Snow Patrol and then Mr Pipes coming. Snow Patrol and chasing cars it's course to want to have a baby see in the south Mr parties back with us sports on tonight with those sounds I know what either of them were I'm pleased to fool someone yeah everyone else seemed to be quite on the ball tonight but it was literally this afternoon I was having a game of Scrabble with Marcia stick my hand in the buy for my next 3000 my latest 3 or 4 letter word that I might have the last one so the only ones I can get out of best one is like watching Countdown when we play Scrabble if one of those managed to get a 5 letter word we had a 6 once we stop the game to have a party 6 like this is when you don't get a dog cat. That's my level of Scrabble though don't worry that's my level that I do some I'm not I'm a few years base to play with some friends we do adult Scrabble where you have to have adult words no more said to be said that can be quite funny my daughter once used all her letters in one go you get an extra 10 points I think it is for oxidize Oh why don't you believe oxidize and she and it was the start of the game so she achieved the bawled out 1st to go you get so much again the 1st word you get so much for using all your letters plus a triple word because you ordered 25 points where we've all got back in his clever she must take after a mother you know for me I will tell you there's me me and her brother. Put to that. As a cut away we actually had to make it very much how are you why you know there's a way to do it now that this is thing you're probably already aware of but I had a shock a few moments ago I really put my finger in the socket again I saw on Twitter you know the ways looks things that people have like that you know and all the rest of it you liked. A tweet from somebody that has been a shock to my system really somebody went into a shop today because it was so so hot they thought when I got the shot for it would break in a bit of air conditioning get a bite to eat or something and when they were in the shop there was a display. Calling in saying of Christmas things oh gosh yes that was from near that you you for and I thought this is going to be a joke it's true it looks like a card shop or a confectionery shop or some other days gift tags artificial snow. Ball as well like getting a kind of artificial snow spray know me I had earlier on today it's the 26th of July I can only imagine I know we see the snow we see the Christmas things really I can only imagine they seriously over all of. Us are trying to shift it all 50 P. Ago but it's created quite shocking there's no need to live up to date of the year Yeah exactly I just can't be couldn't believe what I saw that she I was worried what you were going to say I'd like from Twitter that because there's another one going around you know you've seen a lot of people probably walking around with their tops off today yeah he being last seen some real sites and there's a picture going around on Twitter it's a feller on a train it looks like a southern trying proceeds I'm so sorry I'm going off of a train on a right to know likely often enough there. And he's sitting there quite happily working on his laptop but he's in some black shorts sandals no socks and whatsoever sitting there topless on the train how to show this without being unkind or now gone he's not going to win bodybuilder of the year right OK it's like as a reason I took. Off and maybe no one needs to see that now I know I'm not I don't have a problem at all with people walking around with the tops off in the in this weather but when you think clothes based on what you mean imagine you get on to stop down there's no seats left you have to all sit next to look at that beetle all glistening with sweat and he's only swinging down a bit the way that pitches go round and round and round I thought that was the one you are going to have a lot of that now know that not just sort of just came through it all and what systems been liking and I sort of thought no this can't be I thought was a joke I don't want to be a punch line but to just. To show that shops are selling Christmas stuff I suppose they start thinking about it if you think about where we are because we're now in the school holidays so there is only holiday if you're a Sun Bird but if you're planning ahead if you're planning what you're Christmas your mad state is going to be well you see that all the all the T.V. Stations will be going out now so you want to buy some adverts for Christmas are you going to say that takes months to do doesn't it they do and I know that you know shops and so on have all their deliveries for Christmas stuff coming through because logistically it's a big deal but I mean the hotel but you know people who shop months and months ahead of on the cheap Oh I don't doubt it with friends friends of mine who were in the restaurant a very bad idea that's exactly There you see all the unsold rows of wrapping paper in the shop January the 5th you know that I'm there and it's reduced to 25 are you there you know exactly grab it take you there I mean there maybe they're just working on that basis maybe people do start buying it I don't know it just seems that so I think the Christmassy support if it goes on for too long I agree whole because it's such a you know it's supposed to be a special time and it comes every 12 months but it but it starts when you're still some you know somebody then yeah and I think if it goes on for such a long time it ruins their summer misery if everyone was doing it I think I'd be like that but maybe the odd shot I think they do it just to be obtuse I mean really stick all this love over or go into I think yeah we are talking about it well it's nice to work for young people to go in there have a look around by Christmas card buy something else what's hot is a couple of ice creams or something you know maybe put them in a colder frame of mind possibly even out here possibly. Just amazing that I couldn't believe in our story some of the things that are of all that are going on around him and it is more coming through all the on the Turks one from from Angela she says one of the T.V. Shopping channels were selling Christmas things today well well there you are you say maybe they're saying about it which the 26 now just. The 5th on Thursday. 25th of July is exactly why it's me Christmas is it how is it for you live month 5 months so yesterday Thursday was exactly 5 months to Christmas I bet that's why they do it now I love Christmas right yes I like it but I don't like it starting to earlier can just about cope with the very very end of November these days but in general that's like it started December but everyone on social media will have one friend who posts up those things every so often only 200 days until Christmas with with Will Ferrell as Elf popping is and yeah that even though I don't. Go as far as to blow if you're one of those people Americans may on the day none of that thanks very much is incredible can't believe it Langham it was about coming through here. All. Scott Now this is an American scholars in Colorado he's put your put you in here as well OK Scott in Colorado says OK. Here in America they call today Christmas in July day oh really 25th of July. And in the States some of the radio stations been playing Christmas music oh I heard about this yes I've heard about this Jane you know Strayer she says we have a lot of Christmas in July events in Brisbane this weekend because for us this now is the coldest time of the year because obviously there yes it around to ask she's even though it's $23.00 degrees it's cold for us and so that's what they are they're actually doing and oh my word I think if I was to put the radio on and hear a Christmas song I call it a day you think it was broken you know what you play this for it was Christmas just doesn't sound wrong I actually think it's boy was it perhaps an old misery guts out and I just think to peace Christmas for a reason I'm always amazed at people's capacity for when they want to hear Christmas music I only want to hear in December I can just make a car and you know exactly could I think it spoils it some people would have it on as a friend of mine I used to work and there's the in a can get the on line Christmas radio show yeah a play or thumb and they come on in September or October and I told her about this in show can I get in my car it's the 15th of September what was she quite happily driving around with Ringle Bell Rock isn't she sick of Elvis Elvis Presley being cross before the time now I absolutely love that and there's an article in one of the papers a little while ago about why we have Christmas music at all I'm a peach and people like to hear a particularly when you know that's going to the news not be much for various different reasons so it takes you back to a time when you are feeling happy that's the theory anyway so you know if the modern world has got you down if it's a bit too or and you've got happy memories associated with getting a bit too drug. And dancing around to Slade you're obviously farty don't tell me you've never done it for both of you I'm a good boy back when you had mug shots the same as not beholder I'm sure. But it takes people back that place when they're in a good mood so maybe they. Said no I don't do that I think it should be saved on Linder names was text she saw 2020 calendars in the shops this week as well it seems that this is it's 55 months till it. And so people are now starting to self die just can't be going there. I feel quite depressed even the end of July Well I thought about you I woke up and called the ouse down yeah I'm going to wave you know. I'm not going to trip out there I told you to keep that quiet houses near me that still got the decorations up proportionally them up outside now don't they drive me wild I think we shall see that there will just turn not for lights they won't notice that Father Christmas is still climbing up that hill there the roof with the inflatable right next to the church and then they turn them all in the beginning of December say Oh did I not working another thing that always goes that's why. Oh well no may have been the 1st to wish you a Merry Christmas and yeah I was as well. Fed. Back with us tonight i. Need to go swimming at some point so maybe I'll do that when this was exactly the wrong way the day after every single school. Can squeeze in the side down. A little bit wet and then medial chills and then back if a bit more fun it's a good. Christmas decoration. A good. Thanks. In those now is the room where they feel. Free to graze and you know flipping over the microphone a little bit of. A night off doesn't happen though in showbiz does it's not the sort of thing that happens and we shouldn't even suggest such things happen as they are professional megastar. Thanks again for your company. Back and listen again the B.B.C. Sounds very shortly we're back for Friday's program you know Friday many. People already texting asking what the thing's going to. Find out if you. Are. Radio that is when we reveal all. Will tell you just after to twist attract lots of. We will have a challenge to end the sort of force you come from out there for myself from pat the back and everybody else buys you 5 an hour and I'll leave you that colleagues of B.B.C. Radio 5 Live hopefully if you can get some sleep I'll keep you up on. The band's long stay it's based on this is C.B.C. Radio 5 it's 1 o'clock on 5 live as we welcome local radio stations from across the baby say this is all night I'm Sam panic and the news on 5 Live warnings train disruption will continue until the weekend and in sport Jacqueline shows England's batsmen how to do it against Ireland at Lord's you can listen to the show by downloading the B.B.C. Sounds at the music radio and podcasts I'm a show used to describe the show so you don't miss the next episodes. This is B.B.C. 5 Live. With the B.B.C. News on 5 life has Dottie McLeod Good morning more disruptions expected on parts of the rail network later this morning after yesterday's high temperatures caused extensive damage repair works taking place throughout the night but services will be significantly reduced between London and the East Midlands is all reports and most of the problems of being with the wires above the train what we're being told is that those wires Drew for sag in the heat and then the mechanism that picks up the power from the train get caught up in that and then the wires are brought down and they cause a power failure to also know players have been involved in an attempted carjacking by an armed gang in London Mesut Ozil and say it collapsed in a. Were targeted on a street near Golders Green last night but both escaped unhurt footage posted online shows colossi not fighting off the robbers the European Commission president John Claude younkers told Boris Johnson the bricks it withdrawal agreement can't be changed to remove the Irish backstop that's the plan to avoid a hard Irish border the new prime minister says he's committed to getting rid of it and mans from the U.K. In a changing Europe group we are the things I won't get to deal with I'm going to show I've tried but I'll take it out of the E.U. With no deal or he's going to him narrow container took stage 18 after a Super Bowl Oh break away this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sounds.